Friends (Lesson 1-17)

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World of Self, Family and

Lesson 1 (Speaking 1) Topic Topic: Friends Theme
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Speaking
2.1 Communicate simple information 2.3 Communicate appropriately to a small or
Content Standard
intelligibly large group
2.1.4 Greet, say goodbye, and express 2.3.1 Introduce self to an audience using fixed
Learning Standard
thanks using suitable fixed phrases phrases
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
Objectives 1. Greet, say goodbye, and express 1. Introduce self to an audience using fixed
thanks using suitable fixed phrases
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Report back to teacher using (I’m, He’s and She’s)
2. Introduce themselves in groups
Hi. What’s your name?
Language/ I’m (name)
Grammar Focus He’s, She’s (name)
Teaching Aids Textbook, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Information and
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Communications
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Choose an item.

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils learn how to introduce themselves.
2. Pupils introduce themselves to the class.
Starter 3. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
4. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
5. Pupils carry out activity:
 In pairs, pupils practise the target language.
 Pupils report back to the whole class about introduce their friend.
 In group of six, pupils practice the target language.
Main Activities
 In group of twelve, pupils practice the target language and report
names within the larger group.
 Pupils report back to the whole class.
6. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
Plenary 7. Pupils stand in a line in alphabetical order of their first names.
 In pairs, pupils remember as many names as they can.
 Pupils say out their name in the line.
 Pupils learn how to greet “Bye!”.
 In groups, Pupils say Bye! to each other.
8. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson..
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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Class Time Attendance

World of Self, Family and

Lesson 2 (Listening 1) Topic Topic: Friends Theme
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Writing
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of 4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print
Content Standard
familiar contexts using cursive writing
1.2.4 Understand short basic supported 4.1.2
classroom instructions i) Form upper and lower case letters of regular
size and shape
ii) write letters and words in a straight line from
Learning Standard
left to right with regular spaces between words
and spaces
iii) copy letters and familiar high frequency
words and phrases correctly
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Understand short basic supported 1. Form upper- and lower-case letters of
classroom instructions regular size and shape
2. Write letters and words in a straight line
from left to right with regular spaces
between words and spaces
3. Copy letters and familiar high frequency
words and phrases correctly
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Point to the correct at least 2 colours according to the instruction given.
2. Write at least 2 names of the colours correctly in the worksheet given.
Language/ Point to something (green) …
Grammar Focus Colours: blue, green, yellow, red, white
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Communicator Skills (HOTS)
Information and
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Communications
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Choose an item.

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils listen to the introduction about names of colours.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
Main Activities 3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activities:
 Pupils listen to the name of colour and point to things inside or
outside the classroom.
 In groups, pupils listen to the name of colour and point to things
inside or outside the classroom.
 Pupils play “Simon says” about colours.
 In groups, pupils play “Simon says” about colours.
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
6. In groups, pupils listen and extend the colour sequence by adding
Plenary pointing a colour.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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Class Time Attendance

World of Self, Family and

Lesson 3 (Reading 1) Topic Topic: Friends Theme
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Reading
3.1 Recognize words in linear and non- 3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-linear
Content Standard linear texts by using knowledge of texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
sounds of letters
3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes 3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with support
Learning Standard
of the letters in the alphabet beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Identify and recognize the shapes 1. Recognize and sound out with support
of the letters in the alphabet beginning, medial and final sounds in a
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Read the letters aloud according to the colours.
2. Put together the colour words in pairs.
Colour words
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Games
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Communicator Skills (HOTS)
Information and
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Communications
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Role Play

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils review colour words by playing Simon Says.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
Main Activities 3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils sit or stand in a circle and say their names and practise any
other spoken language they may know at this point.
 Pupils look at the letter card and say which letter is it.
 Pupils look at the colour flashcards and tell the colour in English.
 Pupils tell which sound the colour starts with.
 Pupils sit down at their desks and look at a set of colour word
sound cards and learn the sound.
 Pupils look at how to put together the colour word sounds cards to
make the colour word.
 In groups, pupils put together the colour words.
 Pupils take their notebooks and copy the colour words into their
book using the appropriate colour pencil/pen.
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
6. Pupils sing the alphabet song
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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World of Self, Family and

