Audit and Accounting Review (AAR) : Issn: 2790-8267 ISSN: 2790-8275 Homepage
Audit and Accounting Review (AAR) : Issn: 2790-8267 ISSN: 2790-8275 Homepage
Audit and Accounting Review (AAR) : Issn: 2790-8267 ISSN: 2790-8275 Homepage
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History: Received: February 11, 2022, Revised: May 09, 2022, Accepted: May 11, 2022
Shaheen, A., Yasser, F., Ashraf, K. (2022). Cash dividend disbursement, retained
Citation: earnings and their impact on stock price volatility: A case of selected non-
financial firms of Pakistan. Audit and Accounting Review, 2(1), 1-24.
A publication of
The School of Commerce and Accountancy
University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Relationship of Cash Dividend Disbursement and Retained Earnings
with Stock Price Volatility - A Case Study of Selected Non-Financial
Firms of Pakistan
Adil Shaheen, Farah Yasser *, Kinza Ashraf
University of Management and Technology, Lahore
The prime objective of the current study is to determine the relationship
between corporate dividend policy and retained earnings and its impact on
stock price volatility. The impact of corporate dividend policy and retained
earnings on stock price volatility has been debated and discussed variously
over the course of the last five decades. Past researches showed mixed
evidences of this relationship and the results remained inconclusive.
Moreover, in this regard, only a few studies have been conducted in
Pakistan. So, it remains undecided whether the relationship exists or not and
further study is required to establish or refute its existence. For this purpose,
modern statistical techniques and tools available for analyzing the data were
used. Data from a total of 75 companies was initially collected and
scrutinized according to different parameters mentioned in the study. Only
50 companies from year 2010 to 2018 were left to be analyzed as the data
was not wholly available for the remaining companies as per research
requirement. Two separate models were run and the results determined that
there exists a positive relationship of corporate dividend policy and retained
earnings with stock price volatility.
Keywords: cash dividend policy, stock price volatility, Pakistan
In the history of corporate finance, only a few topics have remained
ambiguous but important simultaneously. One such topic is the impact of
corporate dividend disbursement policy on market stock price volatility and
many studies have been conducted to investigate it accordingly (Nazir,
2012). It has been suggested that managers should pay dividends open-
heartedly because stock returns are not enhanced by retained earnings
(Javed & Shah, 2015). It is evident that the corporate dividend disbursement
policy does effect the movement of share prices in the stock market, thus
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Audit and Accounting Review
Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022
Shaheen et al.
causing volatility in the market share prices of the firms. Indeed, the more
influence this policy has the more it is important to the investor (Ajayi &
Seyingbo, 2015). Dividends are basically a division of the earnings of a
company which should be divided into two portions: one needs to be
disbursed and the other needs to be retained (Hashemijoo et al., 2012).
Advancements in the dividend policy go hand in hand with corporate
development. It has been concluded that change in financial markets drives
the dividend policy. There are several debates as whether to disburse
dividends at 100% dividend payout ratio or to retain the earnings at 100%.
Moreover, if it is needed to avail both of these options, then it may lead to
an optimal dividend decision resulting in the end effect of a firm’s value
and shareholders’ return on investment. Throughout the preceding years,
researchers have attempted to design an optimal dividend policy for firms.
Yet, none of the proposed theories are universally accepted. However, over
the last few decades, several theories have emerged which explain the
effects of the dividend policy of firms on the market value of their stocks
(Al-Hasan et al., 2013).
Finance managers are usually required to take three main decisions. The
first decision is about investment and capital budgeting. The second
decision is the dividend payout decision. Whereas, the third and the last
important decision they need to take is the financing decision, that is, how
a firm’s assets are to be financed. Dividend payout decision usually needs
to be taken when a firm starts generating profits. Once it has generated
profit, it needs to be decided whether it should distribute it all, or should it
retain some portion of it for future investment, or should it invest the profit
wholly back into the business? The answer is simple. The managers should
focus on the wealth maximization of shareholders but should also
contemplate the influence of their decisions on share prices in the stock
market (Ahmad & Naz, 2015).
