Mce647 4 Hand
Mce647 4 Hand
Mce647 4 Hand
Mechanical Engineering
v =w×r
v =w×r
MCE503 – p.2/16
Skew Symmetric Matrices
S + ST = 0
For this to occur, the diagonal elements must be zero and we must have
sij = −sji
The set of all 3-by-3 skew symmetric matrices is called so(3). To each
vector a = [ax , ay , az ] ∈ R3 we associate a matrix S(a) ∈ so(3) of the
0 −az ay
S(a) = az 0 −ax
−ay ax 0
MCE503 – p.3/16
S(a)p = a × p
X T SX = 0
MCE503 – p.4/16
Derivative of Rotation Matrices
between a skew symmetric matrix and a vector. The w vector is actually the
that is,
0 0 0 0 0
w0,n = w0,1 + w1,2 + 0w2,3 + ... + wn−1,n
If you think of wi,j as a vector, all we are doing is transforming the various relative
MCE503 – p.6/16
Linear Velocity Formula
P 0 = H10 (t)P 1
Here P = [pT |1]T . A simple derivation shows that the linear velocity of p w.r.t.
the world frame is
ṗ0 = S(w)R10 p1 + ȯ = w × r + v
which is the well-known formula.
MCE503 – p.7/16
The Jacobian
vn0 = Jv q̇
wn0 = Jw q̇
MCE503 – p.8/16
Jvi =
where o0n is the position vector for the origin of the end effector frame, in world
Note that the velocity ȯ0n is obtained by a linear combination of the columns of
Jv where the scalars are the joint velocities (Eq. 4.49). Therefore Jv can be
obtained by taking one joint at a time (assuming the others are not moving) and
MCE503 – p.9/16
MCE503 – p.10/16
Note: The coordinates of zi w.r.t. the world frame appear as the first
three elements of the third column of Ti0 , while oi appears as the first
three elements of the fourth column. Therefore we need to find only the
third and fourth columns of T .
4.5, 4.6 in class
Prob. 4.16 in class
Homework 2: 4-17
MCE503 – p.11/16
τ = J T (q)F
It is important to note that this relationship is valid only under static equi-
librium. See Example 4.12.
MCE503 – p.13/16
x+y−z+w = 3
x − y + 2z − w = 8
2x + y + z + 3w = 9
MCE503 – p.15/16
J(I − J + J)b = 0