Activity 2.1.2 Binary Numbers & Conversion: Jireh Alberto
Activity 2.1.2 Binary Numbers & Conversion: Jireh Alberto
Activity 2.1.2 Binary Numbers & Conversion: Jireh Alberto
1. Complete the following decimal-to-binary number conversions. An example problem is
shown below. If available, use the base conversion feature of your calculator to check
your answers.
19 (10) = __10011__ (2)
0= 0 0 0
1= 0 0 1
2= 0 1 0
3= 0 1 1
4= 1 0 0
5= 1 0 1
6= 1 1 0
7= 1 1 1
101101 (2)
011010 (2)
I believe the cartoon character would use a number system dealing with four and the alien
number system would be in threes.