Draft ANO-033-LCXX-1.0 PCAA TECHNICAL EXAMINATIONS (Flight Crew Licences) For Advance Preparation
Draft ANO-033-LCXX-1.0 PCAA TECHNICAL EXAMINATIONS (Flight Crew Licences) For Advance Preparation
Draft ANO-033-LCXX-1.0 PCAA TECHNICAL EXAMINATIONS (Flight Crew Licences) For Advance Preparation
OFFICEOFPRIMEINTEREST : Personnel Licensing Directorate
28/03/2022 ANO-033-LCXX-1.0
Additional Director
Captain Additional Director
RIAZ CHISHTI Scrutiny & Processing
Director General
Civil Aviation Authority
28/03/2022 ANO-033-LCXX-1.0
Table of Contents
A. AUTHORITY:................................................................................................................ 1
B. PURPOSE: ................................................................................................................... 1
C. SCOPE: ........................................................................................................................ 1
D. DESCRIPTION: ............................................................................................................ 1
D1. CONTEXT .................................................................................................................... 1
D2. DETAILS OF TECHNICAL EXAMINATIONS ............................................................... 1
D3. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS – PAPER SETTING: .................................................. 2
D5. PAYMENT AND BOOKING PROCEDURE .................................................................. 4
D9. RE-TRAINING PERIODS AND EXAM.......................................................................... 7
D10. CANDIDATES REQUEST FOR REVIEW ..................................................................... 8
D11. PENALTIES FOR USING UNFAIR MEANS: ................................................................ 8
E. EVIDENCES(ACRONYMS/RECORDS/REFERENCES): ............................................. 9
IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................................................ 9
APPENDIX “B” -- PPL (A&H) e-EXAMS SYLLABI ..................................................................
APPENDIX “C” -- CPL, MPL, ATPL (A&H) e-EXAMS SYLLABI .............................................
28/03/2022 ANO-033-LCXX-1.0
A1. This Air Navigation Order (ANO) is issued by the Director General Civil Aviation Authority in
pursuance of powers vested in him under Rule 4(3), 36, 354, 357, 360 and all other enabling
provisions of Civil Aviation Rules,1994 (CARs,94).
B1. The purpose of this ANO is to notify the knowledge requirements for pilot examinations
associated with Flight Crew Licences (as described herein) issued by the Personnel Licensing
Directorate, PCAA. It also provides (where applicable) regulatory framework and mechanism
for the conduct of CAA FCL Technical Theoretical Knowledge Examinations for the issuance
of personnel licences of pilots.
C1. This ANO covers the syllabi, referenced learning objectives, rules and procedures governing
the PCAA Technical Theoretical Knowledge Examinations required for issuance of licences
for Private / Commercial, Airline Transport and Multi-crew Pilots (PPL / CPL / ATPL / MPL for
aeroplanes and helicopters) which are delivered through the electronic examinations (e-
Exams) system of an exam service provider.
C2. This ANO also prescribes the procedures for the enrollment and conduct of examinations (e-
C3. For other examinations for endorsement of rating and renewals of these licences, please refer
to ANO-002-LCXX and other relevant ANOs available on PCAA website.
D1.1 Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) has been entrusted with the responsibility to regulate
all aviation activities. Under the framework of Civil Aviation Rules 1994 Part V ―Personnel
Licences‖, it has to issue flight crew and other required personnel licences subject to
compliance of the requirements specified in relevant CAA regulations for knowledge,
experience and skill. It achieves this by ensuring that applicant has acquired the minimum
standards of aeronautical knowledge, experience and skill required to operate safely in the
complex aviation environment. Technical Theoretical Knowledge Examinations are required
to be passed by each applicant in accordance with the syllabus and procedures provided for
relevant licence.
D1.2 Personnel licensing system of PCAA should have quality and integrity not only to promote
safety but also to ensure international recognition of the high standard of Pakistani licences.
PCAA notify syllabi of training for various licences and ratings to enable applicants to
undergo the required training in the industry, and to attain the required minimum standards.