Lesson 4 (Writing 1) Topic Topic: Friends Theme
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Reading
4.1 Form letters and words in neat 3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-linear
Content Standard
legible print using cursive writing texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
4.1.2 3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes of the
i) Form upper- and lower-case letters of letters in the alphabet
regular size and shape
ii) write letters and words in a straight
Learning Standard
line from left to right with regular
spaces between words and spaces
iii) copy letters and familiar high
frequency words and phrases correctly
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Form upper- and lower-case 1. Identify and recognize the shapes of the
letters of regular size and shape letters in the alphabet
2. Write letters and words in a
straight line from left to right with
regular spaces between words
and spaces
3. Copy letters and familiar high
frequency words and phrases
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Write their name on the cards correctly.
2. Find the owner of the cards by reading the names.
Alphabet, pupils’ names
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Choose an item.

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils revise the previous lesson about colours.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
Main Activities 3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils sing the alphabet song as in previous lesson.
 Pupils say out their name and ask each other what their names
 Pupils say their name again and try to spell it.
 Pupils write their name on the card to complete the sentence.
 Pupils give to teacher when they completed their task. The teacher
mix them up and give them back to different pupils.
 Pupils read the name on the cards and try to find the pupil whose
card it is.
 Pupils keep their own name cards in their books.
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
6. Pupils say out their name again and spell it.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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5 (Language World of Self, Family and

Lesson Topic Friends Theme
Arts 1) Friends
Skills Main: Language Arts Complementary: Language Arts
5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, 5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and
Content Standard
poems and songs songs
5.1.1 5.1.2
Demonstrate appreciation through non- Say the words in simple texts, and sing simple
verbal responses to: songs with intelligible pronunciation, rhythm
Learning Standard i) simple chants and raps and intonation
ii) simple rhymes i) simple chants and raps
iii) simple action songs ii) simple rhymes
iii) simple action songs
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Demonstrate appreciation through 1. Say the words in simple texts, and sing
non-verbal responses to simple simple songs with intelligible
poem. pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Recite the poem with correct intonation and pronunciation.
2. Recite the poem in groups.
Alphabet or colours
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Information and
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Communications
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Choose an item.

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils listen to poem.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
Main Activities 3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils listen and repeat reciting the poem.
 Pupils listen on how teacher stress on the intonation and
 Pupils recite and follow teacher’s action.
 In a group of 5 or 6 person, pupils perform the poem with their own
 In groups, pupils recite the poem to their classmate.
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
6. Pupils state the alphabets shown and its colours
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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World of Self, Family and

Lesson 6 (Listening 2) Topic Topic: Friends Theme
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Speaking
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Content Standard
familiar contexts
1.2.2 Understand with support specific 2.1.1 Give very basic personal information
Learning Standard information and details of very simple using fixed phrases
phrases and sentences
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Understand with support specific 1. Give very basic personal information
information and details of very using fixed phrases
simple phrases and sentences
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Practice the chant in the whole class
2. Introduce themselves about basic personal information to other pupils
Language/ Hi. What’s your name?
Grammar Focus I’m (name)
Teaching Aids Textbook, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Information and
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Communications
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Choose an item.

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils look at their Student’s Book
2. Pupils listen to the CD track recording (CD1 Track 02).
Starter 3. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
Main Activities 4. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
5. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils look at the chant.
 Pupils listen and follow the chant in their Student’s Book.
 Pupils listen to the recording again and repeat the line when it
 Pupils practice the chant.
 Pupils recite the chant using their real names.
 Pupils mingle around to introduce themselves to other pupils in the
6. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
7. Pupils match the characters correctly.
Plenary 8. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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World of Self, Family and

Lesson 7 (Writing 2) Topic Friends Theme
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Speaking
4.1 Form letters and words in neat 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Content Standard
legible print using cursive writing
4.1.2 2.1.1 Give very basic personal information
ii) write letters and words in a straight using fixed phrases
Learning Standard
line from left to right with regular
spaces between words and spaces
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Write letters and words in a 1. Give very basic personal information using
Objectives straight line from left to right with fixed phrases
regular spaces between words
and spaces
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Fill in the words correctly in the worksheet
2. Question and answer among their friends about age.
Numbers 1 – 10
How old are you?
Grammar Focus
I’m (age)
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Information and
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Communications
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Games

