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Oracle® Knowledge Management

User’s Guide
Release 11i
Part No. B13728-01

August 2004
Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide, Release 11i

Part No. B13728-01

Copyright © 2003, 2004 Oracle. All rights reserved.

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Send Us Your Comments ................................................................................................................... ix

Preface............................................................................................................................................................ xi

Part I Welcome

1 Introduction
1.1 Summary ............................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.2 Key Features........................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Integrations ............................................................................................................................ 1-5

2 Overview
2.1 About Accessing Oracle Knowledge Management ......................................................... 2-2
2.1.1 Access for Internal Users............................................................................................... 2-3
2.2 Summary of Tasks ................................................................................................................. 2-4

Part II Agent Flows and Administration

3 Managing Search
3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................ 3-2
3.1.1 Solution Overview ......................................................................................................... 3-3
3.1.2 Searching Functionality Overview .............................................................................. 3-4
3.1.3 About Sorting Search Results ....................................................................................... 3-7

3.2 Using Simple Search--Agent ................................................................................................ 3-9
3.2.1 About Simple Search Results...................................................................................... 3-11
3.2.2 About Categories.......................................................................................................... 3-14
3.2.3 Browse Categories ........................................................................................................ 3-14
3.2.4 About Forum Messages............................................................................................... 3-16
3.3 About the Solution Detail Page ......................................................................................... 3-16
3.3.1 About Accessing Solution Details.............................................................................. 3-18
3.3.2 Features on the Solution Details Page ....................................................................... 3-18
3.3.3 View Related Solutions................................................................................................ 3-20
3.4 Using Advanced Solution Search--Agent ........................................................................ 3-20
3.4.1 About Advanced Solution Search.............................................................................. 3-21
3.4.2 Search for Solutions Using Advanced Solution Search .......................................... 3-22
3.4.3 About the Matching Statements Page ....................................................................... 3-26
3.4.4 About the Related Statements Page........................................................................... 3-27
3.4.5 About Advanced Solution Search Results ................................................................ 3-27
3.5 Working with Statements................................................................................................... 3-29
3.5.1 Search for Statements................................................................................................... 3-29
3.5.2 Edit Statements ............................................................................................................. 3-30
3.5.3 View Statement Detail Page........................................................................................ 3-31
3.6 Set Up Definitions for Frequently Used Solutions ......................................................... 3-32
3.7 About Index Synchronization............................................................................................ 3-34
3.8 About Searching with Integrated Modules--Agent Flows ............................................ 3-34
3.8.1 About Searching from Integrated Modules--Agent Flows .................................... 3-35
3.8.2 About the Apply Task Group Template Page.......................................................... 3-35

4 Managing Solutions
4.1 Overview................................................................................................................................. 4-2
4.2 Create a Solution.................................................................................................................... 4-5
4.2.1 About the Create Statement and Update Statement Pages .................................... 4-12
4.3 Submit a Solution for Reviews and Updates................................................................... 4-13
4.3.1 Preview Solution for Submission............................................................................... 4-14
4.3.2 About Authoring Flows .............................................................................................. 4-15
4.3.3 Specify Authoring Flows............................................................................................. 4-17
4.3.4 Specify Authoring Step................................................................................................ 4-18
4.3.5 Set Up Subscriptions .................................................................................................... 4-20

4.3.6 Update a Solution......................................................................................................... 4-22
4.3.7 Review or Add Solution Comments ......................................................................... 4-24
4.4 Working with Solutions in Progress................................................................................. 4-26
4.4.1 About the Solutions in Progress Page ....................................................................... 4-26
4.4.2 View Solutions in Progress ......................................................................................... 4-27
4.4.3 Search Solutions in Progress....................................................................................... 4-29
4.5 Set Up Recommended Solutions....................................................................................... 4-31
4.6 Set Up Note Token Rules or AutoLinks........................................................................... 4-32

5 Managing Solution Types

5.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................ 5-2
5.2 Create a Solution Type ......................................................................................................... 5-2
5.3 Associate a Statement Type to a Solution Type ................................................................ 5-4
5.4 Disassociate a Statement Type from a Solution Type ...................................................... 5-5
5.5 View a Solution Type............................................................................................................ 5-6
5.6 Update a Solution Type........................................................................................................ 5-6
5.7 Delete a Solution Type.......................................................................................................... 5-7

6 Managing Statement Types

6.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................ 6-2
6.2 Create a Statement Type....................................................................................................... 6-2
6.3 View a Statement Type......................................................................................................... 6-3
6.4 Update a Statement Type ..................................................................................................... 6-4
6.5 Delete a Statement Type....................................................................................................... 6-5

7 Managing Categories
7.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................ 7-2
7.2 Create Categories................................................................................................................... 7-3
7.3 Edit Categories....................................................................................................................... 7-4
7.4 Delete Categories................................................................................................................... 7-5

8 Managing Authoring Flows

8.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................ 8-2
8.2 Create an Authoring Flow ................................................................................................... 8-2

8.3 Enable or Disable an Authoring Flow ................................................................................ 8-4
8.4 View and Modify an Authoring Flow ................................................................................ 8-5

9 Managing Security
9.1 Overview................................................................................................................................. 9-2
9.1.1 Summary ......................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.1.2 About Visibility............................................................................................................... 9-3
9.1.3 Category Security Groups............................................................................................. 9-5
9.1.4 Solution Security Filtering Hierarchy.......................................................................... 9-6
9.1.5 Statement Filtering and Category Security Groups .................................................. 9-6
9.1.6 About Associating Solutions and Categories............................................................. 9-6
9.1.7 Solution Security Relationships.................................................................................... 9-7
9.1.8 About Changing Security Settings............................................................................. 9-10
9.2 Set Up and Maintain Visibility Levels.............................................................................. 9-11
9.2.1 Create a Visibility Level .............................................................................................. 9-11
9.2.2 Update or Delete a Visibility ...................................................................................... 9-12
9.3 Set Up and Maintain Category Security Groups ............................................................ 9-13
9.3.1 About Category Security Groups............................................................................... 9-13
9.3.2 About Organizing Category Security Groups ......................................................... 9-14
9.3.3 Create a Category Security Group ............................................................................. 9-15
9.3.4 Update a Category Security Group ........................................................................... 9-16
9.3.5 Delete a Category Security Group ............................................................................. 9-18

Part III Customer Flows

10 Managing Search--Customer Flow

10.1 Using Basic Search--Customer........................................................................................... 10-2
10.1.1 Browse Categories--Customer.................................................................................... 10-5
10.2 Using Solution Advanced Search--Customer.................................................................. 10-6
10.2.1 Solution Advanced Search Criteria and Conditions ............................................... 10-7
10.2.2 Perform Solution Advanced Search........................................................................... 10-9
10.3 View the Solution Detail Page--Customer ..................................................................... 10-12
10.4 About Searching with Integrated Products--Customer Flows ................................... 10-13

Part IV Appendixes

A Frequently Asked Questions

A.1 Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................................................... A-1

B Display Search Option List

B.1 Searching Methods................................................................................................................ B-1



Send Us Your Comments
Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide, Release 11i
Part No. B13728-01

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If you find any errors or have any other suggestions for improvement, please indicate the document
title and part number, and the chapter, section, and page number (if available). You can send com-
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Welcome to the Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide.

This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of:
■ The principles and customary practices of your business area.
■ Oracle Knowledge Management
If you have never used Oracle Knowledge Management, Oracle suggests you
attend one or more of the Oracle Knowledge Management training classes
available through Oracle University.
■ The Oracle Applications graphical user interface.
To learn more about the Oracle Applications graphical user interface, read the
Oracle Applications User’s Guide.
For more information about Oracle Applications modules, see Other Information

How To Use This Guide
This document contains the information that you need to understand and use
Oracle Knowledge Management.
■ Chapter 1 provides an overview of Oracle Knowledge Management, key
features, integrations with other Oracle Applications modules, process flows,
what’s new, and what’s obsolete sections.
■ Chapter 2 provides steps on how to access Oracle Knowledge Management and
a summary of tasks that you can perform.
■ Chapter 3 covers the search functionality of Oracle Knowledge Management for
agent-facing flows. This chapter also includes information and steps on
accessing the different search methods.
■ Chapter 4 provides an overview of solutions and other tasks associated with
solutions in the module.
■ Chapter 5 provides an overview of solution types and the tasks associated with
solution types in Oracle Knowledge Management.
■ Chapter 6 provides an overview of statement types and the tasks associated
with statement types in Oracle Knowledge Management.
■ Chapter 7 provides an overview of categories and the tasks associated with
categories in Oracle Knowledge Management.
■ Chapter 8 provides information about authoring flows in Oracle Knowledge
Management and the tasks associated with authoring flows.
■ Chapter 9 provides information for the administrator, who sets up and
maintains solution security.
■ Chapter 10 covers the search functionality of Oracle Knowledge Management
for customer-facing flows. This chapter also includes information and steps on
accessing the different search methods.

Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation
accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our
documentation includes features that make information available to users of
assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains
markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Standards will continue to
evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading
technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be
accessible to all of our customers. For additional information, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program Web site at http://www.oracle.com/accessibility/

Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation

JAWS, a Windows screen reader, may not always correctly read the code examples
in this document. The conventions for writing code require that closing braces
should appear on an otherwise empty line; however, JAWS may not always read a
line of text that consists solely of a bracket or brace.

Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation

This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or
organizations that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor
makes any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.

Other Information Sources
You can choose from many sources of information, including online documentation,
training, and support services, to increase your knowledge and understanding of
Oracle Knowledge Management.
If this guide refers you to other Oracle Applications documentation, use only the
Release 11i versions of those guides.

Online Documentation
All Oracle Applications documentation is available online (HTML or PDF).
■ PDF Documentation - See the Online Documentation CD for current PDF
documentation for your product with each release. This Documentation CD is
also available on Oracle MetaLink and is updated frequently.
■ Online Help - You can refer to Oracle Applications Help for current HTML
online help for your product. Oracle provides patchable online help, which you
can apply to your system for updated implementation and end user
documentation. No system downtime is required to apply online help.
■ Release Content Document - See the Release Content Document for
descriptions of new features available by release. The Release Content
Document is available on Oracle MetaLink.
■ About document - Refer to the About document for information about your
release, including feature updates, installation information, and new
documentation or documentation patches that you can download. The About
document is available on Oracle MetaLink.

Related Guides
Oracle Knowledge Management shares business and setup information with other
Oracle Applications products. Therefore, you may want to refer to other guides
when you set up and use Oracle Knowledge Management.
You can read the guides online by choosing Library from the expandable menu on
your HTML help window, by reading from the Oracle Applications Document
Library CD included in your media pack, or by using a Web browser with a URL
that your system administrator provides.
If you require printed guides, you can purchase them from the Oracle Store at

Guides Related to All Products

Oracle Applications User’s Guide

This guide explains how to enter data, query, run reports, and navigate using the
graphical user interface (GUI) available with this release of Oracle Knowledge
Management (and any other Oracle Applications modules). This guide also
includes information on setting user profiles, and running and reviewing reports
and concurrent processes.
You can access this guide online by choosing Getting Started with Oracle
Applications from any Oracle Applications help file.

Guides Related to This Product

Oracle Knowledge Management Implementation Guide

This guide provides the implementation steps for implementing Oracle Knowledge
Management. It also covers the mandatory and optional dependencies for setting
up Oracle Knowledge Management, Verifying the implementation, Integration of
Oracle Knowledge Management with Other Oracle Products, and Diagnostics and

Installation and System Administration
Oracle Applications Concepts
This guide explains how to enter data, query, run reports, and navigate using the
graphical user interface (GUI) available with this release of Oracle Knowledge
Management (and any other Oracle Applications modules). This guide also
includes information on setting user profiles, and running and reviewing reports
and concurrent processes.
You can access this guide online by choosing Getting Started with Oracle
Applications from any Oracle Applications Help file.

Installing Oracle Applications

This guide provides instructions for managing the installation of Oracle
Applications products. In Release 11i, much of the installation process is handled
using Oracle Rapid Install, which minimizes the time to install Oracle Applications
and the Oracle technology stack by automating many of the required steps. This
guide contains instructions for using Oracle Rapid Install and lists the tasks you
need to perform to finish your installation. You should use this guide in conjunction
with individual product user guides and implementation guides.

Upgrading Oracle Applications

Refer to this guide if you are upgrading your Oracle Applications Release 10.7 or
Release 11.0 products to Release 11i. This guide describes the upgrade process and
lists database and product-specific upgrade tasks. You must be either at Release 10.7
(NCA, SmartClient, or character mode) or Release 11.0, to upgrade to Release 11i.
You cannot upgrade to Release 11i directly from releases prior to 10.7.

About Document
For information about implementation and user documentation, instructions for
applying patches, new and changed setup steps, and descriptions of software
updates, refer to the About document for your product. About documents are
available on Oracle MetaLink for most products starting with Release 11.5.8.

Maintaining Oracle Applications

Use this guide to help you run the various AD utilities, such as AutoUpgrade,
AutoPatch, AD Administration, AD Controller, AD Relink, License Manager, and
others. It contains how-to steps, screenshots, and other information that you need to

run the AD utilities. This guide also provides information on maintaining the
Oracle applications file system and database.

Oracle Applications System Administrator’s Guide

This guide provides planning and reference information for the Oracle Applications
System Administrator. It contains information on how to define security, customize
menus and online help, and manage concurrent processing.

Oracle Alert User’s Guide

This guide explains how to define periodic and event alerts to monitor the status of
your Oracle Applications data.

Oracle Applications Developer’s Guide

This guide contains the coding standards followed by the Oracle Applications
development staff and describes the Oracle Application Object Library components
that are needed to implement the Oracle Applications user interface described in
the Oracle Applications User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products. This manual
also provides information to help you build your custom Oracle Forms Developer
forms so that the forms integrate with Oracle Applications.

Oracle Applications User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products

This guide contains the user interface (UI) standards followed by the Oracle
Applications development staff. It describes the UI for the Oracle Applications
products and how to apply this UI to the design of an application built by using
Oracle Forms.

Other Implementation Documentation

Multiple Reporting Currencies in Oracle Applications

If you use the Multiple Reporting Currencies feature to record transactions in more
than one currency, use this guide before implementing Oracle Knowledge
Management. This manual details additional steps and setup considerations for
implementing Oracle Knowledge Management with this feature.

Multiple Organizations in Oracle Applications

This guide describes how to set up and use Oracle Knowledge Management with
Oracle Applications' Multiple Organization support feature, so you can define and

support different organization structures when running a single installation of
Oracle Knowledge Management.

Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide

This guide explains how to complete the setup steps necessary for any Oracle
Applications product that includes workflow-enabled processes, as well as how to
monitor the progress of runtime workflow processes.

Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide

This guide explains how to define new workflow business processes and customize
existing Oracle Applications-embedded workflow processes. It also describes how
to define and customize business events and event subscriptions.

Oracle Workflow User's Guide

This guide describes how Oracle Applications users can view and respond to
workflow notifications and monitor the progress of their workflow processes.

Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide

This guide provides flexfields planning, setup and reference information for the
Oracle Knowledge Management implementation team, as well as for users
responsible for the ongoing maintenance of Oracle Applications product data. This
guide also provides information on creating custom reports on flexfields data.

Oracle eTechnical Reference Manuals

Each eTechnical Reference Manual (eTRM) contains database diagrams and a
detailed description of database tables, forms, reports, and programs for a specific
Oracle Applications product. This information helps you convert data from your
existing applications, integrate Oracle Applications data with non-Oracle
applications, and write custom reports for Oracle Applications products. Oracle
eTRM is available on OracleMetalink

Oracle Manufacturing APIs and Open Interfaces Manual

This manual contains up-to-date information about integrating with other Oracle
Manufacturing applications and with your other systems. This documentation
includes APIs and open interfaces found in Oracle Manufacturing.

Oracle Order Management Suite APIs and Open Interfaces Manual
This manual contains up-to-date information about integrating with other Oracle
Manufacturing applications and with your other systems. This documentation
includes APIs and open interfaces found in Oracle Order Management Suite.

Oracle Applications Message Manual

This manual describes all Oracle Applications messages. This manual is available in
HTML format on the documentation CD-ROM for Release 11i.

Training and Support

Oracle offers a complete set of training courses to help you and your staff master
Oracle Knowledge Management and reach full productivity quickly. These courses
are organized into functional learning paths, so you take only those courses
appropriate to your job or area of responsibility.
You have a choice of educational environments. You can attend courses offered by
Oracle University at any one of our many education centers, you can arrange for
our trainers to teach at your facility, or you can use Oracle Learning Network
(OLN), Oracle University's online education utility. In addition, Oracle training
professionals can tailor standard courses or develop custom courses to meet your
needs. For example, you may want to use your organization structure, terminology,
and data as examples in a customized training session delivered at your own

From on-site support to central support, our team of experienced professionals
provides the help and information you need to keep Oracle Knowledge
Management working for you. This team includes your technical representative,
account manager, and Oracle’s large staff of consultants and support specialists
with expertise in your business area, managing an Oracle server, and your
hardware and software environment.

Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle Applications Data
Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data
Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle Applications data
unless otherwise instructed.
Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and
maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as
SQL*Plus to modify Oracle Applications data, you risk destroying the integrity of
your data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.
Because Oracle Applications tables are interrelated, any change you make using
Oracle Applications can update many tables at once. But when you modify Oracle
Applications data using anything other than Oracle Applications, you may change a
row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables. If your
tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous
information and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle Applications.
When you use Oracle Applications to modify your data, Oracle Applications
automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle Applications also keeps
track of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables
using database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to
track who has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database
tools do not keep a record of changes.

About Oracle
Oracle develops and markets an integrated line of software products for database
management, applications development, decision support, and office automation,
as well as Oracle Applications, an integrated suite of more than 160 software
modules for financial management, supply chain management, manufacturing,
project systems, human resources and customer relationship management.
Oracle products are available for mainframes, minicomputers, personal computers,
network computers and personal digital assistants, allowing organizations to
integrate different computers, different operating systems, different networks, and
even different database management systems, into a single, unified computing and
information resource.
Oracle is the world’s leading supplier of software for information management, and
the world’s second largest software company. Oracle offers its database, tools, and
applications products, along with related consulting, education, and support
services, in over 145 countries around the world.

Your Feedback
Thank you for using Oracle Knowledge Management and this user guide.
Oracle values your comments and feedback. In this guide is a reader’s comment
form that you can use to explain what you like or dislike about Oracle Knowledge
Management or this user guide. Mail your comments to the following address or
call us directly at (650) 506-7000.
Oracle Applications Documentation Manager
Oracle Corporation
500 Oracle Parkway
Redwood Shores, CA 94065
Or, send electronic mail to [email protected].

Part I

This part contains the following chapters:

■ Chapter 1, "Introduction"
■ Chapter 2, "Overview"

This chapter discusses the key features and process flows of Oracle Knowledge
Sections in this chapter include:
■ Section 1.1, "Summary" on page 1-2
■ Section 1.2, "Key Features" on page 1-2
■ Section 1.3, "Integrations" on page 1-5

Introduction 1-1

1.1 Summary
Oracle Knowledge Management is an information management system that uses
knowledge capture, storage, and distribution tools that Oracle developed.
Implementing Oracle Knowledge Management provides the features of solution
search, creation, organization, and access to new solutions. Oracle Knowledge
Management provides focused results that more directly relate to the issue being
researched, thus reducing the cost of providing service while increasing customer
satisfaction, and gaining an edge over competitors. Solution Security lets you
manage who can view which information to help you manage the relative
confidentiality and visibility of information.
Oracle Knowledge Management currently provides solution management
functionality to other Oracle Applications modules, such as Oracle iSupport, Oracle
TeleService, Oracle Field Service, Oracle Depot Repair, and Oracle eMail Center. The
Oracle Knowledge Management architecture supports diverse usage and
integration with other Oracle modules.

1.2 Key Features

Key features in Oracle Knowledge Management include:
■ Flexible Structure of Knowledge
■ Security Control on Data
■ Effective Text Searching
■ Integration With Other Oracle Applications
■ Solution Management
■ Agent Facing Flows in OA Framework

Flexible Structure of Knowledge

The flexible structure of knowledge offers you:
■ Categorization of Solutions
■ Creation and Searching by Multiple Solution Types

Categorization of Solutions
In Oracle Knowledge Management, solutions are segregated in categories or folders
for browsing or for performing a category-specific search for solutions.

1-2 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Key Features

A merchant can categorize solutions for retrieval by its users. A user can choose a
category or a subcategory during search to direct the search to a specific
information area.

Creation and Searching by Multiple Solution Types

Information in Oracle Knowledge Management is organized into solutions, which is
a collection of statements. You can create multiple Solution Types to organize
solutions. You can also search by either the Symptom-Cause-Action (default)
Solution Type or any other Solution Type, such as Problem and Resolution, that
you can create.

Security Control on Data

Solution Security allows you to restrict which areas of the knowledge base that
users can search and browse. It also provides the ability to control the categories in
which a Knowledge Worker can create and update solutions.
Security for solutions and Solution Categories are based on:
■ Category Security Group (also known as Category Group): Controls the part of
the category tree that you can access.
■ Visibility: Indicates how sensitive the category, solution or statement is on a
linear scale. Solution and category Visibility is extensible.

Effective Text Searching

Oracle Knowledge Management integrates with Oracle Text to provide the text
searching functionality. Oracle Knowledge Management allows users to search
using different search options, such as Any Keywords, or All Keywords. To focus
search results, you can search for solutions under different products, platforms, or
Scoring of each solution is based on the text match that Oracle Text performs. The
maximum score is 100. Solution scores vary depending on the search method that
you are using.
The search score can incorporate users' feedback.
Oracle Knowledge Management provides the Simple Search to allow you to search
for solutions and other useful information, such as Service Request and Forum
messages. You can include different repositories in the Simple Search. If you would
like to perform a more detailed and expanded search on solutions, you can use the
Advanced Solution Search.

Introduction 1-3
Key Features

Integration With Other Oracle Applications

Oracle Knowledge Management integrates with other Oracle Applications, such as
Oracle iSupport, Oracle TeleService, Oracle Field Service, Oracle Depot Repair, and
Oracle eMail Center. Users of all these applications can search the same knowledge
base for solutions and contribute new solutions to the knowledge base.

Solution Management
Oracle Knowledge Management provides the functionality to create, update, and
approve solutions. A solution is a structured piece of knowledge that consists of the
following primary attributes: title, type, Visibility, an associated category, and
statements. You can classify solutions by associating the solutions to items
(products) or platforms. Solution can also contain attachments, task group
templates, and references to external objects.
Oracle Knowledge Management provides an HTML content creation tool for those
who create statements through the Rich Text Editor. While creating a statement, you
can find matching statements in the knowledge base to prevent duplication. You
can reuse statements in more than one solution.
When you work on a solution, you can lock the solution and work on a local copy
before the solution is ready to submit for approval.
When the solution is ready for submission, you can preview the solution before
submitting it. The preview allows users to detect any potential errors and correct
mistakes in the solution content.
Solution reviewers can use comments as a communication channel.

Agent Facing Flows in OA Framework

Oracle Knowledge Management agent pages use the OA framework. The look and
feel of the application is consistent with the rest of the Oracle Applications. Oracle
Applications provides better personalization support.

Solution Scoring
Oracle Knowledge Management evaluates the criteria to produce a score to present
the best solution first. The scoring criteria include the number of times that a
solution has: been linked to an external object and solved; been linked to external
objects; received positive feedback; been viewed as a solution; or received negative
feedback. The maximum score is 100. Solution scores vary depending on the search

1-4 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide


Solution usage recording for Oracle iSupport tracks your customers’ access to
solutions. Solution usage recording can assist customer service agents identify
relevant solutions when they assist their customers.

1.3 Integrations
Oracle Knowledge Management integrates with the following Oracle Applications
■ Oracle iSupport
■ Oracle Tele Service
■ Oracle Depot Repair
■ Oracle eMail Center
■ Oracle Partners Online
For information about searching with integrated products, see:
Section 3.8, "About Searching with Integrated Modules--Agent Flows" on page 3-34
Section 10.4, "About Searching with Integrated Products--Customer Flows" on
page 10-13

Oracle iSupport
Oracle iSupport is a customer service portal that allows both customer and
employee users of a service organization to resolve their issues themselves and to
receive assisted service over the Internet. Oracle iSupport enhances customer
satisfaction while cutting the costs of customer support and improving the
productivity of service organizations. For more information, see the Oracle iSupport
User Guide.
Oracle iSupport uses Oracle Knowledge Management to search for published
solutions. Oracle iSupport users and service agents can search Oracle Knowledge
Management for solutions. Oracle iSupport users can also see frequently used
solutions and solutions recommended by an Oracle Knowledge Management
administrator, without waiting for a service agent’s assistance.

Oracle TeleService
Oracle TeleService (Support module) is a Service Request Management System that
integrates with Oracle Knowledge Management for resolving customer issues. It is
an agent-facing module that a customer service representative or agent (CSR) uses.

Introduction 1-5

Oracle TeleService provides an integrated solution for conducting all aspects of

customer management and interaction. It provides call center agents with the tools
and information required for effective customer relationship management. For more
information, see the Oracle TeleService User Guide.
The integration of Oracle TeleService’s Service Request module with Oracle
Knowledge Management reflects the following process flow:
■ A CSR receives a customer call. The agent opens a service request by entering
customer information and verifying service eligibility.
■ The CSR notes the customer problem. While writing the problem description,
the CSR searches the knowledge base for similar information. If the same or
similar problem exists, a solution may be available as well. Agents can access
more solutions than customers.
■ The CSR searches in the knowledge base for an existing solution. If a suitable
solution is found, the CSR can use it. If not, the CSR can create a new solution.

