Article Review Guidelines

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AMU, MSc in AcFn Program

Article Review Guidelines for Research Methods in Accounting and Finance Course

Dear Students:
This activity is designed to enable you to enhance your analytical skill by critically reviewing journal
articles, working papers, and similar scientific works related to topics in your field of specialization.
The review involves identification of the theme the paper attempts to address, evaluation of the
theories the author presents as a basis of the study, assess the design & methods the study employed
and a comment on validity of the position the author has taken. More importantly, you should
evaluate conclusion of the article in light of the existing literature and also comment as to which
particular theory it approves or disproves.
Therefore, you are expected to find an article from a peer-reviewed journal related to any of the
topics in the course and submit a three-page report of the review. Specifically, your review should
address the following vital issues:

A. Description of the Study

 What was the purpose of the research?
 Why is the research being conducted & why is it considered significant?
 Were the research questions, objectives or hypothesis (es) clearly stated?
B. Literature Evaluation
 Does the literature review seem thorough & recent (within the last 5 years)?
 Does the content of the literature review relate directly to the research problem?
C. Conceptual Framework
 Does the research use a theoretical or conceptual model?
 Does the model guide the research and seem appropriate?
D. Sample

 Who were the subjects?

 Were the inclusion/exclusion criteria specified?
 How representative is the sample?
 was there any selection bias evident in the sample selection?
E. Method and Design
 Describe the study design – is it appropriate?
 How was the research conducted? (The study procedure itself) & data collected
 Were the subject’s rights protected?
F. Analysis
 How were the data analyzed?
 Do the selected statistical tests appear appropriate?
 Were the results significant?
G. Results
 What were the findings of the study?
 Are the results presented in a clear and understandable way?
 How did the authors interpret the results?
 Were there any study limitations discussed?

H. Subject matter significance
 What were the implications of this study to practitioners?
 How does the study contribute to the body of knowledge?
 Could the study be replicated?
 What additional questions does the study raise?
N.B: You are also expected to submit the original article to your respective instructors


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