Operating System Concepts
Operating System Concepts
Operating System Concepts
4. IPC is required in
a. Multiprocessing b. Single processing c. Both d. None
9. The operating system of a computer serves as a software interface between the user and the
a. Hardware b. Peripheral c. Memory d. Screen
11. A process said to be in ___________ state if it was waiting for an event that will never occur.
a. Safe b. Unsafe c. Deadlock d. All
12. The Hardware mechanism that enables a device to notify the CPU is called __________.
a. Polling b. Interrupt c. System Call d. None of the above
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PG DAC Operating System Question Bank
15 .The request and release of resources are ___________.
a. command line statements b. interrupts c. system calls d. special programs
19. Which technique was introduced because a single job could not keep both the CPU and the I/O devices busy?
a. Time-sharing b. Spooling c. Preemptive scheduling d. Multiprogramming
20. Which of the following memory allocation scheme suffers from External fragmentation?
a. Segmentation b. Pure demand paging c. Swapping d. Paging
24. The disadvantage of moving all process to one end of memory and all holes to the other direction, producing one
large hole of available memory is :
a. the cost incurred b. the memory used c. the CPU used d. All of these
34. The switching of the CPU from one process or thread to another is called :
a. process switch b. task switch c. context switch d. All of these
36. A problem encountered in multitasking when a process is perpetually denied necessary resources is called
a. deadlock b. starvation c. inversion d. aging
39. To ensure that the hold and wait condition never occurs in the system, it must be ensured that :
a. whenever a resource is requested by a process, it is not holding any other resources
b. each process must request and be allocated all its resources before it begins itsexecution
c. a process can request resources only when it has none
d. All of these
40. The disadvantage of invoking the detection algorithm for every request is :
a. overhead of the detection algorithm due to consumption of memory
b. excessive time consumed in the request to be allocated memory
c. considerable overhead in computation time
d. All of these
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41. A computer system has 6 tape drives, with ‘n’ processes competing for them. Each process may need 3 tape
drives. The maximum value of ‘n’ for which the system is guaranteed to be deadlock free is :
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 1
42. A system has 3 processes sharing 4 resources. If each process needs a maximum of 2 units then, deadlock :
a. can never occur b. may occur c. has to occur d. None of these
43. ‘m’ processes share ‘n’ resources of the same type. The maximum need of each process doesn’t exceed ‘n’ and
the sum of all their maximum needs is always less than m+n. In this setup, deadlock :
a. can never occur b. may occur c. has to occur d. None of these
44. The two ways of aborting processes and eliminating deadlocks are : (choose all that apply)
a. Abort all deadlocked processes b. Abort all processes
c. Abort one process at a time until the deadlock cycle is eliminated d. All of these
45. Those processes should be aborted on occurrence of a deadlock, the termination of which :
a. is more time consuming b. incurs minimum cost c. safety is not hampered d. All of these
46. Cost factors of process termination include : (choose all that apply)
a. number of resources the deadlock process is holding b. CPU utilization at the time of deadlock
c. amount of time a deadlocked process has thus far consumed during its execution d. All of the above
47. If we preempt a resource from a process, the process cannot continue with its normal execution and it must be :
a. aborted b. rolled back c. terminated d. queued
48. To _______ to a safe state, the system needs to keep more information about the states of processes.
a. abort the process b. roll back the process c. queue the process d. None of these
49. If the resources are always preempted from the same process, __________ can occur.
a. deadlock b. system crash c. aging d. starvation
51. The strategy of making processes that are logically runnable to be temporarily suspended is called :
a. Non preemptive scheduling b. Preemptive scheduling c. Shortest job first d. First come First
52. Scheduling is :
a. allowing a job to use the processor b. making proper use of processor
c. Both i and ii d. None of these
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53. Which one of the following is not shared by threads?
a. program counter b. stack c. both (i) and (ii) d. none of the
55. The register context and stacks of a thread are deallocated when the thread
a. terminates b. blocks c. unblocks d. spawns
57. The kernel keeps track of the state of each task by using a data structure called __
a. Process control block b. User control block c. Memory control block d. None of the
58. In the multi-programming environment, the main memory consisting of _________ number of process.
a. Greater than 100 b. Only one c. Greater than 50 d. More than one
60. Saving the state of the old process and loading the saved state of the new process is called ________.
a. Context Switch b. State c. Multi programming d. None of the
63. Piece of code that only one thread can execute at a time is called
a. Mutual Exclusion b. Critical Section c. Synchronization d. All
68. The directory contains special files associated with input output devices such as terminals, line printer etc
a. /etc b. /dev c. /bin d. /device e. /mnt
69. The utility program that searches a file, or more than one file, for lines which contain strings of a certain pattern
a. Find b. grep c. tr d. locate e. pr f.
