A Study To Assess The Effectiveness of Cumin Powder On Body Composition and Changes in Lipid Profile Among Over Weight and Obese Women in Selected Villages

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 7, November-December 2022 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Cumin Powder on

Body Composition and Changes in Lipid Profile among
Over Weight and Obese Women in Selected Villages
Anitha D1, Venugopal U2, Jonah Abraham R2
Nursing Tutor, Department of Community Health Nursing, SIMATS, Thandalam, Tamil Nadu, India
BSc Nursing, Saveetha College of Nursing, SIMATS, Thandalam, Tamil Nadu, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Anitha D |

Background: The present study aim was to assess the effectiveness Venugopal U | Jonah Abraham R "A
of cumin powder on body composition and changes in lipid profile Study to Assess the Effectiveness of
among over weight and obese women at Kondanchery village, Cumin Powder on Body Composition
and Changes in Lipid Profile among
Thiruvallur District. Purpose: The current study was aim to assess the
Over Weight and Obese Women in
effectiveness of cumin powder on body composition and changes in
Selected Villages" Published in
lipid profile among over weight and obese women. Materials and International Journal
Methods: A quantitative research approach and Pre- experimental of Trend in
research designwas adopted for the present study. 60 over weight and Scientific Research
obese women selected by Convenient sampling technique. Structured and Development
questionnaire was used to collect the demographic variables and (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
observation schedule to assess the BMI level among overweight and 6470, Volume-6 |
obese women. Results: Among 60 study participants the pre-test Issue-7, December IJTSRD52557
mean score was 7.72±2.43 and the posttest mean score was 2022, pp.1028-
17.85±2.29. The calculated paired ‘t’ test value of t=21.547 was 1032, URL:
found to be statistically highly significant at p<0.001 level. This www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd52557.pdf
clearly infers that significant impact of cumin powder intervention
Copyright © 2022 by author (s) and
among obese women. Conclusion: Hence the findings of present International Journal of Trend in
studyconcluded that, which clearly infers that significant impact of Scientific Research and Development
cumin powder intervention among obese women in the posttest. Journal. This is an
Open Access article
KEYWORDS: Cumin powder, Over weight and Obese women, Body distributed under the
Mass Index level terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Obesity is an abnormal increase within the proportion adults. it's defined as a human weight in kilograms
of fat cells. Overweight and fat results from a fancy divided by the sq. of his height in meters (kg/m2).
interaction between genes and therefore the though the terms “overweight” and “obese” are
environment. the planet health organization (WHO) similar, the distinction between the 2 arises with BMI
defines ‘overweight’ as a BMI adequate or over 25, [2].Global increase in overweight and obesity are due
and ‘obesity’ as a BMI equal to or more than 30. to variety of things as well as a worldwideshift in diet
These cut-off points givea benchmark for individual towards will increase intake of energy-dense foods
assessment, however there's proof that risk of chronic that are high in fat and sugars however low in
disease in populations increase more and more from a vitamins, minerals and different micronutrients; and a
BMI of 21. vessel diseases (CVDs), corresponding to trend towards ablated physical activity because of the
coronary cardiovascular disease (CHD), hypertensive progressively inactive nature of the many sorts of
heart disease, heart failure, and stroke, are the leading work, dynamical modes of transportation and
reason for death worldwide [1]. Obesity is outlined urbanization. Obesity and dyslipidemia are rising as
because the accumulation of abnormal or excessive important public health challenges in South Asian
amounts of animal tissue within the body in a very countries. This study aimed to assess the association
method that disrupts health. Body mass index (BMI) of fat with dyslipidemia by activity lipoprotein and
may be a straightforward height-weight index HDL in adolescents. the consequences of obesity on a
ordinarily wont to classify overweight and fat in girls health are huge. obesity has been coupled to the

