IFAM Course Dates Adhesive Bonding Technology 2023

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Training Center for

Adhesive Bonding Technology

Course Dates 2023

Bremen Bonding

European Adhesive European Adhesive

Bonder (EAB) 5 Specialist Online (EAS-BL) 6

Special Seminars 10
In-house Courses 11
Course Information 12

European Adhesive
Engineer Online (EAE-BL) 8

Fraunhofer Institute for

Manufacturing Technology
and Advanced Materials IFAM
– Adhesive Bonding Technology
and Surfaces –

Wiener Strasse 12
28359 Bremen
Phone +49 421 2246-402

© Fraunhofer IFAM Course Dates 2023 at the Training Center In cooperation with
for Adhesive Bonding Technology
Subject to alterations;
current dates and organizational information:

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European Adhesive
Engineer Online
Page 8


European Adhesive Bonder (EAB)

In accordance with guideline EWF 515.
The course fulfill the requirements accord- Contact
ing DIN 2304, DIN 6701 and TL A-0023.

Course duration: one week Dr. Tanja Eggerichs

The course fee is 1635 € and covers: Phone +49 421 2246-7408
[email protected]
Preliminary course
Lunch and drinks during breaks
Course documentation Registration
EWF certificate
[email protected]
There is an additional one-off examination
fee of 385 €

The number of participants is limited.

Additional dates or training courses can be held
in your company on request. Courses in other information
countries by local trainers available: see page 12.
Further information is available at:

Seminar code Date

EAB-E-1-23 2023/08/21 – 25

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European Adhesive Specialist Online (EAS-BL)

In accordance with guidelines DVS®/ EWF Course duration: Online / Bremen
3309 and EWF 662. The course fulfill the Online phase: 3 theory units Kontakt
requirements according DIN 2304, (approx. 25 hours each)
DIN 6701 and TL A-0023. Attendance phase: 5 days Seminar code Date
Dr. Effi Baumgarten
Online phase The participation fee is 5385 € and EAS-BL-E-1-23 Telefon +49 421 2246-465
Virtual start meeting in the whole group includes: Online phase [email protected]
Interactive learning on the computer, Theory phase 1 2023/05/22 – 26
tablet or smartphone Course documentation Theory phase 2 2023/06/05 – 09
Regular online meetings with the Lunch and drinks during breaks during Theory phase 3 2023/06/12 – 16 Anmeldung
trainers and repetition of the theory the attendance phase Attendance phase 2023/06/26 – 30
Support through e.g. interactive DVS®/ EWF certificates onsite training in Bremen [email protected]
learning control and group work
Learning takes place with less time There is an additional one-off examination
pressure, is more flexible and fee of 590 €.
independent of location

Attendance phase Further

Practical experiments to support information
the theory
Repetition of theory
Intensive preparation for the exams The online courses are identical to the face-
to-face courses.
The attendance phase can also take place
in your company. Further info under:

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European Adhesive Engineer Online (EAE-BL)

In accordance with guideline EWF 662. The course fee is 15 600 € for the complete Online / Bremen
The course fulfill the requirements accord- course and covers: Contact
ing DIN 2304, DIN 6701 and TL A-0023.
Preliminary course Seminar code Date
New course structure: Course documentation Volker Borst
two 3-week onsite face-to-face training EWF certificate EAE-E-1-23  Phone +49 421 2246-480
phases at Fraunhofer IFAM in Bremen, During the onsite training phases: Phase #1 2023 / 09 / 04 – 22 [email protected]
Germany Lunch and drinks during breaks Onsite training in Bremen
one 3-week remote web based training Phase #2 2023 / 11 /06 – 24
phase There is an additional one-off examination Remote and online training Dr. Heiko Bauknecht
fee of 920 €. Phase #3 2024 / 01 / 29 – 02/16 Phone +49 421 2246-7410
The remote web based training phase Onsite training in Bremen heiko.bauknecht@
consists of a combination of web based ifam.fraunhofer.de
self-organised training, self-studying by
the participants and some live online
meetings (video conferences) with trainers Registration
and participants to discuss the topics,
answer questions, etcetera. This phase uses [email protected]
newly created course documents to guide
through the topics. For the most part,
participants set their own pace and the The number of participants is limited. Courses in
China and Poland available: see page 12.
content of this section of the course can
be repeated as often as desired. For the web based part of the training, partici-
pants must have a personal e-mail address and Further
access to the Internet. Further information is information
available at: www.bremen-bonding.com