70. The Block of every file system contains the major pieces of information about the file system such as file system
name , number of blocks reserved for inodes , free inode list etc
a. Inode block b. Super block c. Boot block d. Data block
73. A file may have more than one name. This is accomplished using which of the following commands?
a. dup b. ln c. name d. fork e. cp
74. Which command displays all information about every system process?
a. ps b. ps -f c. ps -ef d. ps –a
e. ps -u
75. Part of the system which manages the resources of computer system, keep track of the disks, tapes, printers,
terminals, communication lines and any other devices.
a. Schedular b. Kernel c. Shell d. Resource manager e. System call
77. If your process refuses to die with kill command in the normal number, signal number option used is
a. 13 b.9 c. 3 d.0 e.99
85. To find out a file’s inode number, use this option on the “ls” command.
a. -i b. -inode c. -inum d. -in
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90. Use the following command to save and exit from Vi.
a. ZZ b.:w c. :q! d. wq e. Both a and d
91. Which of the following Unix utilities are not commonly used to process regular expressions?
a. grep b. sed c. cut d. awk
93. Names are associated with the IP addresses, so that users do not have to remembers IP addresses, This
association is the job of the
a. IPN b. DNS c. INS d. TCP e. IP
96. To make a variable available to any subshells you execute using command
a. Import b. global c. export d. set e. path
97. User request background execution of a program by placing what at the end of the command line
a. # b. @ c. & d. * e. !
98. With a umask value of 12, What are the default permissions assigned to newly created files?
a. --x—x-wx b. -rw-rw-r— c. -r-xr-xr— d.-rw-rw----
104. Which special variable contains the PID of its own process?
a. $job b. $$ c. PID d. $ps
105. The process that needs to run in the background as a daemon to ensure that logging happens is:
a. telnetd b. syslogd c. fsck d. All of these
108. What is the meaning of exit status value and how can we access the exit status value of any command
Ans: Exit status meaning the command return value to the environment indicatingit is successfully executed or have
Exit Status value is stored in environment variable $?
110. Write a command to substitute all occurrences of word “printf “with “cout” from a file myprog.c
Anssed‘1,$s/printf/cout/g’ myprog.c
113. To access the services of operating system, the interface is provided by the
a. system calls b. API c. library d. assembly instructions
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114. Which one of the following is not true?
a. kernel is the program that constitutes the central core of the operating system
b. kernel is the first part of operating system to load into memory during booting
c. kernel is made of various modules which can not be loaded in running operating system
d. kernel remains in the memory during the entire computer session
115. The systems which allows only one process execution at a time, are called
a. uniprogramming systems b. uniprocessing systems
c. unitasking systems d. none of the mentioned
117. The number of processes completed per unit time is known as __________.
a. Output b. Throughput c. Efficiency d. Capacity
123. The processes that are residing in main memory and are ready and waiting to execute are kept on a list called
a. job queue b. ready queue c. execution queue d. process queue
124. The interval from the time of submission of a process to the time of completion is termed as
a. waiting time b. turnaround time c. response time d. throughput
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125. Which scheduling algorithm allocates the CPU first to the process that requests the CPU first?
a. first-come, first-served scheduling b. shortest job scheduling
c. priority scheduling d. none of the mentioned
127. An interrupt breaks the execution of instructions and diverts its execution to
a. Interrupt service routine b. Counter word register
c. Execution unit d. control unit
131. The portion of the process scheduler in an operating system that dispatches processes is concerned with
a. assigning ready processes to CPU b. assigning ready processes to waiting queue
c. assigning running processes to blocked queue d. All of these
133. Under multiprogramming, turnaround time for short jobs is usually ________ and that for long jobs is slightly
a. Lengthened; Shortened b. Shortened; Lengthened
c. Shortened; Shortened d. Shortened; Unchanged
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135. Memory management technique in which system stores and retrieves data from secondary storage for use in
main memory is called
a. fragmentation b. paging c. none of the mentioned
144. When the memory allocated to a process is slightly larger than the process, then
a. internal fragmentation occur b. external fragmentation occur c. both a and b
d. neither a nor b
146. Logical memory is broken into blocks of the same size called _________.
a. frames b. pages c. backing store d. None of these
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150. When a program tries to access a page that is mapped in address space but not loaded in physical memory,
a. segmentation fault occurs b. fatal error occurs c. page fault occurs d. no error occurs
