HyperWorks General Brochure

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A Platform for Innovation TM

Meeting Today's Design Challenges

With Innovative Virtual Simulation Technology

HyperWorks is a division of
“HyperWorks offers our engineers the full potential of
CAE in all of its bandwidth at a very competitive price;
and, with the third-party products offered within the
HyperWorks Enabled Community, the multidisciplinary
portfolio offered by Altair is further increased.”
EADS Innovation Works

“In partnership with Altair, Ford has established a

development process which consistently delivers
vehicles with a superior safety performance. RADIOSS
is one of the cornerstones of this process and these
dramatic performance improvements will offer us a
broad set of new opportunities.”
Ford Motor Company

“HyperWorks enabled us to tailor simulation processes

to our specific requirements and significantly improved
our simulation efficiency.”

“With simulation software like HyperWorks, we

have been able to dramatically increase our rate of
development. This not only allows us to produce better
products but also it frees up our time and allows us to
look into the future for the next great technology in golf.”
Cleveland Golf
HyperWorks Glossary
A Platform for Innovation TM

As the most comprehensive, open-architecture CAE enterprise solution in the industry,

HyperWorks includes best-in-class modeling, analysis, visualization and data management
solutions for linear, nonlinear, structural optimization, fluid-structure interaction, and multi-
body dynamics applications. Products within the HyperWorks suite include:

HyperMesh HyperStudy
HyperMesh is a high-performance finite element pre-processor with HyperStudy is a solver-neutral design study, optimization and
the broadest set of direct interfaces to commercial CAD and CAE stochastic study software that allows the exploration and optimization
systems, HyperMesh provides a proven, consistent analysis platform of design performance and robustness.
for the entire enterprise.
HyperView HyperCrash is a robust pre-processing environment specifically
HyperView is a high-performance post-processing and visualization designed to automate the creation of high-fidelity models for crash
environment for CAE and test data. Amazingly fast 3D graphics and analysis and safety evaluation.
unparalleled functionality set a new standard for speed and integration
of CAE results post-processing. HyperForm & HyperXtrude
Fully integrated virtual manufacturing for enhanced product feasibility
and detailed process analysis in sheet metal forming, metal and
RADIOSS polymer extrusion and injection molding.
RADIOSS is a fast and accurate finite-element solver for linear
static and dynamics problems. Over the past 20 years, RADIOSS
has become the linear and nonlinear solver of choice of leading HyperWorks Enterprise
manufacturers, government agencies and researchers. Automated , natural, and collaborative environment for efficient
product lifecycle management, making CAE Enterprise an enjoyable
AcuSolve experience for every HyperWorks users.
AcuSolve is a leading general-purpose finite element-based
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) flow solver. Its next-generation HyperWorks On-Demand
FE-based formulation assures superior robustness, speed, and HyperWorks On-Demand is a High Performance Computing solution
accuracy, easily handling the most difficult industrial problems. for design innovation in the Cloud. It leverages Altair’s patented
licensing system, providing access to a selection of the HyperWorks
OptiStruct products and a modern, scalable HPC infrastructure through a secure
OptiStruct is an award-winning CAE technology for conceptual design and efficient web based platform.
synthesis and structural optimization. By predicting optimal shapes
of structures with minimum input early in the process, OptiStruct solidThinking Evolve and Inspire
facilitates analysis to lead the design process which results in more solidThinking Evolve is the 3D industrial design/styling software that
efficient designs in less time. is redefining the way design concepts are created and evaluated.
A breakthrough in digital product development, solidThinking Inspire
adds new computational capabilities to solidThinking's traditional
MotionView & MotionSolve capabilities, allowing designers to explore virtually countless forms
MotionView is the world's leading open multi-body Systems Modelling and shapes.
Environment. MotionSolve is a next-generation, multi-body systems
analysis software for mechanical system simulation.

HyperMath is a general purpose numerical computing environment
that allows customers to easily develop and perform custom
mathematical operations on various types of data, including data
associated with CAE pre- and post-processing.

► Visit www.altairhyperworks.com to learn more

Deliver Exceptional Value - Direct Software Savings
Traditional software offerings operate usage ‘token’ systems which stack applications. The HyperWorks software products are accessed via
a patented licensing system which allows multiple applications to be opened on the desktop and the ‘tokens’ levelled to the maximum token
value product.

The HyperWorks licensing system delivers significant cost savings compared against the industry standard stacking systems. In addition,
by levelling the tokens to the maximum product value, the company only pays for incremental usage.

For multiple users a plateau in licensing costs occurs. This is a function of the
levelling and the fact the company is effectively paying only for incremental usage.

Visit www.altairhyperworks.com to learn more

Partner Alliance – On Demand Access to Third Party Software
For over ten years, Altair has made its products available to customers using Altair’s patented license management system. Altair customers
purchase a pool of license tokens known as HyperWorks Units (HWUs), which allows metered usage of the entire suite of Altair products.

Under the HyperWorks Partner Alliance, Altair has opened the HyperWorks Platform to third-party products and has in fact become a new
distribution channel for Independent Software Vendor (ISV) partners. Customers can now use their existing pools of HWUs to access a
continuously expanding list of partner solutions, across a broad range of disciplines, at little or no incremental cost.

It is a revolutionary new paradigm, bringing together our partners and our customers to provide a dynamic, on-demand delivery platform for
enterprise analytics applications.

Our Current Solution Library Includes:

•1D System Simulation •Ergonomics Analysis •Material Library
•CFD Analysis •Fatigue Analysis •Multi Body Dynamics Analysis
•Complexity Management •Finite Element Analysis •NVH Analysis
•Composites Modeling •Impact Analysis •Project Management
•Electromagnetic Analysis •Injection Molding Simulation

See if you qualify and join at www.hyperworksalliance.com

Altair HyperMesh™

The Fastest, Solver Neutral CAE Environment for High Fidelity Modeling

Altair® HyperMesh® is a high-performance finite-element pre-processor

that provides a highly interactive and visual environment to analyze
product design performance. With the broadest set of direct interfaces
to commercial CAD and CAE systems and a rich suite of easy-to-use tools
to build and edit CAE models, HyperMesh provides a proven, consistent
analysis platform for the entire enterprise.

Benefits Best In Class Meshing

Open-Architecture Design HyperMesh presents users with an advanced
Combining the broadest set of direct CAD suite of easy-to-use tools to build and
and CAE interfaces with user-defined edit CAE models. For 2D and 3D model
High-fidelity Model Generation integrations, HyperMesh fits seamlessly creation, users have access to a variety of
for all Industries and Use Cases within any simulation environment. mesh generation capabilities, as well as
HyperMesh’s powerful automeshing module.
High-Speed, High-Quality Meshing
Streamlining the modeling process and
High Fidelity Meshing
provides a suite of tools to model even
• Surface meshing
the most complex geometries.
• Solid map Hexa-meshing
One Integrated CAE Environment • Tetra-meshing
Modern, configurable, and easy-to-use • CFD meshing
graphical user interface provides seamless • SPH meshing
data exchange for pre and post processing.
Surface Meshing
Advanced 3D Model Visualization The surface meshing module in HyperMesh
3D Visualization of all element types (1D, 2D contains a robust engine for mesh
and 3D elements) within a FEA model eases generation that provides users with
Process-driven Tetra-meshing
model checking and visual verification unparalleled flexibility and functionality.
This includes the ability to interactively
Increases End-User Modeling Efficiency adjust a variety of mesh parameters,
Using sophisticated batch meshing optimize a mesh based on a set of user-
technology,HyperMesh eliminates the need defined quality criteria, and create a mesh
to perform manual geometry clean-up using a wide range of advanced techniques.
and meshing, thus accelerating the model
development process.
Solid Meshing
Using solid geometry, HyperMesh can utilize
Closes the Loop Between CAD and FEA
both standard and advanced procedures
Generating surfaces from finite element
models enables analysis engineers to connect, separate or split solid models
to easily communicate and share product for tetra-meshing or hexa-meshing.
modifications with design teams. Partitioning these models is fast and
easy when combined with HyperMesh's
Advanced Model Morphing powerful visualization features for solids.
Delivering the most powerful model This allows users to spend less time
morphing tool in the industry HyperMesh preparing geometries for solid meshing.
allows users to modify existing meshes The solid-meshing module allows users
to meet new designs and reduce model to quickly generate high quality meshes
development costs. for multiple volumes.
A Platform for Innovation TM