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils look at their Student’s Book.
2. Pupils listen to the recording.
3. Pupils listen and point to the numbers in their book.
4. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
Main Activities 5. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
6. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils listen to the CD track recording (CD1 05).
 Pupils listen to the recording and answer the questions given
 Pupils listen to the explanation on how to ask about the age and
give a suitable respond.
 Pupils practice the question and answer among their friends.
 Pupils complete the worksheet by match the numbers with words.
7. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
8. Pupils look at the flashcards and say the number.
9. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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Class Time Attendance

World of Self, Family and

Lesson 8 (Reading 2) Topic Topic: Friends Theme
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Writing
3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-
4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print
Content Standard linear texts by using knowledge of
using cursive writing.
sounds of letters.
3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes 4.1.2 ii) write letters and words in a straight line
Learning Standard of the letters in the alphabet. from left to right with regular spaces between
words and spaces.
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Identify and recognise the shapes 1. Write letters and words in a straight line
of the letters in the alphabet. from left to right with regular spaces
between words and spaces.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Recognize the shapes of the letters in the alphabet.
2. Write the missing letters in a correct form.
Names of letters of the alphabet
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Information and
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Communications
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Choose an item.

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils look at Super Minds book.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activity.
 Pupils listen to CD track recording (CD1 06).
 Pupils sing along the song they heard.
 Pupils learn about the alphabet.
Main Activities
 Pupils write the lower case and the upper case for each letter on
the whiteboard.
 Pupils complete the worksheet by fill in the missing letters.
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
6. Pupils say aloud the alphabet in order.
7. 8. Pupils state their friends name that has the beginning letter starting
from letter ‘A’.
8. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson..
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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Class Time Attendance

World of Self, Family and

Lesson 9 (Speaking 2) Topic Topic: Friends Theme
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Reading
2.1 Communicate simple information 3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-linear
Content Standard
intelligibly texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
2.1.5 Name or describe objects using 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
Learning Standard
suitable words from word sets
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
Objectives 1. Name or describe objects using 1. Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
suitable words from word sets
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Say out the following line.
2. Sing the alphabet song.
Language/ Colours
Grammar Focus My hat is (colour)
Teaching Aids Textbook, coloured papers, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Information and
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Communications
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Choose an item.

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils look at Super Minds book.
2. Pupils sing the alphabet song.
Starter 3. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
4. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
5. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils listen and point to the balloons.
Main Activities  Pupils listen and colour.
 Pupils follow the lines and say it out.
6. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
7. Pupils find the colours in the classroom.
8. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet
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Class Time Attendance

Lesson: 10
World of Self, Family and
Lesson (Language Arts Topic Topic: Friends Theme
2) Friends
Skills Main: Language Arts Complementary: Language Arts
5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, 5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and
Content Standard
poems and songs songs
5.1.1 5.1.2
Demonstrate appreciation through non- Say the words in simple texts, and sing simple
verbal responses to: songs with intelligible pronunciation, rhythm
Learning Standard i) simple chants and raps and intonation
ii) simple rhymes i) simple chants and raps
iii) simple action songs ii) simple rhymes
iii) simple action songs
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Demonstrate appreciation through 1. Say the words in simple texts, and sing
non-verbal responses to: simple songs with intelligible
Objectives i) simple chants and raps pronunciation, rhythm and intonation
ii) simple rhymes i) simple chants and raps
iii) simple action songs ii) simple rhymes
iii) simple action songs
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Recite the poem with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation
2. Recite the poem with actions in groups.
Recycled language: letters of the alphabet
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Information and
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Communications
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils are introduced to a poem.
2. Pupils listen to the poem.
Starter 3. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
Main Activities 4. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
5. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils listen to the teacher reading the poem.
 Pupils stress on the intonation and pronunciation.
 Pupils recite and follow the teacher’s action.
 Pupils are divided into groups.
 Pupils perform the poem with their own action.
 Each group recite the poem to their classmates.
6. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
7. Pupils are shown flashcards of coloured alphabets.
Plenary 9. Pupils state the alphabets shown and their colours.
8. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson...
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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Class Time Attendance

