Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules

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Configuring and Extending HCM

Using Autocomplete Rules

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules



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Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules


Get Help ................................................................................................................................ i

1 Introduction to Autocomplete Rules 1

Get Started with Autocomplete Rules ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Overview of Autocomplete Rules ................................................................................................................................................ 1
How Does Autocomplete Rules Work with Application Defaults and Validations ............................................................ 3
FAQs for Introduction to Autocomplete Rules ......................................................................................................................... 4

2 Autocomplete Rules 7
Considerations for Rule Designing ............................................................................................................................................. 7
How You Analyze a Requirement ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Rule Designing ................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Best Practices for Defining Autocomplete Rules ................................................................................................................... 33
FAQs for Autocomplete Rules ................................................................................................................................................... 34

3 Components of the Autocomplete Rules Editor 35

How You Enable Access to Autocomplete Rules ................................................................................................................... 35
Autocomplete Rules Editor ........................................................................................................................................................ 35
Autocomplete Rule Variables ..................................................................................................................................................... 38
Functions Used in Autocomplete Rules ................................................................................................................................. 40
How You Default a Field Value .................................................................................................................................................. 41
How You Add an Error Message Using Autocomplete Rules ............................................................................................. 42
How You Add a Warning Message Using Autocomplete Rules ......................................................................................... 43
Row Collection Looping Block .................................................................................................................................................. 43
FAQs for Components of the Autocomplete Rules Editor .................................................................................................. 44

4 Business Objects in Autocomplete 45

Absence Management ................................................................................................................................................................ 45
Document Records ...................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Employment ................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules

Goals ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 88
Payroll ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 101
Person ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 122
Profile ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 155
Recruiting ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 159
Salary ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 168
Succession Plans ......................................................................................................................................................................... 178
Talent Review Meeting .............................................................................................................................................................. 186
Workforce Structures ................................................................................................................................................................. 190
FAQs for Business Objects in Autocomplete ....................................................................................................................... 202

5 Delivered Rules 203

How You Use Delivered Rules ................................................................................................................................................. 203
Delivered Rules for Autocomplete ......................................................................................................................................... 204
FAQs for Delivered Rules ......................................................................................................................................................... 207

6 Standard, Global, and Object Functions 209

Standard Functions ................................................................................................................................................................... 209
Global Functions .......................................................................................................................................................................... 211
Object Functions ........................................................................................................................................................................ 225
Create and Initiate Object Functions ..................................................................................................................................... 226
FAQs for Standard and Global Functions ............................................................................................................................. 227

7 Autosubmit and Partial Page Refresh 229

Introduction to Autosubmit and Partial Page Refresh ....................................................................................................... 229
How You Update Fields Using Autosubmit .......................................................................................................................... 229
How You Configure Partial Page Refresh ............................................................................................................................. 230
How You Compare Old and New State of Fields ................................................................................................................. 231
FAQs for Autosubmit and Partial Page Refresh .................................................................................................................. 232

8 Troubleshooting Autocomplete Rules 233

Autocomplete Errors .................................................................................................................................................................. 233
Checklist for Troubleshooting Autocomplete Errors .......................................................................................................... 234
How You Test Autocomplete Events ...................................................................................................................................... 237
Debug Autocomplete Rules ..................................................................................................................................................... 238
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Get Help
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules

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Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Get Help
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Introduction to Autocomplete Rules

1 Introduction to Autocomplete Rules

Get Started with Autocomplete Rules

The Autocomplete Rules feature is hidden by default. If you have a need to implement Autocomplete Rules, you can
apply for a key using the instructions outlined in Document 2767655.1 on My Oracle Support.

How You Enable Autocomplete Rules

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All customers and implementation partners are required to submit their use cases for pre-approval to Oracle. Oracle can
then assist you with implementing the approved use cases, and give you instructions, tips and techniques, and access
to Oracle Partner Network and Oracle Support.

You need to create and enable the HCM_BUSINESS_RULES_EDITOR_ENABLED profile option to enable the
Autocomplete Rules tool in the HCM Experience Design Studio. To complete the setup tasks, users must be provisioned
with the IT Security Manager role.

1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area and search for the Manage Profile Options task.
2. Create the HCM_BUSINESS_RULES_EDITOR_ENABLED profile option.
3. Enter Business Rules Editor Pages Enabled in the Profile Display Name field.
4. Select Global Human Resources for the Application and Module.
5. Enter a description, such as Enable the Autocomplete Rules pages.
6. Specify the start date, such as 01/01/1950
7. Click Save and Close.
8. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area and search for the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
9. Search for the HCM_BUSINESS_RULES_EDITOR_ENABLED profile option.
10. Click the Add icon in the Profile Value section.
11. Set the Level to Site.
12. Copy and paste the key provided by Oracle in the Profile Value field.
13. Click Save and Close.

Overview of Autocomplete Rules

The Human Capital Management (HCM) suite of products has several configurable and optional components that you
can configure as per your business needs.

With the Transaction Design Studio, Oracle delivered a capability to tailor the user experience in terms of fields and
sections to show, hide, or mandate based on the action criteria. Autocomplete Rules, which is also a part of the HCM
Experience Design Studio takes the user experience to the next level by allowing customers to define very specific

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Introduction to Autocomplete Rules

criteria for defaulting and validation across its suite of products. The need for customer-specific defaulting and
validation arises because of these reasons:

• The underlying data model that supports the application is the same for all customers.
• Every business is unique and has its own requirements to enforce rules governing implementation of the
Using Autocomplete Rules, you can default values and validate info entered in fields in the supported mobile-responsive
flows only.

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Autocomplete Rules Tool

Autocomplete = Auto populate (Default) + Auto correct (Validate)

Note: This tool has nothing to do with the autocomplete function in a list of values that's used to complete search
text as you type.

The major drivers for defaulting or validation are business processes, localizations, company policies, and statutory
requirements. The implementation is driven by rules authored in a logical scripting environment, which can be
configured according to your requirements.

Autocomplete Rules is a Data Model Layer Extensibility framework unlike the Transaction Design Studio or Page
Composer, which are both user interface (UI) driven. Autocomplete Rules has no direct knowledge of the UI and is
driven by the state of values in various fields of different objects. The tool leverages the advantages of the Data Model
Layer Extensibility framework. The framework enables you to use different criteria to default or validate, anywhere in a
guided flow or static setup data.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Introduction to Autocomplete Rules

You author rules using guided logical coding or scripting. Autocomplete then generates a more complex code for
the Applications Data Framework (ADF) Business Objects Editor framework to interpret and execute the rules. The
performance and behavior of a custom rule is similar to an out-of-the-box Oracle-delivered rule.

Defaulting Capabilities
You can specify your own default values for various fields..The criteria is either visible or hidden values in other fields in
the same section or in previously accessed sections. These values may be "in-flight" as the transaction isn't submitted
yet, or static values such as the previous state of assignment before the current change. The criteria fields can be any of
the commonly used Workforce Structure setup objects. predefined, or extensible flexfields.The default value appears as
an automatically filled out value based on your specific rule in the UI.

Validation Capabilities
You can leverage the extensive criteria available and relevant to the current context while validating fields. A validation
can be a warning message before proceeding or an error message. These messages appear in the same window along
with the out-of-the-box error messages.

How Does Autocomplete Rules Work with Application

Defaults and Validations
You can default and validate info using Autocomplete Rules. However, in case of conflicts between application
defaulting and validation rules versus Autocomplete defaulting and validation, these guidelines apply.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Introduction to Autocomplete Rules

For Defaulting
If data is defaulted out-of-the-box, Autocomplete Rules may not be able to override the application defaults.

For Validation
All rules from both, the application and Autocomplete Rules, are triggered. The resulting warning and error messages
are both displayed in the same window. Transaction must be validated by the application and Autocomplete Rules to be
considered complete..

In Autocomplete Rules, all active rules for a same field are triggered simultaneously, then the resulting error or warning
messages rules are displayed at the same time. For example, if you define 2 validation rules for the department:

• Validate department based on business unit rule, and

• Validate there's no change in location on promotion

When you change the department in a Promote flow, then both error messages are displayed because the location may
be updated on change of a department.

Autocomplete Rules Application Outcome

Shows validation messages Shows validation messages Validation messages from Autocomplete Rules
and the application need to be addressed to

Shows validation messages Doesn't show validation messages Validation messages from Autocomplete Rules
need to be addressed to proceed.

Doesn't show validation messages Shows validation messages Validation messages from application need to
be addressed to proceed.

Doesn't show validation messages Doesn't show validation messages The transaction is complete because it's
validated by both, Autocomplete Rules and the

FAQs for Introduction to Autocomplete Rules

What happens to the autocomplete rules when I upgrade my
Oracle Fusion application?
There's no change in the functioning of your autocomplete rules when you upgrade to a higher version of Oracle Fusion

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Introduction to Autocomplete Rules

Can I create an autocomplete rule only for HCM applications??

Yes, you can create an autocomplete rule only for HCM applications. But, not all HCM applications are available in
Autocomplete Rules, as yet.

Can I inactivate a rule in an already published sandbox?

Yes, you can inactivate a rule in an already published sandbox if there's a problem with the rule or you don't require the
rule anymore.

You need to do these tasks to revert the change.

1. Enable the sandbox.

2. Inactivate or delete the rule.

3. Republish the sandbox.

Alternatively, you can provide access to your administrator to test the rules, so you don't have to publish the sandbox.

Related Topics
• Create and Activate Sandboxes

Can I port an autocomplete rule from one environment to

Yes, you can using the standard Customization Set Migration (CSM) process. Rules are also migrated as part of the P2T

However, you can't migrate a rule from one sandbox of an environment to another sandbox of the same or different
environment. You have to manually recreate the rule in the new environment. Also, note that when migrating the rules
using CSM, any direct or indirect reference to IDs will be blanked out if the given reference entity is manually created in
the new environment and not carried over by P2T.

For example, if the rule references a location either in a condition or default assignment by using the LOV selector, the
corresponding ID associated with the location name or code in the UI is used. If this ID is different in the source and
target environments, then the selection will be blanked out in the target environment. You have to manually edit the rule
and reselect the name or code from the editor to reference the new ID in the back end.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 1
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Introduction to Autocomplete Rules

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

2 Autocomplete Rules
Considerations for Rule Designing
Look at the existing functionality and analyze your requirements before creating an autocomplete rule. Analyze whether
Autocomplete Rules can help meet your requirements sub optimally or totally.

Not every requirement that reads like ensure, default, validate, prevent, don't allow, or synchronize can be met using
Autocomplete Rules. These are the things to consider:

Requirement Parsing
Highlight specific words in the requirement you want coded and determine the sample values in the object field. Think
about the UIs where you want to see the effect of the defaulting or validation rule. This isn't explicitly specified in the
requirement. Also, consider some implicit criteria such as only for a given user role. These implicit requirements are
used more in validations rather than defaults. Let's look at some examples:

• Allow transfers only on the 1st or 16th of a future month for US employees and no transfers in November and
December. - This answers the question: What data am I validating?
• Employees on leave of absence can't be terminated. - This answers the question: What fields am I validating?

Fields to Validate or Default

The first part of the requirement is to identify the fields you want to default or validate. It's important to identify the
section containing the field. For example, if your use case is to validate Assignment Effective Date, then most likely, you
want the rule to trigger in the When and Why section where the date is required.

If you can't identify the fields, identify the section where you want the rule to trigger. If you can't identify the section,
then it may not be feasible to implement an autocomplete rule. For example, implementing the rule, Don't Allow
Withdrawal of Termination, may not be possible because Reverse Termination is a button on a page that doesn't involve
any field or section.

You also need to look at out-of-the-box delivered default values or validations. In some cases, if a field is defaulted out-
of-the-box, Autocomplete Rules can't override it with a customer-specific rule-based value.

User Experience
The second part of the requirement is to focus on the user experience. This is critical for determining the feasibility. You
need to focus on the guided process flow in the responsive UIs when determining the user experience. Autocomplete
Rules can execute a specified validation, but the validation is triggered only when the transaction is submitted and
doesn't allow the user to go back and edit. A point to note is that the validation is triggered in these scenarios.

• When entering a section

• When tabbing out of fields
• When exiting a section

This helps in deciding the rule type to use and the execution of the rule. After understanding operation of the data
model elements and the UI, you may have to change your requirement to something sub-optimal, yet acceptable.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Rule Criteria
A key part of the requirement analysis is to list out the criteria for defaulting or validating a field. Some criteria involve
current fields while some involve sections that the user has already crossed or involve some predetermined setup data.
Here, you need to focus on whether the criteria is known or is something that's yet to occur in the responsive flows.

Autocomplete Rules checks the recent past state prior to the changes in the current flow and the static setup data. It
can't determine the previous state of elements or fields in the sections yet to come, although with some exceptions.

When identifying fields that are to be defaulted or validated as in the first step of the requirements analysis, or fields
that are to be used as criteria as in the last step of the requirement analysis, you must not use a field that's not visible
or editable in the responsive pages either out-of-the- box or using the Transaction Design Studio. For example, let's say
you 're working with Worker Assignment and want to check the action code, you must not use the action code in the
Assignment object but use the action code in the When and Why object because this is the section where the action is
both visible and editable. HCM application will synchronize values within and across sections, as you progress through
the responsive pages. But the timing of availability of values in these fields can't be guaranteed unless they're visible to
the user and editable in the responsive pages. In addition, several fields that are shown by the Autocomplete Rules UI
are reserved for application use only.

How You Analyze a Requirement

You can break down your requirement under logical information chunks of what, where, when, and the rule criteria to
understand your objective. This table helps you to break down your requirement using some common examples of
autocomplete rules.

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Rule What Where When Criteria

Add a functional Default or validate fields. Specify actions and the When must the rule be List all the criteria (area and
description of the use case For validation, either section where you want to triggered - when the field) to default or validate
show an error message or trigger the rule user enters a section or fields
warning message page (default), clicks the
Continue or Submit buttons
(validate), or tabs out of a
field (validate or default)

Working hours must not Validation - error message • Add Contingent Continue or Submit button • Employment
be less than 40 hours when Worker - Employment - Assignment
the employee is a full time Category= Full time or
employee • Add Nonworker - Part time
• Employment -
• Add Pending Worker - Working Hours
• Change Assignment -
• Hire an Employee -

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Rule What Where When Criteria

During termination, warn Validation - warning • Termination - When Tab out of the Action • Action Reason
a user that selecting some message and Why Reason field
action reasons prevents • Termination Reason
employees from being

Default Salary Basis based Default • Add Contingent Enter section or page • Compensation -
on the job FLSA status Worker - Salary Salary Basis
• Add Nonworker - • Employment - Job
Salary FLSA Status
• Add Pending Worker -
• Change Salary - Salary
• Hire an Employee -

Default these field values Default • Add Contingent Tab out of the Job field • Employment - Job
when the user selects Worker - Assignment
job BAA in the Add • Employment -
Contingent Worker flow Assignment Category
• Employment -
• Assignment Working Hours
Category - Full time,
temporary • Employment -
• Working Hours - 80
• Employment - Hourly
• Frequency - Biweekly Paid or Salaried
• Hourly Paid or
Salaried -Hourly

Rule Designing
How You Design a Rule
Once, you have analyzed the requirements. follow these broad steps to design a rule.

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• Identify object
• Identify rule type
• Author rule logic

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

How You Identify Business Objects in Autocomplete Rules

The first step in designing an autocomplete rule is to identify the business object, which includes these things:

• Identifying the section where the fields to be defaulted or validated are located
• Identifying the action to which the rule applies

Section Identification
Autocomplete Rules is a data model driven extensible framework starting with a business object. A business object can
be initiated at different places in the responsive UI and has a strong correlation to a specific section in an action. The
section in any responsive UI typically operates one business object at a time (there are exceptions). Sometimes, sections
have the same name and therefore operate on the same business object irrespective of the action that they're a part of,
for example, When and Why and Salary sections.

Sections can be named differently according to the action, but they call the same business object. For example,
Assignment Details, Employment Details, Promote, Transfer, Working Hours, all call the same business object. So if a
rule is written on a business object supporting these sections, the rule will trigger in all the actions it's a part of. If you
want the rule to trigger for a specific action only, you need to explicitly state it in the rule using a function with an HCM
Params in an inclusive or exclusive condition.

Role of Action
The same business object can be operational in different actions. Therefore, while the action doesn't determine the
name of the business object, it's a good practice to note down the actions the rule applies to. Since the nature of
operation on a business object can vary between actions, this implies for certain actions the rule type you want to
implement may isn't feasible or needs to be rewritten.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Related Topics
• Section and Business Object Mapping

Section and Business Object Mapping

This table maps the different sections in actions to the business object to use according to your purpose. If an action
isn't listed here, then it isn't supported in Autocomplete Rules.

The Purpose isn't exhaustive but lists the most common requirements enabling you to select the object. Your purpose
can also be apart from this list, in which case you need to identify the business object to define your rule.

Action Section Purpose Business Object

Add a Contingent Worker Addresses Validate address format Address

Add a Contingent Worker Addresses Validate address type for person Person Address

Add a Contingent Worker Citizenship Info Validate available fields and types Person Citizenship
for person

Add a Contingent Worker Communication Info Validate email format and types for Person Email

Add a Contingent Worker Communication Info Validate phone format and types Person Phone
for person

Add a Contingent Worker Contract Info Default or validate available fields Worker Employment Contract

Add a Contingent Worker Driver Licenses Validate available fields and types Person Driver License
for person

Add a Contingent Worker Employment Details Default or validate available fields Worker Assignment
except FTE and HC

Add a Contingent Worker Employment Details Default or validate FTE and HC Worker Assignment Work Measure

Add a Contingent Worker Family and Emergency Contacts Validate available fields and types Person Contact Relationship
for person

Add a Contingent Worker Legislative Info Validate available fields Person Legislative Information

Add a Contingent Worker Managers First time validation of one Worker Assignment Supervisor

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Action Section Purpose Business Object

Add a Contingent Worker Passport Info Validate available fields and types Person Passport
for person

Add a Contingent Worker Payroll Details Default or validate payroll Assigned Payroll

Add a Contingent Worker Payroll Details Default or validate overriding Assigned Payroll Additional Info
period and time card required at
payroll level

Add a Contingent Worker Payroll Details Default or validate overriding Payroll Assignment
period and time card required at
assignment level

Add a Contingent Worker Payroll Details Default or validate tax reporting Payroll Terms

Add a Contingent Worker Personal Details Validate date of birth, presence Person
or absence or types of gender,
religion, and national identifier

Add a Contingent Worker Salary Default or validate available fields Salary

Add a Contingent Worker Visas and Permits Validate available fields and types Person Visa
for Person

Add a Contingent Worker When and Why Validate date, action or reason on When and Why
exit section

Add a Contingent Worker Work Relationship Info Default or validate available fields Worker Work Relationship

Add a Nonworker Addresses Validate address format Address

Add a Nonworker Addresses Validate address types for person Person Address

Add a Nonworker Citizenship Info Validate available fields and types Person Citizenship
for person

Add a Nonworker Communication Info Validate email format and types for Person Email

Add a Nonworker Communication Info Validate phone format and types Person Phone
for person

Add a Nonworker Contract Info Default or validate available fields Worker Employment Contract

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Action Section Purpose Business Object

Add a Nonworker Driver Licenses Validate available fields and types Person Driver License
for person

Add a Nonworker Employment Details Default or validate available fields Worker Assignment
except FTE and headcount

Add a Nonworker Employment Details Default or validate FTE and Worker Assignment Work Measure

Add a Nonworker Family and Emergency Contacts Validate available fields and types Person Contact Relationship
for person

Add a Nonworker Legislative Info Validate available fields Person Legislative Information

Add a Nonworker Passport Info Validate available fields and types Person Passport
for person

Add a Nonworker Payroll Details Default or validate payroll Assigned Payroll

Add a Nonworker Payroll Details Default or validate overriding Assigned Payroll Additional Info
period and time card required at
payroll level

Add a Nonworker Payroll Details Default or validate overriding Payroll Assignment

period and time card required at
assignment level

Add a Nonworker Payroll Details Default or validate tax reporting Payroll Terms

Add a Nonworker Personal Details Validate date of birth, presence Person

or absence or types of gender,
religion, and national identifier

Add a Nonworker Personal Details Validate national identifier format Person National Identifier

Add a Nonworker Visas and Permits Validate available fields and types Person Visa
for person

Add a Nonworker When and Why Validate date, action or reason on When and Why
exit section

Add a Nonworker Work Relationship Info Default or validate available fields Worker Work Relationship

Add a Pending Worker Addresses Validate address format Address

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Action Section Purpose Business Object

Add a Pending Worker Addresses Validate address types for person Person Address

Add a Pending Worker Citizenship Info Validate available fields and types Person Citizenship
for person

Add a Pending Worker Communication Info Validate email format and types for Person Email

Add a Pending Worker Communication Info Validate phone format and types Person Phone
for person

Add a Pending Worker Contract Info Default or validate available fields Worker Employment Contract

Add a Pending Worker Driver Licenses Validate available fields and types Person Driver License
for Person

Add a Pending Worker Employment Details Default or validate available fields Worker Assignment
except FTE and HC

Add a Pending Worker Employment Details Default or validate FTE and HC Worker Assignment Work Measure

Add a Pending Worker Family and Emergency Contacts Validate available fields and types Person Contact Relationship
for person

Add a Pending Worker Legislative Info Validate available fields Person Legislative Information

Add a Pending Worker Managers First time validation of one Worker Assignment Supervisor

Add a Pending Worker Passport Info Validate available fields and types Person Passport
for person

Add a Pending Worker Payroll Details Default or validate payroll Assigned Payroll

Add a Pending Worker Payroll Details Default or validate overriding Assigned Payroll Additional Info
period and time card required at
payroll level

Add a Pending Worker Payroll Details Default or validate overriding Payroll Assignment
period and time card required at
assignment level

Add a Pending Worker Payroll Details Default or validate tax reporting Payroll Terms

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Action Section Purpose Business Object

Add a Pending Worker Personal Details Validate date of birth, presence Person
or absence or types of gender,
religion, and national identifier

Add a Pending Worker Personal Details Validate available fields Person Details

Add a Pending Worker Personal Details Validate name format Person Name

Add a Pending Worker Personal Details Validate national identifier format Person National Identifier

Add a Pending Worker Salary Default or validate available fields Salary

Add a Pending Worker Visas and Permits Validate available fields and types Person Visa
for person

Add a Pending Worker When and Why Validate date, action or reason on When and Why
exit section

Add a Pending Worker Work Relationship Info Default or validate available fields Worker Work Relationship

Add Assignment Assignment Details Default or validate available fields Worker Assignment
except FTE and headcount

Add Assignment Assignment Details Default or validate FTE and Worker Assignment Work Measure

Add Assignment Managers First time validation of one Worker Assignment Supervisor

Add Assignment Salary Default or validate available fields Salary

Add Assignment When and Why Validate date, action or reason on When and Why
exit section

Change Assignment Assignment Details Default or validate available fields Worker Assignment
except FTE and headcount

Change Assignment Assignment Details Default or validate FTE and Worker Assignment Work Measure

Change Assignment Managers First time validation of one Worker Assignment Supervisor

Change Assignment Payroll Details Default or validate payroll Assigned Payroll

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Action Section Purpose Business Object

Change Assignment Payroll Details Default or validate overriding Assigned Payroll Additional Info
period and time card required at
payroll level

Change Assignment Payroll Details Default or validate overriding Payroll Assignment

period and time card required at
assignment level

Change Assignment Payroll Details Default or validate tax reporting Payroll Terms

Change Assignment Salary Default or validate available fields Salary

Change Assignment When and Why Validate date, action or reason on When and Why
exit section

Change Legal Employer Assignment Details Default or validate available fields Worker Assignment
except FTE and headcount

Change Legal Employer Assignment Details Default or validate FTE and Worker Assignment Work Measure

Change Legal Employer Contract Default or validate available fields Worker Employment Contract

Change Legal Employer Contract Info Default or validate available fields Worker Employment Contract

Change Legal Employer Managers First time Validation of one Worker Assignment Supervisor

Change Legal Employer Payroll Details Default or validate Payroll Assigned Payroll

Change Legal Employer Payroll Details Default or validate overriding Assigned Payroll Additional Info
period and time card required at
payroll level

Change Legal Employer Payroll Details Default or validate overriding Payroll Assignment
period and time card required at
assignment level

Change Legal Employer Payroll Details Default or validate tax reporting Payroll Terms

Change Legal Employer Salary Default or validate available fields Salary

Change Legal Employer When and Why Validate date, action or reason on When and Why
exit section

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Action Section Purpose Business Object

Change Legal Employer Work Relationship Default or validate available fields Worker Work Relationship

Change Location Location Default or validate available fields Worker Assignment

except FTE and headcount

Change Location Location Default or validate FTE and Worker Assignment Work Measure

Change Location Salary Default or validate available fields Salary

Change Location When and Why Validate date, action or reason on When and Why
exit section

Change Manager Managers First time Validation of one Worker Assignment Supervisor

Change Manager When and Why Validate date, action or reason on When and Why
exit section

Change Salary Salary Default or validate available fields Salary

Change Salary When and Why Validate date, action or reason on When and Why
exit section

Change Working Hours Salary Default or validate available fields Salary

Change Working Hours When and Why Validate date, action or reason on When and Why
exit section

Change Working Hours Working Hours Default or validate available fields Worker Assignment
except FTE and headcount

Change Working Hours Working Hours Default or validate FTE and Worker Assignment Work Measure

Contact Info Addresses Validate address format Address

Contact Info Addresses Validate address format Address

Contact Info Addresses Validate address types for person Person Address

Contact Info Communication Info Validate delivery methods and Person Delivery Methods
types for person

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Action Section Purpose Business Object

Contact Info Communication Info Validate email format and types for Person Email

Contact Info Communication Info Validate phone format and types Person Phone
for person

Create and Edit Job Offer Additional Info Default or validate flexfields Job Offer

Create and Edit Job Offer Employment Details Default or validate available fields Worker Assignment

Create and Edit Job Offer Offer Letter Default or validate available fields Job Offer

Create and Edit Job Offer Payroll Details Default or validate payroll Assigned Payroll

Create and Edit Job Offer Payroll Details Default or validate overriding Assigned Payroll Additional Info
period and time card required at
payroll level

Create and Edit Job Offer Payroll Details Default or validate overriding Payroll Assignment
period and time card required at
assignment level

Create and Edit Job Offer Payroll Details Default or validate tax reporting Payroll Terms

Create and Edit Job Offer Salary Default or validate available fields Salary

Create and Edit Job Offer When and Why Default or validate offer date, legal Job Offer
entity, worker types

Create and Edit Job Offer When and Why Validate action or reason on exit When and Why

Create Candidate Name Validate name format Person Name

Create Interview Schedule Location Details Default or validate available fields Interview Location

Create Job Requisition Basic Info Default or validate available fields Job Requisition

Create Job Requisition Configuration Default or validate available fields Job Requisition

Create Job Requisition Hiring Team Default or validate available fields Job Requisition

Create Job Requisition How Default or validate available fields Job Requisition

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Action Section Purpose Business Object

Create Job Requisition Interview-Job Application- Default or validate available fields Interview Location

Create Job Requisition Interviews Default or validate available fields Interview Schedule

Create Job Requisition Job Application or Interview Default or validate available fields Interview Participants

Create Job Requisition Job Application or Interview Default or validate available fields Interview Schedule

Create Job Requisition Job Formatting Default or validate available fields Job Requisition

Create Job Requisition Job Posting Default or validate available fields Job Requisition

Create Job Requisition Others Default or validate available fields Job Requisition

Create Job Requisition Posting Description Default or validate available fields Job Requisition

Create Job Requisition Questionnaires Default or validate available fields Job Requisition

Create Job Requisition Requisition Details Default or validate available fields Job Requisition

Create Job Requisition Requisition Structure Default or validate available fields Job Requisition

Create Job Requisition Screening Services Default or validate available fields Job Requisition

Create Jobs Job Details Default or validate available fields Job

Create Jobs Legislative Info Validate available fields Person Legislative Information

Create Jobs When and Why Validate date, action or reason on When and Why
exit section

Create Work Relationship Addresses Validate address format Address

Create Work Relationship Addresses Validate address types for person Person Address

Create Work Relationship Citizenship Info Validate available fields and types Person Citizenship
for person

Create Work Relationship Communication Info Validate email format and types for Person Email

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Action Section Purpose Business Object

Create Work Relationship Communication Info Validate phone format and types Person Phone
for person

Create Work Relationship Driver Licenses Validate available fields and types Person Driver License
for person

Create Work Relationship Employment Details Default or validate available fields Worker Assignment
except FTE and headcount

Create Work Relationship Employment Details Default or validate FTE and Worker Assignment Work Measure

Create Work Relationship Family and Emergency Contacts Validate available fields and types Person Contact Relationship
for Person

Create Work Relationship Legislative Info Validate available fields Person Legislative Information

Create Work Relationship Managers First time Validation of one Worker Assignment Supervisor

Create Work Relationship Passport Info Validate available fields and types Person Passport
for Person

Create Work Relationship Payroll Details Default or validate Payroll Assigned Payroll

Create Work Relationship Payroll Details Default or validate overriding Assigned Payroll Additional Info
period and time card required at
payroll level

Create Work Relationship Payroll Details Default or validate overriding Payroll Assignment
period and time card required at
assignment level

Create Work Relationship Payroll Details Default or validate tax reporting Payroll Terms

Create Work Relationship Personal Details Validate date of birth, presence Person
or absence or types of Gender,
Religion, national identifier

Create Work Relationship Personal Details Validate available fields Person Details

Create Work Relationship Personal Details Validate name format Person Name

Create Work Relationship Personal Details Validate national identifier format Person National Identifier

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Action Section Purpose Business Object

Create Work Relationship Salary Default or validate available fields Salary

Create Work Relationship Visas and Permits Validate available fields and types Person Visa
for person

Create Work Relationship When and Why Validate date, action or reason on When and Why
exit section

Create Work Relationship Work Relationship Info Default or validate available fields Worker Work Relationship

Document Records Document Details Default or validate available fields Document Records

Edit Work Relationship Start Date and Primary Info Default or validate available fields Worker Work Relationship

Employment Contracts Contract Info Default or validate available fields Worker Employment Contract

Family and Emergency Contacts Address Validate address format Address

Family and Emergency Contacts Address Validate address types for person Person Address

Family and Emergency Contacts Basic Information Validate available fields Person

Family and Emergency Contacts Communication Info Validate email format and types for Person Email

Family and Emergency Contacts National Identifiers Validate national identifier format Person National Identifier
and types for person

Hire an Employee Addresses Validate address format Address

Hire an Employee Addresses Validate address types for person Person Address

Hire an Employee Citizenship Info Validate available fields and types Person Citizenship
for person

Hire an Employee Communication Info Validate email format and types for Person Email

Hire an Employee Communication Info Validate phone format and types Person Phone
for person

Hire an Employee Contract Info Default or validate available fields Worker Employment Contract

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Action Section Purpose Business Object

Hire an Employee Driver Licenses Validate available fields and types Person Driver License
for person

Hire an Employee Employment Details Default or validate available fields Worker Assignment
except FTE and headcount

Hire an Employee Employment Details Default or validate FTE and Worker Assignment Work Measure

Hire an Employee Family and Emergency Contacts Validate available fields and types Person Contact Relationship
for person

Hire an Employee Legislative Info Validate available fields Person Legislative Information

Hire an Employee Managers First time validation of one Worker Assignment Supervisor

Hire an Employee Name Validate name format Person Name

Hire an Employee Passport Info Validate available fields and types Person Passport
for person

Hire an Employee Payroll Details Default or validate payroll Assigned Payroll

Hire an Employee Payroll Details Default or validate overriding Assigned Payroll Additional Info
period and time card required at
payroll level

Hire an Employee Payroll Details Default or validate overriding Payroll Assignment

period and time card required at
assignment level

Hire an Employee Payroll Details Default or validate tax reporting Payroll Terms

Hire an Employee Personal Details Validate person's gender, religion, Person

national identifier, date of birth

Hire an Employee Personal Details Validate available fields Person Details

Hire an Employee Personal Details Validate name format Person Name

Hire an Employee Personal Details Validate national identifier format Person National Identifier

Hire an Employee Salary Default or validate available fields Salary

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Action Section Purpose Business Object

Hire an Employee Visas and Permits Validate available fields and types Person Visa
for person

Hire an Employee When and Why Validate date, action or reason on When and Why
exit section

Hire an Employee Work Relationship Info Default or validate available fields Worker Work Relationship

Identification Info Citizenship Info Validate available fields and types Person Citizenship
for person

Identification Info Driver Licenses Validate available fields and types Person Driver License
for person

Identification Info Passport Info Validate available fields and types Person Passport
for person

Identification Info Visas and Permits Validate available fields and types Person Visa
for person

Local and Global Transfer Contract Info Default or validate available fields Worker Employment Contract

Local and Global Transfer Managers First time validation of one Worker Assignment Supervisor

Local and Global Transfer Payroll Details Default or validate payroll Assigned Payroll

Local and Global Transfer Payroll Details Default or validate overriding Assigned Payroll Additional Info
period and time card required at
payroll level

Local and Global Transfer Payroll Details Default or validate tax reporting Payroll Terms

Local and Global Transfer Salary Default or validate available fields Salary

Local and Global Transfer Transfer Default or validate available fields Worker Assignment
except FTE and headcount

Local and Global Transfer Transfer Default or validate FTE and Worker Assignment Work Measure

Local and Global Transfer When and Why Validate date, action or reason on When and Why
exit section

Local and Global Transfer Work Relationship Default or validate available fields Worker Work Relationship

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Action Section Purpose Business Object

Performance Goals Basic Info Default or validate other available Goals


Performance Goals Basic Info Default or validate goal review Goals Relation with Goal Plan
period, weight, and priority

Performance Goals Measurements Default or validate available fields Goal Measurements

Performance Goals Tasks Default or validate available fields Goal Tasks

Person Identifier for External Person Identifier for External Default or validate available fields Person Identifier for External
Applications Applications Applications

Personal Details Biographical Info Validate available fields Person Details

Personal Details Demographic Info Validate available fields and types Person Ethnicity
for Person

Personal Details Demographic Info Validate available fields Person Legislative Information

Personal Details Name Validate name format Person Name

Personal Details National Identifiers Validate national identifier format Person National Identifier
and types for person

Position Details Budget Details Default or validate available fields Position

Position Details Legislative Info Validate available fields Person Legislative Information

Position Details Position Details Default or validate available fields Position

Position Details When and Why Validate date, action or reason on When and Why
exit section

Promote Employment Details Default or validate available fields Worker Assignment

except FTE and headcount

Promote Managers First time validation of one Worker Assignment Supervisor


Promote Promotion Default or validate available fields Worker Assignment

except FTE and headcount

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Action Section Purpose Business Object

Promote Promotion Default or validate FTE and Worker Assignment Work Measure

Promote Salary Default or validate available fields Salary

Promote When and Why Validate date, action or reason on When and Why
exit section

Request a New Position Position Details Default or validate available fields Position

Request a Position Change Position Details Default or validate available fields Position

Resignation Assignment Details Default or validate available fields Worker Assignment

except FTE and headcount

Resignation Assignment Details Default or validate FTE and Worker Assignment Work Measure

Resignation Resignation Info Default or validate available fields Worker Work Relationship

Resignation Termination Info Default or validate available fields Worker Work Relationship

Resignation When and Why Validate action, action reason on When and Why
exit section

Resignation When and Why Default or validate notification Worker Work Relationship
date, termination date

Skills and Qualifications Certifications Default or validate available fields Person Profile Certification

Skills and Qualifications Education Default or validate available fields Person Profile Education

Succession Plans Plan Info Default or validate available fields Succession Plans

Termination Reassign Existing Reports First time validation of one Worker Assignment Supervisor

Termination Termination Info Default or validate available fields Worker Work Relationship

Termination When and Why Validate action, action reason on When and Why
exit Section

Termination When and Why Default or validate notification Worker Work Relationship
date, termination date

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Action Section Purpose Business Object

Transfer Managers First time validation of one Worker Assignment Supervisor


Transfer Salary Default or validate available fields Salary

Transfer Transfer Default or validate available fields Worker Assignment

except FTE and headcount

Transfer Transfer Default or validate FTE and Worker Assignment Work Measure

Transfer When and Why Validate date, action or reason on When and Why
exit section

Related Topics
• How You Identify Business Objects in Autocomplete Rules

How You Determine the Rule Type

The rule type determines which runtime event the autocomplete rule will trigger for.