153. Process is
a. Program in high level language kept on disk b. Contents of main memory
c. A program in execution d. A program in secondary memory
154. Which among following scheduling algorithms give minimum average waiting time
a. FCFS b. SJF c. Round robin d. Priority
159. A process is selected from the ______ queue by the ________ scheduler, to be executed.
a. blocked, short term b. wait, long term c. ready, short term d. ready, long term
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160. With round robin scheduling algorithm
a. using very large time slices converts it into First come First served scheduling algorithm
b. using very small time slices converts it into First come First served scheduling algorithm
c. using extremely small time slices increases performance
d. using very small time slices converts it into Shortest Job First algorithm
162. The kernel keeps track of the state of each process by using a data structure called
a. Process control block b. User control block c. Memory control block d. None of the above
163. ________ scheduler selects the jobs from the pool of jobs and loads into the ready queue.
a. Long term b. Short term c. Medium term d. None of the above
169. An optimal scheduling algorithm in terms of minimizing the average waiting time of a given set of processes is
a. FCFS scheduling algorithm b. Round robin scheduling algorithm
c. Shorest job - first scheduling algorithm d. None of the above
170. Which of the following memory allocation scheme suffers from External fragmentation?
a. Fixed Memory Partition b. Dynamic Memory Partition c. Paging d. None
171. Which of the following is crucial time while accessing data on the disk?
a. Seek time b. Rotational time c. Transmission time d. Waiting time
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173. Using Priority Scheduling algorithm, find the average waiting time for the following set of processes given with
their priorities in the order: Process : Burst Time : Priority respectively .
P1 : 10 : 3 ,
P2 : 1 : 1 ,
P3 : 2 : 4 ,
P4 : 1 : 5 ,
P5 : 5 : 2.
a. 8 milliseconds b. 8.2 milliseconds c. 7.75 milliseconds d. 3 milliseconds
175. PCB =
a. Program Control Block b. Process Control Blockc. Process
c. Communication Block d. None of the above PCB
179. In priority scheduling algorithm, when a process arrives at the ready queue, its priority is compared with the
priority of
a. all process b. currently running process c. parent process d. init process
191. Which scheduler selects which processes should be brought into the ready queue?
a. Real-term b.Long-term c. Medium-term d.Short-term
192. A page fault occurs
a. when the page is not in the memoryb. when the page is in the memory
c. when the process enters the blocked stated. when the process is in the ready state
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196. Copying a process from memory to disk to allow space for other process is called
a. Swap out b. Deadlock c. Demand Paging d. Page fault
197. ________ is a large kernel containing virtually the complete operating system, including, scheduling, file
system, device drivers and memory management.
a. Multilithic kernel b. Monolithic kernel c. Micro kernel d. Macro kernel
198. A .................... architecture assigns only a few essential functions to the kernel,including address spaces, Inter
process communication(IPC) and basic scheduling.
a. Monolithic kernel b. Micro kernel c. Macro kernel d. Mini kernel
199. With ................ only one process can execute at a time; meanwhile all other process are waiting for the
processer. With .............. more than one process can be running simultaneously each on a different processer.
a. Multiprocessing, Multiprogramming b. Multiprogramming, Uniprocessing
c. Multiprogramming, Multiprocessing d. Uniprogramming, Multiprocessing
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205. Which CPU scheduling algorithm is non-preemptive type from the following?
a. Shortest job first scheduling b. Round robin scheduling
c. Priority based scheduling d. First come first serve based scheduling
206. What will be the possibility, when process comes in wait or block state?
a. disk operation b. time since expire
c. due to the higher priority process arrival d. All of the above
210. A pointer is said __________ if the definition of the type to which it points to is not included in the current
translation unit. A translation unit is the result of merging an implementation file with its headers and header file
a. This pointer b. Opaque pointer c. Function pointer d. Nested pointer
222. Which of the following stack operation could result as stack underflow/
a. is empty b. pop c. push d. Two or more of the above
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227.Internal Value associated with the standard error device
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 9 e. 3
229. Which command will be used to display the current user id and name?
a. Who b. Which c. Who am i d. where is
231. Which command allow you to determine if a host is connected to the internet?
a. cmd b. Is-Ia c. ping d. pwd
232. Computer that handles concurrent users and multiple jobs are called_____________
a. Client b. Network Client c. Network servers d. All of the above
237. The ability of an Operating System to execute different parts of a program simultaneously is known as
a. Multi - Tasking b. Multi programming c. Multi – Threading d. Multi –
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239. In which of the following condition deadlock will occur?
a. Mutual wait; hold and wait; pre-emption; circular wait
b. Mutual exclusion; hold and no wait; pre-emption; circular wait
c. Mutual exclusion; hold and wait, pre-emption; circular wait
d. Mutual exclusion; hold and wait; non pre-emption ; circular wait
240. Which command will be used to display what date is it this Friday?
a. Date-fri b. Date-d fri c. Cal-d fri d. None of the above
241. Which command will be used to print selected parts of lines from each FILE to standard output?
a. Cut [option]…[FILE]… b. Print [option]…[FILE]… c.Cmp [option]…[FILE]… d. Comm.