World of Self, Family and

Lesson 11 (Listening 3) Topic Friends Theme
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Writing
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of
Content Standard for a range of purposes in print and digital
familiar contexts
1.2.5 Understand short, supported 4.2.1 Give very basic personal information
Learning Standard
questions using fixed phrases
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Understand short, supported 1. Give very basic personal information
questions using fixed phrases

Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:

Success Criteria 1. Write their friend’s names and age in the survey in pairs.
2. Draw their neighbour and write 2 sentences about him/her.
Recycled language from lessons 6 – 10:
What’s your name…?
Language/ How old are you?
Grammar Focus I’m (years old)
How do you spell?
Names of the letters of the alphabet
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Information and
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Communications
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Choose an item.

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils look at the anagrams of key topic vocabulary words on the board,
 e l o y l w (for yellow)
 r e n e g (for green)
2. In pairs, pupils work out the words by completing the anagrams. Some
pupils are chosen to spell out the words.
3. Pupils are introduced to the fixed phrase.” How do you spell….?”
4. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
Main Activities 5. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on the topic’s content/lesson.
6. Pupils carry out activities.
 In groups, pupils do a survey of names, ages, and ask how to spell
heir classmates’ names.
 Pupils present their work.
 In pairs, pupils draw their neighbour and write about him/her (E.g.
Lukman/Mira. He’s/She’s 7 years old).
 Pupils put their work on the wall to create a class profile.
7. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
8. Pupils look at the sentences with errors on the board.
9. In pairs, pupils identify the errors and correct them.
10. Pupils discuss the answers with the teacher.
11. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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Class Time Attendance

World of Self, Family and

Lesson 12 (Speaking 3) Topic Friends Theme
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Writing
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language
2.3 Communicate appropriately to a
Content Standard form and style for a range of purposes in print
small or large group
and digital media
2.3.1 Introduce self to an audience 4.3.1 Use capital letters appropriately in
Learning Standard
using fixed phrases personal and place names
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
Objectives 1. Introduce self to an audience 1. Use capital letters appropriately in
using fixed phrases personal and place names
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Introduce themselves to their peers in the paper ball activity.
2. Write about themselves and a classmate with the right usage of capital letters.
Recycled language from lessons 6 – 10
Language/ What’s your name…?
Grammar Focus How old are you?
I’m (years old)
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Information and
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Communications
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Choose an item.

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils play “Beat the Teacher” game.
 Pupils guess the word before the face is completed.
 Pupils put their hands up to guess the letter.
 The correct letter is written on the letter space.
Starter  If pupils guess the word before the face is completed, they have
beaten the teacher.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
Main Activities 3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on the topic’s content/lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils stand in groups of about 5 or 6.
 Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation.
 Each group is given a paper ball.
 They throw paper ball among themselves to practice target
language in a chain activity.
 A pupil says, “Hi, I’m X …, I’m 7 years old.”
 Then, the pupil throws the paper ball to another pupil in the circle
who repeats this information and adds their own information to
make a chain. i.e. He’s/ she’s X, he’s /she’s … years old. I’m Y…
I’m … years old.
 Each pupil repeats previous information and adds their own
information to the chain.
 Pupils write about themselves and a classmate in their exercise
5. Pupils listen to teacher’s feedback
6. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
7. Pupils stand in groups of about 5 or 6.
 Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation.
 Each group is given a paper ball.
 They throw paper ball among themselves to practice target
language in a chain activity.
 A pupil says, “Hi, I’m X …, I’m 7 years old.”
Plenary  Then, the pupil throws the paper ball to another pupil in the circle
who repeats this information and adds their own information to
make a chain. i.e. He’s/ she’s X, he’s /she’s … years old. I’m Y…
I’m … years old.
 Each pupil repeats previous information and adds their own
information to the chain.
8. Pupils listen to teacher’s feedback.
9. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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Class Time Attendance

