Prezentare Cryptodata1 Compressed
Prezentare Cryptodata1 Compressed
Prezentare Cryptodata1 Compressed
Customers First
The activity of the CryptoDATA company is dedicated to the users’ requirements because, in
our conception, they represent the engine of the whole system. Our company aims to deliver
long-term value through increased receptivity towards the users’ community. The
decentralized community should have access to technology through simple means for easing
their activities.
Smart Innovation
Advanced technologies have opened the gates for a new industrial revolution through which
everything alters and develops with huge speed. These technologies open the way to a new
world, where all devices are intelligent, connected and communicating to ease our entire
activity. One of the main goals of our company is to bring innovation through its developed
products and services.
Software Gaming
Our programming team develops software CryptoDATA develops both internal and
incorporating a complex architecture to external projects in the gaming industry,
offer solutions for every project’s with technologies usable in PC and Mobile
development. domains.
Hardware Blockchain
Our research and development center CryptoDATA is a blockchain technology
offers the possibility of developing pioneer. Our company delivers solutions
electronic equipment and industrial and strategies for the development and
machinery destined for both personal and understanding of this new technology.
industrial use. With the help of our team, you can develop
computing processing equipment,
software and, also, financial platforms that
employ blockchain technology.
Software Development
Cyber-security represents the practice of protecting systems, networks and programs against
digital attacks. These cyber-attacks are usually targeted at accessing, changing or destroying
sensitive information, extorting money from users or disrupting normal business processes.
Nowadays, applying efficient measures of cyber-security is extremely difficult because there
are more devices than people, so attackers are becoming more innovative.
Through its patented encryption technology - the Voice Over Blockchain Protocol [VOBP],
CryptoDATA provides the perfect solution for securing and encrypting the communication
channel between two connected devices. Identities’ decentralization offers total privacy
because the system doesn’t employ servers for information distribution and validation.
Game Development
The video gaming industry represents a niche that has been facing a very accelerated growth
over the past years due to the evolution of several areas of technology. Technological
advancement of computers and mobile phones, together with the high internet speed for data
transferring, has led to an increased supply and demand for video games.
Releasing a video game in its final form requires following a complex plan. CryptoDATA team
offers solutions and has all the necessary resources for developing video games and delivering
them in their final form. The company is substantially investing both in techniques’, as well as
in employees’ evolution for creating such complex platforms.
Graphic Development
The digital graphics domain has progressed so much that physical borders and limitations
have disappeared. The evolution of this technology has eased work, reduced execution time
and released visible outstanding results, both in the film industry, as well as in the marketing
Through its graphics department, CryptoDATA offers the possibility of developing projects
starting from their concept state up to the state of graphic reality and transposition into virtual
reality. Predicting a product’s final form is much easier now through the computing power
provided by Cloud - the data processing datacenter.
Finance digitization has created a world full of new opportunities, however, even with this
technological evolution, these features are not easy to reach for all people. In addition to the
financial advice that CryptoDATA can offer, the company comes prepared, also, with a series
of solutions for developing, instructing and implementing different platforms in order to ease
both companies’, as well as individuals’ activities.
CryptoDATA’s most important projects have been gold and electricity digitization and its
placement on the market for being traded and exploited by every user, whether experienced
or not.
To help the current community and expand the technology across the Globe, CryptoDATA is
working on implementing the BIDDC communication system. The company’s aim is to
develop a decentralized satellite network named GLOBAR LINK. The launch of the first test
satellite KDCT01 is planned in Q3-2020.
The technologies developed for setting up and expanding this project have as main mission
the improvement by changing the current communication architecture between the
worldwide spread devices. The BIDDC infrastructure is based on the implementation of the B-
IPFS architecture, information processing being enabled with the help of the ZIXXAR artificial
intelligence chip.
CryptoDATA is currently investing more and more resources in the A.I field in order to develop
innovative technologies. Together with both our partners and our services’ users, we are
building the largest decentralized network based on artificial intelligence that exploits both
data processing resources from CryptoDATA’s data-centers, as well as the resources of the
users’ devices.
The ZIXXAR chip working on the VOBP technology preserves the originality of the data. The
decentralized validation doesn’t allow data alteration, offering the self-repair function.
Electric Autonomous Vehicle Development
Technology development is a necessity for the evolution of humanity. For the CryptoDATA
team, the electric vehicle represents a revolutionary innovation in the automobile field and,
also, a great challenge.