Batch Meshing By eliminating misalignments and holes, CAE Solver Interfacing

The BatchMesher™ module in HyperMesh and suppressing the boundaries between
is the fastest way to automatically generate adjacent surfaces users can mesh across HyperMesh provides direct import and
high-quality finite element meshes for larger, more logical regions of the model export support to the industry's most popular
large assemblies. significantly increasing meshing speed solvers. Additionally, HyperMesh provides
and quality. Boundary conditions can also a completely tailored environment for each
By minimizing manual meshing tasks, be applied to these surfaces for future supported solver.
this automeshing technology provides mapping to underlying element data.
•Adams •Moldflow
more time for value-added engineering • CATIA V4/V5 • IGES •Abaqus •Moldex3D
simulation activities. BatchMesher provides • PRO-ENGINEER • PARASOLID •Actran •MotionSolve
user-specified control over meshing criteria • UNIGRAPHICS • STEP •AcuSolve •Nastran
and geometry clean-up parameters as well • ACIS • JT Precise •Ansys •nCode
as the ability to output to customized model • Tribon • SolidWorks •CFD++ •Permas
file formats. •Femfat •PamCrash

Mesh Morphing
Customize HyperMesh to •Fluent •RADIOSS
•Ls-Dyna •OptiStruct
HyperMorph is a powerful HyperMesh Fit Your Environment •Madymo •Samcef
module for interactively and parametrically •Marc •Simpack
changing the shape and of a finite Customize your modeling experience through •Matlab •StarCD
element model. Its unique approach enables an easy-to-use interface containing drag-and-
rapid shape variations on the finite element drop toolbars, configurable pull-down menus
mesh without sacrificing mesh quality, and keyboard-controlled shortcuts.
or changing node id’s and element id’s.
HyperMorph can be used to dynamically Custom Utilities: Create custom applications
create shape variables which can be used that are fully integrated within the
for subsequent design optimization studies. HyperMesh interface.

Solver Input Translators: Users can extend

CAD Interoperability HyperMesh’s interface support by adding
input translators to read different analysis
HyperMesh includes direct readers to popular data decks.
native CAD file formats. Moreover, HyperMesh
has robust tools to clean-up (mend) imported Solver Export Templates: Export templates
CAD geometry that contain surfaces with allow the HyperMesh database to be
gaps, overlaps and misalignments which exported to user-defined formats for Flexible Modeling Tools for
hinder high-quality mesh generation. proprietary and specialized solvers. all Industries and Use Cases

Modern and Efficient CAE Modeling Environment Easily Handles Large Models and Assemblies Batch Meshing for Automated
Rapid Model Generation
Altair HyperView™

High-performance Post-processing and Visualization

Environment for CAE and Test Data

Altair® HyperView® is a complete post-processing and visualization

environment for finite-element analysis (FEA), multi-body system simulation,
digital video and engineering data. Amazingly fast 3D graphics, open
architecture design and unparalleled functionality, set a new standard
for speed and integration of CAE results post-processing. Coupling these
features with HyperView’s advanced process automation tools dramatically
improves results visualization, correlation, and reporting.

Improve Productivity: Extendable User Interface
High-end Visualization Enables HyperView • Industry-leading 3D graphics manipulation • Templex programming: Create custom-
to Easily Handle Large CAE Models and animation speed. curve math functions, perform data
• Direct readers for popular CAE solvers analysis and curve statistics within
and the ability to create user-defined annotations and labels, and parameterize
results translators. any text file.
• Powerful XY-plotting and 3D-plotting. • Custom pull-down menus: Develop user-
• Customize the interface and create defined menus to provide easy access to
specialized tools to fit individual reports, plot macros and custom wizards.
engineering environments and needs. • Tcl programming layer: Automate
• Direct link to Altair HyperView Player for procedures through a programmable
web communication and collaboration. Tcl/Tk command layer.
• Custom import and export templates:
Gain Design Insight: Define custom import and export
• Synchronize and visualize of FEA templates for reading and writing XY
Multiple Window Results Post-Processing results, multi-body systems results, plotting data.
XY plotting, and video data.
• Overlay of multiple CAE models in
one window.
CAE Animation
• Perform results mathematics to build & Data Plotting
user-defined results types such as
failure indexes. HyperView delivers a complete suite of
• In-depth model interrogation based on interactive animation, data plotting and
user-defined criteria. digital video functionality that dramatically
improves results visualization, analysis
Automation and Report Creation and correlation. Its synchronization
• Automated session building: Automate the capabilities enable users to explore
generation and presentation of standard detailed model integrity and behavior.
plots and tables, as well as quickly By utilizing HyperView’s extensive
compare results and correlation studies post-processing platform users can
using the “Report: Overlay” option. easily synchronize, compare and
• One step report generation: Export visualize FEA results, multi-body systems
HyperView session reports to HTML or results, XY plotting (simulation or test data)
PowerPoint XML, including text, images, and digital video data simultaneously
AVIs and H3Ds. in the same environment.
A Platform for Innovation TM

Animations HyperWorks also offers two translators,

• Contours (Scalar & Tensor)
Report Generation HvTrans and HgTrans, for working with any
• Vector plots type of engineering data. HvTrans allows
Generating a standard report is made
• Tensor plots you to extract, translate, and compress CAE
easy with HyperView by using the “Publish
• Deformation plots results while HgTrans enables you to convert,
Session” capability along with the Report
• CFD streamline plots compress and process data files using
Templates functionality. HyperView allows the
• Deformed animations custom math expressions that can be built
user to export the active session to a HTML
• Linear animations from the embedded math function library.
or PowerPoint XML report and provides users
• Modal animations
with the control to decide which information
• Transient animations Solvers Supported Include:
gets exported and in which format.
• Multi-body dynamics animations • RADIOSS • Adams
with flex-bodies • OptiStruct • MADYMO
• Report export — HTML, PowerPoint
• MotionSolve • DADS
• Animation export — AVI, H3D
To aide in results comparison and correlation • ABAQUS • SIMPACK
• Image export — BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF • LS-DYNA • MOLDFLOW
HyperView provides user oriented image and
• Summary data export — Multi-column, • NASTRAN • MARC
video planes for combining test data with
customizable formatting • ANSYS • NIKE3D
simulation results. Advanced capabilities in
HyperView include toolsets for model query,
result comparisons for single and overlaid Solver Interfacing
models and results math for custom results
manipulation needs. HyperView also supports: HyperView supports many popular
CAE solver formats through direct
• Exploded views readers, providing a flexible and
• Iso-surfaces consistent high-performance post-processing
• Advanced quering environment for animating and plotting CAE
• Part and component tracing simulation results. Additional solver formats
• Interactive cut planes can be supported through user-defined
• Graphic annotations results translators that convert results into
• User oriented image and video planes the Altair H3D compressed binary format.

Stress Analysis Results: Aircraft Fuselage Correlation of Simulation and Impact Analysis, Evaluation, and Correlation
Physical Results of Offset Barrier Vehicle Test
Altair RADIOSS™®

A Complete Finite Element Solver for Structural Analysis

Altair® RADIOSS™ is the premier finite element solver for linear and
non-linear simulations. RADIOSS is used by top companies to simulate
structures, fluids, fluid-structure interaction, sheet metal stamping,
and mechanical systems. The robust, multidisciplinary solution allows
manufacturers to maximize durability, noise and vibration performance,
crashworthiness, safety, and manufacturability of designs in order to bring
innovative products to market faster.