Watch video

These are the different rule types:

• Business Object Default: This triggers when the selected business object is created by the application, which is
when the user enters the section or clicks the Add button
• Business Object Validation: This triggers when the selected business object is saved by the application, which
is when the user clicks the Continue, Submit, or Save and Close buttons.
• Business Object Field Validation: This triggers when a field of a given business object enters the ADF
validation cycle, which is when the user tabs out of a field.
• Business Object Field Modification: This triggers after the field of a given business object completes the field
validation event.
The classification of the technical events listed earlier also apply to HCM Data Loader, which deals with creating,
updating, and saving business objects in a certain sequence. Hence, it's easier to understand when a rule takes effect,
but, in the UI, the relationship between the UI and the data model is complex, which makes it difficult to determine the
exact timing of these technical events.

In order to simplify the understanding of these technical events and determine exactly when a given rule triggers
especially in the UI, these four events can be functionally characterized in these ways.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Event Rule Type

Enter a section Business Object Defaulting

Exit a section Business Object Validation

Tab out of a field inside a section (validate) Business Object Field Validation

Tab out of a field inside a section (default) Business Object Field Modification

Entering a Section
In most cases, a business object is created when you first enter a section. The business object defaulting rule is
triggered when you first enter a section. For example, the Worker Assignment object is created when you enter a section
and the Salary object is created when you enter the Salary section.

These are the exceptions to this rule.

• Multiple objects are saved when exiting a section, hence, the Object Validation rule triggers for all objects.
• More than one row of a single business object are modified and saved, hence, the Object Validation rule
triggers for each row of the business object. For example, when converting a pending worker, Work Assignment
record of type pending worker is updated and a Work Assignment record of the converted type - contingent
worker, nonworker, or employee, is created. Hence, an Object Validation rule triggers twice, once for each row
that's updated and saved.

What You Can Do What You Can't Do

You can code the default to always be of You can't use a field that's later in the section or in a subsequent section as a criterion for defaulting
some value. For example, Assignment value.
Category = "Regular" or based on some
artifact that's already known to the
runtime application at the time of object
creation (or entering a section).

These could be values in the previous

section or values in the key organization
level setup objects such as legal employer.

N/A You can't validate and consequently show either an error or a warning message.

N/A Certain business objects won't support this type of rule, either for specific actions or across all actions.

Best Practices:

• Ensure the default values are valid.

• Don't use a defaulting rule type to show error messages.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Exiting a Section
In most cases, a business object is saved when you exit a section. The business object validation rule is triggered when
you exit a section after clicking the Continue button or the Submit button (without clicking the Continue button). For
example, the Worker Assignment object is saved when you exit the Assignment section.

Some exceptions to this rule are If multiple objects are saved when exiting a section, then Object Validation rule of
all objects will be triggered. Further, if more than one row of a single business object are modified and saved, Object
Validation rule will be triggered for each row of the business object. For example, when converting a pending worker,
Work Assignment record of type pending worker is updated as well as a Work Assignment record of the converted type,
Contingent, Non-worker, Employee, is created. Hence, an Object Validation rule will trigger twice, once for each row
that's updated and saved.

This type of rule triggers on every row that's saved. This is an important consideration when date-effective splits occurs
because of your transaction. Not only, is the new row saved but also an existing row is modified or saved due to the
nature of the transaction. You have to apply additional conditions if you want your validation only to trigger on the new
row. Sometimes, these additional conditions aren't necessary as the existing rows already comply with your validation

What You Can Do What You Can't Do

This rule type is preferred over business The criteria for validation may not be a field that's part of a section not yet navigated to. Hence, you
object field validation because all fields can't add warning messages in this type of rule.
relevant to the validation rule can be used
in the sample without assuming the field
in which the user entered an incorrect

Let's say you create a rule that if

Assignment Category is Regular then
Hourly/Salaried field value must be
Salaried. In this case, though Assignment
Category field comes before Hourly or
Salaried field in the UI, you can't assume
that the user will enter the values in the
same order.

Even if they enter the values in the

expected sequence, you can't conclude
the field in which the user entered an
incorrect value. Hence, there's ambiguity
over whether Assignment Category must
be changed to Temporary and leave the
Hourly/Salaried as Hourly or the other way

A business object validation rule enables

you to enter both values, and displays an
error on incompatibility.

This rule type allows the user to decide If the criteria for the validation rule is in a section prior to the current section, then it's expected that
which validation to fix. While it's an user fixes the value of the field in the current section to comply with the validation rule before going
ideal user experience to trigger a back and editing the value in the field in the previous section.
validation as soon as the user exits a field,
considering the point mentioned earlier,
it's recommended to use Object Validation
rule type instead. Sections in responsive
pages are more compact and often the
delayed display of the error message

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

What You Can Do What You Can't Do

(on Continue, instead of field tab-out)

is acceptable while allowing the user to
remain within the section to fix errors.

The criteria for validation can be any The responsive pages won't allow the user to go back and edit previous section if a validation error on
field on the current section, a field in the the current section is displayed. Once a default has occurred based on a value of a field in a previous
previous section, or a previously setup section, if you go back and edit the criteria field, the default won't re-occur when entering the section
object related to the current object. During containing the field that was defaulted the first time around.
object validation, even if a field in the
section isn't mapped to a column in a
table, yet all fields from the pages are
transferred to the object and hence the
object validation rule will be able to use
these values in the rule.

N/A You can't default values in fields in this type of rule. There are some exceptions to this rule. Default
values into another field during object validation will call the field validation cycle of that field with no
provision for user interaction resulting from errors, if any, during the field validation.

Best Practice:

• Don't use this rule type for specifying default values.

Inside a Section
There are 2 potential events that can execute when the user is within a section in the responsive pages, business object
field validation and business object field modification, in sequence.

Tabbing Out (Validation)

The business object field validation rule is triggered first when the user tabs-out of a field.

What You Can Do What You Can't Do

You can base the criteria for validation If the field is transient and is only on the UI, but not in the model layer, then it isn't possible to execute
on any field that's already accessed by this type of rule.
the user in the current or the previous
sections, or any field that has already been
setup as part of Workforce Structures

You can sample old and new values of the You can't default values into any fields, and can't warn users about errors in this type of rule.
current field on which the validation rule is
written. For numeric fields, this can be of
help with percentage change calculations.

N/A If the user doesn't change the value in the field, this rule won't trigger.

Best Practice:

• Don't use this rule type for specifying default values.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

Tabbing Out (Default)

The business object field modification rule type will trigger after the business object field validation rule when the user
tabs out of a field

What You Can Do What You Can't Do

You can default a value in another field If the field is transient and only in the UI but not in the model layer, then it won't be possible to execute
in the same section based on the value this type of rule.
entered in the current field.

Show a warning after the user enters a You can't show an error message in this type of rule.
value in the current field. The warning
message can be dismissed by clicking the
OK button, and if the value in the current
field doesn't change, the warning message
won't re-appear.

Best Practice:

• Ensure the default values are valid.

Related Topics
• How You Update Fields Using Autosubmit
• How You Configure Partial Page Refresh
• How You Compare Old and New State of Fields
• Navigation from Salary

How You Create a Rule in Autocomplete

Creating an autocomplete rule involves these steps:
1. Declaring any variables you want to use with or without any transformations, using built-in functions (these are
equivalent to some parameters of Transaction Design Studio).
2. Using the IF condition block, which enables you to achieve one of the possible outcomes: Default, Show Error,
Show Warning.
The rule logic is best derived by writing down the steps for execution of the rule. For field level rules, after finalizing the
object and the rule type, you also specify the field name on which you want this rule to trigger.

Watch video

Rule Variables
You have access to all fields inside the current object along with attributes of various lookup fields on the current object
and related to but completely separate (typically parent or child) objects. For example, when working with Worker
Assignment business object, you have access to all these:

• Fields on the assignment

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

• All attributes of lookup fields such as job, grade, business unit, and legal employer
• Related parent business objects like Work Relationship
• Related child business objects like Work Measure

While the field you're defaulting or validating has to be a part of the current object, the criteria can be on the current
business object, on lookups or on related objects. If the field is on the current object, you don't have to do anything to
the sample values.

You need to use variables for these reasons:

• Related Objects: In order to sample values of fields in other related objects, lookup or parent or child type, you
need to declare a special variable to get access. If you want to sample values of just fields in the current object
or related objects, after declaring access to related object, you need not further declare a variable to contain
the value of a field in those objects. In addition, the objects that you access can give you further access to other
related objects.
• Transformations: Let's say you want to apply some transformations such as sub string, begins with, or year
of on the value in a field, the current object, or on a related object. You need to define variables to apply the
necessary transformation to have them ready to use in your final condition logic. The transformations are made
available as a series of functions that you can apply on various fields and store the result in these optional
• UI State or Application Variables: You want access to special UI context, for example, which flow you're in or
what's the legislation code. You want access to the application context such as what's the role of the logged in
user or has a given field been modified. These are again available as transformation functions.

Rule Criteria
You don't have to do anything special to get access to a field on the current object. However, when trying to get
access to a related object, it's useful to refer to the following data model navigation diagram. You can use different
combinations and number of fields from other objects.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

You need to do these actions to get access to a related object

• Start with any business object and follow the directions of arrows to understand what you have access to.
• Determine the steps to reach a given related object. For example, if you want to default salary basis based on
the job FLSA status using the Salary business object, you need a variable to get access to Assignment from
Salary. Then you need access to Job (a Workforce Structure setup object). From the job, you can then get access
to the predefined job extensible flexfields containing the FLSA status.
• Bypass a business object in some cases. For example, assignment > position > job versus assignment > job.

You may encounter these limitations when executing your rule

• You want to execute a validation when the user enters a section, for example, don't allow termination if
employee is on leave of absence. You have to rewrite this rule because it isn't feasible to execute with the
available rule types. You have to rewrite the rule as a Field Validation rule on the first mandatory field in the
section, which is your earliest opportunity to trigger a validation rule. If a particular field doesn't support Field
Validation rule, then your earliest opportunity is only on exit of the section.
• You want to validate a field, immediately on tab-out but the criteria for the tab out is a field, which the user
hasn't encountered so far. You have to rewrite your rule as an Object Validation rule that enables you to check
for values in all fields

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

• You want to warn users when they leave a section. There's no rule that supports display of warning messages
just when exiting a section. The earliest opportunity is the last mandatory field on a given section and write a
Field Modification rule if supported by the rule.

In addition to the above basic limitations, other restrictions only apply to certain objects. While an object has to be
created, updated and saved by the application, the timing and nature of these events varies between actions. For
example, during termination, the Worker Work Relationship object doesn't get created. Hence, a business object
defaulting rule won't work here. Further, for any of the given objects, these additional restrictions can apply across all
actions, only for specific actions, or for specific fields.

For more information on exceptions for business objects, refer to the Business Objects in Autocomplete chapter.

Best Practices for Defining Autocomplete Rules

Defining and implementing rules in Autocomplete doesn't have to be a challenging task. The key is to follow some of
the best practices specified here.

• Start with the business object and rule type specified for approved use cases.
• Read key features and limitations of the rule type.
• Read the exceptions and adaptations for the selected business object for the specific business object.
• Restrict your rule logic for a specific action and channel (UI or HCM Data Loader).
• Don't define variables to only store values of fields of any business object as is.
• Most date validations must be done on the When and Why business object, if your action has this section.
• Think of the criteria for defaulting or validation Don't rely on fields on the business object. Always think of the
UI, section in which the user needs to enter the value, the business object that supports that section, navigation
to that business object from the one you're on. Refer to the chapter, Business Objects in Autocomplete for more
• Always build your rule incrementally. First test for event, then display values, including hcmParams.
• Avoid too many nested IF conditions. Consider using duplicate rule, descriptive flexfield setup, and object
• Use debugging techniques, if necessary.

Related Topics
• How You Determine the Rule Type
• Standard Functions
• Global Functions
• Debug Autocomplete Rules
• How You Test Autocomplete Events

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 2
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autocomplete Rules

FAQs for Autocomplete Rules

Can I copy a rule if I want to reuse most of the rule logic in another
No, you have to create a new autocomplete rule. You can only copy delivered rules.

Can I use an autocomplete rule to trigger an approval notification?

No, approvals aren't supported currently.

Can I add spaces in a rule name?

Yes, you can specify a rule name with spaces. But, don't use special characters as these aren't supported.

Can I have multiple active rules for different countries within the
same business object?
Yes, you can define separate conditions within 1 rule for all countries or different rules per country, or use another
grouping that shares most of the logic.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Components of the Autocomplete Rules Editor

3 Components of the Autocomplete Rules

How You Enable Access to Autocomplete Rules
You need to make any application changes related to Autocomplete Rules in a sandbox. Sandboxes store configurations
in Extensible Markup Language (XML) files in a separate Oracle Metadata Services repository that's available only when
you work in that particular sandbox.

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You can make the changes in either of these 2 ways.

• A test-only sandbox where the code is for testing only, and is never deployed
• A sandbox to be published to the full test environment
You need to enable a sandbox to access the HCM Experience Design Studio and Autocomplete Rules. You can either
manually create and enable a sandbox or automatically create it from My Client Groups tab. These steps outline how
you can manually create and enable a sandbox.
1. Click Navigator > Configuration > Sandboxes.
2. Click Create Sandbox.
3. Enter the Name.
4. Select the Active box for HCM Experience Design Studio.
5. Click Create and Enter.
6. Click HCM Experience Design Studio from the Tools menu on the home page.
Another way to enable a sandbox is from the quick actions on the My Client Groups
tab. When you click the HCM Experience Design Studio quick action, a sandbox named
DESIGN_STDIO_AUTO_CREATED_SB_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS is automatically created for you. HCM Experience
Design Studio is the only tool enabled in the sandbox but you can add any other tools as needed.

As long as the auto-created sandbox isn't corrupted and is in proper status, the same sandbox opens again. If the
existing sandbox is in Refreshing or Refresh Needed or Not publishable state, then the sandbox isn't selected and a
new sandbox is created and used.

Autocomplete Rules Editor

These are the key features of the editor.
• A variable definition is displayed by default and you can't delete this until you add at least one more rule line.
• The rule logic editor doesn't allow any free-form typing of logic statements.
• The editor doesn't enable you to copy-paste rule lines. This is to ensure certain logical ordering of rule lines,
which is built into the logic editor. For example, you can't reference a variable or a field of a related object before
first declaring it within the current scope of rule logic.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Components of the Autocomplete Rules Editor

• The 3 navigational elements in the rule editor: down arrow (1), xyz icon (2), and hyperlink (3) help build the

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Down Arrow
This is the main element to add or delete rule lines. You can add a rule line before or after the current rule line or block.
At the left of a rule line, using the down arrow you can operate on the main body of the rule logic.

The down arrow is at the beginning of every rule line whether leftmost indented or indented further within a rule
instruction. The down arrows that are further right indented allow you to operate on specific sections or blocks of the
rule line. Let's look at the additional functions along with the context in which they occur as we cover all types of rule

When you click the left most indented down arrow, you can see these menu options.

• Add Before (except for the first line of the rule logic)
• Add Next (if there's a possible path for rule logic to proceed; won't be displayed after a guaranteed execution of
a Add error statement, for example)
• Delete (except for the only line remaining in the rule logic)
• Delete Else Block (only for down arrows next to the If clause)
• Add Else Block (only for down arrows next to the If clause for the entire If block when the Else portion is already

Within each of the primary drop down menus, you have the following options -

• Add variable

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Components of the Autocomplete Rules Editor

• Assign value to existing variable

• Assign value to business object attribute
• Add a condition block
• Add error (for business object validation, field validation rule type only)
• Add warning (for field modification rule type only)
• Call a function
• Add row collection looping block

xyz Icon
The second navigational element of the Autocomplete Rule editor is the xyz icon. This icon is immediately to the left of
an operand, which is part of either an expression, an equation, or a function. All variable definitions are essentially an
equation and the xyz icon will be immediately to the left of any operand (and on the right hand side of the equation).

In an expression, the xyz icon is next to each operand while in a function, it's immediately to the left of any argument or
parameter passed to the function.

You can change the type of operand or argument using the xyz element. Autocomplete Rules supports 5 operand types,
different from data types. You can pick up to 4 additional operand types. These are the operand types.

• Literal - Default operand type for the right hand side xyz operand for any variable type definition equations,
most expressions, and most arguments of functions. In most cases, a literal operand type shows up as an
empty text box that requires an input in the expected data type for that field. One exception to this is the right
hand side operand of an expression in which the left hand side is a business attribute of type LOV. In this case,
the literal automatically shows you a list of valid values for the LOV.
• Business Attribute - Field on any object, current or related. After changing to this type of operand, use the
hyperlink to pick the attribute from the current object or a list of objects you have given yourself access to.
• Function - If the left hand side operand data type supports a function that returns a value of the same data
type, changing to this type of operand then enables you to select the functions by clicking the first default
available function.
• Arithmetic Expression - If the left hand side operand data type supports an arithmetic operation on a
combination of operands in right hand side, you can change to this type of operand. This operand type is used
in these cases.

◦ When you want to concatenate strings to show as part of an error message.

◦ When you want show arithmetic operations - add, subtract, multiply and divide operands of a like data
numeric data type.
◦ When you want to use it in date calculations that allow you to add or subtract a given number of days
from a date to determine the desired date in the past or in the future. For example, current date + 90
• Existing Variable - When you have already defined a variable of a given data type, changing an operand to this
type enables you to substitute the right hand side operand to an existing variable of the same data type as that
of the left hand side.
• Nullify Value - Assign a null value to any type of field or variable. But, if you try to nullify a variable already
used in the rule, a warning will be displayed.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Components of the Autocomplete Rules Editor

The blue hyperlink component is contextually available to access a list of options. You can freely click any hyperlink
to see a list of available options. This isn't a literal hyperlink, where you will be linked to another page or component.
In cases where a hyperlink is available, the component shows up in blue color. These are the common contexts where
hyperlinks are seen.

• Business Object Attribute - Click the hyperlink to see alternative fields from current or related objects that you
can access.
• Operator - Click the operator, part of the expression to select from the alternate types of operators available,
but limited to the context of the expression.
• Function - Click the function name to select any additional available functions, but limited to the context of the
equation or expression.

Autocomplete Rule Variables

These are the common variable types used in an autocomplete rule, which closely align with the standard variable data

Variable Usage

String • Define a specific regular expression (REGEX) pattern that you want to match a user-input text
field to, such as phone number, address lines, name, and so on.
• Apply a transformation on a field that returns a string type value.

Integer • Define a counter to add to when controlling a looping logic.

• Store a number of days that you can use in the subsequent logic to add or subtract number of
days from a date.
• Apply a transformation on a field that returns an integer type value.

Long Integer • Store IDs of any business entity such as job, position, salary basis, and so on. and subsequently
assign them to their occurrence in a transaction business object like salary, assignment, position,
and so on. You need to use a transformation function when setting up this variable.

Decimal • Store IDs of business entities such as job, collective agreement, salary basis in various descriptive
flexfield segments. You can use Value Set queries on other objects when setting up customer
specific associations between various entities. The transformation functions that return a decimal
type value aren't available currently, unless you have a custom object function that returns a
decimal type value.

Date • Store a date because of a calculation involving subtraction or addition of a specific number of
days to another date.
• Apply a transformation on a field that returns a date type of value

Boolean • Set up a variable to control looping structures

• Break down a conditional validation to first evaluate the condition and set the Boolean variable,
then, use the Boolean to validate with specific error messages depending on the failure

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Components of the Autocomplete Rules Editor

Variable Usage

• Apply a transformation on a field that returns a Boolean type value.

Special Variables
Row and rowset variables are special variables that enable you to navigate through various object relationships to fetch
the appropriate criteria for default or validating. Special variables allow you to navigate out of the current object to
related objects to fetch the criteria. The starting point for your rule is the business object that contains the field that you
want to default. For validation, the starting point can be the business object containing the fields you want to validate,
but not always.

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For field values in the current object, any changes made by the user are still in-flight without the transaction being
submitted, similarly, any fields of related objects you fetch with these variables are also values "in-flight" and not yet
submitted. For example, when you navigate from Salary to Worker Assignment, you get field values in the Worker
Assignment object that correspond to values just entered in the preceding section. But these values won't be there in
the Worker Assignment object prior to starting the current flow.

Here's what you can do using the special variables.

• Fetch values in the fields prior to the current flow.

• Compare and contrast old and new values to decide on default and validation rules.
• Fetch value of fields that exist in the database, for objects that aren't part of the current flow. For example,
if you navigate to Worker Assignment from the Change Salary flow, you will get values of fields in Worker
Assignment that exist in the database. Another example is when you fetch values from an object that are
lookup type entities only will fetch previously setup values of fields in the lookup.

Row Variable

You can use these variants of the row variable.

Variable Usage

Row - Variant 1 Use row variable without Get First Row function when you expect a 1 to 1 relationship between the
object you're operating on and the related object you're fetching on the right hand side, the options
that allow for 1 to 1relationships of the lookup codes are shown.

Row - Variant 2 Use row variable with the function Get First Row when you expect a 1 to 1 relationship between the
object you're operating on and a different object (such as a parent or a distinctly different functional
area, or a parent object). For example, when you're traversing from Worker Assignment to Primary
Work Relationship. Accordingly, when you define a row type variable, before clicking on the right hand
side hyperlink, if you click on xyz to change to function, you can see the Get First Row function. Click
the hyperlink to see related objects that can have a 1 to many relationship with the current object but of
which you want the current applicable single row.

Rowset Variable

Use rowset variable when you expect a one to many relationship between the object you're operating on and the related
object. For example, when you're traversing from the Person object to the Person Passport object or from the Person
object to the Person Citizenship object, and you want to scan all possible rows. When you declare a rowset variable type,

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Components of the Autocomplete Rules Editor

other functions aren't supported on such a variable (click the xyz icon to see this). But, when you click the hyperlink, it
will again show the same related objects as in the second variant of row variable (with a Get First Row function). The
difference is that you're setting up your rule to iterate over all rows of related object as opposed to just the current one

Person related objects are functionally compact, for example, email, phone number, name, and the business object
that you start with is one of the child objects, for example Person Passport), while the criteria is in another child object
(Person Citizenship). For a rule such as don't allow entry of passport prior to having a citizenship record for the same
issuing country, you need to first define a row variable to traverse from the first child object (Person Passport) to the
parent object (Person). You then define a rowset variable to go from the parent object (Person) to the other child object
(Person Citizenship). Another example in the same pattern of rule is ensure email address must begin with person last
name. In this rule, you need to define row variable with Get First Row to traverse from person email to person and then
define another row variable with Get First Row to traverse from person to person name.

Functions Used in Autocomplete Rules

You can define one variable each using the primary 6 data types as a first step in rule building. Then on the right hand
side of the variable equation, change the right hand side operator type to a function.

Click on the initial default name of the first function available to see what other types of transformations are
available.These are the available function types.

Function Usage

Standard Used for technical transformations.

Global Used to provide context information that's either, difficult if not impossible to obtain. The HCM suite of
applications provides these functions.

Object Used for authoring business objects using the Configure Business Objects page, different from the
Autocomplete Rules Editor.

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IF Block
Variable with functions contain part of subsequent IF logic.

The significance of the data type dependent functions is that most of the condition logic (with the help of an IF
statement) is contained in the way these functions are setup on their corresponding variables before you author the
IF statement portion of the rule logic. For example, if your rule requires you to check whether a user input text begins
with "Oracle", most standard programming languages will enable you to directly apply the transformation within the IF
statement as given here.
If <user text> begins with 'Oracle' then...

But, in Autocomplete Rules, you need to first declare a Boolean variable to test the "begins with" condition and then use
the Boolean variable in your If condition as follows -

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Components of the Autocomplete Rules Editor

def Boolean MyVariable = beignsWith(user text, 'Oracle')

If MyVariable = True then ...

This style of application logic applies to any or all data type dependent functions like "Month Of", "Day Of", and so
on. Many functions are very intuitive but transformations involving those that return Boolean values can be counter
intuitive from a classical programming style perspective.

Condition Block
Condition Block is used to conditionally default or validate. It inserts into your rule definition an outline of a generic
If ... Then ... Else ...statement. You can also use this to conditionally proceed only if a field or an entire object is
NOT NULL. You can change or add, or do both to any part of this generic outline.

These are some of the common options along with additional navigational elements specific to the condition block.

1. Removing the Else Block. In many cases you may not want an Else as part of your condition block. Click the
down arrow to the left of the 'IF' clause to remove the entire Condition block or just the 'Else' segment of the
condition block, in addition to the usual "Add Next" and "Add Before".
2. Indented (to the right) down arrows. These arrows appear depending on where you're in the rule logic and allow
you to do one of the following -

◦ Add Condition: This uses the same conjunction (AND/OR) as already used in the series of conditions.
◦Add Condition Group: This enables you to cluster a set of conditions with the same conjunction inside
this cluster. You can add a condition group first, if you're anticipating a complex combination logic and
add more condition groups to control the conjunction used within each group and between the groups.
When the default condition block is shown, use the indented arrow, add a condition group and then
delete the default condition statement part of the original default condition block to proceed. You can
add as many conditions to each group or entire condition groups, or both.
◦ Change Conjunction: Changing a conjunction changes the conjunction for all within the same group or
all conditions without any group.
3. Remove a condition: This function has an 'x' at the end of the condition. You can't delete a condition when it's
the only condition of a block.
4. Exit Rule. This function is used to exclude some of your existing rules to execute for certain conditions.
5. Do more than one thing if the condition is met or not. This works similarly to the left most indented down arrow
enabling your to build one rule line at a time.

How You Default a Field Value

You use the Assign Value to Field statement to default a field value. You can have more than one such statements in a
rule when all the defaulted fields are part of the same current object in context.

When assigning a value to a business object attribute, the operand types can be any one of these:
• Business Object Attribute - This always shows the same attribute as that on the left hand side. Click the
hyperlink to change to another business attribute field from the current or related objects. You can then see
attributes of current or related objects of the same data type as that of the left hand side operand.
• Literal - This is the default and changing to this operand type in the context of a default statement enables you
to code the value to assign to the selected attribute. The literal appears as a text box and is based on the data
type of the operand on the left hand side (the attribute being defaulted into).

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Components of the Autocomplete Rules Editor

• Existing Variable - When selecting this type of operand, the variables that have already been explicitly defined
within the scope of the current rule line, which are of the same data type as that of the left hand side attribute
(the field being defaulted into) are shown. If matching data type variables aren't available, you get an error
message preventing you from changing the operand type to existing variable.
A fourth option for Operand Type, arithmetic expression, is available but not used much in most functional situations.
You must define variables of compatible numeric types and perform arithmetic operations prior to assigning the
existing variable to the field to be defaulted (as opposed to attempting an arithmetic operation during defaulting).

How You Add an Error Message Using Autocomplete

The Add error message option enables you to insert a rule line that shows an error message to the user. This option can
only be used in Business Object Validation and Field Validation rules.

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You can't show an error with Business Object Defaulting or Field Modification rule types. This option is mostly available
within a conditional statement. Note that you can't add any rule lines immediately after this, inside the execution path
that includes the Show Error statement. This is the end of execution of the rule. You don't have the option to continue
rule execution after showing an error.

You can change only the right hand side of a show error statement. By default, you can see a text box in which you can
type your error message in the language that follows your language preference of HCM Cloud login.

Click the xyz icon next to the text box to change it to either an existing variable or an arithmetic expression. The
arithmetic expression in this case is simply a concatenation of string values that's shown to the end user. This is
useful to mix and match literal expressions with values of fields so that the message is more useful and specific. After
changing to arithmetic expression, each component of the concatenated string is shown with its own xyz icon allowing
you to change individual components to either literal text values or another arithmetic expression. You can set up as
many components as needed before typing in your error text or changing some components, or both to show actual
values of fields (of type string only). You can ignore the parenthesis, as this will result only in a sequential concatenation
of string values. You can't change the only arithmetic operator in this context, the "+" operator. If you want to show a
number as part of your error message, you have to convert the number to a string using an object function and store it
in a string variable and then reference the string variable.

We recommended you don't display numbers and IDs in error messages. To show numbers in an error message, you
first convert the number to a string using a global function. You then use the converted string variable in the error
message. To show dates in an error message, you can use the Autocomplete Rules' built-in function Get Date in
Custom Format that converts a date field to any format of your choice.

You can also setup various Boolean variables in the rule logic that detects the error condition separate from the
conditional statement where you actually show the error. This can trigger specific error messages depending on the
error when multiple conditions are checked, as opposed to a generic error message. This is useful in pattern matching
scenarios where you can check for multiple patterns at the same time.

A point to note is that you can't use curly brackets or double quotes in an error message. Other types of brackets must
be used in pairs, that's any open brackets including { or ( must be closed and vice-versa.

You can translate error messages added using Autocomplete Rules in all Oracle supported languages. But, you need
to use only one language when implementing and maintaining messages, otherwise the translation will be overridden.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Components of the Autocomplete Rules Editor

If the rule is edited in another language and saved while the message is already translated, then the message is
overridden and translation will be lost.

Related Topics
• Translate Existing Strings Added Using Configuration Tools

How You Add a Warning Message Using Autocomplete

The Add warning message option enables you to insert a rule line that shows a warning message to the user. This
option can only be used in the Field Modification rule type.

You can't show a warning in Business Object Defaulting, Business Object Validation and Field Validation rule types. This
option is mostly available inside a conditional statement. Unlike the Add error message option, you can continue to
add additional rule lines to execute. This works like an information message and there's no option to revert user input or

You can only view the warning message and dismiss it by clicking OK. The warning statement, by default, is shown as
an equation, similar to an error statement. You can change the right hand side of this equation in the same way as in the
Add error message option.

A point to note is that you can't use curly brackets or double quotes in a warning message. Other types of brackets must
be used in pairs, that's any open brackets including { or ( must be closed and vice-versa.

You can translate warning messages added using Autocomplete Rules in all Oracle supported languages. But, you need
to use only one language when implementing and maintaining messages, otherwise the translation will be overridden.
If the rule is edited in another language and saved while the message is already translated, then the message is
overridden and translation will be lost.

Related Topics
• Translate Existing Strings Added Using Configuration Tools

Row Collection Looping Block

You need a row collection looping block to iterate over all related records of a related object that has a one to many
relationship with either the current business object or another related object.

The row collection looping block is usually used along with the rowset variable type. The entire block structure enables
you to modify only the name of instance of each row of the related rowset and the name of the rowset, if you have more
than one rowset defined.

Execution inside the row collection goes on until the last record of the row collection. You can exit the loop once you
find the row you’re looking for or skip to the next row when the current row isn’t the one you’re looking for.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 3
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Components of the Autocomplete Rules Editor

Related Topics
• Autocomplete Rule Variables

FAQs for Components of the Autocomplete Rules Editor

What's the character limit in error and warning messages?
It's recommended to write concise error and warning messages.

Can I use special characters in error or warning messages?

Special characters are supported, except curly brackets {} and double quotes "". Other type of brackets must be used in
pairs. that's any open brackets including [ or ( must be closed and vice-versa in warning and error messages.

Are error and warning messages translated?

Yes, error and warning messages defined as part of an autocomplete rule are translated.

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Can I change an error to a warning message or vice-versa after

defining it in an autocomplete rule?
No, you can't change the message type after creating the rule. You have to create a rule with the supporting rule type.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

4 Business Objects in Autocomplete

Absence Management
Overview of Childbirth and Placement Dates
The Childbirth and Placement Dates business object contains planned start date, planned end date and will return to
work information based on the ANC_PER_ABS_MATERNITY table.

This object can typically be used to Default planned end date based on planned start date.

The Childbirth and Placement Dates business object impacts these responsive flows.

• Add Absence
• Edit Absence

Attributes for Childbirth and Placement Dates

This table lists the main attributes of the Worker Assignment business object and exceptions for any attribute, if any.

Attribute Field Name Description Supported LOV

PLANNED_START_DATE Planned Start Date Planned start date of a maternity, N/A

paternity or adoption leave

PLANNED_END DATE Planned End Date Planned end date of a maternity, N/A
paternity or adoption leave

WILL_RETURN_TO_WORK Will return to work Check box indicating the intent to N/A
return to work after the absence

Navigation From Childbirth and Placement Dates

As shown in the figure, the Childbirth and Placement Dates business object is a part of Absence Management.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Childbirth and Placement Dates to Other Objects

This table lists the objects that you can navigate to from the Childbirth and Placement Dates object.

From Childbirth and Placement Dates Object How Purpose

to Business Object

Absence Record Row Variable (variant 2) Access the parent Absence Recording business
object displayed in Autocomplete to return
additional attributes associated with childbirth
or placement dates.

Childbirth and Placement Dates: Exceptions and Adaptations

There are situations when the Payroll Terms object doesn't conform according to the general principles of Autocomplete

This table lists rules that can't be currently implemented for the Childbirth and Placement Dates business object.

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted

Cannot support Object Any All All All

Defaulting Rule Type,
Object Validation Rule
Type, Field Validation Rule
Type (Support only Field
Modification Rule )

Delivered Rules for Childbirth and Placement Dates

These are the predefined rules for the Childbirth and Placement Dates business object.

Name Rule Type Description

Default Planned End Date Based on Planned Field Modification This rule defaults the planned end date based
Start Date on the planned start date.

Oracle-delivered rule to default planned end

date based on the planned start date and a
specified number of calendar days.


• Duplicate the rule

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Name Rule Type Description

• While adjusting the rule logic to your

need, select the values that apply to your
organization and for this particular rule
• Delete any unused variable
• Activate the rule
• Save and close. If you use Will return to
work field, then be aware that the possible
values are Y and N, and only the value
of Y is supported. Use this value only if
you track return to work in your absence

Document Records
Overview of Document Records
The Document Records business object contains details of document records created based on document types such as
passport, driver's license, birth certificate and so on based on the HR_DOCUMENTS_OF_RECORD table.

This object can typically be used in these cases:

• Defaulting document name or issuing country based on the document record being added.
• Auto-populating fields based on the document type selected.
• Validating date fields, invalid characters, or DFF segments.
Let's look at some examples on how this business object can be used based on the use cases listed previously:
• Default the document name to document type plus a suffix such as First Name. For example, Passport_David.
• Default the issuing country to the person's country for whom the document record is being added.
• Default the From Date as the person's hire date and the To Date as current date.
• Auto-populate fields based on the document type selected by the user, for example, if Document Type =
Passport and Country = India, then auto-populate "Issuing Authority" as "Regional Passport Office".
• Auto-populate DFF segments with data based on the document type and the DFF context you select.
• Display a warning message if the From Date is after the current date and To Date is earlier than current date.
The application won't display an error message for this scenario, as some cases require loading of expired
• Duplicate check to validate if details of the new document record being created match the details of an existing
document record.
The Document Records business object impacts these responsive flows (if the Document Records plug-in section is
enabled for them):
• Add Assignment
• Add Contingent Worker
• Add Nonworker

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

• Add Pending Worker

• Change Assignment
• Change Location
• Change Manager
• Change Working Hours
• Convert Pending Worker
• Create Work Relationship
• Edit Pending Worker
• Employment Contracts
• Hire an Employee
• Local and Global Transfer - Transfer
• Local and Global Transfer - Permanent Global Transfer
• Local and Global Transfer - Global Temporary Transfer
• Manage Directs
• Promote
• Resignation
• Terminate
• Transfer

Attributes for Document Records

All attributes in the HR_DOCUMENTS_OF_RECORD table are supported. For more information on Document Records
business object attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help Center.

