Internal Flow Optimization in A Complex Profile Extrusion Die Using Flow Restrictors and Flow Seperators
Internal Flow Optimization in A Complex Profile Extrusion Die Using Flow Restrictors and Flow Seperators
Internal Flow Optimization in A Complex Profile Extrusion Die Using Flow Restrictors and Flow Seperators
Received: 30 June 2021 / Accepted: 27 October 2021 / Published online: 13 January 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2021
The control of flow balance at the die exit is the key for successful extrusion of polymers. The complex cross-sectional varia-
tion in real-world hollow extrusion profiles intrinsically promotes flow imbalance in the die cavity. Special considerations are
required for designing extrusion dies for such profiles. The die design for a complex door frame profile was computationally
optimized in this study with the aid of a commercially available software package. The velocity distribution at the die exit,
post-die extrudate deformation, temperature distribution, and pressure distribution of a traditional die was investigated in
detail and found to be inadequate. A modified die incorporated three distinct features, flow restrictors, flow separators, and
approach angle of the torpedoes, to achieve a balanced and uniform velocity at the die exit. The flow restrictors and flow
separators were added in the pre-parallel zone. Flow restrictors were added on top and bottom of the torpedoes to increase
the restriction on polymer flow. A unique inclined flow restrictor was introduced to achieve uniform internal melt flow. Flow
separators were added at junctions of outer wall and inner vertical walls to separate the polymer flow into different sections
and minimize cross flow between these sections. The addition of these features proved to be highly effective for balancing
the velocity distribution at the die exit. The combination of 3-D modeling and simulation is a cost-effective and time efficient
approach for optimizing complex die designs before manufacturing.
Keywords Profile extrusion · Die design · Flow optimization · Post-die extrudate deformation
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naturally result in an unbalanced melt flow in the die cavity. melt cross flow is often referred to as an “avoid cross-flow”
The flow of polymer in the thicker section is less restricted strategy [6]. This method is often used in complex profile
as compared to that in the thinner section. This results in a extrusion dies since cross flow occurs more frequently in
higher flow velocity in thicker sections, a lower flow veloc- between the sections in such dies. Flow separators are added
ity in thinner sections, and the melt from a higher velocity on top of the gap between each torpedo to separate polymer
tends to flow toward the melt with a lower velocity. This flow into vertical and horizontal sections.
flow redistribution can cause profile deformation after the In this research, a computer-aided design approach was
die exit. Hence, it is imperative to understand the velocity utilized to design an extrusion die for a complex hollow
distribution inside the complex profile extrusion dies as well profile with uniform flow velocity at the die exit. The design
as predict post-die extrudate deformation for efficient and strategy involved incorporation of both flow restrictors and
cost-effective production in an industrial setting. separators at strategic locations in the die. A novel flow
A conventional extrusion die has four sections (zones): restrictor design was proposed and its efficacy on the melt
adapter, transition zone, pre-parallel (pre-land) zone, and flow uniformity at the die exit was evaluated by numerical
parallel (land) zone [4]. Polymer coming out of the extruder simulations. The non-isothermal polymer melt flow inside
goes into the adapter that connects the extrusion die to the the extrusion die assembly was numerically simulated with
extruder and transitions from primarily rotational to longi- the aid of a software package. The influence of strategically
tudinal motion. The material then flows through each subse- placed flow separators and restrictors on the internal melt
quent zone until it reaches the die exit. In the transition zone, flow and the associated effects on the melt temperature,
polymer flow changes from circular shape to complex shape pressure, and shear stresses were studied in detail. Post-die
by either expanding or compressing, depending on shape and extrudate deformation was also analyzed and was related to
size of the profile. In the pre-parallel zone, the melt flow is polymer velocity distribution.
redirected in a controlled fashion to the parallel zone, where
the polymer is extruded to its final shape and held to ensure
adequate dimensional stability.
Typically, there are two methods for balancing the flow 2 Extrusion die design strategy
through an extrusion die [5]. The first approach involves
adjusting land lengths of the pre-parallel and parallel zones A complex hollow extrusion profile utilized in an actual pro-
and/or incorporating flow restrictors for controlling the poly- duction facility for the fabrication of wood polymer com-
mer melt velocity in the die effectively. For a complex pro- posite (WPC) door frames was selected. The cross-sectional
file die, this implies a change in the length and approaching view of the profile is presented in Fig. 1. The overall width
angle of torpedoes to attain an identical polymer flow at the of the profile is 200 mm and the overall height in 37 mm
die exit. The approaching angle of torpedoes can be changed with a uniform outer wall thickness of 2.6 mm. The vertical
by adjusting the shape of the torpedoes in the area where the inner walls have a thickness of 2.0 mm. The bottom left and
torpedoes are expanding. right sections are thicker with serrated features, the thick-
The second approach involves the incorporation of flow ness of these sections is 3 mm. A plastic part gets inserted
separators inside the extrusion die to separate the melt flow into the gap between the serrated overhang and the main
into different sections in a controlled fashion. Flow separa- body during installation of such a door frame, and the ser-
tors are incorporated in the pre-parallel zone to form differ- rated features provide additional friction and a tighter fit
ent flow channels for the polymer melt. These flow channels during this process. The small square opening on the right
can control the polymer flow volume and guide the polymer top corner holds a soft rubber bumper in application. These
melt to the parallel zone. The primary objective to minimize profile features provide significant challenges in designing
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:4939–4950 4941
an extrusion die that would provide a uniform velocity dis- considered for the numerical simulations. It was surmised
tribution at the die exit. that actual WPC formulations utilized in industry would
A die similar in design to the actual die utilized in the have similar trends in rheological properties as the PVC.