243. When the processor is in user mode, all addresses are ________________
a. Physical address b. Logical address c. Absolute address d. Memory address
245. Plan ahead so that you never get into a situation where deadlock is inevitable is called as _____
a. Deadlock prevention b. Deadlock avoidance c. Deadlock recovery d. Avoiding Mutual
246. In which situation a process is prevented from proceeding because some other process always has the
resources it needs?
a. Locking b. Deadlock c. Starvation d. Blocking
248. Anything that can be used by only a single process at any instant in time is called as ______________
a. Memory b. Thread c. Space d. Resources
254. The ability of a computer, machine, electronic system or network to maintain limited functionality even when a
large portion of it has been destroyed or rendered is called as ________________
a. Fault tolerance b. Fault Management c. Graceful degradation d. Denial of services
256. Which type of binding perform before the operation of a program begins?
a. Static binding b. Dynamic binding c. Synchronous binding d. Asynchronous
261. When a process terminates and all it’s child process must also be termed this situation is called as ___
a. Child termination b. Child parent termination c. Spawn termination d. Cascading termination
262. Which of the following register contains address of the next instruction to be executed by the CPU?
a. Program counter register b. CPU registers c. Control register d. Condition code register
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263. When an interrupt arises during its execution and the scheduler selects some other program for execution is
called as ________________
a. Preemption b. Non Preemption c. Priority d. Interrupt Processing
266. Which of the following policy is used by Linux for page replacement?
a. LRU b. Optimal c. FIFO d. MRU
268. A process sends data to another process and the sender does not wait till the data is received by the receiver.
This type of transfer is known as ____________________
a. Synchronous b. Asynchronous c. Blocking d. None of the above
269. Which command would yu use to create a sub-director in your home directory?
a. mkdir b. dir c. cp d. rm
271. The interval between submission of a request and the first response to that request is called as ______
a. Turnaround time b. Time delay c. Response time d. Request time
272. A unique number is used to look up an entry in the inode table which gives information on the type, size and
location of the file is called as __________________
a. Inode value b. Inode c. Inode number d. All of the above
273. Which of the following controls the degree of multi programming?
a. Long term scheduler b. Short term scheduler c. Both 1 & 2 d. None of the above
274. How can you view the permission-settings on all files in the current directory?
a. displayall b. Is-I c. listall d. listdir
275. Which command sends file content to standard output and list the content of short files to the screen?
a. echo b. cp c. cat d. None of the above
277. In which scenario the First-Come, First-Served scheduling policy, I/O bound processes may have to wait long in
the ready queue waiting for a CPU bound job to finish?
a. Aging b. Priority inversion c. Priority Inheritance d. Convoy effect
278. How can we determined the minimum number of page frames that must be allocated to a running process in a
virtual memory environment?
a. the instruction set architecture b. page size c. number of processes in memory d. physical memory size
283. Which inter processes Communication mechanism is fastest to exchange the data between processes?
a. PIPE b. FIFO c. Shared Memory d. Message Queue
285. How can we find out the free space size to use on Linux System hard disk partition?
a. df-hs b. freedisk-hs c. fdisk-hs d. None of the above
286. How can we get the information about the CPU on the Linux system?
a. cat /usr/cpuinfo b. cat /proc/cpuinfo c. cat /root/proc/cpuinfo d. cat /root/usr/cpuinfo
288. Where the main system message log file information get stored?
a. /var/log/message b. /usr/log/message c. /src/log/message d./root/log/message
289. Which command can be use on Linux platform to shutdown the system?
a. shutdown-r now b. Shutdown c. init 0 d. init 6
292. What happens when a page fault occur for a valid legal virtual address?
a. Process will terminate
b. Process will block
c. None of the above
d. The process will restart after the page is brought to the main memory and page table entry will
294. Which of the following stack operation could result as stack underflow? 1
a. is_empty b. Pop c. Push d. Two or more of the above answers
295. How can we find out the free space size to use Linux system hard disk partition?
a. df-hs b. freedisk-hs c. fdisk-hs d. None of the above
296. ______________ means that the data added by a subclass are discarded when an object of the subclass is
passed or returned by value or from a function expecting a base class object?
