Arrest Warrants For Darius Miles and Michael Davis

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STATE OF ALABAMA TUSCALOOSA COUNTY DISTRICT COURT ER: 7 WR 202 234. AGENCY NUMBER: 20230115037TVc WAREANZ, NUMBER: WR 2023 000234.00 TO ANY LAWFUL OFFICER OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA: HOMAGE BEFORE ES 82 *SSGRE on BOSERECORA COON TO ancMER HE Srare OF ON A 3) OF: ABTIAL-VEH LF CLASS: A .ZYPE: F COUNTS: 001 AND HAVE YOU THEN AND THERE THIS WRIT WITH YOUR YOU WILL RECEIVE UNTO YOUR CUSTODY, AND DETAIN, HIM/HER UNTIL THE OF OR UNTIL LEGALLY DISCHARGED. DATED THIS 15 DAY OP GANUARY, 2023. BOND AT: (1) BOND TYPE: NO BOND is ibis hs SER téscazoosa STATE: At Bie? °885 888° 0000 ext: 000 Be eigen GE! BergySEXi gf HAIR: BRO BEE: & RIGHT: 6° WEIGHT: 181 adoodeaa sks ‘DE NUM? £xE CUT ON EXECUTED THE WITHIN WARRANT BY ARRESTING THE DEFENDANT AND (7 PLACING DEFENDANT IN THE TUSCALOOSA COUNTY JAIL (.) RELBASING DEFENDANT ON APPEARANCE BOND Hrs Ka DAY OF _ awver4 23, COMPLAINANT: CULPEPPER B ‘eu TUSCALOOSA AL 35401 * * * IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TUSCALOOSA COUNTY * * * AGENCY NUMBER: 20230115037TVC WARRANT NUMBER: WR 2023 000234.00 OTHER CASE NBR: 7 COMPLAINT ge EE EC, Bun hg PROBABLE CAUSE FOR WGGE RANE 2S OfHERWISE UNKNOWN TO THE COMPLAINANT, DID WITHIN THE ABOVE” ay ON. ja anour 2, ieee INTENTIONALLY, CAUSE THE DEATH OF Ji BY AIDING © ENG BY PROVIDING J AaF: MICHAEL DAVIS He shor [AMA HARRIS lOTOR, VEHICLE, TO-MIT, Hep AND DED CAG: 6) bie! a BY BR VENric MICHAME HAKEts CHE FEREARK WITH We Bie oP T5n008-020 (A) (7p none NTO nie Soot at SE ALABAMA FAROE cE AWOBTORE AD db hice mang, on azanan : AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS THE 15 DAY OF JANUARY, 2023. CHARGES: MURDER CAPITAL-VEH F 13A-005-040(A) (17) F FELONY WITNESS FOR THE STATE CULPEPPER B/TVCU/TUSCALOOSA/35401 OPERATOR: KET DATE: 01/15/2023 Charge: Capital Murder - Of Person in @ Vehicle Agency Case #: 230115029 Code: 13A-5-40(a)(17)13A-5-40(a)(17) Homicide Case #: 20230115037 Warrant No: 09.3, 7.3L) ORI#: AL0B30100 Deposition and Charge Sheet Personally appeared before me, Culpepper, Branden, being by me first duly sworn, deposes and says. ‘0n.04/15/2023 at 01:48 am at 500 Grace St. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 the following occurred: Defendant: Miles, Darius Hairston Ais: Address: cos: Race: BLACK ‘Sex MALE Height: 6-7 Weight 186 Hair: BROWN Eyes: HAZEL Victim: Harris, Jamea Jonae Address: Dos: = Race: BLACK Sec FEMALE Height B= Weight: 120 Hair: BROWN Eyes: BROWN On January 15, 2023, Darius Miles aided and abetted Michael Davis in the crime of Capital Murder of Jamea Harts. Michael Davis shot and killed Jamea Harris while she was in the passenger seat of a vehicle stopped in the 500 block of Grace Street in Tuscaloosa. She was struck once by gunfire and died shorty afterwards. Darius Miles admitted to providing Michael Davis with the handgun immediately prior to the shooting FILED yan t7 ee HB wage CLERK eeic eT CRIMINAL! TRA c — S ‘omplainant’s Sighgture ‘SWORN to and subscribed J Before me this, 13 ay of A a 2023 Magistrate /Ubdge | feet ORDER ON INITIAL APPERANCE AND BON! ‘Case Number ionsm0 au HEARING + Wh: 23-028¢ In the District Court of Tuscaloosa County, Alabama cot Alsbanev._ Darws Houston Mules . Defendant The above-named defendant has been charged with the following criminal offenses: Capel Murder : ih ‘The above-named defendant was duly brought before the Court for initial appearance on today’s date at__ B+ BQ __o’etock 2.m., whereupon the Court did the following, as checked in the appropriate blocks: 1 st ‘ame and address of defendant: a) Ascersied te ve name tobe___Davivs Hawwsten Mules 5 @) Ascersined the defendants adiress ote: __ Met sure, TBD. Phone oct Svcs on aac ofinigency i {¢) Amended the formal charges to reflect the defendant's true name. “G) instructed the defendant to notify the Court promptty of any change of address. 2 2. Charges: Informed the defendant of the charges auainst himvher and ensured that the defendant was served with a copy of the charges, a copy was given or made available to his attorney or the charges were read to him in opea Court 5 3. Right Co counsel: Informed the defendant ofthe right to be represented by counsel, that he/she would be afforded time and opportunity to retain an attorney, and further advised the defendant that, if he/she were indigent and unable to obvain counsel, en atfomey would be appointed by the Court to represent hinvher. Te the Defendant requested counsel, the Defendant: thao Cl Wat given sopy of he Aida of Suhail Hanshi o compte in Be forindgeney tobe detemice. 