Scalability, Quality, and Repeatability state-of-the-art technology to meet
• RADIOSS multi-processor and multi- challenges in safety engineering for
domain solutions offer extreme scalability all industries.
Safety and Crash Evaluation to increase solution throughput in modern
cluster and multi-core environments. NVH Solution
• The diagnostic capabilities of the solver • RADIOSS is the most advanced solver for
provide unparalleled model debugging, NVH analysis.
leading to the accurate simulation of
design behavior and making the Optimization Ready
simulation process less prone to • Rapidly improve design performance
modeling errors. by utilizing the leading-edge
• Special provisions in RADIOSS optimization solutions in OptiStruct
guarantee repeatability of results on analysis problems.
regardless of the number of processors
used in parallel computation. Responsive Support Organization
• RADIOSS technical support is very responsive
Fast Computation Speed for Large Models in reacting to user input. A rigorous quality
NVH Solutions - Analysis • Highly efficient solution algorithms for assurance organization makes it possible
linear, non-linear, and modal analysis to implement new features quickly and
problems compared to conventional solvers. without regression in quality.
• Using intelligent memory management,
RADIOSS easily simulates structures with
millions of degrees of freedom (DOFs) Capabilities
without any model size restrictions.
RADIOSS has been an industry standard
Cost-Effective NASTRAN Replacement for dynamic loading simulation from crash
• The most common linear and non-linear to high-speed impact for over 20 years.
analysis problems can be solved with Automotive and aerospace companies
RADIOSS. value the contribution it makes to
• Deeply integrated in HyperWorks, understanding and predicting design
RADIOSS increases end-user efficiency behavior in complex environments.
and significantly reduces corporate
investments in third-party solver solutions. In recent years, through the addition of
implicit finite element solver capabilities,
Crash and Impact Solution RADIOSS has also become a widely
• RADIOSS has been a market leader used option for standard analyses and
in crash and impact solutions for over linear dynamics such as frequency
20 years and continues to advance response analysis.
A Platform for Innovation TM

Solver Solutions is provided through static reduction and manage RADIOSS compute workload on
Finite element solutions in RADIOSS are: Component Modes Synthesis (CMS). server infrastructures.
• Linear static analysis
• Non-linear explicit dynamic analysis Comprehensive Material Library Automated Robustness Studies and
• Non-linear implicit dynamic analysis • Correlated material laws and Design Optimization
• Non-linear implicit quasi-static analysis failure models include definitions • Easily perform optimization and robustness
• Normal modes analysis for real and for concrete, foam, rubber, steel, studies through RADIOSS tight coupling
complex eigenvalues composites, and biomaterials. with OptiStruct and HyperStudy.
• Linear buckling analysis • Multiple failure criteria may be applied
• Frequency response analysis to any material. Occupant Safety
• Random response analysis • Crack propagations can be followed For vehicle occupant safety simulation
• Response spectrum analysis using an XFEM method. RADIOSS has direct access to a large
• Linear transient response analysis library of finite element dummy, barrier and
• Linear coupled fluid-structure NASTRAN Environment Compatible impactor models. RADIOSS provides the
(acoustic) analysis • Most RADIOSS solutions are available most comprehensive toolset in the industry
• Linear steady-state heat transfer analysis through NASTRAN type input syntax through partnerships with First Technology
coupled with static analysis and write results in both PUNCH and (FTSS) and TASS. In addition, the HyperCrash
• Fatigue analysis OUTPUT2 formats to support legacy modeling environment provides outstanding
• Explicit Arbitrary Euler-Lagrangian models and compatibility within support for automotive crash and safety
(ALE) formulation NASTRAN environments. simulation with RADIOSS.
• Explicit Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
• Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Advanced NVH Mechanical Systems
• One-step (inverse) and incremental sheet RADIOSS brings a wealth of both standard Dynamic mechanical systems simulation
metal stamping analysis and advanced NVH features. using rigid and flexible bodies is made
• Multi-body dynamics analysis • Interface to AMLS possible through the integration with
• Acoustic loading MotionSolve. The solutions include
Innovative element formulations provide • Damping and absorber elements kinematics, dynamics, quasi-static and
accurate and robust solutions. A complete • Structure and cavity CMS Super Elements linearized analysis.
set of elements including shell, solid, bar, • Fluid GRID point participation
scalar elements, as well as rigid elements • Power flow analysis All typical types of constraints such as
and bodies is available. A comprehensive • Recovery of panel participation from within joints, gears, couplers, user-defined
collection of linear and non-linear material, Super Elements constraints, and high-pair joints can be
failure and contact models is provided for • Capability to specify detailed output at defined and analyzed. High-pair joints
modeling complex events. frequencies with peak responses. include point-to-curve, point-to-surface,
curve-to-curve, curve-to-surface, and
Advanced composites modeling and simulation Workload Management Interface surface-to-surface constraints as well
is leading the industry. External matrices • Minimize job turn-around time by employing as contact. They can connect rigid bodies,
may be used for modeling. Matrix generation PBS Professional to efficiently schedule and flexible bodies, or rigid and flexible bodies.

Stress Analysis Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Analysis Correlated Material Law and Rupture Model Library
A Powerful General-Purpose Flow Solver

AcuSolve™ is a leading general-purpose finite element-based

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) flow solver with superior robustness,
speed, and accuracy. AcuSolve can be used by designers and research
engineers with all levels of expertise, either as a standalone product
or seamlessly integrated into a powerful design and analysis application.
With AcuSolve, users can quickly obtain quality solutions without iterating
Isosurface of Turbulent Structure From on solution procedures or worrying about mesh quality or topology.
Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of Flow Over
a Smooth Cylinder at Re = 140,000.

AcuConsole – A Powerful GUI-Based

Advanced Technology, Two key components contribute to this
robustness: the GLS finite element
Pre-Processor Accurate Results formulation, and a novel iterative linear
AcuSolve comes with a powerful yet equation solver for the fully coupled
easy to use GUI-based pre-processor, AcuSolve is based on the Galerkin/Least- pressure/velocity equation system.
AcuConsoleTM. It has a built-in mesh Squares (GLS) finite element method. This powerful iterative solver is highly
GLS is a higher-order accurate, yet stable stable and is capable of efficiently
generator which operates on most
formulation that uses equal order nodal handling unstructured meshes with
3D CAD models. It also allows users
interpolation for all variables, including high aspect ratios and badly distorted
to import an existing mesh in pressure. The method is specifically elements commonly produced by
various formats. Through an intuitive designed to maintain local and global fully automatic mesh generators.
menu structure, AcuConsole helps conservation of relevant quantities under all This linear solver yields significant
the user fully set up a problem, operating conditions and for all meshes. stability and convergence advantages
generate an input file, and launch over the segregated solution procedures
AcuSolve. CAE automation is In addition to excellent spatial accuracy, commonly found in many commercial
available through the Python AcuSolve has a second-order time incompressible flow solvers.
scripting language, allowing users to integration option. Since AcuSolve obtains
rapid nonlinear convergence within each
customize menus and functions for
time step, temporal accuracy is achieved High Speed,
specific applications.
in practice. Parallel Performance
AcuSolve has a very rich mathematical AcuSolve achieves fast solutions via
foundation, translating into superb numerical three mechanisms:
behavior. AcuSolve can easily solve the • Solution of the fully-coupled
largest and most complex mission critical pressure/velocity equation system,
industrial problems. which yields significant linear and
nonlinear convergence speed.
• Architected from the ground up for
Robust Solution vector and cache-based super-scalar
AcuSolve typically solves a given problem in • All algorithms are designed for
the first attempt. Fully converged solutions multi-core parallel clusters, using a
are reliably obtained using AcuSolve’s hybrid distributed/shared-memory
efficient steady-state solver. Nonlinear (MPI/OpenMP) parallel model.
convergence remains strong even as The parallelization is completely
solutions approach their final result. transparent to end users.
A Platform for Innovation TM

AcuSolve Simulation - Direct-Coupling Fluid/Structure - Advanced extrusion and periodic

Interaction (DC-FSI) meshing capabilities
Features and Functionality • Support for Computational Aero Acoustics • Set up Entire Problem Within
(CAA) Simulations GUI Environment
• Conservative Equations in 3D • Unstructured Mesh Support - Have many intelligent default values
- Incompressible & weakly compressible - 4-node tetrahedron, 5-node pyramid, • Launch Solver
Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations 6-node wedge, 8-node brick, and - Interactive or batch processing
- Thermal analysis and conjugate 10-node tetrahedron elements - Progress monitors provide real-time
heat transfer • Highly Effective Solver Technology feed back
- Multi-layered thermal shell equations - Novel and highly efficient iterative solver • Interface directly with
- Multi-species transport equations for fully coupled pressure/velocity visualization packages
• Radiation equation systems - EnSight, Fieldview, Paraview
- Gray body enclosure radiation - Fully coupled temperature/flow iterative • Customize for Easy Deployment
- View-factor computation (in parallel) equation solver - CAE automation
- Solar radiation model - Fully parallel on shared and distributed
• Turbulence Models memory machines, transparent to
- Large Eddy Simulation Models the user
(Smagorinsky and Dynamic sub-grid scale) Industrial Strength and World Class
• Particle Tracer
- Hybrid RANS/LES (DES, DDES and Post-Processor
- Fast and accurate parallelized
SST-DES) models particle tracer
- One- and two-equation RANS model AcuFieldView is an OEM version of
- Laminar and turbulent diffusion
(Spalart-Allmaras, SST & k-omega) Intelligent Light’s class-leading FieldView
• Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) CFD post-processor that furnishes the ability
Formulation AcuConsole Features to manage large and complex CFD data
- Flexible mesh movement and Functionality visualization requirements. It incorporates
- Free surface simulation Intelligent Light’s most recent advancements
- Guide surface technology • Build Simulations from CAD or Mesh in FieldView, including a new codebase that
- Sliding mesh technology - Import geometry from PTC produces optimized graphics performance
• Powerful User-Defined Function Pro/ENGINEER, Parasolid, ACIS, Discrete, and a common graphical user interface
(UDF) Capability Dassault Catia V5 (GUI) on all platforms.
- Allows definition of material models, - Import mesh from ANSYS ICEM-CFD,
MSC FluidConnection, CEI Harpoon,
source terms, boundary conditions, etc.
- Client-server interface with external programs Altair Hypermesh, Pointwise
Supported Platforms
• Component Technology
• Generate Mesh from CAD • Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7
- Fan component
- Automatic tet mesher (32 and 64 bit)
- Heat exchange component
- Boundary layer capabilities • Windows HPC Server 2008
• Multiphysics Capabilities
- Full mesh size control on surfaces, • Linux (x86 and x86-64)
- Rigid body dynamics coupling
- Practical Fluid/Structure Interaction (P-FSI) volumes and arbitrary zones

