IBM SPSS Statistics Server Administrator Guide
IBM SPSS Statistics Server Administrator Guide
IBM SPSS Statistics Server Administrator Guide
Administrator's Guide
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page
Product Information
This edition applies to version 28, release 0, modification 0 of IBM® SPSS® Statistics Server and to all subsequent
releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation .
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with
IBM Corp.
Chapter 1. Overview.............................................................................................. 1
Products and Operating Systems................................................................................................................ 1
Software Components............................................................................................................................ 3
Using Distributed Mode.......................................................................................................................... 3
Administering Server Software.................................................................................................................... 4
Using This Document................................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 2. Installation...........................................................................................7
Installing the Server Software..................................................................................................................... 7
Installing the Client Application.................................................................................................................. 7
Administrator-Level Permissions.........................................................................................................28
Group Authorization............................................................................................................................. 29
Profiles....................................................................................................................................................... 29
Client and Server Versions.........................................................................................................................29
Connecting Users through a Firewall........................................................................................................ 30
Configuring connections through a firewall......................................................................................... 30
Connecting Users with PPTP..................................................................................................................... 32
Using SSL to secure data transfer............................................................................................................. 32
How SSL works..................................................................................................................................... 32
Enabling SSL using GSKit..................................................................................................................... 33
Enabling SSL using OpenSSL ...............................................................................................................37
Setting a Locale..........................................................................................................................................39
Connecting to the Server Software............................................................................................................40
Accessing Data and Files........................................................................................................................... 41
Saving Data and Files.................................................................................................................................41
Appendix A. Troubleshooting............................................................................... 47
Server Software..........................................................................................................................................47
Client Software...........................................................................................................................................47
Trademarks................................................................................................................................................ 58
Index.................................................................................................................. 59
Chapter 1. Overview
The IBM SPSS Statistics server technology is a distributed architecture, and coupled with key data
management optimizations, it supports scalable analysis. The technology is client/server based. It
distributes client requests for resource-intensive operations to powerful server software. When the client
and server work together like this, it is referred to as distributed analysis mode. Distributed analysis
allows end users to perform analyses that their desktop computers cannot support.
For maximum flexibility, client applications that use the server technology can also be configured to run
solely on the end user’s desktop computer—this is referred to as local analysis mode. End users can
easily switch modes.
The server software has a two-tier, distributed architecture. It distributes software operations between
the client and the server computers. Memory-intensive operations, such as accessing a large database or
analyzing a large data file, are done on the server computer without downloading the data to the client
Tier 1. The client application. It is installed and runs on the end user’s desktop computer. The client
application provides the graphical user interface to data access and analysis. It presents the results of the
end user’s analyses.
Tier 2. The server software. It is installed and runs on a networked server computer. The server software
provides the framework necessary to handle multiple clients, the algorithms used in statistical analysis,
and data access.
Figure 1. Distributed analysis mode
For analyses that don’t require intensive data access or numeric processing, the client software can be
used as a standard standalone desktop application. When in local analysis mode, all data access and
statistical processing are handled on the end user’s desktop computer.
Software Components
As shown in the figure "Distributed analysis mode," the components of the server technology are the
following. (See Figure 1 on page 2.)
Client software. The client application is a complete installation of the end user’s IBM Corp. product (e.g.,
IBM SPSS Statistics). When it is used for distributed analysis, only the graphical user interface and the
editing capabilities are used. When it is used for local analysis, its data access and statistical processing
capabilities are also used.
Server software. The server software is made up of sub-components: a framework that manages client/
server communication, client processes that manage client requests, and modules that access data and
perform analyses.
• Framework. The framework of server software is a service (on Windows) or daemon (on UNIX). It
handles all communication between the client application and the modules. The framework runs
continually on the server computer, waiting for client connections. When a client connects, the
framework launches a process that handles requests for that client.
• Client process. A client process is effectively a session for the client. There is one process for each
client. A process is launched when the client connects, and it is terminated when the client disconnects.
The process manages its client’s requests for data and analyses. It loads the modules that are needed
to access and analyze data. It unloads modules when they are no longer required.
• Modules. A module is an executable, DLL, or shared library that accesses data and runs analytic
procedures. The analytical server software has several modules. Modules are loaded on demand.
Modules may load other modules.
Chapter 1. Overview 3
2. Connect to the server. The end user connects to the server software by logging in from the client
application. The server framework’s service or daemon is always running, waiting for connection
requests. When a connection is made, the server software launches a process to handle the end user.
3. Access data. The end user accesses data as usual from the client application, except that his or her
view of database drivers, data files, directories, and drives represents the remote server computer, not
the desktop computer. The server process loads the appropriate data access modules and retrieves
the data. A small segment of the data is sent to the client application so that the end user can
refer to it when selecting an analysis. Most of the data remain on the server. You can also configure
the server software to prevent any data from being sent to the client application. You can use the
administration application (IBM SPSS Statistics Administration Console, which is installed as part of
IBM SPSS Deployment Manager) to prevent the data from being sent to all clients. See the topic
Users in the Deployment Manager User's Guide (included in the help for IBM SPSS Collaboration and
Deployment Services) for more information. You can also configure access for each user or group.
