WR Industrial Robots 2022 Chapter 1

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17 3 Contents, access to data for previous years, and contact

1 Introduction

Chapter 1 reviews definitions and classifications

of industrial robots.
18 1 Introduction: Sources and methods

1 Introduction: Sources and methods


The annual publication “World Robotics Industrial Robots: Statistics, Market Analysis,
Forecasts and Case Studies” covers multipurpose industrial robots as defined in
section 1.7. Whenever this study refers to “robots” it means “multipurpose industrial

From 2000 to 2008, World Robotics included statistics on service robots as a separate
chapter. Since 2009, the companion publication “World Robotics Service Robots” has
been covering service robots (see section 1.7 for delimitation of industrial robots).

World Robotics Industrial Robots contains data on robot installations by type, country,
industry and application. The data is collected from nearly all industrial robot suppliers
worldwide either as primary data or as secondary data through national robotics
associations. Therefore, World Robotics Industrial Robots covers the global industrial
robot market. The publication also provides estimates of the operational stock of
industrial robots at year-end.

Chapter 1 contains definitions, classifications, and general methodological


Chapter 2 analyzes the worldwide spread of industrial robots from 2016 to 2021. It
contains summary tables of the world robot stock and the global robot supply by
country, by application, or by industry. For the Republic of China, the United States,
Japan, Germany and the Republic of Korea, the value of the robot market, and the
average unit prices of robots are calculated and an estimate of the total world market
value of industrial robot sales is deduced.

The chapter also contains analyses on the development of industrial robot densities
(number of robots in operation per 10,000 employees) in the manufacturing industry of
over 40 countries and in the automotive versus the general industry (manufacturing
without automotive) for over 20 countries.

Chapter 3 presents statistical data on industrial robots for some 40 countries. The
market analyses provide a discussion of the present situation and deduce a forecast of
future robot installations for major markets.

Chapter 4 discusses technological trends, market trends, and presents the forecast for
the ongoing year and the next three years.

Finally, chapter 5 of World Robotics Industrial Robots provides a selection of case

studies or use cases of actual robot installations from different countries and industries.
These case studies illustrate the effects of robots on costs, production and employment
and indicate the overall profitability of robot investments. They demonstrate how robots
can solve specific problems, how such solutions have been obtained and what the
implications are.
1 Introduction: Sources and methods 19

How to get access

The present issue of World Robotics as well as access to the World Robotics database
that contains historic data (in some cases dating back to 1993), can be ordered at


VDMA Services GmbH

-World Robotics-
Lyoner Str. 18
D-60528 Frankfurt am Main

Conceptual partner:
IFR Statistical Department
Telephone: +49 69 6603 1518
e-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.ifr.org

For questions concerning the purchase or delivery of World Robotics, please contact the

VDMA Verlag, [email protected], www.vdma-verlag.com

For questions concerning the content of this publication, please contact:

IFR Statistical Department, email: [email protected]

20 1 Introduction: Sources and methods



World Robotics Industrial Robots statistics rely on primary and secondary data.

The primary source is data on robot installations by country, industry, and application
that nearly all major industrial robot suppliers worldwide report to the IFR Statistical
Department directly.

Several national robotics associations collect data on their national robot markets and
provide their results as secondary data to the IFR. This data is used to validate the IFR
primary data, thus ensuring data quality. It is also used to fill in the missing information
of companies not reporting to the IFR directly. The final statistics provided in this
publication and in the online database is therefore the consolidated primary and
secondary data.

The submission of statistical data on industrial robots is mandatory for robot suppliers
(IFR Constitution § C3.4) and national robot associations (IFR Constitution § C3.3) in the
IFR. All other robot suppliers are invited to participate directly as a primary source or
indirectly through national associations.

Since 2015, the Korean Association of Robot Industry (KAR) has been providing data on
Korean production, imports, and exports. Before 2015, the Korean Machine Tool
Manufacturers Association (KOMMA) provided the data on the Korean robot companies’
sales in the Republic of Korea.

The Japanese Robot Association (JARA) provides consolidated global data for
Japanese companies’ robot shipments in compliance with the IFR industry and
application classifications. They also provide Japanese production, imports and exports.
Until 2017, JARA contributed national statistics for Japan including exports. The
information was refined using data that the IFR Statistical Department received directly
from European subsidiaries of Japanese companies and for North America by results
from A3 order statistics. JARA also reports the operational stock of robots in Japan.
When working with historic data (access is included in the Premium version of World
Robotics), note that there is a break in the time series for data on Japan between 2000
and 2001 resulting from international harmonization of definitions and coverage of

The Association for Advancing Automation (A3, formerly: Robotic Industries Association,
RIA) provides data on North America. The statistics report shipment data from North
American companies in compliance with the IFR industry and application classifications.
Primary data, not included in the A3 statistics and JARA data on exports or Japanese
suppliers to North America, supplement this data. Until and including 2010, data was
available only for North America (Canada, Mexico, United States) as a whole. From 2004
to 2010, data on North America was based on the consolidated data of robot suppliers
1 Introduction: Sources and methods 21

worldwide and JARA. Before 2004, the annual data for North America only comprised
what was reported to RIA by its member companies.