The financial worth of corporations mainly depends on their earnings,
which ultimately are an outcome of their investment policies. However, this
argument is against the assumption of Walter and Gordon, that is, the
dividend relevance theory which says that the dividend announcement of a
firm mainly depends on the available opportunities for investing in the
future. Furthermore, it also depends on the association among the internal
rate of return and weighted average cost of the capital (Ajayi & Seyingbo,
School of Commerce and Accountancy
Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022
Relationship of Cash Dividend…
Stock price is the value of a single share of stock in the stock market.
Market share prices help the investors to decide whether or not they should
invest in a specific stock (Saleem et al., 2013). Every private investor
invests with the motive of earning profit and growth in investments. For a
company that is listed on the stock exchange, there are many causes which
exist and affect the shareholders’ wealth. Out of the many factors, studies
suggest that the variables which mostly affect stock prices include earnings
per share, return on stockholders’ equity, retention ratio, and earnings after
tax and dividend yield.
Furthermore, out of all the variables which affect stock market prices,
there is a noteworthy effect of dividends on market share prices of the
company (Majanga, 2015). There was found a significant positive
association among the announcement of dividends and volatility in the share
prices of companies in the banking sector of Bangladesh (Masum, 2014).
Since dividend policy is related to earnings, so it is simultaneously related
to the capital structure of the organization. When earnings are retained, they
affect the capital structure of the firm as well, if not distributed in the right
proportion. The reason behind the close association of dividend policy and
capital structure is that both directly affect the shareholders’ wealth
(Hashemijoo et al., 2012).
For a company, it remains important to decide and implement a suitable
corporate dividend policy. It would give them the flexibility to invest in
future projects (Oyinlola & Ajeigbe, 2014). Dividend policy represents the
company policy regarding the disbursement of dividends and the retained
amount of earnings for making future reinvestments. Some of the decisions
answer the core question that whether the earnings should be distributed or
not. In order to answer this question, managers should be able to decide
which dividend policy may lead to stockholders’ wealth maximization. By
considering shareholder wealth, they would be considering the effect of
dividend policy on the stock prices of the firm (Hashemijoo et al., 2012).
In Pakistan, insufficient investigation has been conducted to establish
the link among corporate dividend policy, retained earnings, and share price
volatility. The current study attempts to discover the relationship of
corporate dividend policy and retained earnings with share price volatility.
Although, this area has been covered by many researchers in developed
countries; still, sufficient number of studies haven’t been carried out by the
researchers in emerging economies around the world including Pakistan
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Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022
Shaheen et al.
decide to pay additional dividends, other than the regular cash dividend.
Moreover, there are companies which pay dividend annually, semi-
annually, or quarterly (Hooi et al., 2015).
There are different theories associated with the dividend policy. In the
dividend irrelevance theory, there are no agency issues among shareholders
and managers of the firm. Also, the stocks are fairly priced. Furthermore,
the shareholders are least concerned with the dividend policy, since they
may sell their part of equities portfolio if they need cash (Hooi et al., 2015;
Miller & Modigliani, 1961). The bird in hand theory states that capital gains
remain uncertain as compared to dividends. Hence, the investors have
imperfect evidence related to the firm’s profitability. Consequently, they
may be inclined towards cash dividends as compared to the uncertainty of
capital gains at a later stage (Bhattacharya, 1979; Hooi et al., 2015).
According to the agency theory, the management often overinvests in
different projects to enhance the firm size. Since firm size determines their
compensation, there arises a conflict of interest among the management and
shareholders (Al-Malkawi et al., 2010; Hooi et al., 2015). Whereas,
according to the signaling theory, some investors take dividend
announcement as a signal that the firm has strong prospects and payouts in
the form of dividends indicate these prospects (Al-Malkawi et al., 2010;
Hooi et al., 2015).
Dividend policy effectively indicates the market value of companies in
the Pakistani market, where earnings and price volatility have a positive
relationship (Nazir, 2012). Contrarily, there is a negative relationship
between share price volatility and firm size. Moreover, stock price volatility
is the most affected by dividend yield and size (Hashemijoo et al., 2012). A
study showed a negative association between stock price volatility and
dividend payout. On the other hand, the relationship of stock price volatility
with dividend yield was found to be positive and strong (Al-shawawreh,
2014). Return on equity and earnings per share were found to have an
encouraging relationship with share value, whereas profit after tax (PAT)
was found to have a negative relationship with share value in the
Bangladeshi stock market and more specifically, the listed commercial
banks of Bangladesh (Masum, 2014).
