Nivel2-Maye Ingles
Nivel2-Maye Ingles
Nivel2-Maye Ingles
A. Read the statements. Then circle the responses you hear in the video
Statements Responses
1. Waitress: “Are you ready to order?” a. “Sure.”
b. “We are.”
2. Cheryl: “Excuse me. I have a question.” a. “Yes?”
b. “OK.”
3. Cheryl: “What does it come with?” a. “French fries.”
b. “Salad. ”
4. Cheryl: “What’s in the sauce?” a. “Lettuce, carrots, peppers, onions, egg . . . ”
b. “Lemon, butter, milk . . .”
B. What are the ingredients in each dish? Circle the ingredients the
waitress talks about.
1. The lamb is cooked with . pepper onions salt
2. The tomato salad is made with . garlic onions olive oil
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B. Check ❏✓ the health tips Cheryl talks about in the video episode.
❏ Don’t eat dessert. ❏ Don’t eat foods with a lot of calories.
❏ Eat seafood. ❏ Drink a lot of water.
❏ Don’t eat chocolate. ❏ Eat small portions.
❏ Don’t eat potato chips. ❏ Eat meat.
❏ Don’t eat a lot of bread. ❏ Eat vegetables for snacks.
cake vegetables cookies dessert french fries
5. “And
I’m having potato
for breakfast . . .”
potatoes an egg
yogurt bacon
chicken milk
3. rice 4. wheat toast