Since 2013, the Chinese Robot Industry Alliance (CRIA) provides installations of Chinese
robot suppliers in compliance with the IFR industry and application classifications. Since
the reporting year 2018, CRIA also reports export data of Chinese suppliers, but only by
country and type. Due to legal requirements, CRIA can only report member statistics.

IFR also gratefully appreciates the support of the national robotics associations of Spain
(AER), Italy (SIRI), Sweden (SWIRA), and Chinese Taipei (TAIROA).

Prior 2004, country reports relied exclusively on data of national robot associations. This
holds true for Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Rep. of Korea, North
America, Norway, and Spain. Reports on other countries were based on data provided
by only a few robot suppliers. In 2005, robot suppliers reported consolidated data
classified by country, industry, or application for the first time. This facilitated more
detailed reports on countries that do not have a national robotics association.

For sources of employment data and methods of computing robot densities, see
chapter 2.5.1.


IFR Statistical Department considers the high-quality data to be valid and reliable for the
following reasons:

IFR Statistical Department provides definitions and delimitations of robot types,

industries and applications to all primary and secondary data sources to ensure data

The objective of World Robotics Industrial Robots is a comprehensive overview of the

dissemination of industrial robots globally. The main indicator is the number of robots
newly installed per year. The implications of some companies and associations counting
“shipments” instead of “installations” are discussed in chapter 1.5. For some countries
there is also information on sales in monetary units available. IFR Statistical Department
considers these indicators a valid measure of robot dissemination.

The data presented in World Robotics Industrial Robots covers almost the whole
population. This is ensured by permanent market observation and cooperation with
national robotics associations. The availability of primary and secondary data sources
enables IFR Statistical Department to check the data for consistency. This makes the
data reliable.


Minor revisions: World Robotics Industrial Robots statistical data on robot installations in
previous years is updated if new information becomes available. Therefore, some of the
numbers in the current issue might differ slightly from numbers published in previous
22 1 Introduction: Sources and methods

issues. This holds true especially for the robot density data, because the employment
data which is used to compute robot densities is only available with a large time lag.
Thus, employment data is often preliminary or estimated and must be revised later.

Major revisions: The Chinese Robot Industry Alliance (CRIA) has substantially increased
its membership base and provided revised data on domestic installations and exports
from 2018 onwards. This revised data has been incorporated into World Robotics
Industrial Robots 2022.
1 Introduction: Sources and methods 23


IFR Statistical Department ensures the confidentiality of individual company data and
compliance with antitrust regulations. Access to raw data is strictly limited to IFR
Statistical Department staff. IFR Statistical Department will never provide company-level
data to third parties neither outside nor inside the IFR. This means that IFR Statistical
Department publishes only aggregated data by country, by industry, or by application.
IFR Statistical Department will not reveal data if a data point consists of less than four
observations greater zero. This is to prevent mathematical retrieval of company-level

Please note that this rule may lead to seemingly inconsistent data, because
columns or rows may not necessarily add up to the sums reported. In addition, time
series data may seem incomplete, especially in small markets, because in some years
data can be revealed and in others it cannot.

IFR Statistical Department applies two different mechanisms to ensure compliance.

Mechanism 1 (M1): Reclassification

If a data point is non-compliant, the data is reclassified data to an “unspecified” class on

the same hierarchy level. If it is already in an “unspecified” class, it is reclassified to a
superior hierarchy level until the most generic level is reached. Figures 1.2 and 1.3
display the reclassification levels for data by application and data by industry.

Example: Assume in country A data in application class 111 (metal casting) consists of
data from just 3 different companies. This data point is non-compliant. The data will be
counted in class 120 (handling unspecified) instead of 111, and a zero will be displayed
in class 111. If the data in class 120 this is still non-compliant, the data is reclassified to
class 999 (unspecified).

Mechanism 2 (M2): Supression

Data by application and industry will not be displayed for a specific country, but at an
aggregate level, e.g. a country group. The application of this mechanism is pre-selected
by IFR Statistical Department. It is usually done for small markets, where all or nearly all
applications or industries would be subject to M1, so that it is not meaningful to provide
the data using M1. Figure 1.1 displays the aggregation levels used.

Example: Australia and New Zealand both have low installation counts. Applying M1 to
these markets would result in all the data being reported as industry and application
“unspecified”. Under M2, the data is aggregated to country group Australia/New Zealand,
which yields more observations per industry class or application class.

Figures 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 show how data points from the different classes are aggregated
upon compliance violation. Descriptions of IFR application classes, IFR industry classes,
and IFR geographical units can be found in chapters 1.11, 1.10, and 1.12.
24 1 Introduction: Sources and methods


Class (compliance method applied to this entity)


-usually a single country -

EG, MA, TN, OAF (M2) AFR (none)

ROA (M1)
ZA (M1)

NAM (none)

CA, MX, US (M1) RAM (M1)

AR, RCH, CO, PE, PR, VE (M2) SAM (none) AM (none)
BR (M1)
AS (M1)

SAS (none)
CN, IN, ID, JP, KR, MY, SG, TW, TH, VN (M1)
HK, KP, MO, PH (M2) OSAS (M1)
RAS (none)
IR, KW, OM, PK, QA, SA, AE, UZ (M2)
ASI (none)
OA (M1)
AU, NZ (M2)

YUG (M1) CEU (none)

BA, CR, RS, SL (M2)
OEE (M1) WEU (none)
BY, BG, EE, LV, LT, MD, UA (M2)
CZ, HU, PL, RO, RU, SK (M1)
AT, BE, DE, ES, FR, IT, NL, PT, CH, UK (M1) NEU (none)
DK, FI, NO, SE (M1) EU (none)
TR (M1) REU (none)
GR, IC, IE, IL, MT (M2)
EUU (M1) OEU (M1)
OT (M1)

Figure 1.1: Compliance re-classification of data by geographical class.