Navigation From and To Document Records

The Document Records business object is an independent object, but relates to Person and Assignment.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

This figure shows the navigation to and from the Document Records business object.

This section lists the objects you can navigate to the Document Records business object.

Document Records to Other Objects How Purpose

All Lookups row variable (variant 1) Attributes of lookups and subsequently their
corresponding extensible flexfields (EFFs).

Get Assignment row variable (variant 2) To access assignment details of the person for
whom document records are being created.

Get Person Address Usage row variable (variant 2) To access address details of the person for
whom document records are being created.

Get Person Name row variable (variant 2) To access person name details of the person for
whom document records are being created.

Get Document Records rowset To access all document records of the person
for whom document records are being created.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Document Records: Exceptions and Adaptations

This table lists rules that can't be currently implemented for the Document Records business object.

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

Attributes in All All All All You can't use any

document records attachment attributes
attachments can't be to validate or default in
validated or defaulted. autocomplete rules.

Delivered Rules for Document Records

These are the predefined rules for the Document Records business object.

Name Rule Type Description

Default Document Name Based on Person and Field Modification This rule defaults the document name based on
Document Type the person and the document type.

Default Issuing Country Based on the Field Modification This rule defaults the issuing country field
Legislation Code of the Primary Assignment based on the primary assignment's legislation

Validate Document Record From Date is After Field Modification This rule validates whether the from date
Current Date entered is after the current date.

Validate Document Record To Date is Before Field Modification This rule validates whether the to date entered
Current Date is before the current date.

Validate Document Record Publish Date is After Field Modification This rule validates whether the publish date of
Current Date the document record is after the current date.

Points to Consider
• When the condition fails, the Object Validation rule will display an error message and the Field Modification rule
will display a warning message.
• If you use a delivered rule that validates a date condition and have approvals enabled for the document type,
the data will still be committed during the transaction. This is because the validation is a warning message and
doesn't prevent data from being committed.
• You can configure an Object Validation rule. For example, Validate on Submit button (exit region) for unique
Document Record.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

• You can't validate transactions based on date, if approvals are enabled for the document type.
• You must use the System Document Type when creating the rule, so that the rule is language independent.
• Transactions that are pending approval in the Document Records flow and Document Records plug-in section
won’t be considered when evaluating a rule.
• You must use Partial Page Refresh (PPR) if your rule includes defaulting a value in one descriptive flexfield
(DFF) segment based on the value in another DFF segment.

Related Topics
• Overview of Document Records
• Document Records: Exceptions and Adaptations

When and Why
Overview of When and Why
The When and Why business object contains action date, action name, and action reason information based on the

This object is typically used in these cases:

• Validate global transfers and promotions that occur on any date other than the 1st or 16th of a future month.
• Restrict promotions or transfers to be effective on any date other than the start of a future payroll cycle.
• Default pay period start date as the effective date.
The When and Why business object impacts these responsive flows:
• Add Assignment
• Add Contingent Worker
• Add Nonworker
• Add Pending Worker
• Additional Assignment Info
• Cancel Work Relationship
• Change Assignment
• Change Location
• Change Manager
• Change Salary
• Change Working Hours
• Create Job Offer
• Create Work Relationship
• Edit Job Offer

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

• Edit Work Relationship

• Employment Contracts
• Employment Information
• Hire an Employee
• Local and Global Transfer
• Manage Eligible Jobs
• Manage Seniority Dates
• Promote
• Salary History
• Transfer
The sections within the responsive flows, that use the When and Why business object (Entry, Tab-out, Exit) may be
named differently. The naming convention is based on the action, such as Assignment Details, Employment Details,
Offer Details, Location, Manager, Working Hours, Contract Information, Transfer, Promote, and so on.

For more information about the When and Why attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle
Help Center.

Attributes for When and Why

This table lists the main attributes of the When and Why business object and exceptions for any attribute, if any.

Attribute Field Name Description

ACTION_DATE Action Date Date of occurrence of action.

ACTION_ID Action ID Foreign key to the PER_ACTIONS_B table.

ACTION_OCCURRENCE_ID When and Why ID Primary key. Uniquely identifies a document


ACTION_REASON_ID Action Reason ID Foreign key to the PER_ACTION_REASONS_B


ACTION_TYPE_CODE Action Type Code Stores the action type used in the creation of
this row.

BUSINESS_GROUP_ID Business Group ID Identifier of the enterprise used for multi-

tenancy partitioning. Foreign key to

CREATED_BY Created By Indicates the user who created the row.

CREATION_DATE Creation Date Indicates the date and time of the creation of
the row.

ENTITY_ID Entity ID Stores the surrogate key of the entity type.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description

ENTITY_TYPE Entity Type Entity type that stores the parent object of a
transactional entity.

FREEZE_START_DATE Freeze Start Date Represents the deferred data freeze start date
(defaulted to end of time).

FREEZE_UNTIL_DATE Freeze Until Date Represents the deferred data freeze until date
(defaulted to start of time).

LAST_UPDATE_DATE Last Update Date Indicates the date and time of the last update of
the row.

LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Last Update Login Indicates the session login associated with the
user who last updated the row.

LAST_UPDATED_BY Last Updated By Indicates the user who last updated the row.

LEGAL_ENTITY_ID Legal Entity ID Indicates the proposed legal entity ID of the


OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Object Version Number This number is incremented every time the row
is updated. The number is compared at the
start and end of a transaction to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it
was queried.

PARENT_ENTITY_KEY_ID Parent Entity Key ID Stores the surrogate key of the entity type.

PARENT_ENTITY_TYPE Parent Entity Type Entity type which stores the parent object of a
transactional entity.

PROPOSED_ACTION_ID Proposed Action ID Indicates the proposed action ID of the worker.

PROPOSED_ACTION_TYPE Proposed Action Type Indicates the proposed action type of the

PPROPOSED_REASON_ID Proposed Reason ID Indicates the proposed action reason ID of the


PROPOSED_START_DATE Proposed Start Date Indicates the proposed start date of the worker.

PROPOSED_WORKER_TYPE Proposed Worker Type Indicates the proposed worker type of the

SUBMITTED_BY Submitted By Indicates the user who submitted the action.

For more information about the When and Why attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle
Help Center.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Navigation From and To When and Why

The When and Why business object is a part of Employment.

In addition to directly using the business object for defaulting and validating, you can also use it as a criteria to achieve
other defaulting and validating in objects that are called in subsequent sections involving the Employment Details

From Other Objects to When and Why

This table lists the objects that you can navigate from to the When and Why business object:

From Object How Purpose

Get When and Why Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the When and Why
business object for a specified When and Why

To Other Objects from When and Why

This table lists the objects that you can navigate to from the When and Why business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

To Object How Purpose

Get Assignment row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the assignment
business object for a specified assignment ID.

Get Salary row variable (variant 2) To check for attributes of this object and
another that it allows further access to. This
direct access to Action Occurrences is mainly
for Change Salary flow not involving Worker

Get Work Relationship Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the work
relationship business object displayed in
Autocomplete. It is used to get the work
relationship record using the Action Occurrence

Get Existing All Work Relationship Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the work
relationship business object displayed in
Autocomplete. It is used to get all the work
relationship records of the person using the
person ID.

Get Existing Assignment History Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the assignment
business object displayed in Autocomplete. It
is used to get all the splits of the assignment
record without date effectivity using the
assignment ID.

Get Existing Assignment Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the assignment
business object displayed in Autocomplete. It is
used to get current assignment details from the
database using the assignment ID.

Get Existing Work Relationship Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the work
relationship business object displayed in
Autocomplete. It is used to get the current work
relationship details from the database using the
period of service ID.

Get Logged in User Primary Assignment Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the assignment
business object displayed in Autocomplete.
It is used to get the logged in user primary
assignment row using the person ID.

Get Existing Line Manager Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the assignment
supervisor business object displayed in
Autocomplete. It is used to get the line manager
record using the assignment ID.

Get Person Detail Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the person detail
business object displayed in Autocomplete for a
specified person ID.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

When and Why: Exceptions and Adaptations

This table lists the rules that can't be currently implemented for the When and Why object:

Serial Number Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Fields Impacted Comments

1 Object Defaulting, Object Defaulting, All When and Why All You may not
Field Validation, Field Validation, for example,
and Field and Field default the action
Modification Modification. reason as soon
rule types not as the When and
supported. Why regions are

2 Warnings on Field Modification Termination When and Why Action Reason Warnings related
termination on exit to termination
section only. when you exit the
When and Why
section are being

3 Not in Request Object Validation Position Change, When and Why All The use of
Position Change, Request New this object as
Request New Position part of certain
Position, Job actions aren't yet
and Grade supported due
Management to either of these
flows. reasons:

• The primary
involved (for
job) in these
actions aren't
• The primary
objects (for
position) are
See the impacted
responsive flows to
see which actions
are supported.

4 Cannot validate Object Validation Create Offer When and Why Offer Date Action date isn't
proposed hire date equal to offer date;
in offer support for this
is coming in an
upcoming release
through an entirely
different object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Serial Number Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Fields Impacted Comments

5 Cannot Object Validation All When and Why All The action type
differentiate code fetched
between launch either from the
from Transfer action type code
quick action and of the Action
transfer option of Occurrences
Local and Global object or from
Transfer quick hcmParams will
action. indicate transfer.
This happens if
either the action
is launched from
the Transfer quick
action or from the
Local and Global
Transfer quick
action and there
is no change in
legislation code.
Oracle is reviewing
this for a possible

6 Cannot Object Validation All When and Why All You can use the
differentiate logged in user role
between Me, My as proxy, but there
Team, and My will be no way of
Client Groups (or differentiating
any other Home between say,
screen tabs) when an HR specialist
same action is performing a
launched from given action on
different tabs. another person or
themselves. Oracle
is reviewing this for
a possible solution.

There are no adaptations currently available for the When and Why business object.

Delivered Rules for When and Why

These are the predefined rules for the When and Why business object.

Name Rule Type Description

Validate Effective Date on 1st or 16th of the Object Validation This rule validates whether the effective date is
Month on the 1st and 16th of the month.

Validate Effective Date with Future Payroll Cycle Object Validation This rule validates if the effective date is based
Date on the future payroll cycle date.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Guidelines for Configuring When and Why Rules

This table lists the points to consider when you use rules for the When and Why business object:

Serial Number Field Rule Usage Rule Type Sections Impacted Tips and

1 Effective Date To default the effective Object Defaulting When and Why • The defaulting
date in the When by the rule takes
precedence over
and Why section of the default value
employment flows. that's set by
the ORA_PER_
profile option.
• The effective
date will be
only the first
time when the
user visits the
When and Why
section of these
update flows:
Local and
Global Transfer,
Transfer, Change
Change Location,
and Change
• If the ORA_PER_
DATE profile
option value is
set to Y and no
rule is defined,
the effective date
will be defaulted
to the current
system date.
• The ORA_PER_
CHANGES profile
option value is
set to N and the
rule is defined
to default the
effective date. In
this case, if the
user manually
changes the
effective date in
the employment

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Serial Number Field Rule Usage Rule Type Sections Impacted Tips and

flow, the new

date value will be
• You can’t default
the effective
date by using an
rule based on a
modified field in
the employment
transaction page.
This is because
each time the
transaction date
is modified in
the page or the
profile option
value is enabled
(set to Y), the
transaction is
rolled back and
the changes are
• The effective
date won’t be
defaulted when
you resume an
transaction after
saving it, or when
the employment
transaction is
edited by an
• The defaulting by
the autocomplete
rule isn’t
in HCM Data
Loader and REST
• You can’t default
the effective
date for the
Create Work
Relationship and
Convert Pending
Worker flows.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Worker Assignment
Overview of Worker Assignment
The Worker Assignment business object contains employee, contingent worker, applicants, and benefits assignments'
information based on the PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_M table.

This object is typically used in these cases.

• Default Worker Category to Regular (for a specific Action or Legal Entity)
• Validate Business Unit and Legal Entity combination
• Default Full-time or Part-time based on Working Hours or Frequency
• Default Probation Period based on Regular or Temporary employment
• Default an Assignment descriptive flexfield by selecting a value from Job
The Worker Assignment business object impacts these responsive flows.
• Add Assignment
• Add Contingent Worker
• Add Nonworker
• Add Pending Worker
• Additional Assignment Info
• Cancel Work Relationship
• Change Assignment
• Create Job Offer
• Change Legal Employer
• Change Location
• Change Manager
• Change Working Hours
• Create Work Relationship
• Edit Job Offer
• Edit Work Relationship
• Employment Contracts
• Employment Information
• Hire an Employee
• Local and Global Transfer
• Manage Eligible Jobs
• Manage Seniority Dates
• Promote
• Transfer

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

The regions within the responsive flows, that use the Worker Assignment object (Entry, Tab-out, Exit) may be named
differently. The naming convention is based on the action such as Assignment Details, Employment Details, Offer
Details, Location, Manager, Working Hours, Contract Information, Transfer, Promote, and so on.

Attributes for Worker Assignment

This table lists the main attributes of the Worker Assignment object and exceptions for any attribute, if any.

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV

ASSIGNMENT_ID Assignment ID This is a system generated primary N/A

key. Surrogate key.

EFFECTIVE_START_DATE Start Date Date Effective Entity: indicates N/A

the date at the beginning of the
date range within which the row is

EFFECTIVE_END_DATE End Date Date Effective Entity: indicates the N/A

date at the end of the date range
within which the row is effective.

BUSINESS_GROUP_ID Business Group ID Identifier of Enterprise, used for LOV_BusinessUnitId

multi-tenancy partitioning. Foreign

PERSON_ID Person ID Identifies person holding N/A

an assignment or a set of
Employment/Placement Terms.
Foreign key to PER_PERSONS.

PERIOD_OF_SERVICE_ID Period of Service ID Identifies the Employment Level. N/A

Foreign key to PER_PERIODS_OF_

ASSIGNMENT_TYPE Assignment Type Identifies the type of record: either LOV_AssignmentType

assignment (employee, CWK,
applicant, nonworkers) or a set of

ASSIGNMENT_NUMBER Assignment Number Uniquely identifies the assignment N/A

or terms. Valid for Workers and
nonworkers. Assignment Level:By
default [Person Number ] -
[sequence] Work Term Level:

ASSIGNMENT_SEQUENCE Assignment Sequence Used when defaulting assignment N/A


Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV

ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPE_ID Assignment Status Type ID Denormalized status of the LOV_AssignmentStatusTypeId

assignment. This is derived using
the Assignment Status Type ID.

PRIMARY_FLAG Primary Primary option. Accepts value LOV_PrimaryFlag

of 'Y' or 'N' based on 'YES_NO'
lookup type. If set to 'Yes', record
represents the primary assignment
associated to the primary Work
Relationship and primary set of
Employment or Placement Terms.

ORGANIZATION_ID Organization ID Department Identifier. This is an LOV_Department

optional field.

JOB_ID Job ID Foreign key to PER_JOBS_F. LOV_JobId

LOCATION_ID Location ID Foreign key to HR_LOCATIONS_ LOV_Location


POSITION_ID Position ID Foreign key to PER_ALL_ LOV_PositionId


GRADE_ID Grade ID Foreign key to PER_GRADES_F. LOV_Grade

GRADE_LADDER_PGM_ID Grade Ladder ID Link assignment to grade ladder LOV_GradeLadderPgmId

for Benefits.

PEOPLE_GROUP_ID People Group ID Foreign key to PER_PEOPLE_ N/A


COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENT_ID Collective Agreement ID Foreign key to PER_COLLECTIVE_ LOV_CollectiveAgreementId


BARGAINING_UNIT_CODE Bargaining Unit Bargaining unit code. LOV_BargainingUnitCode

LABOUR_UNION_MEMBER_FLAG Labor Union Member Labor union member option. LOV_LabourUnionMemberFlag

Accepts values of 'Y' or 'N'.

CONTRACT_ID Contract ID Foreign key to PER_CONTRACTS_ N/A


MANAGER_FLAG Working As Manager Indicates whether the employee LOV_ManagerFlag

in this assignment is designated
a manager. Based on 'YES_NO'
lookup type.

DATE_PROBATION_END Probation End Date End date of probation period. N/A

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV

PROBATION_PERIOD Probation Period Duration of probation period. N/A

PROBATION_UNIT Probation Unit Units of probation period duration. LOV_ProbationUnit

lookup type.

NORMAL_HOURS Working Hours Normal working hours. N/A

FREQUENCY Working Hours Frequency Frequency of normal working LOV_Frequency

hours, - week, month, year.
Sourced from 'Frequency' lookup

WORK_AT_HOME Work at Home Work at home option. LOV_WorkAtHome

TIME_NORMAL_FINISH Work Day End Time Work day normal end time. N/A

TIME_NORMAL_START Work Day Start Time Work day normal start time. N/A

NOTICE_PERIOD Notice Period Notice period for the assignment. N/A

NOTICE_PERIOD_UOM Notice Period UOM Notice period unit of measure. LOV_NoticePeriodUom



EMPLOYEE_CATEGORY Employee Category Based on Lookup Type = ? LOV_EmployeeCategory

EMPLOYEE_CATG?: Blue collar,
Civil Servant, and so on.

EMPLOYMENT_CATEGORY Employment Category User defined category. For example LOV_EmploymentCategory

Full-Time Permanent or Part-
Time Permanent. Lookup Type =

ESTABLISHMENT_ID Establishment ID Foreign key to HR_ LOV_EstablishmentId


HOURLY_SALARIED_CODE Hourly Salaried Code Identifies if the assignment is paid LOV_HourlySalariedCode

by the hour or by a salary. Either
maintained at the assignment
level or Employment or Placement
Terms but not both.

VACANCY_ID Vacancy ID Foreign key to PER_ALL_ N/A


Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV

PROJECTED_ASSIGNMENT_END Projected Assignment End Date The date the assignment is N/A
expected to end.

SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Set of Books ID This is called Ledger in Oracle N/A

Fusion. Defaulted from Business

SPECIAL_CEILING_STEP_ID Special Ceiling Step ID Foreign key to PER_GRADE_ LOV_SpecialCeilingStepId


ASS_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Attribute Context Descriptive Flexfield: structure N/A

definition of the user descriptive

OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Object Version Number Used to implement optimistic N/A

locking. This number is
incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is
compared at the start and end of
a transaction to detect whether
another session has updated the
row since it was queried.

CREATED_BY Created By Who column: indicates the user N/A

who created the row.

CREATION_DATE Creation Date Who column: indicates the date N/A

and time of the creation of the row.

LAST_UPDATE_DATE Last Update Date Who column: indicates the date N/A
and time of the last update of the

LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Last Update Login Who column: indicates the session N/A
login associated to the user who
last updated the row.

LAST_UPDATED_BY Last Updated By Who column: indicates the user N/A

who last updated the row.

WORK_TERMS_ASSIGNMENT_ID Work Terms Assignment ID Foreign key to PER_ALL_ N/A

ASSIGNMENTS_M for a work term.

ACTION_CODE Action Code Specifies the action performed on LOV_ActionCode

the particular record. For example:
MANAGER CHANGE, and so on.

ASSIGNMENT_NAME Assignment Name Describes the type of assignment N/A

or set of Terms. Users can

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV

configure how to derive this (at

setup time). This is optional, by
default (out-of-the-box) this is
derived as follows: [job name] -
[department name].

ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPE Assignment Status Type Denormalized status of the N/A

assignment. This is derived using
the Assignment Status Type ID.

EFFECTIVE_SEQUENCE Date Effective Sequence of Date Effective Entity: indicates the N/A
Changes order of different changes made
during a day. The lowest value
represents the earliest change in
the day.

EXPENSE_CHECK_ADDRESS Expense Check Address Determines whether check is sent LOV_

to the Home or Office address. ExpenseCheckSendToAddress
Based on 'HOME_OFFICE' lookup.

INTERNAL_BUILDING Internal Building Building information associated N/A

with Work location.

INTERNAL_FLOOR Internal Floor Floor information. N/A

INTERNAL_LOCATION Internal Location Additional location details. N/A

INTERNAL_MAILSTOP Internal Mail Location Internal mail location. N/A

INTERNAL_OFFICE_NUMBER Internal Office Number Office Number. N/A

LEGAL_ENTITY_ID Legal Entity ID Represents Legal Entity. Might be LOV_LegalEntityId

null for Applicants.

LEGISLATION_CODE Legislation Code Legislation code derived from N/A

the Legal Entity. Might be null for

PARENT_ASSIGNMENT_ID ?? Parent Assignment ID Allows two assignments to be N/A

linked. Used when creating
temporary assignments. Also,
potentially required when
converting the Applicant onto a
Worker (this stores the applicant
assignment ID for the worker?s

PERSON_TYPE_ID Person Type ID Defines the worker class. Examples: LOV_PersonTypeId

Assignee, Consultant, Expatriate,
Agency/Temp, Intern, Apprentice,
Contractor, Trainee. This defaults

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV

from the person/org relationship.

It is defined at either level
(Assignment or Employment/
Placement Terms).

PRIMARY_WORK_TERMS_FLAG Primary Work Terms Accepts value of 'Y' or 'N' based LOV_PrimaryTermsFlag
on 'YES_NO' lookup type. If set
to 'Yes', then the current row
represents a Assignment attached
to the primary set of Employment/

PRIMARY_ASSIGNMENT_FLAG Primary Assignment Accepts value of ?Y? or 'N' based LOV_PrimaryAssignmentFlag

on 'YES_NO' lookup type. If
set to 'Yes', then the current
row represents the primary

PRIMARY_WORK_RELATION_FLAG Primary Work Relationship Accepts value of 'Y' or 'N' based LOV_PrimaryWorkRelationFlag
on 'YES_NO' lookup type. If set
to 'Yes', then the current row
represents an Assignment or
Employment/Placement attached
to the primary Work Relationship.

PROJECTED_START_DATE ? Projected Start Date Tentative start date (applicants). N/A

REASON_CODE Action Reason Code Specifies the reason for the action LOV_ReasonCodeFseniority
performed on the record.

SYSTEM_PERSON_TYPE System Person Type Derived from the person type ID. N/A
It's included in this table to aid in

BUSINESS_UNIT_ID Business Unit ID Determinant for 'Set Enabled' N/A

tables and those using BU as a
partitioning key.

TAX_ADDRESS_ID Tax Address ID Foreign key to PER_ADDRESSES. LOV_TaxAddressId

This represents the address that's
used for taxation purposes. This
can be different from a mailing

RECORD_CREATOR Record Creator Record created By Module N/A



PROPOSED_WORKER_TYPE Proposed Worker Type Determines whether applicant will LOV_ProposedWorkerType

be hired/placed as an Employee or
Contingent Worker. This represents

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV


or CWK. This is also applicable for
Pending Hires (workers).

RETIREMENT_AGE Retirement Age Represents the age, worker is N/A

retiring at.

RETIREMENT_DATE Retirement Date Represents the planned retirement N/A


POSITION_OVERRIDE_FLAG Position Override Override Position related data. LOV_PositionOverrideFlag

Accepts values of 'Y' and 'N'.

EFFECTIVE_LATEST_CHANGE Effective Latest Changes Date Effective Entity: 'Y' indicates N/A
that this row represents the latest
change in the day.

ALLOW_ASG_OVERRIDE_FLAG Allow Assignment Override Override Work Term related data. N/A
Accepts values of 'Y' and 'N'. This
is set for the Work Term. Default
is set to 'N' for rows representing
Assignments and it doesn't
change. If row represents a Work
Term, then users can enter a value.

ID_FLEX_NUM Flexfield Number ID Represents ID Flexfield number for N/A

PeopleGroup KFF implementation.

CATEGORY_CODE EFF Context Extensible Flexfield Category Code N/A

FULL_PART_TIME Full Time or Part Time FULL_PART_TIME LOV_FullPartTime


GSP_ELIGIBILITY_FLAG Grade Step Progression Eligibility Identifies if person is included in N/A

grade step progression.

UNION_ID Union ID Union to which a person belongs LOV_UnionId

SENIORITY_BASIS Seniority Basis Seniority LOV_SeniorityBasis

OVERTIME_PERIOD Overtime Period Overtime Period LOV_OvertimePeriod

SOURCE_ASSIGNMENT_ID Source Assignment ID Identifier (ID) of the source N/A

assignment that was used to create
the assignment.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Navigation From and To Worker Assignment

The Worker Assignment object is a part of Employment and closely linked to the When and Why object.

In addition to directly using this object for defaulting and validating, you can also use it as a criteria to achieve other
defaulting and validating in objects that are called in subsequent regions involving the Employment Details region.

From Other Objects to Worker Assignment

This table lists the objects that you can navigate from to the Worker Assignment object.

From Object How Purpose

Salary Use row variable (variant 2) To check for Work Assignment attributes
and other objects that can be accessed.
After accessing Assignment, the remaining
rule needs to be encapsulated under first
- If Assignment_Row is NOT NULL and
inside that an IF condition, the remaining
rule must be under the condition - "If
WorkTermsAssignmentId NOT NULL". You
need to have this condition before declaring
any further row variables from Assignment
or use any of the related fields. This prevents
any issues during a "Move to HR" from Offer

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Object How Purpose

Accepted where the required links between

objects may not be available.

Assigned Payroll VO multiple row variables (each of variant 2) To check Worker Assignment attributes
and other objects that can be accessed.
You need to add multiple row variables
for this. After accessing Assignment, the
remaining rule needs to be encapsulated
under first - If Assignment_Row is NOT
NULL and inside that an IF condition, the
remaining rule must be under the condition -
"If WorkTermsAssignmentId NOT NULL". You
need to have this condition before declaring
any further row variables from Assignment
or use any of the related fields. This prevents
any issues during a "Move to HR" from Offer
Accepted where the required links between
objects may not be available.

Assigned Payroll DVO multiple row variables (each of variant 2) To check Worker Assignment attributes
and other objects that can be accessed.
You need to add multiple row variables for
this. And after accessing Assignment, the
remaining rule needs to be encapsulated
under, first - If Assignment_Row is NOT NULL
and then inside that an IF condition. the
remaining rule must be under the condition
"If WorkTermsAssignmentId NOT NULL" . You
need to have this condition before declaring
any further row variables from Assignment
or use any of the related fields. This prevents
any issues during a "Move to HR" from Offer
Accepted where the required links between
objects may not be available.

Payroll Assignment No access You can't access the Assignment object from
this object because it's created before the
Assignment object.

Payroll Terms No access You can't access the Assignment object from
this object because it's created before the
Assignment object.

Work Relationship row variable (variant 2) To fetch the primary assignment related to
a given work relationship. After accessing
the Assignment object, the remaining rule
needs to be encapsulated under the "If
WorkTermsAssignmentId NOT NULL" condition.
You need to add this even before you declare
any row variables from Assignment or use any
of its fields.

Position row variable (variant 2) To check for logged in user assignment details
along with other related objects for the logged
in user assignment.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Object How Purpose

Person rowset To check all assignments of all work

relationship associated to the Person and
subsequent related objects for this assignment.
After accessing the Assignment object, the
remaining rule needs to be encapsulated under
the "If WorkTermsAssignmentId NOT NULL"
condition. You need to add this condition even
before you declare any further row variables
from Assignment or use any of its fields.

Get Offer row variable (variant 2) To fetch the offer details to the worker
assignment business object.

To Other Objects from Worker Assignment

This table lists the objects that you can navigate to from the Worker Assignment object.

To Object How Purpose

All Lookups and 1:1 workforce structure and row variable (variant 1) Attributes of lookups and subsequently their
employment setup objects corresponding extensible flexfields (EFFs) (via a
rowset definition thereafter)

Action Occurrences row variable (variant 2) To access only one applicable row related
to current Assignment in the context of the
current action from When and Why object to
use as criteria

Work Relationship row variable (variant 2) To access only one applicable row related
to current Assignment in the context of the
current action from Work Relationship object to
use as criteria

Logged In User Assignment row variable (variant 2) To access details of logged in user assignment
to use as criteria

Existing Assignment row variable (variant 2) To access the previous state of assignment
prior to changes due to the current action in
progress to use as criteria

Existing Work Relationship row variable (variant 2) To access the previous state of work
relationship prior to changes to it due to the
current action in progress to use as criteria

Person row variable (variant 2) To access the parent Person object related to
the person involved in the current Assignment
to use as criteria

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

To Object How Purpose

People Group row variable (variant 2) To access the People Group details (key
flexfield) of the current assignment to use as

Line Manager row variable (variant 2) To access the Line Manager of the current
assignment to use as criteria

Assignment Extra Info rowset To access and iterate over all assignment extra
info entries to use as criteria; Note that if the
Assignment Extra Info is managed during
the current action in a region subsequent to
the Assignment, this won't work as when you
leave the assignment region the values of the
Assignment Extra Info that user will enter in the
subsequent region isn't yet known.

Assignment Supervisors rowset To access and iterate over all assignment

supervisor entries to use as criteria;

Work Measure rowset To access and iterate over all work measure
entries affected as a result of the current
assignment change still in memory, to use
as criteria; this type of access has to wait
until an upcoming fix the timing of save of
Work Measure Object in an upcoming release;
Currently this object is saved only during
Submit and traversing on exit of Assignment
region will fetch stale values. For FTE sampling,
you may use fteValue hcmParam. This is also
stated in the Exceptions and Recipes below

Existing Assignment Supervisors rowset To access and iterate over all existing (before
prior action) assignment supervisor entries to
use as criteria;

Existing Assignment Work Measures rowset To access and iterate over all existing (before
prior action) assignment work measure entries
to use as criteria;

Other Active Assignments rowset To access and iterate over all other active
assignment for the current work relationship to
use as criteria;

Worker Assignment: Exceptions and Adaptations

There are situations when the Worker Assignment object doesn't act according to the general principles of
Autocomplete Rules.

In some other situations when this object doesn't act according to the general principles, you can adapt it by adding
a unique additional condition (or coding style, in some cases). These may not be functionally obvious per your
requirement but instead, technically required to control for the specific requirement.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

This table lists rules that can't be currently implemented for the Worker Assignment object.

Number Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Fields Impacted Comments

1 May not use HC as Any All All HC Fix for Work

criteria from Work Measure Object
Measure object coming in
upcoming release

2 Cannot set default Any Default Change Assignment Details Assignment Status
Assignment Assignment
Status in Change

3 Cannot Default Object Default Working Hours Assignment Details Working Hours You may override
Working Hours application
default of Working
Hours in a Field
Modification Rule
type but not during
first time entry
into section with
Business Object

4 Cannot Default Any Default Any Employment Employment FTE, HC These fields
FTE, HC Action Details come from a
different object
which doesn't
support default
of these values.
you may read FTE
from hcmParam
FteValue to use
as criteria for
validation. Work
Measure Object
fix coming in
upcoming release.

5 Several LOV fields Field Modification All Employment Employment Worker Category,
don't support Flows Details Business Unit,
Warnings Location,
Assignment Status

6 Object Validation Object Validation Global Transfer Transfer Absence of Validation occurs
doesn't trigger if Only flexfield, no if any seeded
no flexfield in the predefined field field modified;
section and no modified validation occurs
field is changed if Local Transfer;
during Global validation occurs
Transfer even for Global
Transfer if flexfield
exists in the
section and no

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Number Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Fields Impacted Comments

field is modified.
Oracle reviewing
possible fix.

This table lists rules where you can vary the rule logic to achieve the result.

Number Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Fields Impacted Comments

1 Must start every All All All All The entire rule
rule with "IF must be inside the
WorkTermsAssignmentId IF condition. This
NOT NULL" is to avoid the rule
triggering on the
deprecated 3-tier
employment data
model involving
Work Terms. Even
if you're accessing
Assignment from
another object.
The rest of the
rule immediately
after declaring row
variable access to
Assignment must
be encapsulated
inside this IF
condition, even
if declaring
another onward
row variable for
lookup info such as
Position, Job, BU,
Location, and so

2 May not use FTE Any All All FTE must use fteValue
as criteria from hcmParam
Work Measure

3 Fires on multiple Any Convert Pending Assignment Details Any Must select
records Worker Assignment Type
"C", "E", "N", "O",
"P" to restrict the
record on which
you want the rule
to trigger.

4 Determining Any All All Any Requires

Update vs comparison
Correction with Existing

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Number Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Fields Impacted Comments

including sequence
number to
between an
Update vs a

Delivered Rules for Worker Assignment

These are the predefined rules for the Worker Assignment object.

Name Rule Type Description

Default Probation Period based on Assignment Field Modification A field modification rule type that defaults the
Category Probation Period based on the Assignment

Default Work At Home based On Hire Date Object Defaulting An object defaulting rule type that defaults the
Work At Home based on the worker's hire date.

Validate Department based on Business Unit Object Validation An object validation rule type that validates the
department based on the business unit.

Validate No Change in Location during Promote Field Validation A field validation rule type that validates if there
is any change in location during the Promote

Worker Assignment Work Measure

Overview of Worker Assignment Work Measure
The Worker Assignment Work Measure business object contains information about the HR budget values for an
assignment based on the PER_ASSIGN_WORK_MEASURES_F table.

This object is typically used to display a warning if the FTE or headcount value is recalculated.

The Worker Assignment Work Measure business object impacts these responsive flows:
• Add Assignment
• Change Assignment
• Change Legal Employer
• Change Working Hours
• Create Work Relationship

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

• Employment Information
• Promotion
• Transfer
The sections within the responsive flows, that use the Worker Assignment Work Measure business object (Entry,
Tab-out, Exit) may be named differently. The naming convention is based on the action, such as Assignment Details,
Employment Details, Offer Details, Location, Manager, Working Hours, Contract Information, Transfer, Promote, and so

For more information about the Worker Assignment Work Measure attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM
guide on the Oracle Help Center.

Attributes for Worker Assignment Work Measure

This table lists the main attributes of the Worker Assignment Work Measure business object and exceptions for any
attribute, if any.

Attribute Field Name Description


ADDS_TO_BUDGET Adds to Budget Determines whether an actual assignment is

considered as part of the total budget.

ASSIGN_WORK_MEASURE_ID Work Measure ID System-generated primary key column.


BUSINESS_GROUP_ID Business Group ID Identifier of enterprise, used for multi-

tenancy partitioning. Foreign key to

CALCULATE_WORKMEASURE_FLAG Calculate Work Measure Capture the option whether to recalculate the
FTE HeadCount value.

CREATED_BY Created By Who column: Indicates the user who created

the row.

CREATION_DATE Creation Date Who column: Indicates the date and time of the
creation of the row.

EFFECTIVE_END_DATE End Date Date Effective Entity: Indicates the date at the
end of the date range within which the row is

EFFECTIVE_START_DATE Start Date Date Effective Entity: Indicates the date at the
beginning of the date range within which the
row is effective.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description

LAST_UPDATE_DATE Last Update Date Who column: Indicates the date and time of the
last update of the row.

LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Last Updated Login Who column: Indicates the session login
associated with the user who last updated the

LAST_UPDATED_BY Last Updated By Who column: Indicates the user who last
updated the row.

LEGISLATION_CODE Legislation Code The unique code identifying legislation.

OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Object Version Number Used to implement optimistic locking. This

number is incremented every time the row is
updated. The number is compared at the start
and end of a transaction to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it
was queried.

