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07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic

Training Manual

Chapter 07
Power Plant

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 1

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
Training Manual

Table of contents
7.1 General Description of Power Plant............................... 6 7.3 Engine Pratt & Whitney 206 B ...................................... 40
7.2 Fuel System...................................................................... 8 7.3.1 General ............................................................................ 40
7.2.1 Fuel Storage System ......................................................... 8 7.3.2 Configuration .................................................................. 40
7.2.2 Expansion Tank ............................................................... 10 7.3.3 Reduction Gearbox Module ............................................. 42
7.2.3 Venting System ................................................................ 10 7.3.4 Gas Producer / Power Turbine ........................................ 44
7.2.4 Vent Lines ........................................................................ 12 7.3.5 Oil Subsystem.................................................................. 46
7.2.5 Fuel Distribution System ................................................. 14 7.3.6 Engine Fuel Subsystem ................................................... 48
7.2.6 Equipment Plates............................................................. 16 7.3.7 Fuel Pump ....................................................................... 50
7.2.7 Fuel Pumps...................................................................... 18 7.3.8 Fuel Management Module (FMM) ................................... 52
7.2.8 Fueling System ................................................................ 20 7.3.9 Torque Indication ............................................................. 54
7.2.9 Power Supply and Monitoring of the Fuel Pumps............ 22 7.3.10 Temperature Indication .................................................... 56
7.2.10 Power Supply Transfer Pumps ........................................ 24 7.3.11 Data Collection Unit ......................................................... 58
7.2.11 Fuel Supply Lines and Shut-Off Valves ........................... 26 7.4 Engine Turbomeca ARRIUS .......................................... 60
7.2.12 Operation ........................................................................ 28 7.4.1 General ............................................................................ 60
7.2.13 Fuel Quantity Indication System ...................................... 30 7.4.2 Configuration .................................................................. 60
7.2.14 Fuel Quantity Indication CDS .......................................... 32 7.4.3 Reduction Gearbox Module ............................................. 62
7.2.15 Fuel System Monitoring CDS .......................................... 32 7.4.4 Gas Generator / Power Turbine ....................................... 64
7.2.16 Fuel Quantity Indication CPDS ........................................ 34 7.4.5 Oil Subsystem.................................................................. 66
7.2.17 Fuel System Monitoring CPDS ........................................ 34 7.4.6 Engine Fuel Subsystem ................................................... 68
7.2.18 Low Level Warning CDS / CPDS ..................................... 36 7.4.7 Fuel Metering Unit ........................................................... 70
7.2.19 Fuel Low Pressure Caution ............................................. 38 7.4.8 Fuel Valve Assembly........................................................ 72
7.2.20 Fuel Filter Contamination Caution ................................... 38 7.4.9 Torque Indication ............................................................. 74
7.2.21 Circuit Monitoring ............................................................ 38 7.4.10 Gas Temperature Indication............................................. 76

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 2

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
Training Manual

7.5 Engine Control PW / TM ................................................ 78 7.10 Fire Warning System ................................................... 128
7.5.1 FADEC-Box ..................................................................... 82 7.11 Fire Extinguishing System.......................................... 130
7.5.2 Power Supply FADEC...................................................... 84 7.11.1 Conditions ...................................................................... 132
7.5.3 Engine Ignition ................................................................. 86 7.12 Engine Drain lines ....................................................... 134
7.5.4 Engine Switches (Overhead Panel) ................................. 88 7.12.1 Fuselage Drain Lines ..................................................... 138
7.5.5 Engine Starting ................................................................ 90 7.13 Inlet Barrier Filter (IBF)................................................ 140
7.5.6 Power Sharing of the Power Turbines (P2+ and T2+) ..... 92 7.13.1 System Description ........................................................ 140
7.5.7 Droop Compensation ....................................................... 92 7.13.2 Components .................................................................. 140
7.5.8 CAT. A Mode (P2 / T2) ..................................................... 94 7.13.3 Bypass Doors ................................................................ 142
7.5.9 High NR Mode (P2+ / T2+) .............................................. 94 7.13.4 Static Ports .................................................................... 144
7.5.10 Engine Control Law (P3 / T3) .......................................... 96 7.13.5 IBF Remote Panel ......................................................... 146
7.5.11 Torque Limiter Concept (all variants) ............................... 98 7.13.6 Conditions and Functions .............................................. 146
7.5.12 Training Mode (Twin Engine) P2, P2+, P3, 7.13.7 Bypass System Logic .................................................... 148
T2, T2+, T3 .................................................................... 100 7.13.8 Indications...................................................................... 148
7.5.13 Training Torque Limitation.............................................. 102 7.13.9 Description of Caution Indications ................................. 150
7.5.14 Overspeed Protection .................................................... 104
7.5.15 Monitoring and Error Diagnostic .................................... 108
7.5.16 Engine Emergency Control .............................................110
7.5.17 Connection Flex Ball Cables...........................................112
7.6 Major Differences between Versions ..........................114
7.7 Oil Cooling System .......................................................116
7.8 Engine Mounts ..............................................................118
7.8.1 Engine Alignment ........................................................... 120
7.9 Firewalls ....................................................................... 122
7.9.1 Aft Firewall Assembly..................................................... 124
7.9.2 Engine Fixed Firewalls................................................... 126

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07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
Training Manual

This training document comprises the following ATA chapters:

Fuel System ATA 28
Fuel Storage System ATA 28
Engine Pratt & Whitney 206 B ATA 71
Engine Turbomeca ARRIUS ATA 71
Engine Control PW / TM ATA 76
Engine Ignition ATA 74
Engine Starting ATA 80
Oil Cooling System ATA 79
Fire Warning System ATA 26

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07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
Training Manual


For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 5

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.1 General Description of Power Plant B1
Training Manual

7.1 General Description of Power Plant

♦ NOTE The following descriptions refer to the versions T2+
The power plant system of the EC 135 comprises all systems and and P2+, and P3 / T3 major deviations from earlier
subsystems necessary for engine operation and control. versions are described in an overview page at the
The EC 135 is equipped with two identical engines. They provide the end of the chapter.
driving power for the main and tail rotor and for all auxiliaries. Training manuals for these engines are published by Turbomeca or
The power plant system comprises the following components: Pratt&Whitney.
– engines and engine indication system
– fuel system Engine Indication
– power management The engine indicating system provides the pilot with information of the
performance parameters required during flight. The indicating system
– engine starting
also provides information of engine malfunctions.
– ignition
– oil cooling system Fuel System
– engine mounts The aircraft fuel system provides fuel storage and supply to both
– firewalls engines.
– fire protection
– engine drain lines.
Power Management
Power management and speed control of the engines is accomplished
by a Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) per engine. This
Engines is achieved with one single channel Electronic Engine Controller
In the EC 135 the following engine variants are possible: (EEC of version PW), resp. single channel Electronic Engine Control
– T1 Turbomeca ARRIUS 2B, 2B1, 2B1A, 2B1A_1 Unit (EECU of version TM). All control functions are monitored and
T2/T2+ Turbomeca ARRIUS 2B2 implemented when requested either by the electronic or by pilots
inputs. In the event of electronic failure or for training purposes control
T3 Turbomeca ARRIUS 2B2Plus
is maintained by reverting to a manual back–up mode.
– P1 Pratt&Whitney 206B,
P2/P2+ Pratt&Whitney 206B2
P3 Pratt&Whitney 206B3

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 6

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.1 General Description of Power Plant B1
Training Manual

Power Plant - General Arrangement

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 7

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2 Fuel System B1
7.2.1 Fuel Storage System Training Manual

7.2 Fuel System

7.2.1 Fuel Storage System Split Supply Tank Cell

The split supply tank is located in the subfloor structure behind frame
General 5. To meet the certification requirements of total engine separation
The fuel storage system comprises two bladder tank cells mounted in the tank consists of two sections separated by a fuselage mounted
series in the lower shell of the fuselage. Access to the parts installed fence. The fence has about the same height as the two overflow
in the fuel cells (i.e. pumps, QTY-sensors, drain valves) is provided by channels which connect the supply tank to the main tank. The tank is
four removable equipment plates through the helicopter lower shell. constructed to accomodate the fence.
The impact–resistant bladder tanks are made of reinforced rubberized Flanges in the LH and RH side walls provide connection for engine
nylon fabric. supply lines. One flange in the RH sidewall allows the connection of
an auxiliary fuel tank (option). One flange on the RH rear top provides Main Tank for connection to the vent system.
The main tank cell is located in the subfloor structure of the fuselage
between frame 3 and 5. Velcro strips, bonded to the topside of the
tank and to the underside of the cabin floor keeps the tank in position.
Two fexible hoses are routed from the fuel pumps to the rear of the
tank where they are connected to the split supply tank. The hoses
connected to the two sections of the supply tank are routed through
the overflow channels located in the upper rear area.

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07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2 Fuel System B1
7.2.1 Fuel Storage System Training Manual

Fuel Storage System

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07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2 Fuel System B1
7.2.2 Expansion Tank Training Manual

7.2.2 Expansion Tank

The expansion tank (approx. 14.5 l., polyethylene material)
accommodates an increasing fuel volume in case of a warm up. The
expansion tank is situated inside an aluminium box where it is fixed
by the means of a belt. The aluminium box is installed on the RH
side of the cabin. Two venting hoses are routed in vicinity of frame 5
upwards and along the underside of the engine deck to the LH side
of the cabin, where they are connected to the LH side vent outlets in
the lower shell.

7.2.3 Venting System

Threaded bolts, vulcanized into the topside of the tank, provide points
fot attaching the venting hoses to the underside of the cabin floor. the
refueling venting hoses of the main tank and the supply tank are fixed
to the LH inner topside of the fuel cells and routed into the filler neck.
In both hoses an air no fuel valve is integrated (up to S/N 444).
On the RH upper side the supply tank and the main tank are connected
to the expansion tank by an additional vent line embedded into the
cabin floor.
From S/N 250 and up this vent line is separated between the two
expansion tank inlets. In addition a short vent line between the main
tank and supply tank is installed.

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07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2.3 Venting System Training Manual

Vent System

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07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2 Fuel System B1
7.2.4 Vent Lines Training Manual

7.2.4 Vent Lines

In addtion to the standard fuel vent lines a fuel return line has been
added to TM helicopters to increase start-up reliability with the Arrius
engines. Each engine fuel return line is connected to the collector
assembly which is installed in one of the Vent Lines. By this installation
present air bubbles inside the fuel line will be transported back to the
Expansion Tank. Brief stoppages of fuel flowwhich could occur in case
of air bubbles inside the fuel line will be eliminated.
In addition to this the unburnt fuel inside the main fuel manifold will
also be routed back to the expansion tank. By this the formation of
carbon deposits on the injector nozzles is largely prevented.

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07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2.4 Vent Lines Training Manual

Vent Lines

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07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2 Fuel System B1
7.2.5 Fuel Distribution System Training Manual

7.2.5 Fuel Distribution System Prime Pumps

The prime pumps deliver fuel to the engines via the feed lines during
General engine start. The pump in the left tank chamber supplies the left
The fuel distribution subsystem transfers fuel from the main tank into engine and the pump in the right tank chamber supplies the right
the split supply tank and from there via shut off valves to the engines. engine.With both engines running, the engine driven pumps draw in
the fuel through the prime pumps. Thus the prime pumps can then be
Components switched off.
The fuel distribution subsystem comprises the following components: The prime pumps are identical to the main tank mounted transfer
– two main tank mounted transfer pumps pumps, but there is no check valve installed in the pump outlet.
– transfer lines
♦ NOTE The prime pumps are only to be switched on for
– two supply tank mounted prime pumps engine start and some emergency procedures acc.
– engine feed lines with shut-off valves. to flight manual.

Transfer Pumps Foam Core

The transfer pumps deliver fuel from the main tank to the split supply An airframe mounted foam core is integrated in the RH supply tank
tank via transfer lines. The capacity of the transfer pumps is such that which is reducing the fuel quantity by approx. 4 kg. In this way a
each of them delivers more fuel to the supply tank than the engines can simultaneous engine flame out is avoided when the fuel tanks become
consume. The surplus fuel returns to the main tank via the overflow empty.
tubes. This guarantees that the supply tank is always filled, as long as
there is fuel in the main tank. The pumps are powered with 28 VDC
and have a dry operating time of approx. 20 minutes.

Transfer Lines
Two flexible hoses are routed fromthe transfer pump outlet ports to
the rear of the main tank. There they are connected to each other and
to the split supply tank. The connecting hoses to the two sections of
the supply tank are routed through two overflowchannels in the upper
rear area.

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07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2.5 Fuel Distribution System Training Manual

Fuel Transfer System

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07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2 Fuel System B1
7.2.6 Equipment Plates Training Manual

7.2.6 Equipment Plates Low Fuel Sensor

The four equipment plates in the fuel tanks are identical and The fuel sensors in the supply tank are eqipped with low fuel sensors
accomodate the fuel supply components. The components are: (NTC-thermistors) used for the LOW FUEL indication.
– fuel pump
– fuel sensor
– low fuel sensor (supply tank only)
– drain valve.
The equipment plates are interconnected respectively with a ground
cable to the fuselage.

Check Valve
The fuel pumps of themain tank are each equipped with a check valve
attached to the pump outlet port. The check valve prevents fuel from
flowing back if a transfer pump should fail.

Fuel Sensors
The four capacitive fuel sensors, unequal in size, are attached to the
equipment plates in an upright position.

♦ NOTE Due to crash safety the fuel sensors must not

contact the ceiling of the fuel cell. To increase the
accuracy of the fuel indication when the system is
completely filled, from S/N 250 and up, all four fuel
sensors are longer. Therefore a cut out is integrated
in the cabin floor above each sensor. In case of a
crash a predetermined breaking point will prevent
the fuel probes to penetrate the fuel cell.