Figure 1.2: Compliance re-classification of data by application class.

1 Introduction: Sources and methods 25




A-C, E-P 90
10-18, 23, 30 91

19-22 229

24-28 289

260-275 279

291 299

2931 -2939 2999

Figure 1.3: Compliance re-classification of data by industry class.


Forecasts of investments in industrial robots, presented in chapter 4, are derived as the

consolidated assessment of:

• economic factors
• technological progress
• expert opinions of some of the leading robot manufacturers, major robot users
and national robotics associations
26 1 Introduction: Sources and methods


IFR surveys annual installations of industrial robots. However, as a compromise between

the theoretical idea of counting the actual installation of the robot at the customer’s site
and the practical data availability which often refers to the shipment of the robot, reporting
of shipment data is also accepted. Note that shipment and installation data might differ
for several reasons: A geographical measurement bias might occur for instance, if -
without the knowledge of the producer- a reseller or integrator installs a robot in a
different country than the producer shipped it to. The time of installation might be subject
to measurement bias if a robot is shipped, but not installed in the same year, e.g.
because it is still en route or went to the inventory or is work-in-progress at the
integrator’s site.
1 Introduction: Sources and methods 27


The operational stock of robots measures the number of robots currently deployed. JARA
calculates and provides this number for Japan. For other countries, IFR Statistical
Department calculates the operational stock assuming an average service life of 12
years with an immediate withdrawal from service afterwards. This assumption was
investigated in an UNECE/IFR pilot study, carried out in 2000 among some major robot
companies (see annex B in World Robotics 2001). 5 This investigation suggested that
an assumption of 12 years of average life span might be too conservative and that the
average service life was closer to 15 years. On the other hand, German tax authorities
suggest in their standard depreciation schedules an average service life of 5 years for
robots in the automotive industry and 6 years for robots in the mechanical engineering
industry. Similarly, useful life of class 80.0C “Robotics” is 5 years in the American tax
law. Of course, robots may be refurbished and appreciated, so the standard depreciation
schedule rather underestimates the service life. Nevertheless, the differences (5, 12 or
15 years) are substantial and need further investigation. Presumably, there are
substantial differences depending on industry, application, and type of robot. In the
meantime, the operational stock is calculated as the sum of robot installations over 12

For several years IFR and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE have
cooperated closely in the compilation, processing and analysis of worldwide statistics on
industrial robots. In 2005, the full responsibility for World Robotics was transferred to IFR
Statistical Department.
28 1 Introduction: Sources and methods



In December 2021, ISO published a revised version of their robotics vocabulary

definitions standard 8373. A first investigation of this updated standard by IFR Statistical
Department did not reveal any major implication for IFR industrial robot statistics. The
IFR Robot Supplier Committee will be discussing the revised vocabulary definitions in
one of their future meetings and decide if adjustments to IFR definitions are necessary.

As the most recent survey had been conducted under the same definitions as in previous
years, the following sections are still citing ISO 8373:2012.


ISO 8373:2012 “defines terms used in relation with robots and robotic devices operating
in both industrial and non-industrial environments” (§ 1). These vocabulary definitions
relate to both, industrial and service robotics. 6 This section describes the ISO definitions
needed to understand IFR classifications schemes, IFR industrial robot statistics, and
the delimitation to IFR service robot statistics.

According to ISO 8373:2012, a robot is an “actuated mechanism programmable in two

or more axes with a degree of autonomy, moving within its environment, to perform
intended tasks” (§ 2.6). Actuated mechanisms that are lacking the number of
programmable axes or that are fully teleoperated (no degree of autonomy) but satisfy
the definitions of industrial or service robots otherwise, are called robotic devices (§

Note 2 to § 2.6 determines that the classification into industrial robot or service
robot is done according to its intended application. Industrial robots are robots “for
use in industrial automation applications” (§ 2.9), while a service robot “performs useful
tasks for humans or equipment excluding industrial automation applications” (§ 2.10).

Note 2 to § 2.10 explicitly states that the mechanical type/kinematics of a robot is

insufficient to distinguish industrial robots from service robots. Hence, by ISO
definition, the application is a sufficient criterion to distinguish industrial from service
robots but the kinematics are not.

An industrial robot is an “automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose

manipulator programmable in three or more axes, which can be either fixed in place or
mobile for use in industrial automation applications” (§ 2.9).

