IW /s. DEC O Nes
Specialist in : GUNITING WORK
7A, Deshapran Sasmal Road,
Kolkata - 700 033
Phone : 2402-2219
Ref. No.
(Excluding cost of Hydra/Crane ete)
Description of work «| Quantity
Unit Rate
(Approx) (Rs)
Cleaning And Painting Work At HRBC Flyover At Kolkata.
It involves the following works:
1. Removing loose scales, blisters ete. from old painted surface and sqm | Sqm
thoroughly smoothening the surface to make the same suitable for B0.25/m2
receiving fresh coat of paint.
b. Extra for Staging beyond 4 m [mode of measurement: Area of
m3 flm3 1200.00/m2
unsupported horizontal projection (where staging beyond 4 m is practically
unavoidable) x mean height of staging] above initial 4 m
3. Priming one coat with epoxy primer on steel surface. sam | Sqm f100.65/m2
4.Painting with best quality polyurethane enamel paint (Grey Colour matching
‘with the original color) of approved make and brand using conventional spray
machine and providing thinner as required on the surface etc. completed as per 1 sqm {190.75/m2
direction of Engineer in Charge.
. |1) Two coat
(i) The above Rates shall include cost of labour, all direct & indirect consumables, tools & plants,
scaffolding, Jhoola, Ladder, but excluding the cost of Hydra/Crane etc.
ms DEC
‘proprictorAnkita Enterprise |...
Specialised in Guniting Work :
94C, K.K. Road, Kolkata- 700 082
Date : OA:08:2022...
(Excluding cost of Hydra/Crane etc)
Description of work Quantity | ate
(Approx) | ors
'| Cleaning And Painting Work At HRBC Flyover At Kolkata,
It involves the following works:
1. Removing loose scales, blisters ete. from old painted surface and Sqm ft Sqm
thoroughly smoothening the surface to make the same suitable for 25.25/m2
receiving fresh coat of paint
. Extra for Staging beyond 4 m [mode of measurement: Area of ae ee
unsupported horizontal projection (where staging beyond 4 mis practically 3. lm 194.00/m:
unavoidable) x mean height of staging] above initial 4 m.
3. Priming one coat with epoxy primer on steel surface. Sam [1 Sqm 4.6542
4 Painting with best quality polyurethane enamel paint (Grey Colour matching
with the original color) of approved make and brand using conventional spray
machine and providing thinner as required on the surface etc. completed as per
direction of Engineer in Charge.
1) Two coat
Sqm |l1Sqm 176.75/m2
G) The above Rates shall include cost of labour, all direct & indirect consumables, tools & plants,
folding, Jhoola, Ladder, but excluding the cost of Hydra/Crane ete,
yore fig
Mob: saaesta73
Construction of Road & Building, Erection Fabrication Paintings, Buildings Concrete Work. Repair &
‘Water Treatmant Plant, Maintenance Work, Interior & General Order Suppliers.
in Kolkata
(Excluding cost of Hydra/Crane etc)
Description of work | | Quantity
Unit | (approx) | Fes
Cleaning And Painting Work At HRBC Flyover At Kolkata.
It involves the following works:
1, Removing loose scales, blisters ete. from old painted surface and sqm |i Sqm
thoroughly smoothening the surface to make the same suitable for 26.25/m2
receiving fresh coat of paint.
2. Extra for Staging beyond 4 m [mode of measurement: Area of kn3 m3
‘unsupported horizontal projection (where staging beyond 4 m is practically
unavoidable) x mean height of staging] above initial 4m
3. Priming one coat with epoxy primer on steel surface. Sqm |1 Sqm _95.65/m2
4,Painting with best quality polyurethane enamel paint (Grey Colour matching
.| with the original color) of approved make and brand using conventional spray
machine and providing thinner as required on the surface ete. completed as per
direction of Engineer in Charge.
1) Two coat
qm [Sqm 1 77.75/m2
(i) The above Rates shall include cost of labour, all direct & indirect consumables, tools & plants,
. scaffolding, Jhoola, Ladder, but excluding the cost of Hydra/Crane ete.
i “Theat q™ sesh 3 surge
Mukferjeer Chak, Halder Para, Raidight, South 24 Pgs, Pin- 743349
"construction. din, 2014@ gmail.com