UNIT Budget Unit Budget measurement units, for example,

headcount, FTE, points.

VALUE Budget Value Budget measurement value.

For more information about the Worker Assignment Work Measure attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM
guide on the Oracle Help Center.

Navigation From and To Worker Assignment Work Measure

The Worker Assignment Work Measure business object is a part of Employment and closely linked to the When and
Why object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

In addition to directly using the business object for defaulting and validating, you can also use it as a criteria to achieve
other defaulting and validating in objects that are called in subsequent sections involving the Employment Details

From Other Objects to Worker Assignment Work Measure

This table lists the objects that you can navigate from to the Worker Assignment Work Measure business object:

From Object How Purpose

Get Existing Assignment Work Measure Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the assignment
work measure business object displayed in
Autocomplete for a specified assignment ID.

Get Assignment Work Measure Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the assignment
work measure business object displayed
in Autocomplete. It is used to get all work
measures using the assignment ID.

Get Existing Work Measure Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the assignment
work measure business object displayed in
Autocomplete. It is used to get the assignment
work measure record using the assignment ID.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

To Other Objects from Worker Assignment Work Measure

This table lists the objects that you can navigate to from the Worker Assignment Work Measure business object.

To Object How Purpose

Get Assignment Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the assignment
business object for a specified assignment ID.

Get Existing Assignment Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the assignment
business object displayed in Autocomplete. It is
used to get current assignment details from the
database using the assignment ID.

Delivered Rules for Worker Assignment Work Measure

There aren't any delivered rules for the Worker Assignment Work Measure business object.

Worker Employment Contract

Overview of Worker Employment Contract
The Worker Employment Contract business object contains the details of a contract that is associated with an
employment agreement based on the PER_CONTRACTS_F table.

This object is typically used to validate the number of contract extensions.

The Worker Employment Contract business object impacts these responsive flows:
• Add Assignment
• Change Legal Employer
• Employment Contracts
• Employment Information
• Local and Global Transfer
The sections within the responsive flows, that use the Worker Employment Contract business object (Entry, Tab-
out, Exit) may be named differently. The naming convention is based on the action, such as Assignment Details,
Employment Details, Offer Details, Location, Manager, Working Hours, Contract Information, Transfer, Promote, and so

For more information about the Worker Employment Contract attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide
on the Oracle Help Center.

Attributes for Worker Employment Contract

This table lists the main attributes of the Worker Employment Contract business object and exceptions for any attribute,
if any.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description

ASSIGNMENT_ID Assignment ID Identifies a set of employment or

placement terms. Foreign key to PER_ALL_

BUSINESS_GROUP_ID Business Group ID Identifier of enterprise, used for multi-

tenancy partitioning. Foreign key to

CONTRACT_END_DATE Contact End Date The date the contract is expected to end.

CONTRACT_ID Contract ID System generated primary key.

CONTRACT_NUMBER Contract Number Uniquely identifies a contract. If there are

multiple contracts under a work relationship,
sequence value will be incremented.

CONTRACTUAL_JOB_TITLE Contractual Job Title The contractual job title, not related to PER_

CREATED_BY Created By Who column: Indicates the user who created

the row.

CREATION_DATE Creation Date Who column: Indicates the date and time of the
creation of the row.

DESCRIPTION Description Description of the contract.

DOC_STATUS Document Status This column holds the status of the physical

DOC_STATUS_CHANGE_DATE Document Status Change Date Holds the date that the DOC_STATUS column
last changed its value.

DURATION Contract Duration The duration of the contract.

DURATION_UNITS Contract Duration Units The units of time in which the duration is

EFFECTIVE_END_DATE End Date Date Effective Entity: Indicates the date at the
end of the date range within which the row is

EFFECTIVE_START_DATE Start Date Date Effective Entity: Indicates the date at the
beginning of the date range within which the
row is effective.

END_REASON End Reason The reason for ending the contract.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description

EXTENSION_PERIOD Extension Period The period of time for which the contract has
been extended.

EXTENSION_PERIOD_UNITS Extension Period Units The units of time in which the extension period
has been expressed.

EXTENSION_REASON Extension Reason The reason for extending the contract.

LAST_UPDATE_DATE Last Update Date Who column: Indicates the date and time of the
last update of the row.

LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Last Update Login Who column: Indicates the session login
associated with the user who last updated the

LAST_UPDATED_BY Last Update By Who column: Indicates the user who last
updated the row.


NUMBER_OF_EXTENSIONS Number of Extensions The number of times the contract has been

OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Object Version Number Used to implement optimistic locking. This

number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the
start and end of a transaction to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it
was queried.

PARTIES Signatory Parties The signatory parties (other than the


PERIOD_OF_SERVICE_ID Period of Service ID Identifies the employment level. One to many

relationship from PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE.

PERSON_ID Person ID Foreign key to PER_PERSONS.

START_REASON Start Reason The reason for the contracts existence.

STATUS Contract Status The status of the contract.

STATUS_REASON Status Reason The reason for the contract's existence.

TYPE Type The type of contract.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

For more information about the Worker Employment Contract attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide
on the Oracle Help Center.

Navigation From and To Worker Employment Contract

The Worker Employment Contract business object is a part of Employment and closely linked to the When and Why

In addition to directly using the business object for defaulting and validating, you can also use it as a criteria to achieve
other defaulting and validating in objects that are called in subsequent sections involving the Employment Details

From Other Objects to Worker Employment Contract

This table lists the objects that you can navigate from to the Worker Employment Contract business object:

From Object How Purpose

Get Assignment Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the assignment
business object for a specified assignment ID.

Get Existing Assignment Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the assignment
business object displayed in Autocomplete. It is

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Object How Purpose

used to get current assignment details from the

database using the assignment ID.

Get Existing Work Relationship Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the work
relationship business object displayed in
Autocomplete. It is used to get the current work
relationship details from the database using the
period of service ID.

Get Work Relationship Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the work
relationship business object displayed in
Autocomplete. It is used to get the work
relationship record using the Action Occurrence

To Other Objects from Worker Employment Contract

This table lists the objects that you can navigate to from the Worker Employment Contract business object.

To Object How Purpose

Get Existing Contract Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the contract
business object displayed in Autocomplete for a
specified assignment ID.

Delivered Rules for Worker Employment Contract

These are the predefined rules for the Worker Employment Contract business object.

Name Rule Type Description

Validate Contract Extension Number Object Validation This rule validates the maximum number of
contract extensions.

Worker Work Relationship

Overview of Worker Work Relationship
The Worker Work Relationship business object contains information related to a person's work relationships based on

This object is typically used in these cases:

• To validate the termination based on assignment status.
• To validate the recommended for rehire value based on the termination action reason.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

The Worker Work Relationship business object impacts these responsive flows:
• Cancel Work Relationship
• Change Legal Employer
• Create Work Relationship
• Edit Work Relationship
• Local and Global Transfer
• Promote
• Transfer
• Termination
The sections within the responsive flows, that use the Worker Work Relationship business object (Entry, Tab-out, Exit)
may be named differently. The naming convention is based on the action such as, Assignment Details, Employment
Details, Offer Details, Location, Manager, Working Hours, Contract Information, Transfer, Promote, and so on.

For more information about the Worker Work Relationship attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on
the Oracle Help Center.

Attributes for Worker Work Relationship

This table lists the main attributes of the Worker Work Relationship business object and exceptions for attributes, if any.

Attribute Field Name Description


ACTUAL_TERMINATION_DATE Actual Termination Date Actual date of termination of employment.

ADJUSTED_SVC_DATE Adjusted Service Date Adjusted Service Date. For example, all plans
for a rehire who was part of an acquisition may
use the original hire date if they are rehired
within 90 days of termination. However, a 401k
plan may use the adjusted service date which
was originally populated upon acquisition.

BUSINESS_GROUP_ID Business Group ID Identifier of Enterprise, used for multi-

tenancy partitioning. Foreign key to

COMMENTS Comments This stores a comment associated with

termination of work relationship.

CREATED_BY Created By Who column: indicates the user who created

the row.

CREATION_DATE Creation Date Who column: indicates the date and time of the
creation of the row.

DATE_START Employment Start Date Start date of the period of employment.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description

LAST_UPDATE_DATE Last Updated Date Who column: indicates the date and time of the
last update of the row.

LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Last Update Login Who column: indicates the session login
associated with the user who last updated the

LAST_UPDATED_BY Last Updated By Who column: indicates the user who last
updated the row.

LAST_WORKING_DATE Last Working Date Last Date Worked (for terminated workers).

LEGAL_ENTITY_ID Legal Entity ID Represents Legal Entity.

LEGISLATION_CODE Legislation Code Legislation code derived from Legal Entity.

NOTIFIED_TERMINATION_DATE Termination Notification Date Date when the termination of employment was

OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Object Version Number Used to implement optimistic locking. This

number is incremented every time the row is
updated. The number is compared at the start
and end of a transaction to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it
was queried.

ORIGINAL_DATE_OF_HIRE Original Date of Hire Original date of hire.

PERIOD_OF_SERVICE_ID Period of Service ID System generated primary key.

PERIOD_TYPE Period Type Determines whether it is a period of service for

an Employee or Contingent worker: E or C, or
non-worker: N.

PERSON_ID Person ID Foreign key to PER_PERSONS.

PRIMARY_FLAG Primary Accepts Yes or No values. If Yes, this

employment period is considered the primary
for the Legal Entity.

PROJECTED_TERMINATION_DATE Projected Termination Date Projected employment termination date.

READY_TO_CONVERT Include for Automatic Conversion Column to use for converting pending worker to
employee based on option.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description

REHIRE_AUTHORIZER_PERSON_ID Rehire Authorizer Person ID Foreign Key to PER_PERSONS. Represents the

person who recommends the worker for rehire.

REHIRE_REASON Rehire Reason If rehire recommendation is Yes, then reason

from recommending person is tracked through
this field.

REHIRE_RECOMMENDATION Rehire Recommendation Accepts Yes or No values. If Yes, person is

recommended for re-hiring.

REVOKE_USER_ACCESS Revoke User Access This stores the user's option of revoking user
access for Termination. Values accepted are I
for Immediately or A for After termination.

WORKER_COMMENTS Worker Comments This stores a worker comment associated with

the Resignation process.

WORKER_NUMBER Worker Number Uniquely identifies an employee or contingent

worker. Can be system-generated or manually

For more information about the Worker Work Relationship attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on
the Oracle Help Center.

Navigation From and To Worker Work Relationship

The Worker Work Relationship business object is a part of Employment and closely linked to the When and Why object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

In addition to directly using this object for defaulting and validating, you can also use it as a criteria to achieve other
defaulting and validating in objects that are called in subsequent regions involving the Employment Details section.

From Other Objects to Worker Work Relationship

This table lists the objects that you can navigate from to the Worker Work Relationship object:

From Object How Purpose

Get Person Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the person
business object displayed in Autocomplete for a
specified person ID.

Get When and Why Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the when and why
business object for a specified when and why

Get Person Primary Assignment Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the assignment
business object displayed in Autocomplete.
It is used to get all the rows of the primary
assignment record using the person ID.

Get Existing Assignment Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the assignment
business object for a specified assignment ID.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Object How Purpose

Get Work Relationship Primary Assignment Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the assignment
business object displayed in Autocomplete. It
is used to get all assignment records by using
the period of service ID where the assignment is
primary and its status is active or inactive.

Get Work Relationship Assignment Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the assignment
business object displayed in Autocomplete. It is
used to get all assignment records by using the
period of service ID.

To Other Objects from Worker Work Relationship

This table lists the objects that you can navigate to from the Worker Work Relationship business object.

To Object How Purpose

Get Existing Work Relationship Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the work
relationship business object displayed in
Autocomplete. It is used to get the current work
relationship details from the database using the
period of service ID.

Get Work Relationship Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the work
relationship business object displayed in
Autocomplete. It is used to get the work
relationship record using the Action Occurrence

Get Existing All Work Relationship Use row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the work
relationship business object displayed in
Autocomplete. It is used to get all the work
relationship records of the person using the
person ID.

Delivered Rules for Worker Work Relationship

These are the predefined rules for the Worker Work Relationship business object.

Name Rule Type Description

Validate Recommended for Rehire based on Object Validation This rule validates the recommended for rehire
Termination Action Reason value based on the termination action reason.

Validate Termination based on Assignment Object Validation This rule validates termination based on
Status assignment status.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Overview of Goals
The Goals business object contains employee goal records based on the HRG_GOALS table and other related tables or

The Goals business object impacts the Goals responsive flow.

You typically create autocomplete rules for the Goals business object to validate performance goals details. For example,
you can create a rule to ensure that the weight of a goal in a goal plan is at least 10 percent.

Attributes for Goals

This table lists attributes of the Goals business object with exceptions where list of values aren't supported.

Attribute Field Name Description Supported LOV

ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE Actual Completion Date Actual completion date of goal N/A

ALLOW_KEY_ATTR_UPDATE_FLAG Allow Workers to Update key Indicates if employees can modify LOV_AllowKeyAttrUpdateFlag
Attributes key attributes of the goal or not

ASSIGNMENT_ID Assignment ID Identifier of the employee's N/A


CATEGORY_CODE Category Goal category LOV_CategoryCode

COMMENTS_TEXT Comments Goal comments N/A

DESCRIPTION Description Goal description N/A

GOAL_NAME Goal Name Name of the goal N/A

GOAL_SUB_TYPE_CODE Goal Subtype Goal sub type code used to support N/A
customer specific requirements like

GOAL_TYPE_CODE Goal Type Type of goal. Possible values are LOV_GoalTypeCode

Development, Performance,
Both, and Personal.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported LOV

LEVEL_CODE Level Level code. Possible values are LOV_LevelCode

Stretch and Maximum.

MASS_REQUEST_ID Mass Request ID Identifier of the goal mass N/A

assignment request

REFERENCE_CONTENT_ITEM_ID Reference Content Item ID Identifier of the associated library N/A


GOAL_SOURCE_CODE Source Source of goal assignment. N/A

Possible values are HR specialist,
Manager, Organization owner,
Talent review, and Worker.

START_DATE Start Date Start date of goal N/A

STATUS_CODE Status Status of goal LOV_StatusCode

SUCCESS_CRITERIA_TEXT Success Criteria Criteria to complete goal N/A

TARGET_COMPLETION_DATE Target Completion Date Target completion date of goal N/A

For more information on the Goals' attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help Center

Navigation From and To Goals

The diagram depicts the navigation from the Goals business object to other business objects.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Goals Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Goals business object.

From Goal to Other Business Objects How Purpose

Get Goal row variable (variant 2) To get goal details from any of the child objects.
This object is used to differentiate between
performance and development goals in any
type of rule added in the child object

To Goals Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating to the Goals business object.

From Other Business Objects to How Row Variable Purpose


Goals Relation with Goal Plan rowset variable Get Goal Relations with Goal Plans Navigate to Goals Relation with
Goal Plan business object to access
goal plan, review period, weight,
and priority details related to Goals
business object.

Goal Measurements rowset variable Get Goal Measurements Navigate to Goal Measurements
business object to get
measurement details.

Goal Tasks rowset variable Get Goal Tasks Navigate to Goal Tasks business
object to get tasks details.

Goals: Exceptions and Adaptations

This topic lists the exceptions and adaptations for the Goals business object.

This table lists rules that can't be currently implemented for the Goals business object.

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

Defaulting values isn't Business Object All All All N/A

possible Defaulting

This table lists rules where you can vary the rule logic to achieve the result.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

For any rule related Field Modification, All All All N/A
to performance Goals Field Validation
we need to add a
mandatory condition

Rule Logic

The variable
value goalRow =
Goals.Current row
Goals.Goal Type
In Performance

Delivered Rules for Goals

Select the Goals business object on the Autocomplete Rules tab of HCM Experience Design Studio to view and use its
delivered rules.

You can use these delivered rules to add validations and field modifications in goal create and edit flows.

Delivered Rules for Goals Business Object

Name Rule Type Description

Default Completion Percentage Based on Goal Field modification Defaults the completion percentage based on
Status the updated goal status. You can use this rule
only if the Completion Percentage field of
a goal is visible. Here’s how the value of the
completion percentage is set based on the goal
• When the goal status is changed to Not
started, then the completion percentage
is automatically set to 0.
• When the goal status is changed to In
progress, then the completion percentage
is automatically set to 25.
• When the goal status is changed to
Completed, then the completion
percentage is automatically set to 100.

Default Goal Status Based on Completion Field modification Sets the status of a performance goal based
Percentage on the value of the completion percentage.
You can use this rule only if the Completion
Percentage field of a goal is visible. Here’s how
the goal status automatically changes based on
the completion percentage:

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Name Rule Type Description

• When the value of the Completion

Percentage field is 0, the goal status is
automatically set to Not started.
• When the value of the Completion
Percentage field is greater than 0 but less
than 100, the goal status is automatically
set to In progress.
• When the value of the Completion
Percentage field is greater than or equal
to 100, the goal status is automatically set
to Completed.

Validate Completion Percentage of Field validation Validates the completion percentage of a

Performance Goal performance goal to ensure that it’s within
a specified range. The users see an error
message when they enter a completion
percentage that’s above 100. You can use this
rule only if the Completion Percentage field of
a goal is visible.

Validate Performance Goal Dates Object validation Validates the start and end dates of a
performance goal to ensure that they’re within
the start and end dates of the goal’s review
period. This rule is valid only when the Extend
Goal feature is disabled.

Goal plan date validations aren't done even when the Validate Performance Goal Dates delivered rule is enabled in
these scenarios:

• Administrator manages goals on the administrator pages such as Performance Goals and Setup of
Performance Goals Mass Assignment pages.
• The Extend Goal feature is enabled.
• Goals are added using scheduled processes.

Goal Measurements
Overview of Goal Measurements
The Goal Measurements business object contains goal measurement records that are aligned with employee goals. This
is based on the HRG_GOAL_MEASUREMENTS table and other related tables or entities. Goal measurements help in
assessing the level of success in achieving a performance goal.

The Goal Measurements business object impacts the Goals responsive flow.

Attributes for Goal Measurements

This table lists attributes of the Goal Measurements business object with exceptions where list of values aren't

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported LOV

COMMENTS Description Description about the goal N/A


END_DATE End Date End date of the goal measurement N/A

GOAL_ID Goal ID Identifier for the goal N/A

MEASUREMENT_NAME Measurement Name Name of the goal measurement N/A

START_DATE Start Date Measurement start date N/A

TARGET_TYPE Target Type Goals quantitative measurement LOV_TargetType

type, for example, Maximum or

TARGET_VALUE Target Value Target value of the measured item N/A

MAXIMUM_TARGET Maximum Target Maximum value for the target N/A

value of the measured item

MINIMUM_TARGET Minimum Target Minimum value for the target value N/A
of the measured item

ACHIEVED_WEIGHT Achieved Weight Actual weight of target value N/A


UOM_CODE Unit of Measure Unit of measurement for measured LOV_UomCode

item, for example, currency,
number, or percent

For more information on the Goal Measurements attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle
Help Center (

Navigation From and To Goal Measurements

The illustration shows the relation between the Goal Measurements and Goal business objects.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Goal Measurements Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Goal Measurements business object to other business

From Goal Measurements to How Row Variable Purpose

Other Business Objects

Goal rowset variable Get Goal To get Goal details from any of
the child objects. This business
object can be used To differentiate
Performance and Development
goals. It's needed in any type of
rule added in the child object

To Goal Measurements Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating to the Goal Measurements business object from other business

From Other Business Objects to Goal How Purpose


Goal Measurements row variable (variant 2) To get goal measurement details.

Goal Measurements: Exceptions and Adaptations

Let's look at the exceptions and adaptations for the Goal Measurements business object.

This table lists rules that can't be currently implemented for the Goal Measurements business object.

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

Defaulting values may Business Object All All All You can't default
not be possible Defaulting values

This table lists rules where you can vary the rule logic to achieve the result..

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

For any rule related Field Modification, All All All N/A
to performance goals Field Validations
you need to add a

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

mandatory condition

The variable
= Goal
The variable
value goalRow
= Get first row
goalRow.Goal Type
In Performance

Delivered Rules for Goal Measurements

There aren't any predefined rules for the Goal Measurements business object.

Goals Relation with Goal Plan

Overview of Goals Relation with Goal Plan
The Goals Relation with Goal Plan business object contains employee goal record relations with goal plan records. This
is based on the HRG_GOAL_PLAN_GOALS table and other related tables or entities.

The Goals Relation with Goal Plan business object impacts the Goals responsive flow.

Attributes for Goals Relation with Goal Plan

This table lists attributes of the Goals Relation with Goal Plan business object with exceptions where list of values aren't

Attribute Field Name Description Supported LOV

ASSIGNMENT_ID Assignment ID Identifier for the assignment N/A

DISPLAY_SEQUENCE Display Sequence Sequence in which goals are N/A

displayed in a goal plan

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported LOV

GOAL_ID Goal ID Identifier for the goal N/A

GOAL_PLAN_ID Goal Plan ID Identifier for the goal plan N/A

GOAL_PLAN_SET_ID Goal Plan Set ID Identifier for the goal plan set N/A

PRIORITY_CODE Priority Priority of goal. Possible values are LOV_PriorityCode

High, Medium, and Low.

REVIEW_PERIOD_ID Review Period Identifier for review period of the N/A

goal plan with which the goal is

WEIGHTING Weight Weight or importance of a goal N/A

relative to other goals expressed in

For more information on the Goals Relation with Goal Plan attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on
the Oracle Help Center (

Navigation From and To Goals Relation with Goal Plan

The illustration shows how you can traverse from and to the Goals Relation with Goal Plan business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Goals Relation with Goal Plan Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Goals Relation with Goal Plan business object to other
business objects.

From Goals Relation with Goal How Variable Purpose

Plan to Business Objects

Goal rowset variable Get Goal To get goal details from any of
the child objects. This object is
also used to differentiate from
performance and development
goals. It's needed in any type of
rule added in the child object

Goal Plan rowset variable Get Goal Plan To get goal plan details of the goal.

Review Period rowset variable Get Review Period To get review period details of the
goal applicable only for primary
goal plan.

To Goals Relation with Goal Plan Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating to the Goals Relation with Goal Plan business object from other
business objects.

From Business Objects To Goals Relation How Purpose

with Goal Plan

Goals Relation with Goal Plan row variable (variant 2) Navigate to Goals Relation with Goal Plan object
to access goal plan, review period, weight, and
priority details related to the Goals object.

Delivered Rules for Goals Relation with Goal Plan

Select the Goals Relation with Goal Plan business object on the Autocomplete Rules tab of HCM Experience Design
Studio to view and use the Validate Performance Goal Weight delivered rule.

You can use this object validation rule only if updating weights inline is enabled for the goals in a goal plan that has
weights enabled.

You can copy and configure this rule so that when users create or add a shared goal, an error message is shown if the
weight assigned to the goal is below a specified value. Note that this rule doesn’t consider private goals.

Although you configure the Validate Performance Goal Weight delivered rule, weight validation is bypassed for these
use cases:

• Goals are copied, moved, or extended.

• Goals are added using scheduled processes.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

• Goals imported from another goal plan.

• Managers force approve the goal transaction in Transaction Console.
• Administrators add a goal to a goal plan from the Goal Plans page.
• Managers assign goals from a source goal plan that isn’t weight enabled.
• A goal was created when weights were disabled for the goal plan, and administrators later enable weights for
the goal plan.

Note: Weight validation is triggered only when the goal is later edited.

• On Edit Weights page, weight validation is done only for the goals whose weights are changed.

Goal Tasks
Overview of Goal Tasks
The Goal Tasks business object contains goal task records that are aligned with employee goals. This is based on the
HRG_GOAL_ACTIONS table and other related tables or entities.

The Goal Tasks business object impacts the Goals responsive flow.

Attributes for Goal Tasks

This table lists attributes of the Goal Tasks business object with exceptions where list of values aren't supported.

Attributes Field Name Description Supported LOV

COMMENTS Comments Task comments usually used to N/A

note task progress

PERCENT_COMPLETE_CODE Completion Percentage Task completion percentage N/A

GOAL_ID Goal ID Identifier of the goal with which the N/A

task is associated

PRIORITY_CODE Priority Priority of the goal task. Possible LOV_PriorityCode

values are High, Medium, and

START_DATE Start Date Task start date N/A

STATUS_CODE Status Task status. Possible values are Not LOV_StatusCode

Started, In Progress, Completed,
Overdue, and Incomplete.

TARGET_COMPLETION_DATE Target Completion Date Target date to complete goal task N/A

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attributes Field Name Description Supported LOV

ACTION_TYPE_CODE Type Task type LOV_ActionTypeCode

For more information on the Goal Tasks attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help
Center (

Navigation From and To Goal Tasks

The navigation from and to the Goal Tasks business object is shown.

From Goal Tasks Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Goal Tasks business object.

From Goal Tasks to Other Business Objects How Purpose

Goal Tasks row variable (variant 2) Navigate to Goal Tasks object to get
measurement details.

To Goal Tasks Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating to the Goal Tasks business object.

From Other Business Objects to How Row Variable Purpose

Goal Tasks

Goal rowset variable Get Goal To get Goal details from any of the
child objects this object is useful.
To differentiate Performance and
Development goals this is needed
in any type of rule added in the
child object

Goal Tasks: Exceptions and Adaptations

This topic lists the exceptions and adaptations for the Goal Tasks business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

This table lists rules that can't be currently implemented for the Goal Tasks business object.

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

Default isn't possible Business Object All All All N/A


This table lists rules where you can vary the rule logic to achieve the result..

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

For any rule related Business Object Field All All All N/A
to performance Goals Modification, Business
we need to add a Object Field Validation
mandatory condition

Rule Logic

The variable
value tasksRow
= Goal
Tasks.Current row
The variable
value goalRow
= Get first row
goalRow.Goal Type
In Performance

Delivered Rules for Goal Tasks

There aren't any predefined rules for the Goal Tasks business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Assigned Payroll
Overview of Assigned Payroll
The Assigned Payroll business object contains payroll record assigned to a person. Also, it contains the payroll
frequency details for an assignment, such as weekly payroll, and related start and end dates based on the

Further, it can contain details of overtime period, such as a US FLSA period, and the time card required status for the
assigned payroll.

This business object is typically used in these cases.

• Validate and default a Payroll for an employee in line with another assignment, such as Jobs.
• Validate and default an employee's payroll with a legal entity.
The Assigned Payroll business object impacts these responsive flows. In these flows, you can default and validate
payroll based on HR attributes.

• Add Assignment
• Add Pending Worker
• Create Job Offer
• Edit Job Offer
• New Hire

Note: The action name in Transaction Design Studio for Create Job Offer and Edit Job Offer is Create and Edit Job

Related Topics
• Attributes for Assigned Payroll
• Navigation From Assigned Payroll
• Assigned Payroll: Exceptions and Adaptations

Attributes for Assigned Payroll

In the Global Transfer flow, you can default and validate payroll based on HCM Params, but not on HR Attributes.

The PAY_ASSIGNED_PAYROLLS_DN table lists the main attributes of the Assigned Payroll and exceptions for any
attribute, if any.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV

PayrollID PayrollID This is a system generated primary Yes

key. Surrogate key.

For more information on the assigned payroll attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help

Related Topics
• Overview of Assigned Payroll
• Navigation From Assigned Payroll
• Assigned Payroll: Exceptions and Adaptations

Navigation From Assigned Payroll

As shown in the figure, the Assigned Payroll object is a part of Payroll and closely linked to the When and Why object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Assigned Payroll to Other Objects

This table lists the objects that you can navigate to from the Assigned Payroll object.

From Object How Purpose

Assigned Payroll Row Variable To navigate to the Payroll Assignments

business object traversing row variable on Get
Payroll Assignments. For example, to navigate
to HR assignment, first you get a handle to
Payroll Assignments.

Here's the sample script for defaulting payroll based on Legal entity.
Rule Logic

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

The variable value isNewHire = Get String value from HCM Params (PAY_ADD_ASSIGNMENT,AssignedPayroll.Current

The variable value payAssignRow = Get first row(AssignedPayroll.PayrollAssignmentVA)

The variable value hrAssignRow = Get first row(payAssignRow.AssignmentVA)


isNewHire Equals to true


hrAssignRow.Legal Entity ID In CRFL2TUS_PV

AssignedPayroll.PaytollId = CRFL Monthly PD | CRF RRF US LDG ONE

Related Topics
• Assigned Payroll: Exceptions and Adaptations
• Overview of Assigned Payroll
• Attributes for Assigned Payroll

Assigned Payroll: Exceptions and Adaptations

There are situations when the Assigned Payroll object doesn't conform according to the general principles of
Autocomplete Rules.

In such situations, you can adapt the rules by adding a unique additional condition or coding style, in some cases.

This table lists rules that can't be currently implemented for the Assigned Payroll business object.

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

Default on entry into Object Defaulting, • Add Assignment Payroll section Payroll NA
region, Default on tab- Field Modification,
out and validation on Field Validation • Add Pending
tab-out not supported Worker

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

• Create Job Offer

• Edit Job Offer
• New Hire

This table lists rules where you can vary the rule logic to achieve the result.

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

Identify the required Business Object All Payroll section Payroll For example, in the
flow that you want to Validation new hire flow, you
validate payroll with. can validate the
payroll based on HR
attributes, such as job.

Identify the required Business Object All Payroll section Payroll For example, in
flow that you want to Defaulting the new hire flow,
default payroll with. you can default the
You can always default payroll based on HR
payroll based on HR attributes, such as
attribute. job. But in a Global
Transfer flow, you
can't default the
payroll based on all
of the HR attributes.
This is because you
can't refer to the HR
assignment object as
it's not yet created.

Related Topics
• Overview of Assigned Payroll
• Attributes for Assigned Payroll
• Navigation From Assigned Payroll

Assigned Payroll Additional Info

Overview of Assigned Payroll Additional Info
Use the Assigned Payroll Additional Info business object for defaulting Time Card Required and Overtime Period from
other objects, such as Employment Assignment.

This business object can typically be used in these cases.

• Validate Time Card Required for an employee with another assignment, such as Jobs.
• Validate an employee's Overtime Period within a Legal Entity.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

The Assigned Payroll Additional Info business object impacts the responsive flows.
• Add Assignment
• Add Pending Worker
• Create Job Offer
• Edit Job Offer
• Global Transfer
• New Hire

Note: The action name in Transaction Design Studio for Create Job Offer and Edit Job Offer is Create and Edit Job

Related Topics
• Attributes for Assigned Payroll Additional Info
• Navigation From Assigned Payroll Additional Info
• Assigned Payroll Additional Info: Exceptions and Adaptations

Attributes for Assigned Payroll Additional Info

In the Global Transfer flow, you can default and validate payroll based on HCM Params, but not on HR Attributes.

This table lists the main attributes of the Assigned Payroll Additional Info business object and exceptions for any
attribute, if any.

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV

OverridingPeriodId Overtime Period Identifier for the overtime period at Yes

the assigned payroll level.

TimeCardReq TimeCard Required Specifies whether the time card Yes

is required at the assigned payroll

For more information on the assigned payroll additional info attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on
the Oracle Help Center.

Related Topics
• Overview of Assigned Payroll Additional Info
• Navigation From Assigned Payroll Additional Info
• Assigned Payroll Additional Info: Exceptions and Adaptations

Navigation From Assigned Payroll Additional Info

As this illustration shows, the Assigned Payroll Additional Info business object is a hierarchical child of Assigned Payroll
business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Assigned Payroll Additional Info Business Object

This table lists the objects that you can navigate from the Assigned Payroll Additional Info object.

From Object How Purpose

Assigned Payroll Row Variable To navigate to the Payroll Assignments

business object traversing row variable on Get
Payroll Assignments.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Related Topics
• Overview of Assigned Payroll Additional Info
• Attributes for Assigned Payroll Additional Info
• Assigned Payroll Additional Info: Exceptions and Adaptations

Assigned Payroll Additional Info: Exceptions and Adaptations

There are situations when the Assigned Payroll Additional Info object doesn't conform to the general principles of
Autocomplete Rules. In such situations, you can adapt the rules by adding a unique additional condition or coding style,
in some cases.

This table lists rules that can't be currently implemented for the Assigned Payroll Additional Info business object.

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted

Default on entry into Object Defaulting, Field • Add Assignment Payroll section Payroll
region, Default on tab-out Modification, Field
and validation on tab-out Validation • Add Pending Worker
not supported • Create Job Offer
• Edit Job Offer
• New Hire

This table lists rules where you can vary the rule logic to achieve the result.

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

Always identify the Business Object All Payroll section Payroll For example, in the
required flow that you Validation new hire flow, you
want to validate payroll can validate the
with. payroll based on HR
attributes, such as job.

Always identify the Business Object All Payroll section Payroll For example, in
required flow that you Defaulting the new hire flow,
want to default payroll you can default the
with. You can always payroll based on HR
default payroll based attributes, such as
on HR attribute. job. But in a Global
Transfer flow, you
can't default the
payroll based on all
of the HR attributes.
This is because you
can't refer to the HR
assignment object as
it's not yet created.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Related Topics
• Overview of Assigned Payroll Additional Info
• Attributes for Assigned Payroll Additional Info
• Navigation From Assigned Payroll Additional Info

Element Duration Date

Overview of Element Duration Date
The Element Duration Date business object is used to capture element duration date types such as Final Close.

This business object can typically be used in these cases.

1. Default a predefined Final Close Date based on termination date of employees at assignment level (e.g. for all
employees at Enterprise level).
2. Validate a Final Close Date upon Employee termination.
3. Derive a Final Close Date based on a fixed offset such as Final Close Date = Termination date + 90days.
The Element Duration Date business object is computed when the assignment is terminated:

1. End Assignment
2. End Global Temporary Assignment
3. End Temporary Assignment
4. End Global Transfer
5. Terminate Employment (Work Relationship)

Attributes for Element Duration Date

This table lists the main attributes of the Element Duration Date business object and exceptions for any attribute, if any.

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV

DATE_VALUE Final Close Date Assignment's Final Close Date No

SOURCE_TYPE Source type This should always be set to Payroll

Assignment (PA). For other levels
such as Payroll Relationship (PR),
Assigned Payroll (AP), Final Close is
not supported.

Navigation from Element Duration Date

The Element Duration Date business object is derived for each payroll assignment.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Element Duration Date to Other Objects

This table lists the objects you can navigate to and from the Element Duration Date business object.

From Business Object to Final Close Object How Purpose

Payroll Assignment Row Variable To fetch the payroll assignment related to a

given Element Duration Date.

Element Duration Date: Exceptions and Adaptations

Let's look at the exceptions and adaptations for the Element Duration Date.

Final Close can only be set at Payroll Assignment level.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Termination Date for an Assignment is not directly available. You need to navigate the internal data structure through
existing accessors to find the Termination Date.

The below rule sample is an example on how to obtain the Termination Date variable.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Payroll Assignment
Overview of Payroll Assignment
The Payroll Assignment business object contains payroll assignment details for an employee, such as time card required
status and overtime period based on the PAY_REL_GROUPS_F table payroll record at assignment level.

This business object is typically used in these cases.

• Validate TimeCard Required for an employee, in line with another assignment such as Jobs.
• Validate an employee's Overtime Period within a Legal Entity.
The Payroll Assignment business object impacts these responsive flows. In these flows, you can default and validate
payroll based on HR attributes.

• Add Assignment
• Add Pending Worker
• Create Job Offer
• New Hire
• Global Transfer
The action name in Transaction Design Studio for Create Job Offer and Edit Job Offer is Create and Edit Job Offer.

Related Topics
• Attributes for Payroll Assignment
• Navigation From Payroll Assignment
• Payroll Assignments: Exceptions and Adaptations

Attributes for Payroll Assignment

In the Global Transfer flow, you can default and validate payroll based on HCM Params, but not on HR Attributes.