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07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2.6 Equipment Plates Training Manual

Equipment Plates

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07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2 Fuel System B1
7.2.7 Fuel Pumps Training Manual

7.2.7 Fuel Pumps Drain Valve

The four fuel pump cartridges are identical and they are powered Two drain valves are located inside the main tank and one inside each
by a 28 V motor. The motor of a pump is mounted in a separate supply tank. They are attached to the equipment plates, which are
compartment. It can be removed from the equipment plate without installed at the lowest position in the tank. Access to the valves is
defueling the tank. given from the underside of the fuselage.
Two transfer pumps are attached to the equipment plates of the main The drain valves are opened by pushing the valve body. An integrated
tank in an upright position. spring automatically closes the drain valve after the valve body is
One fuel pump (prime pump) ismounted inside each of the two supply released.
tank sections. This configuration makes provision for individual
defueling of the sections. ♦ NOTE Drain each tank into a container and check for
presence of water, until only fuel emerges.
The fuel pumps of themain tank are each equipped with a check valve
attached to the pump outlet port.
The delivery rate of the earlier pump version is 6.6 l/min (manufacturer ♦ WARNING If the helicopter is parked on a slope water might
Globe Motors) and for newer versions 12.5 l/min (manufacturer be left in the tanks even after the tanks have
Testfuchs) with a pressure of approx. 1 bar. been drained.

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07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2.7 Fuel Pumps Training Manual

Fuel Pump and Drain Valve

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 19

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2 Fuel System B1
7.2.8 Fueling System Training Manual

7.2.8 Fueling System

The filler neck of the helicopter is used to fill themain tank. The ground
connection provides static discharge after landing and during fueling
the helicopter.

Filler Neck
The filler neck is located between frame 4 and 5 at the lower left end of
the side panel. The access door can be locked by a key. The filler neck
is constructed for gravity fueling with a max. rate of flow of 100 liters
per minute.

Ground Connection
The ground connector is located on the outside of the LH rear side
panel of the fuselage. The ground socket is located right to the filler
neck. The ground socket is connected to the fuselage by a flexible
ground strap.

♦ WARNING Connect the ground cable before fueling the


Air No Fuel Valve (up to S/N 444)

The air in the tank, displaced by fueling is bled through two venting
ports on the topside of the tank aswell as through venting hoses routed
to the filler neck coming from the rear section of the tanks.
If the fuel reaches the level of the venting valves the opening is closed
via the ball mechanism. The fuel coming from the front port of the
main tank or the rear port of the supply tank causes the valves to open
and drains the fuel back to the main/supply tank.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 20

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2.8 Fueling System Training Manual

Fueling System with Ground Connection

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 21

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2 Fuel System B1
7.2.9 Power Supply and Monitoring of the Fuel Pumps Training Manual

7.2.9 Power Supply and Monitoring of the Fuel


The switches and circuit breakers for the fuel pumps are located in the
overhead panel.

Switches and Circuit Breakers Main Tank

The following switches/circuit breakers for the main tank are installed:
– circuit Breaker XFER-F-Pump
– circuit Breaker XFER-A-Pump.

Switches and Circuit Breakers Supply Tank

The following switches/circuit breakers for the supply tanks are
– circuit breaker PRIME-P ENG I
– circuit breaker PRIME-P ENG II

Precision Resistors
The precision resistors (shunts) for the current measurement of the
transfer pumps are located on the backside of the overhead panel.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 22

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2.9 Power Supply and Monitoring of the Fuel Pumps Training Manual

Fuel Pumps - Switches and Circuit Breakers (Example)

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 23

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2 Fuel System B1
7.2.10 Power Supply Transfer Pumps Training Manual

7.2.10 Power Supply Transfer Pumps

The transfer pumps are supplied via the following busbars:
– FWD transfer pump with Essential busbar 1
– AFT transfer pump with Shedding busbar 2.

Power Supply Prime Pumps

The prime pumps are supplied via the following busbars:
– prime pump engine 1 with Essential busbar 1
– prime pump engine 2 with Essential busbar 2.

The electrical circuits of the transfer pumps are monitored. In case of
a defective pump, a dry running pump, or a switched off pump caution
indication is displayed at the CDS / CPDS MISC field.
The indications are:
The pumps are monitored via a shunt. When the power consumption
is higher than 5 Amps (blocked pump), or longer than 3min lower than
2 Amps (dry running pump), the caution will be triggered.

As long as the prime pumps are switched on, in the CDS / CPDS
Caution panel SYS I and/or SYS II the following indication will be

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 24

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2.10 Power Supply Transfer Pumps Training Manual

Fuel Pumps - Power Supply and Monitoring

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 25

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2 Fuel System B1
7.2.11 Fuel Supply Lines and Shut-Off Valves Training Manual

7.2.11 Fuel Supply Lines and Shut-Off Valves Shut-Off Valves

The fuel shut–off valves are used to perform emergency shutdown of
General the engines and also for normalmaintenance activities. The valves are
The fuel is supplied to the engines by two hoses, both equipped with operated by a 28 VDC electrical motor.
shut off valves. The shut–off valves are installed in sealed housings in the L/H and
R/H side shell. The housings are vented to the ambient.
The fuel supply system consists of the following: Power Supply
– engine feed lines The shut-off valves are supplied by the following busbars:
– shut-off valves – shut-off valve engine 1 with Essential busbar 1
– switch EMER OFF SW I – shut-off valve engine 2 with Essential busbar 2.
– switch EMER OFF SW II
– circuit breaker FUEL-V ENG I
– circuit breaker FUEL-V ENG II.

Engine Feed Lines

The flexible fuel hoses are connected to the ports on both sides of
the split supply tank. From the ports they are routed through the rear
subfloor structure, along the LH and RH side panel of the fuselage
and up to the engine deck. All hoses are of size DN 08 and made of
spiral fabric-reinforced teflon tubing. All fuel hoses routed through the
fuselage are protected with fuel resistant hoses (DN 32). Additional
venting minimizes fuel vapor collecting in the hose system.The fuel
hoses located above the engine deck are adapted to fit the specific
installation requirements of engine.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 26

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2.11 Fuel Supply Lines and Shut-Off Valves Training Manual

Fuel Shut–Off Valves

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 27

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2 Fuel System B1
7.2.12 Operation Training Manual

7.2.12 Operation
The shut-off valves are controlled by the switch labeled EMER OFF
SWI resp. EMER OFF SWII, located in the warning unit. The switches
are guarded push-to release switches (FIRE – Buttons):
– when the switches are released, the valves close
– when the switches are depressed, the valves are open.

The positions of the shut-off valves are monitored and displayed at
the CDS / CPDS. The positions of the switches EMER OFF SW are
displayed at the warning unit.
When the valves are open (normal position):
– no indication
If a switch EMER OFF SW is released, the following indications will
– ACTIVE (warning unit) will be on continously.
– FUEL VALVE on the CDS / CPDS SYS I/II is displayed as
long as the valve is transient.
– F VALVE CL on the CDS / CPDS SYS I/II is displayed when
the valve is closed.

♦ NOTE When no fire warning is evident, only the shut–off

valve will close when operating the switch EMER

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 28

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2.12 Operation Training Manual

Fuel ShutOff Valves - Function

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 29

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2 Fuel System B1
7.2.13 Fuel Quantity Indication System Training Manual

7.2.13 Fuel Quantity Indication System The measurement accuracy amounts to 6 % with maximum fuel
content and 4 % with decreasing fuel content. Inaccuracies resulting
General from pitch–attitudes of the helicopter are taken into account (attitude
The fuel quantity indicating system provides the pilot with information compensation).
about the fuel quantity and system malfunctions. The relevant data is Inaccuracies resulting from different fuel types and temperatures
gathered with the aid of sensors, digitally processed and displayed on (density) are considered within the 6 % resp. 4 %.
the CDS / CPDS.
The fuel quantity indication system mainly consists of:
– four fuel quantity transmitters
– indication on the field FUEL of the CDS / CPDS.

Fuel Quantity Transmitter

Each fuel quantity transmitter consists of two concentric tubes,
installed on the equipment plates in the fuel tank. The inner and outer
tube form the plates of a capacitor.
As the fuel level changes, the amount of fuel between the two capacitor
tubes changes. This changes the value of the dielectricum, thereby
varying the capacity of the fuel quantity transmitter. An oscillator
circuit, consisting of a precision resistor and the transmitter, changes
its frequency proportional to the fuel mass in the tank. The output
frequency varying between 8 kHz with a full tank and 13 kHz with an
empty tank is digitally processed and displayed in the CDS / CPDS.
The fuel sensors are directly connected to the CAD and the fuel
amount is calculated only by the CAD.

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07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2.13 Fuel Quantity Indication System Training Manual

Fuel Quantity Indication

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07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2 Fuel System B1
7.2.14 Fuel Quantity Indication CDS Training Manual

7.2.14 Fuel Quantity Indication CDS 7.2.15 Fuel System Monitoring CDS
The caution FUEL QTY FAIL comes on if one supply tank sensor or
General both main tank sensors fail. The respective bar graph will reset to
The fuel quantity indication (FUEL display) is located in the CDS. It is 0. The caution FUEL QTY DEGR comes on if one of the main tank
subdivided in the following sections: sensors fails.
Numeric indications (white) for MAIN, SPLY 1, SPLY 2 and AUX (main
tank, supply tank 1 supply tank 2 and optional auxiliary tank).
Bar graph indication (white) for MAIN, SPLY 1, SPLY 2 and AUX.
LOW indication (red) for SPLY 1 and SPLY 2. The LOW indication for
SPLY 1 and 2 is triggered by the CDS software, when the respective
supply tank chamber indication is less than 28 kg.
FREE condition indication (white) for main tank. The FREE indication
comes on when the free volume in the main tank and both supply
tanks is greater than the current fuel volume of the auxiliary tank (if
XFER (white) if an auxiliary tank is installed. The XFER indication
comes on when the auxiliary transfer valve is open.
Unit indication (kg / lb).

♦ NOTE Through configuration the amount of fuel can be

displayed in kg or lb.
The numeric indications display as maximum values:
– 448 kg for the main tank (nominal max. quantity 452 kg*)
– 48 kg for SPLY 1
– 44 kg for SPLY 2.
* 4 kg can not be displayed, because for crash safety the fuel sensors
must not contact the fuel cell ceiling.

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07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2.15 Fuel System Monitoring CDS Training Manual

CDS Fuel Indication

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07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2 Fuel System B1
7.2.16 Fuel Quantity Indication CPDS Training Manual

7.2.16 Fuel Quantity Indication CPDS

The display indicates the fuel quantity in the main tank and in both
supply tanks. In addition to the symbolic display of the fuel contents in
the tanks, a numerical display of the tank contents is provided in the
selected unit of measurement.

Fuel Flow Indication and Endurance Calculation

If a flow sensor is installed in each engine supply line, the current fuel
consumption and the calculated endurance can be displayed in the

7.2.17 Fuel System Monitoring CPDS

The caution FUEL QTY FAIL comes on if one supply tank sensor or
both main tank sensors fail. The respective bar graph will reset to 0.
The caution FUEL QTY DEGR comes on if one of the main tank
sensors fails.

Caution FUEL
With EC 135 up to S/N 249 and before SB EC135 28-007 the caution
FUEL will be triggered at a value 40 kg LH and 35 kg RH.
With EC 135 S/N 250 and up and CPDS SW 2002 and up, the caution
FUEL will be triggered at a value of 36 kg LH and 32 kg RH.

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07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2.17 Fuel System Monitoring CPDS Training Manual

Fuel System Display CPDS

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07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2 Fuel System B1
7.2.18 Low Level Warning CDS / CPDS Training Manual

7.2.18 Low Level Warning CDS / CPDS Function

The sensors are fixed at a defined height to the fuel level transmitters.
General They are supplied by 28 VDC. As long as the sensors are cooled by
The low level warning is an additional fuel level control to warn the the fuel, their resistance is high resulting in a low current flow in the
pilot. The warning function can be checked with a test function. A circuit. If the resistors become free (level low), they will be heated
visual and audio warning informs the pilot that: up by the current thus changing their resistance. As the resistors
– There are approx. 28 kg (SYS I) and 24 kg (SYS II) of fuel are “ntc-thermistors”, the resistance becomes low by the increasing
remaining in the supply tank chambers. From SN 250 and temperature, so the current in the circuit increases and hence activates
up the position of the sensors has been changed. Therefore the LOW FUEL warning at the warning unit.
approx. 32 kg (SYS I) and 28 kg (SYS II) of fuel remaining in At the same time an audio warning is given through the head–phones:
the supply tank chambers. A gong every 3 seconds.

