Master of Science in Sustainable Materials Engineering: 120 Ects Credits - Language: English
Master of Science in Sustainable Materials Engineering: 120 Ects Credits - Language: English
Master of Science in Sustainable Materials Engineering: 120 Ects Credits - Language: English
The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (FEA) offers The Major Polymer and Fibre Engineering focuses on
most of the Master’s programmes in Engineering in English. polymers, fibres and fibre-based materials such as textiles
This underlines the international ambition of the faculty, as and composites, both natural and man-made. You will
well as the importance of international education and acquire knowledge on the physical, chemical and 2023-24
multiple language skills for students. mechanical structure of these materials, but also on the
properties, the processing technology and applications.
WHAT Emphasis is put on understanding the fundamental
The programme Master of Science in Sustainable Materials properties and behaviour of the different materials, how they
Engineering aims at the study of the extraction, production, relate to the material structure and how these are affected
processing, properties, sustainable use and recycling of a during processing. You will learn about additives, colourants
whole range of materials. This implies (i) the description and and coatings, which are used to give plastics, textiles and
modelling of material properties, specifically for the composites a specific aesthetic and better or even new
chemical, mechanical and thermal production and properties (flame retardancy, waterproofness, anti-static,
processing aspects in materials engineering, (ii) the effect of …), thus creating added value. You will also acquire
the chemical composition and processing conditions on the knowledge on new technologies such as nanotechnology,
structure and the properties of materials in view of optimal intelligent textiles, and bio-based materials. Throughout the
performance and application, and, (iii) the behaviour, courses, the aspects of sustainability are addressed and
durability and degradation of materials in different user new technologies are discussed, allowing future engineers
circumstances. Dealing with the limited resource availability to develop more eco-friendly materials.
worldwide in a sustainable way is an important objective of The elective courses offer students the possibility to further
the programme. Important materials dealt with are metals, concentrate on specific materials or on specific themes such
polymers, textiles, composites and ceramics. as ecology, nanotechnology, smart materials, chemistry or
business oriented technical and non-technical topics. As part
STRUCTURE of the elective courses, a master student can choose for a
The master consists of 4 parts: (i) general compulsory minor (18 credits) in their curriculum, i.e. a series of subjects
courses, (ii) a choice between two majors to allow grouped around a well-specified theme. The following
specialization in a specific field of materials engineering, (iii) minors are offered: Operations Management, Environment
elective courses, and, (iv) the master’s dissertation. The and Sustainable Development and Automotive Production
compulsory courses target basic material sciences, specific Engineering. The two main subjects and the minors are
material types, material structure and performance, and formally acknowledged in the diploma supplement.
production and processing technology. The master’s dissertation finally stimulates independence,
The Major Metal Science and Engineering focuses on critical thinking and project management skills. Students can
metals with an emphasis on understanding and developing pick one of the many topics that are proposed by the
innovative, light metals used in constructions where these lecturers, or they can suggest a topic themselves.
metals have to fulfil increasingly stringent safety
requirements. Both optimization of the chemical composition LABOUR MARKET
(alloy formation) and processing are discussed in detail. Graduates (Masters in Materials Engineering) – like all other
Ceramic materials are also highlighted. The concept of engineers (Masters in Engineering) – have a wide range of
sustainability is addressed. On the one hand, the student will possibilities. The demand for engineers (MSc in
acquire knowledge to understand why a material Engineering) exceeds the number of graduates available
deteriorates and how surface engineering can increase its including material science engineers. Graduates have
life span. On the other hand, you will learn to process metals careers in industry, public service or scientific research.
from secondary sources, such as scrap or e-waste, and will Fundamental and applied scientific research concentrates
understand that metals can be produced that are equally on the properties, the behaviour, the processing and the
performing as metals produced from primary raw materials production of different types of materials, such as metals,
(ores). Further, emphasis is put on modelling. You will synthetic materials, ceramics, composites and ‘new’
become familiar with the available options to simulate the materials. Others analyse and optimise existing or new
material properties and their evolution and subsequently will production and processing methods. Researchers can work
learn to adequately interpret the outcome of these in academic and industrial research centres. In industry,
simulations. material science engineers have technical, commercial or
management positions.