Through the MOMENTUM models, our team brought solutions for some of the greatest deficits
of electric vehicles. These deficits have led to innovative technologies’ development that
became part of the MOMENTUM ecosystem. All MOMENTUM electric vehicles are equipped
with ultimate technologies developed by the CryptoDATA engineers to provide more safety,
security and driving ease for the improvement of our customers’ lives.
CryptoDATA wants to turn every device into a validation node, so that each user becomes an
active worker within the network. Thus, security becomes impenetrable given the data
encryption and validation by several members of the network. The innovative technology that
has been implemented into the MOMENTUM ecosystem is unique and revolutionizes the
entire automotive system.
CryptoDATA exploits a wide range of programs and technologies for developing revolutionary
products. The many challenges that have arisen over time determined the team to expand its
development spectrum in order to achieve the desired goals. The most important assets of
every technology company are adaptability and progress. The company’s evolution is based
on determining and motivating its employees throughout their search for innovative solutions
for the new technologies’ implementation. All this time, CryptoDATA has gained the necessary
experience in using software applications and has expanded its activity’s orientation towards
different technologies that are useful for people.
Java Raspberry Pi
Golang Swift
Typescript [ AngularJS, Value.js]
JavaScript HSL Shaders
Kotlin Cinema 4D
Flutter Zbrush
Python Houdini
Kubernetes DaVinci
Docker Blender
Sql Maya
Objective C Adobe Illustrator
C Adobe Photoshop
C++ Adobe Premiere Pro
C# Adobe After Effects
Typescript SketchUp
React JS Unreal Engine
React Native Unity Engine
HTML Augmented Reality
Unix Shell Scripting Motion 5
MATLAB Final Cut Pro
PHP Cubase
Business Activity
Privacy Decentralization
One of the core values of IMPulse K1 is IMPulse K1 doesn’t rely on one central point
privacy. You can rest assured; all your of authority like the traditional smartphone.
information is completely safe. When you Instead of being kept on a server, all
buy the phone, you use your Private Key to information is distributed across many
generate a unique number, which different devices, guaranteeing the privacy
represents your own digital ID. of our users.
Security Innovation
The entire communication and file IMPulse K1 is the first smartphone to use
transfers are fully encrypted, from text blockchain technology in an innovative
messages, regular and video calls to way, its main purpose being to ensure every
photos, documents and video file transfers. user's safety. The VOBP technology is an
The end-to-end encryption eliminates third exclusive technology, accessible for
parties and only relies on peer-to-peer links, IMPulse K1 users only.
allowing only the smartphone’s user to
access their private information.
How Does it Work ?
IMPulse K1 is not only a regular smartphone, but an encrypted communication platform which
can perform the necessary functions in accordance with the users’ needs.
This platform incorporates all functions of a computer, mobile phone, data center and of a
connection and transfer node.
The IMPulse K1 Smartphone uses asymmetric communication algorithms that incorporates
blockchain’s innovative architecture.
In order to preserve users’ uniqueness, our smartphone employs the blockchain’s protocol for
configuring and protecting the encryption key. The IMPulse K1 represents only a node, all the
necessary information being accessed with the Private Key’s help.
The communication channel is peer to peer and employs the algorithms of blockchain
ecosystems for choosing the encryption methods, therefore having increased protection
through End to End encryption [E2EE].
The smartphone can be used in 2 ways:
IMPulse K1 can be used like any regular This mode offers users the unique
smartphone because it also fulfills the experience of communicating, working
functions of such devices. It can make a and transferring files in the most secure
stable connection with other way available on the market.
communication devices developed by In order to work in encrypted mode, the
different companies via SIM Card or phone incorporates in its architecture
Internet through applications such as many innovative technologies.
WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. VOBP is an encrypted communication
Communication channels are insecure technology that ensures a secure
because the connection of telephone connection between 2 or more IMPulse K1
providers is used. users. The blockchain architecture opens
Multimedia functions are included in the End-to-end encryption communication
IMPulse K1 platform to help the user in channels, the connection between users
everyday life. being peer-to-peer.
The smartphone supports the installation Final storage is based on B-IPFS
of applications compatible with Android technology and transforms IMPulse K1 into
and IOS systems depending on the external a secure portal to encrypted files using the
developers. Private Key.