♦ NOTE All configurations guarantee a minimum of 8 minutes Power Supply

remaining flight time. (SN 250 and up 10 min) The low level warning is supplied with 28 VDC by the following busbars:
– Essential Busbar PP 10E
Components – Essential Busbar PP 20E
The low level warning mainly consists of:
– one low level sensor in each supply tank chamber
– red LOW FUEL (SYS I and SYS II) caption at the warning unit
– circuit breaker FUEL–L SYS I / SYS II
– circuit test function.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 36

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2.18 Low Level Warning CDS / CPDS Training Manual

Fuel Supply - Low Level Warning

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 37

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2 Fuel System B1
7.2.19 Fuel Low Pressure Caution Training Manual

7.2.19 Fuel Low Pressure Caution 7.2.20 Fuel Filter Contamination Caution

General General
The fuel low pressure caution indicates low pressure between the The fuel filter caution at the CDS/CPDS indicates an impending
engine driven low- and high pressure pumps. opening of the by-pass due to a clogged filter element.
The differential pressure switch is attached to the fuel management
Fuel Pressure Switch TM module (PW), resp. to the fuel metering unit (TM). Differential pressure
The fuel pressure switch is attached to the fuel control unit. The is tapped between the fuel filter inlet and outlet (valid for both engine
pressure is tapped between the fuel filter outlet and the high pressure types).When the filter element becomes dirty, the pressure difference
pump inlet. increases. The switch closes reaching the pressure switch setting and
Whenever the fuel pressure drops below a threshold, the pressure the caution FUEL FILT appears on the CDS / CPDS.
switch closes and activates the caution FUEL PRESS in the
CDS / CPDS. 7.2.21 Circuit Monitoring

Fuel Pressure Switch PW General

The fuel pressure switch is attached to the fuel management module. The electrical circuit of the fuel filter is automatically tested. If there
The pressure is tapped between the fuel filter outlet and the fuel filter is an interruption the caution F FILT CT will be displayed on the
inlet. CDS / CPDS.
Whenever the high pressure pump inlet fuel pressure drops below a
threshold, the pressure switch closes and activates the caution FUEL
PRESS in the CDS / CPDS.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 38

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.2.21 Circuit Monitoring Training Manual

Fuel Related Cautions

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 39

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.3 Engine Pratt & Whitney 206 B B1
7.3.1 General Training Manual

7.3 Engine Pratt & Whitney 206 B

7.3.1 General
The PW206B(2) is a lightweight, free turbine, turboshaft engine
incorporating a single stage centrifugal compressor driven by a single
stage compressor turbine and a single stage power turbine that drives
the reduction gearbox and aircraft power train.
A dry sump oil system ensures lubrication and cooling of the engine.
All the components are installed on the engine except for the cooling
unit. The R/H and L/H side of the respective engine's oil tank provides
an oil level sight glass to verify oil quantity.
Metered fuel from the Fuel Management Module (FMM) is sprayed into
a reverse flow annular combustion chamber through twelve individual
fuel nozzles mounted around the gas generator case.
A high voltage ignition unit and dual spark igniters are used to start
A single channel, Full Authority Digital Engine Control Unit (FADEC)
system with a mechanical backup FMM ensures accurate control of the
engine output speed and fast response to changes in power demand.
An electrical torque motor located within the Fuel Management
Module works in conjunction with the FADEC and changes fuel flow
as required.

7.3.2 Configuration
The engine is of modular design. Mainly it consists of:
– the reduction gearbox module
– gas generator and power turbine module
– engine subsystems.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 40

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.3 Engine Pratt & Whitney 206 B B1
7.3.2 Configuration Training Manual

Engine PW 206B/B2/B3

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 41

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.3 Engine Pratt & Whitney 206 B B1
7.3.3 Reduction Gearbox Module Training Manual

7.3.3 Reduction Gearbox Module

The reduction gearbox module reduces the power turbine speed (N2)
to a suitable speed for the main transmission input. Asecond gear
train reduces the gas producer turbine speed (N1) to a suitable speed
to turn all engine accessories. Configuration
The reduction gearbox consists of three machined aluminum casings
which are the front and rear housings and the output shaft cover. Front
and rear housing are bolted together with the compressor inlet case.
The rear face of the housing and the front face of the compressor inlet
case form an integral oil tank. The output shaft cover supports the
output shaft front bearings. It is bolted to the front housing.
The output shaft is inclined at 26° upward to suit the main transmission
installation. Operation
The reduction gearbox has a two stage bevel gear type reduction
gear train which changes power turbine speed to output shaft speed.
The engine output shaft assembly is attached to the second stage
reduction gear by internal splines.
The accessory drive geartrain provides the appropriate speed
reduction to turn all engine accessories, which are:
– starter/generator
– permanent magnet alternator (PMA)
– fuel pumps
– oil pumps.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 42

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.3.3 Reduction Gearbox Module Training Manual

Reduction Gearbox PW

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 43

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.3 Engine Pratt & Whitney 206 B B1
7.3.4 Gas Producer / Power Turbine Training Manual

7.3.4 Gas Producer / Power Turbine

The turbomachinery module provides rotational drive to the reduction
gearbox module. Configuration
The turbomachinery module mainly consists of a single stage
centrifugal compressor driven by a single stage compressor turbine
and a single stage free power turbine. Function
Air enters the engine through a radial inlet plenum chamber, formed
by the compressor inlet case where it is directed rearward to the
centrifugal impeller. The accelerated air from the impeller passes
through the diffusor which turns the air 90° and converts velocity
into static pressure. This high pressure air surrounds the combustion
chamber flame tube.
The combustion liner has perforations which allow the pressurized
air to enter. The airflowchanges direction 180° and ismixed with fuel
from 12 fuel nozzles. The fuel / air mixture is ignited and the resultant
expanding gases are directed to the turbines.
The expanding gases from the combustion chamber pass through
the compressor turbine stator vanes to the single stage compressor
turbine causing the turbine to rotate which drives the compressor.
The still expanding gases continue rearward to the power turbine
stator and turbine. The exhaust gas from the power turbine is directed
through an annular exhaust plenum to the atmosphere.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 44

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.3.4 Gas Producer / Power Turbine Training Manual

Engine PW - Operation

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 45

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.3 Engine Pratt & Whitney 206 B B1
7.3.5 Oil Subsystem Training Manual

7.3.5 Oil Subsystem A P3 operated shut off valve prevents oil supply to the lubrication
points upon engine start up and shut down (below ≈ 40 % N1). This
General ensures that the most remote bearing cavities (No. 4 and No. 5) do not
The engine oil system is a dry sump system. It supplies a flow of flood during motoring or rundown periods.
filtered oil to the engine in order to cool, lubricate, and clean the The main oil filter (not cleanable) traps particles picked up by the oil
various components. as it lubricates the engine components. The filter is equipped with a
bypass valve as a safeguard against filter blockage. An impending Configuration bypass switch gives indication to the cockpit before the bypass valve
The oil system consists of: opens.
– integral oil tank A pressure regulating valve (not field adjustable) is used to set the oil
system pressure to a predetermined value for a specified speed and
– pressure system oil temperature.
– scavenge system After passing a fuel heater, the pressurized oil is distributed to the
– secondary air system lubrication points in the gearbox and to the bearings No. 4 and No. 5.
– indicating system. Scavenge System Oil Tank The scavenge system returns the oil to the gearbox. Approx. 80 % of
the used oil flows into the sump by gravity. Bearing No. 4 is scavenged
The oil tank is integrated into the engine and is formed by the annular
by blowdown from lab seal bleed air. Bearing No. 5 is scavenged by a
cavity created between the air inlet case and the reduction gearbox
combination of a scavenge pump and blowdown. At high RPM’s an oil
rear case. A drain plug located at the bottom of the inlet case permits
pump bypass valve opens allowing surplus oil to bypass the scavenge
drainage of the cavity. Oil level indication is provided by a sight glass.
pump to the sump. Pressure System The gearbox scavenge pump draws the oil from the sump via a
protective screen and a magnetic chip detector. The oil then flows
Oil is drawn from the tank, through a protective screen, to the inlet of
through an airframe-mounted oil cooler before it is returned to the oil
a gear type pressure pump. A cold start valve, located at the pressure
pump outlet provides a safeguard against excessive pressure build
up due to high oil viscosity at low temperatures (limits the pressure to
13.5 bar (200 psi) and the overflow is released to the gearbox).

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 46

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.3.5 Oil Subsystem Training Manual

Oil System PW

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 47

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.3 Engine Pratt & Whitney 206 B B1
7.3.6 Engine Fuel Subsystem Training Manual

7.3.6 Engine Fuel Subsystem Modes of Operation

The FMM operates in two basic modes:
General – the automatic mode, where the required fuel flow is
The engine fuel subsystem delivers metered fuel to the engine. It is commanded by the EEC.
automatically controlled by the engine control subsystem. The engine – and the manual mode where the fuel flow is determined by
control subsystem provides the capability to override the Full Authority the twist grip position.
Digital Engine Control (FADEC) function to provide for manual
operation of the fuel subsystem. Pressurized fuel from the fuel pump is routed to the Fuel Metering
Valve and to the bypass valve which keeps a constant pressure Components differential of 3.4 bar (50 psi) across the metering valve.
The Fuel and - control subsystem mainly consists of the following In manual mode the metering valve is controlled by a mechanical
components: N1 governor. The N1 governor setting is influenced by a input lever,
– Fuel Management Module (FMM) actuated by the twist grip.
– fuel manifold and nozzles In automatic mode the metering valve is controlled by a torque motor
which is commanded by the EEC. The FMM provides the following
– fuel flow divider
– Electronic Engine Control (EEC).
– enables engine start and shutdown
– controls fuel flow as a function of power demand Fuel Management Module
– no power change during transition from EEC mode to manual
The FMM is installed on the accessory gearbox of the engine. It is an mode, according to FLM
electro-mechanical unit which governs the fuel flow through the entire
– full power selection range available in manual mode as well
operational envelope of the engine. It uses EEC signals, twist grip
as in EEC mode
position, P3 pressure and Ng speed as input parameters. The FMM
has an integral fuel pump which delivers high pressure fuel to the – limits the rate of acceleration to prevent engine surge during
metering portion of the unit. manual control mode
– operates in speed governing modes.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 48

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.3.6 Engine Fuel Subsystem Training Manual

Engine Fuel System PW

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 49

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.3 Engine Pratt & Whitney 206 B B1
7.3.7 Fuel Pump Training Manual

7.3.7 Fuel Pump Fuel Manifold

Fuel is delivered to the fuel pump by the aircraft fuel distribution The fuel manifold distributes primary (start) and secondary (main) fuel
subsystem. The engine driven low pressure fuel pump takes fuel from to the engine combustion chamber. The fuel manifold is located on the
the supply tank, increases the pressure and pumps the fuel through engine gas generator case and consists of a primary and a secondary
the fuel filter. fuel manifold. The primary fuelmanifold supplies 5 hybrid nozzles. The
The filter is differential-pressure monitored for cockpit indication by secondary fuel manifold supplies 7 main fuel nozzles. The fuel nozzles
an impending bypass switch. A bypass valve will open if the filter are equally spaced around the combustion chamber for even fuel flow.
becomes clogged. Primary fuel flow from the primary nozzles remains constant during
An engine oil heated fuel heater is installed in the line between the start-up and engine operation.
pump outlet and the filter inlet. At fuel temperatures below 43 °C a
temperature controlled bypass valve is closed and the fuel has to flow
through the heater (At fuel temperatures above 57 °C the valve is fully
open and the heater is by-passed.
In case of a defect low pressure pump a low pressure switch will close
for cockpit indication.
From the fuel filter, fuel is routed to the second stage of the fuel pump
(high pressure stage) and delivered to the fuel metering module for
flow control. Fuel Flow Divider

The flow divider distributes the metered fuel flow from the FMM to
the primary and secondary side of the fuel manifold. During engine
start-up, the flow divider routes fuel flow to the hybrid nozzles only. As
the engine accelerates, fuel pressure increases and the flow divider
routes fuel to the main nozzles too.
The fuel flow divider also prevents of fuel accumulation in the
combustion chamber after engine shut-down. For this, residual fuel is
kept in an accumulator. At the next start as the fuel pressure increases,
the accumulator piston forces the fuel towards the manifold.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 50

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.3.7 Fuel Pump Training Manual

Fuel Manifold, Fuel Metering Module PW

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 51

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.3 Engine Pratt & Whitney 206 B B1
7.3.8 Fuel Management Module (FMM) Training Manual

7.3.8 Fuel Management Module (FMM) Function
The Fuel Management Module (FMM) works in conjunction with the
Electronic Engine Control (EEC) to control metered fuel flow over the
entire operational range of the engine. Description
The FMMmanufactured byWoodward GovernorCompany is installed
on the Reduction Gearbox of the engine.
It is an electro-mechanical unit, which controls the fuel flow delivered
to the engine. It uses EEC signals, Twistgrip angle, P3 pressure and
Ng speed, as input parameters.
The FMM has an integral fuel pump which delivers highpressure
fuel to the metering portion of the unit. The FMM operates in 2 basic
modes: the automatic mode and the manual mode. In both manual
and automatic mode, a fuel metering valve regulates fuel flow.
– In Automatic Mode the EEC controls the torque motor. The
torque motor rotates the fuel metering valve
– In Manual Mode the fuel metering valve is controlled by a
3D-cam actuated by the Twistgrip.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 52

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.3.8 Fuel Management Module (FMM) Training Manual

Fuel Management Module (FMM)

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 53

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.3 Engine Pratt & Whitney 206 B B1
7.3.9 Torque Indication Training Manual

7.3.9 Torque Indication A platinium–type temperature measurement resistor located in the

torque sensor provides automatic compensation for variation of torque
General shaft temperature.
The torque of the engine output shaft ismeasured. An electromagnetic The sensor is mounted in front of the reduction gear box near the
sensor picks up the signal. output shaft.
This signal is processed by the EEC and sent to the analog instrument
and to the CDS / CPDS in the cockpit. The indication is in % TQ. System Description

The torque measuring system consists of two concentric shafts each
having a toothed wheel located at one end (phonic wheel) and a pulse
pickup probe. The inner shaft (engine output shaft) is used to transmit
engine torque and the outer acts as an unloaded reference shaft. The
torsional deflection (twist) of the output shaft results in an angular
displacement of the tooth between the loaded shaft and the reference
The rotation of the phonic wheel formed by the teeth of each shaft, in
front of the sensor produces a pulsed voltage in the sensor.
This voltage is sent to the EEC which measures the displacement
between the pulses and determines the engine torque for internal use
and cockpit indication.
To compensate for material and manufacturing tolerances (no two
shafts will twist in the same manner) a Data Collection Unit (DCU)
is installed on the engine. This box sends two trim values, which are
determined on the test bench, to the EEC. Since these values are
specific to a unique output shaft, the DCU cannot be transferred to
another engine.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 54

