Student's Copy Bank's Copy Institute's
Student's Copy Bank's Copy Institute's
Student's Copy Bank's Copy Institute's
Bank: Bank Al Habib LTD, Branch: Bank Al-Habib Bank: Bank Al Habib LTD, Branch: Bank Al-Habib Bank: Bank Al Habib LTD, Branch: Bank Al-Habib
A/C Title: National College of Business Administration & A/C Title: National College of Business Administration & A/C Title: National College of Business Administration &
Economics Economics Economics
Name Muhib Ashfaq - AAK883 Name Muhib Ashfaq - AAK883 Name Muhib Ashfaq - AAK883
Program / Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) Program / Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) Program / Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons)
Campus - Lahore Campus - Lahore Campus - Lahore
Issue Date 03-Nov-2022 Due Date 10-Nov-2022 Issue Date 03-Nov-2022 Due Date 10-Nov-2022 Issue Date 03-Nov-2022 Due Date 10-Nov-2022
S.# Fee Items Semester Amount S.# Fee Items Semester Amount S.# Fee Items Semester Amount
1 Tuition Fee Fall1 19,713/- 1 Tuition Fee Fall1 19,713/- 1 Tuition Fee Fall1 19,713/-
Total Amount in Words: Nineteen Thousand, Seven Hundred Total Amount in Words: Nineteen Thousand, Seven Hundred Total Amount in Words: Nineteen Thousand, Seven Hundred
And Thirteen Only And Thirteen Only And Thirteen Only
1. Fee bill will not be accepted by bank after due date. 1. Fee bill will not be accepted by bank after due date. 1. Fee bill will not be accepted by bank after due date.
2. Only cash will be accepted by bank. 2. Only cash will be accepted by bank. 2. Only cash will be accepted by bank.
3. Fee bill issued without overwriting/cutting. 3. Fee bill issued without overwriting/cutting. 3. Fee bill issued without overwriting/cutting.
This is a computer generated document and does not require This is a computer generated document and does not require This is a computer generated document and does not require
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