Level of Performance Thesis
Level of Performance Thesis
Level of Performance Thesis
School of Criminology1
Abstract: Safe and peaceful community is everyone’s concern; however, this concern is hindered by deviant behavior of the
community, thus the police organization created a unit to lead in promoting community relations to strengthen the relationship of the
police and the community. This study was conducted to identify the demographic profile of the participants; to evaluate the effectiveness
of the programs implemented by the police community relations and to assess the extent of level of performance of the Police Community
Relations in Trece Martires City Component Police Station in terms of the programs implemented and through community policing.
Descriptive method was used because it involves the description, recording, analysis, and interpretation of gathered data and a self –
made survey questionnaire was distributed to 150 of community and 15 police officers with a total of 165 participants. The result reveals
the level of performance of the Police Community Relations as perceived by the police participants was highly effective and well-
implemented to prevent crimes and criminality. As to community perception, the programs were just moderately effective to fight crimes
and criminality. Therefore, it was resulted to significantly different on the perception of the community and police with regards to the
level of performance of the Police Community Relations to fight crimes and criminality. The community suggested different programs
for the improvement of Police Community Relations to maintain peace and order; and assure the locality against crimes and criminality.
Police Community Affairs are activities outside law 2.3. Research Simulacrum
enforcement but which necessitates PNP support and or
participation. This results a contribution for a better The paradigm illustrates the flow of crime prevention
appreciation and enhance support to the police organization program implemented by the police organization. Crime
in a whole. They also quoted the democratic concept of prevention was divided into community policing and
policing wherein the police are the people, and the people program implemented by police community relation unit
are the police, this means that every police officer is required such as PNP image, lessen crime and criminality and to have
to protect lives and property, preserve peace and order and safe community. In this aspect, community gives sympathy
prevent crimes and other civil disturbances (Manwong and to three (3) factors to have an effective performance of the
Delizo 2005, Law Enforcement Administration) PCR in crime prevention. The flow starts from the POLICE
IMAGE; this flow shows the impact of the image of the
Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: IJSER18428 3 of 9
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER)
ISSN (Online): 2347-3878
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 56.67 | Impact Factor (2017): 5.156
police to the community either good or bad. A good police Police Community Relations Unit of Trece Martires City
image can lead to the positive response and cooperation of component Police Station.
the community towards to effective implementation of the
programs against crime and criminality, a good police image 3.4. Research Instruments
and effective implementation of the programs against crime
and criminality will lead to the second flow which is the The researcher gathered data for the study through interview
LESSEN CRIME AND CRIMINALITY, through the and self – made survey questionnaires as an instrumentation
effective implementation of the programs against crime and used in the research study.
criminality and together with the positive cooperation of the
community this flow will be achieved because it is said that Primary Instruments
without the full cooperation of the community to help the
police in order to fight crimes and criminalities whatever For the primary instrumentation of gathering data‟s and
programs that the police will implement will be invaluable information related to the study the researcher conducted
and will not be useful without the help of the community. interview, and collected data from the participants‟
The third and last flow is the SAFE COMMUNITY; the perception through the use of survey questionnaire. The
third flow is the result of the first and second flow and will interview was conducted to the police officers of the Police
be the way to determine the effectiveness of the performance Community Relations Unit of the Trece Martires City
of the PCR. Component Police Station to determine the programs against
crime and criminality they were implementing in the said
Survey Questionnaire
3.3. Population and Sampling In the analyses of the data collected, the researchers used the
frequency distribution for tables, charts, figures, graphs, and
This research was composed of 165 respondents. 150 of the percentage in assessing and to identify the level of
respondents are private individuals in the community from performance of the programs implemented by the Police
different barangay‟s of Trece Martires City who willingly Community Relations in Unit of Trece Martires City
answered the survey questionnaire base on their observation Component Police Station.
on the implementation of the programs of the Police
Community Relations Unit of Trece Martires City Percentage formula: % = x 100
Component Police Station against crime and criminality. The Wherein:
other 15 participants of the study are Police Officers of the %= percentage
Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: IJSER18428 4 of 9
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER)
ISSN (Online): 2347-3878
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 56.67 | Impact Factor (2017): 5.156
f= frequency Sex. Table 2 shows the frequency and the percentage of the
n= number of participants participants by sex. As to police officers, male a frequency
fiXi of 10 or 67%; and female has a frequency of 5 or 33%. As to
Mean formula: x =
n Community, the male participant has a frequency of 76 or
51%; and a female participant has a frequency of 74 or
f= frequency or observation
49%.This implies that most of the participants were male. It
x= weight
indicates that police officers are dominated by men because
n= total observation
of the nature of their work; however, as mandated by the
x = mean
organization, female police officers were needed to assist a
sensitive situation particular to women and children cases
The community was expecting and relying on the
(Stewart 2009 )
capabilities of the police to keep them safe and secure in
their places all the time, however despite of this fact, still
Table 3: Frequency and Percentage of the Respondent
they see some situation in the community that needs
According to Civil Status
attention and assistance from the police officers. It means
the community was not fully aware of the programs of the Police Community
Civil Status
police organization where the Police Community Relations F % F (%)
Unit implemented to promote the campaign against crime Married 10 67 69 46
and criminality. In this view, the community still believes on Single 5 33 81 54
Total: 15 100% 150 100%
trust the police organization despite of the negative feedback
of some members of the community.