Wind Energy: Turbulent Flow in the Automotive: Iso-surfaces of Acoustic Source Electronic Cooling: Thermal Flow
Wake of a Three-bladed Wind Turbine Rotor Strength in an Automotive Blower Application Solution of a Diverging Fin Heat Sink
Altair OptiStruct™

Meet Today's Complex Product Development Challenges with

Award-Winning Concept Design and Optimization Technology

Altair® OptiStruct® is an award-winning, finite-element-based software

for multi-disciplinary concept design and optimization. OptiStruct assists
engineers and designers in developing lightweight, structurally efficient
designs in a timely manner. Using OptiStruct, they can deliver dramatic
improvements in design performance and achieve product and business
objectives faster.

Design Optimization
19% Mass Reduction
• Cuts development time and costs by • Increases competitiveness through
and 75% Reduction in providing clear design direction early in product innovation
Design Cycle Time the design cycle • Provides an easy-to-use graphical user
• Employs powerful optimization techniques interface and tight application integration
to achieve significant weight reduction that maximizes end-user efficiency
• Creates unique, high-performance designs • Leads the industry with the ability to
that satisfy performance requirements solve the largest, most complex
• Generates competing design themes optimization problems

Concept Design design concepts and simplifies the
Aircraft Door Hinge Design and Optimization
OptiStruct's award-winning design-synthesis interpretation of the concept design results
Using Topology and Shape Optimization
technology uses the topology optimization from free-size optimization. OptiStruct also
approach to generate innovative concept- considers manufacturing requirements early
design proposals. In the initial phase of the in the design process to achieve practical
development process, the user defines the designs and ultimately proposes a ply lay-up
package space information, design targets sequence that meets these requirements
and manufacturing process parameters. and other ply book rules.
OptiStruct then generates a manufacturable
design proposal that is optimized for the Multi-Disciplinary Structural Optimization
given design targets. The manufacturing Analyzing the performance of structures is
process parameters are important in only one of the many steps in the product
achieving interpretable, feasible designs. development process. Based on the analysis
In sheet metal parts, beads are often used results, product engineers make part
to reinforce structures. For given allowable modification proposals in order to meet
bead dimensions, OptiStruct's topography stress, weight or stiffness requirements.
Engineering Solutions - Composites
optimization technology will generate an OptiStruct's seamless integration of
innovative design proposal for the ideal state-of-the-art, gradient-based optimization
bead pattern of reinforcement. methods makes multi-disciplinary size and
shape optimization easy.
Laminate Composite Optimization
OptiStruct’s comprehensive composite Size optimization defines ideal component
design and optimization process streamlines parameters, such as material values,
laminate composite structure design work cross-section dimensions and thicknesses.
for both the designer and the analyst. Shape optimization is applied on existing
This ply-based approach produces innovative product components.
A Platform for Innovation TM

Through the use of the morphing technology geometry, multi-body dynamic (MDB) Easy Model Set-up,
within HyperMesh, OptiStruct updates systems and fatigue optimization. Post-Processing and Automation
the finite-element mesh during shape OptiStruct is tightly integrated into the
optimization. OptiStruct’s free-shape Equivalent Static Load Method HyperWorks® environment, enabling fast
optimization can be used to reduce Equivalent Static Load Method (ESLM) and easy model set-up in HyperMesh®.
high-stress concentrations. As a result, is an innovative method implemented for Animations, contour plots and charts can
OptiStruct can easily propose design optimization involving non-linearities and be generated using the post-processing
modifications without a need for underlying MBD systems of both flexible bodies and tools in HyperView®. Moreover, jobs can
CAD data and with a minimum of rigid bodies. This first- in-industry, innovative be easily automated by using the powerful
user interaction. Within the OptiStruct method, allows for the multi-disciplinary automation and data-management layer
environment, optimization parameters can optimization of designs with non-linear available in HyperWorks.
be defined with only a few mouse clicks. behavior and system-level multi-body
dynamic models. Additionally ESLM can be
In the optimization process, OptiStruct applied to concept design synthesis and
can use responses from many different design fine-tuning.
disciplines such as static, buckling, 40% Reduction
frequency response, random response, Fatigue-Based Concept Design in Peak PSD
thermo-mechanical, heat transfer, acoustic and Optimization Acceleration
analysis. OptiStruct’s optional iterative OptiStruct’s fatigue optimization capabilities
solver for static analysis and SPMD version allow concept design synthesis (topology,
for multiple-static, linear-buckling, modal topography, free-size) and design fine-
frequency response and direct frequency tuning (size, shape, free-shape) based on
response reduce the CPU time significantly. fatigue performance. Damage and life from
Surface-to-surface contact has been either stress-life or strain-life based fatigue
introduced and tied interfaces for linear analysis can be used as design criteria.
analysis can be modeled with the FREEZE This capability allows concept design using
option of a contact. In addition to these fatigue responses and is computationally
capabilities, OptiStruct has innovative efficient compared to fatigue-based Bead Design of Satellite Panel
methods for optimization for non-linear optimization using third-party applications. Using Topography Optimization

41% Stress

Missile Support Structure Design Using Free-Shape Optimization Structural Architecture Optimization Studies
Altair MotionSolve
® ®

Next-generation Solver Solution for Mechanical

Systems Simulation

Altair® MotionSolve® is a powerful mechanical-systems simulation solver

based on a modern formulation tuned for computation speed and
results accuracy. With robust solutions for dynamics, kinematics, and
statics, MotionSolve provides analysts and designers with powerful
capabilities to accurately simulate and analyze complex mechanical-systems
behavior and performance.

Reduce Time to Market and deep integration with Altair's FEA
Bring the products to market faster solvers, MotionSolve delivers the flexibility,
Flexbody Analysis using MotionSolve. MotionSolve is very fast robustness and quality required by the
and maintains accuracy even while solving multibody dynamics community.
stiff problems including flexible multibodies,
complex contact and long-duration durability. Perform System-level Analysis
Through Co-simulation
Comprehensive Solution for any Multibody Streamlined processes for working with detailed
Dynamics Simulation hydraulic, pneumatic and control models.
• Create complex, nonlinear systems
- Evaluate the dynamic behavior Capture Your Corporate Standards
of systems Through Customization
- Study vibration isolation MotionSolve delivers the unique capability
- Design control systems to customize your mechanical systems
- Perform packaging studies simulation environment to fit your needs.
- Generate realistic loads to predict From writing custom functions and
component life and damage subroutines to custom messages and
• Assess system design and performance creating custom outputs, MotionSolve helps
Proximity and Clearance Analysis - Nonlinear dynamic studies to set corporate standards by tailoring the
- Kinematics studies solver to fit any environment.
- Linear studies
- Static studies
- Quasi-static studies Capabilities
Innovative Solver Functionality Powerful Analysis Techniques
• Continuing to introduce innovative Through a broad and varied array of analysis
modeling elements and methods to handle techniques, MotionSolve provides new and
even the most complex multibody systems. advanced options for studying mechanical
• Modern solver formulations and modeling system behavior.
capabilities such as deformable curves
and flexbody contact further differentiate • Six integrators to solve a large variety
MotionSolve from other mechanical of dynamics problems. The integrators
systems solvers. include implicit/explicit, stiff/nonstiff
and DAE/ODE based algorithms.
Robust and Accurate Solutions • Four static/quasi-static solvers to
MotionSolve is used in a wide variety predict static equilibrium configurations
of industries and is rigorously tested for and loads. The algorithms together
specific classes of problems. As core cover force imbalance, energy and
technology in the HyperWorks CAE suite DAE-based methods.
A Platform for Innovation TM