VOBP is the cutting-edge security system that keeps data completely protected. Developed by
CryptoDATA engineers, Voice Over Blockchain Protocol combines knowledge in a variety of scientific
fields to increase smartphone security.
Master Key that allows each user to create Military security technology that ensures
unlimited phone numbers to be used user privacy. It encrypts location and then
within an infinity of organizations, all from a only reveals it to a user-chosen contact,
single device. Each organization can serve allowing for complete control over who
a distinct purpose, and always switching can access this information.
SIM cards is no longer necessary.
Technology for protection against cyber-attacks: it shields each unique private key from
unwanted access and encrypts all devices making attempts.
Private KEYS
The IMPulse K1 comes with physical keys that are unique for every device. The users Private
Key is part of the innovative CryptoDATA technology, used to access all the private
blockchain data, the user being verified and granted access based on it.
You can use the same key both for your IMPulse smartphone and your WHIM laptop.
Represents your Virtual Identity and it Described as the Master Key, it represents
helps you connect with other users when the heart of IMPulse K1, being the most
being inserted into the IMPulse K1 important component used for:
smartphone -Configuring New Unique Private Keys
The Unique Private Key provides you -Deleting Unique Private Keys
instant access to your information that is -Security changes within the user’s account
stored on blockchain and it is used for:
-Accessing the Vault application and its
functions 24 BACKUP WORDS
-Connecting your WISP identities
-Communicating securely with other Backup Words represent the main security
WHIM or IMPulse K1 Users through the element generated by the blockchain
WISP application when an account is created. These words
-Changing your Matrix IDs security settings recover lost data and enable the owner to
-Accessing your Photos, files and other have full access to the related identities or
from B-IPFS stored information information.
Vault is a system application which CryptoDATA Store is a digital distribution
encrypts IMPulse K1’s Private Keys, creates platform developed and managed by
the users’ Blockchain account identities CryptoDATA Tech Co. This application
and enables the secured deposit of their allows IMPulse K1 users to browse,
digital assets. download and install apps designed by
CryptoDATA or by other priorly verified
WISP is a system application that B-IPFS is a service developed by
transforms the IMPulse K1 Smartphone into CryptoDATA that operates in a
a secure and private communication decentralized mode and can be accessed
platform due to the VOBP technology using the IMPulse K1 or WHIM devices. This
employed. The application’s user-friendly technology enables users to securely store
interface enables users to communicate via all their information and documents within
voice or video calls and transfer text the Blockchain, accessing them instantly
messages, files and documents in a private and through the Private Key’s identity.
accessible way.
“Contacts” is a system application developed by “Manager” is a system application that enables
CryptoDATA through which the users can users to securely batch uninstall and backup
securely access both the phone numbers and applications. The application quickly lists all the
the encrypted identities of their contacts. The applications installed on the IMPulse K1 device,
safe access to this application is ensured by the displaying information about each one of them,
Private Encryption Key. allowing users to decide whether to un-install,
backup or read detailed information about each
“Messages” is a system application developed by “Workplace” is a system application integrated
CryptoDATA that allows the IMPulse K1 users to into the IMPulse K1 Smartphone that enables
communicate with other regular smartphone- users to store, sync and share work files easily
users. The app works only if a Nano-SIM card is and securely with the members of their
inserted into IMPulse K1. organizations. Any folder can be linked to a
This communication channel is not encrypted. Workplace Group to keep members updated as
The entire information-flow uses the SIM the users’ files and documents suffer
Network; therefore, users’ security and privacy modifications. When new people are added to
are affected by the intervention of a third-party the group, they will automatically get access to
network provider. the users’ shared folders.
“B-EMAIL” is a system application that “Calendar” is a system application with optional
transforms the IMPulse K1 Smartphone into a CalDAV synchronization that provides users
secured and private electronic mailing platform everything they need for organizing their daily
due to the VOBP technology employed. The schedule. This app enables the creation of
apps’ user-friendly interface enables users to recurring events and set-up of reminders, also
communicate and transfer messages, files, displaying week numbers. The Storage
documents and photos in a private and permission is needed only for exporting or
accessible way inside their organizations. importing events from .ics files. The Contacts
permission is needed only at importing
contacts’ birthdays and anniversaries.
Gallery is a system application developed by Settings is a system application developed by
CryptoDATA which stores all users’ photos and CryptoDATA which enables the configuration of
videos into a secured place. This application IMPulse K1. By accessing this application users
allows users to upload very fast all files in the can upgrade the operating system, set extra
blockchain Cloud. protection with more security options, connect
IMPulse K1 with other devices and customize
language and display.
