Nursing Care Plan
Nursing Care Plan
Nursing Care Plan
Patient’s Name: Saycon, Joseph Age: 91 Sex: Male Admitting Diagnosis: Vomiting; Chest Pain Date: Dec. 5-7, 2022
Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Objectives/Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Independent Independent
Subjective After 3 days of my Goals are partially
Acute pain related to nursing intervention, Instruct client to notify Pain and decreased cardiac output met
“Pag admit niya maam decreased the patient will be able nurse immediately when may stimulate the sympathetic
kay ga chest pain sha myocardial blood to increased blood flow chest pain occurs nervous system to release After 3 days of
dayng ga suka. Ga lain flow as evidenced by: excessive amounts of nursing
jod iyang paminaw” as norepinephrine, which increases interventions, my
verbalized by patients Remain free platelet aggregation and release of patient was free
SO form pain thromboxane A2. from pain, maintains
stable vital signs,
Objectives Maintain stable Observe for associated Decreased cardiac output and relaxed
vital signs symptoms; dyspnea, stimulates sympathetic/ bodyposture.
Elevated Blood nausea/vomiting, parasympathetic nervous system,
Pressure Absence of dizziness, palpitations causing a variety of vague Able to verbalize
muscle tension sensations that client may not “Okay na akoang
Cool, Clammy identify as related to anginal panimati maam, I
skin Maintain relaxed episodes. feel better, dili
body posture pariha sauna.
Jugular Vein Evaluation reports of
pain in jaw, neck, Cardiac pain may radiate; pain is Salamat kaayo
Distention often referred to more superficial maam”
shoulder, arm or hand.
sites served by the same spinal
V/S take as cord nerve level.
BP: 180/120 mmHg Place client at complete
rest during anginal Reduces myocardial oxygen
SpO2: 98% demand to minimize risk tissue
T: 36.7 C episodes.
PR: 94 bpm
Elevate head of bed if
RR: 19 cpm Facilitates gas exchange to
client is short of breath
decrease hypoxia and resultant
shortness of breath.
Monitor heart
rate/rhythm Clients with unstable angina have
and increased risk of acute life-
threatening dysthymias, which
occur in response to ischemic
changes and/or stress.
O2 is administered by
physician’s order. Increases oxygenation for
myocardial uptake/ reversal of