• Kinematic analysis with automatic - Deformable curve •Easily build multibody models in MotionView®
redundant constraint detection and removal - Deformable surfaces as well as in HyperMesh®
• Linear analysis with state matrix export - 3D contact between faceted and • Perform DOE, optimization and stochastic
and eigenvalue computation. primitive graphics of any shape studies through MotionSolve's direct
- Flexbody contact using integration with HyperStudy®
Solver Customization Tools deformable surfaces • Increase design efficiency and insight with
While most solvers do not support - Interpreted language-based user HyperWorks' world-class post-processing
customization, MotionSolve offers a truly subroutines to capture solutions, HyperView® and HyperGraph®,
customizable and flexible solution. complex functions or extend the for mechanical systems simulation
solver capabilities • Improve results accuracy through flexbody
• Custom functions to support industry simulation using RADIOSS™, HyperWorks'
or domain-specific terminology Open and Flexible Architecture finite element-based solver
• User-defined statements for incorporating Often users performing a system-level • Take advantage of HyperWorks'
multiple elements into a single entity analysis must exchange data with various industry-leading system and component
• Customized messaging to extract CAE applications. MotionSolve's open- optimization technology, OptiStruct®, to
meaningful solver information and statistics architecture design allows it to be easily deployed quickly achieve program requirements
within heterogeneous CAE environments
• Tailoring the solver output format to fit any
and is highly compatible with third-party
CAE environment
mechanical systems simulation products.
Rich Library of Modeling Elements
• Unmatched integration between FE and
A key enabler for simulating complex
MBD domains through support of the bulk
mechanisms is the availability of advanced data files (BDF)
modeling elements. MotionSolve supports • Legacy support for models such as
a comprehensive set of modeling ADAMS® (ADM & ACF)
elements that allows users to build • Co-simulation interface with Simulink
complex mechanisms. • Embedded co-simulation with hydraulic
or pneumatic models from DSHPlus
• Common system-modeling entities - Use MotionSolve as S-function
- Mass- and inertia-bearing rigid elements - Support for native RTW code
- Flexible bodies
- Constraint connectors Direct Integration with HyperWorks
- Force connectors With MotionSolve, HyperWorks
- Non-mechanical modeling elements delivers a complete mechanical systems
- Commonly used lower-pair constraints, simulation solution: from best-in-class
forces and motions pre- and post-processing to optimization
• Advanced modeling elements and robustness studies.

Flexible Contact Simulation Co-simulation for Hydraulics, Pneumatics, and Control Systems
Altair HyperMath™

Mathematical Modeling Environment

HyperMath™ is a general purpose numerical computing environment

consisting of a high-level programming language, extensive math
libraries and a comprehensive set of interactive development tools.
This rich environment enables efficient custom math modeling compared
with spreadsheets and traditional programming languages. In addition
HyperMath's tight integration with HyperWorks™ allows for seamless pre
and post processing of computer-aided engineering data.

Rapid Code Development Comprehensive Mathematical Library
• An easy-to-use and intuitive high-level • Access to a comprehensive suite of
scripting language designed for numerical mathematical libraries for both simple
code development. and advanced data analysis.
• Interactive code debugging with Altair
ScriptView enables visual identification Easy CAE and Test-Data Access
of programming errors and speeds • Built-in CAE and test-data readers give
troubleshooting without the need to access to all popular FEA data formats for
embed diagnostic code. pre- and post-processing.
• Eliminates the need to develop standard
functions by providing a wide collection Enhancing Existing Processes
of utilities enabling streamlined • A direct integration with the HyperWorks
numerical programming. suite of products and HyperMath's open
• Includes string manipulations, file I/O, nature allow users to easily integrate
HyperMath Includes a Modern to meet a wide range of needs. HyperMath solutions within any CAE process.
GUI-Based Development Environment • Data plotting and graphing provide visual
verification for any given HyperMath
programming solution.

Integrated Development Environment • HyperMath scripts & TCL macros for
An integrated set of GUI components HyperMesh & HyperWorks Desktop can be
(ScriptView) facilitates code development. created and debugged on real time.

• Modern editor with syntax highlighting, Powerful & Flexible Programming Language
code folding & searching capability. A high-level language designed for
• Organization of programming constructs numerical-code development that is easy to
(folders, files, subroutines, plots) for easily learn and intuitive relieves the user from the
locating, editing, or reusing code. intricacies of code development encountered
• File browsing system allows direct access in traditional programming languages.
to existing program files on disk.
• Visual and interactive code inspections • Fully interpreted and dynamically
during runtime. typed language.
• A catalog of all built-in library items with • Matrix-based data structure allows easy
search capability. representations and manipulations of data.
A Platform for Innovation TM

Basic matrix operations like addition and • Linear and nonlinear systems solver Data formats directly supported include:
inversion are done easily via operators, • Plotting functions • Altair® HyperMesh® (.res)
allowing the code to closely resemble the • Operating system functions • Altair® OptiStruct®
equivalent mathematical expression. • General utilities • Altair H3D (limited)
• Use of compact notation to index a range • Optimization library • Altair binary format* (.abf)
of elements in vectors and matrices • RADIOSS™
eliminates the need to implement loops 2D Plotting • LS-DYNA (time history files,d3plot, binout)
to carry out the same operations while HyperMath contains a data visualization • ADAMS
providing faster code execution. module that enables users to quickly • MADYMO
• All variables are type-less so that they can generate line, bar, and scatter plots. • PAM-CRASH
be reassigned to any data type throughout The plot properties and attributes can be • NASTRAN pch complex results
the code. easily modified interactively through the user • Ride data files
• Mixed-data-type-array support enables the interface or in an automated approach using • RPC-3
creation of complex user-data structures one of HyperMath’s plot utilities or functions. • nCode (.dac)
for custom needs. • Excel* (.csv)
• Platform-independent language enables Interfaces to Other HyperWorks Products • Multi-column ASCII*
fast and easy reuse in any computing HyperMath can be executed from various • xyDATA files
environment. other HyperWorks products in different ways. • UNV
• Supports complex numerical data and This allows HyperMath to participate in • DIADEM
arithmetic operations on complex data. existing processes. • ISO 13499
• Direct interface with Templex • HDF4
Comprehensive Math and Utility Libraries allows access from HyperGraph®, • Matlab binary*
A rich math and utility function library HyperStudy® and HyperView®. * Formats can be imported and exported
addresses a wide range of needs, such • Batch-mode execution of HyperMath
as initializing, querying, and performing allows access from applications like
relational operations on matrix contents and HyperStudy and Process Manager™.
executing operations on strings. This helps
eliminate the burden of implementing the Data Support
same in code. The library includes: A large set of CAE data readers is provided.
In addition, methods to query the data
• Elementary math for content information are available.
• Matrix math and algebra These allow searching for specific items
• Signal processing in the data. Data can be exported to Altair
• Statistical analysis Binary Format (ABF) or delimiter-separated
• Differential equations text files with ease.

Interactive Debugger Allows High-level Programming Language and Various Plotting Types Support
Code Inspection During Runtime Comprehensive Math Libraries Enable Rapid Code Visual Verification of Solutions
Altair HyperStudy™

Explore, Study, Optimize

Altair® HyperStudy® is solver-neutral study, design and optimization software

that streamlines exploring and optimizing the performance and robustness
of designs. HyperStudy is a tool of choice for the designer and engineer who
are tasked with improving designs, running what-if scenarios, correlating
test data, optimizing multidisciplinary design problems or assessing design
reliability and robustness.