World of Self, Family and

Lesson 13 (Reading 3) Topic Friends Theme
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Writing
3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-
4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print
Content Standard linear texts by using knowledge of
using cursive writing
sounds of letters
3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes Writing 4.1.2
of the letters in the alphabet i) Form upper and lower case letters of regular
size and shape**
**preliterate pupils only
ii) write letters and words in a straight line from
Learning Standard left to right with regular spaces between words
and spaces*
*all pupils
iii) copy letters and familiar high frequency
words and phrases correctly*
*all pupils
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Identify and recognize the shapes 1. Write letters and words in a straight line
of the letters in the alphabet from left to right with regular spaces
between words and spaces.
2. Copy letters and familiar high frequency
words and phrases correctly
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Read and colour the words correctly.
2. Write the colour correctly in the gap with the correct spelling.
Recycled language from lessons 6 – 10: Hi, I’m (name), I’m (years old), colours, numbers
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Information and
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Communications
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Choose an item.

Learning Outlines Impact

Starter 1. Pupils play Find Something game.
 Pupils listen to the teacher say find something red, and touch
something red in the classroom.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on the topic’s content/lesson.
4. Pupils carry out group activity.
 Pupils sit in small groups.
 Each group gets some letter cards.
 Pupils listen to the teacher call out a letter.
 Pupils grab the correct letter. They keep it if they grab it first.
 Next, tell pupils a colour word.
Main Activities
 In groups, pupils work together to try to spell it using the letters
they have. They can use the words on the board to help.
 Pupils are given worksheets.
 In the worksheet, pupils read and colour the words (Part A).
 Next, pupils colour the hat in Part B and write the colour in the gap.
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
6. Pupils play “Test your Memory” game.
 Pupils refer to their textbook on page 4.
 Pupils are given 1 minute to look at the picture and remember
what’s in it.
 Pupils then close their books.
 Pupils listen to the statements about the picture and identify if the
statements are true or false.
 If the statement is false, pupils should correct it.
7. Pupils listen to the teacher’s feedback.
8. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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Class Time Attendance

World of Self, Family and

Lesson 14 (Writing 3) Topic Friends Theme
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Reading
4.1 Form letters and words in neat 3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-linear
Content Standard
legible print using cursive writing texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
4.1.2 3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes of the
i) Form upper and lower case letters of letters in the alphabet
regular size and shape
ii) write letters and words in a straight
Learning Standard
line from left to right with regular
spaces between words and spaces
iii) copy letters and familiar high
frequency words and phrases correctly
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Form upper and lower case letters 1. Identify and recognize the shapes of the
of regular size and shape letters in the alphabet
2. Write letters and words in a
straight line from left to right with
regular spaces between words
and spaces
3. Copy letters and familiar high
frequency words and phrases
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Write the colour word correctly in the poster.
2. Read the flashcards of colours with correct pronunciation, stress and intonation.
Language/ Recycled language from lessons 6 – 10:
Grammar Focus Hi. I’m (name), I’m (years old), colours, numbers
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Information and
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Communications
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Choose an item.

Learning Outlines Impact

Starter 1. Pupils look at the anagrams of key topic vocabulary words on the board,
 e l o y l w (for yellow)
 r e n e g (for green)
 In pairs, pupils work out the words by completing the anagrams.
 Some pupils are chosen to spell out the words.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on the topic’s content/lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activity:
 Pupils are introduced to the colour words using flashcards.
 The flashcards are placed around the room.
 Pupils listen to the colour stated by the teacher and walk to that
 Pupils play a game of pelmanism with colour flashcards in small
 Each group is given a set of cards.
Main Activities  The cards are placed face-down. P
 Pupils turn over two cards in turns to find a pair of matching colour
+ word.
 Next, pupils are divided in pairs.
 Each given is given two or three colours.
 Pupils make a poster by drawing object(s) of a certain colour.
 Pupils colour them and then write the colour word underneath.
 The pupils’ work are displayed in the classroom.
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
6. Pupils talk about what they can remember from the lesson.
7. Pupils are asked about the colours of objects they have in their school
Plenary bag.
8. Some pupils are asked to talk about the colours on their school bag.
9. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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item. item.
Class Time Attendance