Civil Status, Table 3 shows the frequency and percentage of
the participants by civil status. As to police officers, married
4. Discussion has a frequency of 10 or 67%; and single has a frequency of
5 or 33%. As to community, married has a frequency of 81
4.1. Profile of the Respondents or 54%; and single has a frequency of 69 or 46%.It reveals
that majority of the participants were married and focus to
Table 1: Frequency and Percentage of the Respondent promote peace and order to protect the family. Police
According to Age officers were inspired to implement and promote the
Police Community programs to fight against crime and criminality but also to
F % F (%)
provide their family a safety and peaceful community
15-20 4 27 36 24
21-25 7 46 40 26
(Zimringet, al 2007).
26-35 4 27 37 25
36 & above 0 0. 37 25. Table 4: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the
Total 15 100 150 100 Respondents according to Educational Qualification
Police Community
Educational Attainment
Age. Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage of the F % F (%)
participants by age. The total numbers of the participants Elementary Graduate 0 0 20 13
were 165 in this study. The age brackets of police officers Secondary ( Graduate) 0 0 61 41
Vocational/TESDA 0 0 29 19
were 15- 20years old has a frequency of 7 or 46% years old Bachelor ( Graduate) 12 80 40 27
with a frequency of 4 or 27%. As to community, the age Masteral Degree 3 20 0 0
brackets were 21- 25 years old has a frequency of 40 or Total 15 100% 150 100%
26%; 26- 35 years old has a frequency of 37 or 25%; 36 &
above years old has a frequency of 37 or 25%; and 15- 20 Educational Attainment. Table 4 shows the frequency and
years old has a frequency of 36 or 24%.This implies that percentage of the participants by Educational Attainment. As
most of the police officers were young and new to the to Police Officer, college graduate has a frequency of 12 or
service, while the community on the other hand indicates 80%; master‟s degree has a frequency of 3 or 20%. As to
that the community respondents are matured individual and community, elementary graduate has a frequency of 20 or
credible enough to be on their observation. Young male 13%; high school graduate has a frequency of 61 or 41%;
choose to become a police or render service for the college graduate has a frequency of 40 or 27% and the
government not just because they are want to have an college undergraduate has a frequency of 29 or 19%.It
authority among people, but to encourage to serve the explains that most of the Police Officers were college
community in fighting crimes and criminality (Clarkson, graduate, and the communities were high school graduate.
2009). According to Jones (2006), police officers were educated
enough to enforce the law and knowledgeable to implement
Table 2: Frequency and Percentage of the Respondent programs to the community. In community perspective, lack
According to Sex of educational knowledge was not a primary requirement to
Police Community observe and judge the effectiveness of the implementation of
F % F (%) the programs against crime and criminality being
Male 10 67 74 49
implemented by the police officers in their community.
Female 5 33 76 51
Total: 15 100% 150 100%
Table 6: Level of Police Performance of Police Community Relation in Trece Martires City Component Police Stationon
Program Implementation in the Community
Police Community
A. Programs Implemented
1. House to house visitation in the barangay to check who
have not yet renewed or registered their firearms. 4.00 E 2.35 LE
2. Distributes flyers and other sources of crime prevention
tips to maintain awareness in the community. 4.40 HE 2.63 ME
3. Conducts free seminars, orientations and lectures in
schools barangays and other offices 4.00 E 3.05 ME
4. Patrols the street around the city by maintaining peace and
order in terms of patrol cars, motorcycles, street cameras, beat
patrol and etc. 4.47 HE 3.31 ME
5. Conduct training to barangay Peace Keeping Action Team
to maintain the peace and order in the area. 4.07 HE 3.19 ME
6. Uses of social media or webpage to disseminate
information about crime prevention. 4.27 HE 2.87 ME
7. Encourage the community to surrender and support
the battle against drugs. 5.00 HE 3.54 E
General Weighted mean 4.35 HE 2.99 ME
Legend: 5.00 – 4.20 – Highly Effective (HE) 2.59 – 1.80 – Less effective
4.19 – 3.40 – Effective (E) 1.79 – 1.00 – Not Effective
3.39 – 2.60 – Moderately Effective (ME)
Program Implemented. Table6 shows the programs support the battle against drugs. However, the community
implemented by the Police Community Relation as notices that house to house visitation in the barangay was
perceived by the participants. The total numbers of the less observed to check the firearms if it is registered or
participants were 165 in this study. The program renewed by the owners, this happen because nowadays the
implemented by police community relation has a general government is more active in the implementation of program
weighted mean score of 4.35 with a verbal interpretation of of anti- illegal drug campaign in the said locality as it is the
“Highly Effective” as to police officers. The community has primary concern of the current administration. (Charles
a general weighted mean of 2.99 with a verbal interpretation 2008).