Oracle Depot Repair

Oracle Depot Repair tracks and manages the repair process in a service
organization. This module reduces customer downtime and helps bridge the gap
while the product is being repaired. For more information, see the Oracle Depot
Repair User Guide.

Oracle eMail Center

Oracle eMail Center manages inbound email interactions with customers, partners,
suppliers, employees, and others who interact with an organization. Oracle eMail
Center provides agents with tools and capabilities to maximize their productivity
and effectiveness. For more information, see the Oracle eMail Center User Guide.
Oracle Knowledge Management integrates with Oracle eMail Center during
inbound email processing. Oracle eMail Center agents can search for appropriate
solutions in Oracle Knowledge Management while responding to an email. The
eMail Center agents can send solutions as an e-mail message to the customer.

Oracle Partners Online

Oracle Partners Online is the entry point for Partner Relationship Management
(PRM) services across the pre-sales, sales and post-sales inter-company processes
for companies and their partners. These services include:
■ Partner profiling and opportunity matching for the vendor.

1-6 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide


■ Online access to latest product collateral and sales and service support for the
Users of Oracle Partners Online can access Oracle Knowledge Management by way
of the Support tab in Oracle iSupport. For more information, see the Oracle Partners
Online User Guide and the Oracle iSupport User Guide.

Introduction 1-7

1-8 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide


This chapter provides an overview of accessing Oracle Knowledge Management

and a list of tasks that you can perform in Oracle Knowledge Management.
Sections in this chapter include:
■ Section 2.1, "About Accessing Oracle Knowledge Management" on page 2-2
■ Section 2.2, "Summary of Tasks" on page 2-4

Overview 2-1
About Accessing Oracle Knowledge Management

2.1 About Accessing Oracle Knowledge Management

Oracle Knowledge Management has both internal users and external users that can
search for published solutions. Users of several Oracle Applications modules access
Oracle Knowledge Management for searching and creating solutions. For example,
Oracle iSupport users can access Oracle Knowledge Management from the Support
tab on the Oracle iSupport Homepage to search for published solutions.
Knowledge workers, customer service representatives, and Oracle Knowledge
Management administrators can access Oracle Knowledge Management directly to
search for solutions and to create new solutions. Internal users have various levels
of setup and other administrative permission.
Solution Security impacts all users of Oracle Knowledge Management. By
associating Visibility Levels to categories, solutions, statements, category views, and
user accounts, Solution Security lets you manage who can see which information.
By specifying Visibility Levels, you can use Solution Security to manage the relative
confidentiality or sensitivity of information.

Roles, Responsibilities, Permission, and Access

Roles determine window-level permission. A user can have one or more Roles.
Responsibilities determine:
■ The menus that a user views.
■ The Category Security Group (category view) to which a user belongs. This
establishes which categories users can access.
Every user must have at least one Responsibility, but a user can have one or more
Users may be either:
■ External: Those who have only view and search access to published solutions.
Typically, external users may access Oracle Knowledge Management from other
modules, such as iSupport.
■ Internal: Include customer service representatives or agents, knowledge
workers, and Oracle Knowledge Management administrators.
Table 2–1 lists responsibilities, menus, and tabs associated with internal Oracle
Knowledge Management users.

2-2 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

About Accessing Oracle Knowledge Management

Table 2–1 Responsibilities, Menus, and Tabs for Internal Oracle Knowledge
Management Users
Responsibilities Menus Tabs
Knowledge Worker CS_KB_TOP_KW_MENU Knowledge, Authoring
Knowledge Agent CS_KB_TOP_AG_MENU Knowledge, Authoring
Knowledge Administrator CS_KB_TOP_MENU Knowledge, Authoring,

Access for External Users

External users access Oracle Knowledge Management through other Oracle
Applications modules. For example, users of Oracle iSupport click the Support tab
on Oracle iSupport Home page. Both Oracle Depot Repair users and Oracle
TeleService users can access Oracle Knowledge Management through the respective
module’s diagnostics feature. For more information, see the corresponding Oracle
product documentation.

2.1.1 Access for Internal Users

The following steps describe access for internal users of Oracle Knowledge

Oracle Applications

Knowledge Worker
Knowledge Agent
Knowledge Administrator


Knowledge > Knowledge tab (default)
The Knowledge tab displays the Simple Search and the Knowledge: Browse by
Subject areas. From the Knowledge tab you can search for or browse solutions.

Overview 2-3
Summary of Tasks

For more information, see Chapter 3, "Managing Search".

2.2 Summary of Tasks

Use Oracle Knowledge Management to perform the following types of tasks:
■ Manage Searches
■ Manage Solutions
■ Manage Solution Types
■ Manage Statement Types
■ Manage Categories
■ Manage Authoring Flows
■ Manage Security

2-4 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Part II
Agent Flows and Administration

This part contains the following chapters:

■ Chapter 3, "Managing Search"
■ Chapter 4, "Managing Solutions"
■ Chapter 5, "Managing Solution Types"
■ Chapter 6, "Managing Statement Types"
■ Chapter 7, "Managing Categories"
■ Chapter 8, "Managing Authoring Flows"
■ Chapter 9, "Managing Security"
Managing Search

This chapter includes information about the search functionality in Oracle

Knowledge Management. The intended audiences for this chapter are agents and
administrators. However, the user who accesses Oracle Knowledge Management
from other modules, such as iSupport, can find the Overview section to be useful
for background information on searching and browsing. Those who access Oracle
Knowledge Management from other modules, should see Chapter 10, "Managing
Search--Customer Flow" for procedural information.
Sections in this chapter include:
■ Section 3.1, "Overview" on page 3-2
■ Section 3.2, "Using Simple Search--Agent" on page 3-9
■ Section 3.3, "About the Solution Detail Page" on page 3-16
■ Section 3.4, "Using Advanced Solution Search--Agent" on page 3-20
■ Section 3.5, "Working with Statements" on page 3-29
■ Section 3.6, "Set Up Definitions for Frequently Used Solutions" on page 3-32
■ Section 3.7, "About Index Synchronization" on page 3-34
■ Section 3.8, "About Searching with Integrated Modules--Agent Flows" on
page 3-34

Managing Search 3-1


3.1 Overview
You search in Oracle Knowledge Management to find solutions in the knowledge
base. In Oracle Knowledge Management, you can:
■ Extend searches to include multiple repositories.
■ Allow users to search using different searching methods.
■ Control user access to solutions according to Security settings.

Search Modes
Oracle Knowledge Management has the following search modes:
■ Simple Search: Perform text searches across multiple repositories. Examples of
repositories include Solutions, Forums, and Categories. Simple Search uses the
Oracle Text search engine to execute key word searches.

Note: Earlier versions of Oracle Knowledge Management referred

to Simple Searches as either Basic Searches or Unified Searches.

■ Advanced Solution Search: Perform solution searches by using statements to

search and manipulate criteria. Advanced Solution Searches searches
exclusively in the Solutions repository.

Indexing and Availability of Solutions

Both the Simple Search and Advanced Solution Search retrieve only published
solutions that have been indexed. That is, neither the Simple Search nor the
Advanced Solution Search can retrieve solutions that are in progress, in draft mode,
or obsoleted.

Security and Visibility

Security, Visibility, and Category Security Group settings impact which solutions,
categories, and statements you can access. For more information, see Chapter 9,
"Managing Security".

Integrated Modules
Other Oracle service-related modules access and search using Oracle Knowledge
Management. For example, service representatives might try resolving customer
issues by searching Oracle Knowledge Management from the Oracle TeleService
module, while customers might search for solutions through Oracle iSupport.

3-2 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide


Depot Repair users can search using Oracle Knowledge Management to diagnose
repair jobs.

Knowledge and Solutions

Solutions are not only content. Solutions are pieces of knowledge or knowledge
articles that actually provide information on how to resolve a particular issue.
The main components of a solution include: statements, related categories, related
items, related platforms, attachments, Task Group Templates, external objects,
authoring comments, and feedback.

Note: Earlier versions of Oracle Knowledge Management referred

to Items as Products.

For more information about solutions, see Chapter 4, "Managing Solutions".

3.1.1 Solution Overview

To understand the searching process in Oracle Knowledge Management, it is
important to understand how you add solutions the knowledge base.
Example 3–1 describes how to add a solution to the knowledge base.

Example 3–1 Solutions in the Knowledge Base

Company ABC manufactures and sells dishwashers. When customers have issues
with their dishwashers they call the Company ABC service department for
assistance. In certain cases, the customer must ship the dishwashers to Company
ABC for repair or schedule a field service representative to come and fix it. After the
problem with the dishwasher is resolved, the service department creates a solution
in the knowledge base. The knowledge worker in the company ensures that the
solution has been properly authored and publishes the solution. After publishing
the solution in the knowledge base, the company can share the solution with other
customers and service representatives. Customers can access the solution by
conducting a search of the Company ABC knowledge base from another module,
such as Oracle iSupport. The knowledge base can also be shared with Company
ABC suppliers or partners who need to access it.

Managing Search 3-3


3.1.2 Searching Functionality Overview

Oracle Knowledge Management integrates with Oracle Text to provide complete
and flexible search functionality. You can use Oracle Knowledge Management to
browse or search for solutions and statements using the following ways:
■ Simple Search on page 3-4
■ Categories on page 3-5
■ Advanced Solution Search on page 3-5
■ Statement Search on page 3-7
■ Solutions in Progress on page 3-7 Simple Search

In its simplest form, a search can be a key word search. The Simple Search lets you
enter key words to perform a search for solutions across multiple repositories
within the knowledge base. By default, Solutions, Forums, Categories, and Service
Requests are the repositories available for search.
The Simple Search performs a key word search of the solution header, body, and
number. For categories, the Simple Search performs a key word search on the
category name. For forums, the Simple Search performs a key word search across
the message subject, message body, and message number.
Example 3–2 describes a scenario for a Simple Search.

Example 3–2 Simple Search

A customer of Bicycle Company ABC has logged on to Oracle iSupport to find out
how to remove a tire from a bike. The customer enters the key words, remove tire,
into the text entry box to search the knowledge base. After selecting search, a list of
results appear in a summary table. The sorting within the summary table shows the
documents of highest relevancy (score) to the search criteria at the top. Each row in
the table displays a solution. The customer identifies a potential solution from the
search results table called, Removing a Tire. The customer can view the solution
details by clicking the solution title. The customer can also view the search results
across multiple repositories, such as by solution, forum discussion, or an existing
service request.

3-4 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Overview Categories
Categories are a way to organize the knowledge base. Categories let you navigate or
browse through a hierarchy of categories, subcategories, and solutions within the
knowledge base.
Example 3–3 provides an example of how to use categories to browse.

Example 3–3 Browsing Categories

Bank ABC has set up Oracle Knowledge Management categories to allow
teleservice representatives to navigate solutions, thereby replacing the need for its
large employee procedure manual, which answers basic customer questions about
the bank and its products. Categories for Bank ABC include Customer Address
Procedures, Branch Locations, Business Hours, Checking Accounts, and Savings
A customer calls the Bank ABC teleservice center and asks how late the San Jose
branch is open. The Bank ABC teleservice representative navigates to the Branch
Locations and Hours category. A list of subcategories appears. The teleservice
representative then navigates into a subcategory called Northern California
Branches. Within the Northern California Branches subcategory a list of results
appear in a summary table. Each row in the table shows a solution. The teleservice
representative identifies a potential solution from the search results table called San
Jose Branch Details. The representative can view the solution details by clicking the
solution title. Using the information contained in the solution details, the
representative can answer the customer's question. Advanced Solution Search

Advanced Solution Search lets you search for solutions that meet specific user
defined criteria. This is a more comprehensive search that enables you to set
conditions, filters, and incorporate similar and identical statements into your search.
Solutions are made of statements. The Advanced Solution Search allows users to
find solutions using statements as the search criteria. The Advanced Solution Search
can search similar statements or solutions based on a statement. From a given
statement, users can find any other solution that uses this statement. Figure 3–1
shows how Oracle Knowledge Management’s Advanced Solution Search identifies
related statements and solutions in the knowledge base.

Managing Search 3-5


Figure 3–1 Related Statements and Solutions

Summary of Related Statements and Solutions Figure: Statements B and D are

related to Statement A because they are part of solutions that also contain Statement
A. If you select statement A and search for related statements, both statements B
and D appear in the results. Statement X is not related to Statement A because it is
not part of a solution that contains Statement A. Solutions 1 and 3 are related to
Statement A because they each contain Statement A. If you select statement A and
search for related solutions, solutions 1 and 3 appear in the results. Solution 2 is not
related to Statement A because it does not contain Statement A.
Example 3–4 provides an example of how to search with Advanced Solution Search.

3-6 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide


Example 3–4 Advanced Solution Search

Electronics Manufacturer ABC has discovered one of the components it
manufactures, the ABC Hard Drive, is defective. Currently several solutions in the
knowledge base relate to the ABC Hard Drive. To ensure that the knowledge base
contains accurate and up-to-date information, knowledge workers can search for
statements of type symptom that describes the problem. From the matching
statements, the knowledge worker can view solutions that relate to the issue better.
In addition, knowledge workers search for solutions that relate to these statements.
The knowledge worker identifies all solutions from the search results table that
relate to the ABC Hard Drive and updates the solutions and statements accordingly. Statement Search

You use statement search more for statement maintenance rather than a way of
finding solutions. Statement Search lets you search for specific statements and find
their related solutions. Solutions in Progress

Solutions in Progress (formerly known as Work Pending in prior versions of Oracle
Knowledge Management) is a search that is specifically designed to search drafts or
solutions that are not yet published. This search provides an way for knowledge
workers or approvers to process solutions.

3.1.3 About Sorting Search Results

Search results within Oracle Knowledge Management appear in a summary table
that you can sort by column. To sort data into ascending or descending order, click a
column heading. When you sort by column, an arrow appears in the column
heading. An Up arrow indicates an ascending sort and a Down arrow indicates a
descending sort.

Access to Solutions and Statements

When you create a solution or statement, you assign a Visibility Level attribute. This
attribute along with user access levels makes it possible to control which solutions
and statements a particular user can access during a search. This allows companies
to add information to the knowledge base that can be critical in helping employees
do their jobs, but it might not be appropriate for customers to see.

Managing Search 3-7


Visibility Levels include:

■ Restricted (highest security): A solution that only users with restricted
permission can view. To maintain backward compatibility, this level is available
as a seeded Visibility Level only if you are upgrading from an earlier release of
Oracle Knowledge Management.
■ Internal: A solution that users with internal or restricted permission can view.
This Visibility Level identifies solutions that internal users within a company
can view.
■ Limited: This Visibility Level has the same effect as internal distribution. The
Limited Visibility Level is a way for companies to identify solutions that can be
distributed manually to external customers through a mechanism, such as
e-mail. To maintain backward compatibility, this level is available as a seeded
Visibility Level only if you are upgrading from an earlier release of Oracle
Knowledge Management.
■ External (lowest security): A solution that users with external, internal, or
restricted permission can view. This Visibility Level identifies solutions that
internal users within a company and external customers can view.
Although there are four Visibility Levels in effect, there are only three. Both the
Internal and Limited Visibility Levels are the same. This is a way for companies to
distinguish the solutions that are intended for different internal audiences.
For more information about Security and Visibility, see Chapter 9, "Managing
Most solutions and statements in the knowledge base are typically for external
Example 3–5 describes how a company might use Visibility Levels.

Example 3–5 Visibility Levels

Company ABC has created a business process that directs customer service
representatives to notify the sales department by e-mail when customers call
regarding a particular software solution in the knowledge base. The purpose of this
notification is to provide Company ABC sales representatives with leads for their
training organization.
Company ABC wants to add a statement to the solution reminding customer
service representatives to follow this process but wants this interaction to be
invisible to the customer. Company ABC also wants its customers to know the
telephone number for its training organization at the time they access the solution.

3-8 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Using Simple Search--Agent

■ A knowledge worker at Company ABC creates a statement with an internal

distribution that states, Forward customer name and solution number to
[email protected].
■ A knowledge worker at Company ABC creates a statement with an external
distribution that states, Training is available by calling Company ABC
University at 800.555.4321.
Customers who are accessing the knowledge base from a calling modules--such as
iSupport--see the telephone number statement as it is flagged for external
distribution, but do not see the request to notify the Company ABC Sales
department as it is flagged for internal distribution.

3.2 Using Simple Search--Agent

This section applies to the agent-facing flows that are available directly within
Oracle Knowledge Management. Agents may comprise knowledge workers,
technical support agents, or other employees. If you are accessing Oracle
Knowledge Management from other modules, such as Oracle iSupport, refer to
Chapter 10, "Managing Search--Customer Flow" for procedural information.
Simple Search lets you enter key words to perform a search for solutions across
multiple repositories within the knowledge base. By default, Solutions, Solution
Categories, Service Requests, and Forum are the repositories available for search.
Because of its key word based interface, simple search is accessible to users of all
levels of experience. The Simple Search matches the words that you enter across the
header and body of the solution.

Note: Previous versions of Oracle Knowledge Management

referred to the Simple Search as either the Basic Search or the
Unified Search. Also, previous versions of Oracle Knowledge
Management referred to items as products.

Security, Visibility, and Category Security Group settings impact which solutions,
categories, and statements you can access. For more information, see Chapter 9,
"Managing Security".
The following diagram illustrates the process flow for a basic solution search by
showing the steps from entering the search criteria to providing feedback on a

Managing Search 3-9

Using Simple Search--Agent

Figure 3–2 Simple Solution Search Process Diagram

Use this procedure to perform a Simple Search.


Knowledge Worker
Knowledge Agent
Knowledge Administrator


Knowledge > Knowledge tab > Knowledge...Simple Search area

1. In the Search field, enter any key word criteria.

2. In the Using field, choose one:

– Any of the words: To match one or more words in any sequence.
– All of the words: To match all words in any sequence.
– Exact Phrase: To precisely match word-by-word in the same sequence.

3-10 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Using Simple Search--Agent

3. Optional: In the Item field, specify the product name or description by choosing
from the Search and Select List of Values.
Note: The administrator can configure the item fields to be any one of: a list of
values with product descriptions, a list of values with product names, a list with
product descriptions, or a list with product names.
To access the Search and Select List of Values:
a. Click the Flashlight icon. The Search and Select List of Values window
b. In the Search field, choose to search either by Product Name or Description.
c. In the empty field to the right, enter search criteria, and click Go. The search
results appear on a list.
d. Select an item on the list and click the Select button, or click the Quick Select
icon. The description of the selected item appears as search criteria in the
Simple Search area. The underlying product itself, not the product
description text, is what is added to the search criteria. The description text
that appears in the box is there to remind you of the product that you chose.
The description text is not actually used in the search.
Note: Your administrator can personalize the search region so that the product
name appears instead of the product description.
4. Click Go.
The Simple Search Result page displays the results on any of these tabs:
Solutions, Categories, Service Requests, and Forum. Each tab represents a
repository. The number of search matches appear on each tab name.
For more information, see Section 3.2.1, "About Simple Search Results" on
page 3-11.

3.2.1 About Simple Search Results

The Simple Search results appear in tabs. Each tab corresponds to a repository. The
repositories are:
■ Solutions on page 3-12
■ Solution Categories on page 3-12
■ Service Requests on page 3-13
■ Forum on page 3-13

Managing Search 3-11

Using Simple Search--Agent

Common actions that you can perform from the repository tabs include:
■ Sorting the display of search results by clicking the Score, Name, Solution
Number, or Updated Date column headings.
■ Modifying your Simple Search criteria. For more information, see Section 3.2,
"Using Simple Search--Agent" on page 3-9.
■ Moving your Simple Search criteria to Advanced Solution Search by clicking
the Advanced Solution Search link. For more information, see "Move Simple
Search Criteria to Advanced Solution Search" on page 3-22.

Search results on the Solutions tab include:
■ Score: Shows how closely the results match the query key words entered.
Oracle Knowledge Management uses various criteria to determine a score.
For more information, see Solution Scoring on page 1-4.
■ Title: Indicates the solution title. You can click the title to drill down to the
solution details.
■ Solution Number: Displays the matching solution number, which is a unique
reference for the solution.
■ Updated Date: Shows the most recent date on which an update occurred.
On the Solutions tab, you can:
■ Click a solution title to display the solution detail page. For more information,
see Section 3.3, "About the Solution Detail Page" on page 3-16.
■ Click the Create Solution button to create a new solution. For more information,
see Section 4.2, "Create a Solution" on page 4-5.

Solution Categories
Search results on the Solution Categories tab include:
■ Score: Shows how closely the results match the query key words entered.
Oracle Knowledge Management uses various criteria to determine a score.
■ Name: Shows the category name and hierarchy.
On the Solution Categories tab, you can:
■ Click the category name to display solutions listed. For more information, see
Section 3.2.2, "About Categories" on page 3-14.

3-12 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Using Simple Search--Agent

Service Requests
Search results on the Service Requests tab include:
■ Score %
■ Summary
■ Number
■ Status
■ Problem Type
■ Resolution Type
■ Linked Service Requests
For more information about Service Requests and its fields, see the Oracle iSupport
User Guide and the Oracle TeleService User Guide.

Search results for the Forum repository appear in a summary table and include:
■ Score: Shows how closely the results match the query key words entered.
Oracle Knowledge Management uses various criteria to determine a score.
For more information, see Solution Scoring on page 1-4.
■ Title: Indicates the forum title. Click a title to see its contents.
■ Updated Date: Shows the most recent date on which the forum was updated
On the Forum tab, you can:
■ Click the corresponding Forum to display the Message Content page. For more
information, see Section 3.2.4, "About Forum Messages" on page 3-16.
■ Sort the display of search results by clicking the Score, Title, or Updated Date
column headings.
■ Modify your Simple Search criteria. For more information, see Section 3.2,
"Using Simple Search--Agent" on page 3-9.
■ Move your search criteria to Advanced Solution Search by clicking the
Advanced Solution Search link. For more information, see "Move Simple Search
Criteria to Advanced Solution Search" on page 3-22.

Managing Search 3-13

Using Simple Search--Agent

3.2.2 About Categories

You use Categories to organize solutions into logical groupings or subject areas.
Using the analogy of a library, you could:
■ Characterize fiction as a category
■ Characterize mysteries and classics as subcategories
■ Compare books to solutions
■ Compare book titles to solution titles.
Oracle Knowledge Management lets you navigate through a hierarchy of categories,
subcategories, and solutions within the knowledge base to find published solutions.
When viewing solution details, the user can see the categories to which the solution
The following diagram illustrates the process flow for browsing solutions by
showing the steps from reviewing categories to providing feedback on the solution.

Figure 3–3 Browse Categories Process Diagram

About Category Browsing from Search Results

You can browse categories directly from the search results. By clicking a category's
name in the search results, you navigate to the same category browse view as the
one reached by drilling down from category to category.
For more information on performing a Simple Search, see Section 3.2, "Using Simple
Search--Agent" on page 3-9.

3.2.3 Browse Categories

Use this procedure to browse categories to find solution.


3-14 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Using Simple Search--Agent

Knowledge Worker
Knowledge Agent
Knowledge Administrator


Knowledge > Knowledge tab > Search

1. In the Browse by Subject area, click a Category.
The Browse By Subject page appears.
2. Click a Category (a subcategory) or a Solution.
The Solutions section follows the Browse By Subject section.
3. To filter solutions by some time frame or period, choose a value from the View
solutions updated list and click Go.
Examples of time frames or periods can include: this week, this month, the past
3 months, the past 6 months, this year, the past two years, and all.
You can also perform a Simple Search to narrow your category browsing solution
results. You can specify key word and product criteria using the search method that
you want to use.
For more information, see Section 3.2, "Using Simple Search--Agent" on page 3-9.

Solution Results within a Category

The Solution results that appear within a Category appear in a summary table and
■ Title: Indicates the solution summary. Users can click the title to drill down to
the solution details.
■ Number: Indicates the solution number. It is alphanumeric and is a unique
reference for the solution.
■ Updated Date: Shows the most recent date on which the solution was updated.

Managing Search 3-15

About the Solution Detail Page

■ Read: Lets you know whether or not you' have already read that forum
To display the solution detail page, click the corresponding title.

3.2.4 About Forum Messages

You can use the Simple Search to search across multiple repositories, including
Forums. Forums are online discussion messages that can provide some assistance to
problems, symptoms, and solutions. The Simple Search performs keyword searches
across the message subject, message body, and message number. You view the list of
matching forum messages from the Forums tab on the Simple Search page. Click the
Title of a message to display the Forum Message page. The Forum Message page
■ Header information: Number, Status, Author, Visibility, and Created.
■ Message: The message details.
■ Related Messages: Other messages in the message thread, including the
original and replies. For more information, see the following topic about related

About Related Messages

The Related Messages area of the Forum Messages page displays a hierarchy that
you can expand or collapse by clicking a Plus or Minus icon. At the top of the
hierarchy is the original message. Subordinate to the original message are replies
and replies to replies.
The Related Message section displays the Message title, Author, Created date, and
View icon.
Optionally, you can click either link:
■ Expand all: Display the list of the original forum message and all of the replies.
■ Collapse all: Hide all the replies to the original forum message.
To see the specific related message or reply, click the View icon.

