2.1. Introduction — Wstep
Construction of a house is a very complicated process which requires making a lot
of decisions and complying with legal requirements before any new structure is
erected or an extension is added to an existing building.
You have to choose a house project/design, a building plot and complete all
necessary formalities which include obtaining a building permit. During this stage
there is a need to seek professional technical assistance and advice (such as a certified
architect or project manager).
building plot — dziatka budowlana extension — dobudéwka, przybudéwka
building permit — pozwolenie na formalities — formalnosci
budowg house project — projekt domu
erect — wznosié legal requirements — wymogi prawne
2.2. Project — Projekt
Choosing a house plan to meet your lifestyle and needs is definitely time-
consuming and may seem overwhelming, but if you specify your needs it can help
the architect/designer lead you to success while selecting a house plan for your new
home. When deciding on your house project it is important to choose one that not only
meets your individual needs but also considers your building plot, natural landscape,
zoning conditions and energy consumption.12
energy consumption - zuzycie energii
landscape — krajobraz, pejzaz
overwhelming — przytlaczajacy
time-consuming — czasochtonny
2.2.1. Family lifestyle — Styl 2ycia rodziny
Lifestyles and family needs differ from individuals and families depending on their
cycles, stages and future plans for the house they want to build. Features that newly
married couples look for in a house plan are completely different from the
characteristics that a retired couple might find significant.
Before choosing a house plan it is a good idea to ask yourself a number of
questions that might be helpful in making a final decision.
— Are you newly married? If so, do you have plans to start a family? How many
children do you plan to have? Is there adequate room in your house plan for expansion
as your family grows?
— Will you need guest rooms for overnight guests? What about additional living space
in the future to possibly care for elderly parents or grandchildren?
— How do you plan to entertain? Do you want a formal dining room and traditional
living room for large formal entertaining, or do you prefer small relaxed family get~
— Think about the time you presently spend in certain rooms in your home, and why.
Some families like to make the kitchen the focal point for daily family gatherings
and would require a large sunny eat-in kitchen with lots of space, others prefer
a family room with lots of room for large sofas and a fireplace.
~ How much privacy do you need and where do you need it? Most new home owners
prefer home plans with more privacy in the master bedroom and personal living
spaces, others might need privacy in a home office space.13
— Another important consideration is how much privacy you would want and need
from other occupants and neighbours. If privacy is important to you, consider a house
plan with an L or U shape design.
— Check your house plan for placement of windows to see if they will provide
‘adequate privacy from your neighbour's windows and yards.
Consider how you plan to use and enjoy your outdoor yard space to see whether your
house plan features balconies, patios, porches or pools will meet your needs for
privacy. Landscaping, plot type and location can play an important role in how much
privacy your outdoor spaces will have.
Will the floor plan of your new home plan accommodate your existing or new
furniture and furnishings ? When planning room sizes, carefully consider the seating
areas and how furniture placement will affect the overall feel of the room.
accommodate — pomiescié focal point — punkt centralny
expansion — rozbudowa furnishings — wyposazenie domu
family gatherings — spotkania furniture — meble
rodzinne porch — ganek
feature —cecha significant — znaczacy, wazny
fireplace ~ kominek yard — podwérko
2.2.2. House project — Projekt domu
Ahhouse project can be defined as a set of construction or working drawings
(Sometimes still called blueprints) that meet all the construction specifications of
a residential house such as dimensions, materials, layouts, installation methods and
The principal information provided in a set of house drawings is as follows:
+ Site plans which are drawn to show the exact location of a home on the property. It
is an overhead view of the construction site and the home as it sits in reference to the
boundaries of the building plot. Site plans should outline the location of utility14
services, easements, location of driveways and walkways, and sometimes even
topographical data that specify the slope of the terrain.
+ Afloor plan is an overhead view of the completed house. You can sce there
parallel lines that scale the required width of the walls. Dimensions are usually drawn
between the walls to specify room sizes and wall lengths. Floor plans will also indicate
rooms, all the doors and windows and any built-in elements, such
as plumbing fixtures and cabinets, water heaters and furnaces etc. Floor plans will
include notes to specify finishes, construction methods, or symbols for electrical items.
+ Elevations are a non-perspective view of the home. Plans include front, rear and
both side elevations. The elevations specify ridge heights, the positioning of the final
fall of the land, exterior finishes, roof pitches and other details that are necessary to
give the home its exterior architectural styling.
Fig. 2. Front elevation
Fig, 3. Rear elevation15
+ A section cuts through the dwelling and the location of this ‘cut through’ is noted on
the floor plan, It describes how the building will be constructed and discusses how the
internal finishes are supposed to look. Sections are used because they explain certain
conditions in more detail. These conditions may include ceiling height, ceiling type
(flat or vault), and window and door dimensions.
Moreover, additional information may also be provided:
Foundation plan, including dimensions and locations for footings.
The width of walls, including the materials that can be used.