8 9
Special Seminars In-house Courses
General requirements for in-house courses
in your company are
We offer in addition to the existing and European Adhesive Bonder (EAB)
internationally known DVS®/ EWF courses Contact in accordance with EWF 515 Two separate rooms if possible
tailor-made special seminars which are Theory room with projector
tailored in duration and content to the European Adhesive Specialist (EAS) Room for practical experiments with work-
requirements of the can be adapted to the Dr. Heiko Bauknecht in accordance with EWF 662 benches, sufficient ventilation and appro-
corresponding personnel. Phone +49 421 2246-7410 priate disposal facilities. Areas in production
[email protected] If a team of employees are to be trained can also be used by arrangement.
The following are examples of some of the at the same time, it is often more cost-ef-
occupational groups for which such Special fective to conduct the training courses at Please contact us so that we can arrange the
seminars have already been held: Registration the customer‘s location. Therefore we also necessary requirements for a training course
offer our training courses at your site. Up to in your company and the dates with you.
Purchasing [email protected] 16 people can participate in each course.
Warehouse and logistics
production scheduling The courses are identical to the courses Contact
Operators of fully automated bonding held at the Fraunhofer IFAM in terms of
systems or adhesive robots duration, procedure and course materials
used. The course language can be chosen EAB: Tanja Eggerichs
Further according to your requirements (English or Phone +49 421 2246-7408
information with translation into any other language). [email protected]

All necessary materials for the practical

experiments and theory will be provided by EAS: Effi Baumgarten

The number of participants is limited.

us on site and will be delivered before the Phone +49 421 2246-465
Training courses can be held in your company start of the course. For courses outside the effi.baumgarten@
on request.Further information is available at: EU other regulations may apply. ifam.fraunhofer.de

10 11
Training center for Adhesive Hotel recommendations
Bonding Technology
Atlantic Hotel Universum  
The training center is certified and Wiener Strasse 4 | 28359 Bremen | Germany
Phone +49 421 2467-0
meets the requirements according to
[email protected]
DIN EN ISO / IEC 17024.

Course Information Please ring the hotel directly to make a reserva-

tion, quoting booking code “IFAM 2023”
Dr. Erik Meiß 7THINGS my basic hotel
International cooperation partners Japan | Tokyo | AESB Phone +49 421 2246-632 Universitätsallee 4 | 28359 Bremen | Germany
We also cooperate with partners who Phone +81-33461-5593 erik.meiss@ Phone +49 421 2202-603
carry out these courses on our behalf and [email protected] ifam.fraunhofer.de  [email protected]
www.aesb.or.jp www.7things-hotel.de
according to our quality requirements.
Please ring the hotel directly to make a reserva-
The trainers have been trained by us and Netherlands | Gilze Rijen | Lijmacademie B. V.
tion, quoting booking code “Fraunhofer-IFAM”
are closely linked to the Fraunhofer IFAM Phone +31 6 49773178 Contact for registration:
through regular meetings. This guarantees [email protected] Petra Theuerkauff
www.lijmacademie.nl Ringhotel Munte am Stadtwald
a comparable, high quality of the courses, Phone +49 421 2246-463 Parkallee 299 | 28213 Bremen | Germany
regardless of the venue. The advantage for Poland | Gliwice | Instytut Spawalnictwa register@ Phone +49 421 2202-0
you: Lower travel costs due to shorter dis- Phone +48 32 33 58 239 ifam.fraunhofer.de [email protected]
tances to the training locations and courses [email protected] www.hotel-munte.de
by native speakers in the local language. www. is.gliwice.pl Please ring the hotel directly to make a reserva-
Wiener Strasse 12 tion, quoting booking code “Fraunhofer”
Spain | General de Adhesivos
Cooperation partners in Germany and P.I. Les Sort | Nave 4 | 43365 Alforja 28359 Bremen
Switzerland you will find on Phone +34 977 81 69 26 Germany
https://www.weiterbildung.ifam. [email protected] Phone +49 421 2246-632 | Fax -300
fraunhofer.de/de/klebtechnik.html www.generaladhesivos.com www.bremen-bonding.com Notes on participation in
DVS®/ EWF courses
Turkey |  Istanbul | Kiwa
Please refer to our application form for the con-
Phone +90 216 59325-75, Fax -74
ditions of participation in DVS®/ EWF courses; in
[email protected]
addition, only participants who have attended
the course 90 % of the time will be admitted
China | Shanghai | Shanghai Yifa Bonding USA | South Boston | to the final examination. The final examination
Training Center ChemQuest Technology Institute takes place on the last day of the course.
Phone, Fax +86 21 68327578 Phone +1 434 570 1400 Generell terms and conditions and cancellation
[email protected][email protected] Information on conditions can be found in our registration form
www.yifabond.com www. chemquest.com how to get there under www.bremen-bonding.com

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