Before • Apply design exploration and optimization
HyperStudy provides engineers and techniques easily
designers a user-friendly environment to • Study, sort and analyze large
• Design high-performance products design data sets using advanced
After meeting design targets under data-mining capabilities
various operating conditions and • Evaluate, rate, and correlate simulations
Multidisciplinary Optimization
manufacturing requirements with test data using a comprehensive
of a Landing Gear Lug
• Decrease design weight library of mathematical functions
• Reduce overall design costs • Streamline the design exploration, study
• Minimize time to market through reduced and optimization process
design development cycles • Improve overall product reliability
• Increase the return on their CAE solver and robustness

Design of Experiments (DOE) HyperStudy’s approximation module allows
17% Improvement in Reliability
DOE helps engineers to clearly understand creation of different approximations for
Reliability Optimization of the Mars Lander the relationship between design variables different responses. Available approximation
and overall system performance. methods are least squares regression,
moving least squares and HyperKriging.
DOE methods in HyperStudy include:
• Full factorial Multidisciplinary, Reliability, and
• Fractional factorial Robustness Optimization
• Box-Behnken HyperStudy offers multidisciplinary study
• Plackett-Burman capabilities as well as reliability and
• Central composite design robustness optimization. Through multi-
• Latin HyperCube disciplinary design studies, engineers can
improve the overall design performance.
• Hammersley
If variations in design and operating
• User defined
environments are critical to design quality,
• Direct input of external run-matrix.
reliability and robustness optimization can
be used reduce the sensitivity of designs
Approximations to these variations.
Approximations are meta-models that are
used to replace computationally intensive HyperStudy contains a comprehensive suite
simulations. They are also used to smooth noisy of optimization algorithms that include:
functions to enable optimization algorithms • Altair’s proprietary efficient-optimization
to work more effectively on any given design algorithm adaptive response surface
problem. Approximations can be used in both method and scalable response surface
optimization and stochastic studies. method (ARSM and SRSM)
A Platform for Innovation TM

• Sequential quadratic programming (SQP) This significantly simplifies the task of Shape Parameter Definition Using
• Method of feasible directions (MFD) studying, sorting and analyzing results. Morphing Technology
• Genetic algorithm (GA) Shape changes can be easily created
- Multi-objective GA (MOGA) Study results can be post-processed as: on complex finite-element models
- Gradient-based method for • Statistical data using the powerful morphing technology
multi-objective problems (GMMO) • Correlation matrices in HyperMesh. These morphed shapes
• Sequential optimization and reliability • Scatter plots can be saved as HyperStudy shape
analyses (SORA). • Interaction effect plots parameters and examined to evaluate
• User-defined optimization algorithms • Histograms their effect on design performance.
(through included API) • Snake view plots
Direct Interfaces to Popular Solvers
Stochastic Studies In addition, HyperStudy provides a series To facilitate streamlining the study process
The stochastic study capability in HyperStudy of data-mining tools, such as principal without additional data filtering and
allows engineers to assess reliability components analysis and clustering analysis. translation steps, HyperStudy directly
and robustness of designs and provide reads the plot and animation data of
qualitative guidance to improve and optimize Evaluation and Rating many solvers, including:
the design based on these assessments. A large database for signal analyses and • ABAQUS • MARC
comparison functions allows engineers to • Adams • Matlab/Simulink
HyperStudy sampling methods include: perform data correlations. These correlations • ANSYS • MotionSolve
• Simple Random can then be evaluated and rated based on • DADS • NASTRAN
• Latin Hypercube user-defined criteria. • Excel • OptiStruct
• Hammersley • Fluent • PAMCRASH
• Statistical distribution functions (Normal, Parameterization of Analysis Models • LS-DYNA • RADIOSS
Uniform, Triangular, Weibull HyperStudy's direct integration with Altair • MADYMO • StarCD
and Exponential) HyperMesh and Altair MotionView provides
the capability to directly parameterize
Stochastic studies can be performed finite-element, multi-body and
using either the exact simulation or fluid-dynamics-solver input data for
approximation model. CAE solvers, thus making the study
parameterization process easy and efficient.
Post-Processing and Data Mining For other solvers, HyperStudy employs a
HyperStudy helps engineers to gain a deeper streamlined parameterization method for
understanding of a design through extensive preparing an input deck using a built-in text
post-processing and data-mining capabilities. and numeric processor.

• 16% Reduction
in Damage

• 31% Reduction
in Mass 80% Reduction in
Development Time

Trailing Arm Design Optimized for Durability Improving Injury Correlation Advanced Post-Processing of Study Results
in Head Impact Simulations
Altair HyperCrash™

Highly-Tuned Modeling Environment for Crash Analysis

and Safety Evaluation

Altair® HyperCrash® is a highly tuned pre-processing technology specifically

designed to automate the creation of high-fidelity models for crash analysis
and safety evaluation. Through a comprehensive and procedure-oriented
toolset, HyperCrash improves and simplifies complex problems of creating
a quality crash model.

• Reduce Model Assembly and Load Case standard and proprietary corporate
Set-up Time engineering procedures and
Go from days to hours with advanced data structures
Complete Environment for model management procedures • Database-Driven Part Replacement
Building High-fidelity Crash Models • Input Deck Conversion HyperCrash enables part replacement
Easy migration between solvers while at all modeling levels – component,
supporting legacy data Sub-system and complete assembly
• Fast, High-Quality Model Creation • Fast and User-Friendly Model
and Set-up Building Environment
Easily manage penetrations, intersections, - A generic data model simplifies and
model assembly contact management and optimizes model creation and
dummy positioning modifications
• Capture and Re-use Corporate IP - Interactive, hierarchical model and
The HyperCrash database enables connection tree view streamlines
organizations to seamlessly support model management

Comprehensive Library of
GUI Quality
Easy-To-Use Safety Tools HyperCrash employs a modern graphical The Quality module is a configurable and
user interface (GUI) to provide streamlined customizable set of utilities for evaluating the
processes for building complex crash quality of a mode by performing hundreds of
simulation models. Users can visualize, different checks on the part, component and
organize and manage all levels of modeling model level. A variety of checks are executed,
data and information with a point-and-click ranging from simple element checks to part
access to the tree-style browser. In addition, connectivity and modeling errors in the
HyperCrash provides a fast and intuitive input deck. Users visually review the state of
toolset for preparation and set-up of analysis each check represented by status color (red,
orange and green).
input decks.
• Model Cleaner
• Full access and control over all modeling
- Remove unused options
entities through an intuitive model browser - Check connectivity for failed welds,
• Cross reference: exposes how a specific unconnected parts and topology of
card is used and how it relates to different connected parts
keywords - Automatically remove initial penetrations
•Model browser • Model Checker
- View the complete model (entities, - Exercises hundreds of unique checks
materials, properties, contacts, etc.) - Model robustness for crash-worthiness
- Control entity display criteria
- Define include content - User-defined criteria checks
- Search • Optimize model per solver
A Platform for Innovation TM

Mesh Editing And Model Connections back of the seat, to be deformed based on • Display the center-of-mass locations
Users can modify and edit crash meshes the intersection between the dummy and for each part, rigid body and the
from within HyperCrash. There are many the seat. Safety features include: complete model
straightforward methods and options for • Check and report the mass, inertia and
editing and tuning a mesh for crash analysis. • Dummy positioning center of mass location
Mesh editing capabilities include but are not - Interactively position dummy (torso, of each part, component and rigid body of
limited to: head, limbs) the model
- Load / save dummy positions • Automatically fits the finite element model
• Adding, duplicating and moving nodes - Merge dummy in the model mass of each part based on the mass of
• Finite element creation (1D, 2D, and 3D) - Works with LS-DYNA & FTSS dummies the CAD part
• Split parts or move elements from part • Seat belts - Mass will be created if necessary
to part - Seat belt creator
- Seat belt routing
• Renumber selected entities, parts or the Multiple Solver Support
• Airbag toolset
complete model HyperCrash now includes comprehensive
- Create airbag
• Clean the model by removing support for both RADIOSS and LS-DYNA.
- Folding airbag (Simple, Tuck-type,
unused entities Double-Tuck, Superimposed Tuck) This includes a LS-DYNA user profile that
• Create, modify and check rigid bodies • Seat deformer contains a series of highly intuitive features
- Full support for connection types - Deform the seat automatically to remove and utilities specifically tuned for crash users.
(Spotweld, Mastic, Adhesive, and more) the initial intersections with the dummy.
- User defined connection representations • Comprehensive support for over a
Mass Balance thousand of keywords
Safety Tools Module The Mass Balance module completely • Complete dummy positioning module
This module provides a streamlined, manages the mass and inertia properties • Belt systems
user-friendly interface to set up, edit and of each part as well as the entire crash • Joints
define all safety-related characteristics for model. After the masses are set for all parts • Connections
crash simulation and analysis. In addition to and components, HyperCrash automatically
the standard set of safety tools, HyperCrash balances the total mass of the model
contains a unique seat-deformer utility that according to the mass on the front and
allows the seat foam, on both the lower and rear tires. Also HyperCrash can:

Modern Graphical User Interface Streamlined and Intuitive Advanced Mass-Balancing Module
Model Browsing and Navigation
Altair HyperForm™

Highly Efficient Platform to Capture the Stamping Process

Altair® HyperForm® is a comprehensive finite-element-based sheet metal

forming simulation framework. Its unique process-oriented environment
captures the forming process with a suite of highly tailored and configurable
analysis and simulation tools. HyperForm delivers a cost-effective solution
that allows users to develop an optimal manufacturing process.