Traditional and new important industrial sectors for experts
in materials are: the metal industry, the polymer and textile
industry, both production and processing such as recycling
of metals or polymers, assembly plants, component 2023-24
producers, chemical companies (e.g. corrosion or process
engineer and material selection), machine manufacturers,
micro-electronics companies (semiconductors), supervisory
bodies and expertise centres (material properties and study
of insurance claims), packaging, transport (e.g. composites),
pharmacy, agriculture… Material science engineers often
work along with mechanical engineers, architects or
chemists but have a specific complementary profile which is
of vital importance in the implementation of engineering
projects.Innovation and development of advanced products
for new markets and the application of new technologies are
essential for a healthy industry. This requires an increasing
number of Masters in Engineering with a specialisation in
Materials Engineering. They hold leading positions in the
development, production and sales of high-value materials.
DIPLOMA 1 voorbereidingsprogramma:
1 Rechtstreeks: 1 MIN 39 SP - MAX 90 SP
1 a opleidingen nieuwe structuur: 1 none • Bachelor in de bio-industriële wetenschappen
1 a • Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen, 1 none • Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen 2023-24
1 a • afstudeerrichting: chemie en materialen 1 none • Bachelor in de biochemie en de biotechnologie
1 a • Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen, 1 none • Bachelor in de chemie
1 a • afstudeerrichting: chemische technologie 1 none • Bachelor in de fysica
1 a • Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen, 1 none • Bachelor in de fysica en de sterrenkunde
1 a • afstudeerrichting: chemische technologie en 1 none • Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen,
1 a • materiaalkunde 1 none • afstudeerrichting: chemie
1 a • Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen, 1 none • Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen,
1 a • afstudeerrichting: materiaalkunde 1 none • afstudeerrichting: elektromechanica
1 a • Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen: chemische 1 none • Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen:
1 a • technologie en materiaalkunde 1 none • chemie
1 a • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: bouwkunde 1 none • Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen:
1 a • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: chemische 1 none • elektromechanica
1 a • technologie 1 none • Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen:
1 a • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: toegepaste 1 none • kunststofverwerking
1 a • natuurkunde 1 none • Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen:
1 a • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: 1 none • textieltechnologie
1 a • werktuigkunde-elektrotechniek, afstudeerrichting: 1 none • Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen (KMS)
1 a • mechanische constructie 1 none • Bachelor in de wiskunde
1 a • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: 1 none • Bachelor of Engineering Technology,
1 a • werktuigkunde-elektrotechniek, afstudeerrichting: 1 none • afstudeerrichting: Chemical Engineering
1 a • mechanische energietechniek 1 none • Bachelor of Engineering Technology,
1 a • Master of Chemical Engineering 1 none • afstudeerrichting: Electromechanical Engineering
1 a • Master of Civil Engineering 1 none • Een diploma van een opleiding 'Bachelor of
1 a • Master of Electromechanical Engineering, 1 none • Science in de ingenieurswetenschappen' (met
1 a • afstudeerrichting: Mechanical Construction 1 none • inbegrip van 'architectuur')
1 a • Master of Electromechanical Engineering, 1 none • Master in de industriële wetenschappen:
1 a • afstudeerrichting: Mechanical Energy Engineering 1 none • industrieel ontwerpen
1 a • Master of Engineering Physics 4 Rechtstreekse toelating voor het volgen van een
1 b opleidingen oude structuur: 1 brugprogramma (horizontale instroom):
1 a • Burgerlijk bouwkundig ingenieur 1 a opleidingen nieuwe structuur:
1 a • Burgerlijk natuurkundig ingenieur 1 a • Master in de chemie
1 a • Burgerlijk scheikundig ingenieur 1 a • Master in de fysica
2 Rechtstreeks, na check door de inrichtende faculteit 1 a • Master in de fysica en de sterrenkunde
1 van formele toelatingsvereisten: 1 a • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: chemie
1 a opleidingen nieuwe structuur: 1 a • Master in de industriële wetenschappen:
1 a • Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen, 1 a • elektromechanica
1 a • afstudeerrichting: elektrotechniek nevenrichting: 1 a • Master in de industriële wetenschappen:
1 a • materiaalkunde 1 a • textieltechnologie
1 a • Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen, 1 a • Master in de nanowetenschappen en de
1 a • afstudeerrichting: geotechniek en 1 a • nanotechnologie
1 a • mijnbouwkunde nevenrichting: materiaalkunde 1 a • Master in de nanowetenschappen, nanotechnologie
1 b opleidingen oude structuur: 1 a • en nano-engineering
1 a • Burgerlijk werktuigkundig-elektrotechnisch 1 a • Master in de nanowetenschappen, nanotechnologie
1 a • ingenieur op voorwaarde dat uit het 1 a • en nano-engineering
1 a • diplomasupplement blijkt dat de student een 1 a • Master in de welding engineering
1 a • zwaartepunt mechanica gevolgd heeft. 1 a • Master of Chemical Engineering Technology