See the topic IBM SPSS Statistics Server User Profiles and Groups, in the Deployment Manager User's
Guide, for more information.
4. Analyze the data. Using the client application’s user interface, the end user selects the data and
requests the type of analysis he or she wants. The request is sent to the server process, which loads
the appropriate data analysis packages and processes the analysis. All data-related tasks, such as
reading data, transforming data, computing new variables, and calculating statistics, are done on the
server computer.
5. Review the results. The server software sends the output from the client’s request back to the client
application. Only the results are sent, the data remain on the server. The end user can then use the
client application to refine and edit the results.
Chapter 1. Overview 5
6 IBM SPSS Statistics Server Administrator's Guide
Chapter 2. Installation
Products that use the server technology are packaged on multiple media—one DVD for the server
software and one DVD for the client application.
To deploy the server technology, you:
• Install the server software on a networked server computer.
• Install, or supervise the installation of, the client application so that it is accessible from end-user
desktop computers.
This chapter provides an overview of the installation process. Detailed installation instructions are
available on your product DVD in the /Documentation/<language>/InstallationDocuments directory.
Refer to “Products and Operating Systems” on page 1 for a complete list of server products and their
associated client applications.
If you want your end users to be able to access data on remote servers, including data from databases,
you must plan, install, and configure data access. To do this, you need to understand how the application
decides where to look for data. You also need to decide if you want to use the data access technology that
offers DataDirect Connect ODBC. You can also use OLE DB data sources.
Connect ODBC
Connect ODBC is a comprehensive set of individual, database-specific drivers that use ODBC to deliver
connectivity to all major data stores, from relational databases to flat-file data.
Referencing Data
Some client software allows the end user to save references to data and other files. These references
must be written from the perspective of the computer that will access the data. For example, if the end
user is running in local analysis mode, a reference to C:\mydata\mydata.sav causes the software to try
to access the file on the local C drive of the desktop computer. If the end user is running in distributed
analysis mode, the same reference to C:\mydata\mydata.sav causes the software to try to access the file
on the local C drive of the server computer, possibly resulting in an error.
Windows. If you are administering a Windows system, you may decide to store data on the
same computer as the server software. If you do, we recommend that users refer to the location
of the data from the perspective of the server computer (for example, C:\ServerData\mydata.sav).
Performance is faster because the network isn’t used to locate the file. If your data are on
another networked computer, we recommend that your users use UNC file references (for example,
\\mydataserver\ServerData\mydata.sav). Note that UNC names can be used only when the referenced
locations contain the name of a shared resource on the network. End users who frequently switch
from distributed to local analysis mode are encouraged to use UNC file references because they work
regardless of the mode.
UNIX. If you are administering a UNIX version of the server software, you may decide to put files on a
UNIX server. End users can reference files on a UNIX server—tell them to use the full file specification and
forward slashes (for example, /FILE = '/public/data/ourdata.txt'.) Avoid using the backslash character in
the UNIX directory and in filenames used with the server software.
Data Sources
The IBM SPSS Statistics server software uses ODBC to access most data that are not in a proprietary
format, including data that are stored in databases. ODBC requires an ODBC data source. An ODBC data
source is the combination of:
• A descriptive name
• A specific driver
• A reference to a database or other type of data file
To access most data, you must configure, or help end users to configure, the ODBC data sources that they
The location of the configured data source is critical. It must be configured on the computer that is
accessing and processing the data—so configure the ODBC data source on the server computer for
distributed analysis and on the desktop computer for local analysis. For example, compare the location of
the ODBC drivers in the figures shown in “Connect ODBC” on page 9 .
If you are just starting to use the data access technology (introduced in “Data Access Technology”
on page 9 ), you need to accomplish some additional tasks before you can configure a data source.
Refer to the IBM SPSS Data Access Pack Installation Instructions (in /Documentation/<language>/
InstallationDocuments on the product DVD). Data source configuration is discussed again in Chapter 4,
“Configuring, Monitoring Usage, and Maintenance,” on page 13 of this guide.
export ODBCINI
where ODBCDIR is replaced by the path to your Connect ODBC installation directory.
where /bigdisk/oracle/product/8.1.6 is replaced by the path to your Oracle installation directory and
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is the library path variable for your operating system.
Note that the Data Direct Wire Protocol drivers do not require the installation of database client libraries.
However, other Data Direct drivers require these libraries.
Edit odbc.ini
1. Edit odbc.ini, the ODBC configuration file, so that ODBC data sources can be accessed from IBM
SPSS Statistics Server. See the appendix "The UNIX Environment" in DataDirect's DataDirect Connect
ODBC Reference (available if you installed the additional DataDirect documentation when you installed
Connect ODBC) and the chapters for specific drivers in odbchelp.pdf in the doc subdirectory of your
Connect ODBC installation directory.
The change will take effect the next time you start the server software.
Note: If you plan to use ODBC with the IBM SPSS Statistics Batch Facility, you need to modify the IBM
SPSS Statistics Batch Facility startup script in the same manner.
After you install the server software, configure its environment by:
• Managing end-user accounts and files
• Configuring ODBC data sources
• Using the administration application (IBM SPSS Statistics Administration Console) to configure and
monitor the server software
• Controlling service startup
These tasks are described in the following sections.
