Net Worth
Net Worth
Net Worth
Investment in business
Net worth certificate of…… as on….
Total 0 0 0
Net worth certificate of…… as on….
Total of A 0 0 0
Sl. No Name of the entity No. of shares Name of the Name of the Name of the
applicant 1 applicant 2 applicant 3
Total of B 0 0 0
Total of A and B 0 0 0
Net worth certificate of…… as on….
Total 0 0
Value (INR in lakhs)
Name of Name of Name of
the the the
applicant applicant applicant
1 2 3
0 0 0
Net worth certificate of…… as on….
Type of loan
Current/ (housing Repayment
Sl. No. Name of the bank/Financial institutions Long-
loan/vehicle terms
loan etc)
Value of liability as
on the date of net-
worth certificate
(INR in lakhs)