D1.3 PCAA has implemented an examination system (e-Exams) based on Multi-Choice, Cloze,
List (Multi-Select), Type in the Answer format questions. Candidates are strongly advised to
familiarize themselves thoroughly with the PCAA style of question and associated rules prior
to appearing in the examination conducted on this e-Exam system.
D1.4 The time allocated to an examination is based on the need for a well-prepared candidate to
answer all the questions. Having completed a course of approved training, the candidate has
sole discretion and responsibility in managing the response to the examination questions
within allocated examination time.
D2.1. This ANO provides the syllabi for PPL / CPL / MPL / ATPL examinations which are derived
from technical theoretical knowledge requirements as contained in ICAO Annex-1 (Appendix
– A).
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D2.2. The details of Technical Theoretical Knowledge Examinations required for a specific Flight
Crew Licence including a breakdown of syllabi, reference to detailed learning objectives,
examination structure, number of questions and examination duration for the licensing
examination as per details given below:
D2.3. In addition to the syllabi, each Appendix to this ANO provides a weblink to the detailed
learning objectives (LOs) relevant to the licensing examination. These LOs inform the
structure and depth of knowledge requirements for the purpose of teaching and learning.
D2.4. PCAA e-Exams are managed by independent PCAA officials including supervisors, and/or
PCAA officially appointed examination service provider(s). PCAA Personnel licensing
examination administrators process registrations and accept payments.
D2.5. PCAA examinations are invigilated by the PCAA appointed service provider providing the e-
Exams system.
D2.6. e-Exams are held only at PCAA approved venue(s). Venue information, including location
and schedule, is published in the e-Exams booking system which is accessible to all Flight
Crew Examination candidates and Approved Training Organizations (ATOs) registered in e-
exam system. All such examinations shall be under the supervision of the e-Exams service
provider appointed by the PCAA to act on behalf of the PCAA.
D3.2 All examinations for initial issue of a licence shall be based on the licence type and the
D3.3 The pass marks for PPL, CPL and ATPL (including MPL) theoretical knowledge examinations
for Flight Crew Licensing purposes shall be 70%.
D3.4 The e-Exam system will generate a different on-screen question paper for each candidate to
ensure that no two candidates will sit an identical examination, and that in the event of
candidates re-sitting exams, they are not presented with the same examination content.
D4.1 Candidates wishing to sit PCAA FCL Technical Theoretical Knowledge Examinations will be
required to register for the e-Exams service.
D4.2 Candidates can register for a secure e-Exams portal account via the PCAA website at
PCAA | Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (caapakistan.com.pk)
D4.3 To register for e-Exams, candidates are required to provide personal details including
permanent address; full name; date of birth; telephone number, email address as well as
creating a secure password and providing details of the Photographic Identification (ID)
document that they will be bringing to the examination. Candidates will also be required to
select their approved training organization (ATO) unless they are exempted from training.
D4.4 Candidates may be eligible to take an e-Exam subject to meeting the minimum training
requirements specified by the PCAA and according to the PCAA ATO approval(s) valid and
held by the Training Organization.
D4.5 The candidate is required to specify the ATO he/she is training with by selecting from the
drop-down list presented in the e-Exams system, the nominated administrator at the ATO will
then be asked to accept the candidate. This process establishes a ‗membership‘ between
the candidate and the ATO, enabling the nominated administrator at the ATO to undertake
many of the booking actions for the candidate as well as provide sight of the candidate‘s
bookings and results to that ATO. ATO‘s administrators must sign off and authorize
candidates to sit examinations, confirming that the candidate has received the required
approved training applicable to the licence, and the ATO will receive a system notification
when a member candidate makes a booking. An ATO administrator may request PCAA to
cancel bookings made by a candidate if the candidate has not received the required training.
This will result in a loss of the examination fee(s).
D4.6 For a candidate who is exempt from the requirement of completing approved training with an
ATO, the candidate must contact PCAA PEL Directorate directly for further instructions on
email; [email protected].
D4.7 Candidates who have been barred / suspended by PCAA from sitting examinations and
whose suspension period is not yet completed will not have their e-Exams account approved,
or in the case that the account is already created, this account will be suspended.