“Clock” is a system application that includes all “Merchant” is a financial system application that
timing-related functions. This app enables users offers bank accounts in different currencies and
to set alarms, add timers, run a stopwatch and, enables users to make electronic payments fast
also, keep track of time around the world by and securely. The app also provides access to
displaying different time zones. cryptocurrencies.
“Music” is a secure system application that “Camera” is a system application developed by
provides access to millions of songs. This CryptoDATA that enables users to capture their
application enables users to listen to music life’s moments through photos and videos, to
albums, playlists, and podcasts wherever they edit and store them privately and securely.
are, for free.
“Documents” is a system application that “Help” is a system application developed by
includes a suite of secure office programs CryptoDATA through which users can learn how
created by CryptoDATA made for easy unit to use their IMPulse K1 at maximum
access and a private office experience on the go. performance and discover all its functions from
the basics to the most advanced.
What is WHIM ?
WHIM is the first laptop that offers integral protection in accessing and transmitting data with
the help of the physical encryption key. The system architecture’s base is represented by the
[VOBP] technology. WHIM has a unique design and offers a particular experience for personal
and business organization use
Privacy Decentralization
One of the core values of WHIM is privacy. WHIM doesn’t rely on one central point of
You can rest assured; all your information is authority like the traditional laptop. Instead
completely safe. When you buy the laptop, of being kept on a server, all information is
you use your Private Key to generate a distributed across many different devices,
unique number, which represents your guaranteeing the privacy of our users.
own digital ID.
Security Innovation
The entire communication and file WHIM is the first Laptop to use blockchain
transfers are fully encrypted, from text technology in an innovative way, its main
messages, regular and video calls to purpose being to ensure every user's safety.
photos, documents and video file transfers. The VOBP technology is an exclusive
The end-to-end encryption eliminates third technology, accessible for encrypted users
parties and only relies on peer-to-peer links, only.
allowing only the encrypted user to access
their private information.
WHIM comes as an addition to the IMPulse K1 smartphone. The portal to the blockchain opens
the user account with the help of the Private KEY to have instant and secure access anytime
and anywhere.
How Does it Work ?
WHIM allows users to access the blockchain technologies in order to enjoy maximum product
VOBP is the communication protocol that opens the encrypted communication channel to
send messages, make video calls, send emails, documents and files.
B-IPFS is a technology made available as a service through WHIM or IMPulse. It is the
engineering that allows users to store on blockchain an infinite number of files. This service
allows you to work directly on files or allows them to be downloaded to your device using the
Private Key.
In order to provide complete protection to its users, WHIM comes with 2 different operating
systems on Hardware. Through this device we try to offer the connection of 2 ecosystems
necessary to the needs of people.
WHIM offers users the possibility to stay This mode offers users the unique experience of
connected with other devices that do not use communicating, working and transferring files
blockchain technology. It provides a separate in the most secure way available on the market.
storage to install the desired operating system In order to work in encrypted mode, the laptop
(Windows, Ubuntu, etc.) and to configure the incorporates in its architecture many innovative
device according to their needs. technologies.
Due to this feature, the user can install and VOBP is an encrypted communication
configure the laptop in the same way as any technology that ensures a secure connection
computer available on the market. This way of between 2 or more Whim and IMPulse K1 users.
operating offers WHIM a great advantage as this The blockchain architecture opens End-to-end
laptop can be used in any field of activity. encryption communication channels, the
connection between users being peer-to-peer.
Finisher storage is based on B-IPFS technology
and transforms WHIM into a secure portal to
encrypted files using Private Key.
VOBP is the cutting-edge security system that keeps data completely protected. Developed by
CryptoDATA engineers, Voice Over Blockchain Protocol combines knowledge in a variety of scientific
fields to increase smartphone security.
Master Key that allows each user to create Military security technology that ensures
unlimited phone numbers to be used user privacy. It encrypts location and then
within an infinity of organizations, all from a only reveals it to a user-chosen contact,
single device. Each organization can serve allowing for complete control over who
a distinct purpose, and always switching can access this information.
SIM cards is no longer necessary
Technology for protection against cyber-attacks: it shields each unique private key from
unwanted access and encrypts all devices making attempts.