3.3 About the Solution Detail Page

This section applies to the agent-facing flows that are available directly within
Oracle Knowledge Management. Agents may comprise knowledge workers,
technical support agents, or other employees. If you are accessing Oracle

3-16 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

About the Solution Detail Page

Knowledge Management from other modules, such as Oracle iSupport, refer to

Chapter 10, "Managing Search--Customer Flow" for procedural information.
Whenever you view a knowledge solution from within Oracle Knowledge
Management or from another module, such as TeleService or Depot Repair, the
presentation and format of the information appears on the solution detail page.
The Solution Detail page:
■ Identifies important information about the solution including what the solution
is about (statements), and the type of solution.
■ Shows how the solution is applicable to specific products, categories, and
platforms. If no data exist for an area, then corresponding product, category, or
platform area does not appear.
■ Shows details, such as the attachments, Task Group Templates, and external
objects (that is, Service Requests, Repair Orders, and so forth). If no data exist
for an area, then corresponding attachments, Task Group Templates, or external
objects area does not appear.
The system may have activated Task Group Templates with a solution. Solution
detail can include these tasks, which are a description of how to take action on a
solution. An example of a task is schedule a field service representative.
Elements that comprise a solution include:
■ Header
■ Related Categories
■ Related Items
■ Related Platforms
■ Statements

Note: The statement is the most critical information in the


■ Attachments
■ Task Group Templates
■ Authoring Comments
■ Feedback

Managing Search 3-17

About the Solution Detail Page

For more information about these elements, see Section 4.2, "Create a Solution".

About the Solution Detail Page Header

Information identifying the solution and its history appear in the header. The
header includes:
■ Type: Indicates the solution type.
■ Status: Indicates where the solution is in the approval cycle.
■ Author: Indicates user who created solution.
■ Visibility: Indicates who can access the solution.
■ Last Updated: Indicates when the solution was last updated.
■ Updated By: Indicates who updated the solution most recently.
■ Flow name: Only for solution in progress version, shows the authoring flow
■ Locked by: Only for solution in progress version, shows the name of the person
who locked the solution.

3.3.1 About Accessing Solution Details

You can access the solution detail page from a number of ways, such as by
searching or browsing. For more information, see:
■ Section 3.2, "Using Simple Search--Agent" on page 3-9
■ Section 3.2.2, "About Categories" on page 3-14
■ Section 3.4, "Using Advanced Solution Search--Agent" on page 3-20
■ Section 4.4, "Working with Solutions in Progress" on page 4-26

3.3.2 Features on the Solution Details Page

You can submit comments that can be reviewed and added to the solution. In
addition, you can indicate whether a solution can solve your problem. Oracle
Knowledge Management captures responses in Usage counts.
The options that are available on the solution detail page vary according to the
context in which you accessed the solution’s details. For example, if you are
viewing a solution that is undergoing revisions, then the View Current Published
Version is available.

3-18 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

About the Solution Detail Page

From the solution detail page, you can:

■ View In Progress Version or View Current Published Version: Read and
compare any version of this solution that is undergoing editing with the most
recently published version. The View In Progress Version button and the View
Current Published Version button appear only if the corresponding version
■ View a Printable Page: Produces a page that is more suitable for printing.
■ Lock and Update: If you have access to all statements in a solution, this option
lets you lock and update and update the solution. Locking prevents others from
updating the solution. (Previously, this button was the Check Out button.
■ Related Solutions: The Related Solutions page displays all solutions that
contain the specified statement. For more information, see Section 3.3.3, "View
Related Solutions" on page 3-20.
■ View a list of Related Items: Automatically displays other related or similar
product names. If there are no related items, then this list does not appear.
■ View a list of Related Platforms: Displays a list of related or similar platforms.
If there are no related platforms, then this list does not appear.
■ Update: This is available to person who has created or locked the solution.
Knowledge workers are the ones who would usually perform updates.
■ Get Lock: This is mainly for the administrator to get the lock of the solution if
the solution has been locked by someone, but that person is not available to
update and save their updates. Examples of a person who might not be
available include an employee who is away on holiday or a business trip, or
who no longer works for the company.

About Solution Usage Counts

The solution usage count describes how many times that users have indicated that a
solution is useful. In Oracle Knowledge Management, every time users indicate
that they used a solution to solve a problem, Oracle Knowledge Management
updates the solution usage count. In the modules that integrate with Oracle
Knowledge Management--such as Oracle iSupport--the question, Can this solution
solve your problem?, appears in the user interface flow. If a user clicks Yes, then the
Knowledge Management Update Solution Used Count concurrent program updates
the used counts in Oracle Knowledge Management based on a time schedule that
an administrator had set up. For example, if the schedule is every eight hours, then
the system updates the usage count every eight hours.

Managing Search 3-19

Using Advanced Solution Search--Agent

3.3.3 View Related Solutions

The Related Solutions page displays all solutions that contain the specified
statement. For example, when you are viewing a statement on the solution detail
page, you can click the Related Solutions button to find all solutions that make use
of that statement. The list of related solutions displays:
Title: The solution title.
Number: The solution number.
Type: The solution type, such as FAQ, Problem Fix, SCA.
Status: The solution status, such as Publish.
View icon: Click the icon to view the related solution. For more information, see
Section 3.3.2, "Features on the Solution Details Page" on page 3-18.

Note: To return to the solution, click the Return to Solution link.

3.4 Using Advanced Solution Search--Agent

This section applies to the agent-facing flows that are available directly within
Oracle Knowledge Management. Agents can comprise knowledge workers,
technical support agents, or other employees. If you are accessing Oracle
Knowledge Management from other modules, such as Oracle iSupport, see
Chapter 10, "Managing Search--Customer Flow" for procedural information.
Security, Visibility, and Category Security Group settings impact which solutions,
categories, and statements you can access. For more information, see Chapter 9,
"Managing Security".
Topics in this section include:
■ Section 3.4.1, "About Advanced Solution Search" on page 3-21
■ Section 3.4.2, "Search for Solutions Using Advanced Solution Search" on
page 3-22
■ Section 3.4.3, "About the Matching Statements Page" on page 3-26
■ Section 3.4.4, "About the Related Statements Page" on page 3-27
■ Section 3.4.5, "About Advanced Solution Search Results" on page 3-27

3-20 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Using Advanced Solution Search--Agent

3.4.1 About Advanced Solution Search

Advanced Solution Search searches only solutions in the knowledge base and lets
you find solutions using statements and qualifying conditions as criteria. In
addition, you can specify attributes of the solution such as products and categories
and which statement types to retain in the search. Being able to specify statements
as criteria means that you can use existing statements to find a solution.
The following summary provides an overview of the search criteria that you can
specify in an Advanced Solution Search.

Problem Statements
Statements are the basis of the Advanced Solution Search. Statements include:
■ Matching Statements: This is a text-based search that searches the summary
and details of existing statements in the database to try and find similar
■ Related Statements: A related statement search tries to find other statements
that have been used in a solution containing a selected statement. You can
execute a Related Statement search only if you have selected at least one
matching statement. For an example of how statements relate, see Advanced
Solution Search on page 3-5.

Types of Searches
Search options include:
■ Search Solutions: This is a text based search. Search Solutions searches both
solutions containing keywords in the statement section, and the solutions
related to any statements selected in the statement section. In other words,
Search Solutions finds all solutions that match the search criteria.
■ Search Related Solutions: Search Related Solutions finds all solutions that
contain the specified solutions.

Note: By default, the Search Related Solutions option is not

available. You can make this option available through

This search is based on the links that the selected statements have to solutions.
Any solution that has a relationship with any of the selected statements appears

Managing Search 3-21

Using Advanced Solution Search--Agent

in the search results. Relationships are created between a statement and a

solution when a statement is used in the solution. The score reflects a variety of
criteria that Oracle Knowledge Management uses.
For more information, see Solution Scoring on page 1-4.

Move Simple Search Criteria to Advanced Solution Search

Another means by which you can specify some advanced solution search criteria is
to move Simple Search criteria over the Advanced Solution Search page. You can
move Simple Search Criteria to the Advanced Solution Search page by clicking the
Advanced Solution Search link that appears on the following Simple Search results
■ Solutions on page 3-12
■ Solution Categories on page 3-12
■ Service Requests on page 3-13
■ Forum on page 3-13

3.4.2 Search for Solutions Using Advanced Solution Search

The following procedures describe how to specify criteria for an Advanced Solution
For more information on using Advanced Solution Search, see Section 3.4.1, "About
Advanced Solution Search" on page 3-21.


Knowledge Worker
Knowledge Agent
Knowledge Administrator


3-22 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Using Advanced Solution Search--Agent

Knowledge > Knowledge tab > Knowledge

1. Click Advanced Solution Search.
The Advanced Solution Search page appears.
Find Statements to Use as Criteria
2. In the Problem Statements area, choose from the following lists:
■ Using: All of the words, Any of the words, or Exact Phrase.
■ Solution Type: such as, Symptom-Cause-Action, Problem-Fix, or any
solution types that your company has defined.
Note: By default, both the Using and Solution Type lists are not available
unless the administrator has configured them to be available.
3. In the Summary field, enter search criteria text for statements.
4. Click the Match Statement icon.
5. The Matching Statements page opens.
6. In the Select column, select one option button next to the matching statement
that you want to use for advanced solution search criteria.
Note: You can also refine your statement search on this page by choosing a new
statement type, entering a modified summary, and clicking Go.
7. Click either the:
– Add button to add the statement to the search criteria.
– Replace button to replace any existing statement criteria with the selected
On the Advanced Solution Search page, the Matching Statements area displays
the matching statements that you selected.
For more information, see Section 3.4.3, "About the Matching Statements Page"
on page 3-26.
8. Optional: To add another row for specifying matching statement criteria, click
the Add Another Row button and repeat the preceding steps on the new row.

Managing Search 3-23

Using Advanced Solution Search--Agent

Add Related Statements

After you add statement criteria to the Advanced Solution Search criteria, the
Add Related Statements button becomes available. For more information, see
Section 3.4.4, "About the Related Statements Page" on page 3-27.
9. To add related statements, click the Add Related Statements button.
The Related Statements page appears.
10. To add a related statement to your Advanced Solution Search criteria:

a. On the row of the statement, select the Select check box.

You can select or deselect one or more statements.
b. Click the Add button.
The selected related statements appear on the Advanced Solution Search
page as search criteria.
Specify Qualifying Conditions
Optional: By specifying qualifying condition criteria, you can refine and narrow
your search by categories, items (products), or platforms. Qualifying conditions
are also known as filters.
Note: The Platform filter might or might not be available. Your administrator
can hide or display the Platform filter through personalization.
11. To specify categories as qualifying conditions:

a. Click the Add Categories button.

The Add Categories page displays categories and subcategories in a
navigation tree.
b. To expand or collapse the category list, click the Plus or Minus button.
c. In the Select column, select one or more items that you want to include and
click the Select button.
The selected categories appear in the Qualifying Conditions: Categories
area of the Advanced Solution Search page.
12. To specify items (products) as qualifying conditions:

a. Click the Add Items button.

The Add Items page appears.
b. In the Search area, specify Name or Description criteria and click Go.

3-24 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Using Advanced Solution Search--Agent

You can use the percent sign for specifying partial match criteria. Matching
results appear on the list organized by Name and Description.
c. In the Select column, select one or more the check boxes on the row(s) of
items that you want to include, and click the Select button.
The selected items appear in the Qualifying Conditions: Items area of the
Advanced Solution Search page.
Note: Previous versions of Oracle Knowledge Management referred to
items as products.
13. If available, to specify platforms as qualifying conditions:
a. Click the Add Platforms button.
The Add Platforms page appears.
b. In the Search area, specify Name or Description criteria and click Go.
You can use the percent sign for specifying partial match criteria. Matching
results appear on the list organized by Name and Description.
c. In the Select column, select one or more platforms that you want to include,
and click the Select button.
The selected solution platforms appear in the Qualifying Conditions:
Platforms area of the Advanced Solution Search page.
Search Solutions
14. To view search results of solutions, click the Search Related Solutions button.
The Advanced Solution Search Results page appears.
For more information about related solutions, see Section 3.4.5, "About
Advanced Solution Search Results" on page 3-27.
Search Related Solutions
15. To view search results of related solutions, click the Search Related Solutions
Note: By default, the Search Related Solutions option is not available. Your
administrator can make this option available through personalization.
The Advanced Solution Search Results page appears.
For more information on related solutions, see Section 3.4.5, "About Advanced
Solution Search Results" on page 3-27.

Managing Search 3-25

Using Advanced Solution Search--Agent

3.4.3 About the Matching Statements Page

You can reach the Matching Statements page from different approaches or contexts:
■ From the Advanced Solution Search page. The Matching Statements page
shows published statements from that knowledge base that match search
criteria that you specified, such as from the Advanced Solution Search page.
You access the Matching Statement page by clicking the Match Statement icon
on the Advanced Solution Search page.
For more information, see Section 3.4, "Using Advanced Solution
Search--Agent" on page 3-20 and About Using Matching Statements with
Advanced Searches on page 3-26.
■ From either the Create Solution page or the Update Solution page. When you
have completed or updated a statement and have clicked the Apply button.
Oracle Knowledge Management automatically searches the knowledge base for
possible matching statements to prevent duplicate statements from being added
to the knowledge base. Results appear on the Match Statements page, which
shows statements that might or might not be useful to the solution. You can
optionally include any matching statements. When you access the Matching
Statements page from the Create Solution or Update Solution page, you cannot
change the search criteria.
For more information, see Section 4.2, "Create a Solution" on page 4-5.

About Using Matching Statements with Advanced Searches

When you are performing advanced solution searches, you can perform the
following from the Matching Statements page:
■ Add a matching statement to your Advanced Solution Search criteria by
clicking the Select option button next to the statement and clicking the Add
button. The select statement appears on the Advanced Solution Search page.
■ Clear the original criteria and replace it with the selected criteria by clicking the
Replace button.
■ Edit the criteria on the Matching Statements page by adding or editing text in
the Search field or choosing another Type.
■ Return to the Advanced Solution Search page without applying any matching
statement criteria by clicking the Cancel button.

3-26 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Using Advanced Solution Search--Agent

3.4.4 About the Related Statements Page

The search for related statements finds all other statements that have been
previously linked to the matched statement. The Related Statements page displays
the results based on:
■ Score: The strength or weight of the link.
■ Description: A full statement that describes the related statement.
■ Type: The statement type, such as symptom, cause, or action.
■ Visibility: Who can see the statement.
■ Number: Statement number.
■ Link Count: The number of linked statements to the related statement. By
default, this is a hidden column. The administrator can configure this page to
display the Link Count.
■ Updated: The most recent date that someone updated the related statement.
From the Related Statements page, you can add a selected related statement to
Advanced Solution Search criteria.
For more information, see Section 3.4, "Using Advanced Solution Search--Agent" on
page 3-20.

3.4.5 About Advanced Solution Search Results

From the Advanced Solution Search results page, you can:
■ Create a solution: Click the Create a Solution button to create a new solution
that includes all the search criteria--both included and not included. The search
criteria appear on the Create Solution page. You can remove any criteria as you
create the solution.
For more information, see Section 4.2, "Create a Solution" on page 4-5.
■ Search criteria: Click the Search Criteria page to return to the Advanced
Solution Search Result page.
■ View matching solutions. The list of matching solutions area comprises:
– Select: Option button lets you select one solution to display statements in
the area below the list of solutions.
– Score %: Shows how closely the results match the query.
– Title: Indicates the solution title.

Managing Search 3-27

Using Advanced Solution Search--Agent

– Solution Number: Indicates the solution identification number.

– Usage: Shows how many times users have indicated the a solution is

Note: By default, the Usage data does not appear. Your

administrator can make it available through personalization.

– Updated Date: Indicates the most recent date that someone updated the

Tip: You can sort the listing of solutions by clicking the column
heading of the Score%, Title, Solution Number, or Updated Date

■ View corresponding statements. Following the list of solutions is the

statements area. The statements area shows you statements that correspond to
the solution that you selected. From the statements area, you can select one or
more statements and:
– Add selected statements as criteria to the search criteria: Click the Add to
Search Criteria button. The Advanced Solution Search page appears with
the selected statements added as criteria. You can review or modify the
criteria before performing a new search. For more information on
specifying criteria, see Section 3.4, "Using Advanced Solution
Search--Agent" on page 3-20.
– Search with additional statement criteria: Click the Search with this
additional criteria button to perform a search using the selected statements
as criteria plus any previously indicated criteria. Oracle Knowledge
Management automatically adds additional criteria. The Advanced
Solution Search Results page appears.
– View the full solution: Click the Full Solution button to view all of the
main components of the selected solution. For more information about
solutions, see Chapter 4, "Managing Solutions".
– View the statement: Click the View icon to display the statement’s details.

3-28 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Working with Statements

Important: Click the Return to Search link to return to the

Advanced Solution Search Results page.

3.5 Working with Statements

A solution consists of a series of statements. For example, the default solution type,
Symptom-Cause-Action (SCA), includes the following statements: a symptom
statement, a cause statement, and an action statement. By searching for a statement,
you can find the related solutions that include that statement.
Security, Visibility, and Category Security Group settings impact which solutions,
categories, and statements you can access. For more information, see Chapter 9,
"Managing Security".
Topics in this section include:
■ Section 3.5.1, "Search for Statements" on page 3-29
■ Section 3.5.2, "Edit Statements" on page 3-30
■ Section 3.5.3, "View Statement Detail Page" on page 3-31

Related Topics
Section 4.2, "Create a Solution" on page 4-5

3.5.1 Search for Statements

Typically, knowledge workers and administrators search for statements to find
related solutions. The administrator can use this search to find a statement to
perform a global update while the knowledge worker can only use this page to find
a statement. In most cases, it is more useful to search for statements in conjunction
with the Advanced Solution Search page rather than using the Search Statement
Use the following procedures to search for statements.


Knowledge Worker

Managing Search 3-29

Working with Statements

Knowledge Agent
Knowledge Administrator


Knowledge > Knowledge tab > Statements...Search Statement page

1. In the Search Statement page, enter some known information to narrow your
■ Search: Enter free-form text criteria, including statement number.
■ Type: Indicates the statement type that is assigned to a statement when a
statement was created.
2. Click Go.
Results appear on the Search Statement Results page.
3. To sort the results, click the column heading for Score%, Number, or Type.

Statement Search Results

The Statement Search results appear in a summary table and include:
■ Score: Shows how closely the results match the query
■ Number: Indicates the statement number
■ Type: Indicates the statement type
■ Summary: Indicates a summary of the statement
■ View: Click the View icon to see statement details and related solutions.
For more information, see Section 3.5.3, "View Statement Detail Page" on
page 3-31 and Section 3.3.3, "View Related Solutions" on page 3-20.

3.5.2 Edit Statements

You can edit or update statements to change the Visibility, Summary, or Details. In a
global update, if an update occurs to a statement that is shared across category
groups, the update impacts only the current category group.

3-30 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Working with Statements


Knowledge Administrator

Search for the Statement. See Section 3.5.1, "Search for Statements".

Knowledge > Knowledge tab > Statements...Search Statement page

1. On the row where the statement search results shows the statement that you
want to edit, click the View icon.
The Statement Detail page appears.
2. Click the Update button.
3. Make any changes to:
– Visibility: Choose from the list.
– Summary: Edit the text field.
– Detail: Edit the contents, export or import contents, change the font or style
if you are using the Rich Text Editor. For more information, see About the
Rich Text Editor on page 4-12.
4. Click the Apply button to save your changes.

3.5.3 View Statement Detail Page

The statement detail page provides information about a statement and lists the
solutions utilizing the statement.
The main parts of the statement detail page are:
■ Header: Information identifying the statement and its history appear in the
header. In addition to a summary, the header includes:
– Number: Indicates statement number.
– Type: Indicates statement type.

Managing Search 3-31

Set Up Definitions for Frequently Used Solutions

– Visibility: Indicates who can access the statement.

– Status: Indicates whether the statement is Draft or Published.
– Created: Indicates when the creation date of the statement.
■ Summary: Displays the same summary that appears in the header.
■ Details: Indicates the content type--for example, HTML--and any additional
descriptions of the statement.

Note: It is highly recommended that if you want to render a URL

link, you should use the HTML content type--such as HTML or
HTML with AutoLink--rather than the Text content type.

■ Related Solutions: Lists the solutions that the use statement. Click the View
icon to view the solution detail page.
For more information, see Section 3.3, "About the Solution Detail Page" on
page 3-16.

Note: Knowledge administrators can perform global updates

from this page by clicking Update.

Copy as New
When you access the Statement Details page from Create Solution or Update
Solution page, a Copy as New button is available. The Copy as New button lets you
create a new statement by making a copy of an existing statement.

3.6 Set Up Definitions for Frequently Used Solutions

The main areas where you access Frequently Used Solutions include:
■ Browsing the solutions: You can filter solutions by a different time frame. For
more information, see Section 3.2.3, "Browse Categories" on page 3-14.
■ iSupport: You can view a list of Frequently Used Solutions, which is a list of
solutions that have been used within a specified time period. You--the
administrator--define and maintain these time periods in Oracle Knowledge
Management. In addition, you set the default time period or definition in Oracle
Knowledge Management.

3-32 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Set Up Definitions for Frequently Used Solutions

The number of definitions should be manageable and each definition should have a
descriptive name that is easy to understand. The maximum number of days that
you can define for a time interval is 5,000.
Example 3–6 shows how an administrator could set up the time intervals for
frequently used solutions.

Example 3–6 Definitions for Frequently Used Solutions

A knowledge administrator needs to create definitions for viewing frequently used
solutions so that users accessing the knowledge base can have multiple values from
which to choose. The company has determined that the most logical breakdown for
the definitions is in 30 day rolling increments and has decided to limit the
definitions to 90 days or less. Accordingly, the knowledge administrator creates the
following definitions: The last 30 days, The last 60 days, and The last 90 days.
The following procedures describe how to add a definition.


Knowledge Administrator

Oracle Knowledge Management administrators with update permission (CS_Freq_
Used_Def_Update) can add or update frequently used definitions.

Knowledge > Setup > Frequently Used Definition...Frequently Used Definitions

1. In the Default column, select the time period that you want to use as a default
time period.
2. Click Update.
3. To add a new time period, click Add.
The Add Definition page appears.
4. Type the new name, description, and number of days.

Managing Search 3-33

About Index Synchronization

5. Click Save.
6. To remove a time period, select the Remove check box.
7. Click the Update button.

3.7 About Index Synchronization

Searching solutions is based on Oracle Text. When you perform a search in Oracle
Knowledge Management, a search for keywords runs against an index of all of the
solutions that have been added to the index.
Newly published solutions are not automatically indexed into the search process,
which means that, although a solution has been approved for publishing, it might
not be searchable. Knowledge Administrators should run the Oracle Knowledge
Management Index Synchronization program to add newly published solutions to
the index. The CS_KB_ENABLE_ASAP_INDEXING profile option is available to
re-index as soon as possible to make newly published solutions almost immediately
If an existing published solution is revised and republished, the solution is not
searchable until the Index Synchronization program is run.

3.8 About Searching with Integrated Modules--Agent Flows

A number of modules within the Oracle E-Business Suite integrate with Oracle
Knowledge Management, allowing users to search the knowledge base from other
module. The modules that appear in this section relate to the agent-facing flows in
Oracle Knowledge Management.
Topics in this section include:
■ Section 3.8.1, "About Searching from Integrated Modules--Agent Flows" on
page 3-35
■ Section 3.8.2, "About the Apply Task Group Template Page" on page 3-35

Customer Flows
For information about integration with customer-facing flows, see Section 10.4,
"About Searching with Integrated Products--Customer Flows" on page 10-13.

3-34 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

About Searching with Integrated Modules--Agent Flows

3.8.1 About Searching from Integrated Modules--Agent Flows

Table 3–1 lists Oracle E-Business Suite modules that integrate with Oracle
Knowledge Management searches by way of agent flows.
For information on Oracle E-Business Suite modules that integrate with Oracle
Knowledge Management by way of customer flows, see Section 10.4, "About
Searching with Integrated Products--Customer Flows" on page 10-13.

Table 3–1 Search Integrations from Agent Flows

E-Business Suite
Module Search Integrations

Oracle TeleService TeleService users access Oracle Knowledge Management

through the Service Request function in TeleService.
For more information, see the Oracle TeleService User Guide.

Oracle Depot Repair Depot Repair users can access Oracle Knowledge Management
through the Repair Orders function in Depot Repair.
For more information, see the Oracle Depot Repair User Guide.

Oracle eMail Center eMail Center users access Oracle Knowledge Management
data from eMail Center.
For more information, see the Oracle eMail Center User Guide

3.8.2 About the Apply Task Group Template Page

Note: The Apply Task Group Template page applies only to the
Depot Repair-Knowledge Management integration flow.

The Apply Task Group Template page shows you:

■ The template that you are trying to apply. By applying a task template, you are
creating the tasks that are in the template.
■ The object that you are trying to apply the tasks towards (usage) and the object
identifier (reference number) for which these tasks are being created.
On the Apply Task Group Template page, you specify an owner of the tasks that
you are creating. The owner can be of different type.
For information about the Service Request-Knowledge Management integration
flow, see the Service Request product documentation.

Managing Search 3-35

About Searching with Integrated Modules--Agent Flows

From an integration, the task templates that relate to the integration object appear
on the View Solution page and a Take Action icon is available. For example, from
Depot Repair, you can take action on the task template that relates to Depot Repair.
When you click the Take Action icon, the Apply Task Group Template page appears.
You can:
■ Specify the Owner Type.
■ Search for and select an Owner.