That is, industrial robots have at least three axes (directions used to specify the robot
motion in a linear or rotary mode, § 4.3) and they satisfy all of the following:

ISO 8373:2012 Robots and robotic devices - Vocabulary;
1 Introduction: Sources and methods 29

• Automatically controlled: The robot control system operates in accordance with

the task program (§ The task program is a set of instructions for motion
and auxiliary functions that define the specific intended task (§ 5.1.1). The
opposite of automatically controlled operation is manual operation, where a
human operator uses input devices (e.g. joysticks or pushbuttons) to control the
motions of the machine (§
• Reprogrammable (§ 2.4): designed so that the programmed motions or auxiliary
functions can be changed without physical alteration. Physical alterations are
alterations of the mechanical system. This does not include storage media,
ROMs, etc. (§ 2.3).
• Multipurpose (§ 2.5): capable of being adapted to a different application with
physical alteration.
• Manipulator (§ 2.1): machine for the purpose of grasping and/or moving objects
like pieces or tools. The end effector is not part of the manipulator (§ 2.1, Note
• Fixed in place or mobile: The robot can be mounted to a stationary point but it
can also be mounted to a non-stationary point, e.g. railways.
Note: In the past few years, the combination of robot arms (articulated robots)
and Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) became popular. See the following
section for the statistical treatment of such combinations.



IFR generally defines robots according to ISO 8373:2012. There are, however, some
details that by IFR experience are not helpful to unambiguously distinguish the different
robot categories or that might be in contrast to the primary goal of IFR statistics – which
is to provide information on the robotics industry to the robotics industry. IFR industrial
robot statistics will therefore deviate from ISO definitions in specific details described in
this section.

Delimitation of industrial robots and service robots

IFR generally adopts the ISO criteria that define the application in industrial automation
applications versus non-industrial automation as sufficient to classify a robot as industrial
versus service robot, while the kinematic is not a sufficient criterion. Unfortunately, ISO
8373:2012, § 2.10 note 1 mentions only a few examples but does not provide a full list
of industrial automation applications. IFR therefore developed their own application
classification schemes for industrial robots (see chapter 1.11) and service robots (see
World Robotics Service Robots). These classifications schemes have been developed
in IFR’s Robot Supplier Committee and IFR’s Service Robot Group. The IFR Robot
Supplier Committee has also defined kinematic robot types typically and mainly
found in industrial robotics (see chapter 1.9). By ISO definition, the kinematic type is
30 1 Introduction: Sources and methods

not a sufficient criterion to qualify a robot as industrial robot. However, the Robot Supplier
Committee decided to include all robots of typically industrial kinematic type in the
industrial robot statistics. Robots with an industrial robot kinematic that are in service
applications are therefore counted in both statistics: In IFR industrial robot statistics such
cases are counted in application class 905 (“other applications”) as well as in their actual
application class in IFR service robot statistics.

The term autonomous mobile robots (AMR) is not defined in ISO 8373:2012 and there
seems to be a wide range of products running under this label. Usually AMR is used for
mobile robots as defined by § 2.13: A mobile robot is a robot that is able to travel under
its own control. Sometimes, these AMR are used in industrial environments but usually
they neither have three axes nor do they have manipulation capabilities. Therefore, they
do not satisfy the definition of an industrial robot but should be considered as mobile
platforms (§ 3.18). IFR classifies AMR as service robots. If the AMR is equipped with
a robot arm (i.e. an articulated robot), IFR statistics count the manipulator as an
industrial robot and the platform as a service robot.






1 Introduction: Sources and methods 31


IFR industrial robot statistics count multipurpose industrial robots as defined in the
previous chapter, only. Robotic devices are excluded. 7 IFR industrial robot statistics
generally exclude dedicated industrial robots. Dedicated industrial robots are
industrial robots specifically designed for and controlled by a special machine. However,
industrial robots with an own control system and not controlled by the machine are
included, even if they are dedicated for a special machine.

Examples of dedicated industrial robots excluded from the statistics are:

• Equipment dedicated for loading/unloading of machine tools

• Dedicated assembling equipment, e.g. for assembling on printed circuit boards
• Integrated Circuit Handlers (pick and place)
• Automated storage and retrieval systems

Wafer handlers have their own control system and are included in the industrial robot
statistics. Wafers handlers can be articulated, cartesian, cylindrical or SCARA robots.
They are reported in the IFR application class 902 “cleanroom for semiconductors”.

Flat panel handlers are included, too. These are mainly articulated robots and they are
reported in the application class 901 “cleanroom for FPD”.

This is in contrast to IFR service robot statistics, which include robotic devices under specific
32 1 Introduction: Sources and methods


The IFR Robot Supplier Committee decided in 2004 that robot types should be classified
by their mechanical structure.

Classification by mechanical structure:

• Articulated robot: a robot whose arm has at least three rotary joints
• Cartesian (linear/gantry) robot: robot whose arm has three prismatic joints and
whose axes are correlated with a cartesian coordinate system
• Cylindrical robot: a robot whose axes form a cylindrical coordinate system
• Parallel robot: a robot whose arms have concurrent prismatic or rotary joints
• SCARA robot: a robot, which has two parallel rotary joints to provide compliance
in a plane
• Others: Robots not covered by one of the above classes

Figures 1.4 illustrates the mechanical configuration and kinematics of these types of
1 Introduction: Sources and methods 33

Figure 1.4: Classification of industrial robots by mechanical structure

34 1 Introduction: Sources and methods
1 Introduction: Sources and methods 35
36 1 Introduction: Sources and methods
1 Introduction: Sources and methods 37
38 1 Introduction: Sources and methods
1 Introduction: Sources and methods 39
40 1 Introduction: Sources and methods


Starting with World Robotics 2010, data by customer industry has been reported using
the IFR industry classification scheme. IFR industry classes are related to and derived
from the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC)
revision 4 scheme. It does, however, not exactly to correspond ISIC revision 4. Classes
with minor robot installation counts were aggregated and classes that include major
customer industries (automotive in particular) were further divided to provide more detail
(see table 1.1). Prior 2010, data was presented according to ISIC revision 2 or 3. All
earlier data was transferred to the new classification scheme.