a. Slicing b. Up casting c. Down Casting d. Name Mangling
297. Which CPU scheduling algorithm is non- preemptive type from the following?
a. Shortest job first scheduling b. Round robin scheduling
c. Priority based scheduling d. First come first serve based scheduling
298. Which system call will you use to get the parent of the process?
a. getp() b. getppid() c. getparentid() d. None of the above
299. ___________ means that the data added by a subclass are discarded when an object of the subclass is passed
or returned by value or from a function expecting a base class object?
a. Slicing b. Up casting c. Down Casting d. Name mangling
301. An array is having 12 elements, what will be the maximum number of comparisons that
a. 144 b. 12 c. 11 d. 13
303. What happens when a page fault occur for an invalid_illegal virtual address?
a. Process will terminate
b. Process will block
c. All of the above
d. The process will restart after the page is brought to the main memory and page table entry will update.
304.______________signal generate when we try to access the illegal memory location using invalid pointer
305. An array is having 12 elements, what will be the maximum number of comparisons that required in Merge sort?
a.144 b. 11 c.12 d. 13
306. If a program that analyses an airline’s ticketing transactions runs into an error, it should__
a. write the exceptions into a file and continue analysing transactions
b. display an error message and halt processing
c. delete the record containing an error
d. terminate the program
311. Which command will list out all files including hidden files?
a. ls -l b. ls –A c. ls -r d. ls -a
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314. How does a user find out which directory he is currently working in?
a. cwd b. mv c. pwd d. ls
323. How can read, write, execute ( rwx ) permission be represented in numeric form?
a. 0 b. 7 c. 5 d. 8
328. Which should be the first line in every BASH ( shell ) script?
a. !#/bin/bash b. /bin/bash c. #!/bin/bash d. none of the above
333. Which command can be used to modify the color of the text which appears on screen?
a. echo b. color c. tput d. none of the above
342. Which CPU scheduling algorithm may suffer from the Starvation Problem
a. Round Robin (RR) b. First Come First serve (FCFS) c. Priority scheduling d. None of the
345. In an operating system using paging , if each 32-bit address is viewed as a 20-bit page identifier plus a 12-bit
offset, what is the size of each page?
a. 2^12 =4096 bytes b. 2^20 bytes c. 20 byte d. None of the above.
355. Spooling
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a. In spooling, a process writes its output to a temporary file rather than to an output device, such as a printer
b. In spooling, a process writes its output to an output device, such as a printer
c. Both 1 & 2
d. None of the above.
357. The OS uses a round robin scheduler. The FIFO queue of ready processes holds three processes A, B, C in that
order. The time quantum is 18 msec. A context switch takes 2 msec. After running for 13 msec, B will block to do a
disk read, which will take 30 msec to complete. Trace what will happen over the first 100 msec. What is the CPU
efficiency over the first 100 msec?
a.80% b.70% c.90% d.100%
359. An OS uses a paging system with 1Kbyte pages. A given process uses a virtual address space Of 128K and is
assigned 16K of physical memory. How many entries does its page table contain?
a. 1024 b. 128 c. 512 d. 64
363. A program which is loaded into memory & is executing is commonly referred to as a:
a. Software. b. Job. c. Process. d. Program
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a. Deadlock Characterization b. Deadlock Handling c. Deadlock avoidance d. Deadlock
366. A ______ is a memory area that stores data while they are transferred between 2 devices:
a. Spool b. Buffer c. Cache d. Kernel
368. The ______ file stores information about file systems that are mountable during booting:
a. /lib b. /mnt c. /etc/fstab d. /usr/local
369. In Linux ____ command is used to change the current working directory & ____ command is Used to print the
current working directory on the screen:
a. cd, pwd b. pwd, cd c. cd, cp d. cp, cd
370. ______ Is a special user who has ultimate privilege on Linux system:
a. Any user b. Super user c. Administrator d. None of the above
371. In Linux, we can display the content of text file by using the command:
a. display b. show c. cat d. All of the above
373. If more than one process is blocked, the swapper chooses a process with the ______
a. Lowest Priority. b. Highest Priority. c. Medium priority d. No Priority.
374. In Batch processing system the memory allocator are also called as ______
a. Long – term scheduler b. Short – term scheduler
c. Medium – term scheduler d. Batch – term scheduler.
375. Wait until the desired sector of a disk comes under the R/W head as the disk rotates. This time
Is called as ______
a. seek time b. latency time c. transmission time d. Read/Write time
376. All other processes wanting to enter their respective critical regions are kept waiting in a queue called as
a. Ready queue. b. Waiting queue c. Semaphore queue. d. Critical queue.