End users need accounts in order to log in to the server software and access data. These accounts need
to be authenticated and need to be able to read, write, and/or execute in specific folders on the server
machine. For more information about file permissions, see the topic “Permissions” on page 28. For more
information about authentication, see the topic “Authentication” on page 21.
Database permissions are enforced by the database software. Use your usual database administration
tools to manage these accounts. If the database is restricted, the server software’s data access modules
prompt the user to log in and pass that information back to the database for verification before accessing
Data Access
By default, each end user can see all the data when opening a file while connected to the server software.
Displaying all the data can negatively impact performance and increase network traffic. You can choose
to prevent the end user client computers from displaying the data by changing the global setting with the
administration application (IBM SPSS Statistics Administration Console, which is installed as part of IBM
SPSS Deployment Manager). See the topic Users in the Deployment Manager User's Guide (included in the
help for IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services) for more information. You can also modify the
user profile and groups settings to specify the data access for individual users or groups. See the topic
IBM SPSS Statistics Server User Profiles and Groups, in the Deployment Manager User's Guide, for more
Most files that end users need to save should be saved on the desktop computer; however, you may want
to allow users to save data files on a networked computer. When the end user logs in to the analytic
server software for the first time, the default directory for opening and saving files is the server software’s
installation directory. Clearly this is not a location where you want users to write files, so set up a directory
with write permission and distribute that location to the end users. Once they access that location from
the user interface, the client application will store it, and it will become the default location for saved files.
The server software also allows you to create profiles for users. A profile can specify the temporary
directory, the UNIX umask setting, the CPU process priority, the client data access setting, and the
maximum number of threads for each user or a group of users.
The INSERT HIDDEN syntax is similar to INSERT FILE syntax. For example:
SOURCE='source specification'
[ENCODING = 'encoding specification']
The INSERT HIDDEN file author provides the hidden file paths to the SPSS Statistics client users. During
runtime, the client users execute INSERT HIDDEN SOURCE="<file_path>" syntax.
Refer to the IBM SPSS Statistics Command Syntax Guide for more detailed information.
The client process on the SPSS Statistics Server sends the SOURCE path to the server's daemon process.
The daemon process decrypts the file and then returns it to the client process for execution.
The client process disables logs and journals, executes the decrypted file, and then re-enables logs and
journals. The result is that the SPSS Statistics Output Viewer does not contain any source syntax logging
(it does contain output). The journal also does not contain any source syntax.
On UNIX and Linux, run the following script from the bin subdirectory of the installation directory.
<group_name> is a unique name for the instance, and <port_number> is the available port number that
will be used by the instance.
After you run the script, there will be a configuration folder that is specific for the instance. Look for
config_<groupname> in server installation direction. The folder contains several configuration files,
such as statisticsd.conf and UserSettings.xml. When you want to update the configuration for a
specific instance, be sure to update the configuration file in the correct location.
./start_statistics_server -d -g <group_name>
where NN is the major version number, m is the minor version number, and <group_name> is the
instance group.
2. Delete the config_<groupname> subdirectory in the server installation directory.
./start_statistics_server -d
will start the server software as a daemon process, which is the recommended way to run the server
If you are running multiple instances of the server software, this command will start the default
instance. To start another instance, specify the instance group with the -g switch:
./start_statistics_server -d -g <groupname>
./start_statistics_server -d
• Group. If you are running multiple instances of the server software, specify the group that is associated
with the instance:
start_statistics_server -g <groupname>
<groupname> is the appropriate group name.
• Port. A port number can optionally be specified on the startup script command line. For example, to
specify a port number, use the command:
start_statistics_server -p nnnn
Other Maintenance
Remove unneeded files. Periodically check the temporary file location and the log file location for
unneeded files and remove them. The locations are defined with the administration application.
Check running processes. If you don’t regularly reboot the server computer, periodically check the
processes running on the computer and end any processes that are not in use. The process names are
listed in “Starting and Stopping the Server Software” on page 18 .
Supporting end users involves making sure that they have the information that they need to run their IBM
Corp. product in distributed analysis mode. To use the server software, end users need to know:
• How to connect to the server software.
• How to access data and files.
• Where to save data and files.
You have several options for authenticating users. Some options require that the server runs with root
unix2 • UNIX No
Configuring PAM
The server software on UNIX can use the Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) to authenticate users.
You must first configure the server software to use PAM. Then you configure PAM by following the
instructions specific to your UNIX vendor. Steps follow for Linux. These may vary, depending on version
and vendor.
Note: If the server software is running, you need to restart it after completing all the steps.
Note: These lines may vary depending on your particular configuration. Consult the Linux
documentation for more information.
4. Save the file.
7. Exit as root and log in as the owner of the server software daemon.
default_realm = STATISTICSSSO.COM
dns_lookup_kdc = true
dns_lookup_realm = true
kdc =
admin_server =
default_domain = STATISTICSSSO.COM
[domain_realm] = STATISTICSSSO.COM
• Add a new reverse lookup zone entry. This will add an IP/host mapping on the DNS server.