Table 1.1

IFR Categories, divisions and classes of economic

class activities, ISIC, rev. 4
Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities, forestry and
A-B Agriculture, hunting and forestry; fishing
logging, fishing and aquaculture
Mining of coal and lignite, extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas, mining of
C Mining and quarrying
metal ores, mining support service
D Manufacturing
10-12 Food products and beverages; Tobacco products
Textiles; Wearing apparel; dressing & dyeing of fur; Luggage, handbags, saddlery, harness
13-15 Textiles, leather, wearing apparel
and footwear
Manufacture of wood, products of wood (incl. wood furniture)
16 Wood and wood products (incl. furniture)
and products of cork
Manufacture of pulp, paper and converted paper production, printing of products, such as
newspapers, books, periodicals, business forms, greeting cards, and other materials, and
17-18 Paper and paper products, publishing & printing associated support activities, such as bookbinding, plate- making services, and data
imaging; reproduction of recorded media, such as compact discs, video recordings,
software on discs or tapes, records etc.
19-22 Plastic and chemical products
Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations. This includes also the
19 Chemical products, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics
manufacture of medicinal chemical and botanical products

Transformation of crude petroleum and coal into usable products, transformation of organic and inorganic raw
20-21 Unspecified chemical, petrolium products
materials by a chemical process and the formation of products

(e.g. rubber tires, plastic plates, foils, pipes, bags, boxes, doors, etc.) rubber and plastic parts for motor vehicles
22 Rubber and plastic products without automotive parts*
should be reported in 29.3.2

Manufacture of intermediate and final products from mined or quarried non-metallic

Glass, ceramics, stone, mineral products n.e.c.
23 minerals, such as sand, gravel, stone or clay, manufacture of glass, flat glass ceramic and
(without automotive parts*)
glass products, clinkers, plasters, etc.
24-28 Metal
24 Basic metals (iron, steel, aluminium, copper, chrome) e.g. iron, steel, aluminium, copper, chrome etc.

Metal products (without automotive parts*), except machinery e.g. metal furniture, tanks, metal doors, forging, pressing, stamping and roll forming of metal, nails, pins, hand
and equipment tools, etc.

e.g. machinery for food processing and packaging, machine tools, industrial equipment, rubber and plastic
28 Industrial machinery
machinery, industrial cleaning machines, agricultural and forestry machinery, construction machinery etc.

Sources: IFR
1 Introduction: Sources and methods 41

Table 1.1 (continued)

IFR Categories, divisions and classes of economic

class activities, ISIC, rev. 4
26-27 Electrical/electronics
275 Household/ domestic appliances (e.g. refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers, lamps, ovens, shavers, vacuum cleaners, etc.)

Manufacture of power, distribution and specialty transformers; electric motors, generators and motor generator sets;
switchgear and switchboard apparatus; relays and industrial controls, batteries and accumulators;
manufacture of current-carrying wiring devices and non current- carrying wiring devices for wiring electrical circuits
Electrical machinery and apparatus n.e.c. (without automotive
271 regardless of material, fiber optic cables and insulating of wires; manufacture of electric light bulbs and tubes and
parts and components thereof (except glass blanks for electric light bulbs), electric lighting fixtures and lighting fixture
components (except current-carrying wiring devices)
For electrical/electronic parts for motor vehicles, see class 2933.

Manufacture of electronic capacitors and resistors, microprocessors, bare printed circuit boards, electron tubes,
electronic connectors, integrated circuits (analog, digital or hybrid), diodes, transistors and related discrete devices,
260 Electronic components/devices inductors (e.g. chokes, coils, transformers), electronic component type, electronic crystals and crystal assemblies,
solenoids, switches and transducers for electronic applications, interface cards (e.g. sound, video, controllers,
network, modems), printer cables, monitor cables, USB cables, connectors etc.

Semiconductors, LCD, LED (incl solar cells and solar thermal Manufacture of dice or wafers, semiconductor, finished or semi- finished and of display components (plasma,
collectors) polymer, LCD), light emitting diods (LED), including solar cells and solar thermal collectors

Manufacture of desktop, laptop, main frame computers and hand-held computers (e.g. PDA), magnetic disk drives,
flash drives and other storage devices,optical (e.g. CD-RW, CD- ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-RW) disk drives, printers,
monitors, keyboards, all types of mice, joysticks, and trackball accessories, dedicated computer terminals, computer
262 Computers and peripheral equipment
servers, scanners, including bar code scanners, smart card readers, virtual reality helmets, computer projectors
(video beamers), computer terminals, like automatic teller machines (ATM's), point-of-sale (POS) terminals, not
mechanically operated, of multi-function office equipment, such as fax-scanner-copier combinations