The sub-floor plan gives details of how this area will be constructed and how
services will be arranged.
Roof plans, including type, pitch and framing.
Interior elevation drawings (interior walls).
+ Detail drawings, such as built-in shelving, mouldings, and columns.
Schedules for elements such as windows and doors.
Structural layouts.
Electrical and telecoms drawings: show locations of all the outlets, sockets,
switches and fixtures. Also indicate which switches operate. which lights, and
where the electric wires should be run.
Plumbing schematic drawing: plumbing fixtures and piping.
+ Cost estimates.
blueprint — plan projektu floor plan — rzut kondygnacji
boundary — granica footing — lawa fundamentowa
built-in - wbudowany flaming — poszycie dachu
dimension — wymiar furnace — piec
dwelling — mieszkanie layout ~ plan, rozklad
easements ~ prawo przejazdu moulding — gzyms, profil
elevation — elewacja outline — zarys, szkic, nakreslié
exterior — strona zewnetrzna plumbing fixture — armaturarear—tyt structural — konstrukeyjny
ridge ~ kalenica study — gabinet
roof pitch — kat nachylenia dachu, switch — wlacznik, wytacznik
spadek utility services — przylaeza mediéw
section — detal, praekr6j vault ~ sklepienie
shelving — péiki water heater — podgrzewacz wody
site plan — szkic orientacyjny working drawing — szkic roboczy
socket — gniazdko, kontakt
House plans generally include the following rooms, depending on the size and type of
Fig. 4, Floor plan
+ 01 living room
+ 02 dining area
+ 03 kitchen
+ 04 pantry05 laundry
06 boiler room
07 garage
‘= 08 entrance hall/passage
* 09 study
10,13,14 bedrooms
11,12,15 closets
16 passage
¢ 17bathroom
18 bathroom for guests
Other features:
* patios, terrace veranda
= porch
breakfast nook
+ basements
° attics
hallways, vestibule
attic - strych
breakfast nook — kacik sniadaniowy
closet — garderoba
hallway — przedpok6j
porch — ganek
2.2.3. Work space — Strefa robocza
The next thing which needs to be taken into account is organizing the work space,
for example, the location of a laundry room and how large space it will need. You18
might have some hobbies or special interests that require additional space or rooms to
enjoy them.
You might need a large workshop for messy or noisy projects. If you enjoy
gardening you may want to include a utility room for quick and easy cleanup. If you
are a “pack-rat” you will need lots of attic or storage space to store your treasures.
People who do their work at home may need a special study room.
‘Another important factor to consider when planning to buy a new house plan is the
number of cars you currently own. You also have to think about adequate driveway
space as your family grows or parking if you entertain large groups of people.
driveway — podjazd utility room — pomieszezenie
gardening — ogrodnictwo gospodarcze
laundry — pralnia workshop — warsztat
~pack-rat” — ,,chomik”, zbieracz
2.3. Choosing a building plot — Wybér dzialki budowalnej
Once you have succeeded in choosing a house project you need to select a site
where you can construct your dreamed house.
2.3.1. The shape of the plot — Ksztalt dziatki
‘The overall shape of the plot must be analysed while choosing the type of house.
House plans for flat plots are less difficult and less expensive to build, although they
are not always as eye-catching as a sloping plot. A sloping plot will allow you to put
the garage under the house and possibly plan for a daylight basement.
Narrow plots generally require a house design that rises up instead of spreading
out, whereas wider shallow plots can be ideal for broad one-story house plans.
Sloping plots with spectacular views might inspire to choose a house plan that includes
large panoramic windows and roomy outdoor deck space which will allow you to
enjoy wonderfal landscapes, sunrises and sunsets.19
basement ~ suterena, piwnica sloping plot — dziatka nachylona,
broad - szeroki, obszerny ze spadem
eye-catching ~ prayciagajacy wzrok spread out - rozszerzaé sig
flat plot ~ ptaska dziatka
narrow plot — waska dziatka
rise up — pigé sig
2.3.2. Building plot — Dziatka budowlana
Here are some questions to ask yourself as you search for a plot but remember, you
will probably have to make a few compromises. The first thing that should be done is
preparing a list of preferences which could include what you liked and disliked about
places you have lived and visited in the past.
Once you have prepared a complete list of the most important attributes that you
are searching for you can begin checking out lot locations. While searching for your
ideal building lot, evaluate each plot based upon the qualities that you have identified
on your list.
Check if the building plot is large enough for the house plan that you want. Often
there are building code restrictions limiting the precise location on the lot space upon
which the actual house construction can take place (e.g. clearance from the plot
border). Therefore, check with local building department prior to purchase to
determine what restrictions might apply to the plot.
If your chosen house plan necessitates a particular side or location for a driveway
or garage you will need to determine how much space will be necessary for clearance
and turn space and allow for adequate distance on one of the sides.
The next significant point is whether the plot will flood. Check the drainage
during the spring melt and after heavy rain. Make sure the plot is not in a floodplain.