15 (Language World of Self, Family and

Lesson Topic Friends Theme
Arts 3 Friends
Skills Main: Language Arts Complementary: Speaking
5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Content Standard
poems and songs
5.1.1 2.1.5 Name or describe objects using suitable
Demonstrate appreciation through non- words from word sets
verbal responses to:
Learning Standard
i) simple chants and raps
ii) simple rhymes
iii) simple action songs
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Demonstrate appreciation through 1. Name or describe objects using suitable
non-verbal responses to simple words from word sets
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Recite the poem in groups.
2. State the alphabets shown and its colours correctly.
Alphabet or colours
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Information and
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Communications
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Games

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils listen to poem.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
Main Activities 3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on the topic’s content/lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activity:
 Pupils listen and repeat the lyrics.
 Pupils listen to the teacher stressing on the intonation and
pronunciation of the poem.
 Pupils recite and follow teacher’s action.
 Pupils are divided into groups.
 In groups, pupils perform the poem with their own action.
 Pupils are encouraged to come up with props or any materials
 Each group recites the poem to their classmate.
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
6. Pupils are shown flashcards of coloured alphabets.
7. Pupils state the alphabets shown and its colours.
8. Pupils listen to the teacher’s feedback.
9. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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Class Time Attendance

World of Self, Family and

Lesson 16 (Reading 4) Topic Friends Theme
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Listening
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar
Content Standard non-linear print and digital texts by contexts
using appropriate reading strategies
3.2.2 Understand specific information 1.2.3 Understand with a high degree of support
Learning Standard and details of very simple phrases and very short simple narratives
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Understand specific information 1. Understand with a high degree of support
and details of very simple phrases very short simple narratives
and sentences
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Read the picture story with correct pronunciation, stress and intonation.
2. Complete the worksheet according to the story.
Language/ Recycled language:
Grammar Focus I’m (name/age), What’s your name? How old are you?
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Information and
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Communications
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Choose an item.

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils look at their textbook on page 8 - 9.
2. Pupils listen to the recording about the story entitled “Meet the Super
Friends” (CD1 Track 10).
3. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
Main Activities 4. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on the topic’s content/lesson.
5. Pupils carry out activity:
 Pupils look at the picture story.
 Pupils review the names of the four Super Friends using the
pictures in the Student’s Book.
 Pupils listen and read a picture story.
 Pupils listen to the recording again and the recording is paused
after frame 2.
 Pupils are asked the name of the character who is running in frame
 Pupils are introduced to the word super(power).
 Pupils listen to the recording again and repeat after it.
6. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
7. Pupils acts out the story.
8. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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Remarks Choose an item.
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item. item.
Class Time Attendance

World of Self, Family and

Lesson 17 (Writing 4) Topic Friends Theme
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Speaking
4.2 Communicate basic information 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Content Standard intelligibly for a range of purposes in
print and digital media
4.2.1 Give very basic personal 2.1.5 Name or describe objects using suitable
Learning Standard
information using fixed phrases words from word sets
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
Objectives 1. Give very basic personal 1. Name or describe objects using suitable
information using fixed phrases. words from word sets.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Draw and write examples.
2. Point to numbers and say the words correctly.
Recycled language from topic of Friends
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Information and
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Communications
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Choose an item.

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils look at their textbook on page 9.
2. Pupils listen to the recording (CD1 Track 10).
3. Pupils are asked on what they can remember from the story.
4. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
5. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
6. Pupils carry out activity:
 Pupils refer to their textbook on page 9.
 In pairs, pupils read and number the pictures based on the story.
 Pupils discuss their answers with the teacher.
Main Activities
 Pupils refer to their workbook on page 9.
 Pupils draw and write examples to demonstrate what they have
7. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
8. Pupils look at the Picture dictionary page for numbers 1-10 (WB page
118) to review numbers one - ten colours.
 Pupils are divided into pairs.
 In pairs, pupils take turns to point to a number and say the word.
9. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion about the topic.
10. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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