Benefits Metal Forming Solution for

Every Need
Immediate Cost Savings
A remarkable cost savings is driven by Product and Cost Engineers can study
competitive pricing (based on Altair’s manufacturing feasibility in combination
Simulation Results Accurately patented HWU licensing) and the dramatic with post-manufacturing performance
Predict Part Failure reduction of the overall product development changes.
cycle time.
Die Designers can build a process and create
Accurate and Reliable Solver conceptual die designs with a parametric die
The most accurate incremental sheet module and run quick feasibility analysis or a
metal forming solver on the market (Altair® detailed forming simulation.
RADIOSS™) is seamlessly integrated into
HyperForm’s process-driven user interface. Process Engineers can validate the
This solver allows users to quickly predict conceptual or real die by performing
wrinkles and splits prior to cutting steel, a full-forming contact simulation to predict
avoiding the unnecessary costs associated areas of wrinkling, high thinning,
with die machining and press downtime. low spots, springback and related
manufacturing issues.
Capturing the Process Knowledge Through Efficiently Captures the Stamping Process
the Intuitive Graphical User Interface HyperForm’s open framework combined Die Tryout Engineers can communicate
with an extensive built-in knowledge of more efficiently and improve productivity
the manufacturing domain efficiently and part quality by utilizing the detailed
captures the stamping process. reports automatically generated from
This further increases user productivity the analysis.
through a comprehensive collection of
tailored, process-oriented automations for
virtually every stamping application. Capabilities
Complete Solution for Stamping Fastest Feasibility Analysis
HyperForm offers a complete solution The fastest inverse solver in the marketplace
for managing the entire stamping for quick one-step feasibility analysis
simulation process. This stamping and results mapping addresses forming
platform boasts robust functionality, feasibility early in the product development
such as a feasibility analysis utility, cycle, minimizing downstream formability
parametric rapid draw die design, final challenges and associated costs.
process validation, process optimization,
and results visualization to meet and exceed Efficient Cost Analysis
user’s high-performance requirements. The accurate blank shape-prediction
A Platform for Innovation TM

Complete Manufacturing Platform for Stamping Simulation

and intuitive nesting interface proposes Fast and Robust Process Validation HyperForm offers unique capabilities to
proper blank-sizing, minimizing material Through its best-in-class incremental solver analyze and optimize not only the sheet
scrap in the early stages of the product (Altair® RADIOSS™), HyperForm provides metal but even the tool structure, allowing
development process. product and die engineers with powerful the die designers to conceive lightweight,
capabilities to: robust and validated structures.
Concept Draw Die Design Development
The intuitive, parametric, and NURBS- • Analyze and validate the robustness of Tube Bending and Hydroforming
based die-face-development tool delivers a the manufacturing process In addition to the complete sheet metal
powerful tool for engineers to quickly modify • Determining wrinkles and splits prior to forming capabilities, HyperForm includes
and verify multiple draw scenarios. cutting steel powerful utilities for tube bending and
• Avoiding unnecessary costs associated hydroforming, delivering a nearly hands-off
Seamless Data Mapping with die machining and press downtime model auto-setup process.
Product engineers can study manufacturing
feasibility in combination with post- Optimize the Process
manufacturing performance changes, Through a seamless integration with
seamlessly mapping the forming results to the HyperWorks optimization tools
the structural or crash analysis models. (Altair® HyperStudy® and OptiStruct®),

Fast and Robust Part Feasibility Analysis Specialized Panels for Automated Model Setup
HyperWorks Enterprise Highlights: HyperWorks Enterprise™
•Novel, natural, enjoyable and A Novel, Natural and Enjoyable Enterprise User Experience
affordable CAE enterprise tools.
•Collaboration Tools: Enterprise
capabilities at the engineers
fingertips, fully integrated with
HyperWorks and completely Altair® HyperWorks® introduces a novel set of comprehensive Enterprise
out-of-the-box. software modules, tightly integrated with the HyperWorks platform, making
•HyperWorks Enteprise apps: the management of CAE and test data a natural and enjoyable experience.
Next generation web based apps
Altair HyperWorks Enterprise always exceeds users’ expectations, providing
managing enterprise data and
knowledge in the Cloud.
unsurpassed flexibility, ease-of-use and efficiency to accelerate the product
development lifecycle.

Compute Manager is a web-based portal •Want to automate job submission tasks
that is application aware. This means that to maximize end-user productivity while
end-users only have to concern themselves optimizing resource availability.
with the data and applications they wish •Require a consistent job submission and
to run. monitoring interface.
•Desire automated staging of input and
It's an ideal solution for customers who: output files.
•Want a simple but powerful Web-based •Seek to diagnose remote jobs without
interface for submitting and monitoring downloading huge results files.
jobs in PBS Professional queues.
•Need to browse & modify remote files and
would like to minimize the effort needed
to write, modify and test complex
application scripts.

Altair HyperWorks Enterprise offers the most HyperWorks Collaboration Tools:
comprehensive set of capabilities to manage Available with the standard Altair HyperWorks
and automate CAE and test analysis. Each installation, the Collaboration Tools
software module is available out-of-the-box at functionalities are completely out-of-the-
the desktop level, enriching the HyperWorks box, enabling users to work in a powerful
user experience with enterprise capabilities. and truly collaborative environment within
Superior performance, scalability, security minutes, with no additional installation or
and reliability are assured leveraging industry customization required.
leading data management resources.
HyperWorks Enterprise:
Furthermore, users are provided with an
Larger enterprises needs are addressed
modern and intuitive web based interface,
through a modern Service Oriented
managing data and knowledge in the Cloud.
Architecture (SOA). The robust embedded
enterprise class database supports
Personal, Team, Enterprise thousands of concurrent users, providing
Altair HyperWorks Enterprise has been services through easily pluggable and
designed to use the right functionality for the customizable web apps. The deployment
right purpose. As a result, individuals can time and cost has been reduced to a
finally experience an efficient Simulation minimum, making the process effortless
Data Management right at their fingertips: for both users and the IT department.
A Platform for Innovation TM

Collaboration Tools HyperWorks Enterprise

Explore Dialog Compute Manager Process Manager
•Integrated into all HyperMesh and Run, monitor and manage CAE workloads Capture and automate enterprise processes,
HyperWorks Desktop native file dialogs and results on Distributed Resources. aggregating personal processes and notifying
•Easily search and retrieve files •Setup CAE jobs on distributed resources the actors involved.
•View properties associated with files with pre-packaged applications definitions •Aggregate and execute personal processes
•Capture knowledge via automatic •Monitor jobs on distributed resources, both as a single task as part of a web-based
metadata extraction graphically and analytically Enterprise process
•Manage CAE jobs, visualizing data and •Each enterprise task is data-aware and it
Organize Browser results remotely can be defined as a micro-app w/ input
•Organize simulation data and files •Publish and elevate the results to the next and output
into libraries enterprise level •Capture and re-use Knowledge
•Browse libraries to find and retrieve contents
•Search for information by using simple Simulation Manager Performance Manager
keyword search or advanced queries Perform simulations comparison and result Expose to the enterprise product
•Retain pedigree via full version control clustering, analyzing design alternatives and performance results and alternatives,
•View content properties and compare generating simulation dashboards. automatically extracting and evaluating key
content versions •Manage contents coming from any performance indicators (KPI)
•Synchronize libraries and workspaces to supported source •Automatic KPIs extraction, with powerful
work with up to date information •Publish results dashboards with 3D results dashboarding
•Manage personal data or collaborate with visualization, curve plotting and office •Define, Evaluate and Compare Metrics
team database formats support •Dashboard to evaluate product
•Evaluate Results and manage alternatives, performance versus target
Connect HyperWorks to PLM comparing different disciplines •Drill-down and what-if capabilities
•Seamlessly connect to corporate
PLM systems
•Search & retrieve directly within
PLM repository
•Retrieve and load CAD files directly into
HyperMesh and HyperWorks Desktop
Automate CAE processes
•Create, deploy, and run automated processes
•Fully integrated into the HyperWorks
desktop products
•Graphical process authoring to quickly
capture user knowledge

Organize CAE Data, Accessing to Shared Explore Local CAE Resources or Connect Web Based Apps to Manage
Libraries and Collaborating with the Team to Remote PLM Systems for CAD Retrieval Workloads and Analyze Results
HyperWorks On-Demand Highlights: HyperWorks On-Demand™
•Innovative business model, High Performance Innovation in the Cloud
leveraging the patented
HyperWorks licensing system.
•The easiest way to access
HyperWorks products in the Cloud
HyperWorks On-Demand is a High Performance Computing solution for
via intuitive web interface. design innovation in the Cloud. It leverages Altair’s patented licensing
•Powered by PBS Professional, system, providing access to HyperWorks and a modern, scalable HPC
Altair’s Commercial-grade HPC infrastructure through a secure and efficient Web-based platform.
workload and resource
The Power of HyperWorks
For more than ten years Altair’s customers have gained tremendous value from the patented
HyperWorks “pay-per-usage” license model: customers purchase a pool of HyperWorks
Units (HWU’s) which are used to gain access to the extensive suite of Altair’s software and
HyperWorks Partners’ products. HyperWorks On-Demand extends the power and flexibility
of a customer’s investment in HWU’s by allowing the same HWU’s to access the HPC
infrastructure in the Cloud along with Altair’s best-in-class HyperWorks software.

