Ds Important Questions

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Important Questions


1) what is data structure? Explain various types of data structure in detail?

2) what is algorithm? Explain its characteristics?

3) Explain the following terms

a) pseudo code b) flowchart

4) what is the difference between algorithm and flowchart?

5) what is a string?

6) what is a stack ? what are the features of a stack?

7) what is a stack?discuss different stack applications?

8) Explain how to implement a stack?

9) write algorithms for stack operations?

10) write a c++ program for stack operations using array implementation?

11) what are infix and prefix(polish notation) and postfix notations ? explain with suitable

12) convert the infix expression to postfix expression with example?

13) convert the prefix expression to postfix expression with example?

14) convert the infix expression to prefix expression with example?

15) convert the prefix expression to infix expression with example?

16) convert the postfix expression to infix expression with example?

17) convert the postfix expression to prefix expression with example?


1) what is recursion ? Explain various types of recursion?

2) what is a queue? What are the features of a queue operations and ?

3) Explain about circular queue? what are the operations of a circular queue?

4) write algorithm for queue operations ?

5)discuss about queue ADT?

6) define and explain about singly linked list and its operations with an example?

7) write a c++ program for implementing queue operations using arrays ?

8) write a c++ program for implementing circular operations using arrays?

9) What is a linked list ? Explain its advantages and disadvantages and applications?

10) write a c++ program to implement a stack using singly linked list?

11) Explain the differences between iteration and recursion?

12) Explain about various types of linked lists ?


1) What is a tree ? Define the following

a) Node b) root c) edge d) height or depth
2) What is a binary tree? Explain the operations on binary tree ?
3) What is a binary tree? Explain its types?
4) What is binary tree traversal ? Explain various binary tree traversals with example?
5) What is binary tree? Explain applications of binary tree?
6) What is binary search tree ? Explain its mechanism?
7) What is searching? Explain its types with example ?
8) What is sorting? Explain its types with example?
9) What is internal sorting? Explain its types with example?
10) What is external sorting? Explain its types with example?
11) What is a threaded binary tree and explain with example?
12) What in detail AVL tree and AVL tree rotations with example?
Unit –IV

1) What is graph? Define following terms

a) Vertex b) edge c) undirected edge d) directed edge e) weighted edge
2) Explain the different types of graph representations?
3) Explain different types of graph traversal with example?
4) Explain depth first search (DFS) with example?
5) Explain breadth first search (BFS) with example?
6) What is spanning tree and minimum spanning tree explain with example?
7) What is prim’s algorithm explain with example?
8) What is kruskal’s algorithm explain with example?
9) What is hashing?
10) What is hash function? Explain different types hash functions?
11) What is collision resolution? Explain different collision strategies?
12) Differentiate linear probing and quadratic probing?
13) What is a heap? Explain about min heap and max heap with example?

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