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52557 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 7 | November-December 2022 Page 1028
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
subsequent sickness and conditions: kind II polygenic pink in color and little in size [8]. in additional
disorder, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart affluent developed countries, fat is common not solely
disease stroke high blood pressure sleep disorder within the middle –aged, however additionally
degenerative joint disease bound style of cancer, changing into progressively rife among younger adults
including breast cancer. only if today use of ancient and children. Changing biological process patterns
drugs and healthful plants has become rife within the andspecifically use of some healthful herbs are factors
treatment of the many diseases. mistreatment of moving body’s metabolic factors so these days
medicinal plants may be a viable different for artificial numerous medicinal herbs have wide been unfold in
drugs [3]. intensive studies are performed on impacts treatment of the many diseases and also improvement
the consequences {the results} of various medicinal of sports performances (strength and endurance). one
plants on plasma lipids and weight loss. Cumin, in all these herbs is cumin that studies conducted on
mutually of those medicinal plants, contains over a that have indicated that it's historically utilized in
hundred different chemicals, as well as essential fatty treatment of vessel diseases and contains a decreasing
acids and volatile oils [4]. fat can even have a result on triglycerides, sterol and weight in traditional
significant impact on a women’s fertility. Some effect and diabetic mice[9]. National Family Health Survey
obesity can wear a woman generative health embrace –I&II, India, shows that the prevalence of each
reduced ovulation, a down response to fertility overweight Associate in Nursing fat will increase in
treatments, ablated physiological state rate, risks to every cluster from fifteen years old-time to fortynine
pregnancy outcome. In addition, obese girls face years. Except humor total cholesterol, different
major health risks throughout pregnancy, fat has been markers of macromolecule profile yet as
coupled to the subsequent pregnancy complications: anthropometrical indexes improved in intervention
physiological condition polygenic disorder cesarian group. Subgroup analyses diagrammatic that lipid
birth defects; significantly exoderm defects (NTDs) profile and anthropometric indexes were ameliorated
corresponding to rachischisis (because beingcorpulent in girls once intervention, whereas didn't show
interferes with the absorption of folate, that wards off important improvement in men. It may be terminated
NTDs) pregnancy hypertension [5]. Some studies that cumin oil can be used as an adjuvant medical care
have shown that cumin could have decreasing effects to ameliorate metabolic standing in pre-diabetics [10].
of blood lipids and weight. However, to the simplest To reach a correct digestion and helping the burden
information of us, the bulk of those studies are done reduction process, to overweight /obese participants,
on animals and the revealed human studies are the spice mixture had been enclosed as intervention
conducted on patients affected by polygenic disorder or during this study [11].
symptom fat can even cause post physiological state
Statement of the problem:
complications, corresponding to tract infections and “A study to assess the effectiveness of cumin
wounds that don't heal easily. In recent years, the powder on body composition and changes in lipid
general public trends for mistreatment flavourer profile among over weight and obese women in
medicines as an adjuvant approach to enhance obesity selected villages”.
treatment have exaggerated, dramatically.10
Meanwhile, several studies have reportable the Objectives:
suitable anti-obesity effects of some herbal 1. To assess the demographic variables of
supplements such as nutmeg flower (N. sativa) [6]. overweight and obese women. 2.To assess the pre-
Obesity and overweight are referred to as risk factors test and post-test level of overweight and obese
of vessel diseases, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, women.
osteoarthritis, and a few cancers resulting in increased 2. To assess the effectiveness of cumin powder on
morbidity and mortality. herb L. is one in all the body composition and changes in lipid profile
healthful plants happiness to the family Apiaceae among over weight and obese women.
family [7]. The prevalence of overweight Associate in
Nursing fat is increasing worldwide at an dreadful 3. To associate between posttest level of obesity
rate. each developed and developing countries are with selected demographic.
affected. In developing countries, obesity is more Methods and Materials:
commonin old woman, folks of upper socio-economic The study used quantitative research approach and Pre-
standing and people living in urban communities. Its experimental research designwith the sample size of the
plant grows up with delicate branches stem which study was 60 who has over weight and obese women
nearly 20- 30cmtall and their leaves are 5-10cm long. whowere selected by Convenient sampling technique
The fruit is lateral fusiform containing single seed or and who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The inclusion
4-5mm long in size. Their flowers also are white or criteria Women who are overweight and obese, Who

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52557 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 7 | November-December 2022 Page 1029
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
are willing to participate in the study, Who are not Results and Discussion:
migrating during the time of study and the exclusion SECTION A: Description of the demographic
criteria were Women who are underweight, Mothers variables of obese women
who are not willing to participate in the study with the
Table shows that about maximum of them were in the
child, Clients who are not available at thetime of study. age group between 26-
The study was conducted at Kondanchery village,
Thiruvallur District.Structured questionnaire was used 30, 58.3% maximum of them were in body mass index
to collect the demographic variables and observation of 27-35, maximum of them were of non-
schedule to assess the BMI level. On day 1 pre-test was consanguineous marriage .88.3% heavy type of
conducted among the samples and on the same day working ,93.3% of them were of walking as physical
cumin powder water was given to the samples and the activity ,66.7% of the mother were of family history
posttest was conducted after 14days. The data was of hypertension, about 51.6% them had more than 3
collected for a period of 2 weeks and the collected caffes per day, about 50% of themhad non veg foods
data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential and 68.3% had 8-12 hrs of rest per day.

Percentage distribution of age group between body mass index among overweight and obese women in
the experimental group
SECTION B: Assessment of level of obesity among obese women
Table 2: Frequency and percentage distribution of pre-test and posttest level of obesity
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3
No. % No. % No. %
Pre-test 0 0 6 10.0 54 90.0
Post-test 7 11.67 53 88.33 0 0
The above table 2 shows that in the pre-test, 54 (90%) had 3rd category and 6 (10%)had 2 category. Whereas in
the post-test , 53 (88.33%) had 2nd category and 7 (11.67%) had category 1.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52557 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 7 | November-December 2022 Page 1030
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470

Percentage distribution of pre-test and posttest level of obesity in theExperimental group

SECTION C: Effectiveness of cumin powder on body composition and lipidprofile
Table 3: Comparison of pre-test and posttest level of obesity
Variables Test Mean S.D Paired ‘t’ test Value
Pre-test 7.72 2.43 t = 21.547
OBESITY p = 0.0001
Post-test 17.85 2.29
***p<0.001, S – Significant
The table 3 shows that, the pre-test mean score was 7.72±2.43 and the post-test mean score was 17.85±2.29.
The calculated paired ‘t’ test value of t=21.547 wasfound to be statistically highly significant at p<0.001 level.
This clearly infers thatsignificant impact of cumin powder intervention among obese women.
Discussion: Reference:
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52557 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 7 | November-December 2022 Page 1032

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