377. There would be some time lost in turning attention from process 1 to process 2 is called as ______
a. Process transferring. b. Process switching c. Process turning. d. Context switching
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378. Some operating system follows the technique of _______ in which you skip two sector and then number the
sector (eg After starting from 0,you skip two sector and then number the sector as 1and so on…)
a. Leaving. b. Skipping. c. Interleaving.d. Jumping
380. The kernel has to keep track of all the pages frames in terms of whether they are free, and if not, the process to
which they are allocated. This is done by maintaining another data structure called ______.
a. Page Map Table (PMT). b. Page Frame Data Table (PFDT).
c. Page Table Entry (PTE). d. Disk Block Descriptor (DBD).
381. ______ processes tend to be faster, since they do not have to go to the kernel for every Rescheduling (Context
a. heavyweight processes. b. Lightweight processes. c. Kernel processes. d. System processes
382. To know the name of the Shell program we use following command (Bourne Shell).
a. $0 b. $1 c. $2 d. $9
383. To hold the exit status of the previous command ______ command is used.
a. $$ b. $? 3. $/ 4. $
384. To know the Process id of the current process ______ command is used.
a. $$ b. $? c. $/ d. $
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391. What would be the output of the following shell script?
eval y='$'$x
echo $y
a. foo b. 10 c. x d. $x
394. fun(){
echo "enter a number"
read num
echo "$num"
exit 0
399. Object modules generated by assemblers may contain unresolved references. These are resolved using other
objectmodules by the __________.
a. linker b. loader c. debugger d. compiler
402. Match the operating system abstractions in the left column to the hardware components in the right column
a. Thread1. Interrupt
b. Virtual Address Space2. Memory
c. File System3. CPU
d. Signal 4. Disk
1. a-2, b-4, c-3, d-1
2. a-3, b-2, c-4, d-1
3. a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4
4. a-4, b-2, c-2, d-1
403. Which of the following file streams is not opened automatically in a UNIX program?
a. Standard terminal b. Standard input c. Standard output d. Standard error
404. Transfer of information to and from main memorytakes place in terms of _________.
a. Bytes b. Words c. Bits d. Nibbles
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PG DAC Operating System Question Bank
408. Where does swap space reside?
a. Disk b. RAM c. ROM d. On-chip cache
409. A 1000 MB hard disk has 512-byte sectors. Each track on the disk has 1000 sectors. The number of tracks on the
disk is ___________.
a.1024 b.2048 c.512 d.1000
413. Which of the following is not a solution for the critical section problem?
a. Monitor b. Semaphore c. Critical Region construct d. Segmentation
415. Paging is the transfer of pages between main memory and the ___________.
a. Kernel b. Computer system c. Auxiliary store d. Output device
416. Which of the following commands is used to count the total number of lines, words and characters contained in
a file?
a. count p b. wc c. wcount d.countw
417. The size of the virtual memory depends on the size of the ___________.
a. Address bus b. Data bus c. Memory bus d. None of the above
420. The components that take data are located in the __________.
a. Input devices b. output devices c. system unit d. storage component
422. The heart of any computer is processing the input in order to provide useful ______________.
a. Information b. Output c. Kernel d. Communication
423. Which of the following memory management schemes does not allow multiprogramming?3
a. Fixed partition b. Dynamic partition
c. Single-user contiguous scheme d. Relocatable dynamic partitions
424. Which of the following is the correct way of calculating the address of the page frame?
a. Multiply the page frame number by the page frame size
b. Divide the page frame size by the page frame number
c. Add the page frame number and the page frame size
d. Multiply the page frame number by the Displacement
426. The total effect of all CPU cycles, from both I/O-bound and CPU-bound jobs, approximates which of the
following distribution curves?
a. Gaussian distribution b. Poisson distribution c. Lorentzian Distribution d. Random Distribution
427. Which of the following storage allocation scheme results in the problem of fragmentation?
a. Contiguous storage b. Non-contiguous storage c. Indexed storage d. Direct storage
428. Which of the following commands in UNIX gives the user the capability of executing one program from another
a. nice b. fork c. exexv d. nohup
430. What kind of CPU burst an I/O-bound program would typically have?
a. Long b. Short c. Average d. All of the above
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PG DAC Operating System Question Bank
431. UNIX uses the _____ page replacement algorithm.
a. LRU b. MRU c. FCFS d. FIFO
432. The ___________ command will display the absolute pathname for the directory that you are working in. 2
a. dir b.pwd c.ls d. whereami
433. Which command would you use to create a sub-directory in your home directory?
a. mkdir b. dir c. cp d. rm
434. Which command can be used to display the contents of a file on the screen?
a.ls b.cat c. dog d. grep
437. Using the SJF algorithm, which process is allocated the CPU first?3
a. The process that requests the CPU first b. The process that requests the CPU last
c. The process with the smallest CPU execution time d. None of the above
440. What will be the order when information is processed with direct access?
a. Any order b. Sequential order c. Non-sequential order d. None of the above
441.What will be the order when information is processed with sequential access?