This table lists the main attributes of the Payroll Assignment business object and exceptions for any attribute, if any.

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV

OverridingPeriodId Overtime Period Identifier for the overtime period at Yes

the payroll assignment level.

TimeCardReq TimeCard Required Specifies whether the time card is Yes

required at the payroll assignment

For more information on the payroll assignment attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle
Help Center.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Related Topics
• Overview of Payroll Assignment
• Navigation From Payroll Assignment
• Payroll Assignments: Exceptions and Adaptations

Navigation From Payroll Assignment

The Payroll Assignment object is a part of Payroll and closely linked to the When and Why object.

From Payroll Assignment to Other Objects

This table lists the objects that you can navigate to from the Payroll Assignment object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Object How Purpose

Payroll Assignment Additional Info Row Variable To navigate to payroll assignment object
traversing row variable on Get Payroll

Related Topics
• Overview of Payroll Assignment
• Payroll Assignments: Exceptions and Adaptations
• Attributes for Payroll Assignment

Payroll Assignments: Exceptions and Adaptations

There are situations when the Payroll Assignment object doesn't conform to the general principles of Autocomplete
Rules. In such situations, you can adapt the rules by adding a unique additional condition or coding style, in some cases.

This table lists rules that can't be currently implemented for the Payroll Assignments business object.

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted

Default on entry into Object Defaulting, Field • Add Assignment Payroll section Payroll
region, Default on tab-out Modification, Field
and validation on tab-out Validation • Add Pending Worker
not supported • Create Job Offer
• Edit Job Offer
• New Hire
• Global Transfer

This table lists rules where you can vary the rule logic to achieve the result.

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Regions Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

Always identify the Business Object All All All For example, in the
required flow that you Validation new hire flow, you
want to validate payroll can validate the
with. payroll based on HR
attributes, such as job.

Always identify the Business Object All All All You can use
required flow that you Defaulting appropriate HCM
want to default payroll Params to base your
with. logic.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Related Topics
• Overview of Payroll Assignment
• Attributes for Payroll Assignment
• Navigation From Payroll Assignment

Payroll Relationship
Overview of Payroll Relationship
The Payroll Relationship business object contains relationship details between a person and a payroll statutory unit,
such as overtime period based on the PAY_RELATIONSHIPS_F table. This business object can typically be used to
validate the Overtime Period based on HR Attributes.

The Payroll Relationship business object impacts the following responsive flow. In this flow, you can default and validate
payroll based on:
• Add Assignment
• Add Pending Worker
• Create job Offer
• Global Transfer
• New Hire

Related Topics
• Attributes for Payroll Relationship
• Navigation From Payroll Relationship
• Payroll Relationship: Exceptions and Adaptations

Attributes for Payroll Relationship

You can't default Overtime Period based on HR Attributes as the HR information isn't available while creating the payroll
Relationship. However during validation, you can refer to the HR attributes info.

Based on ICL rules, the Payroll relationship may or may not be created. So defaulting rules may not be invoked during all
HR assignments creation.

This table lists the main attributes of the Payroll Relationship business object and exceptions for any attribute, if any.

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV

OverridingPeriodId Overtime Period Identifier for the overtime period at Yes

the assigned payroll level.

For more information on the assigned payroll relationship attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the
Oracle Help Center.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Related Topics
• Overview of Payroll Relationship
• Navigation From Payroll Relationship
• Payroll Relationship: Exceptions and Adaptations

Navigation From Payroll Relationship

As this illustration shows, the Payroll Relationship object is a part of Payroll and closely linked to the When and Why

From Payroll Relationship Business Object to Other Objects

This table lists the objects that you can navigate to from the Payroll Relationship object.

From Object How Purpose

Payroll Assignment Row Variable To navigate to the Payroll Assignment business

object traversing row variable on Get Payroll
Assignment. For example, to navigate to HR
assignment, first you get a handle to Payroll

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Related Topics
• Overview of Payroll Relationship
• Attributes for Payroll Relationship
• Payroll Relationship: Exceptions and Adaptations

Payroll Relationship: Exceptions and Adaptations

There are situations when the Payroll Relationship object doesn't conform to the general principles of Autocomplete
Rules. In such situations, you can adapt the rules by adding a unique additional condition or coding style, in some cases.

This table lists rules that can't be currently implemented for the Payroll Relationships business object.

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted

Default on entry into Object Defaulting, Field • Add Assignment Payroll section Payroll
region, Default on tab-out Modification, Field
and validation on tab-out Validation • Add Pending Worker
not supported • Create job Offer
• Global Transfer
• New Hire

This table lists rules where you can vary the rule logic to achieve the result.

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Regions Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

Always identify the Business Object All All All All

required flow that you Validation
want to validate payroll

Always identify the Business Object All All All All

required flow that you Defaulting
want to default payroll

Related Topics
• Overview of Payroll Relationship
• Attributes for Payroll Relationship
• Navigation From Payroll Relationship

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Payroll Terms
Overview of Payroll Terms
You can use the Payroll Terms business object capture the Tax Reporting Unit based on Table PAY_REL_GROUPS_DN.

This business object can typically be used to validate the TRU based on HR attributes. Use the group Type Attribute
value to differentiate between a Payroll Assignment and a Payroll Term. Payroll Term row has a group type value as T.

The Payroll Terms business object impacts these responsive flows. In these flows, you can default and validate payroll
based on HR attributes.
• Add Assignment
• Add Pending Worker
• Create job Offer
• New Hire

Related Topics
• Attributes for Payroll Terms
• Navigation From Payroll Terms
• Payroll Terms: Exceptions and Adaptations

Attributes for Payroll Terms

In the Global Transfer flow, you can default and validate payroll based on HCM Params, but not on HR Attributes.

This table lists the main attributes of the payroll terms and exceptions for any attribute, if any.

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV

TaxReportingUnit TaxReportingUnit The name of the reporting unit to Yes

group workers for the purpose of
tax and social insurance reporting.

For more information on the payroll terms attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help

Related Topics
• Overview of Payroll Terms
• Navigation From Payroll Terms
• Payroll Terms: Exceptions and Adaptations

Navigation From Payroll Terms

The Payroll Terms object is a part of Payroll and closely linked to the When and Why object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Payroll Terms to Other Objects

This table lists the objects that you can navigate to from the Payroll Terms object.

From Object How Purpose

Payroll Terms Row Variable To navigate to the Payroll Assignment

traversing row variable on Get Payroll
Assignment. For example, to navigate to HR
assignment, first you get a handle to Payroll

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Related Topics
• Overview of Payroll Terms
• Attributes for Payroll Terms
• Payroll Terms: Exceptions and Adaptations

Payroll Terms: Exceptions and Adaptations

There are situations when the Payroll Terms object doesn't conform according to the general principles of Autocomplete
Rules. In such situations, you can adapt the rules by adding a unique additional condition or coding style, in some cases.

This table lists rules that can't be currently implemented for the payroll terms business object.

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted

Default on entry into Object Defaulting, Field • Add Assignment Payroll section Payroll
region, Default on tab-out Modification, Field
and validation on tab-out Validation • Add Pending Worker
not supported • Create job Offer
• New Hire

This table lists rules where you can vary the rule logic to achieve the result.

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Section Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

Always identify the Business Object All All All For example, in the
required flow that you Validation new hire flow, you
want to validate payroll can validate the
with. payroll based on HR
attributes, such as job.

Always identify the Business Object All All All You can use
required flow that you Defaulting appropriate HCM
want to default payroll Params to base your
with. logic.

Related Topics
• Overview of Payroll Terms
• Attributes for Payroll Terms
• Navigation From Payroll Terms

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Person Business Objects
The Person business objects are a hierarchical collection of several smaller objects containing specific details of a
person. Here's some info about the Person business objects.

• All Person child objects' names begin with person except the Address object. The business objects are named
as such to help you easily identify their contents and write validation rules.
• The Person family of objects comprises of the Person object at the parent level and a 1 to 1 relationship between
the parent Person object and the child Person Detail object.
• The other children Person objects such as the Person Passport, Person Citizenship, Person Driver License, and
so on have a 1 to many relationship with the Person object because a person may have multiple passports,
citizenships, driver licenses, and so on..
The entire HCM suite of applications use these objects in different flows. The starting point for any rule is the object
containing the field. You can only use the Object Validation rule type for the Person objects. You can't default values
either at the object-level or at the field-level, or use the Object Field Validation rule type for the entire family of Person

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

The starting point is most likely the object containing the field to be validated, but, not always. This is especially true
with the family of Person objects. If your use case is to validate an email address or a national identifier, it's helpful to
analyze your requirement in detail to understand what's being validated and the criteria for the validation.

For example, if your requirement is to validate the format of a national identifier, address line, name, phone number,
and so on, related to 1 child object only, then you have to start with the corresponding child object. However, if your
requirement is that a person must have at least one national identifier entered, with or without any additional criteria,
what you're validating is the person and the criteria is having one or more national identifiers of a certain type or not.
So, in this case, your starting point is the Person object and not the Person National Identifier object. The family of
Person business objects is structured in way so that you can traverse to any other object to sample its values when in
another object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Related Topics
• Considerations for Rule Designing
• Navigation From and To Person
• Person: Exceptions and Adaptations

Overview of Address
The Address business object contains address details including address line 1, city, state, postal code, country, and so on
for either a person or a location based on the PER_ADDRESSES_F table.

This business object can typically be used in this case.

• Validate that the address contains no special characters
The Address business object impacts the responsive flows.
• Add Contingent Worker
• Add Nonworker
• Add Pending Worker
• Contact Info
• Create Candidate
• Family and Emergency Contacts
• Hire an Employee
• Local and Global Transfer
• Locations
• People to Cover

Attributes for Address

All attributes in the PER_ADDRESSES_F table are supported with the exception of these attributes.

For more information on the Address attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help Center

Navigation From Address

The Address business object is a hierarchical child of the Person business object.

From Address Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Address business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Address to Other Business How Row Variable Purpose


Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Person You can navigate to other business
objects traversing row variable
(variant 2) on Get Person.

Related Topics
• Navigation From and To Person

Address: Exceptions and Adaptations

You need to refer to the exceptions and adaptations for the Person business object.

Related Topics
• Person: Exceptions and Adaptations

Delivered Rules for Address

This is the predefined rule for the Address business object.

Name Rule Type Description

KW Validate Address Line 3 Object Validation This rule validates if address line 3 in the
Kuwait address style is valid as per the Kuwait

Overview of Person
The Person business object contains limited biographical information such as date of birth, date of death, blood type,
and so on, based on the PER_PERSONS table.

This business object can typically be used in these cases.

• Validate if a child business object exists such as the national identifier
• Validate if date of birth is included in a defined range
The Person business object impacts these responsive flows.
• Add Contingent Worker
• Add Nonworker
• Add Pending Worker
• Create Candidate
• Family and Emergency Contacts

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

• Hire an Employee
• Local and Global Transfer
• People to Cover
• Personal Details

Attributes for Person

All attributes in the PER_PERSONS table are supported except these attributes.

For more information on the Person attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help Center

Navigation From and To Person

The Person business objects are a hierarchical collection of several child business objects, each of which holds specific
details about a person.

The Person business objects hierarchy includes the Person business object at the highest level in the hierarchy followed
by other Person child business objects that hold personal details in a 1 to 1 relationship with the person. For example,
the Passport business object holds info about 1 or more passports of a person, the Citizenship business object holds
1 or more citizenship entries for a person, and so on. The Person business object names easily help you identify the
business object you need to validate.

This section lists the business objects you can navigate to and from the Person business object. The only type of
rule Person business objects support is Object Validation. The Person business objects don't support default or field
validation rules.

Typically, the starting point is the Person business object containing the field to be validated, but not always. While it
may seem like for a given use case we are validating the email address or the national identifier, you need to further
analyze your requirement in detail for what you're validating and what's the validation criteria.

For example,

• If your requirement is to validate the format of an attribute such as the national identifier, address line 1, last
name, phone number, and so on, related to just one record, then you need to start with the corresponding child
business object.
• If your requirement is that a person must have at least one national identifier or the criteria is having one or
more national identifiers of a certain type or not, you need to start with the Person business object instead of
the Person National Identifier business object. You can always traverse to any other Person business object to
sample its values when you're in another business object.

From Other Business Objects to Person

To access the Person business object, use the row variable (variant 2) Get Person from any business object.

Consider the following information when navigating to the Person business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Business Object to Person How Purpose

Worker Assignment row variable (variant 2) To check for attributes of Person and then from
there other children business objects of Person
with additional row variable declarations.

Worker Work Relationship row variable (variant 2) To access the Person business object, you need
to access it through the Worker Assignment
business object. To check for attributes of
Person and then from there other children
business objects of Person with additional row
variable declarations.

Any Person Child Business Object row variable (variant 2) When navigating to the Person business object
from any of its own children, you need to use
for example, Person National Identifier the row variable variant 2.

Person Contact Relationship row variable (variant 1) When working with the Contact Relationship
business object you have two options (both
row variables of Variant 2) to access either, the
Person or the Contact Person. The Person ID
on the Person Contact Relationship business
object is the Person ID of the worker. The
Contact Person ID is the Person ID of the

For example, if you want to access Contact B's

(who's a contact of Worker A) record, you need
to go to the Person Contact business object
instead of the Person business object. But, if
you want to access Worker A's record, you need
to go to the Person business object instead of
the Person Contact business object.

To Other Business Objects from Person

Consider the following information when navigating from the Person business object.

From Person To Business Object How Row Variable Purpose

Worker Assignment row variable Get Assignment You must use caution when
accessing the Worker Assignment
business object because it
fetches all assignments for
all work relationships of a
person. You can use only rowset
declaration, if it's appropriate. After
accessing Worker Assignment,
the rest of your rule needs to
be encapsulated under the "If
WorkTermsAssignmentId NOT
NULL" condition. This, even
before you declare any further row
variables from Worker Assignment
or use any of its fields. You need
to iterate over each assignment
record to determine your match,
for example, primary assignment.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Person To Business Object How Row Variable Purpose

You may find multiple primary

assignments depending on how
many work relationships you allow
in your organization. You need
to use the Get Assignment view
accessor to get all assignments.

This isn't applicable for people who

are only contacts because they
don't have a worker assignment.

Any Person Child Business Object rowset variable • Get Contact Person One person record can have
multiple records within a Person
• Get Person Address child business object. For example,
• Get Person Address Usage Worker A can have a US and a UK
national identifier record. When
• Get Person Citizenship navigating from Person to the
child, you may need to declare
• Get Person Contact
a rowset variable to iterate over
the children rows to detect your
• Get Person Delivery Method condition.

• Get All Person Disabilities

• Get Person Disability
• Get Person Detail
• Get Person Driver License
• Get Person Driver License
• Get Person Email
• Get Person Ethnicity
• Get Person Extra Information
• Get Person Identifier for
External Application
• Get Person Legislative
• Get Person Name
• Get Person National Identifier
• Get Person Passport
• Get Person Phone
• Get Person Religion
• Get Person Visa and Permit

Person Extra Information rowset variable Get Person Extra Information This is to iterate over all Person
Extensible Flexfields (EFF) context
rows for a given person in a
subsequent row collection looping
block. Use the Get Person Extra
Information view accessor to
access a set of records from the
Person Extra Information business
object displayed in Autocomplete
Rules for a specified person ID.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Person To Business Object How Row Variable Purpose

Person Profile Education and rowset variable Get Profile Use the Get Profile view accessor
Person Profile Certification to traverse from the Person
business object to the Person
Profile Education and Person
Profile Certification business
objects. For example, you can
validate the education degree or
certification validity, or both when
promoting your worker.

Related Topics
• Overview of Worker Assignment
• Autocomplete Rule Variables

Person: Exceptions and Adaptations

This table lists rules that can't be currently implemented for the Person business object.


Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

Set default on entry Object Defaulting, All All All N/A

into section, set Field Modification,
default on tab-out and Field Validation
validation on tab-out
not supported

Person Legislative Business Object All applicable Person Details, All You may sample a
Information business Validation Employment Actions Legislative Info mandatory field of
object validation the Legislative Info
is triggered before section for null value
entry into the to determine when to
Person Legislative trigger the validation.
Information section The Legislative Info is
validated once when
exiting the Person
Details section and
again after exiting
the Legislative Info

Person Legislative Business Object All applicable Legislative Info All N/A
Information business Validation Employment Actions
object validation
doesn't trigger
after the Legislative
Information section, if
a predefined field isn't

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

Can't determine Business Object All applicable non- Any Person related All The rule will trigger
context of addition Validation Employment Actions section regardless of where
or change in the this business object
absence of When of is being used. For
Why section example, if you want
to validate a contact
type in the Benefits
People to Cover page,
but not the Global HR
Family and Emergency
Contacts page, there's
no way to restrict this
validation to only
the People to Cover
page. In some cases,
the user role may be
used as a proxy for
when this addition or
change occurs.

This table lists rules where you can vary the rule logic to achieve the result.

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

May not use Effective Business Object All All All Must use ChangeDate
Date fields directly on Validation HCM Params for
the business object for sampling effective
date validations dates of any Person
related business
objects. Doesn't apply
to other non-effective
dates like, issue date,
expiry date, and so on.

Cannot traverse Business Object All applicable Any Person related All Must use HCM Params
to When and Why Validation Employment Actions section to determine state of
business object to values in the When
determine any field and Why section.
value entered in
the When and Why

Validating presence Business Object All Person Details All Identify the section
or absence, or both Validation and the sequence
of Person children in the page where
business objects like it occurs. You can
Passport, Drivers always start validation
Licenses, NID, and so in a given business
on object, navigate up
to the parent Person
business object and
then navigate back
into another child

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

business object of
Person. For example,
to ensure citizenship
is entered prior to
passport, you may
write the validation on
the Person Passport
business object,
navigate back up
to Person and then
navigate down to the
Person Citizenship
business object
iterating over it to
detect presence/
absence. But in a
new hire flow, where
Passport is asked for
prior to Citizenship,
this kind of validation
will lock you and
prevent you from

Delivered Rules for Person

There aren't any predefined rules for the Person business object.

Person Address
Overview of Person Address
The Person Address business object contains the relationship between addresses in the PER_ADDRESSES_F table and
the person. It identifies the type of address for the person. This is based on the PER_PERSON_ADDR_USAGES_F table.

This business object can typically be used in these cases.

• Validate there's at least one home address in the country of the worker's legal entity
• Validate that a person address format doesn't contain any special characters
The Person Address business object impacts these responsive flows.
• Add Contingent Worker
• Add Nonworker
• Add Pending Worker
• Contact Info
• Create Candidate
• Family and Emergency Contacts
• Hire an Employee
• Local and Global Transfer

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

• People to Cover

Attributes for Person Address

All attributes in the PER_PERSON_ADDR_USAGES_F table are supported.

For more information on the Person Address attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help
Center (

Navigation From Person Address

The Person Address business object is a hierarchical child of the Person business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Person Address Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Person Address business object.

From Person Address to Other How Row Variable Purpose

Business Objects

Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Person You can navigate to other business
objects traversing row variable
(variant 2) on Get Person.

Related Topics
• Navigation From and To Person
• Autocomplete Rule Variables

Person Address: Exceptions and Adaptations

You need to refer to the exceptions and adaptations for the Person business object.

Related Topics
• Person: Exceptions and Adaptations

Delivered Rules for Person Address

There aren't any predefined rules for the Person Address business object.

Person Citizenship
Overview of Person Citizenship
The Person Citizenship business object contains a person's citizenship details based on the PER_CITIZENSHIPS table.

This business object can typically be used in these cases.

• Validate the From Date is in the future
• Validate fields not displayed in Transaction Design Studio are entered
The Person Citizenship business object impacts these responsive flows.
• Add Contingent Worker
• Add Nonworker
• Add Pending Worker
• Hire an Employee
• Identification Info
• Local and Global Transfer

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attributes for Person Citizenship

All attributes in the PER_CITIZENSHIPS table are supported.

For more information on the Person Citizenship attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle
Help Center (

Navigation From Person Citizenship

The Person Citizenship business object is a hierarchical child of the Person business object.

From Person Citizenship Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Person Address business object.

From Person Citizenship to Other How Row Variable Purpose

Business Objects

Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Person You can navigate to other business
objects traversing row variable
(variant 2) on Get Person.

Related Topics
• Overview of Person

Person Citizenship: Exceptions and Adaptations

You need to refer to the exceptions and adaptations for the Person business object.

Related Topics
• Person: Exceptions and Adaptations

Delivered Rules for Person Citizenship

There aren't any predefined rules for the Person Citizenship business object.

Person Contact Relationship

Overview of Person Contact Relationship
The Person Contact Relationship business object contains relationship details such as the statutory dependent option,
emergency contact option and relationship type between the employee or contingent worker and their contacts. This is
based on the PER_CONTACT_RELSHIPS_F table.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

This business object can typically be used in these cases.

• Validate if national identifier is provided when a family contact has a specific statutory dependent
• Validate if at least one contact is an emergency contact
• Validate if effective date for an emergency contact is in the future
The Person Contact Relationship business object impacts these responsive flows.
• Add Contingent Worker
• Add Nonworker
• Add Pending Worker
• Family and Emergency Contacts
• Hire an Employee
• People to Cover

Attributes for Person Contact Relationship

All attributes in the PER_CONTACT_RELSHIPS_F table are supported except these attributes.


Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

For more information on the Person Contact Relationship attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the
Oracle Help Center (

Navigation From Person Contact Relationship

The Person Contact Relationship business object is a hierarchical child of the Person business object.

From Person Contact Relationship Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Person Contact Relationship business object.

From Person Contact How Row Variable Purpose

Relationship to Other Business

Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Person You can navigate to other business
objects traversing row variable
(variant 2) on Get Person.

Contact Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Contact Person You can navigate to the Contact
Person business object and access
the person information related to
the contact.

Person Contact Relationship: Exceptions and Adaptations

You need to refer to the exceptions and adaptations for the Person business object.

Related Topics
• Person: Exceptions and Adaptations

Delivered Rules for Person Contact Relationship

These are the predefined rules for the Person Contact Relationship object.

Name Rule Type Description

Validate if Contact Exists Based on the Last Object Validation This rule validates if a contact's last name, date
Name Date of Birth and Relationship of birth, and relationship matches with the

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Name Rule Type Description

person's existing contacts' last name, date of

birth, and relationship.

Validate if Contact Exists Based on the Name Object Validation This rule validates if a contact's name and
and Relationship relationship matches with the person's existing
contacts' name and relationship.

Validate if Contact Exists Based on National ID Object Validation This rule validates if a contact's national ID
matches with the person's existing contacts'
national ID.

Validate if Contact Exists Based on the Name Object Validation This rule validates if a contact's name, date
Date of Birth and Relationship of birth, and relationship matches with the
person's existing contacts' name, date of birth,
and relationship.

Person Delivery Method

Overview of Person Delivery Method
The Person Delivery Method contains additional types of communication methods such as Twitter and
Linked in, and the order of preferred order of contact of communication methods. This is based on the

The Person Delivery Method business object impacts these responsive flows.

• Add Contingent Worker

• Add Nonworker
• Add Pending Worker
• Contact Info
• Hire an Employee

Attributes for Person Delivery Method

All attributes in the PER_PERSON_DLVRY_METHODS table are supported.

For more information on the Person Delivery Method attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the
Oracle Help Center (

Navigation From Person Delivery Method

The Person Delivery Method business object is a hierarchical child of the Person business object.

From Person Delivery Method Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Person Delivery Method business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Person Delivery Method to How Row Variable Purpose

Other Business Objects

Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Person You can navigate to other business
objects traversing row variable
(variant 2) on Get Person.

Person Delivery Method: Exceptions and Adaptations

You need to refer to the exceptions and adaptations for the Person business object.

Related Topics
• Person: Exceptions and Adaptations

Delivered Rules for Person Delivery Method

There aren't any predefined rules for the Person Delivery Method business object.

Person Details
Overview of Person Detail
The Person Detail business object contains the person number, primary email, primary phone, primary national
identifier, and primary mailing address for people based on the PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F table.

This business object can typically be used to validate a manually specified person number.

The Person Detail business object impacts these responsive flows.

• Add Contingent Worker

• Add Nonworker
• Add Pending Worker
• Contact Info
• Family and Emergency Contacts
• Hire an Employee
• Local and Global Transfer
• Personal Details

Attributes for Person Detail

All attributes in the PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F table are supported.

For more information on the Person Detail attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Navigation From Person Detail

The Person Detail business object is a hierarchical child of the Person business object.

From Person Detail Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Person Detail business object.

From Person Detail to Other How Row Variable Purpose

Business Objects

Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Person You can navigate to other business
objects traversing row variable
(variant 2) on Get Person.

Person Detail: Exceptions and Adaptations

You need to refer to the exceptions and adaptations for the Person business object.

Related Topics
• Person: Exceptions and Adaptations

Delivered Rules for Person Detail

There aren't any predefined rules for the Person Detail business object.

Person Disability
Overview of Person Disability
The Person Disability business object contains a person's disability info such as blindness, hearing impairment, work
restrictions and so on based on the PER_DISABILITIES_F table.

This business object can typically be used to validate that the disability registration dates don't overlap.

The Person Disability business object impacts the Disability Info section in the Personal Details responsive flow.

Attributes for Person Disability

All attributes in the PER_DISABILITIES_F table are supported.

For more information on the Person Disability attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help

Navigation From Person Disability

The Person Disability business object is a hierarchical child of the Person business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Person Disability Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Person Disability business object.

From Person Disability to Other How Row Variable Purpose

Business Objects

Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Person You can navigate to other business
objects traversing row variable
(variant 2) on Get Person.

Person Disability: Exceptions and Adaptations

You need to refer to the exceptions and adaptations for the Person business object.

Related Topics
• Person: Exceptions and Adaptations

Delivered Rules for Person Disability

There aren't any predefined rules for the Person Disability business object.

Person Driver License

Overview of Person Driver License
The Person Driver License business object contains the person's driver license details based on the

The Person Driver License business object impacts these responsive flows.

• Add Contingent Worker

• Add Nonworker
• Add Pending Worker
• Identification Info
• Hire an Employee

Attributes for Person Driver License

All attributes in the PER_DRIVERS_LICENSES table are supported.

For more information on the Person Driver License attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle
Help Center (

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Navigation From Person Driver License

The Person Driver License business object is a hierarchical child of Person business object.

From Person Driver License Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Person Driver License business object.

From Person Driver License to How Row Variable Purpose

Other Business Objects

Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Person You can navigate to other business
objects traversing row variable
(variant 2) on Get Person.

Person Driver License: Exceptions and Adaptations

You need to refer to the exceptions and adaptations for the Person business object.

Related Topics
• Person: Exceptions and Adaptations

Delivered Rules for Person Driver License

There aren't any predefined rules for the Person Driver License business object.

Person Email
Overview of Person Email
The Person Email business object contains the person's email address details based on the PER_EMAIL_ADDRESSES

This business object can typically be used in these cases.

• Validate the person email format
• Validate person email doesn't contain special characters
The Person Email business object impacts these responsive flows.
• Add Contingent Worker
• Add Nonworker
• Add Pending Worker
• Create Candidate
• Family and Emergency Contacts
• Hire an Employee

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

• People to Cover

Attributes for Person Email

All attributes in the PER_EMAIL_ADDRESSES table are supported.

For more information on the Person Email attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help
Center (

Navigation From Person Email

The Person Email business object is a hierarchical child of the Person business object.

From Person Email Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Person Email business object.

From Person Email to Other How Row Variable Purpose

Business Objects

Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Person You can navigate to other business
objects traversing row variable
(variant 2) on Get Person.

Person Email: Exceptions and Adaptations

You need to refer to the exceptions and adaptations for the Person business object.

Related Topics
• Person: Exceptions and Adaptations

Delivered Rules for Person Email

There aren't any predefined rules for the Person Email business object.

Person Ethnicity
Overview of Person Ethnicity
The Person Ethnicity business object contains the person's ethnicity and race details based on the PER_ETHNICITIES

The Person Ethnicity business object impacts these responsive flows.

• Add Contingent Worker
• Add Nonworker
• Add Pending Worker

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

• Create Candidate
• Family and Emergency Contacts
• Hire an Employee
• Local and Global Transfer
• People to Cover
• Personal Details

Attributes for Person Ethnicity

All attributes in the PER_ETHNICITIES table are supported.

For more information on the Person Ethnicity attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help
Center (

Navigation From Person Ethnicity

The Person Ethnicity business object is a hierarchical child of the Person business object.

From Person Ethnicity Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Person Ethnicity business object.

From Person Ethnicity to Other How Row Variable Purpose

Business Objects

Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Person You can navigate to other business
objects traversing row variable
(variant 2) on Get Person.

Person Ethnicity: Exceptions and Adaptations

You need to refer to the exceptions and adaptations for the Person business object.

Related Topics
• Person: Exceptions and Adaptations

Delivered Rules for Person Ethnicity

There aren't any predefined rules for the Person Ethnicity business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Person Identifiers for External Applications

Overview of Person Identifiers for External Applications
The Person Identifiers for External Applications business object contains third-party payroll identifier or
time device badge identifier details from an external application for a person or an assignment based on the

This business object impacts the Person Identifiers for External Applications responsive flow.

Attributes for Person Identifiers for External Applications

All attributes in the PER_APP_EXT_IDENTIFIERS table are supported.

For more information on the Person Identifiers for External Application attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM
guide on the Oracle Help Center (

Navigation From Person Identifiers for External Applications

The Person Identifiers for External Applications business object is a hierarchical child of the Person business object.

From Person Identifiers for External Applications Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Person Identifiers for External Applications business

From Person Identifiers for How Row Variable Purpose

External Applications to Other
Business Objects

Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Person You can navigate to other business
objects traversing row variable
(variant 2) on Get Person.

Person Identifiers for External Applications: Exceptions and Adaptations

You need to refer to the exceptions and adaptations for the Person business object.

Related Topics
• Person: Exceptions and Adaptations

Delivered Rules for Person Identifiers for External Applications

There aren't any predefined rules for the Person Identifiers for External Applications business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Person Legislative Information

Overview of Person Legislative Information
The Person Legislative Information business object contains a person's gender, marital status, and highest education
level. Many legislative specific details are stored in the PER_PERSON_LEGISLATIVE_DATA_LEG_DDF flexfields such as
the US veteran details or the UK NINO verification status, gender identity, and unique taxpayer reference.

This business object can typically be used in these cases.

• Validate that the marital status date change isn't in the future
• Validate if gender is provided for certain countries where it's required info.
The Person Legislative Information business object impacts these responsive flows.
• Add Contingent Worker
• Add Nonworker
• Add Pending Worker
• Create Candidate
• Family and Emergency Contacts
• Hire an Employee
• Local and Global Transfer
• People to Cover
• Personal Details

Attributes for Person Legislative Information

All attributes in the PER_PEOPLE_LEGISLATIVE_F table are supported.

For more information on the Person Legislative Information attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on
the Oracle Help Center (

Navigation From Person Legislative Information

The Person Legislative Information business object is a hierarchical child of the Person business object.

From Person Legislative Information Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Person Legislative Information business object.

From Person Legislative How Row Variable Purpose

Information to Other Business

Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Person You can navigate to other business
objects traversing row variable
(variant 2) on Get Person.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Person Legislative Information: Exceptions and Adaptations

You need to refer to the exceptions and adaptations for the Person business object.

Related Topics
• Person: Exceptions and Adaptations

Delivered Rules for Person Legislative Information

This is the predefined rule for the Person Legislative Information business object.

Name Rule Type Description

GB Validate Teachers Pension Temporary NI Field Validation This rule validates if the format of the TPS
Number Format Temporary NI Number conforms with Teachers'
Pension requirements.

Person Name
Overview of Person Name
The Person Name business object contains a person's name details based on the PER_PERSON_NAMES_F table.

This business object can typically be used in these cases.

• Validate the effective start date when changing a name
• Validate the person name doesn't contain special characters
The Person Name business object impacts the responsive flows.
• Add Contingent Worker
• Add Nonworker
• Add Pending Worker
• Create Candidate
• Family and Emergency Contacts
• Hire an Employee
• Local and Global Transfer
• People to Cover
• Personal Details

Attributes for Person Name

All attributes in the PER_PERSON_NAMES_F table are supported with the exception of these attributes.


Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

For more information on the Person Name attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help
Center (

Navigation From Person Name

The Person Name business object is a hierarchical child of the Person business object.

From Person Name Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Person Name business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Person Name to Other How Row Variable Purpose

Business Objects

Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Person You can navigate to other business
objects traversing row variable
(variant 2) on Get Person.

Person Name: Exceptions and Adaptations

You need to refer to the exceptions and adaptations for the Person business object.

Related Topics
• Person: Exceptions and Adaptations

Delivered Rules for Person Name

There aren't any predefined rules for the Person Name business object.

Person National Identifier

Overview of Person National Identifier
The Person National Identifier business object contains a person's national identifier details such as the issuing country,
identifier type, and identifier number based on the PER_NATIONAL_IDENTIFIERS table.

This business object can typically be used in these cases.

• Validate person national identifier format such as the number of digits
• Validate mandatory fields when person national identifier is entered
• Validate required national identifier types according to legislative data group or legal employer
The Person National Identifier business object impacts these responsive flows.
• Add Contingent Worker
• Add Nonworker
• Add Pending Worker
• Create Candidate
• Family and Emergency Contacts
• Hire an Employee
• Local and Global Transfer
• People to Cover
• Personal Details

Attributes for Person National Identifier

All attributes in the PER_NATIONAL_IDENTIFIERS table are supported.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

For more information on the Person National Identifiers' attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the
Oracle Help Center (

Navigation From Person National Identifier

The Person National Identifier business object is a hierarchical child of the Person business object.

From Person National Identifier Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Person National Identifier business object.

From Person National Identifier How Row Variable Purpose

to Other Business Objects

Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Person You can navigate to other business
objects traversing row variable
(variant 2) on Get Person.

Person National Identifier: Exceptions and Adaptations

You need to refer to the exceptions and adaptations for the Person business object.

Related Topics
• Person: Exceptions and Adaptations

Delivered Rules for Person National Identifier

There aren't any predefined rules for the Person National Identifier business object.

Person Passport
Overview of Person Passport
The Person Passport business object contains a person's passport details such as the issuing country, passport type,
and passport number based on the PER_PASSPORTS table.

This business object can typically be used in these cases.

• Validate passport for existing citizenship
• Validate the start date of the change isn't in the future
The Person Passport business object impacts these responsive flows.
• Add Contingent Worker
• Add Nonworker
• Add Pending Worker

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

• Family and Emergency Contacts

• Hire an Employee
• Identification Info
• Local and Global Transfer
• People to Cover

Attributes for Person Passport

All attributes in the PER_PASSPORTS table are supported.

For more information on the Person Passport attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help
Center (

Navigation From Person Passport

The Person Passport business object is a hierarchical child of the Person business object.

From Person Passport Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Person Passport business object.

From Person Passport to Other How Row Variable Purpose

Business Objects

Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Person You can navigate to other business
objects traversing row variable
(variant 2) on Get Person.

Person Passport: Exceptions and Adaptations

You need to refer to the exceptions and adaptations for the Person business object.

Related Topics
• Person: Exceptions and Adaptations

Delivered Rules for Person Passport

There aren't any predefined rules for the Person Passport business object.

Person Phone
Overview of Person Phone
The Person Phone business object contains a person's phone details such as the country code, phone type, area code,
and phone number based on the PER_PHONES table.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

This business object can typically be used in these cases.

• Validate phone number format such as number of digits or for special characters
• Validate phone number format based on phone type
• Validate area code format
• Validate phone number and area code based on country code
The Person Phone business object impacts the responsive flows.
• Add Contingent Worker
• Add Nonworker
• Add Pending Worker
• Contact Info
• Create Candidate
• Family and Emergency Contacts
• Hire an Employee
• Local and Global Transfer
• People to Cover

Attributes for Person Phone

All attributes in the PER_PHONES table are supported.