Private KEYS
The WHIM comes with physical keys that are unique for every device. The users Private Key is
part of the innovative CryptoDATA technology, used to access all the private blockchain data,
the user being verified and granted access based on it.
You can use the same key both for your IMPulse smartphone and your WHIM laptop.
Represents your Virtual Identity and it Described as the Master Key, it represents
helps you connect with other users when the heart of WHIM, being the most
being inserted into the WHIM Laptop important component used for:
The Unique Private Key provides you -Configuring New Unique Private Keys
instant access to your information that is -Deleting Unique Private Keys
stored on blockchain and it is used for: -Security changes within the user’s account
-Accessing the Vault application and its
functions 24 BACKUP WORDS
-Connecting your WISP identities;
-Communicating securely with other Backup Words represent the main security
WHIM or IMPulse K1 Users through the element generated by the blockchain
WISP application when an account is created. These words
-Changing your Matrix IDs security settings recover lost data and enable the owner to
-Accessing your Photos, files and other have full access to the related identities or
from B-IPFS stored information information
Vault is a system application which CryptoDATA Store is a digital distribution
encrypts WHIM’s Private Keys, creates the platform developed and managed by
users’ Blockchain account identities and CryptoDATA Tech Co. This application
enables the secured deposit of their digital allows WHIM users to browse, download
assets. and install apps designed by CryptoDATA
or by other priorly verified developers.
WISP is a system application that B-IPFS is a service developed by
transforms the WHIM Laptop into a secure CryptoDATA that operates in a
and private communication platform due decentralized mode and can be accessed
to the VOBP technology employed. The using the IMPulse K1 or WHIM devices. This
application’s user-friendly interface enables technology enables users to securely store
users to communicate via voice or video all their information and documents within
calls and transfer text messages, files and the Blockchain, accessing them instantly
documents in a private and accessible way. through the Private Key’s identity.
“Contacts” is a system application “Manager” is a system application that
developed by CryptoDATA through which enables users to securely batch uninstall
the users can securely access both the and backup applications. The application
phone numbers and the encrypted quickly lists all the applications installed on
identities of their contacts. The safe access the WHIM device, displaying information
to this application is ensured by the Private about each one of them, allowing users to
Encryption Key. decide whether to un-install, backup or
read detailed information about each app.
“Messages” is a system application “Workplace” is a system application
developed by CryptoDATA that allows the integrated into the WHIM Laptop that
WHIM users to communicate with other enables users to store, sync and share work
regular smartphone-users. The app works files easily and securely with the members
only if a Nano-SIM card is inserted into of their organizations. Any folder can be
WHIM SIM Card Slot. linked to a Workplace Group to keep
This communication channel is not members updated as the users’ files and
encrypted. The entire information-flow documents suffer modifications. When
uses the SIM Network; therefore, users’ new people are added to the group, they
security and privacy are affected by the will automatically get access to the users’
intervention of a third-party network shared folders.
“B-EMAIL” is a system application that “Calendar” is a system application with
transforms the WHIM Laptop into a optional CalDAV synchronization that
secured and private electronic mailing provides users everything they need for
platform due to the VOBP technology organizing their daily schedule. This app
employed. The apps’ user-friendly interface enables the creation of recurring events
enables users to communicate and transfer and set-up of reminders, also displaying
messages, files, documents and photos in a week numbers. The Storage permission is
private and accessible way inside their needed only for exporting or importing
organizations. events from .ics files. The Contacts
permission is needed only at importing
contacts’ birthdays and anniversaries.
Gallery is a system application developed Settings is a system application developed
by CryptoDATA which stores all users’ by CryptoDATA which enables the
photos and videos into a secured place. This configuration of WHIM. By accessing this
application allows users to upload very fast application users can upgrade the
all files in the blockchain Cloud. operating system, set extra protection with
more security options, connect WHIM with
other devices and customize language and
“Clock” is a system application that includes “Merchant” is a financial system application
all timing-related functions. This app that offers bank accounts in different
enables users to set alarms, add timers, run currencies and enables users to make
a stopwatch and, also, keep track of time electronic payments fast and securely. The
around the world by displaying different app also provides access to
time zones. cryptocurrencies.
“Music” is a secure system application that “Camera” is a system application developed
provides access to millions of songs. This by CryptoDATA that enables users to take
application enables users to listen to music photos and videos, to edit and store them
albums, playlists, and podcasts wherever privately and securely. This function allows
they are, for free. users to communicate live with other users
through communication channels.