1D Has other pending cases in which indigency was previously determined and the Court find that the defendant remains indigent Cl The Court put the Defendant under oath, and after questioning, beticves he qualifies for PEE D ‘The Defendant: ARequested court-appointed counsel, GAPS nat req riasernite ho rney 2 O The following attorney has been appointed to represent the defendant: cn 3-4. Seltineiinatn: toned ie defendant the a hight w remain let and ha ny al 20 said could be used against him/her. MAGARIA Ht BOBO 5. ban cnet ete np mc na hy eM IC in this mater. The Court has considered whether Defendant's being at large will pose a real and present danger or ‘others orto the public a large, The Court has also considered the least onerous conditions under which Defendant's release will assure the Defendant's appearance at furue proceedings inthis matte. Its hereby ordered as follows: Defendant shall not be released from custody since he’she is charged with a non-bailable capital offense Ci Defendant shall not be released from custody since the Cour Finds probable cause that Defendant has forfeited hier right to bail by committing a new offense while on pretrial release i Defendant shall be released from custody pending further proceedings, subject to the mandatory conditions prescribed in Rule 7.3(a) of the Alabama Rules of Criminal Procedure, and subject wo the following additional conditions: Cl Own recognizance. Gi Execution of an unsecured appearance/signature bond in the amount of Consolidated 1 10% cash approved 1) AS PREVIOUSLY SET C1 Execution of a secured appearance bond in the amount of $__ Consolidated 1 AS PREVIOUSLY SET ‘The following case shall be OR bond: Males Other conditions: 1 Defendant must report to TCAS at 1812 University Blvd (phone 759-2137) within 24 hours of release for drug sereening and pretrial monitoring phone Shall not be in the presence of firearms or other dangerous weapons TINo Contact with _ IE ators 96s H--o-89bEgEEEL EEE ESUEPEEEELE LOH, 9ESSEgEELELPCLU gn SEgEESEEEL (6, Factors for Secured Appearance Bond: If execution of a secured appearance bond is required for release, the secured eppeurance bond is required due to the consideration of the following factors as applied to Defendant. i The age, background and family ties, relationships and circumstances of the defendant. The defendant's reputation, character, and health Gi The defendant's prior critical record, including prior releases oa recognizance or on secuced appearance bonds, and other pending cases. 1D The idemity of responsible members ofthe community who will vouch forthe defendants reliability Violence or Jack of violence in the alleged commission of te offense. Zhe nature ofthe offense charged, the apparent probability of conviction and the likely sentence, insofar as these factors are relovaat to the risk of nonappearance. I The type of weapon used, e¢., knife, pistol, shotgua, sawed-off shotgun, C2 Threats made against victims and/or witnesses 5 The value of property taken during the alleged commission of the offense. 1 Whether the property allegedly taken was recovered or did not; damage or lack of damage to property allegedly taken 1 Residence of the defendant, including consideration of real propecty ownership, and length of residence in his or her place of domicile 1 Incases where the defendants charged with a drug offense, evidence of selling or pusher activity should indicate 4 substantial increase in the amount of bond, 1D Consideration of the defendant's employment status and history, the location of defendant's employment, ¢8. ‘whether emplayed in the county where the alleged offense occurred, an the defendant's Financial condition. Any enhancement stanutes related to the charged offense CT Defendant is currently on bond/probation in another ease Defendant's bond has been revoked in another pending case and the Defendant is currently in s NO BOND status Upon Motion of either party, Court shall review bond in this case, ifnecessary, oept! ED’ Other: _ JAN IT 2083 IA. BOBO _ MAGAR BO DIST CRIMINAL! TRAFFIC (27). Preliminary Hearing: If charged with a felony offense, informed the defendant of right to demand a prelim (8, Setting of Hearing: This matter is set for Appearance in the Tuscaloosa Disiriet Court on otetock. m, 9, Other: - — __tfte [2s hte Pla fe te Tadee Dat ADA Sinalley can Defense attorney, Bornom STATE OF ALABAMA TUSCALOOSA COUNTY DISTRICT COURT cx ER: 20230115037TV + 23 000233.00 AGENCY NUMBI 30115037TvC WARRANT, NUMEER: WR 2023 000233. TO ANY LAWFUL OFFICER OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA: you HIM/HER OF AND HAVE YOU THEN AND THERE THIS WRIT WITH YOUR YOUR cl DETAIN HIM/HER UNTIL THE YOU WILL RECEIVE UNTO YOUR CUSTODY AND ETAT if) DATED THIS 15 DAY OF JANUARY, 2023. Eerie: aaa AURBTAs: a 2 ce fae ERbie?