Diabetes Tipe 2
Diabetes Tipe 2
Diabetes Tipe 2
hyperglycemia is often associated with atric conditions. Ideally, such patients ✔ Using oral agents and/or long-act-
these medications.3 However, severe would live with a responsible person ing insulin to control severe
hyperglycemia that resolves with discon- who helps manage their diabetes. For chronic hyperglycemia.
tinuation of the medication has also been patients without a close friend or relative ✔ Before using metformin, deter-
reported. The mechanism for acute, tran- who is willing to assume this role, alter- mining whether the patient is like-
sient hyperglycemia remains unclear, natives include a paid caretaker or assist- ly to stop it if dehydration occurs.
although one study demonstrated that ed living. ✔ Before using short-acting insulin,
these medications inhibit glucose trans- However, poor judgment and lack of determining whether the patient is
port into cells.4 insight are inherent features of many likely to take it with food.
Atypical antipsychotics offer many psychiatric disorders. Therefore, some ✔ Prescribing small quantities of
benefits over older antipsychotics, and psychiatric patients will refuse help with insulin using pre-filled syringes or
they are now commonly used to treat diabetes management. State laws vary insulin pens when appropriate.
Clinical Pearls
• Necrotizing fasciitis is a severe soft
Figure 1. Extensive gas formation in the soft tissues of the right posterior neck dis- tissue infection occurring in patients
secting along the fascial planes toward the anterior neck and upper back. with diabetes, morbid obesity, alco-
holism, advanced atherosclerotic dis-
ease, and decubitus ulcers.
• Early diagnosis is essential for
patients’ survival.
• CT imaging is very useful in identify-
ing the presence of gas in soft tissues
and gas tracking along the fascial
• Aggressive surgical debridement and
combination, broad-spectrum cover-
age intravenous antibiotic therapy are
the cornerstones of therapy.
Gonzalez MH: Necrotizing fasciitis and gan-
grene of the upper extremity. Hand Clinics
14:635–645, 1998
McArdle P, Gallen I: Necrotising fasciitis in
diabetics. Lancet 348:552, 1996
Figure 2. Soft tissue gas tracking along the cervical fascia and extending to the McHenry CR, Piotrowski JJ, Petrinic D,
Malangoni MA: Determinants of mortality for
right carotid sheath. Gas present within the right sternocleidomastoid and trapezius necrotizing soft tissue infections. Ann Surg
muscles is characteristic of myonecrosis. 221:558–565, 1995
Rajbhandari SM, Wilson RM: Unusual infec-
tions in diabetes. Diabetes Res Clin Pract
cus aureus, or peptostreptococcus) or necrotizing fasciitis by the tissue hypox- 39:123–128, 1998
polymicrobial (mixed aerobe and anaer- ia caused by arteriosclerosis and the
Wysoki MG, Santora TA, Shah RM, Fried-
obe bacteria). Risk factors for develop- immunodeficiency associated with poor man AC: Necrotizing fasciitis: CT characteristics.
ing necrotizing fasciitis are uncontrolled glycemic control. Neutrophil chemo- Radiology 203:859–863, 1997
diabetes, alcoholism, morbid obesity, taxis, adherence, phagocytosis, and intra-
advanced atherosclerotic disease, and cellular oxidative killing have been
decubitus ulcers. shown to be defective in diabetes. Anca M. Avram, MD, is a fellow in the
Diabetes is the underlying illness in The pathological hallmark of necro- Division of Endocrinology and Metabo-
half of all cases of necrotizing fasciitis. tizing fasciitis is thrombosis of subcuta- lism at the University of Michigan in
Diabetic patients may be predisposed to neous arteries and arterioles leading to Ann Arbor.
<400 mg/dl. She and her husband are Commonly, controlling hyper- empowerment approach through which
both from the South, and their traditional glycemia leads to a decrease in triglyc- patients are the primary decision makers
Southern fare used quite a bit of salt erides.1 However, in this patient, the is important.
pork, which deleteriously augmented the clearing of serum triglycerides, the Although lifestyle changes are
saturated as well as total fat in her diet. restricted saturated fat, and the weight always recommended as first-line thera-
She had been advised to “watch her loss had a substantial impact on improv- py, the approach to helping patients
weight” when her triglycerides were in ing glucose tolerance without adding achieve these lifestyle changes in busy
the 3,000 mg/dl range, but she had been further diabetes oral agents. Studies office practices is too often insufficient.
unable to follow that recommendation. have shown that dietary fat, primarily A new Medicare benefit effective Janu-
Between clinic visits, L.S. was given saturated fat, has adverse effects on ary 2002 allows patients with diabetes
written information about a low-fat (10% insulin sensitivity.5 Restricting fat access to insurance coverage for MNT.
of kcal) diet, including lists of foods to intake, especially saturated fat, resulted Evidence-based research shows that