Manufacture of video cassette recorders and duplicating equipment, televisions, television monitors and
displays,audio recording and duplicating systems, stereo equipment, radio receivers, speaker systems household-
type video cameras, jukeboxes, amplifiers for musical instruments and public address systems, microphones, CD and
DVD players, karaoke machines, headphones (e.g. radio, stereo, computer), video game consoles
Info communication equipment domestic and professional (TV,
Manufacture of pagers, cellular phones, mobile communication equipment, telephone and facsimile equipment, incl.
263 radio, CD, DVD-Players, pagers, mobile phones, VTR etc.)
telephone answering machines, data communications equipment, such
without automotive parts*
as bridges, routers, and gateways, transmitting and receiving antenna, cable television equipment, radio and
television studio and broadcasting equipment, including television cameras, modems, carrier equipment, burglar and
fire alarm systems, sending signals to a control station, radio and television transmitters, infrared devices (e.g. remote

Manufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control equipment for various industrial and non-industrial
purposes, including time-based measuring devices such as watches and clocks and related devices; manufacture of
265 Medical, precision and optical instruments
irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment, manufacture of optical instruments and photographic

279 Electrical machinery unspecified Electrical/electronic products that do not fit into 26-27 or 2933 or the exact class is unknown

29 Automotive
Manufacture of cars, trucks, buses and their engines, manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles,
291 Motor vehicles, motor vehicle engines and bodies
manufacture of trailers and semitrailers

293 Parts and accessories for motor vehicles:

metal parts of motor vehicles (e.g. brakes, gearboxes, axles, road wheels, suspension shock absorbers, radiators,
2931 Metal products
silencers, exhaust pipes, catalytic converters, clutches, steering wheels, steering columns and steering boxes)

2932 Rubber and plastic tyres, plastic parts of motor vehicles (e.g. bumpers, dashboards)

electrical/electronic parts of motor vehicles (e.g. generators, alternators, spark plugs, ignition wiring harnesses, power
window and door systems, assembly of purchased gauges into instrument panels, voltage regulators, navigation
2933 Electrical/electronics
systems, communication equipment, electric motors; switchboard apparatus; relays, batteries and

2934 Glass auto glass

2939 Other car seats, safety belts, airbags
2999 Parts and accessories unspecified Parts and accessories for motor vehicles do not fit into 2931-2939 or the exact class is unknown
299 Automotive unspecified Automotive manufacturing that does not fit into 291 or 293 or the exact class is unknown
30 Other transport equipment e.g. ships, locomotives, aeroplanes, spacecraft vehicles
91 All other manufacturing branches
E Electricity, gas and water supply
General construction and specialized construction activities for buildings and civil
engineering works. It includes new work, repair, additions and alterations, the erection
F Construction
of prefabricated buildings or structures on the site and also construction of a
temporary nature
P Education, research and development
90 All other non-manufacturing branches
99 Unspecified Customer industry is unknown
Source: IFR
42 1 Introduction: Sources and methods


The current IFR application classification scheme was originally presented in 2004. In
World Robotics 2020, the branch of “assembling and disassembling” was simplified (see
table 1.2). This upper-level class now only consists of the classes “assembling” and
“disassembling” (and “assembling and disassembling unspecified”). All earlier data was
transferred into the revised classification scheme.

Table 1.2

Application area Definitions

Assistant processes for the primary operation (the robot doesn't process the main
110 Handling operations/machine tending
operation directly)
111 Handling operations for metal casting including die-casting
112 Handling operations for plastic molding also inserting operations for injection molding
113 Handling operations for stamping/forging/bending
114 Handling operations at machine tools

e.g. handling during assembly, handling operations during glas or ceramics production or food production
Robots that handle workpieces at an external welding TCP (i.e. MIG/MAG torch or spot gun) need to be reported in
115 Machine tending for other processes
the appropriate welding classification (i.e. 161 for arc welding or 162 for spot welding) and shall not be counted to the
classification of handling operations.

116 Handling operations for measurement, inspection, testing triage, quality inspection, calibrating
117 Handling operations for palletizing all sectors, all kinds and sizes of pallets
118 Handling operations for packaging, picking and placing e.g. operations during primary and secondary packaging
119 Material Handling n.e.c. e.g. transposing, handling during sandcasting
120 Handling operations/machine tending unspecified the exact IFR 11X class is unknown
160 Welding and soldering all materials
161 Arc welding
162 Spot welding
163 Laser welding
164 Other welding e.g. ultrasonic welding, gas welding, plasma welding
165 Soldering
166 Welding and soldering unspecified the exact IFR 16X class is unknown
170 Dispensing
171 Painting and enamelling area-measured application of lacquer (surface coat)
172 Application of adhesive, sealing material or similar material spot-wise and line-wise

179 Dispensing others/spraying others e.g. powder coating, application of mould release agent, area-measured application of adhesive, spraying of wax