°888 888° 0000 ext: 000 TAGE Pumrgutsnise HAIR: BLE ae 15 -20\35" ST | MICHARL LYNN DAVIS, BEFORE, Tae BEB doe a SSGRT or HOSGRESOBK COUNTY ro ANBWER ge sTarTe SEiau-VEH F CLASS: & FABER: Fy CQUNES: 002 GALLY DISCHARGED. qa) BOND TYPE: NO BOND ex EC UTION EXECUTED THE WITHIN WARRANT BY ARRESTING THE DEFENDANT AND (+47 PLACING DEFENDANT IN THE TUSCALOOSA COUNTY JATL (|) RELEASING DEFENDANT ON APPEARANCE BOND THIS COMPLAINANT: GULPEPPER B [se DAY OF “J@nuayy 2-33 TUSCALOOSA AL 35401 FIL ED {Tm MAGARIA 1. oa CIRCUIT CLE ost! SRIMINALIT TaRAFFC ‘IAL INFORMATION SYSTEM * * * IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TUSCALOOSA COUNTY * * * AGENCY NUMBER: 20230115037TVC WARRANT, NUMBER: WR 2023 000233.00 compe : AINT BERR THE ERS I 7 PaRGSRRE AEE TE 0) BDBEETRICT COURT OF iA CO Loa DULY awoRN DEPORES eS aes Hone CAgEE FOR, aa EV RAE TS oRMERWESH GNRNOW "TO oes BE wormin THE ABOVE” xD, 1/15/2023 OBE DEATH OF JAMEA HARRIS B® ere ah {ra AERO ooh eae By VaSiante NOE res ao pba i OF THE CODE OF ALABAMA, SWORN #o| AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS THE 15 DAY OF JANUARY, 2023. WITNESS FOR THE STATE CULPEPPER B/TVCU/TUSCALOOSA/35401 OPERATOR: KET DATE: 01/15/2023 FILED JAN 17 2028 RIA Ht. BOBO MA ROL CLERK orst CRNA TRAFFIC Charge: Capital Murder - Of Person in a Vehicle Agency Case #: 230115029 Code: 13A-S-40(a}(17)13A-5-40(a}(17) Homicide Case # 20230115037 Warrant No W277 3 ‘ORI #; ALO630100 Deposition and Charge Sheet Personally appeared before me, Culpepper, Branden, being by me first duly sworn, deposes and says: On 01/18/2023 at 01:46 am at 500 Grace St. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 the following occurred: Defendant: Davis, Michael Lynn Alias: Buzz Address; MINING yrans Road, MD 20608 00: Race: BLACK Sex: MALE Height: 6-0 Weight 156 ‘Hair: BLACK Eyes: BROWN Victim: Harris, Jamea Jonae Address p08: Race: BLACK ‘Sex: FEMALE Height Weight. 120 Hair, BROWN Eyes: BROWN (On January 15, 2023, Michael Davis committed the crime of Capital Murder by shooting Jamea Harris, Jamea was in the passenger seat of a vehicle stopped in the 500 block of Grace Street in Tuscaloosa, She was struck once by gunfire and died shorty afterwards, Witnesses identify Michael as the shooter. There is surveillance footage of the incident FILED JAN 17 2023 MAGARIA H. BOBO CIRCUIT CLERK DIST CRIMINAL! TRAFFIC Coppiainants ‘Sighature Magistrate / SWORN to and subscribed Before me this the 15" day of Jan 2025 Seo Naa ORDER ON INITIAL APPERANCE AND BOND | caw sensor Usifed dl Sytem | Foon ¢-40 7 a192920 _ HEARING |WR 23.0233 Inthe District Court of Tuscaloose County, Alabama State of Alabama v. Mucheel Lynn Deus Ie The eee has been charged with the following criminal offenses Copii tet Marder The above-named defendant was duy brought before the Cour for inital appearance on today's date at_Z%BO o'clock BL m., whereupon the Court did the following, as checked in the appropriate blocks BI. » Defendant aye and address of defendant: Ze) ascertained the rvevancrore: _Michaet Lyan Daws, Jr 2 () Asceained te deendatsalivosobe____itgeetun) TBD 8 (©) Amended the formal charges to reflect the defendant's true name. & (A) Instructed the defendant to notify the Court promptly of any change of address. © 2. Charges: Informed the defendant of the charges against him/her and ensured that che defendant was served with @ copy of the charges, a copy was given or made available to his attorney or the charges were cead to him in open Court. 58 3, Right to counsel: Informed the defendant of the right to be representa! by counsel, that he'she would be afforded time and opportunity to retain an attomey, and further advised the defendant that, if hese wers indigent and unable to obtain counsel, an attomey would be appointed by the Court to represent him’her. The Defendaat: Requested cour-sppointed counsel. Bid not requey couappints coun Ifthe Detendant requested counsel, the Defendant Plans fo hue 2m 2 Horney, Was given a copy of the Affidavit of Substantial Hardship to complet in order for iadigency to be determined. 