DOCUMENTS “Help” is a system application developed by
“Documents” is a system application that CryptoDATA through which users can learn
includes a suite of secure office programs how to use their WHIM at maximum
created by CryptoDATA made for easy unit performance and discover all its functions
access and a private office experience on from the basics to the most advanced.
the go.
What is ZIXXAR
ZIXXAR is a device built on an artificial intelligence architecture that learns and develops
continuously in order to simulate human intelligence in any circumstances.
The adoption of the A.I. technology and its integration in ZIXXAR are aimed to develop and
improve consumers’ necessary services and to reduce the related operational costs. This
objective is attainable and can develop fast if the number of users, pieces of information and
applications increases.
CryptoDATA has launched the ZIXXAR artificial intelligence chip providing the edge
computing service for the company’s commercial devices. This is the first model of A.I. COP
developed by CryptoDATA which is used for deep learning, requiring a low resource
consumption and having a small size.
ZIXXAR is built to help small-sized devices achieve advanced deep learning technologies
through quantization tools and compilers. The ZIXXAR chip uses the blockchain architecture
in its operational algorithm, transforming every device into a secured validation node that
contributes to the stable and efficient functioning of the ecosystem.
Through the implementation of the Global digitalization concept in which all devices use the
ZIXXAR chip technology, CryptoDATA seeks the development of a new decentralized
community that will actively participate/work in the development of practical and innovative
technological solutions.
What is A.I
Artificial intelligence represents a machine’s ability to perceive and mimic human cognitive
functions. In order to achieve this, the machine must learn from detected patterns, adapt the
newly gathered information, take action and improve to become aware of the process.
The applicability of artificial intelligence is endless, as this technology can be integrated into
many different sectors and industries. CryptoDATA invests considerably in the development
and applicability of the ZIXXAR chip to facilitate the evolution of our society and ease users’
task performance.
By using the power and resources of cloud ZIXXAR employs an unsupervised learning
computing, the ZIXXAR chip is able to algorithm and develops self-protection
analyze images and to detect, perceive and techniques against cyber-threats. This
organize the content from those images. protection system is integrated into
Another additional integrated task that is in CryptoDATA’s commercial devices through
a continuous development process is to the WORM Guard software.
perceive images by associating them with ZIXXAR technology is able to test and
sounds in order to offer accurate forecasts. eliminate applications and software that
This technology can be implemented in can cause damage and are unsafe. As an
industries such as: additional property, ZIXXAR developed an
Medicine - for the analysis and auto-improving system to counterattack
interpretation of the results of X-rays or and eliminate cyber-threats.
generated tests;
The Military field - to discover hardly PRIVACY
identifiable dangerous objects; In order to comply with security standards
In the security of photographic objectives and to respect the rights regarding
by the automatic interpretation of the personal data, the ZIXXAR chip uses
images taken by surveillance cameras blockchain architecture for
In the analysis and efficiency of e- communication. This architecture is used
commerce and marketing systems. for secure and efficient encryption of the
channels and of the data used for the chips
to communicate. ZIXXAR represents a
huge node with a decentralized processor
that sends information continuously to
improve the encryption algorithm and
repel cyber-attacks.
Intelligent Urban Center
The intelligent urban center represents the concept regarding the cities of the future that
would be able to perform an infrastructure and resource management based on artificial
intelligence. The cloud computing system could be integrated through the B-IPFS
technology and materialized by the integration of ZIXXAR chips in all electronic devices.
The city’s central processing unit is decentralized and uses the blockchain algorithm for the
communication between devices and data recording. Through the machine learning and
deep learning algorithms, the system can automatically and efficiently perform a computing
power and energy resources self-management. Thus, the computing power can be declared
as infinite because devices are Globally connected and data integrity is verified in a
decentralized way.
Traffic management
Surveillance system management and interpretation
Tax service management
Payment systems management
Resources and infrastructure management
Efficient channeling of resources for a sustainable development
Air traffic and transport services management
Provision of solutions through a highly-accurate predictability
Management of the security systems concerning the human-machine relationship
Correct and incorruptible management of the voting system
Protection of citizens’ identities
What is Bank of Energy [B.O.E]
The Bank of Energy represents an interconnected energy system, consisting of a set of
electromagnetic installations organized in a digital ecosystem in order to attain the
production, transmission and distribution of electrical energy on a Global scale.