For more information on the Person Phone attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help
Center (

Navigation From Person Phone

The Person Phone business object is a hierarchical child of the Person business object.

From Person Phone Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Person Phone business object.

From Person Phone to Other How Row Variable Purpose

Business Objects

Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Person You can navigate to other business
objects traversing row variable
(variant 2) on Get Person.

Person Phone: Exceptions and Adaptations

You need to refer to the exceptions and adaptations for the Person business object.

Related Topics
• Person: Exceptions and Adaptations

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Delivered Rules for Person Phone

These are the predefined rules for the Person Phone business object.

Name Rule Type Description

Validate Phone Number Format Object Validation This rule validates the phone number format
based on the phone type. Shows an error
message if the phone number isn't in the
defined format and length, for a given country
and the selected phone type. For example,
for Australia, if the value entered for a mobile
phone doesn't start with 04, an error message
is shown.

Validate Area Code Format Object Validation This rule validates the area code format based
on the phone type. Shows an error message if
the area code isn't in the defined format and
length, for a given country and the selected
phone type. For example, for India, the area
code must be in the range of 2 to 4 digits when
the phone type isn't a mobile.

Validate Area Code is Blank Object Validation This rule validates that the area code is null,
based on the phone type. Shows an error
message if the user enters a value for the area
code when no area code is expected, based on
country code and the phone type. For example,
if the user enters a number for the area code
if the country is India and the phone type is
mobile, an error message is displayed.

Validate Area Code Based on Phone Type Object Validation This rule validates if the area code is entered
based on the phone type. Shows an error
message if the user doesn't enter a value for
the area code when the area code is required,
based on country code and the phone type.

Person Religion
Overview of Person Religion
The Person Religion business object contains a person's religious details based on the PER_RELIGIONS table.

The Person Religion business object impacts these responsive flows

• Add Contingent Worker
• Add Nonworker
• Add Pending Worker
• Family and Emergency Contacts

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

• Hire an Employee
• Local and Global Transfer
• People to Cover
• Personal Details

Attributes for Person Religion

All attributes in the PER_RELIGIONS table are supported.

For more information on the Person Religion attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help
Center (

Navigation From Person Religion

The Person Religion business object is a hierarchical child of the Person business object.

From Person Religion Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Person Religion business object.

From Person Religion to Other How Row Variable Purpose

Business Objects

Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Person You can navigate to other business
objects traversing row variable
(variant 2) on Get Person.

Person Religion: Exceptions and Adaptations

You need to refer to the exceptions and adaptations for the Person business object.

Related Topics
• Person: Exceptions and Adaptations

Delivered Rules for Person Religion

There aren't any predefined rules for the Person Religion business object.

Person Visa
Overview of Person Visa
The Person Visa business object contains a person's visa or permit details such as the issuing country, type, and
number based on the PER_VISAS_PERMITS_F table.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

This business object can typically be used in these cases.

• Validate visa status can't be null

• Validate visa type can't be null
• Validate visa or permit attributes can be updated only if the effective start date isn't in the future
The Person Visa business object impacts these responsive flows.

• Add Contingent Worker

• Add Nonworker
• Add Pending Worker
• Family and Emergency Contacts
• Hire an Employee
• Identification Info
• Local and Global Transfer
• People to Cover

Attributes for Person Visa

All attributes in the PER_VISAS_PERMITS_F table are supported.

For more information on the Person Visa attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help
Center (

Navigation From Person Visa

The Person Visa business object is a hierarchical child of the Person business object.

From Person Visa Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Person Visa business object.

From Person Visa to Other How Row Variable Purpose

Business Objects

Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Person You can navigate to other business
objects traversing row variable
(variant 2) on Get Person.

Person Visa: Exceptions and Adaptations

You need to refer to the exceptions and adaptations for the Person business object.

Related Topics
• Person: Exceptions and Adaptations

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Delivered Rules for Person Visa

There aren't any predefined rules for the Person Visa business object.

Person Profile Certification
Overview of Person Profile Certification
The Person Profile Certification business object contains details such as the Issue Date, Original Issue Year, and
all descriptive flexfield attributes for the certification added in the person profile. This is based on the table:

This business object can be used to validate the license and certification record added for a person profile.

The Person Profile Certification business object impacts the Skills and Qualifications responsive flow.

Attributes for Person Profile Certification

This table lists the main attributes of the person profile certification business object and exceptions, if any.

Attribute Field Name Description

Issue Date Issue Date Date on which this certificate was issued.

Original Issue Year Original Issue Year Year when this certificate was issued.

Flexfield Attributes Flexfield Attributes All descriptive flexfield attributes.

Navigation From and To Person Profile Certification

Here is some useful information to consider when navigating from the Person Profile Certification business object.

From the Person Profile How Row Variable Purpose

Certification Business Object to
Another Business Object

Profile Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Profile You can navigate to other business
objects by traversing the row
variable on Get Profile.

Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Profile > Get Person You can navigate to Get Person
by traversing the row variable on

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From the Person Profile How Row Variable Purpose

Certification Business Object to
Another Business Object

Get Profile to fetch attributes,

descriptive flexfields, and
extensible flexfields from Person
and any other object that it
allows access to, for the Skills and
Qualifications UI.

Certification Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Profile > Get Certifications You can fetch the attributes or
descriptive flexfields of the Person
Profile Certification.

Education Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Profile > Get Education You can fetch the attributes or
descriptive flexfields of any other
degree records related to that

Person Profile Certification: Exceptions and Adaptations

There are no exceptions for this business object. Not all fields that may be visible in the UI in the Education Region may
be available for default and validation. The attributes available are listed above.

Keep these points in mind when creating rules for the Person Profile Certification business object:

• For all the rules, always add the condition to validate the person profile degree row, otherwise the same rule will
get triggered for the Model Profile degree as well.
• Add the condition on the attribute context if you want to trigger this rule for a specific person degree section.
• Though all rule types are supported for this business object, we have only validated the Object Validation Rule
based on the scope.
Here's a sample rule:
Name: Certification_rule1
Rule Type: Object Validation Rule Type
Business Object: Person Profile Certification
Description: Certificate Original issue year must be current or past year .
Status: Active

Rule Logic
profileRow = Get first row (Person Profile Certification.Get Profile)
If (
profileRow.Current row Is not null AND
profileRow.Person ID Is not null AND
Person Profile Certification.Attribute Context Equal to "PERSON_CERTIFICATION"
If (
Person Profile Certification.Original Issue Year Is not null AND
Person Profile Certification.Original Issue Year Greater than Convert integer to long ( Year of ( Today's
date ( )))
Show an error message : "Original issue year value must be current year or any past year. ""

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete


Delivered Rules for Person Profile Certification

There aren't any predefined rules for the Person Profile Certification business object.

Person Profile Education

Overview of Person Profile Education
The Person Profile Education business object contains details such as Education Levels, Year Acquired, and Date
Acquired for the education added in the person profile. This is based on the table HRT_CERTIFICATION_ITEMS_V.

This business object can be used in these cases:

• To validate the degree added for the person profile.
• To validate descriptive flexfield values.
The Person Profile Education business object impacts the Skills and Qualifications responsive flow.

Attributes for Person Profile Education

This table lists the main attributes of the Person Profile Education business object and exceptions, if any.

Attribute Field Name Description

Education Levels Education Levels Education level of the person degree records.

Year Acquired Year Acquired Year Acquired Year when degree was acquired.

Date Acquired Date Acquired Date on which degree was acquired.

Flexfield Attributes Flexfield Attributes All descriptive flexfield attributes.

Navigation From and To Person Profile Education

Here is some useful information to consider when navigating from the Person Profile Education business object.

From the Person Profile How Row Variable Purpose

Education Business Object to
Another Business Object

Profile Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Profile You can navigate to other business
objects by traversing the row
variable on Get Profile.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From the Person Profile How Row Variable Purpose

Education Business Object to
Another Business Object

Person Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Profile > Get Person You can navigate to Get Person
by traversing the row variable on
Get Profile to fetch attributes,
descriptive flexfields, and
extensible flexfields from Person
and any other object that it
allows access to, for the Skills and
Qualifications UI.

Certification Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Profile > Get Certifications You can fetch the attributes or
descriptive flexfields of the Person
Profile Certification.

Education Row Variable (Variant 2) Get Profile > Get Education You can fetch the attributes or
descriptive flexfields of any other
degree records related to that

Person Profile Education: Exceptions and Adaptations

There are no exceptions for this business object. Not all fields that may be visible in the UI in the Education Region may
be available for default and validation. The attributes available are listed above.

Keep these points in mind when creating rules for the Person Profile Education business object:
• For all the rules, always add the condition to validate the person profile degree row, otherwise the same rule will
get triggered for the Model Profile degree as well.
• Add the condition on the attribute context if you want to trigger this rule for a specific person degree section.
• Though all rule types are supported for this business object, we have only validated the Object Validation Rule
based on the scope.
Here's a sample rule:
Name: Education_rule1
Rule Type: Object Validation Rule Type
Business Object: Person Profile Education
Description: Check Year Acquired must have a value if Instructional Program <> blank and Education Level is
<> 14, 16, 18, 20, or 22
Status: Active

Rule Logic :

profileRow = Get first row ( Person Profile Education.Get Profile)

If (
profileRow.Current row Is not null AND
profileRow.Person ID Is not null AND
Person Profile Education.Attribute Context Equal to "DEGREE_300100205258753"
Person Profile Education.Attribute 3 Is not null AND
Person Profile Education.Education Level Does not match { 14|16|18|20|22 } AND
Person Profile Education.Year Acquired Is null

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Show an error message : "You must enter a value for Year Acquired ."

Delivered Rules for Person Profile Education

There aren't any predefined rules for the Person Profile Education business object.

Interview Location
Overview of Interview Location
The Interview Location business object contains interview location details such as the access code, address, area code,
country code, extension, format, location details, phone, web conference link based on the IRC_IS_LOCATIONS table.

This object is typically used in these cases:

• Defaulting work location details for an in person interview.
• Defaulting phone details for a phone interview.
• Defaulting web conference details for an interview in a web conference format.
• Defaulting the work location in the interview address field.
The Interview Location business object impacts this responsive flow:
• Create Interview Schedule

Attributes for Interview Location

This table lists the main attributes of the Interview Location business object and exceptions for any attribute, if any.

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV

PHONE_NUMBER_PASSCODE Access Code Access code for the web


LOCATION_ID Address Address of the in person interview.

Foreign key to a location. (PER_


PHONE_AREA_CODE Area Code Area code of the interview phone


Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV

PHONE_COUNTRY_CODE_ Country Code Country code of the interview

NUMBER phone number.

PHONE_NUMBER_EXT Extension Extension of the interview phone


LOCATION_TYPE Format Type of the interview which Yes

can be an interview in person,
through phone or through a web

LOCATION_DETAILS Location Details Location details of the in person

interview. Examples: building
number, room number.

PHONE_NUMBER Phone Interview phone number.

WEB_CONFERENCE_LINK Web Conference Link Web conference link for the


For more information on the Interview Location attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle
Help Center.

Navigation From and To Interview Location

The Interview Location business object is a part of Recruiting and closely linked to the Requisition object.

From Interview Location Business Object

This table presents useful information to consider when navigating from the Interview Location business object to
another business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Interview Location How Row Variable Name Purpose

Business Object to Other Entities

Schedule Interview Use row variable (variant 2) Get Interview Schedules You can navigate to other business
object traversing row variable
(variant 2) on Get Interview

Schedule Use row variable (variant 2) Get Schedules You can navigate to other business
object traversing row variable
(variant 2) on Get Schedules.

Delivered Rules for Interview Location

There are no predefined rules for the Interview Location business object.

Interview Participants
Overview of Interview Participants
The Interview Participants business object contains interview participant details such as the person ID, participant type,
schedule interview ID based on the RC_IS_INTERVIEW_PART table.

This object is typically used in this case:

• Defaulting the interviewer to the job requisition's hiring manager

The Interview Participants business object impacts this responsive flow:

• Create Interview Schedule

Attributes for Interview Participants

This table lists the main attributes of the Interview Participants business object and exceptions for any attribute, if any.

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV

PERSON_ID Interviewer Person ID of the interviewer.

Foreign key for the person_id

representing this participant.(PER_

PARTICIPANT_TYPE Participant The type of participant that Yes

will take part of the interview.
Examples: Interviewer, Candidate.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV

SUBMISSION_ID Job Application The job application of the

candidate that participates in a

Foreign key to the associated job

application (IRC_SUBMISSIONS).

For more information on the Interview Participants attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle
Help Center.

Navigation From and To Interview Participants

The Interview Participants business object is a part of Recruiting and closely linked to the Requisition object.

From Interview Participants Business Object

This table presents useful information to consider when navigating from the Interview Participants business object to
another business object.

From Interview Location How Row Variable Name Purpose

Business Object to Other Entities

Schedule Interview Use row variable (variant 2) getScheduleInterviewRow You can navigate to other
business object traversing
row variable (variant 2) on

Delivered Rules for Interview Participants

There are no predefined rules for the Interview Participants business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Job Offer
Overview of Job Offers
The Job Offers business object contains job offer details such as the offer name, description, eSignature instructions,
expiration date based on the IRC_OFFERS table.

This business object is typically used in these cases:

• Defaulting the offer letter template based on rules driven by recruiting type, work structures, employment type,
internal or external, and many more.
• Validate different offer attributes such as Offer Expiration date.
The Job Offers business object impacts these responsive flows:

• Create and Edit Job Offer

• View and Manage Job Offer

Attributes for Job Offers

This table lists the main attributes of the Job Offers business object and exceptions for any attribute, if any.

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV

ASSIGNMENT_OFFER_ID Assignment Offer ID Stores the ASSIGNMENT_ID of the

Offer. Foreign key to PER_ALL_

MANAGER_ASSIGNMENT_ID Hiring Manager Assignment ID Stores the ASSIGNMENT_ID of the

hiring manager's assignment for
this offer. Foreign key to PER_ALL_

HIRING_MANAGER_ID Hiring Manager ID Stores the PERSON_ID of the hiring

manager's assignment for this
offer. Foreign key to PER_PERSONS

EXPIRATION_DATE Expiration Date Stores offer expiration date of this


OFFER_LETTER_LAYOUT_ID Offer Letter Refers to BIP template used to Yes

generate the offer letter.

ADDITIONALTEXT1 Additional Text 1 Offer Letter additional text 1.

ADDITIONALTEXT2 Additional Text 2 Offer Letter additional text 2.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV

PRESELECTED_HR_ACTIONTYPE_ Action Stores the action type code that

CODE you can also get on the preselected
hr action relation.

PERSON_ID Person ID Stores the PERSON_ID of the

candidate for this offer. Foreign key
to PER_PERSONS table.


the recruiter's assignment for this
offer. Foreign key to PER_ALL_

SUBMISSION _ID Submission ID Refers to the job application.

Foreign key to IRC_SUBMISSIONS

For more information on the Job Offers attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help

Navigation From and To Job Offers

The Job Offers business object is a part of Recruiting.

From Job Offers Business Object

This table presents useful information to consider when navigating from the Job Offers business object to another
business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Job Offers Business Object How Row Variable Name Purpose
to Other Entities

Submissions Row related to Application ID To access the candidate job

application details.

Candidate Person Row related to Candidate Person ID Person details of the candidate
who applied for the job.

Content Library Row related to Job Offer Letter Fetches the offer letters.

Get Offer Team Members View accessor getOfferTeamMembers Fetches the hiring manager,
recruiter, and collaborators details
of the current job offer.

Delivered Rules for Job Offers

There are no predefined rules for the Job Offers business object.

Job Requisition
Overview of Job Requisition
The Job Requisition business object contains job requisition details such as the requisition type, recruiting type,
requisition number, requisition title, number of openings and many more based on the IRC_REQUISITIONS table.

This business object is typically used in these cases:

• Job Requisition
The Job Requisition business object impacts these responsive flows:

• Create Job Requisition

• View and Edit Job Requisition
• Define Job Requisition Details for Agencies
• Define Job Requisition Details for External Career Sites
• Define Job Requisition Details for Internal Career Site

Attributes for Job Requisition

This table lists the main attributes of the Job Requisition business object and exceptions for any attribute, if any.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV

RECRUITING_TYPE_ CODE Recruiting Type Stores the type of Recruiting as a

lookup code. The corresponding
lookup type is ORA_IRC_
accepts NULL values.

PIPELINE_REQUISITION_FLAG Requisition Type Stores whether the requisition is a Yes

pipeline requisition

REQUISITION_NUMBER Requisition Number Unique readable number for the


TITLE Requisition Title Title of the requisition.

NUMBER_TO_HIRE Number of Openings Stores the number of people to hire

for this Requisition.

UNLIMITED_HIRE_FLAG Unlimited Openings Stores whether this Requisition can

hire unlimited number of people.

POSITION_ID Position Stores the corresponding position Yes

ID. Foreign key to HR_ALL_

JUSTIFICATION_CODE Business Justification Stores the Justification for this Yes

Requisition as a lookup code. The
corresponding lookup type is ORA_

HIRING_MANAGER_ID Hiring Manager Stores the PERSON_ID of the hiring

manager for this Requisition.
Foreign key to PER_PERSONS

RECRUITER_ID Recruiter Stores the PERSON_ID of the

recruiter for this Requisition.
Foreign key to PER_PERSONS

ORGANIZATION_ID Organization Foreign key to HR_ALL_ Yes


LOCATION_ID Primary Location Stores the primary work location of Yes

the requisition. Foreign key to PER_

JOB_FAMILY_ID Job Family Foreign key to PER_JOB_FAMILY_F. Yes

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported by LOV

JOB_FUNCTION_CODE Job Function Stores the job function code for Yes
this Requisition as a lookup code.
The corresponding lookup type is

ATTRIBUTE_CHAR1 Flexfields - AttributeChar1-30 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of

the user descriptive flexfield.

ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER1 Flexfields - AttributeNumber1-20 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of

the user descriptive flexfield.

ATTRIBUTE_DATE1 Flexfields - AttributeDate1-10 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of

the user descriptive flexfield.

For more information on the Job Requisition attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help

Navigation From and To Job Requisition

The Job Requisition business object is a part of Recruiting.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Job Requisition: Exceptions and Adaptations

Messages are triggered in the questionnaire region or when users click the Submit button. Users can go back and edit to
comply the rule.

Delivered Rules for Job Requisition

There are no predefined rules for the Job Requisition business object.

Overview of Salary
The Salary business object contains details, such as the salary basis and salary amount. These details come from the
CMP_SALARY table. You typically use the Salary business object in these cases.

• Default a salary basis depending on whether the person's assignment has them as hourly or salaried
• Default a salary basis according to the FLSA status of the person's job.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

• Validate that the salary basis frequency aligns with people's working hours. For example, make sure that people
working full time are assigned an annual salary. And make sure people working part time are assigned an
hourly salary.
• Prevent people from reducing a salary amount.
• Prevent people without the HR Specialist role from increasing a salary amount by more than a specified
The Salary business object impacts these responsive flows.

• Change Salary
• Create Job Offer
• Edit Job Offer
• Person and Employment actions that include the Salary section
• Salary History
In Transaction Design Studio, the separate Create Job Offer and Edit Job Offer actions are the single action Create
and Edit Job Offer.

CAUTION: To avoid getting exceptions, you need to make sure that your Autocomplete rules don't contradict or
conflict with each other because all rules run simultaneously.

Attributes for Salary

Here's a list of the main attributes for the Salary business object and any exceptions.

Attribute and Field Name Description Supported by LOV Assignable

Start Date Date when a salary starts

Action Action for the salary change Yes

Action Reason Reason associated with the action Yes

and salary change

End Date Date when a salary ends

Salary Basis Salary basis name Yes Yes

Salary Amount Salary amount Yes

Next Salary Review Date Date of next salary review Yes

You can assign or set defaults for only the Salary Basis, Salary Amount, and Next Salary Review Date attributes. You
can use the other attributes for querying values or writing conditions. Don't update the other attributes.

Here's a list of additional attributes that you can use in criteria and conditions, but not to default. You also can't define
field validation or modifications rules with these attributes. None of these attributes are supported by an LOV, nor
should they be assigned.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute and Field Name Description

Adjustment Amount Quantity of money by which a salary is increased or decreased.

Adjustment Percentage Quantity of money by which a salary is increased or decreased expressed as a percentage.

Annual Salary Salary for a full year of work.

Annual Full-time Salary Salary for a full year of work at 1 full-time equivalent.

Compa-Ratio Compa-ratio for the salary

Full-time Equivalent Factor that represents the proportion of full-time hours that a person works.

Range Position Position where a salary falls between the salary minimum and salary maximum for the person's grade,
expressed as a percentage of 100.

Salary Range Minimum Salary range minimum based on the grade rate linked to the salary basis and differential applicable.

Salary Range Midpoint Salary range midpoint based on the grade rate linked to the salary basis and differential applicable.

Salary Range Maximum Salary range maximum based on the grade rate linked to the salary basis and differential applicable.

Quartile Numeric identifier for the quartile. The salary range is divided into four equal parts, with Quartile 1 as
the lowest.

Quintile Numeric identifier for the quintile. The salary range is divided into five equal parts, with Quintile 1 as
the lowest.

For more information about the Salary attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on Oracle Help Center

Navigation from Salary

Here's some useful information to consider when navigating from the Salary business object, which is closely linked to
the Assignment and When and Why objects.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Object How Row Variable Name Purpose

Salary Basis Use row variable (variant 1) Row related to Salary Basis To fetch attributes of the salary
basis. Attributes of Lookup - Salary

Action Use row variable (variant 1) Row related to Action To fetch attributes of the action.
Attributes of Lookup - Action.

Reason Use row variable (variant 1) Row related to Reason To fetch attributes of the reason.
Attributes of Lookup - Reason.

When and Why Use row variable (variant 2) Get When and Why To fetch attributes, descriptive
flexfield segments, or extended
flexfield segments from the When
and Why object for only the
Change Salary action.

Worker Assignment Use row variable (variant 2) Get Assignment To fetch attributes or descriptive
flexfield segments of the work
assignment and any other object
that it provides access to.

Salary Use row variable (variant 2) Get Existing Salary To fetch current salary attributes.

Salary Use row variable (variant 2) Get Existing Salary History To fetch all of the salary records.

Salary: Exceptions and Adaptations

The Salary business object doesn't always act according to the general principles of Autocomplete rules.

Sometimes, you can adapt it by adding a unique additional condition or coding style. These adaptations might not be
functionally obvious per your requirement, but instead are technically required to control for your specific requirement.

Here's a list of the rules that you can't currently implement for the Salary business object.

Number Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Fields Impacted Comments

1 Object Validation Object Validation All Salary All Since this is

Runs Only on typically the last
Submit section of most
Offer and HR flows,
this isn't a big
issue. Starting
with release 22A,
validation runs on
both Continue and

2 Can't Change the Object Defaulting All Salary All The default
Default When Re- salary basis is
Entering a Section set according
to criteria, for
example, about

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Number Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Fields Impacted Comments

the assignment or
job. If you change
that criteria and
return to the Salary
section, the default
salary basis won't
be updated.

3 Ignore Multiple Object Defaulting All Salary All If you make

Changes in a changes to the
Single Day assignment--
for example,
multiple times
in a day--that
affect the criteria
determining the
default salary
basis, the Salary
section won't
create the business
object. It also won't
treat the change
as a correction
since the Salary
object doesn't
support multiple
changes in a day
with its effective
date handling of
salary records.

4 Can't Change Object Validation All Salary All When Salary

Values in Other business object
Sections to Fix rules raise an error,
Salary Section you can fix data
Validation Issues issues only in the
Salary section of
the Offer and HR
flows. You can't go
back to previous
sections. Only
when you select a
valid value can you
visit the previous
sections, such as
Assignment. If you
need to change
information in
previous sections,
then you need
to cancel the
transaction and
start over. For
example, the rule
validates that
the salary basis
frequency has to
be hourly for a
part timer. When
you get the error,
you can't change
the person's

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Number Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Fields Impacted Comments

assignment to full
time. You need to
select salary basis
with an hourly
frequency for the
part timer.

5 Can Set Default the Object Defaulting All Salary All The default salary
First Time Salary is attributes are
Created set according to
criteria the first
time you propose
the salary or
when salary is
created during
a conversion or
copy process.
They won't default
again when you
correct an existing
salary. They also
won't default again
when you return
to the previous
sections, change
criteria, and go
back to the salary
section. And they
won't default again
when you change
criteria during a
conversion flow,
such as pending
worker, where
the salary already

6 Field Validation Field Validation All Salary Field with The field validation
Runs for Only That Validation rule runs when you
Field change the value
of the field and
then press Tab or
click elsewhere.
The rule doesn't
run when you
make changes
to other fields
that affect the
salary amount.
For example,
when you change
the adjustment
percentage or
or advanced
component values.
To validate how
changes made
to other fields
affect the salary

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Number Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Fields Impacted Comments

amount, you're
better off using
object validation.

7 Object Validation Object Validation All Salary All For incremental

Also Runs after or standard types
Clicking Select of salary basis,
Components object validation
Button starts after people
click the Select
Components and
Continue buttons.
If a violation is
detected, such
as salary amount
isn't in salary
range, people can't
select components
until they fix the

Here's a list of the rules where you can vary the rule logic to achieve the result you want.

Number Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Fields Impacted Comments

1 Validate Salary Field Validation Change Flows Salary Salary Amount Validation runs
Amount Field even before
someone enters
the Salary section.
You need to
sample old and
new values for
condition to make
sure it runs only
after they change
the value in the
Salary Amount

2 Handle Salary All Change Flows Salary All A salary update

Update end dates the
applicable salary
and adds the
new salary.
Validation runs
for both salaries,
so you need to
include additional
conditions if you
want to prevent
this scenario.

3 Set Default Salary Object Defaulting Create and Edit Salary Salary Basis When accessing
Basis During Offer Offer the person's

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Number Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Fields Impacted Comments

assignment for
criteria, check
for Assignment
followed by
NOT NULL to make
sure there isn't
an error during a
subsequent Move
to HR process.

Delivered Rules for Salary

You can use these delivered rules to set default values and add validation in salary flows, but not the Download Salaries
task. The rules use the CMP_Download_Salary HcmParam to explicitly exclude Download Salaries values.

Delivered Rule Rule Type Description

Default Salary Basis Using Job FLSA Code Object Defaulting This rule defaults a salary basis according to the
person's job FSLA status.
• If FLSA status is EXEMPT, it sets an annual
salary basis
• Else, it sets an hourly salary basis
The rule also defaults a date for the next salary
review that's 1 year after the salary start date.
This rule doesn't run for certain areas, such as
HCM Data Loader and REST services. And the
rule can't detect date-effective changes to the
job FLSA. When you start copying the delivered
rule, the salary basis fields become empty. You
need to configure the values in your version of
the rule.

This object-defaulting rule runs the first time

that you enter the salary section. For example,
you start the Promote action and set the job
in the assignment section. When you reach
the salary section, the salary basis defaults
according to your rule. Then you can go back to
the assignment section and change the job. The
defaulted salary basis won't change when you
return to the salary section, even if your rule
logic would default a different basis because
of the new job. Similarly, if you are correcting
an existing salary, its salary basis won't be
changed as the object is existing and now being

Validate That the Salary Basis Frequency for a Object Validation This rule validates salary basis frequency
Part Timer Is Hourly according to whether the person's assignment
is full time or part time. The rule raises an error
when either of these conditions is true:

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Delivered Rule Rule Type Description

• A person working full time is allocated an

hourly salary basis
• A person working part time isn't allocated
an hourly salary basis
This rule is open to Offer, HR, and
Compensation flows; processes; HCM Data
Loader; and REST services.

Warning for Next Salary Review Date Field Modification This rule validates that the date set for the next
salary review is more than 1 year after the salary
start date. If the date is more than 1 year, it
raises a warning. The rule is limited to Offer, HR,
and Compensation flows only.

Validate That the Proposed Salary Amount Isn't Field Validation This rule validates that the proposed salary
Less Than Current Salary Amount amount isn't less than the current salary in
promotion actions. The rule is open to HR and
Compensation flows, processes, HCM Data
Loader, and REST services whenever there's
an existing salary record and you're creating
another record.

Validate That the Proposed Salary Amount Is Field Validation This rule validates that the proposed salary
Not Zero amount doesn't equal 0 in promotion actions.
The rule is limited to HR and Compensation
flows, processes, HCM Data Loader, and REST
services where there's an existing salary and
you're creating another record.
Make sure that the existing salary data also
doesn't violate this rule. The rule could raise an
error even when the current salary amount is
equal to 0.

General Considerations for Salary

Here's a list of constraints that affect when and how you can use salary.

Constraints for Delivered Salary Rules

Constraint Additional Information

You can assign or set defaults for only the You can use the other attributes to query for values or write conditions, but don't update the other
Salary Basis, Salary Amount, and Next attributes.
Salary Review Date attributes.

You mainly use the Salary business object You can use the Salary business object attributes to validate the other types of salary bases, but not
for salary basis of the user determined to set defaults. You can default any type of salary basis, but you can default the salary amount only for
type. salary determined by user type.

You can't default or validate values or These components don't have business objects to support defaulting and validation.
percentages of incremental and simple
salary components.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Constraint Additional Information

You should avoid defaulting the salary Instead, set a validation rule to ensure that people enter the correct amount.

You can't set default values for any fields The default attributes are set according to criteria, for example, about the assignment or job, the
during criteria corrections. first time you propose the salary. If you go back and change criteria values, then return to the salary
section, the salary basis isn't updated.
Similarly when you correct an existing salary, none of the salary attributes default again, even though
the criteria changed.

You can run object validation only on If there are other sections such as Individual Compensation, then object validation runs when
submit when the salary section is the last the person clicks the OK button in that section. Starting with release 22A, validation runs on both
section of the compact guided flows. Continue and Submit.

You can't make the rule consider multiple If you make multiple assignment changes in a day that affect the criteria determining the defaulting,
changes that happen on a single day. the Salary section won't create the business object. It also won't treat the change as new salary because
salary records don't support multiple changes in a day.

You can’t make the rule consider criteria When you create an assignment change on the same day that salary starts, and the changes affect the
changes when salary exists for the day. salary defaulting criteria, the salary section won't default. Salary treats the change as a correction.

You can't change values in other sections When Salary object rules raise an error, you can fix issues only in the salary section of the Offer and
to fix validation issues in the salary HR flows. You can't go back to previous sections. Only after you select a valid value can you return to
section. previous sections, such as Assignment. If you need to change information in previous sections, then
you need to cancel the transaction and start over. For example, the rule validates that the salary basis
frequency has to be hourly for a part timer. When you get the error, you can't change the person's
assignment to full time. You need to select a salary basis with an hourly frequency for the part timer.

You need to make sure that rules don't You could face exceptions if they contradict or conflict.
contradict or conflict with each other
because all rules run simultaneously.

Field validation rules run when you change Rules won't run for changes made to other fields that affect salary amount, such as adjustment
the value of the particular field and then amount percentage, or component values when you use incremental, standard, or advanced
press Tab or click elsewhere. components. An object validation, rather than a field validation rule, would be better suited to handle
such scenarios.

You should avoid defaulting or validating Explicitly exclude these values using the HcmParam CMP_Download_Salary.
values coming from the Download Salaries

Prepare to Move Salary Rules to Production Environments

To make sure your salary rules work correctly before you migrate them to production environments, test them in all of
these flows that you use. You can also test them in other flows you use.

• Offer flows: Create Offer, Edit Offer, and Move to HR. Also test an internal posting flow using the Manage Job
Offers task.
• HR flows: Hire, Convert Pending Worker, Local and Global Transfer, Change Working Hours, and Add
• Compensation flows: Change Salary and Salary History. Be sure to test Change Salary from both the My
Teams area as a line manager and the My Client Groups area as an HR Specialist. Test Salary History from the
My Client Groups area. Because security determines access to both these areas and the actions, you need to
test them separately.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

You also need to test how the salary rules work with these processes, tools, and tasks:
• Grade step progression processes
• Workforce Compensation Transfer process
• HCM Data Loader and the Salary object
• Salaries REST services
• Download Salaries task
• Offer and Pending Worker Conversion processes

Succession Plans
Succession Plans
Overview of Succession Plans
The Succession Plans business object contains succession related information about an incumbent, job, or position,
including a list of plan candidates based on the HRM_PLANS table.

This business object can typically be used in these cases.

• Validate if the named incumbent of the plan is incumbent of another plan when creating or editing a plan. The
warning message can display either a list of plans to which the logged in user has access or all plans regardless
of access.
• Validate if the named incumbent of the plan is the incumbent of another plan to which the logged in user has
access when creating or editing a plan. The error message can display a list of plans to which the logged in user
has access or all plans regardless of access.
• Validate if the job entered on the plan is listed in another plan when creating or editing a plan. The warning
message can display a list of plans to which the logged in user has access or all plans regardless of access.
• Validate if the job entered on the plan is listed in another plan when creating or editing a plan. The error
message can display a list of plans to which the logged in user has access or all plans regardless of access.
• Validate if the position entered on the plan is listed in another plan when creating or editing a plan. The warning
message can display a list of plans to which the logged in user has access or all plans regardless of access.
• Validate if the position entered on the plan is listed in another plan when creating or editing a plan. The error
message can display a list of plans to which the logged in user has access or all plans regardless of access.
The Succession Plans business object impacts these responsive flows.
• Add to Succession Plan
• Create Succession Plan
• Succession Plans

Attributes for Succession Plans

This table lists attributes for the Succession Plans business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description

PLAN_ID Succession Plan ID ID of the succession plan that’s created or


DESCRIPTION Description Description of the succession plan that’s

created or updated

PLAN_TYPE Plan Type Succession plan type, which can be Incumbent,

Job, or Position

STATUS Status Status of the succession plan succession plan

that’s created or updated, which can be Active
or Inactive

ACCESS_TYPE_CODE Owner Type Administrator role of the plan owner, which

controls the actions available to the plan owner

INCUMBENT_PERSON_ID Incumbent Person ID Person ID of the incumbent of the succession

plan that’s created or updated

BUSINESS_UNIT_ID Business Unit ID ID of the business unit with which the

succession plan that’s created or updated is

JOB_ID Job ID ID of the job for which the succession plan is

being created or updated

GRADE_ID Grade ID ID of the job grade with which the succession

plan that’s created or updated is associated

POSITION_ID Position ID ID of the position for which the succession plan

is being created or updated

DEPARTMENT_ID Department ID ID of the department with which the succession

plan that’s created or updated is associated

For more information on the Succession Plans attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle
Help Center (

Navigation From Succession Plans

The Succession Plans business object is the parent of the Succession Plan Candidates and Succession Plan Owners
business objects.

This illustration depicts the other business objects that you access from the Succession Plans business object.
The Succession Plans business object gets assignment related information from the Assignment business object.
Information of the succession plan candidates and owners are stored in the Succession Plan Candidates and Succession
Plan Owners business objects.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Succession Plans

Consider the following information when using the view accessors of the Succession Plans business object.

From Succession Plans Business Object to How Purpose

Other Entities

Get All Plans with the Same Incumbent Rowset variable Access all records from the Succession Plans
business object displayed in Autocomplete
Rules that have the same incumbent as the
current plan.

Get All Accessible Plans with the Same Rowset variable Access all accessible records from the
Incumbent Succession Plans business object displayed
in Autocomplete Rules that have the same
incumbent as the current plan.

Get All Plans with the Same Job Rowset variable Access all job plan records from the
Succession Plans business object displayed in
Autocomplete Rules that have the same job as
the current plan.

