Large Anechogenic "Holes" in The Uterus: The Utility of Contextual Combination of Ultrasound and Hysteros
Large Anechogenic "Holes" in The Uterus: The Utility of Contextual Combination of Ultrasound and Hysteros
Large Anechogenic "Holes" in The Uterus: The Utility of Contextual Combination of Ultrasound and Hysteros
Paola Algeri1,∗ , Maria Donata Spazzini2 , Nina Pinna3 , Marta Seca4 , Tiziana Tomaselli2 ,
Riccardo Campanile Garruto2 and Antonella Villa2
1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Bolognini Hospital, ASST Bergamo est, Seriate, Bergamo
2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Treviglio Hospital, ASST Bergamo ovest, Treviglio, Bergamo
3 Department of Oncology, San Carlo Clinic, Paderno Dugnano, Milan
4 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, San Gerardo Hospital, University of Milano-Bicocca, Monza,
Monza e Brianza
∗ Corresponding author: [email protected]
Abstract. Cystic adenomyosis is a rare occurrence, especially in young patients. We report a challenging case of a
44-year-old African patient, in which the ultrasound described a large bilobate anechogenic cyst in the myometrium.
The combination of ultrasound, contextual hysteroscopy, and subsequent magnetic resonance imaging helped to
clarify the case, reducing the risk of complications for the patient, potentially due to misdiagnosis.
Keywords: Hysteroscopy, cystic adenomyosis, ultrasound, sonohysteroscopys.
26 Paola Algeri et al.
Figure 1. Transvaginal view of the uterus in subsequent sections, which showed the bilobate anechogenic myometrial cyst (marked with
an asterisk).
Figure 2. Magnetic resonance image, which confirmed the diag- Figure 3. Laparoscopic surgical view, which confirmed the cystic
nosis of cystic adenomyosis (marked with an arrow). consistency of the uterine neoformation at instrument touch.
beta-HCG was negative. The gynecological examination ultrasonographic changes that may have occurred follow-
was regular. ing the discontinuation of progesterone therapy.
On ultrasound examination, she presented a non-
univocal image, described as a big anechogenic and non-
vascularized formation with subtle contours within the
uterus (Figure 1). Adnexa was regular. Accordingly, she CONCLUSION
was referred for hysteroscopy.
At hysteroscopy, the cavity was larger than normal but Although cystic adenomyosis is more common in young
without irregularities. The uterine fundus was distorted by patients, it can be difficult to diagnose and manage in the
a kind of “diverticulum.” Due to the difficulties in defining elderly [4–8].
the picture, a second gynecologist performed a concomi- We presented our case, which demonstrated a non-
tant transabdominal ultrasound to guide hysteroscopy. univocal ultrasound image but with the potential for seri-
At the uterine fundus, a bilobate anechogenic formation ous harm in the event of a misdiagnosis.
was detected, and the suspicion of cystic adenomyosis We hypothesized that the ultrasound picture could be
has been raised. A biopsy of the endometrium was per- correlated with a decidualization of the cystic adenomy-
formed under ultrasound guidance. Histological examina- oma due to the prolonged progesterone therapy, although
tion described a secretive endometrium. we cannot confirm this hypothesis. However, we would
Since the effect of slow-release progesterone was almost like to underline that, in cases of hormonal therapy, the
over, the patient required sterilization. While waiting for imaging could present atypical changes.
the laparoscopic surgery, an MRI was prescribed. The Moreover, in our case, only the combination of con-
MRI confirmed the presence of a cystic formation of the textual hysteroscopy under ultrasound guidance could
myometrium measuring 35 × 26 × 47 mm, which reduced determine whether the adenomyosis was in continuity
the muscular wall of the uterine fundus (Figure 2). with the cavity. This combination of contextual procedures
Laparoscopy, performed for tubal sterilization, con- is not yet reported in literature with this intent. However,
firmed the presence of an enlarged uterus of cystic consis- in our case, it allowed a better definition and reduced the
tency (Figure 3). The hypothesis to perform a hysterectomy risk of uterine perforation.
was dismissed, with the patient preferring a less invasive A correct definition of uterine structure is actually nec-
surgery with maintenance of body image, also considering essary in cases of large myometrial cysts, particularly in
that the patient was young, sexually active, and asymp- cases of invasive procedures such as hysterosuction, hys-
tomatic. teroscopy, or even a simple endometrial biopsy.
The post-surgery course was regular. The patient We also used ultrasound and MRI to confirm the diag-
was also scheduled for a follow-up to assess any nosis afterward, as already suggested [2, 3].
Giant Cystic Adenomyosis of the Uterus 27