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.3.9 Torque Indication Training Manual

Torque Indication

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 55

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.3 Engine Pratt & Whitney 206 B B1
7.3.10 Temperature Indication Training Manual

7.3.10 Temperature Indication Exhaust Gas Thermocouple (T6)

The exhaust gas temperature (EGT) measuring system consists of
two identical harnesses with four thermocouple elements in parallel
connected to an engine mounted terminal assembly. From the two
junction boxes the signals are lead to the inlet temperature sensor box
where they are paralleled and integrated with the signal from the T1
sensor. The T6 system provides an output signal which is proportional
to the arithmetic average of the exhaust temperatures to which the
eight thermocouples are exposed. Inlet Temperature Sensor (T1)

The T1 sensor incorporates a platinium resistance temperature
element together with a cold junction for the T6 thermocouples. The
active portion of the sensor is located near the compressor air inlet,
therby giving a signal proportional to engine air inlet temperature (T1).
The signals provided by the T1 and T6 system are lead to the EEC
where the measured gas temperature (MGT) is computed. CPDS Indication

The digital TOT value is displayed on the FLI (Eng 1 via VEMD lane 1,
Eng 2 via VEMD lane 2) In case of one lane off, the respective analog
back-up value is displayed via the CAD. CDS Indication

The value is shown in the analog indicator. The digital value can be
selected in the parameter field of the CDS.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 56

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.3.10 Temperature Indication Training Manual

Temperature Sensors PW

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 57

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.3 Engine Pratt & Whitney 206 B B1
7.3.11 Data Collection Unit Training Manual

7.3.11 Data Collection Unit

The DCU is installed to the lower part of the engine.
The DCU uses RS422 signals for up and download. A data converter
RS422 to RS232 enables a PC communication. With ground based
software (GBS), e.g. accumulated cycles for each rotating component
can be downloaded. If it is required to replace a DCU, it will be
necessary to program the replacement DCU with the appropriate
data. After replacement of a cycle limited component, the DCU must
be updated with the new component cycles.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 58

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.3.11 Data Collection Unit Training Manual

Data Collection Unit DCU

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 59

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.4 Engine Turbomeca ARRIUS B1
7.4.1 General Training Manual

7.4 Engine Turbomeca ARRIUS

7.4.1 General
The EC135 T utilizes two ARRIUS turboshaft engines to supply energy
(torque, bleed air, electrical power) to the helicopter systems.
The ARRIUS is a lightweight, free turbine, turboshaft engine
incorporating a single stage centrifugal compressor driven by a single
stage compressor turbine and a single stage power turbine that drives
the reduction gearbox and aircraft powertrain.
A dry sump oil system ensures lubrication and cooling of the engine.
All the components are installed on the engine except for the cooling
unit. The R/H and L/H side of the respective engine's oil tank provides
an oil level sight glass to verify oil quantity.
Metered fuel from the Fuel Metering Unit (FMU) is sprayed into a
reverse flow annular combustion chamber through twelve fuel nozzles
(10 main plus 2 start nozzles) mounted around the gas generator case.
A high voltage ignition unit and dual spark igniters are used to start
A single channel, Full Authority Digital Engine Control Unit (FADEC)
system with a mechanical backup FMU ensures accurate control of the
engine output speed and fast response to changes in power demand.
An electrically operated stepper motor located within the FMU works
in conjunction with the FADEC and changes fuel flow as required.

7.4.2 Configuration
The engine is of modular design. Mainly it consists of:
– reduction gearbox module
– gas generator and power turbine module
– engine subsystems.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 60

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.4 Engine Turbomeca ARRIUS B1
7.4.2 Configuration Training Manual

Engine Turbomeca ARRIUS

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 61

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.4 Engine Turbomeca ARRIUS B1
7.4.3 Reduction Gearbox Module Training Manual

7.4.3 Reduction Gearbox Module Purpose
The reduction gearbox module reduces the power turbine speed (N2)
to a suitable speed for themain transmission input. A second geartrain
reduces the gas producer turbine speed (N1) to a suitable speed to
turn all engine accessories. Configuration
The reduction gearbox consists of a front and rear light alloy casing.
The lower part of the reduction gearbox forms the engine oil tank.
A wall, located around the reduction gearbox rear casing, seperates
the reduction gearbox module from the gas producer/power turbine
module. The output shaft is inclined upward to suit the main
transmission installation. Operation
The reduction gearbox has a single stage helical and single stage
bevel gear type reduction geartrain which changes power turbine
speed to output shaft speed. The engine output shaft assembly is
attached to the output gear by internal splines.
The accessory drive geartrain provides the appropriate speed
reduction to turn all engine accessories, which are:
– starter/generator
– low pressure and high pressure fuel pump
– oil pump
– alternator.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 62

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.4.3 Reduction Gearbox Module Training Manual

Reduction Gearbox

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 63

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.4 Engine Turbomeca ARRIUS B1
7.4.4 Gas Generator / Power Turbine Training Manual

7.4.4 Gas Generator / Power Turbine

This module provides the mechanical energy required to drive the
accessory drive and the reduction geartrain. Configuration
The gas producer/power turbine module mainly consists of a single
stage centrifugal compressor driven by a single stage compressor
turbine and a single stage free power turbine. Function
Air enters the engine through a radial inlet plenum chamber, formed
by the compressor inlet case where it is directed rearward to the
centrifugal impeller. The accelerated air from the impeller passes
through the diffusor which turns the air 90° and converts velocity
into static pressure. This high pressure air surrounds the combustion
The combustion flame tube has perforations which allow the
pressurized air to enter. The airflow changes direction 180° and is
mixed with fuel from two starter nozzles and 10 main nozzles. The fuel/
air mixture is ignited and the resultant expanding gases are directed
to the turbines.
The expanding gases from the combustion chamber pass through
the compressor turbine stator vanes to the single stage compressor
turbine causing the turbine to rotate which drives the compressor.
The still expanding gases continue rearward to the power turbine
stator and turbine. The exhaust gas from the power turbine is directed
through an annular exhaust plenum to the atmosphere.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 64

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.4.4 Gas Generator / Power Turbine Training Manual

Engine ARRIUS - Operation

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 65

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.4 Engine Turbomeca ARRIUS B1
7.4.5 Oil Subsystem Training Manual

7.4.5 Oil Subsystem Oil Tank

The oil tank is integral with the engine. It is formed by the lower sump
General of the reduction gearbox. On the RH and LH front side of the gearbox
The oil system ensures lubrication and cooling of the engine. All the housing filler necks are provided (depending on the engine installation
components are installed on the engine exept the cooling unit. the not used filler neck is plugged, the other one is equippedwith a
filler cap). The RH and LH side of the oil tank is provided with an oil Lubrication Requirements level sight glass (depending on the engine installation, one of the sight
Lubrication is required for the following components: glasses will be visible). On the lowest point of the oil tank a drain plug
is installed.
– reduction gear train and accessory drive train (gears and
bearings) Pressure System
– centrifugal compressor front bearing
The pressure pump draws oil from the tank and delivers it under
– compressor turbine rear bearings pressure to the system. A pressure relief valve limits maximum
– power turbine front bearing. pressure by returning oil to the pump inlet.
The oil is then delivered, through the filter and a calibrated orifice, to Configuration the engine sections which require lubrication.
The oil system consists of: The oil is sprayed by jets onto the parts to be lubricated. It also
– integral oil tank supplies a squeeze film for the gas generator front bearing and the
power turbine bearing.
– pressure system
A modification can be installed, so the oil inside the filter will heat up
– scavenge system the fuel which is surrounding the oil filter housing.
– breather system
– indication. Scavenge System
After lubrication, the oil falls by gravity to the bottom of the sumps.
The oil is then immediately drawn away by the scavenge pumps and
returned to the tank through the cooling unit.
Strainers protect the scavenge pumps against any particles which
may be contained in the lubrication oil.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 66

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.4.5 Oil Subsystem Training Manual

Oil System ARRIUS

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 67

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.4 Engine Turbomeca ARRIUS B1
7.4.6 Engine Fuel Subsystem Training Manual

7.4.6 Engine Fuel Subsystem Fuel Pump Unit

Unit Fuel is delivered to the fuel pump unit by the aircraft fuel distribution
General subsystem.
The ARRIUS turboshaft engine is equipped with a single channel Full The fuel pump unit supplies fuel under determined conditions of
Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) system. This integrated pressure and flow. It is mounted on the front face of the reduction
powerplant control system incorporates all control units for complete gearbox and driven by the N1 geartrain. The unit consists of a low
automatic and manual control of the engine. pressure centrifugal pump, and a high pressure gear type pump. A
The engine fuel subsystem delivers metered fuel to the engine. It is pressure relief valve in the HP pump outlet opens in case of excessive
automatically controlled by the engine control subsystem. The engine pressure and reliefs fuel to the inlet port of the HP–pump.
control subsystem provides the capability to override the Full Authority
Digital Engine Control (FADEC) function to provide for manual Fuel Filter
operation of the fuel subsystem. The filter retains any particles that may be in the fuel in order to protect
the metering unit components. It is mounted on the front face of the Components reduction gearbox. In the system, the filter is between the low pressure
The fuel- and control subsystem mainly consists of the following pump outlet and the high pressure pump inlet. The fuel inside the filter
components: is heated by engine oil, which is routed around the filter housing.
– fuel pump unit In case of filter clogging a bypass valve opens and unfiltered fuel
– fuel filter is supplied to the FMU. The filter is differential pressure monitored
by an impending bypass switch for cockpit indication as well as by
– Fuel Metering Unit (FMU)
a mechanical blockage indicator at the filter housing. In case of a
– valve assembly defect low pressure pump, a low pressure switch will close for cockpit
– injection system indication.
– Electronic Engine Control Unit (FADEC)
– indication.
Several sensors and electrical harnesses complete the control system.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 68

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.4.6 Engine Fuel Subsystem Training Manual

Engine Fuel System - General Arrangement ARRIUS

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 69

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.4 Engine Turbomeca ARRIUS B1
7.4.7 Fuel Metering Unit Training Manual

7.4.7 Fuel Metering Unit The FMU provides the following features:
The fuel metering unit is installed on the front face of the reduction – Enables engine start and shutdown.
gearbox. It is an hydromechanical unit which governs the fuel flow – Controls fuel flow as a function of power demand.
through the entire operational envelope of the engine. It uses EECU – No power change during transition from EECU mode to
signals and/or twist grip position as input parameters. manual mode.
The FMU operates in two basic modes: the automatic mode, where the – Full power selection range available in manual mode as well
required fuel flow is commanded by the EECU, and the manual mode as in EECU mode.
where the fuel flow is determined by the twist grip position. Additionally
– Limits the rate of acceleration/deceleration to prevent engine
a mixed mode is availiable. Pressurized fuel from the fuel pump is
surge/flame out during manual control mode.
routed to the FuelMetering Valve and to the bypass valve which keeps
a constant pressure differential across the metering valve.
– Automatic mode In automatic mode the metering valve is
controlled by a stepper motor which is commanded by the
– Manual mode In manual mode the metering valve is controlled
by a control lever, actuated by the collective lever mounted
twist grip.
– iMxed mode The mixed mode will be activated when the twist
grip is moved out of neutral position. In this mode the fuel
metering valve is controlled by the twist grip and the stepper
motor at the same time. The pilot’s input will be counteracted
by the EECU as there is no malfunction.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 70

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.4.7 Fuel Metering Unit Training Manual

Fuel Metering Unit - Basic Function ARRIUS (Simplified)

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 71

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.4 Engine Turbomeca ARRIUS B1
7.4.8 Fuel Valve Assembly Training Manual

7.4.8 Fuel Valve Assembly Injection System

The fuel valve assembly distributes metered fuel from the FMU to the The injection system sprays fuel into the combustion chamber in order
injection system. It is located on a support at the upper part of the to give stable and efficient combustion.
combustion chamber casing. The injection system consists of 9 main injectors mounted around the
The valve assembly comprises the following valves: combustion chamber by two half-manifolds and 1 preference injector.
– start electro-valve For engine start two start injectors are additionally mounted at 1
The valve distributes fuel to the start injectors. o’clock and 9 o’clock position around the combustion chamber.
– stop electro-valve For engine starting only the start injectors deliver fuel to the combustion
chamber. At 50% N1, the start electro valve closes the fuel flow to
The valve controls fuel flow to the injection system in general.
the start injectors and opens the vent line to the outside atmosphere.
– injector distribution valve Meanwhile the injector distribution valve is open and the main injectors
The valve closes fuel supply to the 9 main injectors during a together with the preference injector deliver fuel to the combustion
rapid fuel flow decrease. chamber.
– stop purge valve If during normal operation the fuel flow is reduced significantly, the
The valve purges the main injectors to prevent carbonisation injector distribution valve closes but the preference injector still delivers
of residual fuel. fuel to the combustion chamber, in order to avoid an engine flame out.
– pressurizing valve
Durrng starting, the valve ensures priority of fuel flow to the
start injectors.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 72

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.4.8 Fuel Valve Assembly Training Manual

Fuel Valve Assembly and Injectors ARRIUS

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 73

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.4 Engine Turbomeca ARRIUS B1
7.4.9 Torque Indication Training Manual