production line was initially considered for this study. The The melt flow behavior in the initial die (Fig. 2) was mod-
detailed die design is presented in Fig. 2. The total die length eled with the aid of Altair Inspire Extrusion Polymer soft-
was 264 mm between die inlet and exit, with a pre-parallel ware. The spatial distribution of the velocity of the melt at
zone length of 75 mm and a parallel zone length of 85 mm. the die exit was critically assessed. An innovative approach
In the transition zone, the polymer flow was changed from was adopted to minimize cross flow and velocity imbalance
circular shape to the complex shape of the extrudate. In the at the die exit. Both flow restrictors and flow separators were
pre-parallel zone, the melt flow was redirected in a controlled incorporated in the pre-parallel zone. Traditionally, either
fashion to the parallel zone, where the polymer was extruded flow restrictors or flow separators are incorporated in the
to its final shape. A series of torpedoes in the pre-parallel die. Additionally, the geometry of the flow restrictors was
and parallel zone (Fig. 2b) was added to ensure that the final changed from the traditional rectangular cross-section to tri-
shape was formed accurately. The die was designed without angular shapes to fine tune the flow behavior. The approach
any consideration of the melt flow behavior in the die assem- angle of the torpedoes was changed as well to attain optimal
bly. No flow separators or restrictors were incorporated in flow behavior at the die exit.
this initial design.
Although the die was utilized in the industry for wood
plastic composite (WPC) door frames, polyvinyl chloride 3 Modeling of polymer melt flow
(PVC) was considered in the numerical simulations to inves-
tigate the melt flow behavior in this study. The WPC relevant 3.1 Material and rheology properties
for door frames typically consists of wood flour or powder
mixed with PVC and wide range of additives with specific A generic rigid PVC was considered for numerical simula-
functionalities such as heat stabilizers [7], impact modi- tions. The rheological behavior of the PVC is expected to
fiers [8], lubricants, and processing aids [9]. Actual WPC be similar to the wood polymer composites. The proper-
formulations can be diverse and are often proprietary. As ties of different PVCs are not vastly different, and PVC
such their rheological properties are seldom studied and pub- constitutes about 50% of the formulations by weight, while
licly reported on in detail. Hence, a generic rigid PVC was majority of the other half are filler materials such as wood
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Table 1 Relevant viscosity Viscosity model Table 2 Relevant properties of PVC utilized for simulations
model parameters for PVC parameters
utilized for simulations Properties (units)
D1 (Pa-s) 8.41841 e+18 Density (kg/m3) 832.779
A1 33.7371 Specific heat (J/kg-K) 2642.15
A2 (K) 51.6 Conductivity (W/m-K) 0.1978
T* (K) 353 Thermal expansion (1/K) 1 e-05
𝜏 ∗(Pa) 5100.37
n 0.274187
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Fig. 4 a Cross-sectional view of the polymer velocity distribution at the die exit of the initial extrusion die, and b detail view of the right side on
the melt showing the maximum velocity region
4.2 Modifications of extrusion die and effects flow restrictors, highlighted with a crosshatch pattern
on flow balancing in the figure, were set to be 1.6 mm in height, 31.5 mm
in width, and 75 mm in length. In addition, a pair of
An optimal extrusion die should have a uniform flow distri- inclined restrictors was added in the pre-parallel zone to
bution at the die exit, ensuring minimal post-die extrudate further reduce the velocity in the serrated sections. The
deformation. Traditionally, the length of the parallel zone velocity was highest in these sections in the initial die. A
is increased to reduce the flow imbalance. In this research, cross-sectional view of the modified extrusion die with
the length of the parallel zone was kept constant. A series of the inclined restrictors is shown in Fig. 9. The inclined
innovative modifications were incorporated in the initial die restrictor had a triangular cross-section, the maximum
to achieve a more uniform flow distribution at the die exit. height was set to be 2 mm at the junction of the vertical
section and the serrated section and gradually reduce to
1. Flow restrictors were added on the top and bottom of a sharp end at the edge of the serrated section. The width
each torpedo in the pre-parallel zone for added restric- of the inclined restrictor was 27.5 mm and the length
tion to polymer melt flow in these sections as shown was 75 mm. A minor flow restrictor on the vertical wall
in Fig. 8 for one of the representative torpedoes. The of the torpedo of the right section was also incorporated
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:4939–4950 4945
Fig. 5 Cross-sectional view of
post-die extrudate deforma-
tion at 100 mm from the die
exit for the initial die in three
orthogonal directions; a x-axis,
parallel to the horizontal axis of
the paper; b y-axis, parallel to
the vertical axis; and c z-axis,
normal to the plane of the paper
Fig. 6 Overall deformation of the post-die extrudate at 100 mm from the die exit for the initial die. The original shape is shown by the solid out-
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Fig. 12 a Cross-sectional view of the polymer velocity distribution at the die exit of the modified extrusion die, and b detail view of the right
side of the melt
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:4939–4950 4949
Fig. 13 Cross-sectional view of
post-die extrudate deformation
at 100 mm from the die exit
for the modified die in three
orthogonal directions; a x-axis,
parallel to the horizontal axis of
the paper; b y-axis, parallel to
the vertical axis of the paper;
and c z-axis, normal to the plane
of the paper
Fig. 14 Overall deformation of the post-die extrudate at 100 mm from the die exit for the modified die. The original shape is shown by the solid
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