3-36 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Managing Solutions

This chapter includes:

■ An overview of solutions
■ Solution-related tasks
Sections in this chapter include:
■ Section 4.1, "Overview" on page 4-2
■ Section 4.2, "Create a Solution" on page 4-5
■ Section 4.3, "Submit a Solution for Reviews and Updates" on page 4-13
■ Section 4.4, "Working with Solutions in Progress" on page 4-26
■ Section 4.5, "Set Up Recommended Solutions" on page 4-31
■ Section 4.6, "Set Up Note Token Rules or AutoLinks" on page 4-32

Managing Solutions 4-1


4.1 Overview
Solutions are a collection of statements and other data which, when organized
together, provide users with valuable knowledge that can help users in solving
product- and service-related issues. Statements can be either unique to a solution or
shared with other solutions.
Example 4–1 shows an example of a solution and what the solution contains.

Example 4–1 Solution Contents

An electronics manufacturer creates a solution with the title My Monitor is not
Working. This solution contains statements that help resolve issues with a monitor:
1. Statement: Monitor screen is blank.
2. Statement: Monitor is not plugged into computer.
3. Statement: Plug monitor into computer and reboot.
In the preceding example, you can make distinctions about the statements by using
statement types. Statement types help to describe or classify statements. For
example, statement 1--Monitor is blank--is a symptom statement. Statement
2--Monitor is not plugged into computer--is a cause statement. Statement 3--Plug
monitor into computer--is an action statement.

Other Solution Information

In addition to statements, solutions can contain additional information to help users
identify and organize knowledge including:
■ Solution Title
■ Solution Type
■ Visibility Level
■ Categories
■ Items
■ Platforms
■ Attachments
■ Task Group Templates
■ External Objects

4-2 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide


Solution Title
Use a solution title to help users identify a solution in the knowledge base.

You use categories to organize solutions into logical groupings. Using the analogy
of a library, you could:
■ Characterize fiction as a category.
■ Characterize mysteries and classics as subcategories.
■ Compare book titles to solutions.

Solution Type
You categorize solutions into solution types. Solution types help organize solutions
within the knowledge base. Depending on the solution type, solutions contain one
or more mandatory statements and can include optional statements. For example,
the default solution type, Symptom-Cause-Action (SCA), consists of the following
mandatory statements: a symptom statement, a cause statement, and an action

Visibility Level
Upon creation of a solution or statement, the author specifies a Visibility Level.
Along with user access levels, the Visibility Level makes it possible to control which
solutions and statements a particular user can access during a search. This allows
companies to add information to the knowledge base that can be critical in helping
employees do their jobs, but might not be appropriate for customers to see.
Visibility Levels include:
■ Restricted (highest security): A solution that only users with restricted
permission can view. To maintain backward compatibility, this level is available
as a seeded Visibility Level only if you are upgrading from an earlier release of
Oracle Knowledge Management.
■ Internal: A solution that users with internal or restricted permission can view.
This Visibility Level identifies solutions that internal users within a company
can view.
■ Limited: This Visibility Level has the same effect as internal distribution. The
Limited Visibility Level is a way for companies to identify solutions that can be
distributed manually to external customers through a mechanism, such as
e-mail. To maintain backward compatibility, this level is available as a seeded

Managing Solutions 4-3


Visibility Level only if you are upgrading from an earlier release of Oracle
Knowledge Management.
■ External (lowest security): A solution that users with external, internal, or
restricted permission can view. This Visibility Level identifies solutions that
internal users within a company and external customers can view.
Although there are four Visibility Levels in effect, there are only three since Internal
and Limited are the same. The Internal and Limited assignments are a way for
companies to designate the solutions that are intended for internal audiences.

You use products to help identify which items (products) that a solution may
impact. For example, in the preceding monitor example, it might be helpful to add
all monitors that the company sells to the solution.

You use platforms to help identify which platforms that a solution may impact.
Typically, computer industry companies might use platforms. You can display or
hide the Platform attribute through personalization, a means of customizing the
way Oracle Knowledge Management pages appear.

You use attachments to supply additional documentation that can be helpful to the
solution. An example of an attachment is a document, such as a white paper on a
related topic.

Task Group Templates

Knowledge administrators use Task Group Templates to attach a task to a solution.
These tasks help automate the service process. While solutions help describe how to
fix a problem, tasks provide actions to fix the problem. An example of a task is
Schedule an engineer to repair problem.

External Objects
You use external objects to indicate additional solution-related objects in the
database, such as a service request or a repair order. Other modules that call on the
solutions in Oracle Knowledge Management require external linking. For reference,
you may find it useful to see other solution-related objects in the database.

4-4 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Create a Solution

About Solution Life Cycles

Solutions and statements have a status attribute that describes the phase of review
that the solution has gone through. Typical solution statuses are: Draft, Under Edit,
Technical Review, Editorial Review, Obsolete, and Published. Figure 4–1 shows the
solution life cycle from formulation of an idea for a solution, through review and
publishing, and ultimately to when the solution is no longer relevant and becomes

Figure 4–1 Solution Lifecycle Process Diagram

You use the status of a solution in the authoring flow process. You associate each
status with a step in an authoring flow and only users that are members of a user
group who are assigned to that authoring flow and that step can modify the
solution. When you review a solution, you can select the next step in the flow,
bypass several steps if you are a member of multiple steps resource group, or reject
the solution to any of the previous steps.
A statement can either be in the Draft status or Published status. When a solution is
in a Draft status, any newly created statements are also in the Draft status. When a
you publish a solution, you also publish the draft statements. You can reuse
published statements in other solutions.

4.2 Create a Solution

Knowledge workers author and create solutions in the knowledge base. Since
solutions are a response to a problem, it is critical to ensure that the statements
included in the solution are correct.

Managing Solutions 4-5

Create a Solution

The following procedures guide you through the process of creating a new solution.
Those who are updating a solution, should refer to this section for information
about parts of a solution. For other information about updating a solution, see
Section 4.3.6, "Update a Solution" on page 4-22.
The areas of creating a solution include:
■ Specify the Solution Header
■ Create and Add a Statement
■ Add a Related Category
■ Add a Related Item
■ Add a Related Platform
■ Add an Attachment
■ Add a Task Group Template
■ Add an External Object
■ Save the Solution


Knowledge Worker
Knowledge Agent
Knowledge Administrator


Knowledge > Authoring > Solutions in Progress page

Specify the Solution Header
1. Click the Create Solution button.
The Create Solution page appears.

4-6 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Create a Solution

2. Required: Enter a Title.

Note: Whenever you change the solution type, the system runs a compatible
statement check. A warning appears for any statements that are not compatible
with the selected solution type.
3. Choose a Type from the list.
Note: To save and submit a solution to an authoring flow, you must create and
save the mandatory statement types. Without including the mandatory
statement types, you can only save a solution and not submit it to an authoring
4. Choose a Visibility from the list.
For example, your choices can include: Internal, Limited, Restricted, or
External. You can view one or more of these values depending on your access
Create and Add a Statement
5. To create a statement, click the Create Statement button.
The Create Statement page appears.
Note: You could have multiple statements for a given type. For example, you
might have multiple causes--and thus, multiple cause statements--in a given
6. In the Summary area, specify:
– Type: Choose from types, such as: Action, Cause, Changes, Objective, or
– Visibility: Choose either External or Internal.
– Summary: Describe the statement according to the type that you chose. You
can enter, paste, or import text into the Summary area. The limit is 500
characters. The Summary field accepts only plain text contents.
7. In the Detail area, specify the Content Type:
– HTML with AutoLinks
– Text
– Text with AutoLinks

Managing Solutions 4-7

Create a Solution

Note: A Rich Text Editor is available that lets you perform editing and style
tasks. If you have enabled the Rich Text Editor, then the editor automatically
appears when you choose either the HTML or the HTML with AutoLink’s
Context Type. For more information, see About the Rich Text Editor on
page 4-12.
Note: It is highly recommended that if you want to render a URL hyperlink,
you should use the HTML content type--such as HTML or HTML with
AutoLink--rather than the Text content type.
For more information about AutoLinks, see Section 4.6, "Set Up Note Token
Rules or AutoLinks" on page 4-32.
8. In the Detail area, do one:
– Enter any information that you require.
– Import text into the Detail area by clicking the Import Text button and
following the prompts to select and import your source text file. The text
contents appear in the Details area.
– Export text from the Detail area by clicking the Export Text button and
following the prompts to specify location and file name.
Note: The Statement Detail area has a 32K size limit. If you exceed the 32K size
limit, the contents convert to a read-only text display. You can include up to 4
gigabytes of content in the Statement Detail area. If you need to update
statement details that are greater than 32K, then use the Export and Import
feature to update or replace the detail contents.
9. When you have completed the statement, click the Apply button.
Oracle Knowledge Management automatically searches the knowledge base for
possible matching statements to prevent duplicate statements from being added
to the knowledge base. Results appear on the Match Statements page, which
shows statements that might or might not be useful to the solution. You can
optionally include any matching statements.
When you access the Matching Statements page from the Create Solution or
Update Solution page, you cannot change the search criteria.
a. To include any matching statements, select the statement and click the
Select button.
b. To not include any matching statements, click Skip.
Add a Related Category

4-8 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Create a Solution

10. Required: To add a related category:

a. Click Add Categories. The Add Categories page appears.

b. Navigate and expand the category hierarchy to display categories and
c. Choose one or more categories by selecting the check box of each category
that you consider to be a related category.
Tip: To select all categories and subcategories, click the Select All link. To
select no categories, click the None link. Any previously selected categories
and subcategories are no long selected.
d. Click the Select button. The selected categories appear on the Create
Solution page.
Add a Related Item
11. Optional: To add a related item:

a. Click Add Items. The Add Items page appears. You must search for an item
or product.
b. In the Search area, enter search criteria for Name or Description and click
the Go button. Results appear in the area that follows.
c. To view additional items, if any, click the Next or Previous links.
d. Choose one or more items by selecting the check box of each item that you
consider to be a related item.
Tip: To select all items, click the Select All link. Selected check boxes appear
next each item on that page only. To select no items, click the None link.
e. Click the Select button. The selected items appear on the Create Solution
Add a Related Platform
12. Optional: To add a related platform (if available):

a. Click the Add Platforms button. The Add Platforms page appears. You
must search for a platform.
b. In the Search area, enter search criteria for Name or Description and click
the Go button. Results appear in the area that follows.
c. To view additional platform, if any, click the Next or Previous links.

Managing Solutions 4-9

Create a Solution

d. Choose one or more items by selecting the check box of each item that you
consider to be a related platform.
Tip: To select all platform, click the Select All link. Selected check boxes
appear next each platform on that page only. To select no platforms, click
the None link.
e. Click the Select button. The selected platforms appear on the Create
Solution page.
Add an Attachment
13. Optional: To add an attachment:
a. Click the Add Attachments button. The Add Attachment page appears.
b. Complete the Attachment Summary Information area by entering or
pasting text in the Description field.
c. In the Define Attachment area, click the Browse button to specify the
location and file name of the attachment.
d. To add the attachment to the statement, click the Apply button.
e. To add another attachment to the statement, click the Add Another button.
Add a Task Group Template
14. Optional: To add a Task Group Template:

a. Click the Add Task Group Templates button. The Add Task Group
Templates page appears.
b. Search for the Task Group Template by specifying search criteria in the
Template Group ID or Template Group Name fields and click Go. Matching
results appear in the area that follows.
c. To view additional Task Group Templates, if any, click the Next or Previous
d. Choose one or more Task Group Templates by selecting the check box of
each Task Group Template.
Tip: To select all items, click the Select All link. Selected check boxes appear
next each item on that page only. To select no items, click the None link.
e. Click the Select button. The selected Task Group Templates appear on the
Create Solution page.

4-10 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Create a Solution

Add an External Object

15. Optional: To add an external object:

a. In the External Objects area, choose a module or external reference from the
Add list. For example, your choices might include Depot Service Codes,
Depot Repair, or Service Requests. For more information about the
respective object, see the corresponding product documentation.
b. Click Go. The Add External Objects page appears.
c. In the Search area, enter search criteria in the available fields. In addition to
the Description field, other search fields vary according to the product or
external reference that you chose.
d. Click Go. Matching results appear in the area that follows.
e. To view additional external objects, if any, click the Next or Previous links.
f. Choose one or more external objects by selecting the check box of each item
that you consider to be a related item.
Tip: To select all items, click the Select All link. Selected check boxes appear
next each item on that page only. To select no items, click the None link.
g. Click the Select button. The selected external objects appear on the Create
Solution page.
Save the Solution
16. Click the Save button.
When you create a new solution, it has a Draft status. The Authoring
Comments area appears in the statement. Later, those who review and approve
a solution can add comments to the Authoring Comments area.
Note: To edit a solution, besides belonging to the user group, you must be able
to access the solutions and be able to see all the statements in the solutions.
You can review, add, update, or detach objects in the solution by clicking the
area’s corresponding Add, Update, Remove, or Detach buttons or icons.
When you create or submit the solution, the system assigns the statement a
statement number, and the statement’s status changes to Published.

See Also
Section 4.3, "Submit a Solution for Reviews and Updates" on page 4-13
Section 4.3.1, "Preview Solution for Submission" on page 4-14

Managing Solutions 4-11

Create a Solution

Section 4.3.3, "Specify Authoring Flows" on page 4-17

Section 4.3.4, "Specify Authoring Step" on page 4-18
Section 4.3.6, "Update a Solution" on page 4-22
Section 4.3.7, "Review or Add Solution Comments" on page 4-24

4.2.1 About the Create Statement and Update Statement Pages

On both the Create Statement and the Update Statement pages, you have the
following areas for creating or updating statements:
■ Summary: Specify the Type and enter a Summary description. Statement Types
can include: Action, Cause, Changes, Objective, or Symptom, for example.
Typical Visibility choices can include: External or Internal. The Summary field
has a 500-character limit. You can enter only plain text in the Summary field.
■ Detail: In more detail than the Summary description, enter or import contents
about the statement. You can also export the Detail contents to a file. You
specify whether the Detail contents is plain text or HTML, and with or without
AutoLinks. For more information, see the following subtopic, About the Rich
Text Editor.

Note: It is highly recommended that if you want to render a URL

hyperlink, you should use the HTML content type--such as HTML
or HTML with AutoLink--rather than the Text content type.

The Statement Detail area has a 32K size limit. If you exceed the 32K size limit,
the contents convert to a read-only text display. You can include up to 4
gigabytes of content in the Details area. If you need to update statement details
that are greater than 32K, then use the Export and Import feature to update or
replace the detail contents.
The solution details appear as embedded in authoring flow notifications.

About the Rich Text Editor

The Rich Text Editor lets you make styling and editing choices, including:
■ Font.
■ Font color.
■ Font size.

4-12 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Submit a Solution for Reviews and Updates

■ Viewing the HTML source.

■ Cut, copy, and paste.
■ Bold, italic, and underscore.
■ Flush left, flush right, or centered text alignment.
■ Numbered or bulleted lists.
■ Increasing or decreasing the text indent.
■ Creating hyperlinks.

Note: The Rich Text Editor works only in a browser that supports
IFRAMEs. If your browser does not support IFRAMEs, then a plain
text area appears instead of the Rich Text Editor.

See Also
Section 3.5, "Working with Statements" on page 3-29
Section 4.2, "Create a Solution" on page 4-5
Create and Add a Statement on page 4-7

4.3 Submit a Solution for Reviews and Updates

Authoring flows are unique to each company. Some companies have authoring
flows that require a series of technical and editorial reviews and approvals before
you can publish a solution, for example. On the other hand, other companies, might
not have any requirements to publish a solution. The following topics generally
assume that you have set up solution authoring flows that require reviews, editing,
and approval before publishing
When you create a solution and submit it to an authoring flow, an Oracle
Knowledge Management internal user in the assigned user group at each step can
either approve the solution to the next step with or without modifications, or reject
the solution to any of the previous steps of the flow. Members of a user group
assigned to the next step or previous step receive a notification that a solution is
ready for review.
Topics in this section include:
■ Section 4.3.1, "Preview Solution for Submission" on page 4-14

Managing Solutions 4-13

Submit a Solution for Reviews and Updates

■ Section 4.3.2, "About Authoring Flows" on page 4-15

■ Section 4.3.3, "Specify Authoring Flows" on page 4-17
■ Section 4.3.4, "Specify Authoring Step" on page 4-18
■ Section 4.3.5, "Set Up Subscriptions" on page 4-20
■ Section 4.3.6, "Update a Solution" on page 4-22
■ Section 4.3.7, "Review or Add Solution Comments" on page 4-24

4.3.1 Preview Solution for Submission

When the solution is ready for submission, you can preview the solution to see how
it looks like after you submit it. This gives you a chance to review the overall
appearance of the solution and correct any mistakes that you have made. Solutions
are ready for submission if they have the required information, such as the
mandatory fields and the mandatory statements. For example, a Symptom Cause
Action statement requires statements for each statement type, symptom, cause, and
To preview a solution for submission, click the Preview for Submission button from
either the Create Solution page or the Update Solution page. The Submit: Preview
Solution page appears.
For more information, on creating or updating solutions, see Section 4.2, "Create a
Solution" on page 4-5 or Section 4.3.6, "Update a Solution" on page 4-22.
From the Submit: Preview Solution page, you can:
■ View your draft solution in a formatted layout. This includes all statements,
attachments, Task Group Templates, external objects, authoring comments,
related categories, related items, and related platforms.

Note: To view a list of external objects, you must choose the type
of objects from the View list.

■ Return to the solution by clicking the Return to Solution button.

■ Specify the authoring flow, if applicable. If the solution is not in an authoring
flow, click the Continue button. The Submit: Select Authoring Flow page
appears. For more information, see Section 4.3.3, "Specify Authoring Flows" on
page 4-17.

4-14 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Submit a Solution for Reviews and Updates

To make more modifications to the solution, you can return to the Create or
Update Solution page by clicking the Return to Solution button.

Note: The Continue button opens different pages depending on

whether or not the solution is in a flow.

■ Specify the authoring flow step. If the solution is already in the flow, click the
Continue button. The Submit: Select Flow Step page appears. For more
information, see Section 4.3.4, "Specify Authoring Step" on page 4-18.

See Also
Section 4.3.2, "About Authoring Flows" on page 4-15
Section 4.3.3, "Specify Authoring Flows" on page 4-17
Section 4.3.4, "Specify Authoring Step" on page 4-18
Section 4.3.6, "Update a Solution" on page 4-22
Section 4.3.7, "Review or Add Solution Comments" on page 4-24

4.3.2 About Authoring Flows

The authoring flow can be one step, such as publish, or it can be as complex as a
business requires.
Example 4–2 describes an authoring flow.

Example 4–2 Authoring Flow

1. An author creates a solution on the Create Solution page. The author saves the
solution. The saved solution becomes a work-in-progress solution and has a
Saved status. The author can see the saved solution on the Solutions in Progress
2. An author can continue to work on the author’s own solution-in-progress
solution. After completing the solution, the author can click the Preview for
Submission button from the Solution Detail page.
3. The Preview Solution page appears. The author can see how the solution would
appear to others for review or upon publishing. If everything appears to be OK,
the author clicks the Continue button. The Submit: Select Authoring Flow page
appears. The author chooses an appropriate workflow from the list.

Managing Solutions 4-15

Submit a Solution for Reviews and Updates

4. The members of the resource group assigned to the authoring flow step that
that the author selected receive notification of the solution that needs a reviews.
Members who want to receive a notification must subscribe to a category or a
product in the Subscriptions page. The solution must be related to the
subscribed product or category.
5. Any member of the resource group can navigate to the Solutions In Progress
page and search for the solution that is ready for review. After the member has
found the solution, the member can click the Lock and Update button to lock
the solution. No other member of the resource group can work on this solution
until the member returns the solution to the authoring flow.
Note: If the person who had locked the solution is no longer available to unlock
it to work on the solution to submit it to an authoring flow, an administrator
can get the lock for a solution that another user has locked. Another reason why
a user cannot update a locked solution can be due to Security changes. A
concurrent program is available to unlock these types of locked solutions.
6. A member can review the solution, make edits, move the solution to the next
step (to continue the current authoring flow), or reject the solution.
7. A member can select the next or previous step for the solution. If the solution is
rejected to an author, then the solution appears in the Author’s Solution in
Progress page, and the author can lock and update the solution, review
comments, make required edits, and submit the solution back to the authoring
flow. The author or reviewer can specify the next appropriate step or choose
another authoring flow.
8. When the solution is submitted to a step whose action is Publish, then the
solution’s status changes to Published.
For information on managing authoring flows, see Chapter 8, "Managing Authoring
Flows" on page 8-1.

See Also
Section 4.3.3, "Specify Authoring Flows" on page 4-17
Section 4.3.4, "Specify Authoring Step" on page 4-18
Section 4.3.6, "Update a Solution" on page 4-22
Section 4.3.7, "Review or Add Solution Comments" on page 4-24

4-16 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Submit a Solution for Reviews and Updates

4.3.3 Specify Authoring Flows

When you create a solution and are ready to submit it, you might have to assign an
authoring flow to it. A profile option turns off the selecting of authoring flow. This
topic assumes that the profile option requires the selection of authoring flows.
Authoring flows define the steps through which a solution goes in the solution
authoring flow process. Some authoring flows require review and approval of a
solution before it becomes available for searching in the knowledge base. Other
authoring flow might not require review or approval.

Note: Authoring flows are unique to each company. Workflows

that are in this document are examples only. Your workflow names,
functionality, and choices may differ.


Knowledge Worker
Knowledge Agent
Knowledge Administrator

You have not previously assigned an authoring flow to the solution.

Knowledge > Authoring > Solutions in Progress...Solutions in Progress page

1. Locate the solution and display the Solution Update page. For more
information, see Section 4.3.6, "Update a Solution" on page 4-22.
2. Click the Continue button.
The Submit: Select Authoring Flow page appears. You can also arrive at the
Submit: Select Authoring flow page by clicking the Select Another Flow button
on the Submit: Select Flow Step page. This flow allows you to select another
flow to submit the solution. This may be required if the solution was submitted

Managing Solutions 4-17

Submit a Solution for Reviews and Updates

to a wrong flow to begin with, or if the solution requires further approval from
other flows depending on the content change.
3. Select the authoring flow that you want to submit your solution for approval.
4. Click the Submit button.
The Solution Details page appears.

See Also
Section 4.3.2, "About Authoring Flows" on page 4-15
Section 4.3.1, "Preview Solution for Submission" on page 4-14
Section 4.3.4, "Specify Authoring Step" on page 4-18
Section 4.3.6, "Update a Solution" on page 4-22
Section 4.3.7, "Review or Add Solution Comments" on page 4-24

4.3.4 Specify Authoring Step

When you create a solution, have assigned an authoring flow to the solution, and
have submitted the solution for review and approval, you or a reviewer need to
make revisions and specify the next authoring step. For example, a reviewer might
add comments or make corrections to the solution. During the review and update
process, the reviewers specify the next step through which the solution needs to go
when they have finished their reviews or modifications.
The first time when you submit a solution, you see the list of flow names to select.
However, when you submit the solution to the flow the first time, it automatically
selects the first step of that flow to submit to. The next time when you submit the
solution, you will have a list of steps to submit the solution to, including the step of
Rejected to Author. These steps belong to the previously selected flow. The next
step of the flow appears by default, however the user can choose to reject the
solution to author.

Note: Authoring flows are unique to each company. Workflow

choices and statuses that are in this document are examples only.
Your workflows may differ.

For example, possible next steps include:

■ Rejected to Author

4-18 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Submit a Solution for Reviews and Updates

■ Technical Review
■ Editorial Review
■ Ready for Publishing


Knowledge Worker
Knowledge Agent
Knowledge Administrator

You have assigned an authoring flow to the solution. For more information, see
Section 4.3.3, "Specify Authoring Flows" on page 4-17.
To publish or reject a solution to the next step or any previous step in an authoring
flow, you must be a member of the solution’s user group to whom that step is
You must be assigned the function to edit a solution in the draft status, to edit
solutions in technical review status, and so forth.

Knowledge > Authoring > Solutions in Progress...Solutions in Progress page

1. Locate the solution and display the Solution Update page. For more
information, see Section 4.3.6, "Update a Solution" on page 4-22.
2. Make your changes or updates to the solution.
Note: You can also click Comments to view any comments attached to the
3. Save the solution.
4. On the Preview for Submission page, click Continue.
The Submit: Select Authoring Flow Step page appears. You have one the
following choices:

Managing Solutions 4-19

Submit a Solution for Reviews and Updates

– Select the next authoring flow step and submit it. This choice lets you
continue the review process with the current authoring flow. For example, if
the revised solution requires an addition round of technical review, then
you can choose the step for technical review. If the revised solution does not
require any more technical reviews, you might choose the step for editorial
review. If you are re-submitting a solution, you may have the choice of
rejecting the solution to the author.
– Click the Return to Solution button. You can resume reviewing or updating
the solution.
– Click the Select Another Flow button, to choose another authoring flow.
5. If you choose continue with the current authoring flow:
a. Select the option button on the row that shows the next flow step for your
b. Click the Submit button. A confirmation message indicates that the solution
has been updated and submitted to a particular authoring flow.

See Also
Section 4.3.2, "About Authoring Flows" on page 4-15
Section 4.3.1, "Preview Solution for Submission" on page 4-14
Section 4.3.3, "Specify Authoring Flows" on page 4-17
Section 4.3.6, "Update a Solution" on page 4-22
Section 4.3.7, "Review or Add Solution Comments" on page 4-24

4.3.5 Set Up Subscriptions

Before you submit a solution through the authoring flow process, you and those
who are involved with reviewing and approving the solution should ensure that
you all can receive email notification of the solution that needs review or approval.
To review and approve a solution, email notification is an option. Hence, all
participants need to make sure that they can receive the email notification if they
would like to be informed about solutions ready to be reviewed and approved by
way of notification.
Authoring flows define the steps that a solution follows in the solution authoring
process. After creating a solution and submitting it to an authoring flow, an Oracle
Knowledge Management administrator, knowledge worker, or a customer service

4-20 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Submit a Solution for Reviews and Updates

representative, in the assigned user group associated to the step that the solution is
in, can approve or reject a solution to the next or previous step of the authoring
Members of a user group can set up their own subscriptions, that is, choose one or
more items (products) or categories on the Subscriptions page to receive a
notification that a solution related to that product or category that is ready for

Note: Earlier versions of Oracle Knowledge Management referred

to Subscriptions as a Solution Authoring Profile.