2 las other pending cases in which indigency was previously determined and the Court finds that the defendant remains indigent CG The Court put the Defendant under oath, and after questioning, believes he qualifies ere D The fallowing attomey has been appointed to represent the defendant: 53 4. Selfinerimination: Informed the defendant that he/she lad the right to remain silent and that anythW thal 22023 said could be used against hinvher, MAGARIA H. BOBO Z 5, Bail; Gave the Defendant the oppormunity to make a statement regarding his/her ability co post the bGURGUATAL in this matter, ‘The Court has considered whether Defeadant’s being at large will pose @ real OKSpGRIMINALE TRAFFIC ‘others or tothe public a large. The Court has also considered the least onerous conditions under which Defendant's release will assure the Defendant's appearance at future proceedings inthis matter, It is hereby ordered as follows: ADetendant shall nor be released from custody since he/she is charged with a non-bailable capital offense 1D Defendant shall not be released from custody since the Court finds probable cause that Defendant has forfeited hither right to bail by commiting a new offense while on pretrial release. i Defendant shall be released from custody pending further proceedings, subject to the mandatory conditions prescribed in Rule 7.3(a) of the Alabama Rules of Criminal Procedure, and subject to the following additional conditions Ci Own recognizance, 5 Execution of an unsecured appearanceisignature bond in the amount of §____ TF Consolidated C1 approved Ci AS PREVIOUSLY SET Execution of seeured appearance bond in the amount of $_ i Consolidated GAS PREVIOUSLY SEY The following ease shall be OR bond: Dons FCrher consitions: C2 Defendant must report to TCAS at 1812 University Blvd (phone 759-2137) within 24 hours of release for drug screening and pretrial monitoring phone Shall not be in the presence of firearms or other dangerous weapons No Contact Dotter: ZC actors for Secured Appearance Bond: If execution ofa secured appearance bood i required for release, the secured appearance bond is required due to the consideration of the following fators as applied vo Defendant 1D The age, background and family tes, relationships and circumstances of the defendazt. 1 The detendant’s reputation, character, and health. 1D The defendant's prior criminal record, including prior releases on recognizance or on secured appearance bonds, and other pending cases. 1D The identity of responsible members of the couumunity who will vouch for the defendant's reliability. rolence of lack of violence ia the alleged commission of the offense ‘wre nature ofthe offense cursed, the apparent probability of conviction, and the likely sentence, insofer as these factors are relevant tothe risk of nonappearance, 1D The type of weapon used, eg, knife, pistol, shotgun, sawed-off shotgun. 1D Threats made against victims and/or witnesses. O The value of propery taken during the alleged commission of the offense, Fi Whether the property allegedly taken was recovered or did not; damage or lack of damage to property allegedly taken, Residence of the defendant, including consideration of real property ownership, and length of residence in his or her place of domicile 2 Incases where the defendant is charged with « drug offense, evidence of selling or pusher activity should indicate 4 substantial increase in the amount of bon. C1 Consideration of the defendant's employment stams and history. the location of defendant's employment, ¢.g ‘whether employed in the county where the alleged offense occurred, and the defendant's finaneial condition, C Any enhancement stanutes related to the charged offense. G Defendaat is currestly on bond probation in another case 1D Defendant's bond fas been revoked in another pending case and the Defendant is currently in a NO BOND status ‘Upon Motion of either party. Court shall review bond in this case, ifuecessary. once No! Frt * Otier: dant? 3 i ‘ : RIA _H. BOBO wer T.CLERK DIST CRIMINAL. TRAFFIC Preliminary Hearing: [charged with a felony offense, informed the defendant of right t demand a prlimjaary hesng under Rule 51, Ala R.Cim?, and of the provedce by which hat right may be exercised PD 44 Ale This matter is set for Appearance in the , Tuscaloosa District Court on aoe _ ava ___ Smalley __ Defeue anomey Bornew i

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