Get All Accessible Plans with the Same Job Rowset variable Access all accessible job plan records from the
Succession Plans business object displayed in
Autocomplete Rules that have the same job as
the current plan.

Get All Plans with the Same Position Rowset variable Access all position plan records from the
Succession Plans business object displayed in
Autocomplete that have the same position as
the current plan.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Succession Plans Business Object to How Purpose

Other Entities

Get All Accessible Plans with the Same Position Rowset variable Access all accessible position plan records from
the Succession Plans business object displayed
in Autocomplete Rules that have the same
position as the current plan.

Get Plan Type Row variable (variant 1) Access a set of records from the succession
plans business object displayed in
Autocomplete to get the plan type.

Get Plan Status Row variable (variant 1) Access a set of records from the succession
plans business object displayed in
Autocomplete to get the plan status.

Get Owner Type Row variable (variant 1) Access a set of records from the Succession
Plan Owners business object displayed in
Autocomplete to get the access type of the plan

Get Succession Plan Candidates Rowset variable Access a set of records from the Succession
Plan Candidates business object displayed in
Autocomplete to get all the candidate records
for the plan ID.

Get Succession Plan Owners Rowset variable Access a set of records from the Succession
Plan Owners business object displayed in
Autocomplete to get all the owner records for
the plan ID.

Get Plan Incumbent Primary Assignment Row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the Assignment
business object displayed in Autocomplete to
get the primary assignment record using the
person ID of the succession plan incumbent.

Get Logged In User Primary Assignment Row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the Assignment
business object displayed in Autocomplete to
get the primary assignment record using the
person ID of the user who is signed in.

Succession Plans: Exceptions

This table lists rules that can't be currently implemented for the Succession Plans business object.


Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

Validate based on All All All All You can't validate

other HCM data (error or warning)
based on other HCM
data such a specific
position or job.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Delivered Rules for Succession Plans

There aren't any predefined rules for the Succession Plans business object.

Succession Plan Candidates

Overview of Succession Plan Candidates
The Succession Plan Candidates business object contains information about the candidates of a succession plan. It's
based on the HRM_PLAN_CANDIDATES table.

This business object can typically be used in these cases:

• Ensure that the same candidate ranking is not assigned to more than 1 candidate in the plan.
• Ensure that the readiness of candidates included in the succession plan is restricted to specific readiness levels.
For example, the readiness should be Ready Now or Ready in 1-2 years only.
The Succession Plan Candidates business object impacts these responsive flows.

• Add to Succession Plan

• Create Succession Plan
• Succession Plans

Attributes for Succession Plan Candidates

This table lists attributes for the Succession Plan Candidates business object.

Attribute Field Name Description

PLAN_CANDIDATE_ID Succession Plan Candidate ID ID of the succession plan candidate

PLAN_ID Succession Plan ID ID of the succession plan the candidate is

added to

PERSON_ID Person ID Person ID of the succession plan candidate

STATUS Status Status of the succession plan candidate, which

can be Active or Inactive

SUCCESSION_STATUS Succession Status Indicates if the candidate has moved to the role
defined in the succession plan

CANDIDATE_TYPE Candidate Type Indicates if the candidate is an internal or

external candidate

EXTERNAL_CANDIDATE_ID External Candidate ID ID of the external succession plan candidate

READINESS_CODE Readiness Code Indicates the readiness level of the succession

plan candidate to assume the role defined in
the succession plan

CANDIDATE_RANKING Candidate Ranking Ranking of the succession plan candidate

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description

EMERGENCY_SUCCESSOR Interim Successor Indicates if the candidate is the interim

successor for the role defined in the succession

Navigation From and To Succession Plan Candidates

The Succession Plan Candidates business object is closely linked to the Succession Plans business object.

This image illustrates that the Succession Plans business object references the Succession Plan Candidates business
object which in turn references the Assignment business object.

From Succession Plan Candidates Business Object

This table lists the object you can navigate to from the Succession Plan Candidates business object.

From Succession Plan Candidates Business How Purpose

Object to Other Entities

Get Plan Candidate Primary Assignment Row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the Assignment
business object displayed in Autocomplete to
get the primary assignment record using the
person ID of the succession plan candidate.

To Succession Plan Candidates Business Object

This table lists the object that navigates to the Succession Plan Candidates business object.

To Succession Plan Candidates Business How Purpose

Object from Other Entities

Get Succession Plan Candidates Rowset variable Access a set of records from the Succession
Plan Candidates business object displayed in

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

To Succession Plan Candidates Business How Purpose

Object from Other Entities

Autocomplete to get all the candidate records

for the plan ID.

Succession Plan Candidates: Exceptions

This table lists rules that can't be currently implemented for the Succession Plan Candidates business object.


Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

Validate based on All All Candidates All You can't validate

external candidate (error or warning)
data based on data related
to external candidates
of succession plans
other than the external
candidate ID.

Delivered Rules for Succession Plan Candidates

There aren't any predefined rules for the Succession Plan Candidates business object.

Succession Plan Owners

Overview of Succession Plan Owners
The Succession Plan Owners business object contains information about the owners of a succession plan. It's based on
the HRM_PLAN_OWNERS table.

This business object can typically be used to validate the owner's primary assignment attributes. For example, you can
ensure that the owners added to the succession plan are from specific business units or departments.

The Succession Plan Owners business object impacts these responsive flows.

• Add to Succession Plan

• Create Succession Plan
• Succession Plans

Attributes for Succession Plan Owners

This table lists attributes for the Succession Plan Owners business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description

PLAN_OWNER_ID Owner ID ID of the succession plan owner

PLAN_ID Succession Plan ID ID of the succession plan that the owner owns

PERSON_ID Person ID Person ID of the succession plan owner

OWNER_TYPE_CODE Owner Type Administrator role of the succession plan

owner, which controls the actions available to
the plan owner

Navigation From and To Succession Plan Owners

The Succession Plan Owners business object is closely linked to the Succession Plans business object.

This image illustrates that the Succession Plans business object references the Succession Plan Owners business object
which in turn references the Assignment business object.

From Succession Plan Owners Business Object

This table lists the object you can navigate to from the Succession Plan Owners business object.

From Succession Plan Owners Business How Purpose

Object to Other Entities

Get Plan Owner Primary Assignment Row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the Assignment
business object displayed in Autocomplete to
get the primary assignment record using the
person ID of the succession plan owner.

To Succession Plan Owners Business Object

This table lists the object that navigates to the Succession Plan Owners business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

To Succession Plan Owners Business Object How Purpose

from Other Entities

Get Owner Type Row variable (variant 1) Access a set of records from the Succession
Plan Owners business object displayed in
Autocomplete to get the access type of the plan

Get Succession Plan Owners Rowset variable Access a set of records from the Succession
Plan Owners business object displayed in
Autocomplete to get all the owner records for
the plan ID.

Delivered Rules for Succession Plan Owners

There aren't any predefined rules for the Succession Plan Owners business object.

Talent Review Meeting

Overview of Talent Review Meeting
The Talent Review Meeting business object contains Talent Review meeting records based on the HRR_MEETINGS table.

You typically create autocomplete rules for the Talent Review Meeting business object to validate Talent Review meeting
details. For example, you can create rules for these scenarios:

• Allow only persons who are in predefined roles to create a Talent Review meeting.
• Validate if the meeting date is before a certain predefined date.
• Validate that the Talent Review meeting name is according to the organization's guidelines.
• Validate the values entered in flexfields.
• Validate that the Talent Review meeting is in Not Started status when it's created.
• Validate that the selected business leader isn't a pending worker.
The rules you create for the Talent Review Meeting business object impact these responsive flows:

• Add Talent Review Meeting

• Edit Talent Review Meeting
• Duplicate Talent Review Meeting

Attributes for Talent Review Meeting

The Talent Review Meeting business object is based on the HRR_MEETINGS table.

This table lists the main attributes you can use to configure the Talent Review Meeting business object with exceptions
where list of values aren't supported.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attributes for Talent Review Meeting

Attribute Field Name Supported LOV


DASHBOARD_TMPL_ID Meeting Template ID LOV_DashboardTemplateId

MEETING_TITLE Talent Review Meeting N/A



MEETING_STATUS_CODE Meeting Status LOV_MeetingStatusCode

DATA_SUBMIT_DATE Data Submission Deadline N/A



You can also use the descriptive flexfield attributes.

This table lists some of the attributes that you can select from the Row Related to Meeting Template ID list.

Attributes Shown in the Row Related to Meeting Template ID list

Attribute Field Name


NAME Template Name





DISPLAY_RISK_OF_LOSS Risk of Loss Analytic Option

DISPLAY_IMPACT_OF_LOSS Impact of Loss Analytic Option

DISPLAY_MOBILITY Mobility Analytic Option


COLOR_LOCATION Location Color Code Option

COLOR_ORG_HIERARCHY Manager Color Code Option

DISPLAY_GENDER Gender Color Code Option

DISPLAY_AGE Age Color Code Option

DISPLAY_ETHNICITY Ethnicity Color Code Option

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name


INCLUDE_SUCCESSION_PLANS Include succession plans

INCLUDE_TALENT_POOLS Include talent pools

INCLUDE_MATRIX_MGMT Include matrix managers as reviewers

MAX_MARKERS_ALLOWED Maximum Number of Records

POPULATION_SIZE_FOR_ESS Submission Process Threshold

FILTER_JOBROLE_ASSGN Job Population Filter

FILTER_REVWR_PARTCPNT Reviewers and Participants Population Filter

FILTER_LOCATION Location Population Filter

FILTER_ORG_HIERARCHY Manager Population Filter

FILTER_LEVEL Subordinate Level Population Filter

FILTER_JOBGRADE Grade Population Filter

FILTER_COMPETENCY Competency Population Filter

FILTER_PROFICIENCY Proficiency Population Filter

FILTER_BUSINESSUNIT Business Unit Population Filter

FILTER_JOB_FUNCTION Job Function Population Filter

FILTER_JOB_FAMILY Job Family Population Filter

FILTER_MGMT_LEVEL Management Level Population Filter




USE_POT_ASSESS_FLAG Enable Potential Assessment


USE_ORGCHART_FLAG Enable Organization Chart


ROL_DSPLY_OPTN_PREF Risk of Loss Preferred Display Option

IOL_DSPLY_OPTN_PREF Impact of Loss Preferred Display Option

MOBILITY_DSPLY_OPTN_PREF Mobility Preferred Display Option

For more information on Talent Review attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Navigation From Talent Review Meeting

This illustration depicts the navigation from the Talent Review Meeting business object.

Consider the information shown in this table when navigating from the Talent Review Meeting business object.

Navigations from the Talent Review Meeting business object

From Talent Review Meeting Business Object How Purpose

to View Accessor

Get Business Leader Primary Assignment Row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the Assignment
business object displayed in Autocomplete. Use
to get the business leader’s primary assignment
row by passing the business leader’s Person ID.

Get Logged in User Primary Assignment Row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the Assignment
business object displayed in Autocomplete. Use
to get the logged in user’s primary assignment
row by passing the logged in user’s Person ID.

Row Related to Meeting Status Row variable (variant 1) Access attributes of the Meeting Status

Row Related to Meeting Template ID Row variable (variant 1) Access attributes of the Talent Review meeting

Note: You can’t navigate to the Talent Review Meeting business object from other Autocomplete business objects.

Talent Review Meeting: Exceptions

This topic lists the exceptions for the Talent Review Meeting business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Exceptions for the Talent Review Meeting Business Object

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted

Default on tab-out and Object Defaulting, Field All All All

validation on tab-out not Validation

Delivered Rules for Talent Review Meeting

There aren't any predefined rules for the Talent Review Meeting business object.

Workforce Structures
Overview of Job
The Job business object contains employee, contingent worker, applicants, and benefits assignments' information
based on the PER_JOBS_F table.

This object can typically be used in these cases.

• Validate job code formatting

• Validate job name formatting
• Default full-time or part-time based on working hours or frequency
• Default regular or temporary value based on full time or part time
• Validate job level based on benchmark option
The Job business object impacts the Job Details responsive flow.

Attributes for Job

This table lists the main attributes of the Job business object and exceptions, if any.

Attribute Field Name Description Supported LOV

ActionOccurrenceId Action Occurrence ID Identifier of the action occurrence. N/A

ActiveStatus Active Status Indicates of status is active or LOV_ActiveStatus


Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported LOV

ApprovalAuthority Approval Authority Indicator to show the level of N/A

approval authority given the
incumbent of the job.

BenchmarkJobFlag Benchmark An option indicating benchmark LOV_BenchmarkJobFlag

job as Yes or No.

BenchmarkJobId Benchmark Job Unique identifier of the benchmark LOV_BenchmarkJobId


BusinessGroupId Business Group Id Identifier of the enterprise. N/A

CategoryCode Category Code Category code of the descriptive N/A

flexfield structure.

FullPartTime Full Time or Part-Time Defines position or job as being full LOV_FullPartTime
time or part-time.

GradeLadderId Grade Ladder Identifier of the grade ladder. LOV_GradeLadderId

JobCode Job Code Unique identifier given to a job N/A


JobFamilyId Job Family Identifier of the job family. LOV_JobFamilyId

JobFunctionCode Function Describes the primary functional LOV_JobFunctionCode

classification of the job.

JobId Job Id Identifier of the Job. N/A

ManagerLevel Level Describes the managerial or LOV_ManagerLevel

supervisory level of the job.

MedCheckupReq Medical Checkup Required Designating whether or not the job LOV_MedCheckupReq
requires a medical checkup

ProgressionJobId Progression Job Identity of the job that's logically LOV_ProgressionJobId

the next in progression line within
the organization.

RegularTemporary Regular or Temporary Describes whether the job is LOV_RegularTemporary

permanent or temporary.

RequisitionTemplateId Requisition Template ID Identifier of the requisition LOV_RequisitionTemplateId


Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported LOV

SetId Set Identifier of the reference data set N/A

for the job.

For more information on the Job attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help Center

Navigation From and To Job

The Job business object is a part of Work Structures.

As shown in the illustration, you can navigate to the Job business object using Get Job Name, Get Job Valid Grade, Get
Job Extra Information, Get Job Legislative Information, and Get Job United States Legislative Information.

In addition to directly using this object for defaulting and validating, you can also use it as a criteria to achieve other
defaulting and validating in objects that are called in subsequent sections involving the Job section.

From Job Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Job business object

From Job to Other Business Objects How Purpose

Worker Assignment row variable (variant 2) To fetch the job details

To Job Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Job business object

From Other Business Objects to Job How Purpose

Get Job Legislative Information row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the legislative
information business object displayed in
Autocomplete for a specified job.

Get Job Extra Information row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the extra
information business object displayed in
Autocomplete for a specified job.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Other Business Objects to Job How Purpose

Get Job United States Legislative Information row variable (variant 1) Access a set of records from the United
States legislative information business object
displayed in Autocomplete for a specified job.

Get Job Valid Grade row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from job valid grades
business object displayed in Autocomplete for a
specified job ID.

Get Job Name row variable (variant 2) Access job name from the job business object
displayed in Autocomplete for a specified job ID.

Get Existing Job row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the Job business
object displayed in Autocomplete for an
existing Job ID.

Job: Exceptions
This table lists rules that can't be currently implemented for the Job business object.

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

Can't default job name Object Defaulting, All Job Details Job Name Ability to use Job
Field Modification Name as a criteria for
a default into, say,
Assignment Name is
coming in future.

May not use any Any Rule Type All Job Details, Budget All This will be added in a
detail of the When Details future release
and Why section as
criteria for defaulting
or validation

Validate headcount on Field Validation, Field All Budget Details HC You may use
tab-out Modification headcount as criteria
in an Object Validation
rule when exiting
Budget Details

Validate FTE on tab- Field Validation, Field All Budget Details FTE You may use FTE as
out Modification criteria in an Object
Validation rule when
exiting Budget Details

Delivered Rules for Job

These are the predefined rules for the Job business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Name Rule Type Description

Default Full Time or Part Time to Full Time Object Defaultng This rule defaults the Full Time or Part Time
option to Full Time.

Default Regular or Temporary Value based on Object Field Modification This rule defaults the Regular or Temporary
Full Time or Part Time Option option to Regular when the Full Time or Part
Time option value is Full Time.

Validate Job Code Formatting Object Validation This rule validates whether the job code is a
numeric value and has 5 digits.

Validate Job Level based on Benchmark Option Object Validation This rule validates whether the job level isn't
blank when the job is a benchmark job.

Validate Job Name Formatting Object Validation This rule validates whether the job name starts
with an alpha-numeric character.

Overview of Position
The Position business object contains employee, contingent worker, applicants, and benefits assignments information
based on the HR_ALL_POSITIONS_F table.

This object can typically be used in these cases.

• Default Union option if Collective Agreement or Bargaining Unit, or both aren't null
• Default Collective Agreement based on job descriptive flexfield or extensible flexfield
• Default Full time or Part time value based on Working Hours
• Validate if FTE > 1 for certain types of positions
The Position business object impacts these responsive flows.

• Request a New Position

• Request a Position Change
• Position Details
The sections within the responsive flows that use the Position business object (Entry, Tab-out, Exit) may be named
differently. The naming convention is based on the action such as Request a New Position, Request Position Change,
Position Details and so on.

Attributes for Position

This table lists the main attributes of the Position business object and exceptions, if any.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported LOV

ActionOccurrenceId Action Occurrence ID Identifier of the action occurrence N/A

for the position.

AssignmentCategory Assignment Category Attribute to define the default N/A

value for the assignment category
of the incumbents. For example, a
predefined value such as full-time
regular or a user-defined value.

BargainingUnitCd Bargaining Unit Bargaining unit linked to the N/A


BudgetAmount Budget Amount Budget amount allocated with this N/A


BudgetAmountCurrency Currency Currency of the budget amount. LOV_BudgetAmountCurrency

BudgetedPositionFlag Budgeted Position An option to indicate budgeted LOV_BudgetedPositionFlag

position as Yes or No.

BusinessGroupId BusinessGroupId Identifier of the enterprise. N/A

BusinessUnitId Business Unit Identifier of the business unit. LOV_BusinessUnitId

CategoryCode Category Code Category code of the descriptive N/A

flexfield structure.

CollectiveAgreementId Collective Agreement Unique identifier of the collective LOV_CollectiveAgreementId


CostCenter Cost Center Financial cost center associated N/A

with this position.

DelegatePositionId Delegate Position In case this position becomes LOV_DelegatePositionId

vacant, the directs will be
reassigned to the incumbent of the
delegate position instead of the
higher position.

DepartmentId Department Unique identifier of the LOV_DepartmentId


EffectiveEndDate Effective End Date End date of the date effective N/A
record of this position

EffectiveStartDate Effective Start Date Start date of the date effective N/A
record of this position

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported LOV

EntryGradeId Entry Grade Unique identifier of the entry LOV_EntryGradeId


EntryStepId Grade Step Unique identifier of the grade step. LOV_EntryStepId

Frequency Working Hours Frequency The time period in which working LOV_Frequency
hours is expressed

FTE FTE The ratio derived from the actual N/A

working hours divided by the
standard working hours.

FullPartTime Full Time or Part Time Defines position or job as full time LOV_FullPartTime
or part-time.

FundedByExistingPosition Funded from Existing Position Position that's funded from an LOV_FundedByExistingPosition
existing position.

GradeLadderId Grade Ladder Identifier of the grade ladder. LOV_GradeLadderId

HiringStatus Hiring Status Determines whether someone can LOV_HiringStatus

be hired into the position

JobId Job Unique identifier of the job name. LOV_JobId

LocationId Location Unique identifier of the location LOV_LocationId


MaxPersons Headcount Number of incumbents allowed in N/A

this position

OverlapAllowed Overlap Allowed Indicator to show whether two or LOV_OverlapAllowed

more incumbents are allowed to
share this position for a certain
period of time.

PositionCode Position Code Unique identifier for the position N/A

PositionId Position ID Identifier of the position. N/A

PositionType Position Type Identifies whether the position can LOV_PositionType

have one or more workers hired
into the position at a time

ProbationPeriod Probation Period Initial period of employment used N/A

to determine whether the worker is
qualified for the position

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported LOV

ProbationPeriodUnitCd Probation Period Unit The unit of measure for the LOV_ProbationPeriodUnitCd
probation period, for example,
weeks or months.

RegularTemporary Regular Temporary Defines whether the position is LOV_RegularTemporary

regular or temporary.

RequisitionTemplateId Requisition Template ID Identifier of the requisition LOV_RequisitionTemplateId


RequisitionTemplateTitle Requisition Template Title Title of the requisition template. N/A

SeasonalEndDate Seasonal End Date Defines the last day of a seasonal N/A

SeasonalFlag Seasonal Defines whether the position is LOV_SeasonalFlag


SeasonalStartDate Seasonal Start Date Defines the start day of a seasonal N/A

SecurityClearance Security Clearance Defines the required security LOV_SecurityClearance


StandardWorkingFrequency Standard Working Frequency The unit of measure for the LOV_StandardWorkingFrequency
standard working hours, for
example, day, week, or month.

StandardWorkingHours Standard Working Hours Standard number of hours to work. N/A

Status Status Defines whether the position is LOV_Status

active or inactive.

SupervisorAssignmentId Manager Assignment ID Identifier of the manager N/A


SupervisorId Manager Name of the worker who N/A

supervises the incumbent of this

TimeNormalFinish Time Normal Finish Time on which normal work hours N/A

TimeNormalStart Time Normal Start Time on which normal work hours N/A

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Attribute Field Name Description Supported LOV

UnionId Union ID Name of the union. LOV_UnionId

WorkingHours Working Hours Number of hours to work N/A

For more information on the Position attributes, refer to the Tables and Views for HCM guide on the Oracle Help Center

Navigation From and To Position

The Position business object is a part of Work Structures.

As shown in the illustration, you can navigate from the Position business object using Get Position Name, Get Position
Valid Grades, Get Logged In User Primary Assignment, Get HCM Position Hierarchy, Get Position Extra Information, Get
Position Legislative Information, Get Predefined Enterprise Information, and Get Custom Enterprise Information.

This graphic illustrates the navigation between the Position business object and the view accessors used to navigate
from the Position business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

In addition to directly using this object for defaulting and validating, you can also use it as a criteria to achieve other
defaulting and validating in objects that are called in subsequent sections involving the Position section.

From Position Business Object

This table lists the objects you can navigate from the Position business object

From Position to Other Business Objects How Purpose

All Lookups and 1:1 workforce structure setup row variable (Variant 1) To fetch attributes of various lookups as well
objects other objects they may further allow access
to, in particular, their respective EFFs (using

Get Contingent Worker Incumbents by Position row variable (variant 2) Access the contingent worker incumbents
ID from the position business object displayed in
Autocomplete for an existing position

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Position to Other Business Objects How Purpose

Get Employee Incumbents by Position ID row variable (variant 2) Access the employee incumbents from
the position business object displayed in
Autocomplete for an existing position

Get Pending Worker Incumbents by Position ID row variable (variant 2) Access the pending worker incumbents from
the position business object displayed in
Autocomplete for an existing position

Get HCM Position Hierarchy row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from HCM position
hierarchy business object displayed in
Autocomplete for a specified position ID.

Get Position Legislative Information row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the legislative
information business object displayed in
Autocomplete for a specified position.

Get Position Extra Information row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the extra
information business object displayed in
Autocomplete for a specified position.

Get Position Name row variable (variant 2) Access position name from the position
business object displayed in Autocomplete for a
specified position ID.

Get Enterprise Information row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the enterprise
information business object displayed in
Autocomplete for a position.

Get Position Valid Grades row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from position job
valid grades business object displayed in
Autocomplete for a specified position ID.

Get Logged In User Primary Assignment row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the assignment
business object displayed in Autocomplete.
It is used to get the logged-in user primary
assignment row using the person ID.

Get Predefined Enterprise Information row variable (variant 2) Access a set of predefined records from
the enterprise information business object
displayed in Autocomplete for a position.

Get Custom Enterprise Information row variable (variant 2) Access a set of custom records from the
enterprise information business object
displayed in Autocomplete for a position.

Get Existing Position row variable (variant 2) Access a set of records from the Position
business object displayed in Autocomplete for
an existing position ID.

To Position Business Object

This table lists the objects you can navigate to the Position business object

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

From Other Business Objects To Position How Purpose

Worker Assignment Use row variable (variant 2) To check for attributes of this object, for
example,: position details.

Position: Exceptions
This table lists rules that can't be currently implemented for the Position business object.

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

Can't default position Object Defaulting, All Position Details Position Name Ability to use Position
name Field Modification Name as a criteria for
a default into, say,
Assignment Name
is slated for a future

May not use any detail Any rule type All Position Details, All Ability is slated for a
of the When and Why Budget Details future release..
section as criteria for
default or validation

Can't validate Field Validation, Field All Budget Details HC This is a known
headcount on tab-out Modification issue. You may use
headcount as criteria
in an Object Validation
rule when exiting
Budget Details

Can't default or Field Validation, Field All Budget Details FTE You may use FTE as
validate FTE on tab Modification a criteria in an Object
out Validation rule when
exiting Budget Details

Delivered Rules for Position

These are the predefined rules for the Position business object.

Name Rule Type Description

Default Overlap Allowed to Yes Object Defaulting This object defaulting rule type defaults the
Overlap Allowed option to Yes in the position

Default Probation Period based on Job Family Object Field Modifidcation This object field modification rule type defaults
of the Selected Job the Probation Period field based on the job
family of the selected job.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 4
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Business Objects in Autocomplete

Name Rule Type Description

Default Working Hour Frequency Based on Object Field Modifidcation This object field modification rule type defaults
Working Hours the Working Hours frequency based on the
number of working hours specified for a
position. For example, if the Working Hours
value specified is 40, then the Working Hours
frequency value will be defaulted to Weekly.

Validate Seasonal End Date based on Current Object Validation This object validation rule type validates
Date whether the seasonal end date doesn't exceed
90 days from the current date.

Validate Regular or Temporary based on Object Validation This object validation rule type validates
Position Type whether the position is temporary when the
position type is Pooled.

Validate Hiring Status based on Effective Start Object Validation This object validation rule type validates
Date whether the hiring status has a value other than
Proposed when the effective start date is in the

Validate Position Name Formatting Object Validation This object validation rule type validates
whether the position name starts with an
alpha-numeric character.

FAQs for Business Objects in Autocomplete

Can I write a rule on a business object based on another business
object's attribute ?
Yes. You can write a rule on a business object based on attributes in other business objects. For example, you can write
an autocomplete rule to default the Salary Basis based on the Job FLSA code.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 5
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Delivered Rules

5 Delivered Rules

How You Use Delivered Rules

Some business objects already have some delivered rules that are inactive by default. To use a delivered rule, first create
a copy of the delivered rule and then select the Active check box in the rule editor.

Watch video

When you create a copy, select a name for the rule keeping in mind the purpose it serves for you. You can't however
change the business object, the rule type, and the field name (for field-level rule types). You can make as many copies of
it as you want.

Note: When providing a rule name, avoid using special characters, for example ":" or "'".

Rule Copy
To use a delivered rule as a final or starting point of your intended rule definition, you need to make a copy of it. If the
rule is exactly what you want to implement, then this will be helpful when you have value variations of the same rule.
For example, a value variation is one where the logic is same for 2 countries but the specific default assignment changes
based on the country. Since you can't implement a case or switch statement in Autocomplete Rules, it's recommended
you make a copy of a rule for each country rather than writing complex nested IF conditions. This can also help with
debugging issues in distributed development where multiple personnel are responsible for different work areas.

Ask these questions to decide whether to create one rule or many rules. Is the logic in each rule mutually exclusive?
Does one rule potentially influence the other? All rules will attempt to trigger on the same object at the same time (or
event) as dictated by the rule type. If the rule logic needs to be sequential, then you must have it in one rule. You may
see this case with Pattern Matching.

If the delivered rule isn't exactly what you want to implement, you can first make one copy of the rule, edit it to suit your
needs, and then make multiple copies of your edited rule to account for the value variations of the rule.

Rule Edit
It's recommended to edit the rule when it's close to what you want to implement. However, when you edit a delivered
rule, you can't copy and paste, increase or decrease indentation, and use other editing techniques commonly found in
scripting editors. It's recommended you edit a predefined rule when you want to do any of these things:

• Add a condition to an existing IF block.

• Change the name of a field to another.
• Change the value to another.
• Remove a condition from an existing block
• Set up your own IF block following what was delivered leveraging all variables set up already and then deleting
the delivered IF block.
• Add additional variables to use for one of the above.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 5
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Delivered Rules

If none of these conditions apply, you must build your own rule by following the steps outlined in rule designing.

Rule Activation
You need to make the copied rule active to use it. However, Oracle reserves the right to edit delivered rules from time to
time to incorporate best practices or techniques to avoid problematic scenarios. This won't interfere with your copy of
the previously delivered rule.

Rule Testing and Publishing

After testing the rule, you need to publish the sandbox. After publishing the sandbox, any further sandbox created
from that environment or a refresh of another environment from the environment in which the rule was published
will automatically receive the published rule. This is the only way to migrate rules from one environment to another.
Alternatively, if you haven't made significant edits to the delivered rule, you can manually reapply the changes to the
delivered rule in the environment where you would like your rule to appear.

Related Topics
• How You Design a Rule

Delivered Rules for Autocomplete

Oracle has delivered ready to use autocomplete rules for some common use cases. This table lists the delivered rules by
business object. For more information, refer to the delivered rules under each business object.

Watch video

Area Business Object Rule Type Rule Name

Absence Management Childbirth and Placement Dates Field Modification Default Planned End Date Based on
Planned Start Date

Document Records Document Records Object Validation Validate Document Record Publish
Date is After Current Date

Document Records Document Records Object Defaulting Default Document Name Based on
Person and Document Type

Document Records Document Records Object Defaulting Default Issuing Country Based on
the Legislation Code of the Primary

Document Records Document Records Object Validation Validate Document Record From
Date is After Current Date

Document Records Document Records Object Validation Validate Document Record To Date
is Before Current Date

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 5
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Delivered Rules

Area Business Object Rule Type Rule Name

Employment When and Why Object Validation Validate Effective Date on 1st or
16th of the Month

Employment When and Why Object Validation Validate Effective Date with Future
Payroll Cycle Date

Employment Worker Assignment Field Modification Default Probation Period based on

Assignment Category

Employment Worker Assignment Object Defaulting Default Work At Home based On

Hire Date

Employment Worker Assignment Object Validation Validate Department based on

Business Unit

Employment Worker Assignment Field Validation Validate No Change in Location

during Promote

Employment Worker Employment Contract Object Validation Validate Contract Extension


Employment Worker Work Relationship Object Validation Validate Recommended for Rehire
based on Termination Action

Employment Worker Work Relationship Object Validation Validate Termination based on

Assignment Status

Goals Goals Field Modification Default Goal Status based on

Completion Percentage

Goals Goals Field Modification Default Completion Percentage

based on Goal Status

Goals Goals Field Validation Validate Completion Percentage of

Performance Goal

Goals Goals Object Validation Validate Performance Goal Dates

Goals Goals Relation with Goal Plan Object Validation Validate Performance Goal Weight

Person Address Object Validation KW Validate Address Line 3

Person Person Contact Relationship Object Validation Validate if Contact Exists Based on
the Last Name Date of Birth and

Person Person Contact Relationship Object Validation Validate if Contact Exists Based on
the Name and Relationship

Person Person Contact Relationship Object Validation Validate if Contact Exists Based on
National ID

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 5
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Delivered Rules

Area Business Object Rule Type Rule Name

Person Person Contact Relationship Object Validation Validate if Contact Exists Based
on the Name Date of Birth and

Person Person Legislative Information Field Validation GB Validate Teachers Pension

Temporary NI Number Format

Person Person Phone Object Validation Validate Phone Number Format

Person Person Phone Object Validation Validate Area Code Format

Person Person Phone Object Validation Validate Area Code is Blank

Person Person Phone Object Validation Validate Area Code Based on

Phone Type

Salary Salary Object Defaulting Default Salary Basis based on Job


Salary Salary Object Validation Validate Salary Basis Frequency

based on Assignment Full Time or
Part Time

Salary Salary Field Modification Validate Next Salary Review Date

Salary Salary Field Validation Validate proposed Salary Amount

during Promote Action

Salary Salary Field Validation Validate Changed Salary Amount

isn't ZERO

Workforce Structures Job Object Defaulting Default Full Time or Part Time to
Full Time

Workforce Structures Job Object Field Modification Default Regular or Temporary

Value based on Full Time or Part
Time Option

Workforce Structures Job Object Validation Validate Job Code Formatting

Workforce Structures Job Object Validation Validate Job Level based on

Benchmark Option

Workforce Structures Job Object Validation Validate Job Name Formatting

Workforce Structures Position Object Defaulting Default Overlap Allowed to Yes

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 5
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Delivered Rules

Area Business Object Rule Type Rule Name

Workforce Structures Position Object Field Modification Default Probation Period based on
Job Family of the Selected Job

Workforce Structures Position Object Field Modification Default Working Hour Frequency
Based on Working Hours

Workforce Structures Position Object Validation Validate Seasonal End Date based
on Current Date

Workforce Structures Position Object Validation Validate Regular or Temporary

based on Position Type

Workforce Structures Position Object Validation Validate Hiring Status based on

Effective Start Date

Workforce Structures Position Object Validation Validate Position Name Formatting

FAQs for Delivered Rules

Does Oracle deliver predefined autocomplete rule templates?
Yes, you can use some of the delivered rules for these business objects if it fits your requirement.

• Address
• Childbirth and Placement Dates
• Document Records
• Goals
• Goals Relation with Goal Plan
• Job
• Person Contact Relationship
• Person Legislative Information
• Person Phone
• Position
• Salary
• When and Why
• Worker Assignment
• Worker Employment Contract

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 5
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Delivered Rules

• Worker Work Relationship

Related Topics
• How You Use Delivered Rules

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Standard, Global, and Object Functions

6 Standard, Global, and Object Functions

Standard Functions
This table lists the standard functions that you can use when defining rules.

Name Variable Type Description Values

Contains Boolean Returns True if the field provided True or False

as parameter #1 contains the
characters provided as parameter
#2, else returns False.

These 2 parameters are provided

for the function.

• Field
• Characters

Convert decimal to long Decimal Returns a long converted from a N/a


Convert decimal to string String Returns a string converted from a N/A


Convert integer to long Decimal Returns a long converted from an N/A


Convert integer to string String Returns a string converted from an N/A


Convert long to string String Returns a string converted from a N/A


Convert string to number Integer Returns a number converted from N/A

a string.

Day of Integer Returns the day from a given date N/A

as a number between 1 and 31.

Ends with Boolean Returns True if the field provided True or False
as parameter #1 ends with the
characters provided as parameter
#2, else returns False.

These 2 parameters are provided

for the function.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Standard, Global, and Object Functions

Name Variable Type Description Values

• Field
• Characters

Get date in custom format String Returns a date format such as: Values for time pattern, date
pattern, or a combination of
• Year: 2020 both are listed on the Oracle
Help Center at
• Day of the week: Thu javase/7/docs/api/java/text/
• Day of the week: where 1 =
Monday, 2 = Tuesday, and so
These are the 2 parameters for the

• Date
• Time pattern, date pattern, or
combination of both
Expression Example

• Variable type for the date

format needs to be a string
• For the date 17 Jun 2020,

◦ E returns day of the week:

◦ u returns day of the week: 4

Get first row Row Returns values for the first row. N/A
This function is commonly used.

Get last row Row Returns values for the last row. N/A
This function is rarely used.

Index of Integer Returns a number representing N/A

the index of the first occurrence of
the character in the string, or -1 if it
never occurs.

These 2 parameters are provided

for the function.