Members who do not subscribe to any product or category, do not receive a

notification, but they can search for all solutions in progress from the Solutions in
Progress page. For information on how to set up and monitor a workflow, see the
Oracle Workflow Guide.
Any changes that you make to Subscriptions become effective only after you click
Save. If you want to restore the old settings after you have made changes, you can
click the Revert button before you save the changes.

Note: The system sends e-mail notifications only if you have set
up and properly configured the Workflow mailer. You can also use
the PHP Self Service Workflow notifications page to view
notifications. For more information, see the Workflow
documentation on how to start and configure the workflow mailer.


Knowledge Worker
Knowledge Agent
Knowledge Administrator


Managing Solutions 4-21

Submit a Solution for Reviews and Updates

Knowledge > Authoring > Subscriptions tab...Subscriptions page

1. To add a category, click Add Categories.
The Add Categories page appears.
2. Locate and select one or more categories, by expanding and navigating the
listing of categories and subcategories and then selecting the category’s check
3. Click the Select button.
4. The Subscriptions page shows all categories that you have chosen.
5. To add items (products), click Add Items.
The Add Items page appears.
6. Specify search criteria in the Name or Description fields to locate items.
Under the Name and Description columns, matching results appear.
7. Click the Select button.
The Subscriptions page shows all items (products) that you have chosen.
Whenever the workflow processes a solution that refers to any of the subscribed
categories or items, you should receive notification.

4.3.6 Update a Solution

After you save a solution or have submitted for review and approval, you might
want to return to it to view any authoring comments that others have made and
make revisions.
During the review and update process, you--the author of a solution--and any
reviewers need to lock and update the solution to make changes. Reviewers might
add authoring comments to advise you of required changes, or they might directly
update the solution. After you or any participants have updated and saved any
changes, you can re-submit the solution and specify the next authoring workflow
If you need to update a solution that another person has locked and that person is
not available, your administrator can reset obtain the lock by clicking the Get Lock
button. Then, the administrator can resubmit the solution for you to lock and

4-22 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Submit a Solution for Reviews and Updates

All new and edited solutions must be approved for publication. When you submit a
solution in an authoring flow to the step that has the publish action, the solution
status changes to Published. After publishing the solution, it must be synchronized
with the index to appear in the search process.
For information on the specific areas of a solution, see Section 4.2, "Create a
Solution" on page 4-5. You can access solutions from the Solutions in Progress page.
The following procedures describe how to locate and access an available solution so
that you can update it.


Knowledge Worker
Knowledge Agent
Knowledge Administrator

Internal Oracle Knowledge Management users with create permission (CS_
Solution_Create) can create a solution.

Knowledge > Authoring > Solutions in Progress...Solutions in Progress page

1. From the View list, choose an item:
– Solutions I'm currently working on.
– Solutions in progress that I can lock and update.
– All solutions in progress.
You can only find solutions that you can update or lock and update by selecting
Solutions I'm currently working on or Solutions in progress that I can lock
and update.
2. Click Go.
Matching solutions appear based on the view that you chose.

Managing Solutions 4-23

Submit a Solution for Reviews and Updates

3. On the row of the solution that you want to update, click the View icon.
A view of the solution appears.
4. Click either the Update button or the Lock and Update button.
The Update Solution page appears. You can make your updates on this page.
For example, you can edit the title, type, and Visibility; create or remove
statements; change the sequence of statements; add or remove related
categories, items, or platforms; add, update, or detach attachments; add or
remove Task Group Templates; add or remove external objects; and add or
review comments.
For more information review the options and procedures that are available in
Section 4.2, "Create a Solution" on page 4-5.
5. Click Save.
After you have completed your solution updates, you can preview it and
submit it for submission. For more information, see Section 4.3.1, "Preview
Solution for Submission" on page 4-14.

4.3.7 Review or Add Solution Comments

You, reviewers, or anyone with appropriate access to modifying solutions can
review or add comments to a solution from the Solution Detail page. Comments are
a communication tool for knowledge workers during the solution authoring process
and are intended to help reviewers provide feedback on a solution during the
review process.
With the correct Responsibility, you can add comments on the View Solution Detail
Comments accumulate through different versions of a solution until publishing of
the solution. After solution publishing, you can no longer view the previous
comments, but you can add new comments.
All newly added comments have a Not reviewed status, which reviewers can
change when they approve the solutions.


Knowledge Worker

4-24 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Submit a Solution for Reviews and Updates

Knowledge Agent
Knowledge Administrator


Knowledge > Authoring > Solutions in Progress...Solutions in Progress page

1. From the View list, choose an item:
– Solutions I'm currently working on.
– Solutions in progress that I can lock and update.
– All solutions in progress.
2. Click Go.
Matching solutions appear based on the view that you chose.
3. On the row of the solution that you want to update, click the View icon.
A view of the solution appears.
4. Click the Update button.
The Update Solution page appears.
5. In the Authoring Comments area, click the Add Comment button.
The Add Comment page appears.
6. Enter your Comments.
7. Click the Apply button.
The Update Solution page appears.
8. Click Save.
The comment appears with a status of Not Reviewed. After the comment is
reviewed, the status changes to Reviewed.
Update the Status of a Comment to Reviewed
9. On the row that lists the comment, click the View icon.

Managing Solutions 4-25

Working with Solutions in Progress

The Authoring Comment page appears.

10. In the Status field, choose Reviewed from the list.

11. Click the Apply button.

The Update Solution page appears.
12. Click Save.
For information on viewing solution details, refer to Section 3.3, "About the
Solution Detail Page" on page 3-16.

See Also
Section 4.3.1, "Preview Solution for Submission" on page 4-14
Section 4.3.3, "Specify Authoring Flows" on page 4-17
Section 4.3.4, "Specify Authoring Step" on page 4-18
Section 4.3.6, "Update a Solution" on page 4-22

4.4 Working with Solutions in Progress

You can view or search for solutions in progress or draft solutions on the Solutions
in Progress page. Solutions in progress include solutions that have been saved but
have not been submitted for approval and solutions that have not been approved
for publishing.
Topics about solutions in progress include:
■ Section 4.4.1, "About the Solutions in Progress Page" on page 4-26
■ Section 4.4.2, "View Solutions in Progress" on page 4-27
■ Section 4.4.3, "Search Solutions in Progress" on page 4-29

4.4.1 About the Solutions in Progress Page

From the Solutions in Progress page, you can:
■ Filter your view of solutions progress: For more information, see Filtered
Views of Solutions in Progress.
■ Search for solutions in progress: Click the Search button. For more
information, see Section 4.4.3, "Search Solutions in Progress" on page 4-29.

4-26 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Working with Solutions in Progress

■ Create a new solution: For more information about solutions, see Chapter 4,
"Managing Solutions".
■ Sort the view of solutions in progress: Click any of these column headings to
sort the list of solutions in progress accordingly: Number, Title, Type, Status,
Locked by, Created, or Last Updated. Each time you click a column heading, the
sort is either ascending to descending or descending to ascending.
■ View solution details: On the row that lists a solution in progress, click the
View icon to display the solution’s details, including any authoring comments.

Important: Click the Return to Solutions in Progress link to

return to the Solutions in Progress page.

Filtered Views of Solutions in Progress

The filtered views of your solutions in progress include:
■ Solutions I’m currently working on: Includes the solutions that you have
created but not submitted for approval, or solutions that you have locked for
review but have not submitted for approval.
■ Other solutions in progress I can lock and update: Includes the solutions that
are pending approval that you can lock and update.
■ All solutions in progress: Includes all solutions that either some users are
editing or are pending approval.

4.4.2 View Solutions in Progress

When you navigate to the Solutions in Progress page, the default view shows the
solutions on which you are currently working. On the Solutions in Progress page,
you have filtered views of your solutions in progress. You can also search for
solutions in progress.
Security settings impact your access to solutions. You can update a solution only if
you have access to the solution--such as being able to access at least one of the
categories--and you have access to all statements. If due to Security setup changes,
you lose access to a solution, there is a unlocking concurrent program that removes
the lock that some users hold. Unlocked solutions appear in the Solutions in
Progress view, such that you can update the solutions.

Managing Solutions 4-27

Working with Solutions in Progress

Important: The unlocking concurrent program is different from

the Get Lock functionality. This Get Lock functionality unlocks
solutions that someone has locked.

The following procedures describe how to access and view solutions in progress in
Oracle Knowledge Management.


Knowledge Worker
Knowledge Agent
Knowledge Administrator


Knowledge > Authoring tab > Solutions in Progress...Solutions in Progress page

1. Change the view by choosing a filter value from the View list:
– Solutions I’m currently working on
– Other solutions in progress I can lock and update
– All solutions in progress
By default, the Solutions in Progress page shows all the solutions on which you
are working. These are solutions that you have saved but have not submitted
for approval.
2. Click Go.
The filtered results appear when the page Solutions in Progress automatically

4-28 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Working with Solutions in Progress

3. To view detailed information about a solution in progress:

a. Click the View icon on the row of the listed solution. The solution’s details
b. Click the Return to Solutions in Progress link to return to the Solutions in
Progress page.

4.4.3 Search Solutions in Progress

You can filter Solutions in Progress by using the Search Solutions in Progress page.


Knowledge Worker
Knowledge Agent
Knowledge Administrator


Knowledge > Authoring tab > Solutions in Progress...Solutions in Progress page

1. Click Search.
The Search Solutions in Progress page appears.
2. Enter any one or more criteria to narrow your search of the solutions in
■ Number: Searches for solution number entered by user.
■ Title: Searches solution titles for key words.
■ Type: Filters by solution types.
■ Status: Filters by solution status.
■ Item: Filters by product.

Managing Solutions 4-29

Working with Solutions in Progress

■ Created after: Specifies a date after which solutions were created. Click the
Calendar icon
■ Created before: Specifies a date before which solutions were created.
■ Updated after: Specifies a date after which solutions were updated.
■ Updated before: Specifies a date before which solutions were updated.
■ Search only within Solutions I may update: Select check box to show only
solutions that you can update.
■ Look for: (Select only one.)
– All Solutions: Specifies all solutions regardless of checked-out status.
– Solutions not locked: Specifies only solutions that are not locked.
– Specifies only solutions that a specific user has locked: Specifies only
solutions that a specific user has locked. Click the Flashlight icon to
search for and select a user by either their Full Name or User Name.
3. Click Go.
Results appear in the Search Results section of the page.

Review Solutions in Progress Results

Solutions in Progress results appear in a summary table and include:
■ Number: Indicates the solution number. It is alphanumeric and is a unique
reference for the solution.
■ Title: Indicates the solution title or solution summary. Users can click the title to
drill down to the solution details.
■ Type: Indicates the solution type.
■ Status: Indicates where the solution is in the approval cycle.
■ Locked by: Indicates the user that currently has locked the solution.
■ Created: Indicates the solution’s creation date.
■ Updated Date: Shows the most recent date on which the solution or statement
was updated.
■ View: View the solution details. For more information, see Section 3.3, "About
the Solution Detail Page" on page 3-16.

4-30 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Set Up Recommended Solutions

4.5 Set Up Recommended Solutions

Recommended Solutions is a list of solutions that knowledge workers recommend
for users to review. Users accessing iSupport can view a list of Recommended
Solutions that is set up within Oracle Knowledge Management. For this list to be
effective, you should actively manage it.

Note: You can add only published solutions as recommended


Example 4–3 describes how a manufacturer might decide how to use

Recommended Solutions.

Example 4–3 Recommended Solutions

A television manufacturer has determined that 80% of its service inquiries over the
Web and telephone can be solved with ten solutions. Accordingly, the knowledge
administrator populates the recommended solutions list with these ten solutions.
Users accessing the knowledge base see these ten solutions in the Recommended
Solutions view when accessing the knowledge base from Oracle iSupport.
Use this procedure to add or delete solutions from the recommended solutions list
and select the sort order in which the recommended solutions appear.


Knowledge Worker
Knowledge Administrator

Obtain the solution number that you want to recommend. For more information,
Section 3.2, "Using Simple Search--Agent" on page 3-9
Section 3.4, "Using Advanced Solution Search--Agent" on page 3-20

Managing Solutions 4-31

Set Up Note Token Rules or AutoLinks

Knowledge > Authoring > Recommended Solutions...Recommended Solutions page

1. To add a solution to the list, click Add Solution.
The Add Recommended Solution page appears.
2. Enter the Solution Number.
3. Click Apply.
The solution appears on the Recommended Solutions page.
4. To view details about the solution:
a. Click the Details icon this is next to the solution. The Solution Details page
b. Click the Return to Recommended Solutions link to return to the
Recommended Solutions page.
5. To rearrange the position of a solution, click the Move Up or Move Down icon
that is on the solution’s row.
6. To delete a solution from the list, click the Remove icon that is on the solution’s
row, and click the Remove icon.

4.6 Set Up Note Token Rules or AutoLinks

Setting up Note Token Rules in Oracle Quality Online lets you define parsing rules
and destinations for hyperlinking keywords in the Note Details appear. This is an
AutoLink in Oracle Knowledge Management.
AutoLinks define a set of key token words, for example, bug, that maps to an
HTML object in the database. If you have created the word bug as a Note Token
Rule, when anyone authors a solution containing bug and an unique parameter (the
bug number), for example, bug: 10020, Oracle Knowledge Management
automatically creates a hyperlink to that object in the database.
AutoLinks let you create hyperlinks automatically to other objects in the database
which is useful in building a knowledge base where information is linked together.

4-32 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Set Up Note Token Rules or AutoLinks

Note: For statement details with content type Text with

AutoLink, you cannot use these characters as preceding or
following characters: - (hyphen), . (period), and (space).
However, you can use these characters as the preceding or
following characters for statement details with content type HTML
with AutoLink.
It is highly recommended that if you want to render a URL
hyperlink, you should use the HTML content type--such as HTML
or HTML with AutoLink--rather than the Text content type.

You can define different sets of Note Token Rules for agents and customers.
To leverage a token rule in Oracle Knowledge Management, you must map it to the
Knowledge Base Solution object in the database. There are two types of objects to
which you map the token rules. One object is Knowledge Base Solution, which
applies to customers. The other object is Knowledge: OA Solution, which applies
to Agents and Administrators. Existing rules are not mapped automatically during
an upgrade. If you are using the same Note Token Rule for both customers and
agents, then for Note Token Rules that you defined before the upgrade, you must
map them to the new object, Knowledge: OA Solution.
You need a required special declaration for FND function that you use in a Note
Token Rule. For rules that use the FND function, the function type needs to be of the
INTEROPJSP type. The function definition also must include &cskDLink=OA in
the function URL definition.
The following procedures describe how to create token rules.


DEMS Administrator


Token Rules > Summary

Managing Solutions 4-33

Set Up Note Token Rules or AutoLinks

1. Click Create Token Rule.

2. In the Name text field, type a unique Name.

3. In the Description text field, type a description.
4. In the Token section, type the keyword to hyperlink in the Value field, such as a
name for the linked text.
5. Set Preceding and Following Delimiting Characters.
The Preceding Delimiting Characters distinguish your token value from
identical text values, and the Following Delimiting Characters determine where
the hyperlink stops. Any combination of Following Characters are allowed
between Token Value and Parameter, if any.
6. In the Parameter section, to choose a Parameter type--Alphanumeric, Numeric,
or No Parameter--from the Type list
7. Enter the Following Delimiting Characters for the parameter, if desired, or
select the appropriate delimiting check boxes.
If you do not select No Parameter, then the Following Characters, Minimum
Length, and Maximum Length options are not allowed.
8. Enter your minimum and maximum length parameters.
9. In the Destination section, choose a Type from the list.
– Function: Choose a User Function Name using the list.
– URL: Enter the base URL in the Base URL text field.
10. Click Create.
The token rule appears on the Token Rules summary page.
Map a Token Rule to an Object
11. To map a token rule to an object:

a. Click the Mapping tab. The Token Rule Mapping page appears.
b. Choose the Knowledge Base Solution value from the Object list and click
Go. The values that have already been mapped to the object populate the
c. In the Sequence field, type a number.
d. Choose the Token Rule that you created from the Rule list.

4-34 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Set Up Note Token Rules or AutoLinks

e. Choose a Start Date.

f. Choose an End Date.
g. Click Update. The token rule is mapped to the Knowledge Base Solution

Managing Solutions 4-35

Set Up Note Token Rules or AutoLinks

4-36 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Managing Solution Types

This chapter covers:

■ Solution types
■ The tasks associated with solution types in Oracle Knowledge Management.
Sections in this chapter include:
■ Section 5.1, "Overview" on page 5-2
■ Section 5.2, "Create a Solution Type" on page 5-2
■ Section 5.3, "Associate a Statement Type to a Solution Type" on page 5-4
■ Section 5.4, "Disassociate a Statement Type from a Solution Type" on page 5-5
■ Section 5.5, "View a Solution Type" on page 5-6
■ Section 5.6, "Update a Solution Type" on page 5-6
■ Section 5.7, "Delete a Solution Type" on page 5-7

Managing Solution Types 5-1


5.1 Overview
Administrators create solution types to help describe and classify solutions within
the knowledge base. When you create solution types, you assign a Name,
Description, Start Date, and End Date. In addition, you define mandatory statement
types to ensure that you classify solutions within that solution type and the solution
types have a similar format. For example, Oracle Knowledge Management included
the seeded Symptom-Cause-Action (SCA) solution type, which requires that any
solution that you categorize as an SCA solution type contains a symptom statement,
a cause statement, and an action statement.
A solution type should have a self-descriptive and intuitive name and should
follow the merchant’s naming conventions. Organizing solutions into solution types
makes searching for solutions more precise and the results more effective. You can
create an unlimited number of solution types for your company’s specific needs,
however, the knowledge base is more effective and easier to manage if you limit the
number of solution types.
Examples of common solution types include:
■ SCA (Symptom-Cause-Action)
■ PR (Problem-Resolution)
■ QA (Question-Answer)

5.2 Create a Solution Type

Oracle Knowledge Management includes the seeded Solution-Cause-Action (SCA)
solution type. The Oracle Knowledge Management system prevents the creation of
duplicate solution types. When you create a solution type, you must also associate
at least one statement type to the solution type before you can use the solution type
for creating solutions. The following procedure describe how to create a new
solution type.


Knowledge Administrator

5-2 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Create a Solution Type

Oracle Knowledge Management administrators with edit permission (CS_Type_
Edit) can create a new solution type.

Knowledge > Setup > Create Type...Solution Types page

1. From the Type list, choose Solution.

2. In the Name field, type a name for the solution type.

3. In the Description field, briefly describe the solution type.
The description of a solution type is only for administrators. Customers cannot
view the description.
4. Specify the Start Date.
5. Specify the End Date.
End-dating a solution type prevents any further solutions of this type from
being created after the end date has occurred. Solutions currently in progress
are allowed to complete. End-dating does not delete the solution type from the
6. Click Create.
The Solution Type page displays a Related section to which you can add
statements and external links.
You must also associate at least one statement type to the solution type before
you can use the solution type for creating solutions. A solution type without an
associated statement is incomplete and is not available to choose from the
Solution Type list when a user creates a new solution.
7. To add a statement type to the solution:
a. From the list that is in the Related area, choose Statement Type and click
b. Click the Add/Delete button. The Associate Statement Types page appears.
c. From the Available Statements Types area, choose the desired statement

Managing Solution Types 5-3

Associate a Statement Type to a Solution Type

d. Click the right arrow to assign it to the Selected Statement Types area. You
can sort the selected statement types by clicking the Up or Down arrows.
e. Click Save to save the changes or click Cancel to restore the original values
and return to the previous page.

5.3 Associate a Statement Type to a Solution Type

You can add additional statement types to a solution type.


Knowledge Administrator


Knowledge > Setup > Solution Types...Solution Type page

1. In the Type No. column, click the solution’s hypertext link to which you want to
associate a statement type.
The Solution Type page appears.
2. Click the Add/Delete button.
The Associate Statement Types page appears.
3. To add a statement type to the existing solution:
a. In the Available Statement Types column, choose the desired statement
b. Click the right arrow to add it to the Selected Statement Types column.
c. To sort the selected statement types, click the Up or Down arrow.
4. Click Save to save the changes or click Cancel to restore the original values and
return to the previous page.

5-4 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Disassociate a Statement Type from a Solution Type

5.4 Disassociate a Statement Type from a Solution Type

You can disassociate a statement type from a solution type in the Associate
Statement Types page.


Knowledge Administrator


Knowledge > Setup > Solution Types...Solution Type page

1. In the Type No. column, click the solution’s hypertext link from which you
want to disassociate a statement type.
The Solution Type page appears.
2. Click the Add/Delete button.
The Associate Statement Types page appears.
3. To remove a statement type to the existing solution:
a. In the Selected Statement Types column, choose the statement type that you
want to disassociate from the solution type.
b. Click the left arrow to add it to the Available Statement Types column.
4. Click Save to save the changes or click Cancel to restore the original values and
return to the previous page.

Managing Solution Types 5-5

View a Solution Type

5.5 View a Solution Type

Use this procedure to view existing solution types.


Knowledge Administrator


Knowledge > Setup > Solution Types...Solution Types page

1. In the Type No. column, click the link to navigate to the Solution Type page for
the selected solution type to view details.
2. Update the solution type and add or delete statement types or external links to
this solution type. For more information, see:
– Section 5.3, "Associate a Statement Type to a Solution Type" on page 5-4
– Section 5.4, "Disassociate a Statement Type from a Solution Type" on
page 5-5
– Section 5.6, "Update a Solution Type" on page 5-6
– Section 5.7, "Delete a Solution Type" on page 5-7

5.6 Update a Solution Type

Use this procedure to update an existing solution type.


Knowledge Administrator

5-6 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Delete a Solution Type

You must have edit permission (CS_Type_Edit) to edit a solution type.

Knowledge > Setup > Solution Types...Solution Types page

1. Click Solution Type Number.
The Solution Type page for that Solution Type Number appears.
2. To update the Name, Description, Start Date, or End Date of the Solution Type,
enter the new information in the appropriate fields.
Note: On the Update Solution Type page, in the Related Statement Type section,
the Optional column check box indicates whether or not the statement type is
optional. If you select the check box, the statement type is optional. When you
associate a new statement type to the solution type, by default, its association is
as an optional statement. By deselecting the check box, you are making the
statement type mandatory.
3. Click the upper Update button.
Note: The Solution Types page includes two Update buttons. The upper Update
button applies only to changes that you make to Name, Description, Start Date,
or End Date. The lower Update button is in the Related section and applies only
to changes that you make to Statement Types or External Links.
4. To update the related statements types or external links, make the required
5. Click one:
– Click the lower Update button to save the changes.
– Click Restore to return to the original values and not save the changes.
– Click Delete to delete the solution type.

5.7 Delete a Solution Type

Use this procedure to delete a solution type. You cannot delete the default solution
type, Symptom-Cause-Action (SCA). You can delete a solution type only if no
solutions use it. You cannot undo this procedure.

Managing Solution Types 5-7

Delete a Solution Type


Knowledge Administrator

Oracle Knowledge Management administrators must have edit permission (CS_
Type_Edit) to delete a statement type.
Delete any statement types that are associated to this solution type

Knowledge > Setup> Solution Types...Solution Types page

1. Click the numbered link of the solution type that you want to delete.

2. In the Solution Type page, ensure that there are no related statements types or
external links listed in the Related sub section.
3. To remove related statement types:
a. Click Add/Delete. The Associate Statement Types page appears.
Disassociate the statement type from that solution type.
b. Click Save. Solution Type page reappears with no statement types or
external links appearing in the Related section.
4. After removing the related statement types, click Delete.

5-8 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Managing Statement Types

This chapter includes information about statement types and the tasks associated
with statement types in Oracle Knowledge Management.
Sections in this chapter include:
■ Section 6.1, "Overview" on page 6-2
■ Section 6.2, "Create a Statement Type" on page 6-2
■ Section 6.3, "View a Statement Type" on page 6-3
■ Section 6.4, "Update a Statement Type" on page 6-4
■ Section 6.5, "Delete a Statement Type" on page 6-5

Managing Statement Types 6-1


6.1 Overview
A statement is a description of any aspect of a problem, its cause, or its resolution.
Statements are organized into statement types. A statement type is an identifying
name associated with a particular part of the solution type. For example, symptom
is a statement type within Symptom-Cause-Action solution type.
Statement types help organize statements by providing segmentation to the
knowledge base. Statement types should have descriptive and intuitive names. A
knowledge administrator can create an unlimited number of statement types for
their company’s specific needs, however, the knowledge base is more effective and
easier to manage if you limit the number of statement types.

Note: You can map statement types in Oracle Knowledge

Management to note types in Oracle TeleService. If you map a
statement type to a note type, and users access Oracle Knowledge
Management through the Advanced Search from TeleService, the
note types to which you mapped statement types appear as
statement criteria in the Statement section of the Advanced Search

6.2 Create a Statement Type

The following procedures describe how to create a statement type.


Knowledge Administrator

Oracle Knowledge Management administrators with edit permission (CS_Type_
Edit) can create a new statement type.