If the DNS entry for the UNIX machine is not correct, you can manually add the reverse lookup entry on
the DNS server.
For example:
Note that the host name must be qualified with its DNS domain ( in this example), and the
domain must map to the Kerberos realm.
The combination of host name and port number makes the SPN unique (because each instance on a
given host must listen on a different port). And both client and server already have the host name and
port number and so can construct the appropriate SPN for the instance. The additional configuration step
required is to register the SPN in the Kerberos database.
For each subsequent server instance, listening on a custom port (for example, 3099) and running under
an arbitrary user account (for example, johndoe) with the option userauth set to internal (that is,
using internal authentication), you must register the SPN against the service user account name:
Note that in this case (when the service account is other than Local System), registering the SPN is not
sufficient to enable a client to connect. Additional configuration steps are described in the next section.
To see which SPNs are registered to the account jdoe:
setspn -l jdoe
statisticsserver/[email protected]
Add this same principal and password to the server's keytab. The keytab must contain an entry for every
instance running on the host.
For example:
"..\jre\bin\ktab.exe" -a statisticsserver/[email protected]
-k krb5.keytab
This will prompt you for a password. The password you enter must be the password of the service
account. So if the service account is jdoe, for example, you must enter the password for the user jdoe.
The service account itself is not mentioned in the keytab, but earlier you registered the SPN to that
account using setspn. This means that the password for the service principal and the password for the
service account are one and the same.
For each new server instance you create, you must register the SPN for that instance (using setspn) and
create a keytab file. The keytab file should be copied to the config_<group_name>/sso subdirectory in
the server installation directory.. The default instance does not need a keytab file.
To verify that an instance is included in the keytab:
ktab.exe -l -e -k krb5.keytab
You may see multiple entries for each principal with different encryption types, but this is normal.
If you are not using internal authentication or group authorization with single sign-on, the server software
launches a process for the end user, passing the user’s ID and password to the operating system. The
launched process has the file access rights of the end user’s account. A user connecting to server
software must log in with an account that has the following permissions:
• Read and execute permissions to the server’s installation directory and its subdirectories
• Read, execute, and write permissions to the directory location for temporary files
For internal authentication and single sign-on, the connecting client user has the permissions that are
assigned to the user who started the service/daemon.
You can use the administration application (IBM SPSS Statistics Administration Console, which is installed
as part of IBM SPSS Deployment Manager) to change the default location of the temporary files. See
the topic File Locations in the Deployment Manager User's Guide (included in the help for IBM SPSS
Collaboration and Deployment Services) for more information. You can also change the location for
individual users or groups. See the topic IBM SPSS Statistics Server User Profiles and Groups, in the
Deployment Manager User's Guide, for more information.
Administrator-Level Permissions
By default, the administrator group for the server software is the administrators group for the machine
on which the server software is running. You can change the administrator group for the server software
by specifying it in the Admin Group text box in the administration application (IBM SPSS Statistics
Administration Console, which is installed as part of IBM SPSS Deployment Manager). See the topic
Users in the Deployment Manager User's Guide (included in the help for IBM SPSS Collaboration and
Group Authorization
You can configure the server software to support group authorization. A separate instance of the service/
daemon is run for each authorized group of users.
The server software provides the ability to create profiles of individual users and groups of users. These
user profiles and groups allow you to define settings for specific users.
IBM SPSS Statistics Server re-uses the same port number for client connections. This means that only
two ports need to be open through the firewall: the SPSS Statistics daemon or listening port (defaults to
3028, although it can be altered if necessary) and the response port through which SPSS Statistics clients
talk to their SPSS Statistics Server child processes.
Note: Port re-use is tied to the client reconnect capability. By default, client-reconnect is enabled for
100 seconds. When client-reconnect is enabled, SPSS Statistics Server has a 1:1 ratio of connected
clients to open response ports. In order to enable port re-use, you must first disable client-reconnect.
This is done by editing the reconnect-timeout setting in <Statistics Install Path>/config/
statisticsd.conf. For example:
<reconnect-timeout desc="The timeout in minutes that the server uses to drop disconnected
clients (default: 100)." value="0"/>
In an environment with many possible client-server connections, you may want to configure more than
one client response port. When a SPSS Statistics client is in the process of connecting to the SPSS
Statistics Server, the client port is essentially locked and can be used by only one client until the
connection process has concluded. The time to connect is in the range of 1 - 3 seconds (this time can
vary depending on the system load). When a second or third SPSS Statistics client attempts to connect
during this time, the clients are blocked until the client port becomes available. Opening multiple client
port reduces the wait time when connecting in an environment where many users simultaneously initiate
SPSS Statistics sessions.
Assume five client ports are listed in the STATISTICS_CLIENT_PORTS system environment variable
(ports 40001 - 40005) and there are four possible client. A user initiates a connection with the SPSS
Statistics Server and first contact is made through the listening port (3028). The server spawns a child
process and continues communication through the first available client port (4001). If port 40001 is not
locked (because communication with another client has just started), the port will be re-used. If port
40001 is locked, communication moves on to the next port (4002), assuming it's not locked, and so on.