a. Any order b. Sequential order c. Non-sequential order d. None of the above
446. The ____________________ is used to store the highest location in memory accessibleby each program.
447. ____________________ is the process of collecting fragments of available memory space into contiguous
blocks by moving programs and data in a computer’s memory or disk.
448. Which of the following are the disadvantages of a fixed partition scheme (choose all that apply)?
a. Requires that the entire program be loaded into memory
b. Requires that the entire program be stored contiguously
c. Requires that the entire program remain in memory until the job is completed
d. Does not allow multiprogramming
449. The phenomenon of partial usage of fixed partitions and the coinciding creation of unused spaces within the
partition is called ________________
456. ________ signal generate when we try to access the illegal memory location using invalid pointer.
457. Which Inter Process Communication mechanism is fastest to exchange the data between processes?
a. PIPE b. FIFO c. Shared Memory d. Message Queue
466. How can we get the information about the CPU onthe Linux system?
a. cat /usr/cpuinfo b. cat /proc/cpuinfo c. cat /root/proc/cpuinfo d. cat /root/usr/cpuinfo
467. Which is the Linux kernel image file from thefollowing and what is location in the file system?
a. kimage and location is /boot b. kernelimage and location is /usr
c. vmliunz and location is /boot d. kimage and location is /usr
471. Which module gives control of the CPU to the process selected by the short-term scheduler?
a. none of the mentioned b. interrupt c. dispatcher d. scheduler
472. The interval from the time of submission of a process to the time of completion is termed as
a. turnaround time b. waiting time
c. response time d. throughput
475. Which one of the following can not be scheduled by the kernel?
a. none of the mentioned b. process c. kernel level thread d. user level thread
485. When memory is divided into several fixed sized partitions, each partition may contain ________.
a. multiple processes at once
b. None of these
c. exactly one process
d. atleast one process
491. Every address generated by the CPU is divided into two parts : (choose two)
a. frame bit b. page offset c. page number d. frame offset
492. The _____ table contains the base address of each page in physical memory.
a. page b. process c. frame d. memory
497. Which one of the following error will be handle by the operating system?
a. lack of paper in printer b. power failure
c. connection failure in the network d. all of the mentioned
500. If a process fails, most operating system write the error information to a
a. new file b. log file c. none of the mentioned d. another running process
501. Which facility dynamically adds probes to a running system, both in user processes and in the kernel?
a. DAdd b. DLocate c. DTrace d. DMap
502. Which one of the following is not a real time operating system?
a. RTLinux b. VxWorks c. Palm OS d. Windows CE
504. The systems which allows only one process execution at a time, are called
a. uniprogramming systems b. uniprocessing systems
c. unitasking systems d. none of the mentioned
505. In operating system, each process has its own
a. address space and global variables b. open files
c. pending alarms, signals and signal handlers d. all of the mentioned
508. The address of the next instruction to be executed by the current process is provided by the
a. process stack b. program counter c. pipe d. CPU registers
509. The number of processes completed per unit time is known as __________.
a. Throughput b. Efficiency c. Output d. Capacity
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PG DAC Operating System Question Bank
3. Short-term Scheduler or CPU-Scheduler_____________ scheduler selects the process that is ready to
execute to CPU.
7. ___________is an example of shareable resource and ______________ is an example for non shareable
8. _FIFO_ and _Optimum page replacement algorithm_ are the popular page replacement algorithms.
10. Give the expansion of the following with reference to the operating systems concepts: FCB is
12. Throughput in case of multiprogramming is Number of programs processed by it per unit time _.
13. ________________________________is process of modifying the addresses used in the address sensitive
14. instructions of a program such that the program can execute correctly from the designated area of memory.
15. A program is a Passive entity , whereas a process is a Active entity.
20. _______________________________________.
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PG DAC Operating System Question Bank
26. A ____________________________ operating system is an operating system which requires a timely
response from a computer system.
39. Short-term Scheduler or CPU-Scheduler scheduler selects the process that is ready to execute to CPU.
42. __________is an example of shareable resource and ________ is an example for nonshareable resource.