of “Moderately Effective”.The data explains that the police
organization encourages the community to surrender and
Community Policing. Table 7 shows the community organization in combating crime through campaigning in
policing programs implemented by the police community social media. Despite of the campaign by the police
relation unit as perceived by the participants. The total organization to have a positive image, the community still
numbers of participants were 165 in this study. The frightened to communicate and cooperate with the police in
community policing programs implemented by the police regards of combating crimes and criminality. According to
community relations has a general weighted mean score of Moore (2008), building good relationship between police
4.64 with a verbal interpretation of “highly effective” as to and community will require a long term process. Trust must
the police officers. While the community has a general achieve before police can assess the needs of the community
weighted mean score of 2.90 with a verbal interpretation of and construct the close ties that will engender community
“moderately effective”. The data shows that the police support.
organization maintains the positive image of the
4.3. Comparative Analysis on the Level of Police Performance of Police Community Relation in Trece Martires City
Component Police Station
Table 8: T – Test Result of Comparative Analysis on the Level of Police Performance of Police Community Relation in Trece
Martires City Component Police Station on Program Implementation and Community Policing
Police Community t-value
Indicator t-computed D VI
WM D WM D (5%)
A. Programs Implemented 4.35 HE 2.99 ME 2.75 1.895 Reject Ho Accepted
B. Community Policing 4.64 HE 2.90 ME 2.87 1.895 Reject Ho Accepted
Comparative Analysis on Program Implementation and hypothesis was “accepted” because there was a “no
Community Policing. Table 8 shows T – Test result of significant difference”. The results shows, there were
Comparative Analysis on the Level of Police Performance of “significant difference” on the performance of police
Police Community Relation in the Trece Martires City community relation on the implementation of programs and
Component Police Station on Program Implementation and community policing in Trece Martires City because it was
Community Policing. The total numbers of participants were greater than t – value of 0.05 or 0.01 level of hypothesis was
150 in this study. As to programs implemented, the t - value “rejected”. The data explains the programs implemented and
was 1.895 with a verbal interpretation of “there is a community policing was a factors that measures the
significant difference”. As to community policing, the t – effectiveness of the performance of police community
value was 1.895 with a verbal interpretation of “there is a relation in Trece Martires City Component Police Station.
significant difference”. The data reveals, if the t – value was According to Kelling (2003), building directly on
greater than 0.05 or 0.01 level the hypothesis was “rejected” community-oriented ideas about crime and crime control,
because there was “significant difference”. Meanwhile, if shows how police practices based primarily on reactive law
the t – value was lower than 0.05 or 0.01 level the enforcement has been misguided. Community policing
Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: IJSER18428 7 of 9
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER)
ISSN (Online): 2347-3878
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 56.67 | Impact Factor (2017): 5.156
places the responsibility for order maintenance on police- and problem-oriented policing and police-citizen co-
citizen partnerships in communities and fore building production of crime prevention and community order are
informal social controls to counteract community seen as solutions for a crime-ridden community. This only
disorganization. From this perspective, police agencies must means that the programs implemented by the police are
help community residents who value order and a crime free factors to measure the effectiveness of the police in the
environment to reverse the spiral of disorder and decay in community.
order to re-establish order and control. Community-oriented
Table 9: Programs to be implemented by Police Community Relations Unit of TreceMartires City Component Police Station
as Suggested by the Participants
Programs Transcribed
“The true problem of in our society: People lack of relationship to God.
1. Implement Bible Study between policemen and barangays, houses;
1. Spiritual Activities 2. Encourage people in reading bible every day;
3. Police officers to conduct roving in every barangays to determine and see what
was truly happening in the community.
Too much drinking of liquor could be one of the reason criminality happens in the
2. Cigarettes and Liquor Ban community especially to those juvenile who does not know how to be responsible
enough in drinking alcohol.
3. Tree Planting and General Cleaning with the This program suggested will be of great help to help both the community and police in
Police Officers strengthening their relationship.
Many minors nowadays are having are committing an offense and that happens not just
4. Curfew Hours in daytime but most probably during night time. Therefore the Curfew hours should
really implement to lessen the juvenile delinquent.
There should be additional police outpost it is better to have an outpost in every
5. Additional Police Outpost barangay or subdivision so that when the police are needed they can rescue
It is good to have leadership training for the young people in the community to equip
6. Leadership Training
them for future.
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