1. Navigate to Setup > Create Type.
The Create Type page appears.
2. In the Type list, choose Statement.

6-2 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

View a Statement Type

3. In the Name field, type a name for the statement type.

4. In the Description field, type a description for the statement type.
5. Specify the Start Date.
6. Specify the End Date.
End-dating a statement type prevents any further statements of this type from
being created after the end date has expired. Oracle Knowledge Management
allows statements that are currently in progress to complete. End-dating does
not delete the statement type from the database.
7. Click Create.
The Statement Type page appears with a Related section. You can only associate
the statement type to solution type from the View Solution Type page.
8. To relate this statement type to an external link (for example, a Note Type):
a. In the Related section, choose External Links from the list.
b. Click Go.
c. Click Add. The Select an External Object page appears.
d. Click Note Type.
Important: You should relate one statement type to only one note type!
e. The Note Type page appears. Search for the note type that you want to add
to this statement type. Specify % for a wildcard search. Search results
f. Select the note type that you want to add to the statement type.
g. Click Update. The Statement Type page appears.

6.3 View a Statement Type

The following procedures describe how to access a statement type to view its


Knowledge Administrator

Managing Statement Types 6-3

Update a Statement Type

Internal users with view permission (CS_Statement_View) can view existing
statement types.

1. Navigate to Setup> Statement Types.
The Statement Types page appears.
2. Click the numbered link to navigate to the Statement Type page for the selected
statement type.

6.4 Update a Statement Type

The following procedures describe how to update an existing statement type.


Knowledge Administrator

Oracle Knowledge Management administrators with edit permission (CS_Type_
Edit) can edit a statement type.

1. Navigate to Setup> Statement Types.
The Statement Types page appears.
2. Click the numbered link to navigate to the Statement Type page for the selected
statement type.
3. Update the Name or Description of the statement type.
4. Click the Update button that is below the End Date field.
On View Statement Type page, you cannot associate a solution type to a
statement type, but you can disassociate the solution type from statement type.
5. Click Update.

6-4 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Delete a Statement Type

6.5 Delete a Statement Type

The following procedures describe how to delete a statement type. You cannot
delete the default statement type. You can only delete a statement type if no
statement has ever used the statement type. You cannot undo this procedure.


Knowledge Administrator

■ Oracle Knowledge Management administrators with edit permission (CS_
Type_Edit) can delete a statement type.
■ Remove any solution types or external links that the statement type is using.

1. Navigate to Setup> Statement Types.
The Statement Types page appears.
2. Click the numbered link of the statement type that you want to delete.
3. On the Statement Type page, verify that no related solutions types or external
links are in the Related section.
4. To remove a solution type or an external link that a statement type uses:
a. In the Remove column, select the check boxes that correspond to the related
solution types or external links. You cannot remove a solution type if it is
associated with existing solutions in the knowledge base.
b. Click Update.
5. After removing the related solution types or external links, click Delete.

Managing Statement Types 6-5

Delete a Statement Type

6-6 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Managing Categories

This chapter includes information about categories and the procedures that you use
to create and maintain categories in Oracle Knowledge Management.
Sections in this chapter include:
■ Section 7.1, "Overview" on page 7-2
■ Section 7.2, "Create Categories" on page 7-3
■ Section 7.3, "Edit Categories" on page 7-4
■ Section 7.4, "Delete Categories" on page 7-5

Managing Categories 7-1


7.1 Overview
Categorization of solutions is the process of grouping solutions together for
browsing or for performing a category-specific search for solutions. You organize
solutions into categories for convenient management. Using the analogy of a library,
you could:
■ Characterize fiction as a category.
■ Characterize mysteries and classics as subcategories.
■ Compare book titles to solutions.
While a knowledge administrator can create an unlimited number of categories for
their company’s specific needs, categories are more effective and easier for users to
navigate if you limit their number.
Solution categories are the same as categories.

Category Usage with Solution-Level Security

Categories help control Security and access to solutions. You control access to
categories through the Visibility setting. The Visibility settings of a categories,
solutions, and statements are factors to determine whether or not a particular user
can access the solution. The Visibility setting specifies the confidentiality of the
When you define the categories, you choose from a list of visibilities for each
category. You cannot specify that a child category--a subcategory--be more visible
than its parent category. Oracle Knowledge Management filters the list of available
visibilities that are available for a child category according to the Visibility of its
You also organize categories into views or Category Security Groups. Category
Security Groups define which categories a user can see by way of its association
with user Responsibilities.
For more information about Security, Visibility, and Category Security Groups, see
Chapter 9, "Managing Security" on page 9-1.

Using Categories
Both knowledge administrators and users can use categories to effectively manage
the knowledge base.

7-2 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Create Categories

Managing Categories
Knowledge administrators define and manage the number of categories in the
knowledge base to ensure that categories are meaningful. It is important that the
knowledge administrator create enough categories for the segmentation to be
useful, but not create so many categories that hierarchy becomes unmanageable.

Adding Categories to Solutions

Knowledge workers can add more than one category to a solution. Categories are a
mandatory attribute for creating solutions. For example, a computer manufacturer
might have a solution that addresses issues with both a printer and a laptop
computer. If that company had both Computer and Printer categories, it would
make sense to add both of the categories to the solution.

Browsing Categories
Knowledge Workers can navigate through a hierarchy of categories, subcategories,
and solutions within the knowledge base to find published solutions.

Filtering Search Results

Users can apply categories as filters when conducting an Advanced Solution Search
to narrow search results.

7.2 Create Categories

You can create categories from the Manage Solution Categories page.


Knowledge Administrator


Knowledge > Setup> Categories...Categories page

Managing Categories 7-3

Edit Categories

1. Select the category to which you want to add categories by selecting the
corresponding option button.
2. Click the + button.
The Create Category page appears.
3. Enter a Name.
4. Choose a Visibility from the list.
5. Click Apply.
On the Categories page, a Confirmation message indicates creation of the new
category. The message also indicates the hierarchical path of the new category.
You can view the new category by navigating to the Knowledge Base Search
page on the Knowledge tab.

7.3 Edit Categories

You can edit the names or visibilities of categories from the Categories page.


Knowledge Administrator


Knowledge > Setup> Categories...Categories page

1. Select the category that you want to edit and click the Update icon on the same
On the Update Category page, the selected Category Name and Visibility
appear as an editable field.

7-4 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Delete Categories

2. Edit the category name or choose another Visibility.

3. Click Apply.

7.4 Delete Categories

You can delete categories from the Manage Solution Categories page. You cannot
delete categories that contain subcategories or solutions.


Knowledge Administrator


Knowledge > Setup> Categories...Categories page

1. Select the category that you want to delete and click the Delete icon on the same
A Warning message appears to ask you if are sure that you want to delete the
2. To delete the category, click Yes.

Managing Categories 7-5

Delete Categories

7-6 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Managing Authoring Flows

This chapter includes an overview about authoring flows and tasks associated with
authoring flows in Oracle Knowledge Management.
Sections in this chapter include:
■ Section 8.1, "Overview" on page 8-2
■ Section 8.2, "Create an Authoring Flow" on page 8-2
■ Section 8.3, "Enable or Disable an Authoring Flow" on page 8-4
■ Section 8.4, "View and Modify an Authoring Flow" on page 8-5

Managing Authoring Flows 8-1


8.1 Overview
Oracle Knowledge Management integration with Oracle Workflow provides a
workflow process to Oracle Knowledge Management internal users to manage the
solution approval and rejection processes. It is a flexible method for Oracle
Knowledge Management internal users to define solution processing steps that are
specific to their needs.
A solution author has an option to either save the solution to his or her own work
area or to submit the solution to an authoring flow for further processing in the
solution detail page.

Understanding Solution Authoring Flow in Oracle Knowledge

A solution authoring flow in Oracle Knowledge Management consists of a series of
steps through which a solution goes before reaching a desired state. Each step in the
authoring flow includes both an assigned resource group and an action to perform.
The resource group can include one or more members. An Oracle Knowledge
Management administrator can:
■ Define and choose each step of an authoring flow.
■ Assign a resource group to each step of an authoring flow.
■ Choose an action at each step of the flow.
You can set up the subscription to specify the solutions for which you would like to
receive e-mail notification. Whenever a solution that relates to the subscribed item
(product) or categories is ready for reviewing, the system sends email notification to
When a solution author submits a solution to an authoring flow:
■ A copy of the solution remains outside the authoring flow so that others can
view it immediately if solution has been previously published.
■ A new copy of the solution is available for processing within the authoring

8.2 Create an Authoring Flow

An Oracle Knowledge Management administrator can setup an authoring flow. For
each authoring flow, you can define the following parameters: Order, Step,
Assigned To, and Action.

8-2 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Create an Authoring Flow


Knowledge Administrator

Administrative permission to create a new authoring flow

Knowledge > Setup > Authoring Flows...Authoring Flows page

1. Click Create.
The Authoring Flow Set Up page appears.
2. Type a Flow Name.
3. For each row, specify:
■ Order: Defines the sequence of steps in an authoring flow. It is a numbered
order that determines how the steps in a flow appear. For example, a step
with an order number 1 appears before a step with the order number 5.
■ Step: Represents the various transitions within an authoring flow. For
example, your choices of Steps might include: Deleted, Draft, Editorial
Review, Public, Public Internal, Public Limited, Published, Technical
Review, and Under Edit. You can modify these steps by modifying the CS_
KB_STATUS lookup type.
■ Assigned To: Represents the resource group that has permission to lock and
update and modify a solution in a specific step of an authoring flow. You
can assign each step in an authoring flow to any of the available user
groups that have required permission.
■ Action: Represents the action that the Oracle Knowledge Management
system must take at each step of an authoring flow. Choices for an
authoring flow can include:
* Notify: Members of the resource group assigned to this step receive

Managing Authoring Flows 8-3

Enable or Disable an Authoring Flow

* Obsolete: If you assign Obsolete to a step, when the solution reaches

this step, it will have an Obsolete status. The solution remains in the
system, but it is no longer visible to any user.
* Publish: If you assign Publish to a step, when the solution reaches this
step, it will have a Publish status. If the Visibility for the solution on the
Solution Detail page had been External, then the solution is visible to
external users. Members of the resource group who are assigned to this
step receive notification.
4. Click Update.

Important: Each flow must have at least one step of the action
Publish or Obsolete. Also, the action for the last step must be
either Publish or Obsolete.

8.3 Enable or Disable an Authoring Flow

An Oracle Knowledge Management administrator can enable or disable the
authoring flows.


Knowledge Administrator

Administrative permission to create a new authoring flow

Knowledge > Setup > Authoring Flows...Authoring Flows page

1. Identify the authoring flow that you want to enable or disable.
Note: You can view additional authoring flows, if any, by clicking the Next or
Previous link or by choosing from the list that is between the Previous and Next

8-4 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

View and Modify an Authoring Flow

■ To enable a flow, select the Enable check box that corresponds to the
authoring flow.
■ To disable a flow, deselect the Enable check box that corresponds to the
authoring flow.
2. Click Apply to save the changes.
Note: You cannot disable a flow that has been set as a default flow profile

8.4 View and Modify an Authoring Flow

Authoring flows describe the steps through which a solution goes in the solution
approval or rejection processes.


Knowledge Administrator

Administrative permission to view (CS_Workflow_Setup_View) a workflow.

Knowledge > Setup > Authoring Flows...Authoring Flows page

1. Click the Update More Details icon that corresponds to the authoring flow.
The Authoring Flow Set Up page displays the authoring flow details. For each
authoring flow, you can modify the Order, Step, Assigned To, and Action
2. To modify the Order, renumber the step numbers.
3. To modify a Step, choose a new value from the Step list for the corresponding
4. To modify the Assign To group, choose a new value from the Assigned To list
for the corresponding step.

Managing Authoring Flows 8-5

View and Modify an Authoring Flow

5. To modify an Action, choose a new value from the Action list for the
corresponding step.
6. To add a new row of values, click the More Rows arrow and enter the Order,
Step, Assigned To, and Actions values.
7. To delete a row, select the Remove check box.
8. To revert to or restore the most recently saved authoring flow, click the Restore
9. After you have finished editing, click the Update button.
The modified authoring flow appears on the Authoring Flow Set Up page.

8-6 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Managing Security

This chapter includes:

■ Section 9.1, "Overview" on page 9-2
■ Section 9.2, "Set Up and Maintain Visibility Levels" on page 9-11
■ Section 9.3, "Set Up and Maintain Category Security Groups" on page 9-13

Note: The audience for this chapter is the administrator who

organizes, sets up, and maintains the master category hierarchy
and Solution Security.

Managing Security 9-1


9.1 Overview
Overview topics in this section include:
■ Section 9.1.1, "Summary" on page 9-2
■ Section 9.1.2, "About Visibility" on page 9-3
■ Section 9.1.3, "Category Security Groups" on page 9-5
■ Section 9.1.4, "Solution Security Filtering Hierarchy" on page 9-6
■ Section 9.1.5, "Statement Filtering and Category Security Groups" on page 9-6
■ Section 9.1.6, "About Associating Solutions and Categories" on page 9-6
■ Section 9.1.7, "Solution Security Relationships" on page 9-7
■ Section 9.1.8, "About Changing Security Settings" on page 9-10

9.1.1 Summary
Solution Security provides a flexible way to control the user access of solutions.
Solution Security identifies which solutions in the knowledge base that users can
access. Solution Security uses the following main factors to determine whether or
not a user can access a solution:
■ Category Security Groups: Category Security Groups--also known as category
views--provide users access to a group of solution categories. Users can access
only the categories within their assigned categories and subcategories. For more
information, see Section 9.1.3, "Category Security Groups" on page 9-5.
■ Categories: Categories are groups of solutions by subject area. Solution
categories are comparable to a folder that contains solutions. Security control at
the category level, using Visibility, restricts access to all solutions and
subcategories within the category. For more information, see Chapter 7,
"Managing Categories" on page 7-1.
■ Visibility: Visibility is the relative sensitivity or confidentiality of a solution.
You associate visibilities with users, categories, subcategories, solutions, and
statements. All of these associations impact which solutions that a user can
For more information, see Section 9.1.2, "About Visibility" on page 9-3.

9-2 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide


■ Read Access Controls: Users can access Oracle Knowledge Management when:
– The user’s assigned Visibility is more restrictive than the data Visibility
– A category belongs to the assigned Category Security Group and the
category is visible.
– A solution belongs to an accessible category and the solution is visible.
– A statement belongs to an accessible solution and the statement is visible.
■ Write Access Controls: Solution Security has the following write-access
– When submitting a solution for approval, a user can only submit to flows
associated with one’s own Category Security Group.
– On top of the resource group checking, a user can only lock and update a
solution if the solution is accessible and the user can see all the statements
of the solution. If security setup changes and causes the loss of read-write
access to locked solutions, a concurrent program can unlock the “stuck”
solutions for other users to work on.

9.1.2 About Visibility

The sensitivity or visibility of a categories, solutions, and statements is a factor that
determines whether or not a particular user can access a category, solution, and
statement. The Visibility Level is a reflection of the confidentiality or sensitivity of
the category, solution, and statement. For example, some solutions are more
sensitive or confidential than others, and therefore you should allow only a specific
group of users to access them. Some solutions are not so sensitive, such that you
consider them to be general access solutions that customers--or possibly
anyone--could have access to.
Visibility is a linear scale of designating the relative sensitivity or confidentiality of
categories, solutions, and statements. You cannot create duplicate Visibility names.

High Restrictions, Limited Access

At one end of the linear scale, a Visibility Level is highly restrictive with limited
access. A highly restrictive Visibility Level is for highly sensitive or highly
confidential information.

Managing Security 9-3


Low Restrictions, Broad Access

At the other end of the linear scale, the Visibility Level has low restrictions with
broad access. A Visibility Level with low restrictions is for broader, more public
audiences, where the information has low sensitivity or low confidentiality. Categories
You--the administrator--organize and create categories. When you create categories
(and subcategories), you specify the Name and Visibility. When you define the
categories you choose from a list of visibilities for each category. You cannot specify
that a child category--a subcategory--be more visible than its parent category. Oracle
Knowledge Management filters the list of available visibilities that are available for
a child category according to the visibility of its parent.
For more information, see Chapter 7, "Managing Categories". Solutions
Solution authors specify the Visibility of their solutions when they create or update
For more information, see Section 4.2, "Create a Solution" on page 4-5. Statements
Authors of statements specify the Visibility of statements when they create or
update them.
For more information, see Section 3.5, "Working with Statements" on page 3-29 and
Section 4.2, "Create a Solution" on page 4-5. Organization of Visibility Levels

Visibility Levels are a way to define how the visibilities fit together in a linear
manner or scale, from low sensitivity to high sensitivity.
Visibility Levels for category and solution are extensible. As an administrator, you
can insert new Visibility Levels anywhere along the scale. At the time of
implementation, you should set up Visibility Levels and associate them to user
Visibility Levels for statements are not extensible. You cannot modify the seeded
visibilities for statements.
Typically, high visibility categories, solutions, or statements have low sensitivity,
and many people can view them. On the other hand, low visibility categories,

9-4 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide


solutions, or statements have high sensitivity, and relatively few people can view
them. The highest visibility might be for external usage, and the lowest visibility
might be for internal usage.
Before you assign Visibility Levels to categories, you must create the master
category hierarchy. As you create the categories in the hierarchy, you assign the
category Visibility Levels. When users create solutions and statements, they assign
each solution and statement a Visibility Level.
For more information on creating categories, see Chapter 7, "Managing Categories".

Seeded Visibility Levels

Oracle Knowledge Management includes:
■ Seeded Visibility Levels of Internal and External.
■ End-dated Visibility Levels of Limited and Restricted to accommodate
backward compatibility. However, new installations include only the seeded
Internal and External Visibility Levels.

User Visibility Levels

As the administrator, you need to assign Visibility Levels for user access. When the
user logs on, Oracle Knowledge Management allows the user to access all the
solutions that are at the assigned Visibility Level up to the most visible level. You
can define and configure user access levels at any time. Oracle Knowledge
Management provides the seeded solution access levels of Internal and External for
new installations.
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Oracle Knowledge Management,
you can add Restricted and Limited access levels to maintain backward
compatibility. You would normally perform that setup during implementation.

9.1.3 Category Security Groups

In addition to Visibility assignments to categories, solutions, and statements, you
associate Category Security Groups (category views) with categories and
responsibilities. Category Security Groups are the means of partitioning the full set
of solutions so one set of users can see only one set of categories, while another set
of users can see another set of categories.
When a user logs on, Oracle Knowledge Management determines in real time the
user's responsibility and therefore the category view.

Managing Security 9-5


The assignments of Visibility and Category Security Groups determine which

categories that the user has access to, such as for searching or browsing, creating
solutions, and drilling down to statement details.
Depending on a user’s access, the categories within their Category Security Group
(category view) appear. Even though a user has a particular category view, the user
might not see all the categories if that user has a low sensitivity visibility
assignment, but within that category, there are highly sensitive categories, for
example. This means that two users who have access to the same category view can
see different categories depending on the visibility of those categories and their user

9.1.4 Solution Security Filtering Hierarchy

Solution Security evaluates the Category Security Groups (category views) and the
Visibility Levels of categories, solutions, and statements to determine what the user
can have access to. Solution Security uses the following filtering sequence:
1. Category Security Groups are the first level of filtering. This occurs when a user
logs on to or accesses Oracle Knowledge Management.
2. Category visibilities are the second level of filtering. A user can only access the
categories within his access level. If there are solutions that are within the user’s
Visibility Level, but are in a category the user cannot access, the user cannot
successfully search for, browse, or view those solutions. Within a category, the
user has access only to the solutions and statements within his Visibility Level.

9.1.5 Statement Filtering and Category Security Groups

There is no direct connection between statements and category groups. Statement
filtering is by statement Visibility and then indirectly through the solution to which
the statement belongs, and then the category group to which the solution belongs.

9.1.6 About Associating Solutions and Categories

Because you can associate solutions with multiple categories, solutions can also
belong to more than one Category Security Group.
Other solutions might re-use the statements from other published solutions. For
maintenance purposes, only solutions that belong to the same Category Security
Group can re-use the statements that are within the same Category Security Group.

9-6 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide


When knowledge workers search for statements, the system filters their results by
whether or not the statement belongs in the same Category Security Group and also
the Visibility Level of the statement itself.

9.1.7 Solution Security Relationships

The following topics describe and show the relationships among various
components of Solution Security:
■ Section, "Relationships Between Visibility Levels and Users, Categories,
Solutions, and Statements" on page 9-7
■ Section, "Relationships Between Categories and Category Security
Groups" on page 9-8
■ Section, "Relationships Between Responsibilities and Category Security
Groups and User Access" on page 9-9 Relationships Between Visibility Levels and Users, Categories,

Solutions, and Statements
Visibility Levels are on a linear scale. At one end of the scale, the visibility is very
restrictive--such as Internal. At the other end of the scale, the visibility is open or
less restrictive--such as External.

Category, Solution, and Statement Visibility Levels

Categories, solutions, and statements all have a Visibility attribute. Whereas the
Visibility Levels for solutions and categories are extensible, the Visibility Levels for
statements are not extensible. The seeded Visibility Levels for statements are
Internal and External. You cannot create or delete Visibility Levels for statements.
The seeded Visibility Levels for categories and solutions are Internal and External.
You can create or delete additional Visibility Levels for categories and solutions.
For more information, see also Section 9.2, "Set Up and Maintain Visibility Levels"
on page 9-11.

User Visibility Levels

You assign users Visibility Levels by way of two profile options: one for statements
and one for categories and solutions. The assignment of Visibility Levels to a user
means that the user can see any solution, category, or statement that has that
Visibility Level or a less restrictive level.

Managing Security 9-7


The following diagram in Figure 9–1 shows the relationships between Visibility
■ Users
■ Categories, Solutions, and Statements

Figure 9–1 Visibility with Users, Categories, Solutions, and Statements Relationships Between Categories and Category Security Groups

The following diagram in Figure 9–2 shows the relationships between categories
and Category Security Groups (category views):
■ An association between Category Security Group K and Subcategories a1, and
a2, but not category A. A user with Security Group K sees only subcategories a1
and a2.
■ An association between Category Security Group M and category B. A user
with Category Security Group M access sees category B and all subordinate
categories that branch from category B, such as subcategory b1.

9-8 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide


Note: Oracle Knowledge Management always displays the

highest node in the category hierarchy that you have selected. For
example, if you first associate subcategory b1 to Category Security
Group M, and then you associate parent category B to Category
Security Group M, then parent category B replaces subcategory b1
in the display of categories.

Figure 9–2 Categories and Category Security Groups Relationships Between Responsibilities and Category Security Groups

and User Access
The following diagram in Figure 9–3 shows relationships between Responsibilities
■ Category Security Groups: You can associate a Category Security Group to one
or more Responsibilities. However, you can associate only one Category
Security Group to a Responsibility. Figure 9–3 shows that both Responsibilities
X and Y have an association with Category Security Group K, but each
Responsibility has only one association with a Category Security Group.

Managing Security 9-9


■ User Access: You can assign as many Responsibilities as you want to a user, but
there is only one single active Responsibility at a time for a given user. When
the user logs on, the user selects which Responsibility to activate among all the
Responsibilities assigned to him or her. Through the profile option setup, you
can assign one set of Visibility Level values per Responsibility. For example, if
the user has two Responsibilities X and Y, it is possible to assign the user:
– External statements and external solutions and categories for Responsibility
– Internal statements and internal solutions and categories for Responsibility

Figure 9–3 Responsibilities with Category Security Groups and User Access

9.1.8 About Changing Security Settings

Changes to the Security settings--for example, adding or removing categories from
Category Security Groups or adding a new Visibility Level--impact the index that
Oracle Knowledge Management uses for searches. For example, if you assign a
category that has a lot of subcategories and solutions to a Category Security Group,
a user who belongs to that Category Security Group can access a lot of data. When

9-10 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Set Up and Maintain Visibility Levels

these changes occur, the user cannot search for it immediately. Only after the
background concurrent requests complete their tasks can the user search for the

9.2 Set Up and Maintain Visibility Levels

Topics in this section include:
■ Section 9.2.1, "Create a Visibility Level" on page 9-11
■ Section 9.2.2, "Update or Delete a Visibility" on page 9-12

9.2.1 Create a Visibility Level

When you can create a new Visibility Level, you must decide where it fits in the
hierarchy of other Visibility Levels. You must plan your Visibility Levels in a linear
manner in terms of sensitivity, from low sensitivity with high access to high
sensitivity with low or restricted access.
In its simplest form, you might have only two Visibility Levels:
■ Internal: For more sensitive material that should be available only internally to
your company and your employees.
■ External: For less sensitive material that is available to customers or the public.
When you create new Visibility Levels, you place the new Visibility Level above or
below existing Visibility Levels.
You can also update or delete Visibility Levels. For more information, see
Section 9.2.2, "Update or Delete a Visibility" on page 9-12.
You cannot create duplicate Visibility Level names.
After you create Visibility Levels, you assign Visibility Levels to users, categories,
solutions, and statements.


Knowledge Administrator

Managing Security 9-11

Set Up and Maintain Visibility Levels


Knowledge > Visibilities...Visibilities page

1. Determine where you want your new Visibility Level to appear on the list.
The least sensitive or least confidential Visibility Level appears at the top of the
list. The most sensitive or most confidential Visibility Level appears at the
bottom of the list.
2. Select an existing Visibility Level check box and click either the:
– Add Above button to let the new Visibility Level precede the selected
Visibility Level.
– Add Below button to let the new Visibility Level follow the selected
Visibility Level.
The Create Visibility Level page appears.
3. Enter Name (required) and Description (optional).
4. Click Apply.
Your new Visibility Level appears either above or below the selected Visibility.

