Hadoop (Mapreduce)
Hadoop (Mapreduce)
Hadoop (Mapreduce)
The Outline
1 What is MapReduce?
2 Examples of MapReduce
use case
The map and reduce
3 functions
4 Architecture of MapReduce
5 MapReduce workflow
6 Execution on MapReduce
job: Yarn/hadoop v.1
7 More examples
Let’s explore: MAPREDUCE
Hadoop general architecture (2.0)
What is MapReduce?
It is the processing unit of Hadoop.
It has been introduced by Google on 2004.
It is a programming technique where huge data is processed in parallel and distributed manner.
The objective of this module is: reduce data into information that people can understand and that is
Big Data Processing unit of
MapReduce Analogy: example counting
MapReduce Analogy: example counting
MapReduce vs Traditional approach?
Within this module, processing is done at the slave nodes and the final output is sent to the
Master nodes.
This is to overcome the traditional approach shown below, in which processing is done at
Hence, a large bandwidth is consumed to transfer the needed data from DataNodes to feed
nodes. 9
What is MapReduce?
It is an illustration of using the functional programming on a distributed cluster: having several
functions working independently on different chunks of data, and then aggregating the results.
MapReduce is the processing engine of Hadoop that processes and computes large volumes of data
(terabytes, petabytes). This processing unit implements a Mapping and Reducing mechanism that
execute in parallel. Here is the global overview:
Processing unit of
Map Reduce
A user defined A user defined
code code
Applications of MapReduce?
MR is commonly preferred for the following applications:
Text processing, index building, graph creation and analysis, pattern recognition,
What is MapReduce? the map function
Here is a pseudocode of the map function. A function that takes two arguments, a key and a value. After
performing some analysis or transformation on the input data, the map function may then output zero or
more resulting key/value pairs:
The parallelization of map function
The key point is the possibility of parallelizing these functions in order to calculate mutch faster on a
multi-core machine or on a cluster of machines.
The map function must be a pure function of its parameter, it must have no side effect such as
modifying a global variable or memorizing its previous values.
What is MapReduce? the reduce function
The reducer is intended to aggregate the many values that are output from the map phase in order to
transform a large volume of data into a smaller, more manageable set of summary data
The parallelization of reduce function
The reduce function is partially parallelized, in a hierarchical form, for example:
Architecture of MapReduce?
MapReduce is the processing engine of Hadoop that processes and computes large volumes of data
(terabytes, petabytes). This processing unit implements a Mapping and Reducing mechanism. Here is
the global architecture:
Map ()
Map () Reduce ()
Map ()
What is MapReduce? (con’t)
Hadoop MapReduce jobs are divided into a set of map tasks and reduce tasks that run in a
Each task works on the small subset of the data it has been assigned so that the load is
The map tasks generally load, parse, transform, and filter data.
Each reduce task is responsible for handling a subset of the map task output.
Intermediate data is then copied from mapper tasks by the reducer tasks in order to group
The mappers’ output is not dependent on anything but the incoming values, and
therefore failed mappers can be reattempted on another node.
Reducers require as input the output of the mappers on a per-key basis; so, reducer
computation can also be distributed such that there can be as many reduce operations as
there are keys available from the mapper output.
Shuffle and sort operation is required to coordinate the map and reduce phases, reducer
sees all values for a single, unique key.
MapReduce: Implemented on a Cluster
As shown in the figure below, MapReduce is implemented as a staged framework where a
map phase is coordinated to a reduce phase via an intermediate shuffle and sort phase.
Workflow of MapReduce? Basic example
A MapReduce job for the word count job is
final output.
Workflow of MapReduce?more details
Input data (stored in A map task is assigned A common optimization at this point is
HDFS), and split by to one or more nodes to apply a combiner: an aggregation
InputFormat before starting in the cluster, which of the mapping output for a single
the Map operation contains local blocks of mapper => facilitates reducer’s work
data specified as input
to the map operation
Workflow of MapReduce?
The input to a MapReduce job is a set of files in the data store that are spread out over the Hadoop
Distributed File System (HDFS).
In Hadoop, these files are split with an input format, which defines how to separate a file into input
splits. Number of splits is generally specified in the mapred-site.xml by mapred.min.split.size, and
An input split is a byte oriented view of a chunk of the file to be loaded by a map task.
Each map task in Hadoop is broken into the following phases: record reader, mapper, combiner, and
partitioner. The output of the map tasks, called the intermediate keys and values, are sent to the
The reduce tasks are broken into the following phases: shuffle, sort, reducer, and output format.
The nodes in which the map tasks run are optimally on the nodes in which the data rests. This way, the
data typically does not have to move over the network and can be computed on the local machine.
MapReduce workflow:
Illustration of words count within a
MapReduce workflow: I- Input Split
Input is stored in hadoop distributed file system. It is split based on the input format that specifies
how input will be read and split. Each split will be handled by an individual mapper.