7.4.9 Torque Indication

The torque of the engine output shaft is measured. An electromagnetic
sensor picks up the signal. The confirmation box is connected to the
EECU will provide information about the output shaft characteristics.
This signal is processed by the EECU and sent to the analog instrument
and to the CDS or to the CPDS in the cockpit. The indication is in %
The torque measuring system consists of two concentric shafts each
having a toothed wheel located at one end (phonic wheel) and a pulse
pickup probe. The inner shaft (engine output shaft) is used to transmit
engine torque and the outer acts as an unloaded reference shaft. The
torsional deflection (twist) of the output shaft results in an angular
displacement of the tooth between the loaded shaft and the reference
The rotation of the phonic wheel formed by the teeth of each shaft, in
front of the sensor produces a pulsed voltage in the sensor.
This voltage is sent to the EECU which measures the displacement
between the pulses and determines the engine torque for internal use
and cockpit indication.
To compensate for material and manufacturing tolerances (no two
shafts will twist in the same manner) a torque conformation box is
installed on the engine. This box sends two trim values, which are
determined on the test bench, to the EECU. Since these values are
specific to a unique output shaft, the confirmation box cannot be
transferred to an other engine.
The pick-up is mounted in front of the reduction gear box near the
output shaft.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 74

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.4.9 Torque Indication Training Manual

Torque Indication

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 75

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.4 Engine Turbomeca ARRIUS B1
7.4.10 Gas Temperature Indication Training Manual

7.4.10 Gas Temperature Indication

This system provides an indication of the gas temperature at the
gas generator turbine outlet. The gas temperature is an operating
parameter, particulary during engine starting for fuel flow control.
The four identical temperature double sensors are located around the
rear part of the combustion chamber casing. Each sensor houses two
thermo elements.
One set of four parallel-connected thermo elements supply their
contact potential to the indication system. A confirmation box allows a
corrected temperature indication for a given turbine entry temperature.
The other four parallel connected thermo elements provide their
signals directly to the FADEC box.
The gas temperature indication is supplied with power respective from
the busbars PP10E / PP20E via the circuit breakers TOT ENG I/II or
VEMD ENG I/II. CPDS Indication

The corrected value appears in the FLI (Eng 1 via VEMD line 1 and
Eng 2 via VEMD line 2). With one line off the respective TOT indication
in the FLI is lost. The non-corrected TOT value is displayed in the
SYSTEM STATUS page. CDS Indication

The corrected value is shown in the analog indicator. The digital value
can be selected in the parameter field of the CDS.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 76

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.4.10 Gas Temperature Indication Training Manual

Gas Temperature Indication

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 77

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5 Engine Control PW / TM B1
7.4.10 Gas Temperature Indication Training Manual

7.5 Engine Control PW / TM

The helicopter is equipped with an electronic engine control (PW calls
it EEC, Turbomeca EECU), that facilitates automatic control of both
engines for all RPM and power ranges. The engine power parameters
of the EC 135 are optimized with the aid of the electronic engine
controls, i.e. engine power is adjusted to optimally fit flight profile and/
or maneuver while simultaneously keeping fuel consumption to a
The electronic engine control ensures automatic operation of all
engine-related hydro–mechanical and electrical components.
In case of failure of the EEC / EECU the pilot has the possibility of
manual engine control.

System Components
The digital control unit is mounted in the helicopter and connected to
the engines by wiring harnesses. The engine control system consists
– electronic power control EEC / EECU
– emergency engine control.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 78

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5 Engine Control PW / TM B1
Training Manual

Engine Control System TM

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 79

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5 Engine Control PW / TM B1
Training Manual

Engine Control System PW

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 80

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5 Engine Control PW / TM B1
Training Manual

Functional Schematic - Engine Control

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 81

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5 Engine Control PW / TM B1
7.5.1 FADEC-Box Training Manual

7.5.1 FADEC-Box Function

The FADEC, which is a digitally control unit, basically controls the The digital control units FADEC for engine 1 and engine 2 provide the
corresponding turboshaft engine to give the right power and speed to following functions:
the rotor system. It provides interfaces to the other FADEC as well as – automatic start-up of engines
to the aircraft for data interchange.
– fuel supply depending on N1 gas generator speed during
starting of engines as well as in ground idle and flight (IDLE/
Location FADEC-Boxes FLIGHT)
The FADEC–Boxes are mounted with angle brackets and vibration – automatic engine control in all RPM and power ranges
dampers below the engine deck in the middle section of the fuselage
between frame 5 and frame 6. They are positioned respectively to the – monitoring of engine and power parameters
left and to the right in front of the engines. – limitation of the fuel flow after topping parameters have been
There is a Connector plate respectively for the control lines from the reached.
helicopter to the engines. – Overspeed protection
– Training Mode
– CAT A / High NR
– Topping selection
– Torque matching
– FAULT detection

Maintenance Connector
The connectors for the Ground Base Software (GBS) are located on
the circuit breaker panel 1 at the bottom of the cargo compartment left
side panel.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 82

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5.1 FADEC-Box Training Manual

Engine Control - EECU / EEC

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 83

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5 Engine Control PW / TM B1
7.5.2 Power Supply FADEC Training Manual

7.5.2 Power Supply FADEC

Power supply to the FADEC is made by the helicopters 28 V DC-
system and by engine mounted alternators.
During engine starting (up to 35 – 40 % N1) or if there is a failure of an
alternator the helicopter DC–system supplies the FADEC.
During normal operation the alternator (AC) supplies the FADEC, a
failure of the helicopter DC–system has no influence to the function.
On ground with the engines not running power supply is made from
the ESSENTIAL busbars 1/2 (PP 10E and PP 20E) via the circuit
breakers FADEC 1/2 and the switches FADEC 1/2 located on the
engine control panel.

♦ NOTE As long as the alternater delivers AC power the

FADEC remains operative even when the FADEC
switch in the engine control panel is in the off
position. In this case the FADEC is disconnected
from the H/C DC system only. The caution REDUND
comes on in the CDS / CPDS (TM only).

Engine TM:
The alternator is mounted to the front of pump–filter support block. A
permanent magnet rotor with eight poles is mounted on the oil pump
drife shaft.
Engine PW:
The permanent magnetic alternator (PMA) is an integral part of the
reduction gearbox having its rotormounted directly onto the accessory
drive gearshaft and the stator mounted into the reduction gearbox.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 84

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5.2 Power Supply FADEC Training Manual


For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 85

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5 Engine Control PW / TM B1
7.5.3 Engine Ignition Training Manual

7.5.3 Engine Ignition Tab. 07-1: Leading Particulars Engine Ignition

Engine EC135 PW EC135 TM

General Supply Voltage 18 – 30 V DC 18 – 32 V DC
During engine start-up, the electronic engine control system Input Voltage 28 V DC 28 V DC
automatically activates the engine ignition system through the engine Output Voltage 2.5-3 kV pulsating 3 kV pulsating
starting system.
approx. 210 approx. 240
On activating the engine ignition system the ignition circuit between
Spark discharge discharges discharges per
the respective busbar and the ignition unit is closed by the energized
starter control relay. per minute minute
The high voltage ignition unit supplies pulsating high voltage to Energy generated 1.25 J per spark 0.5 J per spark
generate high-energy sparks through quick discharge across the
related ignition plugs.
After attaining self-sustaining speed of 50 % N1 the starter control
relay disconnects the ignition circuit. From this point on, combustion
of the fuel / air mixture continues without the aid of outside ignition.

Components and Locations

The high voltage ignition unit is attached to mounting rails on the
underside of the engine–mounted firewall.
The two igniter plugs are installed on the outer rear section of the
combustion chamber casing. They are connected to the high voltage
ignition units through two flexible igniter cables.
The circuit breakers IGN ENG I / II are mounted in the overhead panel.

♦ NOTE All functions of the ignition system are controlled

by the electronic control system FADEC. There is no
manual control possible.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 86

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5.3 Engine Ignition Training Manual

Ignition System - Location

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 87

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5 Engine Control PW / TM B1
7.5.4 Engine Switches (Overhead Panel) Training Manual

7.5.4 Engine Switches (Overhead Panel) Dip Switch N2 Adjust (Engine PW, up to T2+)
After installation of a new engine or an engine computer (EEC) the
General N2 speed has to be adjusted by a dip switch N2 ADJUST. The dip
In order to control the engine over the complete operating range, switch N2 ADJUST is installed in the lower part of the overhead panel.
the FADEC modulates the fuel flow for each particular operating It looks like a potentiometer, but it is a three-position-switch with a
condition. On the engine switches of the overhead panel, there are middle position, a 45° clockwise and a 45° counter clockwise position.
several operating conditions selectable. P1 / T1 engines have two potentiometers / dip switches.
P2(+) / T2(+) engines need only one, because with the new engines
Switch NORM / MAN ENGI / ENG II it is possible to adjust the N2 speed of both engines simultaneously.
With the engine control switch in position NORM the automatic power
management is engaged. Switching into position MAN the engine can N2 Adjustment
be controlled manually with the twist grip. The engines at the P3 / T3 variants have an improve N2 governing
logic (proportional integral governing). There is no adjustment of the
Switch VENT / OFF ENG I / ENG II N2 reference required any more for normal maintenance practice.
If the switch VENT ENG I / II is set from OFF to VENT, the starter / Even an engine- or engine computer change does not require a N2
generator will be powered through the electrical master box which adjustment.
controls the required operating voltage to the starter / generator. The
starter/generator will begin to run up the gas generator assembly to ♦ NOTE For depot level maintenance (e.g. adjustment of
approx. 20 % N1, while the starting relay remains de-energized and vibration absorber) a variation of N2 is possible
the engine ignition system is deactivated. The fuel flow remains shut- via an electrical interface using the RS422 data link
off. (Break–Out–Box). By means of the Break-Out-Box
and the beep trim switch at the collective lever the
Potentiometer N2 Adjust (Engine TM, up to T2+) N2 reference can be changed.
After installation of a new engine or an engine computer (EECU) the
N2 speed has to be adjusted by the potentiometer N2 ADJUST. The
potentiometer is installed in the lower part of the overhead panel.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 88

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5.4 Engine Switches (Overhead Panel) Training Manual

Engine Switches (Overhead Panel)

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 89

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5 Engine Control PW / TM B1
7.5.5 Engine Starting Training Manual

7.5.5 Engine Starting accelerate until the N2 / NRO reaches approx. 97 % and the cautions
ENG IDLE disappear.
General When the collective is raised and the helicopter takes off the N2 / NRO
The engine computer (EEC or EECU) controls the complete starting will increase automatically to 100 % (Pitch Compensation).
procedure including the increase of RPMs, fuel flow and thereby the
increase of the TOT. The pilot has only tomonitor the engine indicating Quick Start Procedure
system in order to abort the start in case of malfunction. The pilot may preselect both engines the same time with the engine
The engine 1 starting cycle is described in the following. The engine 2 start switches in FLIGHT position. The first engine accelerates until the
is started in the same way. N2 / NRO reaches 97 %. When passing 50 % N1, the second engine
will be activated automatically. Starting both engines the same time is
Automatic Engine Starting not possible.
With the FADEC control switch in ON position the electronic control is
supplied with power. After the internal self test has passed the caution
FADEC FAIL on the CDS / CPDS disappears.
With the engine start switch ENG 1 in position IDLE the starter, the
engine ignition system and the automatic regulation of the fuel flow
is activated and the caution STARTER appears on the CDS/CPDS
in systemI. At 50 % N1 the self-sustaining RPM is reached and the
starter is switched automatically to the generator mode.
At the same time the cautions STARTER, ENG FAIL and GEN DISCON
disappear and the caution IDLE comes on.
The PRIME PUMP has to be deactivated for the caution to disappear.
The N1 RPM continues the acceleration until the N2 / NRO reaches
approx. 75 %. This value will be regulated by the engine computer
(EEC or EECU) and is called GROUND IDLE.
The cautions ENG FAIL and GEN DISCON and FUEL PRESS remain
active for engine 2 as long as it is not started.
After a successful start of engine 2 both engine start switches have
to be set into the FLIGHT position. Thereby the N1 of both engines

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 90

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5.5 Engine Starting Training Manual

Engine Starting

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 91

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5 Engine Control PW / TM B1
7.5.6 Power Sharing of the Power Turbines (P2+ and T2+) Training Manual

7.5.6 Power Sharing of the Power Turbines (P2+ Linear Transducer

and T2+) The linear transducer is a position sensor which transforms a
The engine start switch position FLIGHT sets the N2 speed datum to mechanical deflection into a electrical signal. Two LVDTs (one for
100 % under normal flight conditions.With density altitude from 4000 each engine) are connected to the collective shaft. One end of each
ft to 9000 ft the N2 speed is automatically increased from 100 % and LVDT (coil assy) is connected to a lever on the collected shaft. The
to approx. 104 %. The electronic control governs and optimizes the other end of each LVDT (core) is connected to a linkage to the pedals.
performance of the engines and adjusts the performance characteristic Thereby both the collective lever position (CLP)and the pedal position
of both engines to each other. If necessary the pilot is able to adjust are superimposed to give a certain LVDT output.
the torque with the switch ENG TRIM. With a constant main rotor
speed, there are two different trim operations possible: Crosstalk Capability
– increase power engine 1 (L+) and decrease power engine 2 Due to the extended crosstalk capability between the engine computer
(R-) (EEC or EECU) boxes the following features are available:
– increase power engine 2 (R+) and decrease power engine – Detection of:
1 (L-) – Manual Mode
The operation of the beep switch ENGTRIM is processed in the engine – OEI situation
computer (EEC or EECU) and routed to the N1 controler. If the speed – Training Mode activation
of one of the engines is increased a little, at the same time the speed – automatic bleed air shut–off during OEI situation.
of the other is decreased by the same value. – Automatic torque matching

7.5.7 Droop Compensation

♦ NOTE If an OEI situation is detected, the remaining engine
Moving the collective lever upward or the left pedal forward will
accellerates slightly to stabilize the rotor RPM
increase the power demand. To prevent a momentary decrease of NR
according the AEO curve in the diagram below. In
the engine computer (EEC or EECU) “anticipates” this situation using
the earlier versions T1 / P1 the rotor RPM is regulated
signals from the LVDTs.
according the OEI curve. A different control law is
used for the P3 / T3 variants.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 92

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5.7 Droop Compensation Training Manual

Torque Trim - Beep Switch ENG TRIM

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 93

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5 Engine Control PW / TM B1
7.5.8 CAT. A Mode (P2 / T2) Training Manual

7.5.8 CAT. A Mode (P2 / T2) Fig. 07-1: Relation Rotor RPM / Speed

To improve CAT. A capabilities a function is implemented which allows

to set the reference value for the rotor speed manually to approx.
103.3 %. The rate of change in rotor speed is 1% NRO per second.
The use of this function is restricted to CAT. A take-off and landing
procedures and velocities below 55 KIAS to avoid influence on the
helicopter noise certification. The CAT. A mode is operational in
normal, training and OEI mode.
The CAT. A mode is activated by a double layer switch installed on
the instrument panel. The CAT. A switch is illuminated by a light. If
activated additionally ON is illuminated. Successful activation of
the FADEC CAT. A function can be verified by monitoring the RPM
increase and the absence of cautions on the CAD.
For a FADEC internal failure of CAT. A function, the caution DEGRADE
(T2) or FADEC MINR (P2) will appear on the CAD. Additionally a
CAT_A_FLT (T2) message will appear on the System Status page of
the CPDS.
If the cross-talk capability of the FADEC is not working, CAT. A mode
is not available. If the cross–talk fails after the CAT. Amode has
already been activated, the engines also exit CAT. A mode and return
to normal mode.