General Terms
An electric Vehicle is an automobile that is propelled by one or more electric motors, using
energy stored in rechargeable batteries. Electric cars are a variety of electric vehicles (EV). The
term "electric vehicle" refers to any vehicle that uses electric motors for propulsion, while
"electric car" generally refers to highway-capable automobiles powered by electricity.
Just as there are a variety of technologies available in conventional vehicles, plug-in electric
vehicles (also known as electric cars or EVs) have different capabilities that can
accommodate different drivers’ needs. A major feature of EVs is that drivers can plug them in
to charge from an off-board electric power source. This distinguishes them from hybrid
electric vehicles, which supplement an internal combustion engine with battery power but
cannot be plugged in.
There are two basic types of EVs: all-electric vehicles (AEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric
vehicles (PHEVs). AEVs include Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
(FCEVs). In addition to charging from the electrical grid, both types are charged in part by
regenerative braking, which generates electricity from some of the energy normally lost
when braking. Which type of vehicle will fit your lifestyle depends on your needs and driving
EVs (also known as plug-in electric vehicles) derive all or part of their power from electricity
supplied by the electric grid. They include AEVs and PHEVs.
AEVs (all-electric vehicles) are powered by one or more electric motors. They receive electricity
by plugging into the grid and store it in batteries. They consume no petroleum-based fuel and
produce no tailpipe emissions. AEVs include Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) and Fuel Cell
Electric Vehicles (FCEVs).
PHEVs (plug-in hybrid electric vehicles) use batteries to power an electric motor, plug into the
electric grid to charge, and use a petroleum-based or alternative fuel to power the internal
combustion engine. Some types of PHEVs are also called extended-range electric vehicles
Advantages Disadvantages
Environment-Friendly Recharge stations
Less cost Electricity cost
More efficient Short range
Improved safety Long recharge time
Energy security Silence
Instant power Battery replacement
Safe to drive Expensive
Low maintenance Securit
Reduce noise pollution
What is
VOBP is a new age security system that ensures users a complete protection of their data
Developed by the CryptoDATA engineers, the Voice Over Blockchain Protocol manages to
efficiently combine strong elements and knowledge gathered from a variety of scientific fields
to increase the security of your communication devices.
The Matrix Id allows users to create an Matrix IDs are utilized by users as virtual
infinite number of unique and private identities through which they can
accounts, that can be used to communicate or access their own digital
communicate, but also to transmit information. The access and
information in an encrypted and secured administration of identities are granted
manner. only to the person who created them. All
the information stored by the identities in
question is encrypted by the unique Private
Blockchain and information key and can be accessed with the Public
Blockchain is a transparent, public, Key.
decentralized and secured ledger that The anonymity and protection of the users
stores information in an efficient, verifiable is done by the blockchain in a decentralized
and permanent way. By applying these way, and so, the blockchain does not verify
properties on a structure, we create an the data of the individual, it verifies the
innovative architecture. integrity and validity of the virtual
This ledger enables the adding, but not the identities.
modification or duplication of information.
Within a Blockchain there can be created Matrix ID vs. Current Technology
an infinite number of identities by the
addition of new blocks. Digitalization is increasing exponentially
The information that appears in the system and the need for a new technology that
is verified in a permanent and offers absolute security and control over
decentralized way by the members of the information has led to the emergence of
network, even if it is viable or not, and the MATRIX ID technology.
result (hash?) is registered in a new block. The easiness of using this feature provides
Thus, every information is integrated and a unique experience to every user, thanks
generates effects only after validation. to the possibility to access and control their
information from anywhere with the
Unique Private Key.
The uniqueness of identities Users can create and configure multiple
Within the blockchain system, every block unique accounts, which they can utilize
is unique because it contains both the according to their personal and business
previous and the registered information. needs. Matrix Ids can have multiple
Thus, every identity generated has a unique functionalities:
identification code, which means that there can store and access digital currency
can be no other information with the same funds or deposits;
source code, this property eliminating can be used as phone numbers, email
fraud and identity theft. accounts or other identification codes;
can access encrypted and secure
The core element of the Raptor SKA system (chassis) systems. Moreover, the direction
is the “EAC” (Energy Absorbing Cartridge). of the system- controlled deformation is 6
Each EAC presents two relatively rigid degrees down, so it pushes up the chassis
plates at each end and the active material, to increase chances of overcoming the
a cylindrically shaped high-end absorbing obstacle.