Text input
format Input Split
I am a big data
I am a big expert
MapReduce workflow: II-Record Reader
The record reader communicates with the input split and converts the data into key-value pairs
that will be adequate to be read by the mapper.
RecordReaderExample of words counts
Input Split
I am a big data
MapReduce workflow: III- the mapper
The mapper processes input records from RecordReader and generates intermediate key-value
Input key
Value pair
RecordReader Mapper
key-value pairs
RecordReader Mapper
MapReduce workflow: IV- the combiner
Combiner is a mini reducer, and there is a combiner for each mapper: performs the aggregation
for each mapper
Input key
Value pair Intermediate
key value
Mapper Combiner
Mapper Combiner
Combiner is a mini
reducer and for every
combiner there is one
Mapper mapper
MapReduce workflow: V- the partitioner
Input key
Value pair Intermediate
key value
Mapper Combiner
Mapper Combiner
Mapper Combiner key value
MapReduce workflow: VI- Sorting
Input key
Value pair Intermediate
key value
Mapper Combiner
a1 Intermediate
Mapper Combiner key value
am, 1 pair
big, 1
big, 1
can, 1
data, 1 Shuffling
data, 1 and Partitioner
Results shuffling and Sorting
efficiently, 1 sorting: example
expert, 1
I, 1 Partitioner
I, 1
handle, 1
MapReduce workflow: VII- the reducer
Input key
Value pair Intermediate
key value
Mapper Combiner
Example of words
counts Mapper Combiner Substitute
key value
am, 1 Mapper Combiner
big, 1,1
can, 1
Reducer Shuffling
data, 1,1
and Partitioner
efficiently, 1 Results of reducer:
expert, 1 example
I, 1,1 Reducer
handle, 1 Partitioner
a1 key value
Mapper Combiner
am, 1 pair
big, 2
can, 1
Reducer Shuffling
data, 2 Results of
and Partitioner
efficiently, 1 output format: Output
expert, 1
I, 2 Reducer
handle, 1
RecordWriter writes these output key-
value pairs from the Reducer to the
output files.
Summary of MapReduce phases
Input data : this concerns the data stored in blocks in HDFS datanodes.
Input split format: the phase where the splitting of the source data is done. (criteria of
splitting are defined by developpers. For example, the splitting can be by lines).
RecordReader:communicates with the input split and converts the data into key-value pairs
that will be adequate to be read by the mapper.
Maps tasks: reads the data, and processes it to generate key-value pairs. Within this task,
mapping functions are applied on the blocks of data stored in HDFS depending on the file
size. (see the hdfs section).
Reduce tasks: this performs operations on output generated from the previous phase which
is the mapping phase. It is the reducing function. It is done by shuffling, sorting, and
aggregating the key-value pairs into a smaller set of tuples.
Output: The smaller set of tuples is the final output and gets stored in HDFS. 32
MapReduce workflow recap
Input key
Value pair Intermediate
key value
InputSplit RecordReader Mapper Combiner
stored Input
in format InputSplit RecordReader Mapper Combiner
InputSplit RecordReader Mapper Combiner key value
stored Sorting
HDFS Reducer
How many mappers and reducers?
Can be set in a configuration file (JobConfFile) or during command line execution
Number of Maps: driven by the number of HDFS blocks in the input files. HDFS can be
The keyspace of the intermediate key-value pairs is evenly distributed over the reducers
with an hash function (same keys in different mappers end up at the same reducer)
The partition of the intermediate key-value pairs generated by the maps can be
MapReduce architecture: within Yarn
Input Data is split into smaller pieces. These chunks of data will be processed in
parallel in independent tasks. The ouput will be a list.
Within each node, mapping, combining and partitioning functions are executed on the
chunk of data. The processing ‘s results at each node is stored in the RAM of the
corresponding machine.
At the level of the rack, the reduce function is called to provide outputs. This will be
written back to hdfs. 35
Submitting MapReduce job to Yarn
Node Manager
Scheduler Applications
Manager Container App Master
Submit job
request Node Manager
MR Resource
App Master Container
job submission
Node Manager
Node status
Applications Manager accepts mapreduce job submission from clients and starts
There is one Application Master slave daemon for each client application.
Submitting MapReduce job(old version of hadoop)
It is called Resource Manager in
Hadoop version 2 and the slaves
are called Node Managers
MapReduce example 1: counting songs
Counting songs that were played. Use case: Google Music Analytics : to find the top ten
trending songs:
MapReduce example 2:
Let’s the following sample of cars dataset:
tuples = [
{'id':1, 'Brand':'Renault', 'Model':'Clio', 'Price':4200},
{'id':3, 'Brand':'Fiat','Model':'500', 'Price':8840},
{'id':4, 'Brand':'Fiat','Model':'600', 'Price':10240},
{'id':5, 'Brand':'Peugeot', 'Model':'206', 'Price':4300},
MapReduce example 2: analyzing the cars’ price(con’t)
Values =
[ 4200,8200,8840,
10240, 4300,6140 ]
tuples map values reduce Prices
MapReduce configuration file: mapred-site.xml