7.5.9 High NR Mode (P2+ / T2+)

With the EC135 T2+/P2+ the High NR Mode has to be activated
whenever the takeoff weight exceeds the weight specified in the FLM.
The active High NR Mode is indicated with a green light labeled HIGH
NR next to the Master Caution light. The High NR mode is activated
by a double layer switch HI NR installed on the instrument panel.
The High NR Mode will be automatically deactivated while exceeding
55 KIAS and automatically activated below 50 KIAS.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 94

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5.9 High NR Mode (P2+ / T2+) Training Manual

High NR / CAT. A Switch (P2 / T2 and P2+ / T2+)

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 95

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5 Engine Control PW / TM B1
7.5.10 Engine Control Law (P3 / T3) Training Manual

7.5.10 Engine Control Law (P3 / T3) The system will increase linearly the N 2 / NR from 103 % to 105 %
Three control laws are integrated in the EEC (P3) respectively EECU (NR) if:
(T3) software. – HI NR is selected
– Density Altitude is > 6650 ft and < 8700ft (DA)
Normal Operation (see graphic, blue and red line) – Helicopter speed is ≤ 50 kias
Transition between AEO Hover and AEO Cruise:
The system will decrease the N2 / NR directly back from 105 % to
The control system automatically adjusts the N2 reference speed,
103 % (NR) if:
consequently the main rotor governing speed, depending on density
altitude and the helicopter airspeed. – HI NR is selected
For AEO Hover the N2 reference varies linearly from 100 % to 105 % – Helicopter speed is > 55 kias
(NR) as a result of a density altitude variation between 3600 ft (DA)
and 8700 ft (DA), when the airspeed is ≤ 50 kias OEI Operation (see graphic, amber line)
For AEO Cruise the N2 reference varies linearly from 100 % to 103 % As soon as an OEI condition is detected by the system, it will
(NR) as a result of a density altitude variation between 3600 ft (DA) reconfigure the engine control law to single engine mode. The single
and 6650 ft (DA), when the airspeed is ≤ 55 kias. engine mode will directly adjust the N2 / NR speed of the remaining
engine to 103 % (NR) independent from the density altitude variation,
CAT A Operation (see graphic, green line) the helicopter air speed and independent from the pilot activation (HI
In case the pilot has selected the “HI NR“ switch at the instrument NR selection).
panel, the control system automatically adjusts the N2 reference The OEI detection parameters are different between the two engine
speed, consequently the main rotor governing speed, depending on variants:
density altitude and the helicopter airspeed, similar to the AEO control – PW: Ng (N1) < 35 %
laws, but on different parameters.
– TM: difference of N1 engine 1 - N1 engine 2 > 7% N1 (> 15%
If HI NR is selected, the CAT A control law overwrites the AEO low N1 if EECU works in degraded mode) or difference of Torque
under following conditions: engine 1 - Torque engine 2 > 33 % (> 83 % if EECU works in
The system will increase the N2 / NR directly from 100 % to 103 % degraded mode) or EECU 1 failure (FADEC FAIL) or EECU
(NR) if: 2 failure (FADEC FAIL)
– HI NR is selected
– Density Altitude is < 6650 ft (DA)
– Helicopter speed is ≤ 50 kias

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 96

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5.10 Engine Control Law (P3 / T3) Training Manual

Engine Control Law T3 / P3

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 97

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5 Engine Control PW / TM B1
7.5.11 Torque Limiter Concept (all variants) Training Manual

7.5.11 Torque Limiter Concept (all variants)

As the engines can provide a high power rate for emergency or critical
situations, the delivered torque can become too high for the helicopter
main gear box (MGB). Especially the MGB input drive can become
the limiting factor according to the delivered torque from the engine.
In order to avoid mechanical damage at the MGB the engine control
system does not allow a delivery torque of more than 133 % (TQ) to
protect the MGB in critical flight situations.
The nominal limiting torque value of the 30’’ rating is set to 128 %
torque. If the rotor speed drops below 95 %, the torque limiting function
allows the torque to increase with decreasing rotor speed. The slope
is 1 % increase in torque per 1 % decrease in rotor speed until NRO
reaches 90 %. This leads to almost constant power between 95 % and
90 % NRO. If the rotor speed drops below 90 %, the torque remains
at a constant value of 133 %. This leaves a margin to the maximum
certified engine torque value (TM: 136 % TQ, PW: 135 % TQ) and a
3 % margin to the max. attainable torque limitation of the helicopter
main gear box (136 % TQ).

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 98

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5.11 Torque Limiter Concept (all variants) Training Manual

Torque Limiter Concept

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 99

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5 Engine Control PW / TM B1
7.5.12 Training Mode (Twin Engine) P2, P2+, P3, T2, T2+, T3 Training Manual

7.5.12 Training Mode (Twin Engine) P2, P2+, P3, T2, Indication Variants
T2+, T3 Engine TM:
A training mode is implemented to perform realistic OEI training. This The virtually failed engine will be labeled TRAIN IDLE. On the other
training mode is based on a twin engine training concept featuring a side TRAIN will be displayed. In case TU120C is installed the indication
twin engine operation while providing OEI performance and indication. TRAIN will be replaced by TRAINING.
The training mode is designated in a way that the engine acceleration Engine PW:
/ deceleration and NRO governing mirror a real OEI situation.
The virtually failed engine will be indicated with IDLE. On the other
The combined power of both engines in training mode will not exceed side TRAIN will be displayed.
themaximum power of the 30’’ or 2’ rating as long as the pilot operates
Additionally a yellow inverted triangle appears next to the countdown
within a “normal” NRO range. The load will be equally distributed
timer. Cockpit indication logic for the 30’’/2’ OEI indication in twin
between both engines.
engine training mirrors the indication of the real 30’’/2’ OEI rating.
The training function is pre-selectable. If only the training pre-selection Note that while the FLI simulates OEI, the real engine parameters are
is activated, the engines stay in normal AEO mode. Training mode can available as digital values on both sides of the FLI gauge.
only be entered if training has been pre-selected and confirmed by
setting the main engine start switch of one engine to position IDLE. Training Mode N2/NR Control
Training pre-selection is achieved by putting the training selector In case the training mode is selected, the N2 reference is set to a
switch to ARM. Pre-selection of training is indicated by the advisory specific value regardless of the density altitude variation, the helicopter
TRAIN ARM on the CAD. air speed and independent from the pilot activation (HI NR selection).
The TRAINING IDLE engine is chosen by switching the respective P2, P2+, T2, T2+: NR = 100 %
engine start switch to IDLE.
P3, T3: NR = 103 %
If the FADEC has successfully entered training mode, the cautions
TRAIN IDLE and TRAINING are indicated on the CAD to indicate ♦ NOTE For the P1, T1 variant a Training Mode is not
the status of the virtually failed and the virtually remaining engine, available.
respectively. All ENG EXCEED cautions triggered during the training
mode situation will be deleted automatically when the training mode
is left.

♦ NOTE All ENG EXCEED cautions triggered during the

training mode situation will be deleted automatically
when the training mode is left.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 100

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5.12 Training Mode (Twin Engine) P2, P2+, P3, T2, T2+, T3 Training Manual

FLI Indication in Training Mode (Example)

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 101

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5 Engine Control PW / TM B1
7.5.13 Training Torque Limitation Training Manual

7.5.13 Training Torque Limitation

Engine TM: If the engine is operated in trainingmode and NRO is within
the normal range necessary for training, the torque topping is set at a
constant value of 128 %. However, in case of excessive rotor speed
drop which could e.g. occur if the pilot would pull too much collective
pitch, torque is increased. The threshold for the start of torque increase
is 90 % NRO. The increase in torque is 1.5 % per 1 % decrease in N2
and thus guarantees constant power.
After incorporation of TM 120c, which is a FADEC software upgrade,
the training mode will be aborted if the rotor RPM drops below 92 %.
Engine PW: If the engine is operated in trainingmode and NRO is within
the normal range necessary for training, the torque topping is set at a
constant value of 128 %. If the rotor speed drops below 92 %, training
mode is aborted:
– training indications disappear (TRAIN IDLE becomes IDLE
as long as the engine start switch is in IDLE position)
– FLI reverts to real AEO mode
– Engine start switch and switch TRAIN SEL have to be set
back to normal position.

♦ NOTE When the training mode is left due to RPM drop, for
safety reason the virtually failed engine does not
decellerate to a real idle speed although the selector
switch of the respective engine is in IDLE position.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 102

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5.13 Training Torque Limitation Training Manual


For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 103

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5 Engine Control PW / TM B1
7.5.14 Overspeed Protection Training Manual

7.5.14 Overspeed Protection If the switch is pushed into TEST position, it simulates a N2 > 114 %
and therfore triggers an overspeed detection. If the test is successfully
Engine Turbomeca completed and the system works properly, the caution OVSP is
The threshold for the activation of the over-speed protection is 114 indicated on the CPDS. The pilot can then rearm the system and
% ±1 % N2. If the free turbine speed exceeds this value, the EECU extinguish the caution by pushing the three position switch into the
commands the shut–off valve to close which causes an engine shut RESET position.
down. If, however, a failure is detected during the test, the signal for the
Once the over-speed protection has been activated and one of the OVSP caution remains regardless of the position of the three position
engines has been shut down, activation of the over-speed protection switch. Nevertheless, engine start is possible as long as the failure
of the second engine is inhibited to avoid twin engine shut down during within the overspeed protection system does not affect other systems
flight. The over-speed event is stored in the FADEC. and does not prohibit normal engine operation.
Two three position switches (TEST–NORM–RESET) are installed in The correct function of the inhibition is tested by triggering the
the overhead panel of the H/C to trigger the test of the over-speed overspeed protection system test for one engine and then triggering
protection and rearm the system after the test. the overspeed protection system test for the other engine without
rearming the system of the first engine. If the overspeed protection
Static Test system inhibition of the first engine is operational, there will be no
overspeed protection indication for the second engine.
At power-up, the EECU performs a static test of parts of the overspeed
protection chain. If a failure is detected by the EECU, the caution OVSP The OVSP caution is indicated on the CPDS if an actual over-speed
appears on the CPDS. Putting the cockpit switch for the overspeed event has been detected, if a failure of the system has been detected
protection into its RESET position has no effect on this signal and the during normal operation or if the over-speed fuel shut-off has been
caution OVSP will remain. As long as this failure does only effect the successfully tested.
over-speed protection system, engine start will remain possible.