A plot with standing water or heavy flow of water during a rainstorm can lead to wet
basements and other problems. Plots which are situated on low-lying areas adjacent to20
streams that periodically overflow may cause your property to flood. A landscape
architect can suggest some solutions to bad drainage or flooding concerns.
Check the direction of the sun. Where does it rise and where does it set? If you are
an early riser you might enjoy those early rays of sunshine beaming into your bedroom
windows, or you might enjoy watching the sunset from a backyard deck. Which side
will get a southern exposure making it ideal for growing plants and flowers, also, you
might want to position the house so the garage and or storage buildings can be on the
north side. This keeps them in shadows most of the day and allows the living areas to
receive more light. However, if you are planning to build / design big windows area
from the southern side, good solution can be to place the shutters. Their role is to
regulate the level of sunlight entering the house.
‘Another point to consider is the direction of the wind. By positioning the house to
shield the outdoor living spaces from northwest winter winds you could extend the
seasonal usage of some spaces (e.g. terrace) by three or four months.
Keeping the above factors in mind will help you select the perfect plot for your
new home.
adjacent to — przylegajacy do
building code / building regulations —
prawo budowlane
building department — wydziat
clearance — odstep
drainage — drenaz,
evaluate — oceniaé
exposure — ekspozycja
extend — przedtuzaé
flood — ulegaé podtopieniu
overflow — wylewaé
precise location — doktadne potozenie
property ~ nieruchomosé
purchase — zakup
restriction — ograniczenie
shutter — okiennica
standing water — stojaca woda
turn space — przestrzei do zawracania21
2.4. Building permit — Pozwolenie na budowe
A construction or building permit is a permit required for new construction or
adding on to pre-existing structures and in cases of major renovations. This document
is issued by municipalities and is a means of regulating construction to ensure
compliance with national, regional and local building codes and also with safety,
health and zoning requirements.
A building permit must be obtained before excavation, erection, enlargement,
alteration or demolition of any building or structure. For any of these circumstances an
application for a building permit must be filed.
application — podanie compliance — zgodnosé
alteration — przerébka demolition — wyburzenie
building code/building regulations — prawo enlargement — powiekszenie
budowlane erection — wznoszenie
building/construction permit - pozwolenie na excavation — wykopy
budowe municipalities - wiadze miasta
2.4.1. Before getting a building permit - Przed uzyskaniem pozwolenia
‘You must be aware of certain district plans, policies and regulations that may apply
to the property. The following must be checked before submitting an application:
- Official Community Plan — the community plan divides the area into different land
use designations, Check the official community plan for the designation of your
property and the land uses allowed
- Development Permit Areas ~ this identifies the type of development permit area in
which your property is located: commercial, industrial and institutional or multiple
residential. It also contains specific guidelines that apply to all development within
each type of area
- services — check whether the required services such as sewer or water are available
or whether additional servicing is neededa
- Natural Hazard Area — consult the map in the Planning Services Department to see
if your property is in this area and they will provide you with the special requirements
- rights-of-way — check rights-of-way on your property. Complete information is
usually available at the Land Registry Office
Once the review of the plans, policies and regulations are completed and are ready
to be applied for a building permit, the staff at the Planning Services Department
will initiate the application. A building inspector is assigned the responsibility of
processing the application which may include referral to the fire, engineering, planning
departments for comment. Once the comments from the other departments have been
reviewed, the building inspector determines whether the building permit can be issued
cor whether the application requires corrections. When the building permit is approved
you can pick it up. Building permit in Poland in valid for 3 years (which means from
the date it is approved you have 3 years to start-up the construction).
commercial — ustugowy
Development Permit Areas — strefy zagospodarowania ekonomicznego
industrial — przemyslowy
and use ~ spos6b uzytkowania gruntu
Land Registry Office — Wydziat Ksiag Wieczystych
Natural Hazard Area — teren wystepowania zagrozen naturalnych
Official Community Plan — plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego
Planning Services Department - Wydziat Gospodarki Przestrzennej
Rights-of-way — prawo przejazdu
services — media
2.5. Questions — Pytania
1. What steps do you have to take if you want to build a house?
2. What must be taken into account when choosing a house project?23
How do family needs and lifestyle affect the choice of a house project?
What rooms can be placed in the work space of a house?
How can you define a house project?
What do site plans show?
What do floor plans indicate?
What are sections used for ?
ePr ea YY
What additional information can be provided in a house project?
10. What rooms in a house can you enumerate?
11. What shape of a house should you chdose if you need a lot of privacy?
12. What are the pros and cons of a sloping plot?
13. Describe the influence of the shape of the plot on choosing a house project.
14. How do you choose a building plot?
15. What influence does the sun have on positioning the house?
16. When is the best time to check drainage on the plot?
17. What is a building permit?
18. When do you have to obtain a building permit?
19. What must be checked before getting a permit?
20. How long is a building permit valid in Poland?