43. ________ and ______ are the popular page replacement algorithms.
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PG DAC Operating System Question Bank
49. ________ and ______ are the popular page replacement algorithms.
52. ________ is when more time is spent in paging than in actually running programs.
54. The process of loading the OS into main memory is done by the ___________.
55. The motivations behind networks are __________, ________, ___________ & _____________.
56. NRU stands for _______ and LRU stands forLeast Recently used .
58. Thrashing is the coincidence of high paging traffic and low CPU utilization.
60. The OS maintains information about each process in a record called ________ .
61. ________ is a relation between number of page faults and number of page frames allocated to a process.
62. ________is the implementation method in case of MS-DOS for non-contiguous allocation.
63. ________ is a mechanism whereby the output of one process is directed into input of another process.
64. The time elapsed for position of Read/Write head under the desired sector is called ________ .
65. ________ , ________ are the two ways to achieve relocation and address translation.
69. ___________is an example of shareable resource and ______________ is an example for non-shareable
70. __________________________ is forceful deallocationof a resource.
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PG DAC Operating System Question Bank
72. The ______ determines which process is to be executed next.
524. The signal the keyboard sends to the computer is a special kind of message called ___.
a. keyboard request b. keyboard controller c. interrupt controller d. interrupt request
526. The interval from the time of submission of a process to the time of completion is _____.
a. Turnaround time b. Waiting time c. Response time
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PG DAC Operating System Question Bank
528. Which of the following CPU scheduling algorithmswill prevent starvation problem?
a. Shortest-job-first b. Priority-scheduling
c. Priorit echanism y-scheduling with aging d. None of the above
533. A file system uses the contiguous space allocation mechanism for disk space allocation. For better utilization of
disk space, this file system must use
a. A garbage collection mechanism b. A disk compaction mechanism
c. A linked-block allocation mechanism d. An indexed-block allocation mechanism
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PG DAC Operating System Question Bank
538. Which of the following is a logical sequence of the four layers from bottom to top?
a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 1, 3, 4, 2 c. 3, 1, 4, 2 d. 3, 4, 1, 2
551. In the systems which do not have multiple CPUs, is the ’cache coherency’ an issue while design?
a. Yes b. No
555. Peak Bandwidth of a 64-bit, 33 MHz based PCI bus would be:
a. 133 MB/s b. 266 MB/s c. 512 MB/s d. 33 MB/s
558. Which of the following operating systems is available for non-intel platforms?
a. Windows-NT b. Solaris c. linux d. all of the above.
559. A process can change its state from block state to run state. Is this statement True or False?
1. Differentiate between the CPU bound process and I/O bound process.
2. Can we prevent deadlocks by denying mutual-exclusion condition? Justify your answer.
3. What do you mean by locality of reference?
4. What is a dirty bit? Why is it used?
5. What is the difference between circuit switching and packet switching?
6. Justify the statement :
7. “It is possible to support multiprogramming without using timesharing. However it is impractical to support
timesharing without using multiprogramming”
8. “Swapping improves/degrades the efficiency of system utilization”.
9. Describe the cause of READYÅ RUNNING transition.
10. What do you mean by “protection” incase of operating systems? How is it implemented?
11. What is Access Control List? Where is it used?
12. What is a deadlock? How does it occur?
13. What do you mean by scalability?
14. What is a capability list? Where is it used?
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PG DAC Operating System Question Bank
15. Comment on the statement:
16. “Interactive processes should have low/high priority”
17. Name secondary storage devices and explain where they are typically used.
18. Which type of scheduler controls the degree of multiprogramming?
19. What is a race condition?
20. Which condition(s) is/are very necessary for a deadlock. Justify your answer.
21. What do you mean by a “kernel”?
22. What do you mean by the “context” of a process?
23. Give one difference between a .COM file and .EXE file in DOS.
24. Name the necessary conditions for a deadlock.
25. What is a critical section?
26. What is IOCS? What are it functions?
27. Explain advantages of distributed operating systems:
28. Name different scheduling policies and explain.
29. Differentiate between the logical address space and physical address space.
30. Explain in brief what you mean by: 1.Multiprogramming 2.Multiprocessing.
31. Name the five typical file operations.
32. Draw a block diagram showing the process transitions.
33. Can we prevent deadlocks by denying mutual-exclusion condition? Justify your answer.
34. How many different types of files are possible on UNIX operating system ?
35. Name them.
36. What is demand paging?
37. Explain Distributed processing with the help of examples.
38. Differentiate between contiguous and non-contiguous memory allocation.
39. What Is deadlock? Give an example.