The Power of PBS Works

The HyperWorks On-Demand platform leverages the market-leading HPC workload
management capability of Altair’s PBS Professional, as well as state-of-the-art job scheduling,
monitoring and analytics tools for efficient resource utilization and access to the Cloud for
job submission.

Maximize Flexibility desktop, upload their data to the Altair cloud
The fluctuating demand of computing and quickly obtain their results.
resources is a reality enterprises of
varied sizes face every day. Scaling up Compute Everywhere
the hardware capacity to meet peaks HyperWorks On-Demand provides immediate
can potentially lead to unused resources access to high performance computing for
and increased cost. Scaling down may product innovation. The web based user
compromise the responsiveness, increasing interface is accessible from a variety of
the risk of program delays. HyperWorks different platforms; hence, project workloads
On-Demand balances this tradeoff through can be uploaded, submitted, monitored and
flexibility and affordability. reviewed anytime, anywhere.

Drive Innovation Dedicated and Secure

HyperWorks On-Demand offers efficient and Whether an enterprise wants to integrate
innovative Altair HyperWorks solutions for the computing resources or solely rely on
Optimization, Crashworthiness, NVH, CFD cloud computing, security is always a priority.
completely out-of-the-box. Pushing workloads HyperWorks On-Demand offers secure access
to an HPC cloud has never been easier: to dedicated computing nodes, creating an
users can generate the model on their independent environment for each customer.
A Platform for Innovation TM

Secure and dedicated access to Intuitive GUI to submit, monitor Leverage the power of HWU's to utilize
HPC resources via web browser and review workloads Altair’s best-in-class CAE products

Key features of HyperWorks On-Demand: - Security and licensing Framework •Altair RADIOSS: complete finite element
•Infrastructure: The high-powered Altair - Enabled remote visualization, solver for structural analysis
data center is a scalable, modular facility notification, collaboration •Altair AcuSolve: leading general-purpose
that can be easily extended to support Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solver
up to more than 10,000 cores, and •Licensing: The computing infrastructure is •Altair OptiStruct: award-winning design
incorporates extensive physical and licensed with two different pay-per-use options: synthesis and structural optimization solver
- With HWU’s, maximizing the value for •Altair BatchMesher: high-fidelity FE-mesher
cyber security measures. The compute-
unsurpassed flexibility for large assemblies in one click
power density is far higher than that of a
- With Cash, a very affordable hourly rate
standard commercial data center, making
to maximize usability Additional solutions, including solvers
it a state-of-the-art facility for HPC - Software are always licensed with HWU's.
simulation computing. from the HyperWorks Partner Alliance and
The complete licensing schema is shown
HyperWorks desktop applications will be
in Figure 1.
•Platform: modern and intuitive Service added soon.
Oriented Architecture (SOA) framework for: Software
- Resource Provisioning HyperWorks On-Demand currently provides
- Workload Management & Scheduling access to the following software solutions:

Web Client

Submit Job

Secure Connection Monitor Jobs

Review/Retrieve Results

HWU Draw HWUs From

Firewall HWOD Cloud Data Center
Pool Customer's Pool

HyperWorks License Server

Fig. 1: Licensing Schema for Job Submission via Secure Web Portal
New to HyperWorks!
solidThinking™ is a 3D industrial design and conceptual modeling tool that helps designers, architects
and concept engineers create geometry easily, rapidly and cost-effectively. Model, render and share
surface and solid models from individual parts to full CAE assemblies.

Geometry Concept Modeling

With Construction History
History-based surface and solid geometry modeling
make solidThinking a convenient tool for quickly
developing concept designs. You can freely experiment
with new designs without having to reconstruct your
model each time you make a change. You can sketch
curves in 3D and construct surface and solid geometry
using extrusions, revolves, skins, lofts, sweeps,
blends, Booleans, trims and more.

Real-Time Photorealistic Rendering

Create photorealistic renderings of geometry and
meshes using the real-time renderer and ray-tracer.
Import geometry as well as H3D results files and apply
appearance properties from an integrated material library
Render static images and animations of deforming meshes
in realistic environments.

Read, Write, Exchange 3D Geometry

Exchange digital data throughout the design process using fast and high-quality translators. Direct Import capabilities include: Catia V4,
Catia V5, DXF, DWG, IGES, Lightwave, Maya,Parasolid (x_t and x_b), Pro/ENGINEER, Rhinoceros, RIB, SAT (ACIS), SolidWorks, STEP, STL,
UGS NX, VDA/FS, VET, VRML, 3DS. Export: DXF, DWG, IGES, Lightwave, Maya, Parasolid (x_t and x_b), Rhinoceros, RIB, STEP, STL,

Basic Topology Optimization Made Easy

solidThinking Inspire makes setting up basic topology optimization easy.
Import design space and non-design space solids into Inspire and apply
boundary conditions directly on the geometry. Graphically define shape
controls such as parting directions and symmetry. Use part-instancing to
create pattern repetition on parts which are repeated in an assembly.
Run topology optimization with a few clicks and automatically retrieve
results from your run history. You can also do quick mass summaries and
static weight calculations on assemblies. Export optimization results in the
form of STL meshes directly to solidThinking or HyperMesh.
A Platform for Innovation TM

HyperWorks Self Paced Training

Sometimes it is important to receive immediate training. That is where the HyperWorks Self Paced training can be most effective.
Self Paced training allows you to access specific topics as they’re needed. One of the featured benefits to Self Paced training is it
allows users to take the course at their own pace. Another benefit of the Self Paced material is the vast range of material offered.
It allows access to a library of specific subjects or entire courses. All you need to start one of these courses is a web browser.
Each Self Paced course uses interactive content to teach concepts and tool features within the products. Each exercise uses
demonstration videos, interactive exercises, and hands-on exercises using our See It!, Try It!, Do It! Methodology.

For a list of available HyperWorks Self Paced Courses and interactive job aids,
visit www.altairhyperworks.com/TrainingLearningLibrary.aspx
About Altair
Altair empowers client innovation and decision-making through
technology that optimizes the analysis, management and visualization
Visit us today to learn more about of business and engineering information. Privately held with more than

1,500 employees, Altair has offices throughout North America, South
America, Europe and Asia/Pacific. With a 26-year-plus track record for
high-end software and consulting services for engineering, computing
and enterprise analytics, Altair consistently delivers a competitive
at www.altairhyperworks.com advantage to customers in a broad range of industries. Altair has more
than 3,000 corporate clients representing the automotive, aerospace,
government and defense, and consumer products verticals. Altair also
has a growing client presence in the life sciences, financial services and
energy markets.


Products & Services

Simulation Driven Innovation

On-demand Computing Technology

Product Innovation Consulting

Enterprise Analytics Solutions

Industrial Design Technology

Design the Experience

Altair Engineering, Inc., World Headquarters: 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083-2031 USA
Phone: +1.248.614.2400 • Fax: +1.248.614.2411 • www.altair.com • [email protected]
Listed below are HyperWorks® applications. Copyright© Altair Engineering Inc. All Rights Reserved for: HyperMesh®, HyperCrash®, OptiStruct®, RADIOSS®, HyperView®, HyperView Player®, HyperStudy®, HyperGraph®, MotionView®, MotionSolve®,
HyperForm®, HyperXtrude®, Process Manager™, Templex™, Data Manager™, MediaView™, BatchMesher™, TextView™, HyperMath®, ScriptView™, Manufacturing Solutions™, HyperWeld™, HyperMold™, solidThinking Evolve™, solidThinking Inspire®,
Durability Director™, Suspension Director™, AcuSolve®, AcuConsole®, HyperWorks On-Demand™, HyperWorks Enterprise™, PBS Works™ and PBS Professional®. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

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