$export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/IBM/SPSS/StatisticsServer/25/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
$export PATH=$PATH:/opt/IBM/SPSS/StatisticsServer/25/bin
where <ver> is the GSKit version number, <filename> is the name you want to use for the key database
file, and <password> is the password for the key database.
The -stash option creates a stash file at the same path as the key database, with a file extension
of .sth. GSKit uses the stash file to obtain the password to the key database so that it doesn't have to be
entered on the command line each time.
Note: You should use strong file system protection on the .sth file.
where <ver> is the GSKit version number, <filename> is the name of the key database file, <Number
of days certificate is valid> is the physical number of days that the certificate is valid, and
<label> is a descriptive label to help you identify the file (for example, you could use a label such as:
2. Distribute root.pem to the clients. If you have multiple trusted certificate authorities, copy them
into a single root.pem file. Trusted certificate authorities are text files, so you can copy and paste
the certificate or certificates. Copy root.pem to the following location on the client computers. If
you already copied a root.pem file to the client for another IBM product, append the trusted root
certificate authority information from your authority to the existing root.pem file. By default, all IBM
client products look in this location for trusted self-signed certificate files. If you would like to use
another location, create an SSL_CERT_DIR environment variable and set the value of the variable to
the location.
• Windows 7 and higher: C:\ProgramData\IBM\SPSS\certificates
Configuring certificate files for IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services
IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services support can be deployed on a Web Application Server
(for example, IBM WebSphere and RedHat JBoss EAP).
The first step in configuring certificate files for IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services support
is to retrieve the SPSS Statistics Server root.pem file from your administrator.
The SSL certificate configuration process depends on which Web Application Server is employed.
1. Extract the unlimited jurisdiction policy files that are packaged in the compressed file. The compressed
file contains a US_export_policy.jar file and a local_policy.jar file.
2. Replace the existing copies of US_export_policy.jar and local_policy.jar files with the two files that you
downloaded and extracted.
Install OpenSSL
If OpenSSL is not already available on the server, you must install it.
1. Download OpenSSL from Be sure to use the version of OpenSSL appropriate
for the server version:
2. Follow the instructions for installing and configuring the software. It is recommended to build OpenSSL
yourself, with the following guidelines:
Windows. OpenSSL should be built with DLLs (which are multithreaded by default).
UNIX. OpenSSL should support multiple threads (which is not always by default) and shared libraries.
3. Make sure the OpenSSL modules are included on the system path.
Note: If there is more than one version of the OpenSSL modules on the server computer, then copy the
OpenSSL modules for the IBM SPSS Statistics Server to the directory where IBM SPSS Statistics Server
is installed.
1. Extract the unlimited jurisdiction policy files that are packaged in the compressed file. The compressed
file contains a US_export_policy.jar file and a local_policy.jar file.
2. Replace the existing copies of US_export_policy.jar and local_policy.jar files with the two files that you
downloaded and extracted.
Setting a Locale
The server software and the client that connects to it must run in the same character set, encoding, and
locale. The server software gets its locale from the client. By default, this is the client’s system locale.
However, the client can override the default to process data files in other locales. By overriding the
default, the user instructs the server software to run in a specified locale without changing the client’s
system locale.
The user overrides the default by using the SET LOCALE syntax command:
SET LOCALE=”localeid”
localeid is a string that identifies the locale in which the server software will run. SET LOCALE writes
a registry entry on the client machine. This entry persists so that the next time IBM SPSS Statistics is
started on the client machine, IBM SPSS Statistics will run in that locale.
The naming convention for the locale ID can differ among platforms and vendors. Therefore, there is
an XML file installed with the server that maps client locales to server locales. This file, loclmap.xml, is
located in the server installation directory on Windows and the /bin subdirectory on UNIX.
The root element in loclmap.xml is the following. The root element also identifies the schema location.
<locale-map xmlns=""
The root element contains <client-locale> elements with a name attribute identifying the client
locale. The <client-locale> elements contain one or more <server-locale> elements. Each
<server-locale> element has a name attribute identifying a server locale that corresponds to the
client locale. The server software translates the client locale ID into one that can be used on the server
machine. It checks each server locale in order, until it finds one that is valid on the server machine.
Following is an example of the contents of loclmap.xml:
<client-locale name="French">
<server-locale name="fr_FR.cp1252"></server-locale>
<server-locale name="fr_FR.IBM-1252@euro"></server-locale>
<server-locale name="fr_FR.IBM-1252"></server-locale>
<server-locale name="fr_FR.8859-15"></server-locale>
<server-locale name="fr_FR.ISO8859-15"></server-locale>
<server-locale name="fr_FR.iso885915@euro"></server-locale>
<server-locale name="fr_FR@euro"></server-locale>
<server-locale name="fr_FR"></server-locale>
<server-locale name="fr"></server-locale>
<server-locale name="fr_FR.iso88591"></server-locale>
<server-locale name="fr_FR.ISO8859-1"></server-locale>
<server-locale name=""></server-locale>
<server-locale name="fr_FR.utf8"></server-locale>
<server-locale name="fr_FR.UTF-8"></server-locale>
<server-locale name="French_France.1252"></server-locale>
In this case, if the user issues SET LOCALE=”French”, the server software checks fr_FR.cp1252
first. Consider the case of an AIX server. The fr_FR.cp1252 locale does not work on AIX, so the server
software continues checking until it reaches, which does work on AIX.