D4.8 If a candidate has been inadvertently permitted to undertake an exam without satisfying the
appropriate prequalification requirement(s), this shall be taken as the candidate knowingly
appearing in a PCAA exam without qualifying pre-requisite of the exam. PCAA will consider
any pass result(s) in such exam(s) as null and void and invalidate such examinations. This
will result in a loss of the examination fee(s).
D4.9 Candidates are required to specify during e-Exam registration which personal photographic
identification document they will present at the e-Exam venue. This ID will be verified by the
PCAA and shall be recorded for checking by the examination invigilator each time a
candidate undertakes an examination. The candidate must present this specific ID (which
must be current and the original) at the examination venue for each examination. Failure to
do so will result in the candidate being unable to sit the examination. Acceptable ID
Documents are as given below:
D4.11 Successful completion of the registration will result in a system generated notification being
emailed to the candidate advising that they have registered but will not be able to make exam
bookings until verified as eligible to sit by PCAA and the selected ATO.
D4.12 PCAA will endeavour to process candidate registrations within 5 clear working days for
standard cases. However, the process may be extended for more complex cases and where
eligibility to sit exams needs to be investigated. PCAA reserves the right to restrict or deny
access to the e-Exams platform at its sole discretion at any time.
D4.13 Candidates will receive a system generated notification once PCAA have verified and
approved their details, thus enabling bookings to be made (subject to payment by the
candidate/ATO) for FCL technical theoretical knowledge examinations.
D5.1 Bookings for examination(s) will only be confirmed when payment is verified as received by
PCAA. For instructions on payment the candidate/ATO should refer to PCAA publication
D5.2 Examination fees are charged in accordance with PCAA Scheme of Charges which are
described in PCAA publication (XXXXXX / ANO-021-LCXX).
D5.3 Candidates/ATO should make allowance for the time it takes for cleared payment to be
received by PCAA to ensure that bookings can be administered and confirmed in a timely
manner for the required e-Exam sitting date. Please refer below to the specific deadline for
bookings / amendments / cancellations prior to an e-Exams sitting date.
D5.4 When payment has been administered by PCAA a candidate booking can be made in the
e-Exams system. Please follow the system instructions (including user guides available in
e-Exams) for details.
D5.5 Candidates will receive an email notification containing their booking confirmation. An
electronic copy will also be held in their e-Exams portal account which can be accessed at
any time.
D5.6 Amendments to booked examinations, including transfers and cancellations, are managed
by PCAA through the e-Exams system. Amendments will be subject to Terms and
Conditions and relevant charges.
D5.7 The ATO is notified when one of their membership candidates makes a booking. In the
case that the ATO does not agree that the candidate has satisfactory knowledge to
complete the examination, the ATO shall request PCAA to cancel the booking.
D5.8 Examination bookings (subject to Terms and Conditions, including changes) will be
accepted up to seventy-two (72) hours before the first scheduled e-Exam in a ‗sitting
period‘, after which examination sessions will be closed for any further bookings or
D5.9 A ‗sitting period‘ shall be a period of examinations as determined by the PCAA, which may
be one or more consecutive days of scheduled e-Exams.
D5.10 After confirmation of booking, the candidate must appear for the e-Exam at the time
specified unless the booking is cancelled in accordance with PCAA Terms and Conditions.
Not appearing in any examination will be considered as ‘Did Not Sit‘. The examination will
not be treated as an attempt but the fee submitted will be forfeited /non-refundable.
D5.11 In exceptional circumstances, to be approved case-by-case by PCAA, a ‗Did Not Sit‘ may
be considered for rebooking of the examination which shall be facilitated by PCAA to allow
the appropriate fee waiver. The attempt will only apply to the rescheduled examination and
not the examination that was not sat.
Action £ Rules
Full loss of fee Within seven (7) calendar days before the first scheduled e-
paid Exam in a sitting period.
D5.13 e-Exam Sessions will be strictly closed for bookings and changes seventy-two (72) hours
prior to the first scheduled e-Exam in a siting period.
D5.14 Any amendment to bookings within the seven (7) calendar days prior to the first scheduled
e-Exam in a sitting period can only be made by special request to PCAA..