180 Dispensing unspecified the exact IFR 17X class is unknown

190 Processing enduring changing, the robot leads the workpiece or the tool, material removal
191 Laser cutting
192 Water jet cutting
193 Mechanical cutting/grinding/deburring/milling/polishing
198 Other processing e.g. gas/plasma cutting, drilling, bending, punching, shearing
199 Processing unspecified the exact IFR 19X class is unknown
200 Assembling and disassembling enduring positioning of elements
201 Assembling assembling, mounting,screw/nut-driving, clinching, reveting, bonding
203 Disassembling recycling, removal of cover after processing
209 Assembling and disassembling unspecified the exact IFR 20X class is unknown
900 Others
901 Cleanroom for FPD Cleanroom applications for flat-panel displays
902 Cleanroom for semiconductors Cleanroom applications for semiconductors
903 Cleanroom for others Other cleanroom applications

905 Others Applications that were not mentioned before, including applications that are considered as service robotics

999 Unspecified the application is unknown

Source: IFR
1 Introduction: Sources and methods 43


The primary intention and motivation of IFR industrial robot statistics is to create
information about the robotics industry for the robotics industry. Therefore, IFR created
a geography classification scheme that represent relevant robotics markets rather than
political or cultural territories.

There are currently 76 geographical units surveyed. These survey items are the lowest-
level geographical units in the IFR geographical classification scheme. They are often,
but not necessarily, congruent to countries.

The analysis and evaluation of the survey data aggregates the geographical units along
several hierarchy levels. Each survey item is assigned to a continent and all continents
form the world, which is the top hierarchy level. Sometimes it is necessary or meaningful
to define intermediate hierarchy levels, but not all survey items use all these intermediate
levels. These levels may represent relevant markets, or they may be necessary to satisfy
compliance rules (see chapter 1.3). The full hierarchy is (from lowest to highest level):

Survey item  country group  region  continent  world

Figure 1.1 in chapter 1.3 shows the assignment of survey items from bottom to top.
Therefore, this chapter only describes the names and abbreviations used to describe
geographical units. World Robotics Premium customers can find this list including the
superior hierarchy level as a CSV download in the “reporting” section of

Table 1.3

IFR geography classification

Survey items
IFR code Geographical unit Superior item
AE United Arab Emirates RAS
AR Argentina RAM
AT Austria WEU
AU Australia AUNZ
BA Bosnia-Herzegowina YUG
BE Belgium WEU
BG Bulgaria OEE
BR Brazil SAM
BY Belarus OEE
CA Canada NAM
CH Switzerland WEU
CN China SAS
CO Colombia RAM
CR Croatia YUG
CZ Czech Republic CEU
DE Germany WEU
DK Denmark NEU
EE Estonia OEE
EG Egypt ROA
ES Spain WEU
44 1 Introduction: Sources and methods

Table 1.3 (continued)

IFR geography classification

Survey items
IFR code Geographical unit Superior item
FI Finland NEU
FR France WEU
GR Greece OEU
HK Hong Kong OSAS
HU Hungary CEU
IC Iceland OEU
ID Indonesia SAS
IE Ireland OEU
IL Israel OEU
IN India SAS
IT Italy WEU
JP Japan SAS
KP North Korea OSAS
KR Rep. of Korea SAS
KW Kuwait RAS
LT Lithuania OEE
LV Latvia OEE
MA Morocco ROA
MD Moldova OEE
MT Malta OEU
MX Mexico NAM
MY Malaysia SAS
NL Netherlands WEU
NO Norway NEU
NZ New Zealand AUNZ
OA Other Asia ASI
OAF Other Africa ROA
OT Others not specified WR
PH Philippines OSAS
PK Pakistan RAS
PL Poland CEU
PR Puerto Rico RAM
PT Portugal WEU
QA Quatar RAS
RO Romania CEU
RS Serbia YUG
RU Russian Federation CEU
SA Saudi Arabia RAS
SE Sweden NEU
SG Singapore SAS
SK Slovakia CEU
SL Slovenia YUG
TH Thailand SAS
1 Introduction: Sources and methods 45

Table 1.3 (continued)

IFR geography classification

Survey items
IFR code Geographical unit Superior item
TN Tunisia ROA
TR Turkey REU
TW Chinese Taipei SAS
UA Ukraine OEE
UK United Kingdom WEU
US United States NAM
UZ Uzbekistan RAS
VE Venezuela RAM
VN Vietnam SAS
ZA South Africa AFR
Country groups
IFR code Geographical unit Superior item
AUNZ Australia/New Zealand ASI
EUU Europe unspecified EU
OEE other Eastern Europe CEU
OEU all other European countries REU
OSAS other South/East Asia SAS
RAM Rest of South America SAM
ROA Rest of Africa AFR
YUG Balkan Countries CEU
IFR code Geographical unit Superior item
NAM North America AM
SAM South America AM
AS America, not specified AM
SAS South East Asia ASI
RAS Rest of Asia ASI
CEU Central/Eastern Europe EU
WEU Western Europe EU
NEU Nordic Countries EU
REU Rest of Europe EU
IFR code Geographical unit Superior item
AFR Africa WR
AM America WR
ASI Asia/Australia WR
EU Europe WR
Top level
IFR code Geographical unit Superior item
WR World -
Source: IFR
46 1 Introduction: Sources and methods


This chapter sheds light on the distribution and sales channels found in the industrial
robotics industry. It is supposed to help readers who are new to the industry to
understand the different ways robots may take from their production to the installation at
the end user’s site. It will also provide some background knowledge that is helpful to
understand and interpret IFR industrial robot statistics.