Firm managers need to decide which dividend policy they need to adopt,
that is, how much profit they need to distribute among their shareholders.
The distribution of profit needs to be seen from two different aspects. On
Audit and Accounting Review
Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022
Shaheen et al.
the one hand, the distribution of profit in the form of dividends affects
investment. On the other hand, stockholders wait for dividend disbursement
in cash form. So, the managers of the firms should maintain a balance
between availing investment opportunities and dividend payout (Irandoost
et al., 2013). It has been suggested that the announcement of dividend by
banks affects the market price of shares, whereas retained earnings causes
less volatility in banks of Nigeria. Furthermore, banks should retain all
earnings and make use of them, whereas investors should focus on capital
gains as return on their investment, rather than dividend collection (Ajayi
& Seyingbo, 2015).
The relationship between market share price volatility and the dividend
policy of a firm has been debated for several years. Some of the factors
which influence the dividend policy include long-term debt, whereas age
and size have been used as control variables (Hooi et al., 2015). There are
mix evidences in favor or against the existence of this relationship. Many
scholars are of the view that there exists a relationship between the
corporate dividend policy and market share price volatility, while others
deny its existence. As of the signaling theory, dividend signifies to the
stockholders that the company is working so effectively that it is able to
distribute the earnings among its shareholders (Hashemijoo et al., 2012).
The volatility level of the shares indicates the risk which the investors
are exposed to. Investors have a keen eye for both dividends and volatility,
even the companies are well aware of this fact. This makes share price
volatility an important issue (Hussainey et al., 2010). Dividend policy is
important and equally consider by investors, firm management, and
policymakers. Investors are not only concerned about return on stocks but
also evaluate a firm’s future growth prospects at the same time by
examining its dividend policy. Dividends not only signify profit for
investors but also signal the markets regarding firm performance. This is
why policymakers for any organization have a critical responsibility to
make a suitable dividend policy (Ahmad & Naz, 2015).
According to the literature, there exists a negative association of market
value volatility with dividend yield and size, whereas a negative association
between leverage and stock price volatility (Profilet & Bacon, 2013). On
the other hand, Harkavy (1953) investigated the association between
retained earnings and stock prices and the results were quite surprising,
showing that the firms which have higher retained earnings also have higher
School of Commerce and Accountancy
Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022
Relationship of Cash Dividend…
Payout ratio is calculated by dividing the total cash dividend by the total
earning of every stock (Nazir et al., 2012; Profilet et al., 2013; Ajayi &
Seyingbo, 2015; Saleem et al., 2013; Sadiq et al., 2013; Habib et al., 2012).
Retention ratio, as a proxy of retained earnings, is calculated by deducting
total dividends from total earnings and then dividing the resultant value with
the earnings (Masum, 2014; Majanga, 2015). Leverage is the ratio of long-
term debts (debts which are due only after one year) to the total assets of
the firm. It can also affect stock price volatility (Nazir et al., 2012; Profilet,
Asset growth is considered as a control variable. It is calculated by
taking the difference of the closing and opening values of the assets of the
current year. The resultant value is then divided by the previous year’s total
assets (Nazir et al., 2012; Profilet, 2013; Sadiq et al., 2013). Companies
which are bigger in size are more diversified with respect to the risk they
face, whereas the firms which are smaller in size are more exposed to the
risk because of the volatility and limited liquidity of their stock. Size
calculated as the natural logarithm of the average market value of the
common stock, size is calculated by multiplying the number of shares in the
market with the number of shares issued and then taking base 10 logarithm
(Ajayi & Seyingbo, 2015; Al-shawawreh, 2014; Habib et al., 2012;
Hussainey et al., 2010; Irandoost et al., 2013; Nazir, 2012). Earnings
volatility is introduced for the special purpose of limiting the effect of any
change in earnings on stock price volatility. It is represented by “Evol” and
calculated in the current study by taking the moving standard deviation of
the net earnings of companies. Earnings volatility is a control variable in the
current study (Ajayi & Seyingbo, 2015; Habib et al., 2012; Nazir et al.,
Followings models were developed based on the research objectives of
the current study.