Potential Issues
Be aware that using the SET LOCALE command can cause functional problems in some cases:
• The current variable names might not be legal in the new code page.
• Case-insensitive name matches might fail. The failure might occur because strings are converted
to upper-case characters in case-insensitive name matches (for example, when comparing variable
names). If the locale is incorrect, this conversion would change the character (for example, in the
Central European code page, 1250).
• Some bytes could be interpreted incorrectly as lead bytes, and a problem might occur because of an
unexpected trail byte.
• SET LOCALE does not change the client’s system locale. Therefore, if the IBM SPSS Statistics locale
associated with SET LOCALE is different from the client’s system locale, there will be display problems
in various places. In this situation, a user is also unable to use an Input Method Editor (IME) to enter
national characters.
• The IBM SPSS Statistics locale, OLANG setting, and the encoding used for the data must be compatible.
Otherwise, output might be unusable and unreadable.
If you need to improve the performance of the server software, refer to this chapter for various
strategies, ranging from configuration changes to hardware upgrades. Before making these changes,
obtain performance information so you know which areas are problematic.
We also provide a white paper that includes additional information about improving performance. Go to and look for the link to "Books and Articles."
The administration application (IBM SPSS Statistics Administration Console, which is installed as part
of IBM SPSS Deployment Manager) allows you to configure the server software to log performance
information. Using the Performance Log Interval node, you can specify how often the server software
writes performance information to the log. See the topic Logging in the Deployment Manager User's Guide
(included in the help for IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services) for more information. You can
also get performance information directly from the operating system.
Next Step
After gathering this information, you should be able to identify the area or areas that are problematic. The
following sections describe possible solutions and recommendations for each area.
Server Software
Port number conflict. If there is a port number conflict, the server software may fail to start. Correct the
problem by using the administration application (IBM SPSS Statistics Administration Console, which is
installed as part of IBM SPSS Deployment Manager) to change the port number. See the topic Connections
in the Deployment Manager User's Guide (included in the help for IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment
Services) for more information. Be sure to distribute the new port number to the end users.
Erratic behavior. The server software may behave erratically if its configuration file (for example,
statisticsd.conf) is corrupted or missing. To correct the problem, restore the configuration file from your
backup copy. Copy it to the location specified in the administration application or the configuration file
environment variable and restart the server software. For information about restarting, see “Starting and
Stopping the Server Software” on page 18 in .
Administration application doesn’t work (UNIX only). If you use the administration application to
control or configure the server software and it doesn’t work (for example, you cannot stop the server),
it may be because you did not start the server software with the startup script provided by IBM Corp..
Correct the problem by starting the server software with the start_statistics_server startup script. See the
topic “To Stop the Service or Daemon” on page 18 for more information. If you get an error message when
you attempt to control or configure the server software, it may be because you have connected with an
account that does not have administrator permissions.
Can’t change the location of temporary files (UNIX only). If you use the administration application to
change the location of temporary files and the change is not effective, it may be because the new location
doesn’t have sufficient file permissions for the end users. Choose a location that has read, write, and
execute access for all of the users who will connect to the server software.
Server won’t start (UNIX only). If the server software will not start, it may be because you do not have
the required operating system patches. To correct the problem, download and install the appropriate
patch. The required patches are listed in the UNIX installation instructions for your server product.
Client Software
End user cannot connect to the server. The user may not have adequate permissions, or the firewall may
be blocking the server software. For information about user permissions, see “Permissions” on page 28 .
For information about configuring the firewall, see “Configuring connections through a firewall” on page
30 .
End user login fails with the “specified remote server computer was not found” message. The service
or daemon may not be running. Confirm this by checking the status of the server software. To correct
the problem, restart the service or daemon. See the topic “Starting and Stopping the Server Software” on
page 18 for more information.
End user login fails with the “error connecting to package” message. The end user has specified the
name or IP address of a server computer that isn’t on the network. To correct the problem, ask the end
user to enter a valid server name.
DataDirect ODBC data source fails with the “not licensed” message. The DataDirect data access
technology is distributed with IBM Corp. products. It works only with newer IBM Corp. products—it
doesn’t work with earlier versions, nor does it work with non-IBM Corp. applications. If end users attempt
to use DataDirect data sources with an older or unlicensed product, they will get a message containing
the text You are not licensed to use the DataDirect ODBC Driver. To correct the problem with the IBM
Corp. product, upgrade your users to a current version. To correct the problem with unlicensed products,
upgrade your licensing with DataDirect or ask end users not to attempt to use the data sources that you
have defined for IBM Corp. products with unlicensed applications.
End user can’t find a data file or ODBC data source. When end users are running in distributed analysis
mode, they will have access only to data files and ODBC data sources on the computer that is running the
server software. When end users are running in local analysis mode, they will have access only to data
files and ODBC data sources on their desktop computers. To correct the problem, ask the end user to run
the client application in the appropriate mode.
