DLL - MAPEH 6 Q2 W3 - MELC Based
DLL - MAPEH 6 Q2 W3 - MELC Based
DLL - MAPEH 6 Q2 W3 - MELC Based
A. Reviewing previous What are the so-fa syllables Give the different elements and What are the two types of self – What makes a community safe and
lesson and and its corresponding pitch principles applied in digital art. testing activities? healthy?
presenting new names in the scale?
B. Establishing a What are computer software used Are you familiar with the game in the How can you describe a healthy
purpose for the in making digital painting? picture? What is the name called? school and community environment?
lesson Have you tried playing this game?
Today, you will learn how to play this
C. Presenting Examine each picture. What is your Let us find out on the history of the What can you say about the picture?
examples/instance impression about digital art? Hawk and Chicken Game.
s of the lesson
D. Discussing new Using pitch or letter names Here are the ways on how to The game Hawk and Chicken is also a A school and community
concepts and of C Major scale, answer prepare for digital painting: game that helps to develop your environment is healthy if there are a
practicing new the Musical Spelling on a agility and flexibility skills. Muscle warm atmosphere, healthy
skills #1 sheet of paper. strength and endurance are also used interpersonal relations, free from
here.This game is also called ‘Touch abuse and discrimination and is able
the Dragon’s Tail’, ‘Touch My Tail’ and to provide health needs and services
more. To play it, you have to be smart to each members.
and agile to grab the handkerchief.
Chicks need protection just like a
player. The Chicken aims to keep her
chicks from the hawk's hands.
E. Discussing new Analyze the melodic To bring the artwork from paper to Read and consider the regulations Write YES if the statement describes
concepts and pattern or the movement computer, you need basic pieces of that must be followed during playing. a healthy school and community
practicing new of notes of the song “Bahay hardware. Then, try playing the game with your environment and NO if not. Do this
skills #2 Kubo” then sing the song. siblings or other playmates. on your answer sheet.
F. Developing Here are samples of songs Cut out from magazines and Listed below are the skills that you List down the effects of having a
mastery (lead to in the given scale. Draw the newspapers examples of are going to develop after healthy school environment inside
formative melodic pattern of each advertisements that made use of learning about the game. Search and each shape to complete the graphic
assessment 3) song on a sheet of paper. digital art and computer graphics. encircle them in the word puzzle. Do organizer. Accomplish this
C Major Scale Study the advertisements carefully this in your answer sheet. task on your answer sheet
and identify what software used to
create them. Do this in your
G. Finding practical Here are samples of songs Compare and contrast digital arts Write YES if the item is a safety Complete the table on the effects of
application of in the given scale. Draw the and hand-made arts using Venn precaution in the game “Hawk a healthy community to its people.
concepts and skills melodic pattern of each Diagram. Do this on your answer and Chicken” otherwise write NO. Do this on your answer sheet.
in daily living song on a sheet of paper. sheet. Write your answers in your answer
F Major Scale sheet.
H. Making What are the notes in the What computer software used in Different risky situations could What are the characteristics of
generalization and different major scales? making digital painting? happen while playing different games. healthy community?
abstractions about To avoid injuries, a set of personal
the lesson safety guidelines should be followed.
I. Evaluating learning Identify the Major scale of Choose the letter of the correct Write TRUE if the statement tells Put a check(/) if the sentence
a given song. Write C Major answer to complete the about the safety precautions during explains the effect of living
Scale, G Major Scale or F statement. p.16 activities. Underline the word/s that in a healthful school and community
Major scale in your make the sentence incorrect and and cross (X) if not. Write your
notebook. write the correct word in the space answer in your notebook.
provided. Do this in your
J. Additional activities
for application or