D6.1 All credits (successful examination pass results) awarded by PCAA for an FCL examination
(PPL, CPL – in accordance with the Appendices to this ANO) shall be valid for a period of
thirty-six (36) months except ATPL and MPL for which the validity period will be 60 months
from the date of the last pass mark received by the candidate to complete all technical
theoretical knowledge examinations required for the licence sought.
D6.2 An applicant having passed the theoretical knowledge examination for higher licence shall be
credited knowledge requirement of lower category of theoretical examinations for the purpose
of issuance of lower category of licence.
D6.3 Candidates who have already passed theoretical knowledge examinations for the issue of
higher Flight Crew Licence, credit availed for Revalidation (Air Law & Ops Procedures) Exam
for any licence, as long as it is within the validity period specified.
D6.4 Credit for theoretical knowledge examinations may be granted to qualified and experienced
personnel from the Pakistan Armed Forces. Candidates that believe they are exempt should
contact the PCAA PEL Directorate for further instructions and verification.
D7.2 All e-Exams are conducted in a secure and invigilated environment. Candidates will be
greeted by the Lead Invigilator on the day of sitting, be requested to provide their previously
nominated original photographic ID to verify their eligibility to sit, before being seated.
D7.3 All examinations desks are equipped with a monitor, keyboard and a mouse ready for the e-
Exam to commence.
D7.4 A verbal briefing will be delivered to all candidates by the Invigilator and candidates will be
asked to read and accept (by signing) the examinations conditions presented in an e-
Examinations Candidate login form available on each candidate‘s designated desk.
Examinations will be invalidated if a candidate fails to sign the login form.
D7.5 Candidates will have received in their booking confirmation a list of permitted, prohibited and
supplied materials for the specific examination subject being sat. Only permitted or supplied
materials will be available for use, no other items are permitted in the exam room.
D7.6 Candidates will be instructed by the invigilator to commence the examinations by entering
their login details and clicking the ‗start‘ button when instructed. The examination will then
continue until the duration is completed or the examination is ceased early by the candidate.
D7.7 When an examination is completed by the candidate, they will be required to raise their hand
to attract the attention of the Invigilator who will then finalize (including collecting supplied
materials) the examination to permit the candidate to leave.
i. Candidates using any items not described in the permitted or supplied materials list.
ii. Any mobile phone, communications device, storage device, electronic or otherwise.
iii. Any video imaging or audio recording devices.
iv. The removal of any exam materials from the exam room
v. Offensive or aggressive behaviour towards any examinations personnel.
D7.9 The examination venue is installed with Closed Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV) which will
monitor all examination events.
D7.10 Candidates are required to observe the terms and conditions of examinations conduct,
including all Invigilator instructions, at all times. Failure to do so will result in sanctions being
applied to the candidates for misconduct.
D7.11 Smoking and visiting toilets during the paper is not permitted.
D7.12 Restrictions may apply in addition to the above, in the event of Public Health and/or related
country restrictions.
D8.2 Results may be delayed in release where PCAA is required to review any conduct or
misconduct issues pertaining to a candidate (or candidates) or conditions of examination
D8.3 Results and Knowledge Deficiency Reports (KDRs) will be available in the E-Exams
Candidate portal (and organization Portal for an ATO with whom the candidate has an
approved membership). An email notification will be sent to the candidate (and ATO where a
membership relationship exists) to advise once the results are available. The candidate will
receive a separate result notification for each examination they have completed.
D8.4 The KDR for a PPL, CPL, or ATPL (including for MPL) Flight Crew examination is issued with
the result advice for a completed examination and lists the syllabus items the candidate has
not answered correctly.
D8.5 The KDR information provides the candidates and ATO with a rapid means of identifying the
syllabus item for re-studying and re-testing. A candidate who obtains a 100% score in a
PCAA examination will not have any syllabus item on the KDR. Similarly, a candidate who
scores 50% or less will also not receive any specific syllabus items on the KDR. PCAA
considers a candidate who fails to achieve at least 51% as not being sufficiently trained nor
prepared for the examination attempt. Such a performance requires a complete re-visit of the
entire syllabus for the subject if re-training is contemplated. Therefore, a candidate who fails to
achieve at least 51% in a PCAA examination shall restudy the entire syllabus prior to any resit.