End user can’t run a statistical procedure (IBM SPSS Statistics Server only). When end users are
connected to the server software, they have access only to the IBM SPSS Statistics options that were
installed during the IBM SPSS Statistics Server installation. To correct the problem, ask the end user to
run the procedure while in local analysis mode or install the requested procedure on the server computer.
Note: The IBM SPSS Statistics Batch Facility is a batch processing utility included with IBM SPSS
Statistics Server.
Typically the client for IBM SPSS Statistics Server is IBM SPSS Statistics running on a desktop computer.
However, the IBM SPSS Statistics Batch Facility is an alternative way to use the power of IBM SPSS
Statistics Server, and it runs on the server computer. The IBM SPSS Statistics Batch Facility is intended for
automated production of statistical reports. Automated production provides the ability to run analyses
without user intervention. Automated production is advantageous if users at your site regularly require a
set of time-consuming analyses, such as weekly reports.
The IBM SPSS Statistics Batch Facility takes as its input a report request contained in a command syntax
file. The IBM SPSS Statistics Batch Facility then automatically produces the statistical reports specified by
the syntax.
You can do most administrative tasks with the administration application ; however a few tasks may need
to be done with the Windows operating system. Use the following operating system features to administer
server software running on Windows:
• File properties. Used to set end-user access to the server software’s installation directory, the
temporary file location, and data files.
• System properties. Used to create environment variables.
• User manager. Used to create end-user accounts.
• Services Control Panel. Used to start, stop, and configure the service.
• ODBC Administrator. Used to configure data sources.
File Properties
Use File Properties to set permissions on files. For data files, how you do this depends on where the data
are stored. When you store data on the same computer as the server software, you control access to the
data directory by setting permissions on a directory on an NTFS drive.
On the server computer, logged on as an administrator:
1. Use the Windows Explorer to navigate to the data directory.
2. Click the directory, right-click, and click Sharing on the context menu.
3. Click the Security tab and configure the permissions.
Note: The Security tab is available only on NTFS drives. If you’re not sure what type of file system your
hardware uses, follow these steps:
4. Use the Windows Explorer to navigate to the drive.
5. Click the drive, right-click, and click Properties on the context menu.
6. Click the General tab and look at the value for File System.
When you store data on a computer on your network, you can control access to the data directory by
creating a shared resource and setting the permissions appropriately.
On the networked computer, logged on as an administrator:
7. Use the Windows Explorer to navigate to the data directory.
8. Click the directory, right-click, and click Sharing on the context menu.
9. Click the Sharing tab in the dialog box, click Shared As, enter a share name, and set the appropriate
System Properties
Use system properties to create environment variables.
On the server computer, logged on as an administrator:
1. On the Windows desktop, right-click on the icon for the computer. For example, right-click on My
2. Select Properties from the menu.
3. Click the Advanced tab and then click Environment Variables.
4. Click New.
5. Type the name of the new variable.
6. Type the value for the new variable.
User Manager
Use the User Manager to create end-user accounts.
On the server computer, logged on as an administrator:
1. From the Windows Start menu choose:
Programs > Administrative Tools
• Select Computer Management and then Local Users and Groups.
2. Create the user accounts.
Task Manager
Use the Task Manager to see how many server-related processes are running.
1. Open the Windows Task Manager by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Delete and choosing Task Manager.
2. Click the Processes tab.
3. Click Image Name to sort the processes alphabetically.
4. Search for the filename of the server process (statisticssrvr.exe).
5. Search for the filename of the client process (statisticsproc.exe). There is one process for each end
user currently connected to the server software.
Note: You can monitor server and client processes with the administration application.
ODBC Administrator
Use the ODBC Administrator to configure system and user data sources for use with the server software.
How the ODBC data source is created affects who can view and use it. Use system DSNs when you want
to allow general access to the data source. Use user DSNs when you want to restrict access to sensitive
information or when you want to tailor the DSN for a specific user.
You can do most administrative tasks with the administration application ; however a few tasks may need
to be done with the UNIX operating system. Use the following operating system features to administer
server software running on UNIX:
• chmod. Used to set end-user access to data files.
• env. Used to check values of environment variables.
• scripts. Used to start the server software and configure its environment.
• ps and kill. Used to check and stop server processes.
• odbc.ini. Used to configure ODBC data sources.
Use the chmod (or chown) command to change or assign the permissions mode for directories and data
files. For example, to set the /usr/data directory to read-only for everyone:
1. Log in as a super-user or as the owner of the directory.
2. At the UNIX prompt, type:
chmod a-w /usr/data
Use the env command to check the current values of environment variables. For example, to use env to
check the current values of environment variables for the server software:
1. Log in as the account that started the daemon, typically root.
2. At the UNIX prompt, type:
3. Check the settings for the variable(s) of interest.
To change value of environment variables, edit the environment variable script that is called by the script
that starts the server software. To edit the environment variable script:
1. Use a text editor to open the script, which is included in the /bin subdirectory of the
IBM SPSS Statistics Server installation directory. For example, open /usr/local/myserverproduct/bin/
2. If necessary, uncomment the line that defines the variable and then enter the new value for the
3. Save the file. is called by the start_statistics_server script. Environment variables set and exported in affect only the processes started with the start_statistics_server script.
ps and kill
Use the ps command to get information about what server processes are running and to report process
status. For example:
1. At the UNIX prompt, type:
ps -efl.
