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UNIT- V Sustainable Marketing


Social responsibility and ethics

Sustainable marketing
Business actions towards sustainable

Marketing Ethics
Sustainable Company

Social responsibility and ethics

Consumer action to

Social criticism of
Social Criticisms of Marketing
• Even when marketers do a good job of satisfying society, letters of praise,
or positive evaluation rarely follow. Society expects marketers to provide a
high standard of living and to protect the general quality of life.
• Contemporary marketing practices are subject to various social
criticisms, as evidenced by the growing concern for such areas as
• Marketing’s impact on the environment,
• marketing impact on non renewable resources, and
• Marketing’s obligation to the children, the poor, the elderly, and different
unprivileged groups.

Some of the types of social criticism of marketing
• Marketing impact on other business • Poor service a disadvantage to consumers
• Planned Obsolescence
• Acquisition of competitors
• Shoddy, unsafe or harmful products
• Unfair competitive marketing
practices • High pressure selling
• Marketing impact on individual consumers
• Cultural pollution deceptive practices
• Few Social Goods • Marketing impact on individual consumers
• False wants and too much materialism high cost of distribution

• Examples:
• Pricing: falsely advertising “wholesale” or “factory” prices or large
reductions from phony high retail list prices.

• Promotion: misrepresenting a product's features or performance, or

luring consumers to store for out-of-stock items.
Consumer action to
promote Consumerism

• Consumerism
• It is an organized movement of citizens and government agencies to improve the rights
and power of buyers in relation to sellers.
• Both marketers and consumers have rights that need to be protected. Traditional seller's
rights include the following:
• The right to introduce any product in any size and style, provided it is not hardous to
personal health or safety or if it is to include proper wearing's and controls.
• The right to charge any price for the product, provided no discrimination exists among
similar kinds of buyers

Cont.. • Traditional customer rights

• The right not to buy a product offered for sale

• The right to expect the product to be safe
• The right to expect the product to perform as

Consumerism • The right to be well informed about

• Consumer advocates call for additional important aspects of the product
rights • The right to be protected against
products and marketing practices
• The right to consume now in a
Traditional Rights • The right to influence products way that will preserve the world for
Additional Rights and marketing practices in ways
that will benefit the quality of life
future generations of consumers

• Environmentalism
• An organized movement of concerned citizen
and government agencies to protect and
improve peoples living environment
• Those who subscribe to environmentalism
believe that a marketing system’s goal should
be to maximize quality of life.
• Calls for socially and
environmentally responsible actions
that meet the present needs of
consumers and business while also
preserving or enhancing the ability
of future generations to meet their

• Meeting needs of consumers

while preserving’ the ability of
future generations to meet
their needs

Economic Environmental

Cont.. Example

Strategies for sustainable





towards sustainable marketing
marketing Consumer value

marketing Innovative

• A principle of sustainable marketing

marketing that requires that a
company seek real product Sense-of-mission
and marketing improvements marketing Societal
Consumer-oriented marketing
• Customer feedback
• Set goals

• Consumer oriented
marketing is a marketing
strategy where the company
• Consumer-oriented gives priority to
marketing • Monitor Feedback
• Complaint Resolution

Cont.. • Product & Service


the consumer needs, their behaviour and a larger audience, they have been providing
focuses on keeping the customer happy. multi-lingual content as well to cater to varying
customer needs.
Brands like Netflix have developed their businesses
on focusing on customer needs. From movie
rentals and DVD sales online, the company has
revamped its business to online streaming, which is
the most preferred consumer need. Also, to cater to
• Customer / Consumer value marketing
• Marketers define customer value as how much
customers perceive about the products or
services to be worth. It's imperative that For example, from a customer's perspective,
customers think about products or services hold the value of a cup of coffee enjoyed with a
greater value than their price—or no one will buy (or
friend at a coffee shop might be greater than
use your service)
the value of a take-out cup of coffee. While
• This customer value is weighed against the the monetary cost of the cup of coffee in both
customer values assigned for similar products and cases might be the same, the value the
services that would provide a similar benefit. customer extracts is different.

• Innovative marketing
• Innovative marketing is a set of innovative processes and activities that
market and communicate new products and services to a targeted
group of consumers. Innovation and marketing are the two words that must
• Examples:
Ikea – “Serve Your Customers At Every Point”

• Sense-of-mission marketing
• Sense of mission marketing is essentially a principle that states an
organization must define its in such way it has broader social context
rather than being merely product oriented holding company should
broad terms, narrow terms.

• Societal marketing
The Societal Marketing Concept
Human welfare on top before
and satisfying the wants.

The societal marketing concept

that a company should make good
marketing decisions by considering
consumers’ wants, the company’s
requirements, and society’s long-term

Marketing Ethics
•Marketing Ethics refer to those set of rules that are
compiled by all the organizations while conducting and
operating marketing activities in an industry.
•Marketing Ethics or Ethical Marketing is one of the
most effective long-term branding, word-of-mouth,
and trust-building strategies for optimizing presence,
leads, sales, and conversions of a product or service.
•Marketing ethics revolves around those principles of
ethical marketing and standards that guide acceptable
marketing conduct

• Ethical marketing is an integral part of the marketing definition that the
American Marketing Association suggests, which is-
• Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating,
communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for
customers, clients, partners, and society at large.
• Ethics in marketing involves the marketing practices of promoting fairness,
social responsibility, empathy, and honesty by following ethical standards.
Sustainable company
• A sustainable business is any organization that participates in
environmentally friendly or green activities to ensure that all
processes, products, and manufacturing activities adequately
address current environmental concerns while maintaining a

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