Model 1: 𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 =∝
+𝛽𝛽1 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 +𝛽𝛽2 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 +𝛽𝛽3 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 +𝛽𝛽4 𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 +𝛽𝛽5 𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺ℎ𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 +𝛽𝛽6 𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 +ϵ
Model 2: 𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 =∝
PVOL= Price Earnings Volatility
Table 2 shows that the p-value is less than .05. So, the null hypothesis
was rejected and the fixed effect model was used for the purpose of analysis.
Both of the main independent variables show significant results, that is,
DPR is 7.29%, whereas DY is 0.07% at 10% level of significance. All the
control variables except ASGR are also significantly positive. These results
are consistent with the literature and the latest studies. Hence, the first
hypothesis is accepted as there exists a significant positive relationship
between the corporate dividend policy and stock price volatility. These
results are consistent with the findings of AlTroudi and Milhem (2013) and
Masum (2014).
Table 3
Fixed Effect Model for the First Model
Dependent Variable: SPV
Method: Panel Least Squares
Variable Coefficient Std. t-Statistic Prob.
DPR -0.123709 0.068792 -1.798324 0.0729
DY -0.795412 0.294614 -2.699844 0.0072
ASGR -0.031175 0.079852 -0.390406 0.6965
EARVOL 1.587689 0.426764 3.720301 0.0002
LEV -0.150947 0.052465 -2.877117 0.0042
SIZ -0.076647 0.02074 -3.695556 0.0003
C 0.536087 0.062311 8.603415 0
Effects Specification
Period Fixed (Dummy Variables)
R2 0.200059 Mean dependent var 0.415894
Adjusted R2 0.173118 S.D. dependent var 0.2623
F-statistic 7.425823 Durbin-Watson stat 1.838419
Prob (F-
effects model is rejected. On the other hand, if p-value is less than 0.05 then
the null hypothesis is accepted and random effect model is used.
Table 4
Hausman Test for the Second Model
Correlated Random Effects - Hausman Test
Test period random effects
Test Summary Chi-Sq.
Chi-Sq. df. Prob.
Period random 10.2422 5 0.0687
Period Random Effects Test Comparisons
Variable Fixed Random Var (Diff.) Prob.
RETRAT 0.09886 0.09531 9E-06 0.2326
ASGR -0.0325 -0.0233 7.9E-05 0.3013
EARVOL 1.60179 1.63205 0.00027 0.0658
LEV -0.1581 -0.1579 3E-06 0.9169
SIZ -0.0801 -0.0831 0.00001 0.3316
Period Random Effects Test Equation
Dependent Variable: SPV
Method: Panel Least Squares
C 0.40454 0.06863 5.89453 0
Variable Fixed Random Var (Diff.) Prob.
RETRAT 0.09886 0.03095 3.19392 0.0015
ASGR -0.0325 0.08055 -0.4033 0.687
EARVOL 1.60179 0.43193 3.70846 0.0002
LEV -0.1581 0.05307 -2.9791 0.0031
SIZ -0.0801 0.02128 -3.7652 0.0002
Effects Specification
Period Fixed (Dummy Variables)
R2 0.17823 Mean dependent var 0.41589
As per the results of Hausman test with respect to the second model, the
value of probability is 6.8% which is more than 5%. So, the null hypothesis
is rejected
Table 5
Random Effect for the Second Model
Dependent Variable: SPV
Method: Panel EGLS (Period Random Effects)
generated. The firms which distribute dividends have volatile share prices
and thus they attract investors. So, other firms can amend their corporate
dividend policy to attract investors. Whereas, the government can introduce
the policy of tax rebates and thus can increase the volume of tax collection.
Besides, some funds can also be made available for the investors which they
can use on easy terms and conditions for investment purposes.
This study would help investors to better comprehend the factors which
affect stock price volatility and to invest more appropriately. The
government can improve its policies to attract more investors around the
world. Since the findings of this study support the signaling theory, they can
also help the government along with the investors to understand the
financial performance of firms. Hence, the investors can better invest in
stock exchange as this study would assist them to analyze the relationship
between corporate dividend policy, retained earnings, and stock price
volatility. Also, these factors affecting the stock prices to change. The
Government of Pakistan can amend the policies to promote investment in
stock exchange which would, in turn, generate revenue and economic
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