Dynamic Test
This test is initiated by pushing the cockpit switch for the overspeed
fuel shut-off device into its TEST position. The test is performed on
ground after the CPDS and EECU auto-tests have been successfully
completed. The EECU only accepts the test if N2 is lower than 25 %.
This avoids unintended engine shut down.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 104

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5.14 Overspeed Protection Training Manual

Overspeed Protection

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 105

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5 Engine Control PW / TM B1
7.5.14 Overspeed Protection Training Manual

Engine Pratt & Whitney

The PW206B2 control system features an independant over-speed
limiting system to avoid overspeed of the engine output shaft. The
system is part of the EEC and available as long as the EEC is powered,
i.e. in auto and in manual mode. The over-speed limiting system uses
the data provided by the engine’s standard speed sensors. After
detecting an over-speed event (N2 > 112.9 %) the system reduces
engine fuel flow to a minimum in a controlled manner. As soon as the
reset RPM is reached, the fuel flow returns to a standard fuel flow
The test of the overspeed protection is started using a single three
position switch labeled OVERSPEED with the positions ENG1-
NORM-ENG2 which is installed in the overhead panel. As the pilot
can monitor the correct function on his indicators for N2, no additional
cockpit indication is installed.
The usage of the over-speed test function is inhibited by the control
system if N2 > 81.4 %. The test procedure instructs the pilot to set the
engine to IDLE and then to activate the over-speed test function. This
lowers the threshold of the over-speed protection to a value of 72 %
N2. As the nominal value for ground idle is 74 % N2, the pilot is able to
check the correct function of the over-speed protection by observing a
drop or oscillation of N2 on his cockpit indicators.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 106

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5.14 Overspeed Protection Training Manual

Overspeed Protection

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 107

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5 Engine Control PW / TM B1
7.5.15 Monitoring and Error Diagnostic Training Manual

7.5.15 Monitoring and Error Diagnostic – FADEC FAIL

With the FADEC all essential parameters of the engines and the Indicates a total failure of the control system (freeze of
performance are monitored and optimized (N1-speed, torque, outlet stepper motor). In the FCU the same fuel flow than before
temperature, total number of turbine cycles). Deviations of signals and the failure will be maintained. The pilot, now has the option of
parameters within the engines and the status of both the FADECs are leaving the fuel flow fixed, or using the twist grip to modulate
announced with Mem-Codes through the data bus. The recorded data fuel flow.
are stored in the FADEC and can be displayed on the CAD. After the
flight it is possible to practice a troubleshooting with the help of these Cockpit Indications Engine PW
There are two cockpit indications that the FADEC is in a faulty
Cockpit Indications Engine TM
There are three cockpit indications to inform the pilot that the FADEC is
in a faulty condition. The indications are provided to the CDS / CPDS Indicates a change or a loss of a number of governing
via the data bus. The indications are: functions. The FADEC is operating with a system fault
(non critical fault) which may result in degraded engine
operation. Full N2 governing is maintained during this mode
Indicates a minor fault (loss of a protection or a secondary of operation. A fault code is stored and provided to aircraft
function with no effect on engine operation. Also with a loss of indicating system.
one power supply). A fault code is stored by the FADEC and
provided to the aircraft indicating system for troubleshooting
purposes. Indicates that the control system is not operating (critical
– DEGRADE fault). In this case, the system reverts to the manual mode.
Degraded operation (reduced engine performance but the The torque motor in the Fuel Metering Unit is inhibited, the
main functions are ensured from recovery laws). Full N2 N1 governer takes over control and maintains the same fuel
speed governing is maintained during this mode of operation. flow as that in the time before the malfunction. The pilot, then
A fault code is stored by the FADEC and provided to the has the option of leaving the fuel flow fixed, or using the twist
aircraft indicating system. grip to modulate fuel flow.

♦ NOTE With the indication FADEC FAIL the automatic

acceleration and deceleration during power changes
of the respective engine is inoperative.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 108

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5.15 Monitoring and Error Diagnostic Training Manual

Cockpit Indications Engine

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 109

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5 Engine Control PW / TM B1
7.5.16 Engine Emergency Control Training Manual

7.5.16 Engine Emergency Control detent “N” to the “MAX” and “MIN” positions. To reach the “MAX”
range, a safety guard has to be flipped open first (EC 135 P2+ / T2+).
In case of failure of the electronic engine control the engine emergency Push Button STOP MIN FUEL
control provides manual control of the fuel metering valve. The To prevent an inadvertant engine shut down during manual operation
emergency control is designed to facilitate individual power control of the twist grips are equipped with a red “STOP” button (Pilot’s side
each engine by the pilot. only). When pressed, it releases a travel stop at the “MIN” position,
Two twist grips to control each engine are installed on the collective enabling the pilot to rotate the twist grip further in order to close a shut
lever. off valve in the FMM / FMU. This cuts the fuel supply to the respective
Engine shut-down can only be performed by the pilot’s twist grips.
Gear Box
The gear box is bolted to the lower end of the collective control lever.
The engine emergency control mainly consists of:
It converts the circular motion of the torsion tubes inside the collective
– twist grip for engine 1 and 2 control lever into a longitudinal movement for controlling the Flexball
– two guards for the MAX range (EC135 P2+ / T2+ only) control cables. The gearbox also gives the neutral position of the twist
– two red push-buttons STOP MIN FUEL grips. The force necessary to turn the twist grips out of the neutral
– gear box at the collective shaft position can be adjusted at the gear box.
– Flex ball control cables
Flexball Control Cables
– connection flex ball cables for dual flight control
To transmit the twist grips movement to the engine input levers,
– connecting mechanism. Flexball control cables are installed. They are routed fromthe gear box
(collective lever) towards the RH side panel. In the vicinity of frame 4
Twist Grip they are routed upwards to the main transmission deck and to engine
1 and engine 2. There they are connected to the engine input levers.
There are two twist grips installed on the upper section of the collective
control lever. The upper twist grip controls engine 1, the lower one
controls engine 2. Both twist grips are coupled with torsion tubes,
routed downwards inside the collective lever. To control the power
manually the twist grips can be rotated independently from the neutral

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 110

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5.16 Engine Emergency Control Training Manual

Engine Emergency Control EC 135 T2+ / P2+

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 111

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5 Engine Control PW / TM B1
7.5.17 Connection Flex Ball Cables Training Manual

7.5.17 Connection Flex Ball Cables engine 1 will result in a torque split only as long as engine 2 is able to
The gearboxes at the collective levers are interconnected by flex ball compensate the changes in power demand.
control cables. It is possible to control the associated engine by the
related twist grips of pilot and copilot. ♦ NOTE With both engines in MAN (manual) mode there is
no automatic power sharing (N2 power turbine) and
Connecting Mechanism Flexball to Engine no automatic droop compensation possible. The
N1 / N2 speed and thereby the rotor RPM must be
The Flexball control cable ends facing the engine are furnished with a regulated by manual control.
connecting mechanism, comprising of the following:
– TM: If there is unintentional movement of the twist grip with
– bracket angle (different for TM and PW) the engine control switch in position NORM the caution
– bracket hinge TWIST GRIP comes up. In this case the electronic control
– rubber bellow detects the unintended use of the twist grip (Mixed Mode)
– ball joint. and compensates the pilot’s inputs over the entire range
of the stepper motor. After turning back the twist grip to the
neutral position the engine runs again in the automatic mode.
Function There is no reset necessary.
The function of emergency control for engine 1 is shown: – PW: Any movement of the twist grip out of the neutral position
To manually control power of engine 1 the engine control switch results in an immediate switch over to the manual mode.
NORM / MAN ENG I must be switched from the NORM position to the
MAN position. Thereby the current position of the fuel metering valve The indication TWIST GRIP and ENGINE MANUAL on CDS
is frozen. The indication on the CDS / CPDS appears: / CPDS comes up.
– ENG MANUAL For a reset back to the automatic mode the pilot has to switch
the mode selector back to NORM and has to turn the twist
From this moment on the pilot takes charge of the power control by grip slowly back to the neutral position.
hand directly with the metering valve (TM) or a mechanical backup
n1 governor (PW). Twisting the grip out of the NORM position in the
direction MIN or MAX a caution is displayed on the CDS / CPDS:
If the engine 2 is still operating in the NORM mode the rotor RPM
will be governed by engine 2 and a change of the power setting at

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 112

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.5.17 Connection Flex Ball Cables Training Manual

Engine Emergency Control

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 113

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.6 Major Differences between Versions B1
7.5.17 Connection Flex Ball Cables Training Manual

7.6 Major Differences between Versions

For EC135 P2 and T2 the following features are additionally
– extended cross talk capability
– dual engine training mode
– CAT. A mode
– topping threshold selection
– 30’’ and 2’ OEI power (only 2.5’ OEI and transient torque
(20 sec).
For EC135 P2+ and T2+ the following features are additionally
– HIGH NR mode
– increased torque.
For EC135 P3 and T3 the following features are additionally
– Improved NR Control law/Rotor Speed Governing
– Increased engine performance “Hot and High“ conditions
PW Engine 206B (P1) only:
After the manual mode has been entered by turning the twist grip
during normal flight condition out of the neutral position, the pilot has
to turn back the twist grip into the neutral position and to perform a
reset at the engine control switch in the overhead panel to return to
the NORM mode.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 114

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.6 Major Differences between Versions B1
Training Manual


For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 115

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.7 Oil Cooling System B1
7.5.17 Connection Flex Ball Cables Training Manual

7.7 Oil Cooling System

General Oil Cooler

Both engines as well as the main transmission of the helicopter The oil coolers are mounted to the RH and LH side of the main
are equipped with internal, independent oil circuits. These ensure transmission. They are split into two sections. The smaller section of
permanent lubrication and cooling of highly stressed components each cooler, which is connected to the main transmission by bushings
under all operating conditions. To keep the oil temperature within directly, serves for cooling the main transmission oil (50 % each side).
limits, an oil cooling system is installed in the helicopter. The larger section of each cooler is connected to the associated
Independant cooling circuits are availble for the: engine by oil hoses. This section serves for cooling the engine oil.
– LH engine For optimizing cold–start characteristics a thermal controlled bypass
– RH engine valve is installed in each engine oil cooling circuit.
– main transmission. At temperatures below approx. 85 °C the bypass valve is open and
allows the oil to bypass the oil cooler.

Components Cooling Air Flow

The oil cooling system consists of the following: Ambient air which enters the air intakes is drawn by the cooling fans
– 2 cooling fans and forced through the oil coolers via the inlet air ducts. From there
– 2 inlet airducts the air is directed overboard by the outlet ducts.
– 2 outlet airducts
– 2 dual section oil coolers (engine / main transmission)
– 2 thermal controlled bypass valves in the engine circuits
– several hoses and connectors.

Cooling Fans
The cooling fans are mounted on the front side of the main transmission
RH and LH. They are driven by the main transmission geartrain.
(12665 RPM at 100 %)

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 116

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.7 Oil Cooling System B1
Training Manual

Oil Cooling System

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 117

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.8 Engine Mounts B1
7.5.17 Connection Flex Ball Cables Training Manual

7.8 Engine Mounts

General Rear Mount Strut

The engine mounts attach each engine to the helicopter structure. The rear mount is the third engine attachment point. The strut is
Each engine has an inboard and outboard forward mount that adjustable on the lower end for engine alignment (Engine output shaft
attaches the engine reduction gearbox to the fuselage fittings and a must be aligned to the main transmission input shaft).
rear mount strut that attaches the turbine section to a fuselage fitting.
They are designed to retain the engines in the event of a crash landing
downward with a load factor of 20 g and forward with a load factor of
16 g.
The engines are installed on the engine deck behind the main
transmission. They are tilted at a V–angle of approximately 9° to the
longitudinal axis of the helicopter and of 2° to the horizontal axis.

Inboard Mounts
On the inboard side the engines are mounted by bearing blocks via
spherical bearings. On each side the spherical bearing is attached to
a mounting bracket on the tail boom mounting cone.

Outboard Mounts
On the outboard side the engines are attached to “V”–shaped lateral
struts, bolted to the engine compartment floor. A spherical bearing is
installed on the upper side of the “V”–strut.

♦ NOTE The inboard and outboard mounting points form an

axis, around which the engine can tilt.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 118

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.8 Engine Mounts B1
Training Manual

Engine Mounts TM (PW highliy similar)

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 119

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.8 Engine Mounts B1
7.8.1 Engine Alignment Training Manual

7.8.1 Engine Alignment

To ensure that the engines are properly aligned with the main
transmission input flange, an engine alignment check is required after:
– replacement of an engine
– replacement or adjustment of the rear mounting strut.
Engine alignment is performed with the alignment fixture. The
alignment fixture is installed between the engine stub shaft flange and
the transmission input flange, substituting the transmission shaft.

♦ NOTE An alignment of the engine is not necessary if the

same engine is installed and the lengh of the rear
strut remains unchanged.

Installation of the Alignment Device

For Turbomeca engine an adapter has to be set on output flange of
the engine stub shaft.
The mandrel of the alignment device must be shifted back, after that
the device must be attached to the output flange of the engine stub
shaft. Now the centering disk is screwed to the flange of freewheel
shaft. The connecting flange of freewheel shaft must be rotated
until the marking line on the centering disk is in horizontal position.
The mandrel must be extended until the tip of it almost contacts the
centering disk. If the tip exactly points to the marking line, the engine
is correctly aligned to the main gearbox.
If a deviation in downward or upward direction is evident, the alignment
must be corrected by adjusting the rear strut.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 120

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.8.1 Engine Alignment Training Manual

Engine Alignment TM (PW highly similar)

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 121

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.9 Firewalls B1
7.8.1 Engine Alignment Training Manual

7.9 Firewalls

General Foreward Firewall Assembly

To prevent fire from spreading, in the event that one of the engines The forward firewall assembly separates the engine compartment
starts burning, the firewalls constitute a complete fire resistant cell from the transmission compartment. It is designed with several holes,
around each engine. The firewalls are made of titanium because of its through which the drive shaft, the engine oil lines as well as the engine
high melting point by low weight. emergency control cables are routed. It houses also the generator
cooling air inlet. The inner sheets of the forward firewalls isolate the
Configuration engine air intake zone and separate the engine compartments from
The firewalls are divided into several subassemblies: each other.
– airframe fixed firewalls
– engine fixed firewalls.
To provide minimum effort during maintenance, certain parts of the
firewalls are installed by camlock fasteners. All edges facing to the
engine cowlings are provided with fire resistant seals.

Airframe Fixed Firewalls

The airframe fixed firewalls are divided into several subassemblies:
– forward firewall assembly
– aft firewall assembly
– exhaust ejectors.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 122

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.9 Firewalls B1
Training Manual

FWD Firewall Assembly

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 123

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.9 Firewalls B1
7.9.1 Aft Firewall Assembly Training Manual

7.9.1 Aft Firewall Assembly

The aft firewall assembly separates the engine compartments fromthe
equipment deck. It is designed with several holes, through which the
exhaust gas ducts and the tail rotor drive is routed.

