Academic Writing and Academic Language Reviewer

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Summative Test No. 2 Reviewer provided to support the claims.

Moreover, the
English for Academic and Professional Purposes writer has to paraphrase and summarize the read
academic text and acknowledge the source of
ACADEMIC WRITING ideas and information through proper citations.

- It is a writing where contents are focused, 7. Organization - Academic writing is well-

structured, and backed up by evidence. organized where the ideas are presented in a
- Its purpose is to aid the reader’s understanding. logical manner.
- It has format, tone, and style, but is not complex,
and does not require the use of long sentences.
What is a Text Structure?
- Academic language is a formal way of
- It is an established structure referring to the
presenting ideas and information through words.
internal organization of a text.
It is also associated to the oral, written, auditory
- It refers to the organizational pattern of a text
and visual language proficiency required to learn
which includes the:
effectively in schools.
a. Text Types
b. Parts
c. Transition Words and Phrases
d. Patterns of Organization
e. Sentences and Paragraphs
1. Formality – Academic writing is formal where
the following should be avoided.
Academic Texts are:
- Colloquial Words
- Abbreviated Words
- Articles
- Two-word Verbs
- Conference Papers
- Expanded Terms
- Reviews
- Thesis/Desertions
2. Precision – In academic writing, facts, figures,
graphic illustrations, are given precisely. The
Academic Texts are Formed with the Following
exactness and accuracy of the data presented are
- With clearly structured I-B-C
3. Explicitness – The writer makes sure that the
- Formal
various parts of the text are related to one
- Has information properly cited from credible
another, free from obscurity, and easy to
- Has a list of references
4. Accuracy – Academic writing uses vocabulary
5 Common Patterns of Organization
and statistics brief introduction accurately that
conform the correct value or standard. A writer
1. Description
chooses the appropriate word.
2. Order/Sequence
3. Comparison/Contrast
5. Hedging – Writer makes decision about his/her
4. Cause and Effect
stance on a particular subject. The state of the
5. Problem and Solution
claims must be considered. He/she also uses
cautious language.
Argument - begins with a claim followed by reasons for
the claim supported by pieces of evidences. It can
6. Responsibility - Writer must be responsible for
include counter claim or refutation
demonstrating and understanding of any source
text used. All evidences and justifications are
Transition Words - are words or phrases used to show
relationship of words among ideas.

Sentences and Paragraphs - each sentence functions as

a cohesive whole to convey a single idea or impression.
The smallest unit or group of sentences in which one
topic can be effectively explored is a paragraph.
Although each paragraph only addresses one key point,
they can both stand alone and be used as an integral part
of an essay.

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