• A string value representing

the string to search in.
• A string value representing
the string to search for.

Is another row present Boolean Returns True if the business object True or False
provided as a parameter has more
than the current row, else returns

Is modified field Boolean Returns True if the field provided True or False
as parameter is modified, else
returns False.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Standard, Global, and Object Functions

Name Variable Type Description Values

Length of Integer Returns the number of characters N/A

in a string.

Lowercase of String Returns the string in lower case. N/A

Month of Integer Returns the month from a given N/A

date as a number between 1 and 12.

Starts with Boolean Returns True if the field provided True or False
as parameter #1 starts with the
characters provided as

These 2 parameters are provided

for the function.

• Field
• Characters

Today's date Date Returns the current date. N/A

Uppercase of String Returns the string in upper case. N/A

User role Boolean Returns True if the logged in user True or False
has the role provided as parameter,
else returns False.

Year of Integer Returns the year of a date. N/A

Global Functions
Global Functions
This table lists the global functions that you can use when defining rules.

Watch video

Name Variable Type Description

Convert string in yyyy-mm-dd format to a date Date Returns a date converted from a string. It can
be used only for date comparisons and can't be
used for defaulting values.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Standard, Global, and Object Functions

Name Variable Type Description

Get incumbent count for a position as of a date Integer Returns the current incumbent count for a
position as of a date.
These parameters are provided for the function

• Position ID
• Effective Date

Substring String Returns a part of a string

These parameters are provided for the function

• String
• Start Index: starting index is inclusive
• End Index: ending index is exclusive
Expression Example

• Variable type for the substring must be a

• Rule: you can only select departments
starting with HR-US
• Start index: 0 (included)
• End index: 5 (excluded)

Get string value from HCM feature details String Returns setup data from multiple sources
in HCM, such as address validation option
for a legislation or address style code for a

These 5 parameters are provided for the


• Parameter 1 - Function key to determine

the value to be returned such as address
validation option.
• Parameter 2 - A commonly used
parameter. It indicates the legislation
code for the setup data such as US for the
United States.
• Parameter 3 - A selectively used
parameter that can be blank if not used in
the function.
• Parameters 4 and 5 - They aren't used
currently and can be blank.
These functions are supported.

Address Validation Option for a Legislation

• Parameter 1: "AddrValidationFlag"
• Parameter 2: legislationCode (US, GB, and
so on)
• Row: object instance to be passed, can be
current an autocomplete business object
or its associated rows.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Standard, Global, and Object Functions

Name Variable Type Description

• Example of business requirement: In the

Bangladesh legislation, a validation should
be raised on the pin code if it's not equal
to 4 digits and if address validation is Y.

◦ Autocomplete Rule

- Rule type: Business Object Validation Type

- Business Object: Address
- Global Function: Get HCM Feature as
- Parameters

◦ Parameter 1: AddrValidationFlag

◦ Parameter 2: BD (legislation code for

- Returned string value: Y or N
Address style code for a legislation

• Parameter 1: AddressStyleCode
• Parameter 2: legislationCode (US, GB, and
so on)
• Row: object instance to be passed, can be
current autocomplete business object or
its associated rows..
• Returned string value: Depends on the
legislation. List of values can be found in
Payroll license for a legislation

• Parameter 1: PayrollLicense
• Parameter 2: legislationCode (US,GB, and
so on)
• Row: object instance to be passed, can be
current autocomplete business object or
its associated rows.
• Returned string values:

◦ PAY: Payroll

◦ HRY: Payroll Interface

◦ NULL: HR only license

Payroll period start date for an assignment

• Parameter 1: PayPeriodStartDate
• Parameter 2: AssignmentId value as String
(Number to be converted as String) or
• Parameter 3: Effective Start Date value as
String or "this.EffectiveStartDate"

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Standard, Global, and Object Functions

Name Variable Type Description

• Row: object instance to be passed, can be

current autocomplete business object or
its associated rows.
• Returned string value: Date
Payroll period end date for an assignment

• Parameter 1: PayPeriodEndDate
• Parameter 2: AssignmentId value(Number
to be converted as String) as String or
• Parameter 3: Effective Start Date value as
String or "this.EffectiveStartDate"
• Row: object instance to be passed, can be
current autocomplete business object or
its associated rows.
• Returned string value: Closest payroll
period end date

Get long value from HCM Params Decimal Returns a long value from HCM Params.

Get integer value from HCM Params Integer Returns an integer value from HCM Params.

Get previous person rating String Returns the latest performance rating for
a person ID. For example, you can use this
function when a person is recommended for

Valid values are listed on the Profile Rating

Models page on the My Client Groups tab

Get today's date in custom time zone Date Returns a date in a specific time zone to
reconcile server time with user time. For
example, if you have a rule to prevent future
transactions and your HR specialist is in India
and your server is in the US, then the rule
will prevent the HR specialist from entering
transaction effective today (client time) if
you don't reconcile the server time using this

The value returned is a date with a time zone. A

null value is returned if the time zone passed as
HCM Params is invalid.

For more information on the time zones

accepted as HCM Params, refer this Java time
zone API :

getTimeZone public static TimeZone

getTimeZone(String ID)

Gets the time zone for the given ID.

Parameters: ID - Identifier for a time zone,

either an abbreviation such as "PST", a full
name such as "America/Los_Angeles", or any

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Standard, Global, and Object Functions

Name Variable Type Description

other user-defined ID such as, "GMT-8:00".

Note that the support of abbreviations is for
JDK 1.1.x compatibility only and full names must
be used. Returns the specified time zone, or the
GMT zone if the given ID can't be understood.

Java Time Zone API Values are

located on the Oracle Help Center at

Get Values Using HCM Params

You can use get values from HCM Params global function when defining your autocomplete rule.

This table describes the global functions using an HCM Params

Function Variable Type HCM Params Name Available in Actions Description

Get string value from HCM String CSA_StudioRules Employment flows that Parameter will be set to
Params include Salary section such Y when in salary section.
as Hire, Promote, Local and Use it when you want the
Global Transfer validation rules written
on Salary business object
to trigger when the user
tries to move out of the
salary section by clicking on
Continue or navigating to
previous or next section.

Valid values are Y, N, or


Get boolean value from Boolean IS_REST_SERVICE All employment flows Returns Y if the interface is
HCM Params Worker REST Service.

Valid values are Y or N.

Get string value from HCM String CMP_Download_Salary Change Salary Returns Y when Salary
Params is being loaded from
Download Salaries tool.
Valid values are Y, N, or

Get string value from HCM String isSalaryRateBatchProcess N/A Returns Y when creating or
Params correcting salary through
Run Rates-based Salary
Valid values are Y or Null.

Get string value from HCM String EMP_Groovy_OfferMode Create and Edit Job Offer Returns CreateOffer if the
Params offer is being created.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Standard, Global, and Object Functions

Function Variable Type HCM Params Name Available in Actions Description

Returns EditOffer if the

offer is being edited.

Returns DuplicateOffer
if the offer is being

Get string value from HCM String DOR_UX All Document Record flows Returns Y if the document
Params record is managed through
the UI.
Valid values are Y or Null.

• If the autocomplete
rule doesn’t use
DOR_UX in the rule
condition, the rule
will be run for both
application and
flows (for example,
Loader, and HCM
Spreadsheet Data
• If the autocomplete
rule uses DOR_UX in
the rule condition,
the rule will be run
for only application
flows (for example,
Document Records
and plugin regions).
In this case, the
value of DOR_UX is

Get string value from HCM String GOALS_ACTION • Copy Goal • Returns COPY_GOAL
Params when a goal is copied.
• Move Goal
• Returns MOVE_GOAL
• Extend Goal when a goal is moved.
• Assign Goal • Returns EXTEND_
• Add Shared Goal GOAL when a goal is
• Add Goal from
Performance • Returns ASSIGN_
Overview GOAL when a goal is
• Returns ADD_
shared goal is added.
• Returns PERF_
when a goal is added

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Standard, Global, and Object Functions

Function Variable Type HCM Params Name Available in Actions Description

from the performance


Get string value from HCM String GOALS_ESS_FLOW • Mass Assign Goals Returns Y when goal is
Params process modified in the ESS flow.
• Goal Plan Assignment
• Manager Assigning
Goals process

Get string value from HCM String GOALS_HDL_LOAD Loading goals Returns Y when goal is
Params modified in HDL flow.

Get string value from HCM String CSA_RespOfferFlow • Responsive Offer Returns Y when responsive
Params flows offer flows are used.

Valid values are Y or Null.

Get string value from HCM String CSA_MobileFlow • All responsive pages Returns Y when Salary
Params that have Salary section is visited
Valid values are Y or Null.

Get string value from HCM String POS_ActionReason • Request a New Returns the related action
Params Position reason of the position.
• Request a Position
• Position Details

Get string value from HCM String POS_ActionDate • Request a New Returns the related action
Params Position date of the position.
• Request a Position
• Position Details

Get string value from HCM String JobRequisitionCreationSource • Create Job Requisition Returns the source of
Params requisition creation.
• View and Edit Job
Requisition Values are:

• fromTemplate
• fromPosition
• fromJob
• fromRequisition
• fromBlank

Get string value from HCM String isRecruitingCandidate • All employment flows Returns Y if it's a recruiting
Params candidate.
• Job Offer

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Standard, Global, and Object Functions

Function Variable Type HCM Params Name Available in Actions Description

Get string value from HCM String EMP_AssignmentId • When and Why Returns the Assignment ID
Params on the assignment.

Get string value from HCM String EMP_Groovy_ Returns the grade step
Params GradeStepName name for a specific

Get string value from HCM String EMP_Groovy_GradeStepId Returns the grade step ID
Params for a specific assignment.

Get string value from HCM String EMP_Groovy_ • All employment flows Returns the related action
Params ActionTypeCode type code of the action
• When and Why being used in the rule, such
as EMPL_ADD_EMP for the
Hire an Employee action.

Get string value from HCM String EMP_Groovy_ • All employment flows Returns the related action
Params ActionReasonCode reason code of the action
• When and Why reason being used in the

Values are listed on the

Action Reasons page on
My Client Groups tab.

Get string value from HCM String EMP_Groovy_ • All employment flows Returns the legislation code
Params LegislationCode of the legal employer on
• When and Why the assignment, such as IN
• Hire an Employee for India legislation.

• Add Contingent Values are listed on

Worker Configure Legislation
for Human Resources
• Add Pending Worker
page in the Setup and
• Add Nonworker Maintenance work area.

Query to get legislation

code - select
territory_code from
order by territory_

Note: For hire flows,

this hcm param returns
the legislation code. For
global transfer, this hcm
param returns the source
legislation code.

Get string value from HCM String EMP_FteValue • Add Assignment Returns the FTE value as a
Params string type.
• Add Contingent
• Add Nonworker

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Standard, Global, and Object Functions

Function Variable Type HCM Params Name Available in Actions Description

• Add Pending Worker

• Create Work
• Hire an employee
• Promote
• Transfer
• Update Assignment

Get string value from HCM String EMP_Groovy_LegalEntityId • All employment flows Returns the legal entity ID
Params of the legal employer on
• When and Why the assignment, such as
202 for Vision Corporation.

Values are listed on the

Manage Legal Entity HCM
Information page in the
Setup and Maintenance
work area.

Note: For global

transfer, this hcm param
returns the source legal
entity ID.

Get string value from HCM String EMP_Groovy_PeriodType • Cancel Work Returns the period type
Params Relationship from the worker's work
relationship. For example, E
• Create Work for employee.
• Manage Work Values are:
• C - Contingent Worker
• E - Employee
• N - Nonworker
• O - Offer Assignment
• P - Pending Worker

Get string value from HCM String EMP_Groovy_ • All employment flows Returns the legislation code
Params NewLegislationCode of the new legal employer
on the assignment, such as
US for United States.

Values are listed on

Configure Legislation
for Human Resources
page in the Setup and
Maintenance work area.

Query to get legislation

code - select
territory_code from
order by territory_

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Standard, Global, and Object Functions

Function Variable Type HCM Params Name Available in Actions Description

Note: For global

transfer, this hcm param
returns the target
legislation code.

Get string value from HCM String EMP_Groovy_ • All employment flows Returns the legal entity ID
Params NewLegalEntityId of the new legal employer
• Hire an Employee on the assignment, such as
• Add Contingent 202 for Vision Corporation.
Values are listed on the
• Add Pending Worker Manage Legal Entity HCM
Information page in the
• Add Nonworker
Setup and Maintenance
work area.

Note: For hire flows, this

hcm param returns the
legal entity ID. For global
transfer, this hcm param
returns the target legal
entity ID.

Get string value from HCM String EMP_Groovy_ • Resignation Valid values are: Trigger
Params TerminationRegion in When and Why Region:
• Termination SkipValidations

Trigger in Work
Relationhsip Region:
Termination Details

Get string value from HCM String LegislationCode • Change Salary Returns the legislation code
Params of the legal employer on
the assignment, such as IN
for India legislation.

Values are listed on the

Configure Legislation
for Human Resources
page in the Setup and
Maintenance work area.

Query to get legislation

code - select
territory_code from
order by territory_

Get string value from HCM String CmpRespLMgrSalary • Compensation Returns Y when My Team
Params - Change Salary action is
• Salary used.

Valid values are Y or Null.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Standard, Global, and Object Functions

Function Variable Type HCM Params Name Available in Actions Description

Get string value from HCM String CmpRespAdminSalary • Compensation Returns Y when My Client
Params Groups - Change Salary
• Salary action is used.

Valid values are Y or Null.

Get string value from HCM String CmpRespAdminHistory • Compensation Returns Y when Salary
Params History action is used.
• Salary
Valid values are Y or Null.

Get string value from HCM String PAY_ADD_ASSIGNMENT Available only in payroll Returns Y when a
Params objects in these flows: transaction created through
• Add Assignment the available actions
stated, for example, Add
• Add Contingent Contingent Worker, and so
Worker on.
• Add Pending Worker
Valid values are Y or Null.
• Create Work

Get string value from HCM String IsHDLoad • Change Salary Returns Y for an HCM
Params Data Loader or HCM
Spreadsheet Data Loader
load for salary.

Valid values are Y, N, or


Get string value from HCM String IsSalaryRestService • Change Salary Returns Y for a REST load
Params for salary.

Valid values are Y, N, or


Get boolean value from Boolean EMP_UX • All employment flow Returns true for a
HCM Params responsive UI for
employment actions.

Valid values are Y or N.

Get boolean value from String isHDLWorker • All employment flows Returns true for an HCM
HCM Params Data Loader or HCM
Spreadsheet Loader load
for employment actions.

Valid values are Y or N.

Get date value from HCM Date ChangeDate N/A Returns the date for
Params changes in person name,
marital status, person
address, visa and permits,
and contact relationship in
the person employee self-

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Standard, Global, and Object Functions

Function Variable Type HCM Params Name Available in Actions Description

service mobile responsive

UIs only.

Related Topics
• Action Type Codes - HCM Params

Action Type Codes - HCM Params

You can use any of the following action type codes for the EMP_Groovy_ActionTypeCode HCM Params when defining a

Action Type Codes

This table lists the action type codes for the EMP_Groovy_ActionTypeCode HCM Params function.

Action Type Name Action Type Code



EMPL_ADD_ASG Add Assignment

EMPL_ADD_CWK Add Contingent Worker

EMPL_ADD_EMP Hire an Employee

EMPL_ADD_NWK Add Nonworker

EMPL_ADD_PWK Add Pending Worker

EMPL_ADD_TERMS Add Employment Terms

EMPL_CHANGE Change Employment



EMPL_CHG_WORK_HOURS Change Working Hours

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Standard, Global, and Object Functions

Action Type Name Action Type Code

EMPL_CONTRACT_EXTN Extend Employment Contract

EMPL_DEMOTION Demote Employment

EMPL_END_ASG End Assignment

EMPL_END_GLB_TEMP_ASG End Global Temporary Assignment

EMPL_END_PROBATION End Probation Period

EMPL_END_TEMP_ASG End Temporary Assignment

EMPL_END_TERMS End Employment Terms

EMPL_EXTEND_TEMP_ASG Extend Temporary Assignment

EMPL_GLB_TEMP_ASG Global Temporary Assignment



EMPL_POS_SYNC Position Synchronization

EMPL_PRIMARY_WR_CHANGE Primary Work Relationship Change



EMPL_RENEW_CWK Renew Placement

EMPL_START_PROBATION Start Probation Period

EMPL_SUSPEND_ASGN Suspend Assignment

EMPL_SUSPEND_EMP_TERMS Suspend Employment Terms

EMPL_TEMP_ASG Temporary Assignment


Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Standard, Global, and Object Functions

Action Type Name Action Type Code


EMPL_WR_CWK Add Contingent Worker Work Relationship

EMPL_WR_EMP Add Employee Work Relationship

EMPL_WR_NWK Add Nonworker Work Relationship

ORA_EMPL_CANCEL_WR Cancel Work Relationship






ORA_EMPL_WR_PWK Add Pending Worker Relationship






PER_LOC_CREATE Create Location

PER_LOC_UPDATE Update Location

PER_ORG_CREATE Create Organization

PER_ORG_UPDATE Update Organization

PER_POS_CREATE Create Position

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Standard, Global, and Object Functions

Action Type Name Action Type Code

PER_POS_DELETE Delete Position

PER_POS_UPDATE Update Position

Object Functions
You use an object function when you can't achieve the specified outcome using the existing capabilities of
Autocomplete Rules.

While object functions provide many of the same capabilities that the tool provides, there are also some capabilities that
the tool doesn't provide. This table lists cases where you can use object functions.

Rule Usage

Defaulting Rule Use an object function to convert the data type of the flexfield segment to the data type expected
in the transaction business object. For example, let's say you can't select a default value using the
list of values of a field in the business object. And you want to select the value from a predetermined
flexfield segment of a setup entity (for example, job, business unit, organization). The conversion logic
in the object function differs depending on the return type definition on the flexfield segment-number
versus code or name. However, you can use this type of function to show a number as part of an error
message, primarily for troubleshooting, since error messages only support variables of type string.

Defaulting or Validation Rule Use an object function when you have many if then statements and want to reuse the mapping logic
among the different rules for the same business object. Since autocomplete rule doesn't have Case or
Switch statements, you need to do this inside an object function and return a Boolean to indicate there
is a match or return the actual value of the matching combination.

Validation Rule Use an object function to validate the value received in an ID field for which there is no LOV (for
example, People Group on Work Assignment). You can create an Autocomplete rule that does this and
review the code generated as an example of how to sample the ID value inside an object function.
However, you need to write this function as sampling ID values isn't allowed inside autocomplete rules.
Most IDs will have a LOV allowing you to select a specific one.

Any Rule Use an object function to do any calculation that isn't provided in autocomplete rules. For example,
date difference in days.

Note: Don't use object functions to fetch related objects or assign value to business attributes. You need to return the
necessary transformed value to assign back to autocomplete rules and execute the assignment inside autocomplete
rules only.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Standard, Global, and Object Functions

Create and Initiate Object Functions

Use these steps to create an object function and use it in Autocomplete Rules.

Create Object Function

1. Enable a sandbox to go to the Configure Business Objects task:
a. Click Navigator > Configuration > Sandboxes.
b. Click Create Sandbox.
c. Enter the Name.
d. Select the Active box for Configure Business Objects.
e. Click Create and Enter.
f. Click Navigator > Tools > Configure Business Objects to configure business objects.
2. Scroll down to business object you want to work with (for example, Salary), click the Actions icon and select
Edit Business Logic.
3. Click the down arrow to the right and select Object Functions.
4. Click Add in the main editor.
5. Enter a Name, and select a return type of the function. The return type determines when the object function is
displayed in Autocomplete Rules. When you define a variable of a certain type, only object functions returning
the same data type value are shown.
6. Expand the parameters section and click Add from the Actions menu. Enter a name and select the parameter
type. The parameter type determines the type and number of variables you can pass from Autocomplete Rules
to the object function as an input.
7. Enter the code in the main script editor section, and click Validate. You can view any code generated by
Autocomplete Rules with similar logic as a reference for how the script will be built.
8. Click Save and Close.

Initiate Object Function in Autocomplete Rules

1. Navigate to Autocomplete Rules.
2. Select the same business object, for example, Position.
3. Select Business Object Defaulting as the Rule Type.
4. Define a variable with the same data type as that of the return type of the object function (see step 5 in earlier
5. Change the operand type of the argument on the right hand side by clicking on xyz icon, to Function. By
default, the first available standard function is shown. Click the name of the function on which you're now. You
can now see 3 options as opposed to 2 when there are no object functions. Select the third object function and
pick the function you just created.
6. You can now provide the parameters you defined in the function using the same data type as in the object
function and in the same sequence you defined them in the object function. These can be literal values,
variables, or fields of appropriate data type.

Example of Groovy Code

This is an example of groovy code.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Standard, Global, and Object Functions

switch (vWorkSchedule) {
case 'MY_SEA_PT_OPT_0_20_ALL':
return 'Option 1 selected'

case 'MY_FT_OPT_28_40_ALL':
return 'Option 2 selected'

return 'Cannot Identify Input'
return true;

FAQs for Standard and Global Functions

Can I access HCM Params across all business objects and rule
HCM Params is a function of responsive employment flows. You can use HCM Params in any business object that's
called in the employment flows, for example, Change Salary, Change Working Hours, and so on.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 6
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Standard, Global, and Object Functions

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autosubmit and Partial Page Refresh

7 Autosubmit and Partial Page Refresh

Introduction to Autosubmit and Partial Page Refresh

You may want to trigger an autocomplete rule where the field value is instantly updated on the underlying business

Watch video

Since Autocomplete Rules works on the data model layer, the tool can't detect a change of value in the field until the
business object receives the value from the UI. But many fields in the responsive pages aren't instantly updated on the
underlying business object for performance reasons. You need to configure the Autosubmit and Partial Page Refresh
properties using Page Composer for efficient functioning of the Field Modification and Field Validation rule types.

How You Update Fields Using Autosubmit

Autosubmit is a UI property that drives the business object update based on a change of value in individual fields.

Let's look at how it works.

• For required fields and some others that drive critical business logic in the application (even without
Autocomplete), the Autosubmit property is already set to True.
• For optional and other fields, this property is set to False, by default.
You can configure the Autosubmit property using the page composer. To do this, you must first enable a sandbox and
add the page composer tool. Then do these steps:
1. Enter values in mandatory fields in a flow and initiate the Page Composer tool.
2. Navigate to the Structure tab.
3. You need to display the source code window. Hover at the end of the page until you can change the size of the
sub-window. You can click or drag-up and release to expand the source window. You may also choose to show
this window on the side using the Dock icon in your source window.
4. Hover over the field that's the trigger for the field-level autocomplete rule.
5. Click in the field when the label and the field (text or list of values) are highlighted with a color box. Both the
label and the field must be highlighted.
6. Click Edit to edit the task flow component.
7. The source code corresponding to the field component you selected should already be highlighted.
8. You have 2 options at this point.
Option 1

◦ If the field component is a predefined application field then click on the Settings icon to display the
component editor.
◦ Select the Autosubmit property.
◦ Click Apply and Save.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autosubmit and Partial Page Refresh

Option 2

◦ If the field component is a deployed flexfield specifically for this object, scroll up the source window
and locate the nearest higher-level component that enables you to manage UI properties for the entire
flexfield segment. Click the Settings icon, to show the component editor for the entire flexfield segment.
Note that you won't be able to edit the UI component properties for individual flexfields.
◦ Ensure that the Autosubmit property is set to True when you're in the component editor.
◦ Click Apply and Save.
The Autocomplete Field Validation Rule is set to trigger when the triggering event (value entered in a field) is in focus
and the business object recognizes a value change in the UI corresponding to the field.

Related Topics
• Flexfield Modification Using Page Composer

How You Configure Partial Page Refresh

You need to configure the Partial Page Refresh property, a second UI property that needs to be set optionally. It applies
only to Field Modification rule type when used for defaulting a value in the target field.

You don't need to set this property when using Field Modification rule type to show warnings. The Partial Page Refresh
property is set to control the UI property of the target field and not the triggering field. If the target field doesn't show
the value that you have configured in the Field Modification autocomplete rule, then you need to set this property. In
some cases, this is already set, by default but for some others you need to manually configure it.

Here's how you set this property:

1. Find the component ID for the triggering field.

a. From the browser, select Developer Tools and the web inspector. This step varies depending on your
b. A source window that changes its value as you hover over various fields in the UI, displays when you're in
the mode of inspecting web elements.
c. If the triggering field is an application defined field, hover over but don't click, the triggering field of your
autocomplete rule and from the source window, note down the component ID for the triggering field.
This will usually be all values immediately following a double colon, past the first colon (if applicable) until
a semicolon.
2. If the target field component is an application defined field, then click the Settings icon to display the
component editor.

a. Enter the component ID of the triggering field in the Partial Page Refresh field. If there's already a value,
enter it after a space following the previously entered value.
b. Click Apply and Save.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autosubmit and Partial Page Refresh

3. If the target field is a deployed flexfield, when still in the Structure menu of the Page Composer, first click the
target field and then scroll up to find the nearest higher level component - panelFormLayout. Then click on it in
the source window. You can now click the Settings icon to show the component editor.

a. Enter the component ID of the triggering field In the Partial Page Refresh field. If there's already a value,
enter it after a space following the previously entered value.
b. Click Apply and Save. The entire UI panel will be refreshed when a value in the triggering field changes.
Note that you can't change the Partial Page Refresh property on individual flexfields as you do with
predefined application fields.

Related Topics
• Guidelines for Using Page Composer

How You Compare Old and New State of Fields

You can compare and contrast old or existing values in the database with new values. The new values are changes just
entered by the user, which are still in transaction and not submitted yet.

You can use this comparison to specify conditions on validation and defaulting rules. For example, you can add a
condition in a rule to not allow salary change over 50%, if a job changes from exempt to non-exempt (this data is
obtained from a descriptive flexfield). These are the 3 methods to compare the old and new state of fields.

Method Description

Field Level Validation Rule This is a quick way to compare old and new values in a single field. You can only compare old and new
values, but not any related attributes about the old or new values in the field. This can only be helpful
for numeric fields to allow percent change type calculations.

Field or Object Level Validation Rule You can use a Boolean variable isFieldModified and provide the name of any field on the current object
to check if it has changed. The variable will only confirm if something has changed but can't list the
exact changes. Also, depending on the type of action (new versus change), this may or may not be
useful. For Change Salary, you can use this field to determine if the start and end date of the inserted
record has changed. This will ensure your rule only triggers on the newly inserted record and not on
the already existing rows. Existing rows are also updated as they may either be end-dated or get a new
start date based on the period for which you're changing salary.

For example, for a new hire, you can check if the user has changed the application default values or
entered something in an empty but optional field. However, in most date-effective changes such as
Promote or Transfer, since a new date effective assignment record is created, the earlier existing values
of various fields are copied to the new record. Technically, every field is modified. The Boolean variable
will return true and can't determine if a genuine user initiated change has been made to the field or

Special access to existing Employment In the Work Assignment object, a special related object, row variable of variant 2 exists to fetch the
related objects existing state of assignment prior to the current action in progress. This is the most effective way
to confirm changes, if any, and the exact values along with the necessary lookup information from
the existing state. Similar access is extended to other employment related objects from the Worker
Assignment and When and Why objects. This is so that you can sample your necessary criteria for a
default or validation rule.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 7
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Autosubmit and Partial Page Refresh

FAQs for Autosubmit and Partial Page Refresh

Do all business objects support old and new values?
Old and new values are dependent on the rule type. You can author rules using old and new values of a field only in a
Business Object Field Validation rule type.

However, the field must be visible and the user can enter a value.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 8
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Troubleshooting Autocomplete Rules

8 Troubleshooting Autocomplete Rules

Autocomplete Errors
These are the common errors that you may encounter while implementing autocomplete rules.

Issue Resolution

Rule doesn't trigger Test the event with a simple rule to confirm whether the issue is with the triggering event or with the
logic contained therein. This will help identify whether the invalid starting point is the business object
or the rule type, before getting into the actual rule logic.

Rule triggers multiple times If the same error message is shown multiple times, you may be working with the Assignment object
where you haven't added the IF WorkTermsAssignmentId NOT NULL condition. Alternatively, you
may be working on an action where multiple records of the same object are saved, for example
Convert Pending Worker or Change Salary. In the latter case, you need to add the necessary additional
condition for your rule to apply to only the record you're interested in.

Rule triggers too early If the rule triggers too early, you're using an object that's shared across multiple sections and hence
gets saved (and validated) at the end of each section. For example, Person Legislative Info, or
Termination Info sections in the respective flows. You can do one of these things:

• Sample values of fields in the section that hasn't yet been encountered to condition your rule.
• Use HCM Params to determine when to trigger the rule. Else, the nature of the given object is
such that it doesn't support validation rule as it's expected to be validated even before a section is
accessed (for example, Payroll Assignment or Payroll Terms).

Rule triggers too late The nature of the given object is such that it simply doesn't support validation rule immediately on
exit of a section, as it's expected to be validated only during Submit. Work Measure and Salary are
examples of such objects. Most objects are validated on Submit.

Works for some actions but not others There are a number of exceptions where a rule only supports certain actions or fields. Refer to the
known exceptions and adaptations for all business objects. If your condition falls under the category
of known exceptions, this may not be supported as yet. If your condition falls under the category of
known adaptations, then follow the instructions listed therein to implement the fix.

Error in Expression...Line# These are the possible causes:

• You specified an incorrect expression in an autocomplete rule, for example, using an invalid
argument for pattern matching.
• You're fetching a value from a related object where the object itself is initialized as Null.
The line number cited in the error message refers to the line number of the groovy code that's
generated by Autocomplete Rules and not the rule line. These are the resolutions.

• Java Null Pointer: Check for NOT NULL after initiating a related object row definition (of Variant 1
or 2). This helps in removing this error but may not necessarily provide you with the solution. You
need to go to the Configure Business Objects task and edit your code to determine the reference
to the line number where the error is in order to fix.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 8
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Troubleshooting Autocomplete Rules

Issue Resolution

• In some cases, you can manually fix this code in Groovy and test. But, if you edit the rule in
autocomplete that has generated this code, it will remove any manual changes.

Error in Logic There can also be an issue with the logic. You need to know the functional relationship between major
objects and key attributes. You can build the rule incrementally, code elements, and gradually increase
complexity by introducing variables to understand where you're going wrong.

Checklist for Troubleshooting Autocomplete Errors

The autocomplete checklist includes a list of things that you should check to troubleshoot any issues in autocomplete
rules. Before going to the checklist, here's a flowchart depicting the key aspects of autocomplete rules.

This checklist lists things you should check related to each key aspect identified in the flow chart.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 8
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Troubleshooting Autocomplete Rules

After you identify the criteria fields, you need to check if these fields are visible on the same business object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 8
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Troubleshooting Autocomplete Rules

Object-based Rule
• Have you identified the entry section or the exit section where the rule should trigger?
• Have you checked section to object mapping and determined the business object to use?
• Does the object support the type of object rule you want, especially, default? If not, consider changing the use
case to a validation?

Validation Rule
• Have you identified the right object to use as a starting point when there are multiple objects being saved on
exit of a section?
• Have you specified the necessary condition to ensure rule is triggered only after a given section is crossed
when the same object spans across multiple sections?

Field-level Rule
• Do you see this field in the UI? If not, confirm the section containing the field that drives the action? For
example, Action Date instead of Assignment Effective Date or Salary Start Date.
• Have you checked section to object mapping and determined the business object to use?
• Does the object support the type of field level rule you want? If not, and if it's a Field Validation rule, consider
changing the use case to Object Validation.
• Does the field to be validated (or the triggering field if it's Field Modification) have Auto Submit property
selected in Page Composer
• Does the field to be defaulted (in the case of a Field Modification rule) have a Partial Page Refresh trigger with
the Component ID of the triggering field.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 8
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Troubleshooting Autocomplete Rules

• Have you identified the criteria for defaulting?
• Are the criteria fields visible and primary determinants of the desired user input? For example, Assignment
Effective Date on Worker Assignment can't be modified and derives its value from the Action Date in the When
and Why section.
• Are the criteria fields on the same object as identified earlier? If not, do you have access to these criteria fields?
The criteria must be on an object that has already been initiated in the flow sequence.
• Are you using Assignment as criteria on another object? If so, do you have IF WorkTermsAssignmentId NOT
NULL even before declaring any other row variables from Assignment or using a field on Assignment as

HCM Params
• Are you using the right name for the HCM Params?
• If using HCM Params, is the error displayed during HCM Data Loader loads? The only supported HCM Params
for HCM Data Loader is isHDLworker. Other HCM Params such as Action and Action Type can't be fetched
during HDL. You can sample values in fields of objects only.

Page Properties
• Does defaulting work and is the section hidden? You must not hide a section completely.
• Is the field in which you want to default a value hidden using the Transaction Design Studio? Transaction
Design Studio sets both rendered and visible property of a field to True when done so inside the Transaction
Design Studio. Optionally, you can hide a field in the UI but you can use it while building a rule.

After going through the above checklist, identify the type of error you're getting and follow the appropriate
troubleshooting techniques.

How You Test Autocomplete Events

You can test these events for correctness before implementing autocomplete rules.

• Object Default: Use the Advanced Debugger tool to test the Object Defaulting event. This is the only way to
test the event. You can also use this tool for any type of rule.
• Object Validation: Use a simple rule that unconditionally shows an error message to test whether an object
validation rule triggers. You can run the application in the sandbox to test if this works.
• Field Modification: Use a simple rule that unconditionally shows a warning message to test whether a field
modification rule triggers. You can run the application in the sandbox to test if this works. You also need to
check if the Auto Submit property is enabled for the given field.
• Field Validation: Use a simple rule that unconditionally shows an error message to test whether a field
validation rule triggers. You can run the application in the sandbox to test if this works. You also need to check if
the Auto Submit property is enabled for the given field.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Chapter 8
Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules Troubleshooting Autocomplete Rules

Test Using Display Variables

After testing the event, you can add an error message that shows the values of various variables in an error
unconditionally. This enables you to test if autocomplete rules fetch the correct values of all variables required as criteria
for defaulting or validation. You must do this before writing complex IF logic, to use variables to determine precisely
when you want the rule to trigger. It's a good practice to always build your rule incrementally.

Assignment as Criteria
You need to check for IF WorkTermsAssignmentId NOT NULL condition when you're using the Assignment business
object as criteria within another object such as Salary or Payroll. You must do this before declaring another subsequent
row variable to fetch related attributes of Assignment such as Job Level.

Debug Autocomplete Rules

You can use the Oracle Script Debugger tool to debug any issues that you encounter while implementing your rules.
Let's look at the steps to configure and use the tool.

1. Enable a sandbox to go to the Configure Business Objects task

a. Click Navigator > Configuration > Sandboxes.

b. Click Create Sandbox.
c. Enter the Name.
d. Select the Active box for Configure Business Objects.
e. Click Create and Enter.
f. Click Navigator > Configuration > Business Objects to configure business objects.
2. Scroll down to your business object and navigate to the right. Click the Actions icon and select Edit Business
3. Select the rule and edit it. Enter println("add anything about the rule"); at the appropriate line. Note that you
need to enter this as the first line in case of Business Object Defaulting.
4. Validate the script.
5. Click Save and Close.
6. Click Tools > Configure Business Objects from the sandbox menu.
7. Click the Display Debug User Interface icon in the menu bar under Objects.
8. Select the object, which you want to debug from the debug console.
9. Navigate to the Log window.
10. Click Clear to remove previous logs.
11. Click Start Debugging (play icon).
12. Create and enter a sandbox with your rule activated and ready to run in another window. Run the application
flow. When the rule is executed, change back to the debugger tab of your browser to view the results.


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