Exhaust Ejectors
The exhaust gases from each engine are routed rearward and
overboard through exhaust ejector tubes.
Air from the engine compartments is drawn by the exhaust gases
entering the ejector tubes. This serves for engine compartment
ventilation and engine hot section cooling. Additional the engine noise
is muffled by this.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 124

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.9.1 Aft Firewall Assembly Training Manual

Aft Firewall Assembly

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 125

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.9 Firewalls B1
7.9.2 Engine Fixed Firewalls Training Manual

7.9.2 Engine Fixed Firewalls

The engine fixed firewalls form a fire and debris protection seal for the
air inlet plenum.
The firewalls are made of titanium sheet material. They are bolted
to the engine. An access door is provided for engine compressor

♦ NOTE The general arrangement of the engine fixed firewalls

is identical with the P and T versions, but the parts
are of different design.

♦ NOTE After reinstallation of the fire walls, check all bolts

and camlock fasteners are fixed and tightened.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 126

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.9.2 Engine Fixed Firewalls Training Manual

Engine Fixed Firewalls

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 127

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.10 Fire Warning System B1
7.9.2 Engine Fixed Firewalls Training Manual

7.10 Fire Warning System

General Function
Each engine is equipped with its own independant fire warning system. The following describes the functioning of the no.1 engine fire warning
The systems consist of 2 thermal switches per engine, installed in system. The no. 2 engine fire warning system functions in the same
the designated fire zones, and visual and audio warning devices in way.
the cockpit. System function can be checked for continuity by test The test switch FIRE E/W 1 is set to OFF and circuit breaker FIRE-D
switches in the overhead panel. ENG I is depressed.
The no.1 engine electrical fire warning logic circuitry located in the
Components warning unit is supplied with 28 VDC power from the ESSENTIAL–
The fire warning system consists of the following: Busbar PP 10E.
– 2 fire detectors per engine If overheating is detected on the engine, the respective fire detector
– 2 fire warning lights (combined with the EMER OFF SW completes the circuit to ground via test switch (OFF-Position) and the
I/II) fire warning logic circuitry.
– test switches FIRE E/W 1, FIRE E/W 2 The warning caption
– circuit breaker FIRE-D ENG I, FIRE-D ENG 2. – FIRE I
on the pushbutton indicator EMER OFF SW 1 in the warning unit
Locations illuminates.
The fire detectors are located beneath the starter-generator and At the same time, the circuit to the AUDIO control unit is completed
beneath the combustion chamber casing. and an alarm bell sounds in the pilot’s headset.

Trigger Temperatures
Reduction Gearbox 210 °C 204 °C
Power Turbine 271 °C 260 °C

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 128

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.10 Fire Warning System B1
Training Manual

Fire Detectors - Locations

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 129

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.11 Fire Extinguishing System B1
7.9.2 Engine Fixed Firewalls Training Manual

7.11 Fire Extinguishing System

General Function
The fire extinguishing system described here is an example of a single In order to extinguish a fire, pilots will have to open the switch guard
bottle system. of the resp. EMER OFF SWswitch and to release the lighthead FIRE.
The fire extinguishing system is a semi-automatic system with one Consequently the fuel shut off valve will be activated closing the fuel
extinguisher bottle for both engine compartments, installed on the supply to the affected engine. The indication ACTIVE below the EMER
equipment deck behind the RH engine. A pressure gauge can be OFF SW switch comes on showing that the circuit has been activated.
monitored through an opening in the cowling for preflight check routine.
♦ NOTE When the lighthead FIRE is released, the resp.
The extinguishant used is HALON 1301 and Nitrogen as propellant. Two
system will become “armed” but not “active” till the
outlet tubes (one per engine) are routed to the engine compartments.
N1 RPM of the engine will drop below 50 %.
Two explosive cartridges in the outlet ports allow to discharge the
extinguishant either to the LH or to the RH engine compartment.
♦ NOTE Starting from SN 956 or after SB 135-26-006
Components additionally the EMER OFF SW button must be
The fire extinguishing system mainly consists of: pressed.
– one extinguishing agent container with two explosive
cartridges and two outlets, pressure gauge and pressure
relief valve
– tubing with nozzles to the engine compartments
– indication on the CDS / CPDS caution field FIRE EXT,
– test circuits for ENG 1 / ENG 2
– EMER OFF SW switches for ENG 1 / ENG 2
– N1 RPM control circuits for ENG 1 / ENG 2.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 130

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.11 Fire Extinguishing System B1
Training Manual

Fire Extinguisher System - Locations

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 131

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.11 Fire Extinguishing System B1
7.11.1 Conditions Training Manual

7.11.1 Conditions CDS / CPDS caution FIRE E TST comes on, FIRE EXT
The following conditions are necessary to activate the fire extinguishing remains on. Additionally the fire warning circuit will be tested.
system: Respective FIRE caption will come on together with the audio
warning bell.
– fire warning caption FIRE on (signal from fire detector)
The switches are spring loaded between the positions EXT and EXT
– N1 of the respective engine < 50 %.
/ WARN. They must be switched back to the OFF position manually.
When the conditions are fulfilled a relay controlled by the N1 RPM
control unit will be closed, causing activation of the fire extinguishing ♦ NOTE The weight of the bottle must be checked according
bottle by means of a explosive cartridge separately for LH or RH side. to national regulations, but at least every 5 years.
The extinguishing agent will be released to the respective engine
compartment via tubes and nozzles. As a result FIRE EXT caution will ♦ NOTE For the test procedure, follow exactly the description
illuminate on CDS / CPDS caution display SYS I/II to inform the crew in the Flight Manual.
that the fire extinguisher was used and the bottle is empty. If one of
the conditions is not fulfilled only the fuel shut–off valve closes when
the EMER OFF SW switch (FIRE) is released.

System Test
Two switches installed in the overhead panel allow to test the fire
warning system as well as the fire extinguisher system for serviceability.
The switches are 3–position toggle switches.
The following positions and functions are available:
– OFF:
No test function, fire warning and extinguisher system is
– EXT:
Fire extinguisher system will be tested. CDS / CPDS caution
FIRE EXT will come on together with MASTER CAUTION

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 132

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.11.1 Conditions Training Manual

Fire Warning and Extinguishing System

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 133

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.12 Engine Drain lines B1
7.11.1 Conditions Training Manual

7.12 Engine Drain lines

The engine drain lines ensure the necessary draining and disposal
of minor fuel and lubricant leakage from the respective engine.
Additionally the amount of sampled liquids in the drain bottles is for
leakage detection of the system.

The engine drain lines comprises the following components:
– drain line - fuel pump seal
– drain line - combustion chamber
– drain line - output shaft sealing (TM)
– drain line - starter / generator output drive (PW)
– drain line - fuel starting injectors (TM)

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 134

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.12 Engine Drain lines B1
Training Manual

Engine Drain Lines (Engine PW)

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 135

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.12 Engine Drain lines B1
Training Manual


For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 136

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.12 Engine Drain lines B1
Training Manual

Engine Drain Lines (Engine TM)

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 137

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.12 Engine Drain lines B1
7.12.1 Fuselage Drain Lines Training Manual

7.12.1 Fuselage Drain Lines

The fuselage drain lines are made of transparent hoses leading from
the engine deck in the rear right and left side shell downward. The
outlets of the hoses are located respective in the left and right rear
lower shell.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 138

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.12.1 Fuselage Drain Lines Training Manual

Fuselage Drain Lines

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 139

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.13 Inlet Barrier Filter (IBF) B1
7.13.1 System Description Training Manual

7.13 Inlet Barrier Filter (IBF)

7.13.1 System Description

The IBF System removes foreign objects such as sand, dust or other
particles from the engine inlet air stream in order to prevent premature
erosion of compressor blades and other engine components. The IBF
is a permanent installation on the helicopter and comprises of engine
inlets that contain individual filter elements for each engine. Bypass
doors on the common engine plenum chamber are closed during filter
operation. Filter clogging condition is monitored by pressure sensors,
which measure the air pressure drop across the filter elements.

7.13.2 Components

The IBF consists of a rigid carbon fibre frame which supports a
filtering element. The filter is coated with a specific oil that provides an
adhesive function. It also retains the air impurities and enables efficient
filtration without compromising the air flow. The IBF filter element is
re–generable and re–usable. The filter must be regenerated through
a washing and re–oiling process at regular intervals.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 140

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.13 Inlet Barrier Filter (IBF) B1
7.13.2 Components Training Manual

IBF Filter Installation

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 141

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.13 Inlet Barrier Filter (IBF) B1
7.13.3 Bypass Doors Training Manual

7.13.3 Bypass Doors

In between both engines two composite inlet doors are installed on
the inlet plenum. They can be opened and closed by an electrical
actuator. In normal condition these doors are closed so that all the air
entering the engine is filtered by the IBF.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 142

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.13.3 Bypass Doors B1
Training Manual

IBF Bypass System

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 143

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.13 Inlet Barrier Filter (IBF) B1
7.13.4 Static Ports Training Manual

7.13.4 Static Ports

To monitor the obstruction of the IBF an external static port is needed
for each engine. A second pressure port can be found inside the air
inlet chamber. If the differential pressure on both positions is to high a
obstruction of the inlet barrier filter may be the most probable case. In
this case the filter clogging bar would raise. The external static ports
are permanently heated and their function is monitored by the control

Pressure Sensors
A set of three sensors is installed underneath the engine deck, close
to the EEC / EECU. One sensor is monitoring the ambient pressure
inside the cabin. The other two sensors monitor the differential
pressure at the filter via the static ports on the airframe and the inlet

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 144

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.13.4 Static Ports B1
Training Manual

IBF Component Locations

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 145

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.13 Inlet Barrier Filter (IBF) B1
7.13.5 IBF Remote Panel Training Manual

7.13.5 IBF Remote Panel Buttons

The IBF remote panel provides cockpit indications, bypass door – RECALL
control and test or maintenance function. The measured pressure
loss across the filter element is indicated by a bargraph. For system The RECALL button shows the highest contamination level (maximum
integrity, a test function will verify bypass door function as well as the filter clogging status) stored on the bargraph and is also used to erase
pressure sensors. The maximum filter clogging is stored and can be the stored value.
recalled by pressing the RECALL button at any time. – TEST
By pressing the TEST button the built in self test is initiated.
7.13.6 Conditions and Functions
Testing functions include:
Switch Position
– Continuous Build In Test function (CBIT) which compares at
– OPEN (Green)
anytime of the flight the position of the Bypass doors and the
IBF System is inactive, the bypass door is open. pilot switches position in order to detect any mismatch.
When an OEI condition is detected in flight (N1 of one engine falls – Initiated Build In Test function (IBIT) which opens / closes the
below 50 %), both bypass doors will be controlled automatically. The two bypass doors on ground (when the collective is latched)
door of the failed engine remains closed. The door of the running in order to test their proper functioning before the flight. If the
engine will be automatically opened. time limit is exceeded, the FAULT caution on the RCP and
– NORM the SANDFILT caution on the CAD come on.

The IBF System is active, the bypass door is closed. The engine is
protected from foreign matter.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 146

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.13.6 Conditions and Functions B1
Training Manual

IBF Remote Panel

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 147

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.13 Inlet Barrier Filter (IBF) B1
7.13.7 Bypass System Logic Training Manual

7.13.7 Bypass System Logic 7.13.8 Indications

The bypass door OEI detection is triggered by two parameters which
are to be met simultaneously: IBF indications (CAD or Remote Panel)
– OEI signal from warning unit (N1 < 50%) and SAND FILT (Caution - CAD)
– Ground signal from ground relay (collective lever latched). Alerts about any abnormal/ failure condition of the IBF System. This
caution may be combined with the FAULT or filter FULL caution in the
Exception: Both doors maintain / restore their respective position if separate remote panel in the centre console. The SAND FILT caution
both engines speeds are below N1 50% and the collective lever is not is accompanied with the master caution.
latched. FAULT (Caution - REMOTE PANEL)
E.g. if both doors were closed before engine shut-off - Bypass Switches Alerts about IBF Systemfailure and / or incorrect Bypass door position.
1&2 NORM - door 2 opens after N1 speed of engine 1 drops below
50%, but closes again once the second engine speed drops below FULL (Caution - REMOTE PANEL)
50%. One or both filter(s) are clogged. The filter clogging bar graph lights
are all illuminated.
SAND FILT (Advisory - CAD)
Indicates normal operation of both IBFs. The advisory extinguishes
with one or both engines in bypass operation.
Respective door opened.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 148

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.13.8 Indications B1
Training Manual

IBF Remote Panel

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 149

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.13 Inlet Barrier Filter (IBF) B1
7.13.9 Description of Caution Indications Training Manual

7.13.9 Description of Caution Indications FULL (ON REMOTE PANEL)

SAND FILT (ON CAD) Conditions / Indications:
Conditions/Indications: – One or both filter(s) is / are clogged (second yellow bar of the
– A specific pressure loss value across the filter is reached FILTER CONDTN of at least one Filter, respective to 70%
(pre–clogging of the IBF(s)) obstruction reached)
– FAULT caution indication illuminates – SAND FILT caution indication is on
– FULL caution indication illuminates
– Electrical power failure, IBF contoller failure Single Engine Failure in Flight
– Green SAND FILT advisory can be on or off Conditions/Indications:
– Independently of the IBF-Mode NORM / OPEN, the Bypass
FAULT (ON REMOTE PANEL) door of the failed engine stays closed or will close and the
Conditions/Indications: Bypass door of the normal engine remains open or will open.
– Respective control box failed – The SAND FILT advisory goes off
– The respective Bypass door is not in the fully open, the fully
closed or in the commanded position
– Respective IBF system component(s) failed (pressure sensor
& differential pressure sensors)
– Respective static port heater failed
– SAND FILT caution indication is on

♦ NOTE Respective bar graph indication is not valid.

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 150

07 – Power Plant EC135 Classic
7.13.9 Description of Caution Indications B1
Training Manual

IBF Remote Panel

For instruction only Iss. August 2018 07 – 151

07 –



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