The content of this chapter is based on interviews and material received from robot
suppliers (robot producers, component suppliers, system integrators). The channels
describe different setups that can generally be found in the industry. There may always
be individual projects or use cases that deviate from the sketched channels.

The terms “distribution channel” and “sales channel” are closely related and may
intersect, depending on the definition. In this chapter, distribution channel will refer to the
stations a robot takes physically, while sales channel refers to the communication
method used between vendor and customer.
1 Introduction: Sources and methods 47












There are four different types of distributions channels found in industrial robotics:

• Distribution channel 1: Directly to end user:

The robot producer sells and ships directly to the end user. The end user may
hire a system integrator to install these robots. Today, many robot suppliers offer
intuitive or hand-guided programming or offer collections of generic programs for
different applications in online databases. This may render the service of a
system integrator obsolete, particularly in the case of simple tasks and
environments that do not require the robot to be embedded in a complex setup.
• Distribution channel 2: To system integrator
The robot producer sells and ships to a system integrator. The system integrator
delivers a turnkey solution to the end user. This turnkey solution includes one or
48 1 Introduction: Sources and methods

more robots alongside other automation gear, e.g. conveyors and machine tools.
Often the robot producer puts the end user in contact with the integrator to
develop a solution for the specific use case. Depending on the specific case, the
robot producer may or may not have the project lead and be more or less closely
• Distribution channel 3: Retail
In this setup, the robot producer sells and ships to a reseller or distributer. This
distributor sells and ships to the end user. There is no direct contact from the
robot producer to the end user.
• Distribution channel 4: Wholesale
This channel involves four parties: The robot producer sells to a wholesale
distributor, who sells to a system integrator or retailer. The system integrator sells
to the end user. There are two intermediaries between the robot producer and
the end user, so there is no direct contact between robot producer and end user.

Figure 1.5: Distribution channels for industrial robots


The communication between vendors and customers in the industrial robot market can
take the following forms:

• Sales channel 1: Sales representative

The vendor has sales representatives who talk to customers, assess their needs,
and suggest one or more solutions for the specific use case.
• Sales channel 2: Online B2B order system
The vendor negotiates a quota of robots that the customer can call forward using
a digital interface. This channel is common in the relationship of robot producers
and large system integrators or resellers, but it could also be offered by resellers
1 Introduction: Sources and methods 49

for large customers. A sales representative is only involved in the negotiation of

the contract but not in the processing of the call.
• Sales channel 3: Web shop
The vendor offers a web shop through which the customer can order. This setup
can be used by robot producers for factory sales but also by system integrators
(for standardized products), retail, and wholesale.

Figure 1.5: Sales channels for industrial robots


IFR Statistical Department relies on data provided by robot producers, either directly to
IFR (primary data) or through national robotics associations (secondary data). Robot
producers are encouraged to track their sales through all distribution and sales channels
to obtain the statistical information on the point of installation (POI: geographic
destination, application, and industry) for each unit. Shipment data should only be used
as a second-best option if installation data is not available because the timing and the
geographic destination might deviate from the actual installation date and location. Such
deviations will translate into biased operational stocks and biased robot densities, as
these indicators are computed from the installation data.

There are different challenges associated with data tracking in the different channels.

Counter-intuitively, collecting statistical data on robots distributed through channel 1 is

not the easiest exercise. These robots are often easy-to-program models that the user
configures and programs herself. Information on the application might not be easy to
retrieve. On the other hand, using shipment instead of installation data is a good
alternative because it is rather unlikely that end users hold a robot inventory or export
the units to another country. The case is different for large customers. These customers
50 1 Introduction: Sources and methods

are sufficiently large to have their own in-house expertise to configure and install the
robots. In these cases, statistical data can be retrieved if the customer provides it to the
robot producer.

For units distributed through channel 2, robot suppliers rely on the cooperation of system
integrators to obtain data on the POI. There are numerous integrators worldwide. Many
of them are specialized in the models of one or two robot suppliers and there are often
close and trusty business relationships between robot suppliers and system integrators.
It is common that large system integrators contract for a specific annual quota to be
delivered on demand (sales channel 2). These integrators often place orders directly into
the robot supplier’s order system, without sales managers being involved in the
transaction. If the statistical information is not requested automatically by the order
system, it must be retrieved afterwards. Also, the accuracy of this data can hardly be
verified, and the data will not be available if the integrator refuses to cooperate (e.g.,
because of non-disclosure agreements with the end user). Using shipment instead of
installation data is error-prone in this channel because systems are often exported so
that the actual destination of the installation is different from the shipment destination.
Vertical integration is a promising variant for statistics in this channel: Many robot
suppliers offer system integration, too. In this case, there is a direct contact to the end
users and all the required statistical information is available.

Robots distributed through retailers (channel 3) seem to be a particular burden for

statistics. While the shipment destination is clear, the further whereabouts are largely
unknown. Retailers could export the robots, causing an incorrect geographical attribution
if shipment data is used instead of installation data. The time attribution could be biased
if the retailer holds inventory. Application and end user’s industry are mainly unknown.
Much like in the case of system integrators, robot suppliers need to rely on the retailer’s
cooperation. But unlike system integrators, retailers might not possess all the required
information, either. In the case of wholesale models (channel 4), the challenges of
channels 2 and 3 are combined.

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