Std-Insp-0095 (Densitometer Calibration Procedure

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Document No: STD-INSP-0095

A 06-08-2022 FIRST ISSUE

Prepare Approve
Re Reviewed AI/TPI/
Date Details d d
By By QM
P RO CE DURE NO S TD- I NS P -0 09 5 RE V . No. A P a ge 2 of 3


1. Scope:

T h is Pro ced u re covers responsibility and system for controlling calibration

of Densitometer.

2. Reference:
2.1 ASM E Se c. VIII D iv. 1 & 2 , ASM E Se c. 1 , B3 1 . 1 , NBIC .
2.2 Article - 5 o f ASM E Se c. V
2.3 App ro ved D rawin g
2.4 App ro ved IT P
2.5 C lie n t sp e cif icatio n
3. Responsibility

3.1 Q u ality M an age r

3.2 ND T En g in ee r: Th e p er so n al pe rf o r m ing calib r atio n of tr an sm issio n

d en sito me te r sh all be q ualif ied as ND E Le ve l II ( Rad iog r aph ic
T e sting ) / NDE Le ve l III ( Rad io g r ap h ic T e stin g) as p er C o mp an y
W ritte n Practice .

4. Procedure:

4.1 Frequency of calibration:

4.1.1 The densitometer shall be calibrated at least every 90 days or
whenever any major repair has performed and shall be
4.1.2 The densitometer shall also be calibrated in either of following
situation whichever comes first but test results need not be
a) At the beginning of interpretation of radiography film.
b) After 8 hours of continuous interpretation of radiography
4.2 Step wedge densitometer calibration film:
4.2.1 The calibrated step wedge densitometer calibration film, with
calibration traceable to national standard with minimum 5 steps
having neutral density from at least 1.0 through 4.0 shall be
used for calibration of densitometer.
4.2.2 The step wedge densitometer calibration film shall not need to
calibrate prior to first use and shall be used without verification
for one year upon opening, provided it is within the
manufacturer’s stated shelf life. On completion of one year from
opening, the densitometer calibration film shall be discarded,
and new densitometer calibration film shall be used.
P RO CE DURE NO S TD- I NS P -0 09 5 RE V . No. A P a ge 3 of 3


4.2.3 The step wedge densitometer calibration strip shall be stored in

the original light-tight and waterproof sealed package as
supplied by the manufacturer.
4.3 Steps for calibration of densitometer:
4.3.1 Switch on the densitometer and allow it to warm up for period
recommended by densitometer manufacturer.
4.3.2 Measure the density on step wedge densitometer calibration
film and record the result.
4.3.3 If the density difference between the observed density reading
by densitometer and actual density reading as per step wedge
calibration film is within + 0.05, the densitometer performance
is satisfactory and shall be used for density verification of
production radiographs.
4.3.4 If the density difference between the observed density reading
by densitometer and actual density reading as per step wedge
calibration film is not within + 0.05, the densitometer
performance is not satisfactory and densitometer correction
shall be done as per densitometer manufacturer manual.
4.3.5 After correction the densitometer shall be once again calibrated
as per step mentioned above and calibration shall be recorded.

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