Sample SOP Computer Science Engineering WWW - Apply

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Apply Tehran ‫اپالی تهران‬

Statement of Purpose (Computer Science & Engineering)

The boundless possibility of trying out and the instant knowledge of the outcome that stimulates one for
further analysis of a rationale in question is what I find most appealing about Computer Science. Keeping
up an inquisitive and explorative attitude, I believe, leads to a constant learning process. This approach
adds to the already immense potential for innovation that exists in this field.

As a student in the final year of undergraduate study for a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer
Science & Engineering, I look to graduate study to refine my knowledge and skills in my areas of interest.
I believe it will also serve to give direction to my goal of a career as a research professional at an
academic or commercial, research-oriented organization. I intend to pursue an MS degree in order to
reach that goal.

In my undergraduate studies, I have benefited from the breadth of Shivaji University’s syllabi content
that has given me a comprehensive exposure to the core areas of Computer Science and a strong
conceptual understanding of the same. In these three and half years of study, I have strived to maintain
an approach of expending independent effort in all my endeavors. Learning by myself and sharing my
knowledge with others has been most worthwhile, when comprehending a concept.

Over the past two years, I have developed an interest in the areas of Compiler Construction and
Information Retrieval. The Compiler Construction lab sessions last semester required the design of a
compiler for C++ programs that were restricted to For loops, Switch case statements and simple input
and output. The work involved in this, as well as the courses, Formal Systems and Automata and
Compiler Construction have leaded me to appreciate the intricacies involved in this field. However, for
my MS degree, I remain open to other topics as well.

For my B.E project, I have decided to concentrate on my other area of interest viz. Information Retrieval.
I’m attempting to evolve a technique that, when employed in a search engine, will maximize the
comprehensiveness and precision of the query listings. The ongoing work has introduced me to a vast
body of pertinent research, such as the University of Washington’s Dynamic Reference Sifting technique
for locating an individual’s homepage, among others. This has served to sharpen my inclination to
engage in active research within this area.

(Please see attached Resume’ for the Academic and Co-curricular distinctions)

One person’s life influences the lives of an unbelievable number of people, one of the most important
lessons I learned, being the Head of the Apex Body at senior secondary level (11th and 12th standard).
Hence the need of responsible actions. Becoming the youngest Head of the Apex Body ever and the only
one to have served for a period of two years eventually turned out to be a confidence booster. It taught
me that the basis for good work is self-reliance and very importantly, time management. Not all of my
entire two years were devoid of shortcomings. I learned to accept both criticism and praise with a
positive frame of mind. My work involved organising various events, that brought with them the
opportunity to work and interact with various kinds of people. This was a distinctively gratifying
Apply Tehran ‫اپالی تهران‬

experience for me, which I feel would stand in good stead in the future, especially in lieu of any teaching

In conclusion, I would like to add that the essence of University education lies in the synergetic
relationship between the student and his department. I feel that graduate study at your University will
be the most logical extension of my academic pursuits and a major step towards achieving my
objectives. I would be grateful to you if I’m accorded the opportunity to pursue my graduate studies
with financial assistance at your institution and am able to justify your faith in me.

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