9.2.2 Update or Delete a Visibility

You can modify a Visibility to:
■ Change or correct the name or description.
■ Delete a Visibility.


Knowledge Administrator

9-12 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Set Up and Maintain Category Security Groups


Knowledge > Visibilities...Visibilities page

1. To change the name or description:

a. Select the Visibility Level option button and click the Update icon. The
Update Visibility Level page appears.
b. Edit the Name or Description.
c. Click the Apply button. The Visibilities page displays the changes.
2. To delete a Visibility:
a. Select the Visibility Level option button and click the Delete button. A
message asks you if you sure you want to delete the Visibility Level.
b. Click Yes. The Visibilities page no longer displays the deleted Visibility

9.3 Set Up and Maintain Category Security Groups

Topics in this section include:
■ Section 9.3.1, "About Category Security Groups" on page 9-13
■ Section 9.3.2, "About Organizing Category Security Groups" on page 9-14
■ Section 9.3.3, "Create a Category Security Group" on page 9-15
■ Section 9.3.4, "Update a Category Security Group" on page 9-16
■ Section 9.3.5, "Delete a Category Security Group" on page 9-18

9.3.1 About Category Security Groups

Category Security Groups are defined views of categories that determine whether
or not a particular user can access a category, solution, and statement. Category
Security Groups are subsets of the master category hierarchy and represent subject
areas. After you--the administrator--define the master category hierarchy, you must

Managing Security 9-13

Set Up and Maintain Category Security Groups

also define the views--the Category Security Groups--of the master category
You associate Category Security Groups with:
■ Categories and subcategories: To indicate which categories and subcategories
that a user can view. When you create Category Security Groups, you specify
which categories to include.
For more information, see Section 9.3.3, "Create a Category Security Group" on
page 9-15.
■ Responsibilities: To indicate which users can see which categories. You can
associate a Category Security Group to one or more Responsibilities, but you
can associate only one Category Security Group to a Responsibility. When you
define Responsibilities, you associate a Category Security Groups with them.
The Responsibility with which a user logs on to the module determines which
Category Security Group to use for accessing the knowledge base.

About Category Setup

You set up a master category hierarchy at the time of implementation. The
definition of categories and the master hierarchy need to be flexible enough to
represent subject areas, products, structure of the company, and so on. Typically,
you maintain and modify the master category hierarchy over time. You can add,
edit and delete categories as required.
For more information, see Chapter 7, "Managing Categories".

9.3.2 About Organizing Category Security Groups

After creating the master category, you--the administrator--define Category Security
Groups, which are category views that users have of the knowledge base. Category
Security Groups are subsets of the master category hierarchy. Although the master
category hierarchy includes a root Home category, you cannot include the root
Home category in your Category Security Group. Instead, each Category Security
Group has becomes its own virtual Home, which varies according to the selected
Figure 9–4 shows a sample layout of a master category hierarchy with two Category
Security Group views, J and K.
For example, Category Security Group J contains parent categories A and b2. Users
whose Responsibility is associated with Category Security Group J can see only

9-14 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Set Up and Maintain Category Security Groups

those categories and subcategories of A and b2, which includes a1, a2, b2a, and b2b.
These same users cannot see categories B, b1, b3, or anything in category C.
Similarly, Category Security Group K contains categories B and C. Users whose
Responsibility is associated with Category Security Group K can see only those
categories and subcategories of B and C, but nothing in category A.

Figure 9–4 Category Security Group Views of the Master Category Hierarchy

9.3.3 Create a Category Security Group

The following procedures describe to create a new Category Security Group. You
can also update a Category Security Group and delete a Category Security Group.


Knowledge Administrator

You have set up categories. For more information, see Section 7.2, "Create
Categories" on page 7-3.

Managing Security 9-15

Set Up and Maintain Category Security Groups

Knowledge > Setup > Security...Create Category Security Group page

1. Enter Name (required) and Description (optional).

2. Click the Related Categories tab.

3. To associate categories with the Category Security Group, click the Include
Category button.
The Include: Categories page appears.
4. Expand the navigation tree, select the check box of each category or subcategory
that you want to apply to the Category Security Group.
You can select one or more categories and subcategories. If you want to specify
all subcategories of a category, then select only the parent category. If you want
to specify only specific subcategories but not the parent category or other
subcategories, then expand the parent category and select only specific
5. Click the Apply button.
The Create Category Security Group page appears.
6. To add related authoring flows, click the Related Flows tab.
7. Click the Include Authoring Flows button.
The Include: Authoring Flows page appears.
For more information about authoring flows, see Chapter 8, "Managing
Authoring Flows".
8. Select one or more authoring flows that you want to associate with the Category
Security Group.
9. Click the Apply button.

9.3.4 Update a Category Security Group

After you have created a Category Security Group, you can update it to change the
name, description, related category, or authoring flow.


9-16 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Set Up and Maintain Category Security Groups

Knowledge Administrator


Knowledge > Setup > Security...Create Category Security Group page

The Category Security Groups page displays a list of Category Security Groups.
1. On the row of the Category Security Group that you want to update, click the
Update icon.
The Update Category Security Group page appears.
2. To remove a category, click the Remove icon.
The category disappears.
3. To add related categories, click the Include Category button.
The Include: Categories page appears.
4. Expand the navigation tree, select the check box of each category or subcategory
that you want to apply to the Category Security Group.
For more information, see Steps 4 and 5 in Section 9.3.3, "Create a Category
Security Group".
5. To update related authoring flows, click the Related Flows tab.
6. To remove an authoring flow, click the Remove icon on the row that lists the
The authoring flow disappears.
7. To add authoring flows, click the Include Authoring Flows button.
The Include: Authoring Flows page appears.
For more information about authoring flows, see Chapter 8, "Managing
Authoring Flows".

Managing Security 9-17

Set Up and Maintain Category Security Groups

8. Select one or more authoring flows that you want to associate with the Category
Security Group.
9. Click the Apply button.

9.3.5 Delete a Category Security Group

You (the administrator) can remove a Category Security Group only if no authoring
flows or categories are associated with the Category Security Group. Removing a
Category Security Group does not affect the categories within the group. That is,
removing a Category Security Group does not remove any categories. However, if
you have associated any categories with the Category Security Group, you must
disassociate them from the Category Security Group.
Also, when you remove a Category Security Group, the Responsibility that you had
associated with the Category Security Group no longer applies to that Category
Security Group. When anyone with that formerly associated Responsibility attempt
to log on to Oracle Knowledge Management, an error message appears.
The following procedures describe how to:
■ Disassociate categories from a Category Security Group.
■ Delete a Category Security Group.


Knowledge Administrator


Knowledge > Setup > Security...Create Category Security Group page

The Category Security Groups page displays a list of Category Security Groups.
1. On the row of the Category Security Group that you want to update, click the
Update icon.

9-18 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Set Up and Maintain Category Security Groups

The Update Category Security Group page appears.

2. On each row where a category appears, click the Remove icon.
The category disappears. You must remove every category before you can
delete the Category Security Group.
3. After you have removed all categories from the list, click the Apply button.
The Category Security Groups page appears.
4. On the row that lists the flow that you want to delete, click the Delete icon.
A confirmation messages asks you to if you are sure that you want to delete the
Category Security Group.
5. Click the Yes button.

Important: If you had associated the deleted Category Security

Group with a Responsibility, those users with that Responsibility
will receive an error message when they try to log on. You should
consider assigning another Category Security Group with that

Managing Security 9-19

Set Up and Maintain Category Security Groups

9-20 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Part III
Customer Flows

This part contains the following chapter:

■ Chapter 10, "Managing Search--Customer Flow"
Managing Search--Customer Flow

This chapter includes procedural information about the search functionality for the
end-customer who accesses Oracle Knowledge Management from other modules,
such as iSupport. For overview information on the search processes, see Section 3.1,
"Overview" on page 3-2.
Another part of Oracle Knowledge Management covers agent and administrator
search processes and procedures. For more information, see Chapter 3, "Managing
Topics in this chapter include:
■ Section 10.1, "Using Basic Search--Customer" on page 10-2
■ Section 10.2, "Using Solution Advanced Search--Customer" on page 10-6
■ Section 10.3, "View the Solution Detail Page--Customer" on page 10-12
■ Section 10.4, "About Searching with Integrated Products--Customer Flows" on
page 10-13

Managing Search--Customer Flow 10-1

Using Basic Search--Customer

10.1 Using Basic Search--Customer

Basic Search lets you enter key words to perform a search for solutions across
multiple repositories within the knowledge base. The default repositories in the
customer-facing search are: Solution, Solution Categories, Forum, and Library.
Because of its key word based interface, Basic Search is accessible to users of all
levels of experience. The Basic Search matches the words that you enter across the
header and body of the solution.

Note: Other versions of Oracle Knowledge Management refer to

the Basic Search as either the Simple Search or the Unified Search.
Also, other versions of Oracle Knowledge Management refer to
Product as Item. The customer-facing material in this section refer
to Basic Search and Product.

The Basic Search keyword matching differs across repositories. It matches the
header and body for Solutions, but only the header for Service Request.
The following diagram illustrates the process flow for a basic solution search by
showing the steps from entering the search criteria to providing feedback on a

Figure 10–1 Basic Solution Search Process Diagram

Security, Visibility, and Category Security Group settings impact which solutions,
categories, and statements you can access. For more information, see Chapter 9,
"Managing Security".

10-2 Oracle Knowledge Management User Guide

Using Basic Search--Customer

Use this procedure to perform a Basic Search. Refer to your module’s

documentation for login, responsibility, and prerequisite information. The following
procedures demonstrate access to Oracle Knowledge Management from the Oracle
iSupport module.

Note: The following procedures are for customer-flows, such as

accessing Oracle Knowledge Management from another module. If
you are accessing Oracle Knowledge Management using the
agent-flows rather than the customer-flows, see Section 3.2, "Using
Simple Search--Agent" on page 3-9.

jtflogin (for the integrated module)

(See other module documentation.)

(See other module documentation.)

Support tab > Ask Me tab...Knowledge Base page

1. In the Search field, choose a repository from the list.
To perform a search across all available repositories, choose All.
2. In the Search field that is to the right of the Search list, enter text search criteria
to narrow down your search.
For example, to search for a solution regarding a printer type the word printer.
3. In the Using field, choose one:
– Any of the words: To match one or more words in any sequence.
– All of the words: To match all words in any sequence.
– Exact Phrase: To precisely match word-by-word in the same sequence.
Note: Depending on your setup, the Using field might not be available.

Managing Search--Customer Flow 10-3

Using Basic Search--Customer

4. In the Product field, click the Flashlight icon to search and select a product.
5. Click Go.
Results appear in the Search Results section and appear by repository in tables.
When searching all repositories, results appear in tables, such as:
■ Solutions
■ Category
■ Forums

Search results for the Solutions repository include:
■ Score: Shows how closely the results match the query key words entered.
Oracle Knowledge Management uses various criteria to determine a score.
■ Title: Indicates the solution title. You can click the title to drill down to the
solution details.
■ Solution Number: Displays the matching solution number, which is a unique
reference for the solution.
■ Updated Date: Shows the most recent date on which an update occurred.
Click the corresponding solution title to display the Solution Detail page.

Search results on for Categories repository include:
■ Score: Shows how closely the results match the query key words entered.
Oracle Knowledge Management uses various criteria to determine a score.
■ Name: Shows the category name and hierarchy.
Click the corresponding title to display solutions listed within the category.

Search results for the Forums repository include:
■ Score: Shows how closely the results match the query key words entered.
Oracle Knowledge Management uses various criteria to determine a score.
■ Title: Indicates the forum title. Click a title to see its contents.
■ Updated Date: Shows the most recent date on which the forum was updated

10-4 Oracle Knowledge Management User Guide

Using Basic Search--Customer

Click the corresponding Forum to display the Message Content page.

10.1.1 Browse Categories--Customer

You use Categories to organize solutions into logical groupings or subject areas.
Using the analogy of a library, you could:
■ Characterize fiction as a category
■ Characterize mysteries and classics as subcategories
■ Compare books to solutions
■ Compare book titles to solution titles.
Oracle Knowledge Management lets you navigate through a hierarchy of categories,
subcategories, and solutions within the knowledge base to find published solutions.
When viewing solution details, the user can see the categories to which the solution
The following diagram illustrates the process flow for browsing solutions by
showing the steps from reviewing categories to providing feedback on the solution.

Figure 10–2 Browse Categories Process Diagram

Use this procedure to browse categories:

jtflogin (for the integrated module)

(See other module documentation.)

(See other module documentation.)

Managing Search--Customer Flow 10-5

Using Solution Advanced Search--Customer

Support tab > Ask Me tab...Knowledge Base page

1. Choose a Category such as Appliances.
The Solution Category page appears.
2. Choose a Category (a subcategory) or a Solution.
Solutions appear in the Solutions section under the Solution Category section.
3. To filter solutions by when they were last used, choose a time frame value from
the View list.
Examples of your choices can include: this week, this month, the past 3 months,
the past 6 months, this year, the past 2 years, and all.
Note: You can also perform a keyword search by entering a key word in the
Search Solution field. By selecting the corresponding option button, you can
specify whether the search should include All Solution Categories or Only in
the Current Category.

Solution Results within a Category

The Solution results that are within a Category appear in a summary table and
■ Title: Indicates the solution summary. Users can click on the title to drill down
to the solution details.
■ Number: Indicates the solution number. It is alphanumeric and is a unique
reference for the solution.
■ Last Updated: Shows the last date on which the solution was updated
Click the corresponding title to display the Solution Detail page.

10.2 Using Solution Advanced Search--Customer

Solution Advanced Search searches solutions in the knowledge base to let you find
solutions using statements as criteria. In addition, you can specify attributes of the
solution, such as keywords, Products, Platforms, Categories, and Statement Types
as search criteria. Being able to specify statements as criteria means that you can use
existing statements to find a solution.

10-6 Oracle Knowledge Management User Guide

Using Solution Advanced Search--Customer

Security, Visibility, and Category Security Group settings impact which solutions,
categories, and statements you can access. For more information, see Chapter 9,
"Managing Security".

10.2.1 Solution Advanced Search Criteria and Conditions

The following summaries provide an overview of the search criteria and conditions
that you can use in an Solution Advanced Search. Searching Method

The Searching Method appears only if the Knowledge: Display Search Option List
option is set to Yes. The default value is No.
For more information, see Appendix B, "Display Search Option List". Solution Type

Solution types help organize solutions within the knowledge base. A profile option
determines the default solution type.
Choosing a solution type returns only statements of this type. Filter Types

Adding a filter to the search criteria, limits the result set. When you create a
solution, you can assign the solution to Categories, Product Types, or Platforms.
You can use these groupings as filters during a Solution Advanced Search.
Examples of Filters include:
■ Solution Category: Hardware
■ Product Type: Envoy Laptop
■ Platform: Linux
Typically, only computer technology companies use Platforms. Your administrator
can hide the Platform attribute throughout the knowledge base by setting the
Knowledge: Display Platform Attributes profile option to No.
Selecting a filter returns solutions that are associated to these Categories, Products,
and Platforms. You can use multiple filters during a Solution Advanced Search.

Managing Search--Customer Flow 10-7

Using Solution Advanced Search--Customer Statements
Statements are the basis of the Solution Advanced Search. Types of statement
searches include:

Matching Statements
Matching Statements is a text-based search that searches the titles and descriptions
of statements in the database to find similar statements.

Related Statements
A Related Statement search finds other statements that have been used in a solution
containing a selected statement. You can execute a Related Statement search only if
you have selected at least one matching statement. Search Options

You can choose from the following search options:
■ Search Solutions
■ Search Related Solutions

Search Solutions
Search Solutions is a text-based search that searches both solutions containing
keywords in the Statement section and the solutions that relate to any statements
that you have selected in the statement section.
Search Solutions finds all solutions that match the search criteria. By default, you
use this search most of the time.

Search Related Solutions

This search is based on the links that the selected statements have to solutions. Any
solution that has a relationship with any of the selected statements appear in the
search results. Whenever the authors of solutions and statements use statements in
a solution, they also create relationships between a statement and a solution.
The Score reflects the number of selected statements that each solution search result
contains. Solutions having most of the selected statements have higher scores.
Search Related Solutions finds all solutions that contain the specified solutions.
Search Related Solutions appears only if the administrator has set Knowledge:
Expose Search Related Solutions Button option to Yes. The default setting is No.

10-8 Oracle Knowledge Management User Guide

Using Solution Advanced Search--Customer

10.2.2 Perform Solution Advanced Search

The following procedures describe how to perform an Solution Advanced Search
for customer-facing flows, such as accessing Oracle Knowledge Management from
another module, such as Oracle iSupport. If you are an agent--such as a knowledge
worker--who is accessing Oracle Knowledge Management from within Oracle
Knowledge Management, see Section 3.4, "Using Advanced Solution

jtflogin (for the integrated module)

(See other module documentation.)

(See other module documentation.)

Support tab > Ask Me tab...Knowledge Base page

1. Click the Solution Advanced Search button.
The Solution Advanced Search page appears.
2. Under Conditions, choose a Solution Type from the list.
Your choices of Solution Type can vary, but typical examples can include:
Symptom-Cause-Action, Problem-Solution-Results, Problem-Fix, and so on.
3. To add filters:
a. In the Filters, area, choose a filter type from the list. Your choices can
include: Solution Category, Platform, or Product.
b. Click Add.
c. If you chose Solution Category, the Select Solution Categories page appears.
* Navigate the Solution Categories tree by expanding or collapsing
category branches, and select one or more corresponding check boxes.

Managing Search--Customer Flow 10-9

Using Solution Advanced Search--Customer

* Click the Update button to add the selected filter or filters. The selected
categories become search criteria.
d. To add a Product filter, choose Product from the list.
* Click Add. The Select Product page appears.
* In the Name or Description fields, enter text criteria to narrow your
search for Products, and click the Search button. Matching results
* Select one or more corresponding checkboxes to specify Products as
search criteria.
* Click Update to add the Product filters. The selected Products become
search criteria.
e. To add a Platform filter, choose Platform from the list.
* Click Add. The Select Platform page appears.
* In the Name or Description fields, enter text criteria to narrow your
search for Products, and click the Search button. Matching results
* Select one or more corresponding checkboxes to specify platforms as
search criteria.
* Click Update to add the Platform filters. The platforms become search
4. To add a matching statement:
a. In the Type column, choose a Statement type.
b. In the Summary field, enter a keyword or statement.
c. Click Match Statement. The Search and Select: Matching Statements page
* To specify a statement, select the option button that corresponds to the
matching statement. You can select only one matching statements at a
* Click Select. The statement becomes search criteria.
Note: You can also refine your statement search on this page by choosing a
new statement type, entering a modified summary, and clicking Go.
5. To add a related statement.

10-10 Oracle Knowledge Management User Guide

Using Solution Advanced Search--Customer

a. After adding a matching statement, click the Search Related Statements

button. The Select Related Statements page appears.
b. Select check boxes that correspond to the related statements.
c. Click Select. The statements become search criteria.
6. Review your Filter and Statements and ensure that you have selected the check
boxes for each item that you want to include.
7. Clear the check boxes of items that you want to exclude from search criteria.
8. Click the Search Solutions button.
Results appear in the Results: Solution section on the Solution Advanced Search
9. Alternatively, click Search Related Solutions to search for solutions that contain
the selected statements.

Solution Advanced Search Results

The Solution Advanced Search results appear in a summary table and include the
■ Score: Shows how closely the results match the query
■ Summary: Indicates a summary of the solution. An expanded list of statements
that are included in the solution can be displayed by selecting the plus icon next
to the solution summary.
Search results can be added to the search criteria, by selecting the
corresponding Select box and clicking Add to Search Criteria.
■ Usage: Indicates how many times the solution has been viewed.
■ Last Updated: Shows the last date on which the solution or statement was
■ View: Allows you to view the Solution Detail page

Note: You cannot sort the Usage or View columns.

Managing Search--Customer Flow 10-11

View the Solution Detail Page--Customer

10.3 View the Solution Detail Page--Customer

Whenever you view a knowledge solution within Knowledge Management or from
another module--for example, Oracle TeleService, Oracle iSupport, or Oracle Depot
Repair--the information appears on the Solution Detail page.
The Solution Detail page identifies important information about the solution
including what the solution is about (statements), the type of solution, and its
authoring history. Information also shows how the solution applies to specific
Products, Categories, and Platforms, as well as details that show the external
links--such as Service Requests, Repair Orders, and so on--and attachments.
Also, Task Group Templates may have been activated with a solution. Solution
detail can include these tasks which are a description of how to perform action on a
solution. An example of a task is schedule a field service representative.
Information that identifies the solution and its history appear in the header. The
header includes:
■ Type: Indicates the solution type.
■ Last Updated: Indicates when the solution was most recently updated.
The elements that comprise the solution include:
■ Categories
■ Products
■ Platforms
■ Statements

Note: Statements are the most critical information in the solution.

■ Attachments
■ Related Documents
■ Comments
For more information about these elements, see Section 4.2, "Create a Solution" on
page 4-5.
You can submit comments to the solution. In addition, you can indicate whether a
solution solves your problem. The system captures responses in usage counts
within Knowledge Management.

10-12 Oracle Knowledge Management User Guide

About Searching with Integrated Products--Customer Flows

With the correct Responsibility, you can add comments on the View Solution Detail
page if you have the permission CS_Solution_View_Internal.
Comments accumulate through different versions of a solution until publishing of
the solution. After solution publishing, you can no longer view the previous
comments, but you can add new comments.
Security, Visibility, and Category Security Group settings impact which solutions,
categories, and statements you can access.
For more information, see Chapter 9, "Managing Security".

10.4 About Searching with Integrated Products--Customer Flows

Several modules within the Oracle E-Business Suite integrate with Oracle
Knowledge Management, allowing users to search the knowledge base from other
modules. Table 10–1 lists Oracle E-Business Suite modules that integrate with
Oracle Knowledge Management searches by way of customer flows.
For information on Oracle E-Business Suite modules that integrate with Oracle
Knowledge Management by way of agent flows, see Section 3.8.1, "About Searching
from Integrated Modules--Agent Flows" on page 3-35.

Table 10–1 Search Integrations from Customer Flows

E-Business Suite
Product Search Integrations
Oracle iSupport iSupport users can access Knowledge Management pages
from the Support tab in iSupport.
For information on using iSupport see the latest version of the
Oracle iSupport User Guide.
Oracle Partners Online Partners Online users access iSupport pages.
For information on using Partners Online or iSupport see the
latest versions of the Oracle Partners Online User Guide and the
Oracle iSupport User Guide.

Managing Search--Customer Flow 10-13

About Searching with Integrated Products--Customer Flows

10-14 Oracle Knowledge Management User Guide

Part IV

This part contains the following appendixes:

■ Appendix A, "Frequently Asked Questions"
■ Appendix B, "Display Search Option List"
Frequently Asked Questions

A.1 Frequently Asked Questions

What is Oracle Knowledge Management?
Knowledge management is the process by which knowledge is identified, accessed,
enhanced, and protected through the use of advanced technology, user friendly
portals, and the development of a culture of openness, sharing, and collaboration.
Knowledge becomes an asset for an organization only when it is available in an
ordered and accessible format for use by its employees and customers. Knowledge
can exist in different structured formats such as databases, white papers,
presentations, and so forth.
Oracle Knowledge Management prevents duplication of effort and poor decision
making due lack of quality information. Oracle Knowledge Management improves
communication, reduce costs, and to develop competitive advantage.
More than eighty percent of incoming customer assistance requests to service
centers involve issues that have already been resolved. If a knowledge management
system is not available, a frequently-posed question must be repeatedly researched
and relayed by the agent. In this scenario, several costs, both real and in terms of
customer satisfaction, are incurred. Real costs are associated with the life cycle of
the problem: customer service representatives must answer the initial customer call,
log the problem, request more information, escalate the problem, deal with bugs,
find out if a solution already exists, communicate the fix back to the customer, and
close the problem. Intangible costs are associated with low customer and agent
A good knowledge management system helps build strong customer relationships
by enhancing the customer experience with a company’s product or service. The
Oracle Knowledge Management module is an important part of any complete

Frequently Asked Questions A-1

Frequently Asked Questions

customer support module. It allows customer support representatives to match the

problem that they face with the problems that have been previously experienced
and recorded. Reuse of existing problem descriptions and solutions, improves
customer service efficiency.

What is the business need of Oracle Knowledge Management?

Customer expectations are driving customer service innovations. To meet the
round-the-clock demands of the Internet, e-commerce sites must provide additional
personnel to handle customer support needs. Unless you can afford a 24/7 staffed
call center, you must make preparations for middle of the night shoppers and
Internet users in global time zones.
Knowledge bases are an excellent way to provide information to customers on a
self-serve basis, particularly for complex services, such as technical support. If your
visitors ask about installing a new sound card, upgrading the BIOS, installing a
modem, or cleaning up after a virus, then you most likely need more than an FAQ.

What is Oracle Knowledge Management?

Oracle Knowledge Management is a solution management and document access
system that allows customers to search for and resolve their own issues. It has a
tight integration with other Oracle Applications modules.
Oracle Knowledge Management also provides solution capture and immediate
access to new solutions. The relational aspect of knowledge management provides
focused results that relate more directly to the issues being researched.
Using natural language queries, customers are able to find immediate and accurate
solutions to problems and answers to questions, thereby attaining satisfaction
quickly and increasing your return on investment. Self service support can present a
viable 24/7 alternative to heavily staffed call centers at a fraction of the cost.
Oracle Knowledge Management currently provides solution management to Oracle
iSupport, Oracle Support, Oracle Field Service, Oracle Depot Repair, and Oracle
eMail Center. The architecture has been designed to support diverse use and is
expected to be utilized by other products.

