Mapping Human To Robot Motion With Functional Anthropomorphism For Teleoperation and Telemanipulation With Robot Arm Hand Systems
Mapping Human To Robot Motion With Functional Anthropomorphism For Teleoperation and Telemanipulation With Robot Arm Hand Systems
Mapping Human To Robot Motion With Functional Anthropomorphism For Teleoperation and Telemanipulation With Robot Arm Hand Systems
Abstract— In this paper teleoperation and telemanipulation In order to capture human arm kinematics the Liberty
with a robot arm (Mitsubishi PA-10) and a robot hand (Polhemus Inc.) magnetic motion capture system is used.
(DLR/HIT 2) is performed, using a human to robot motion Two sensors are placed on the human elbow, and wrist
mapping scheme that guarantees anthropomorphism. Two po-
sition trackers are used to capture position and orientation of respectively. The human hand kinematics are captured with
human end-effector (wrist) and human elbow in 3D space and a the CyberGlove II (Cyberglove Systems) dataglove, which
dataglove to capture human hand kinematics. Then the inverse has 22 sensors measuring all joint values of all fingers.
kinematics (IK) of the Mitsubishi PA-10 7-DoF robot arm are The low-cost force feedback device is based on RGB
solved in an analytical manner, in order for the human’s and LEDs and vibration motors to provide visual feedback
the robot artifact’s end-effectors to achieve same position and
orientation in 3D space (functional constraint). Redundancy is (through color alternations) and vibrotactile feedback respec-
handled in the solution space of the robot arm’s IK, selecting tively, as described in [2]. In order to map human to robot
the most anthropomorphic solution computed, with a criterion arm motion we used a forward-inverse kinematics approach
of “Functional Anthropomorphism”. Human hand motion is computing the analytical IK of Mitsubishi PA-10 robot arm
transformed to robot hand motion using the joint-to-joint using the IKFast library of the OpenRAVE simulation envi-
mapping methodology. Finally in order for the user to be able
to detect contact and “perceive” the forces exerted by the robot ronment [3]. Redundancy is handled selecting the solution
hand, a low-cost force feedback device, that provides a mixture that minimizes the structural dissimilarity between human
of sensory information (visual and vibrotactile), was developed. and robot arm configurations. This solution leads to a robot
arm configuration for which the sum of distances between
I. I NTRODUCTION the human elbow and all robot joint positions, becomes
Over the last fifty years mapping human to robot motion minimum. Human hand motion is mapped to robot hand
was one of the major problems in Robotics. Recently an- motion, using the joint-to-joint mapping methodology [4].
thropomorphism became a necessity for social (e.g., robot III. C ONCLUSIONS AND D ISCUSSION
likeability) and safety reasons (e.g., safety in human robot
The efficacy of the proposed methods is experimentally
interaction applications). In this paper we perform an exper-
validated. The paradigms involve different movements in
imental validation of the human to robot motion mapping
3D space, as well as manipulation tasks executed by the
scheme that we proposed in [1], which guarantees specific
user with everyday life objects. The accompanying video
functional constraints (e.g. same position and orientation for
validates our claims and discusses methods and results in
human and robot end-effectors) and optimizes anthropomor-
detail. Regarding future directions the authors plan to use
phism of robot motion, minimizing structural dissimilarity
the proposed human to robot motion mapping scheme with
between human and robot configurations.
the whole robot arm hand system, as described in [5]. The
II. A PPARATUS AND M ETHODS HD version of the video can be found at the following url:
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