foam. Even if the impact is extremely violent or
The entire system contains four additional the incidence direction is straight,
subassemblies, two in front and two on the generating great lateral efforts, then the
sides of the vehicle. In order to fulfill its carbon tubes and the entire system could
purpose, each aggregate should be located be deformed, but in a controlled manner,
between the impact bars and the carbon keeping safe the carbon fiber chassis and,
fiber chassis, otherwise stated, between the most importantly, the driver.
potential hazard and the Momentum The lateral aggregates of the Raptor SKA
Huvra’s driver. system are less complex. These
For the two front aggregates, the subassemblies consist of an impact bar and
cartridges are arranged in four series of four six EACs on each side of the vehicle.
EACs each. Here, each row of four EACs is In case of a lateral impact, the rigid bar
placed in a carbon tube, fixed inside the distributes the effort along its entire length
carbon chassis front lobes. A common and, consequently, the six EACs take over
impact bar, connected to four piston- the effort in parallel.
mountings, pushes the cartridges inside According to the simulations, the Raptor
the tubes in the event of a frontal impact SKA system is capable of a dimensional
and squeezes the energy-absorbing foam. compensation around 300 mm in case of
Two rigid pillars provide a stable base front impact and 75 mm for lateral impact,
between the elastic (EAC series) and rigid without any damage of the chassis.
Where is the Innovation?
In terms of the passive safety systems in automotive industry, the Raptor SKA concept claims
to be a top-level solution. Even if all of the important automakers implemented passive safety
items, such as reinforced carbon fiber monocoque and vehicle deformation control, there is no
similar system on the market that enables not only the passengers’ safety, but the car chassis’
as well, involving minimum costs.
However, the fact that the concept revolves around one key element, the EAC, that can be
used whether in front or on the sides of the vehicle, gives the system a high level of modularity.
In conclusion, a system exclusively created for a precise purpose, as the foam and cartridges
of the Raptor SKA system, will always be preferable instead of trying to find best compromise
related materials, geometry and impact dynamics in case of an unfortunate incident.
High safety level due to the EAC’s foam The best protection for the carbon fiber
purposely designed to absorb as much chassis in case of soft or medium impacts.
energy as possible at the time of the The rolling chassis is probably the most
impact; expensive item in the Momentum Huvra
vehicle and a non-reusable post-accident
The secondary passive safety function, part (in case of damage), hence this feature
which allows the chassis to go slightly up, represents a great advantage;
compensating the dynamic loading of the
front axis during breaking, improving the The second level of protection in case of a
impact dynamics and, finally, increasing major incident when the passive elements
the chances of survival in case of a frontal of the system would have collapsed in a
impact; controlled manner (when the foam in all
EACs would have already collapsed);
The modularity of the system, produced by
the EAC component used in both front and The system’s attribute of integrating
lateral subassemblies. This advantage, simultaneously both user-friendliness and
together with the economical EAC efficiency.
manufacturing, brings up the cost-
effectiveness advantage of this system;
CryptoDATA’s Vision, Mission & Strategies
Our company’s mission is to bring technology development and digitalization to every person
and organization for creating a smart and completely connected world.
In our vision, access to information through connectivity is and should be a basic right that
underlies human progress for helping economic growth and, consequently, improving the
standard of living.
The success of good connectivity is given by the transparency of the services provided to
customers. Users should have the right to decide what and how it is happening while being
protected by the technology they use.
For an immediate acquiring and fast assimilation of the new launched technologies,
CryptoDATA should understand its customers’ needs in order to provide a personalized
experience to each and every one of them.
The coordination and collaboration between CryptoDATA and its users will stimulate a fast and
large-scale innovation of technology. Thereby, a personalized experience will be available to
everyone while respecting both the user’s and company’s uniqueness.
Industry Trends
Advanced technologies, especially A.I and Cloud Computing, were developed during the
fourth Industrial Revolution. These technologies open the door to a new world where
everything has senses and intelligence and everything is connected, leading to great changes
in our way of living, working, learning and communicating. Every economy, industry and user
should and will employ these intelligent connectivity technologies in order to overcome the
limits and borders of development and evolution more quickly.
In the era of technology, industries within every field of activity explore the methods of
developing products and services that have the user’s needs as their core functioning element.