2. Search for the filename of the daemon process (for example, statisticsd). This process has the UID of
the user who started the server software daemon process (usually root).
3. Search for the filename of the client process, statisticsproc.exe. There is one process for each end user
currently connected to the server software. The UID column displays the login ID of the end user who
owns the client process.
Use the kill command to kill a process. For example:
4. Log in as the user that started the daemon.
5. At the UNIX prompt, type:
kill -9 pid
where pid it the process id of the process.
The server software daemon also automatically creates a file that contains its process ID. Instead of
manually finding the PID with the ps command, you can use this file in conjunction with the kill
command directly to kill the daemon process directly:
kill -9 `cat`
Note: If you want to use the administration application to monitor and kill processes, you must start the
server software with the startup script provided by IBM Corp.. See the topic “Controlling Service Startup”
on page 16 for more information.
You may need to configure ODBC data sources on the server computer if:
• You are using the IBM Corp. Data Access Pack
• The server software needs to access databases
No ODBC administrator exists on UNIX. To configure an ODBC data source on UNIX, you edit a system
information text file, odbc.ini. Odbc.ini is installed when you install the data access pack for UNIX.
Installation instructions appear in IBM Corp. Data Access Pack Installation Instructions for Unix.pdf (the
document is located in the /Documentation/<language>/InstallationDocuments directory on the product
DVD). Be sure to install the additional documentation so that you have access to the documents listed
Connect ODBC. For information about editing your odbc.ini file and setting important environment
variables, see the “Configuring Drivers and Data Sources” section in the “Installation on UNIX” chapter of
the Connect ODBC Installation Instructions for detailed instructions.
DataDirect's product documentation for Connect ODBC is included, by default, as part of the IBM SPSS
Data Access Pack installation. The installer creates the entry IBM SPSS OEM Connect and ConnectXE
for ODBC along with the entries for your other programs on the Start menu. The DataDirect product
documentation is accessed from this menu item.
DataDirect's product documentation for Connect ODBC can be found under the directory where you
extracted the files.
Note: The documentation can also be accessed from the DataDirect home page at http:// .
For license inquiries regarding double-byte (DBCS) information, contact the IBM Intellectual Property
Department in your country or send inquiries, in writing, to:
IBM, the IBM logo, and are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business
Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be
trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at
"Copyright and trademark information" at
Adobe, the Adobe logo, PostScript, and the PostScript logo are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States, and/or other countries.
Intel, Intel logo, Intel Inside, Intel Inside logo, Intel Centrino, Intel Centrino logo, Celeron, Intel Xeon,
Intel SpeedStep, Itanium, and Pentium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or
its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States, other countries, or both.
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.
Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or
its affiliates.
Index 59
memory usage (continued) root privileges 22–24
improving 45 running without root privileges 22–24
NAT 30 SCSI 44
network usage Secure Sockets Layer 32
improving 45 security
SSL 32
server software
O administrators 28
ODBC data sources architecture 1
and server software 11 components 1
configuring 14 configuration of 13
troubleshooting 47 configuring ODBC data sources 14
what end users need to know 41 controlling startup 16
ODBC data sources, UNIX defined 1
defined in odbc.ini 56 installation of 7
ODBC data sources, Windows managing end-user accounts and files 13
system DSNs 52 multiple instances 16
user DSNs 52 process names by product 18
operating system tasks, UNIX products 1
using odbc.ini to configure data sources 56 routine maintenance of 18
using scripts to set environment variables 55 starting and stopping 18
using the chmod command to set file permissions 55 troubleshooting 47
using the env command to check environment variables using the UNIX startup script 16
55 service principle name 25, 27
using the kill command to stop server processes 55 single sign-on
using the ps command to check server processes 55 configuring the client 25
operating system tasks, Windows configuring the server 24
creating environment variables 51 data sources 28
setting file properties 51 group membership 27
using the ODBC Administrator 52 service principle name 25, 27
using the Services control panel 52 sorting 14
using the Task Manager 52 SSL
using the User Manager 52 overview 32
securing communications 33, 37
SSO 24
P start_statistics_server 16
statisticsb 49
PAM 21
SyncSort 14
system administrators
improving 43
overview of administrative tasks 4
performance information 43
what end users need to know 21
permissions 28
Pluggable Authentication Module 21
point-to-point tunneling protocol 32 T
port number
troubleshooting 47 third-party sorting 14
what end users need to know 40 troubleshooting
PPTP 32 client application 47
process names by product 18 client login 47
processors 45 configuration file 47
Production Facility ODBC data sources 47
INSERT HIDDEN 15 port number 47
products and operating systems 1 server software 47
profiles 29
R UNC data file references 41
RAM 45 checking environment variables 55
RBAC 23 checking server processes 55
role-based access control 23 creating and configuring ODBC data sources 56
versions 29
view data 13
changing service startup parameters 52
checking server processes 52
checking service status 52
creating and configuring ODBC data sources 52
creating end-user accounts 52
creating environment variables 51
setting file permissions 51
starting and stopping services 52
workspace 44, 45
Index 61
62 IBM SPSS Statistics Server Administrator's Guide