What is it aimed to do?

Oracle Knowledge Management aims to:
■ Reduce support operation costs.
■ Retain profitable customers.

A-2 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

■ Address diverse customer needs by providing the information to meet those

■ Empower customers to help themselves through Web self-service 24 x 7.
■ Increase customer satisfaction.
■ Increase support agent satisfaction and retention.

Why is this important?

The phone has been the traditional method for an organization for delivering
service to its customers. A clear global trend is increasing customer usage of the
Web to receive answers to their questions immediately. Internet enabled self service
has become the most important trend in customer service because customers can
get service wherever and whenever they want without waiting in phone queues.

Are there any techniques to help in searching the knowledge base

You can use the Advanced Solution Search functionality, or the category headings
on the Simple Search page to reduce the number of solutions for your query. A
search performed by entering a word or a phrase in the Simple Search page searches
the entire knowledge base.

What search method should I use, if I do not know the Solution Number?
If a Solution Number is not known, then you can use the keyword search. This
search is not case sensitive. More keywords result in a narrower search. Enter
appropriate keywords for quicker and more specific results.

After checking out and locking a solution, how can I check it in, without
having to submit it to a work flow?
There is currently no way to check in a solution. You must submit a solution back to
a workflow.

How do I publish a statement?

A newly created statement is by default in the draft status. It is published when the
solution that it is associated with is published.

What is the Oracle Trading Community?

Trading Community and Trading Community Architecture (TCA) is an architecture
designed to support trading communities. The goal of TCA is to provide the

Frequently Asked Questions A-3

Frequently Asked Questions

foundation for Oracle Applications modules. To do this, TCA strives to model all
relationships within a trading community. This enables one data model to store
B2B, B2B2C, B2C and B2C2C data. For example, the trading community of an
appliance manufacturer may include suppliers, distributors, resellers, retailers,
service providers, individual consumers and business consumers. The appliance
manufacturer not only wishes to track relationships between itself and other entities
within the trading community. The manufacturer may also be interested in
relationships that other community members have with each other. The appliance
manufacturer may not even have direct relationships with all the members of its
trading community. But, it is important that the appliance manufacturer knows
about these entities and how they relate to other entities within the community.
Important to point out is that there is only one customer data model or schema,
used in all Oracle Applications modules. The 11i Customer Model is not a product
that can be purchased, Rather, it is the underlying data model that stores customer
information and is included with any Oracle Applications module. All CRM
modules utilize the Customer Model to store customer information, although the
degree to which the Customer Model is utilized differs from module to module.

Does Oracle Knowledge Management support different languages?

Yes. Oracle Knowledge Management is MLS (Multi Lingual Support) compliant and
supports multiple languages. Users can set the preferences to a language that they
prefer to display, and this can be changed at any time. For example, customers at
one particular site can change to a combination of English and Spanish at the same

How is Multi Lingual Support (MLS) used in Oracle Knowledge

When you create a solution in one language, a copy of the solution is also created in
other languages that you have installed. If you assign the publish status to any copy
of the solution, then the copy of the solution for other languages also gets
published. You need to make sure that the solution is ready for all the installed
languages before you assign the publish status to the solution.

How do I customize Oracle Knowledge Management?

Oracle JDeveloper can be used for Oracle Knowledge Management custom
development. It can be used to write, debug, deploy, and test Java and JSP modules.
You can customize menu, roles, permission, responsibilities and AK prompts. You
can also customize lookups and profile options.

A-4 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there options available in the Rapid Installer for Oracle Knowledge

Where are the documents in Oracle Knowledge Management stored?

Solutions in Oracle Knowledge Management are stored on the main instance where
Oracle Knowledge Management is installed.

How are attachments to solutions in Oracle Knowledge Management

Attachments are stored on the database.

Why can’t I find the solution that I created when I search for them using
Advanced Solution Search or Simple Search pages?
To see the new solutions, you must first run the Knowledge Base Sync index
concurrent program to refresh the data in the knowledge base.
You also must verify the Visibility Level. To view restricted solutions, you need to
have the role with View_Solution_Restricted permission.

While doing a knowledge base Search, why can I not find statements
that I used in creating a solution?
The solution that you have created is in a draft status.
■ You cannot search draft solutions and statements in Simple Search or Advanced
Solution Search.
■ You can only find in-progress solutions in the Solutions in Progress pages,
including the search for solutions in progress.
Publish your solution and run the sync index program again to search both
published solutions and statements from Simple Search or Advanced Solution
Search or Statement Search pages.

Frequently Asked Questions A-5

Frequently Asked Questions

A-6 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide

Display Search Option List

B.1 Searching Methods

The Searching Method appears in the Knowledge: Advanced Solution Search page
only if the Knowledge: Display Search Option List option is set to Yes. The default
value is No.
The Knowledge: Default Searching Method profile option determines the default
search option used in both Advanced Solution Search and Simple Search (also
known as Unified Search). Accumulate is the default searching value.
The following text search options are in Advanced Solution Search if the option is
set to Yes:
■ All Keywords: This search uses the AND operator. The search results must
match all terms in the query. For example, if you enter Oracle server as a search
query, Oracle Knowledge Management would read it as Oracle AND server and
send it to Oracle Text.
■ Any Keywords: This search uses the OR operator. This search can match one or
more query terms.
■ Reference Number: Every solution in Oracle Knowledge Management is
assigned a unique number. This search finds the solution that is associated with
the number entered in the search query field.
The Reference Number option should not be set as the default search method.

Display Search Option List B-1

Searching Methods

B-2 Oracle Knowledge Management User’s Guide


An Oracle Knowledge Management statement type that contains the solution to an
issue. It is a part of the Symptom-Cause-Action solution type.

This search finds documents that contain at least one of the query terms.

Advanced Solution Search

Advanced Solution Search is a more comprehensive search than Simple Search. You
can search for solutions under different categories, products, or platforms. You can
search one solution type or all, and search for statements. You can also select an
existing statement in Oracle Knowledge Management and perform a related search.

All Keywords
This search uses the AND operator. The search results must match all terms in the

Any Keywords
This search uses the OR operator. This search can match one or more query terms.

A link from a solution to a supporting item of information that enhances the value
of the solution for its users. Attachments can include graphics, scripts, or
documents in different file formats.

Authoring Flow
An Authoring Flow defines the steps or tasks that a solution must follow in the
solution approval or rejection process.

Simple Search
Simple Search is a type of search that lets you search for a solution, category, and
forum message based on a keyword.

In this searching method, you can enter your own Oracle Text operators. If you do
not enter an operator, this search performs a phrase search.

A folder containing a set of related solutions.

An Oracle Knowledge Management statement type that contains the reason for the
solution issue. It is a part of the Symptom-Cause-Action solution type.

Dynamic Linking
Is the process of linking an object type or a unique identifier within a statement as a
link to additional information related to that object type or to that unique identifier.

End Date
End-dating a statement or solution type prevents any further statements or
solutions of this type from being created. Solutions or statements currently in
progress are allowed to complete.
End dating a solution or statement type does not mean that the solution or
statement type has been deleted. Instead, it is considered a soft delete that can be
revoked by removing the end date on the solution or statement type at any point in

Find Related Statements

The search method that finds all other statements that have been previously linked.
The results are displayed based on the strength or weight of the link.

Find Similar Statements

A text search that finds matches that are determined by comparing keywords to the
summary of the statements in the repository.

Knowledge Base
The Oracle Knowledge Management database that contains information that can be
used to solve issues.

Knowledge Worker
An individual that creates or edits or technically reviews information within Oracle
Knowledge Management.

A company that has purchased or is using one or more Oracle Applications

Oracle Text
Oracle Text is a feature that enables the Oracle database to store, manage, and
retrieve text, documents, geographic location information, images, audio, and video
in an integrated fashion with other enterprise information.
Formerly known as Intermedia Text.

A link between a solution to a statement or a statement to another statement that
indicates they have been used together at some time as part of a solution. A
statement can have many relationships based on the number of solutions of which it
is a part.

Oracle Knowledge Management evaluates the criteria to produce a score to present
the best solution first. The scoring criteria include the number of times that a
solution has: been linked to an external object and solved; been linked to external
objects; received positive feedback; been viewed as a solution; or received negative
feedback. These scores are shown as a combined score to indicate the strength of the
match to the query entered. The maximum score is 100.

Collection of information or statements to solve an issue or answer a question.

Solution Number
Every solution in Oracle Knowledge Management is associated with a unique
number. This search finds the solution that is associated with the number entered in
the search query field.

Solution Score
Each solution is scored based on the text match performed by Oracle Text and the
number of times it has been successfully used to solve issues. These scores are
shown as a combined score to indicate the strength of the match to the query
entered. The maximum score is 100.

Solution Type
An attribute of a solution that helps define the type of content that goes into a
solution (a solution type is like a template).

A statement is a description of any aspect of a problem, its cause, or its resolution. It
contains a summary field that can be a maximum of 500 characters and a detail field
that can be maximum of 4 GB. Statements can be segmented into statement types.

Note: If the detail field is greater than 32KB, the detail field is
read-only. If you require statements that are larger than 32KB, then
use the Import and Export features.

Statement Type
Statements can be segmented into statement types. It is an identifying name
associated with a particular part of a solution type. For example, question is a
statement type in a question or answer solution type.

Solutions and statements have a status attribute. This attribute describes the phase
of review that a solution or statement has gone through. Common solution statuses
are: Draft, Under Edit, Technical Review, Editorial Review, Obsolete, and Published.

An Oracle Knowledge Management statement type that contains the issue the user
is trying to solve. It is a part of the Symptom-Cause-Action solution type.

Unified Search
Also known as a Simple Search. See Simple Search.

An Oracle Knowledge Management user can be an internal or an external user.
External users are users that can see published solutions. Internal users include
system administrators, knowledge workers, and knowledge agents.

A overview, 3-2
published solutions, 3-2
repository, 3-2
assign Visibility Levels, 9-5
results, 3-27
control of solutions, 9-2
searching example, 3-6
high or restricted, Visibility Level, 9-11
Solutions repository, 3-2
level. See also Visibility Level.
statements, 3-21
level, Internal and External, 9-5
text search options, B-1
level, Restricted and Limited, 9-5
using, for agent, 3-20
low, Visibility Level, 9-11
All Keywords
solution and categroy, restrict, 9-2
defined, Glossary-1
user, define and configure, 9-5
text searching, 1-3
user, diagram, 9-10
what are, B-1
user, Responsibility, 9-9
all of the words
user, Responsibilty, 9-10
Basic Search, 10-3
user, Security, 9-13
Simple Search, 3-10
Visibility Level, 9-3
statement search, 3-23
access control
All solutions in progress, 4-27
read, 9-3
Any Keywords
write, 9-3
defined, Glossary-1
accumulate, Glossary-1
text search, 1-3
action, Glossary-1
what are, B-1
action statement, 4-2
any of the words
action to perform, authoring flow, 8-2
Basic Search, 10-3
Simple Search, 3-10
categories to solutions, 7-3
statement search, 3-23
comments to solution, 4-24
assigned resource group, authoring flow, 8-2
external links to solution type, 5-3
external object, 4-11
solution type with statement type, 5-2
statement type, 5-3, 5-4
statement type to solution type, 5-3, 6-3
Advanced Solution Search
See also Solution Advanced Search.
add to solution, 4-10
about, 3-5
specify name and location of, 4-10
defined, Glossary-1
what is, Glossary-1

authoring flow specify attachment name and location, 4-10
about, 4-15
action to perform, 8-2
assigned resource group, 8-2
change step order, 8-5 Categories repository
create, 8-2 Basic Search, 10-4
disable, 8-4 Simple Search, Solutions, 3-12
e-mail notification, 8-2 category
enable, 8-4 about, 3-14
manage, 8-1 add, 7-3
modify or edit, 8-5 add to solution, 7-3
modify step, 8-5 associate Category Security Group with, 9-14
overview, 8-2 associate solutions with, 9-6
process, solution status in, 4-5 browse, 3-14, 7-3
resource group, 8-2 browse hierarchy of, 3-5
specify, 4-17 browse, customer, 10-5
specify step, 4-18 control access with Visibility setting, 7-2
subscription, 8-2 delete, 7-5
view, 8-5 edit, 7-4
authoring step, specify, 4-18 manage, 7-1, 7-3
authoring, add comments to solution, 4-24 organize solutions into, 7-2
overview, 7-2
parent-child security level, 7-2
B relationship with Category Security Group, 9-8
Basic Search repository search results, 10-4
See also Simple Search search results within, 10-6
all of the words, 10-3 Security, 9-2
any of the words, 10-3 specify Visibility level, 7-2
Categories repository, 10-4 usage, 4-3
choose repository, 10-3 usage with Solution-Level Security, 7-2
default repositories, 10-2 user access to, 9-13
Forum repository, 10-4 Visibility, 9-4
options, 10-8 Visibility Level, 9-7
search method, 10-3 what is, Glossary-2
Solutions repository, 10-4 Category Security Group
using, 10-2 about, 9-5, 9-13
Boolean, Glossary-2 associate categories with, 9-14
browse associate Responsibility with, 9-14
by subject, 2-3, 3-15 associate solutions and categories, 9-6
categories, 3-14, 7-3 associating solutions, 9-6
categories process diagram, 3-14, 10-5 create, 9-15
from search results, 3-14 delete, 9-18
hierarchy of categories, 3-5 filtering hierarchy, 9-6
solutions, 2-3, 9-6 organize, 9-14
solutions and statements, 3-4 relationship with categories, 9-8

relationship with Responsibility, 9-9 relate statement type to, 6-3
relationship with User Access, 9-9 external object
Responsibilities determine, 2-2 add, 4-11
set up and maintain, 9-13 add to solution, 4-11
solution filtering hierarchy, 9-6 external users, 2-2
statement filtering, 9-6 External, Visibility Level, 9-5
summary, 9-2
update, 9-16
category view. See Category Security Group.
cause, Glossary-2 filter
cause statement, 4-2 search results, 7-3
comment, update status to Reviewed, 4-25 solutions, 10-6
concurrent program, unlock solutions, 9-3 specify, Solution Advanced Search, 10-9
Copy as New button, 3-32 visibilities, 7-2
Create Statement page, about, 4-12 filter type, Solution Advanced Search, 10-7
customer-facing flow, integration with, 10-1 filtering
Category Security Group, 9-6
Category Security Group and statements, 9-6
D statements with Category Security Group, 9-6
default repository, Basic Search, 10-2 following delimiting character, 4-34
delete Forum repository
default solution type, 5-7 Basic Search, 10-4
solution type, 5-7 Simple Search, 3-13
statement type, 6-5 forums, repository search results, 10-4
disable, authoring flow, 8-4 Frequently Used Definitions, 3-32
solution type from statement type, 6-4
statement type from solution type, 5-5
draft solution, 4-26 hierarchy, solution filtering, 9-6

Editorial Review, 4-19 import text, from statement, 4-8
e-mail notification, authoring flow, 8-2 integration
enable, authoring flow, 8-4 other modules, searching, 3-35, 10-13
exact phrase with customer-facing flows, 10-1
choose method, 3-10 with Oracle Depot Repair, 1-6, 3-35
criteria for statement search, 3-23 with Oracle eMail Center, 1-6, 3-35
search method in Basic Search, 10-3 with Oracle Partners Online, 1-6
export text, from statement, 4-8 with Oracle TeleService, 1-5, 3-35
External with Oracle Workflow, 8-2
access level, 9-5 with other modules, 1-5
Visibility Level, 4-4 Internal
external link access level, 9-5
add to solution type, 5-3 user Visibility Level, 9-5

Visibility Level, 4-3 N
internal users, 2-2
note type
introduction, 1-1
map to statement types, 6-2
relate to statment type, 6-3
K notification, authoring flow, 8-2
key features, 1-2
keywords O
all, B-1
object, add external, 4-11
any, B-1
Oracle Depot Repair
integration with, 1-6, 3-35
L what is, 1-6
level Oracle eMail Center
organization of Visibility, 9-4 integration with, 1-6, 3-35
seeded Visibility, 9-5 what is, 1-6
Visibility, user, 9-5 Oracle iSupport, 1-5
Limited Oracle Knowledge Management, access, 2-2
access level, 9-5 Oracle Partners Online, integration with, 1-6
Visibility Level, 4-3 Oracle Support, 1-5
lock and update Oracle TeleService, integration with, 1-5, 3-35
solution, 4-22, 4-27 Oracle Text, Glossary-3
solution, when allowed, 9-3 Oracle Trading Community, A-3
Oracle Workflow, integration with, 8-2
M solutions into categories, 7-2
manage solutions into solution types, 5-2
categories, 7-3 statements into types, 6-2
statement types, 6-1 Other solutions in progress I can lock and
mandatory statement, 4-3 update, 4-27
mandatory statement type, 5-2 overview
map, token rule to object, 4-34 Knowledge Management, 1-2
matching statement security, 9-2
specify in search, 10-10 Solutions, 4-2
what are, 10-8
merchant, Glossary-3 P
authoring flow step, 8-5 preceding delimiting character, 4-34
authoring flow step order, 8-5 preview, solution for submission, 4-14
solution, 4-22
module, integration with other, 1-5 R
multi-lingual support, A-4
read access controls, 9-3
multiple text search options, 3-3
Ready for Publishing, 4-19
recommended solutions, set up, 4-31
Reference Number, B-1

Rejected to Author, 4-18 review
related category, add to solution, 4-8 solutions in progress results, 4-30
related item, add to solution, 4-9 submit solution for, 4-13
related platform, add to solution, 4-9 Rich Text Editor
related solution, search, 3-21, 10-8 about, 4-12
related statement create statements through, 1-4
specify in search, 10-10 requirements, 4-13
what is, 10-8
categories and Category Security Groups, 9-8
defined, Glossary-3 scale, Visibility Level, 9-3
Visibility Levels and categories, 9-7 Score, Glossary-3
Visibility Levels and users, 9-7 search
Visibility Levels, solutions, statements, 9-7 All Keywords, 1-3
remove Any Keywords, 1-3
related statement types, 5-8 from integrated modules, 3-35, 10-13
solution type, 6-5 link-based search, 10-8
statement type, 5-5 managing, 3-1, 10-1
repository matching statements, 10-8
Advanced Solution Search, 3-2 method, Solution Advanced Search, 10-7
Basic Search, 10-3, 10-4 related solutions, 3-21, 10-8
Basic Search default, 10-2 Related Statements, 10-8
Basic Search results, 10-4 results, Category repository, 10-4
Categories, Basic Search, 10-4 results, filter, 7-3
Forum, 3-13 results, Forums repository, 10-4
search results, Category, 10-4 results, Solution Advanced, 10-11
search results, Forums, 10-4 results, Solution repository, 10-4
search results, Solutions, 10-4 See also Solution Advanced Search.
Service Requests, 3-13 Solution Advanced Search, 10-9
Simple Search results, 3-11 Solution Advanced, customer, 10-6
Solution Categories, 3-12 solutions in progress, 4-29
Solutions, Advanced Solution Search, 3-2 specify matching statements, 10-10
Solutions, Basic Search, 10-4 specify related statement, 10-10
tabs in Simple Search results, 3-11 text-based, solution, 10-8
resource group search method
authoring flow, 8-2 all keywords, B-1
write-access control, 9-3 all of the words, 3-10, 3-23, 10-3
Responsibility any keywords, B-1
associate Category Security Group with, 9-14 any of the words, 3-10, 3-23, 10-3
determine Category Security Group, 2-2 exact phrase, 3-10, 3-23, 10-3
relationship with Category Security Group, 9-9 search result
Restricted browse from, 3-14
access level, 9-5 simple, 10-4
Visibility Level, 4-3 within Category, 10-6
restriction, Visibility Level, 9-3 Search Result Order, 3-11

Searching for a Statement, 3-29 organize into categories, 7-2
Security organize into solution types, 5-2
categories in, 9-2 preview, for submission, 4-14
category usage with solution-level, 7-2 published, Advanced Solution Search, 3-2
control access, 9-2 published, Simple Search, 3-2
overview, 9-2 repository search results, 10-4
relationships with solutions, 9-7 restrict access to, 9-2
Visibility, 9-2 save, 4-11
Service Requests repository, Simple Search, 3-13 search related, 3-21, 10-8
Simple Search search results, 10-11
See also Basic Search. security relationships, 9-7
about, using, 3-9 set up recommended, 4-31
all of the words, 3-10 status, 4-5
any of the words, 3-10 submit for review, 4-13
effective text searches, 1-3 text-based search, 10-8
Forum repository, 3-13 type, Solution Advanced Search, 10-7
results in repositories, 3-11 unlock, 9-3
results in repository, 3-11 user access to, 9-13
Service Requests repository, 3-13 view details, 4-27
Solution Categories repository, 3-12 Visibility, 9-4
solution Visibility Level, 9-7
add attachment to, 4-10 Solution Advanced Search
add category to, 7-3 criteria and conditions, 10-7
add comments to, 4-24 filter types, 10-7
add external object, 4-11 perform, 10-9
add related category to, 4-8 results, 10-11
add related item to, 4-9 searching method, 10-7
add related platform to, 4-9 solution type, 10-7
add statement to, 4-7 specify matching statements, 10-10
add Task Group Template to, 4-10 specify related statement, 10-10
associate with categories, 9-6 statements, 10-8
associate with Category Security Group, 9-6 using, for customer, 10-6
browse, 2-3, 9-6 Solution Categories repository, Simple Search, 3-12
browser, 3-4 solution category. See category.
control access to, 9-2 Solution Detail page, about, 10-12
create, 4-5 solution details, view, 4-27
defined, Glossary-3 solution header, specify, 4-6
detail page, 10-12 solution in progress, 4-26
draft, 4-26 solution life cycles, about, 4-5
filtering hierarchy, 9-6 solution title, 4-3
header, specify, 4-6 solution type, 4-3
in progress, 4-26 add external link to, 5-3
lock and update, 4-22, 4-27, 9-3 associate solution type to statement type, 5-3
manage, 4-1 associate statement type required, 5-2
modify or update, 4-22 associate to statement type, 6-3

create, 5-2 Search, 10-10
delete, 5-7 specify related, in Solution Advanced
disassociate from statement type, 5-5, 6-4 Search, 10-10
examples of, 5-2 symptom, 4-2
manage, 5-1 type, what is, 6-2
organize solutions into, 5-2 user access to, 9-13
overview, 5-2 Visibility, 9-4
remove, 6-5 Visibility Level, 9-7
remove related statement types, 5-8 what is, 6-2
Solution-Cause-Action, 5-2 statement search
update, 5-6 all of the words, 3-23
view, 5-6 any of the words, 3-23
solution usage count, about, 3-19 statement type
Solution-Cause-Action (SCA) solution type, 5-2 action, 4-2
Solution-Level Security. See Security. add, 5-3, 5-4
Solutions I’m currently working on, 4-27 associate solution type requirement, 5-2
solutions in progress associate to solution type, 5-3, 5-4, 6-3
filtered views, 4-27 cause, 4-2
page, about, 4-26 create, 6-2
search, 4-29 delete, 6-5
sort, 4-27 disassociate from solution type, 5-5, 6-4
view, 4-27 end-dating, 6-3
Solutions repository manage, 6-1
Advanced Solution Search, 3-2 mandatory, 5-2
Basic Search, 10-4 map to note type, 6-2
Simple Search, Categories, 3-12 organize statements into, 6-2
sort, solutions in progress, 4-27 relate to external link, 6-3
specify, solution header, 4-6 relate to note type, 6-3
statement remove, 5-5
action, 4-2 remove related, 5-8
add to solution, 4-7 symptom, 4-2
basis of Advanced Solution Search, 3-21 to make distinctions, 4-2
browse for, 3-4 update, 6-4
cause, 4-2 view, 6-3
create, 4-7 what is, 6-2
create through Rich Text Editor, 1-4 status
defined, Glossary-4 defined, Glossary-4
export text from, 4-8 solution, 4-5
filtering with Category Security Group, 9-6 update comment, 4-25
import text into, 4-8 subcategory, restrict access to, 9-2
matching, 10-8 submission, preview solution, 4-14
organize into types, 6-2 submit, solution for review, 4-13
related, 10-8 subscription
Solution Advanced Search, 10-8 authoring flow, 8-2
specify matching, in Solution Advanced set up, 4-20

symptom Level, user, 9-7
defined, Glossary-4 organization of levels, 9-4
statement, 4-2 part of solution, 1-4
read access control, 9-3
Security, 9-2
seeded levels, 9-5
Task Group Template, add to solution, 4-10 specify level for category, 7-2
technical review, 4-19 user levels, 9-5
text search, Advanced Solution Search, B-1 what is, 1-3
text, search, effective, 1-3 with categories, 9-4
token rule, map to object, 4-34 with solutions, 9-4
with statements, 9-4
U Visibility Level
External, 4-4
unlock concurrent program, 4-28 high or restricted access, 9-11
update Internal, 4-3
solution, 4-22 Limited, 4-3
solution type, 5-6 low access, 9-11
statement type, 6-4 Restricted, 4-3
Update Statement Page, about, 4-12
usage count, 10-12
user W
external, 2-2 write access controls, 9-3
internal, 2-2
Visibility Levels, 9-7
user access, relationship with Category Security
Group, 9-9
user group, 4-5

solution type, 5-6
statement type, 6-3
about, 9-3
assign attributes of, 3-7
control access to categories, 7-2
External, 9-5
filtering, parent-child, 7-2
Internal, 9-5
Level, category, 9-7
Level, linear scale, 9-3
Level, solution, 9-7
Level, statement, 9-7


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