D9.2 Candidates shall pass any subject for the Licence sought within six (6) examination attempts.
Should a candidate fail on a fourth attempt, the candidate will be blocked from booking the
failed examination(s) for sixty (60) - days to enable the candidate to receive appropriate
additional training before being permitted a maximum of two (2) further attempts to pass the
previously failed examination(s). If a candidate fails the examination(s) on the sixth attempt,
all results for that licence shall be rendered failed and the candidate shall re-take the
complete set of examinations for the licence after completing appropriate (to the satisfaction
of the ATO and PCAA) re-training.
D9.3 The ‗stand down‘ period(s) limits and further attempts must be completed within the 18
months from the date of the first examination, as in 9.1 above.
D9.4 A failed examination attempt indicates the candidate has a significant knowledge deficiency
on the subject tested. This is a safety-related issue, which must be addressed by the
candidate prior to re-attempting the failed exam. Candidates will be provided with a result
notification that will provide a statement of the candidate‘s knowledge deficiency.
D9.5 Examination failures, especially repetitive failures on the same subject, would generally be a
consequence of inadequate re-training or/and the candidate‘s personal difficulties in attaining
the required standards.
D9.6 Following any examination failures, there must be a period of re-training time to ensure the
candidate has a reasonable chance of reaching the required standards to pass the PCAA
exam. Before re-taking the examinations, the candidate shall undertake further training at
their designated ATO. The extent and scope of the training needed shall be determined by
the ATO based on the needs of the candidate and according to any specific guidance
outlined by the PCAA.
D9.7 There are no specific rules for what constitutes appropriate re-training as the remedial
training a candidate will require may vary from individual to individual. PCAA trust that theory
providers conducting remedial training will have a responsible approach, knowing that
candidates have already failed this particular subject on multiple occasions.
Go through each of the items mentioned in training programme which is required for
that subject;
Verify that the individual has an adequate understanding of other key elements within
that particular subject, particularly those which are safety related.
D9.9 In most cases, this would not require the candidate to re-sit a complete classroom course as
though they had never studied for that subject, unless the candidate fails to complete all
examinations for the licence sought within eighteen (18) months (as specified in 10.1 above).
D9.10 A record of re-training, including the following information, must be retained by the training
provider / ATO in the candidate training record for PCAA PEL Directorate audit and oversight
inspection purposes:
a. The name and reference number of candidate;
b. The subject name for which the training was provided;
c. A statement or description about the training that they have received, i.e. what training
did they complete, progress examinations, private tuition, review of their items, etc; and
the name of the person/organization who conducted the training.
Note: Candidate should realize that this procedure must be repeated for each subsequent
failure(s) as given in this ANO.
D9.11 Candidates and ATOs are reminded that initial training and (where required) re-training will
be subject to review by the PCAA at any point during the examination and licensing process,
and during ATO oversight audits, to ensure the minimum mandated requirements are
adhered to. Any failure to comply with these requirements may result in the nullification of
examination results, revocation of approval / licence and potential enforcement action.
D10.2 The Full Review must be formally instructed by the candidate requesting a "Review" in their
results portal page within the e-Exams system.
D10.3 It must be requested within 14 calendar days of the date of taking the examination in
D10.4 The full examination review fee should be paid by the candidate at the time of request, which
is fully refundable if an error is found, and the candidate marks are adjusted accordingly.
D10.5 This service is expected to be completed within 10 workings days of receipt of the request. A
message notification, explaining the findings and closing actions will be added to the 'User
Messages' area in the candidate portal.
D10.6 Candidates are also able to make comments against questions during an examination.
Entering a comment during the examination does not constitute a Full Review but comments
are reviewed by the e-Exams Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). Feedback is used to maintain
the integrity and effectiveness of the examination content and will be reviewed should a
candidate request a full technical review.
D11.2 The material used in cheating / improper conduct e.g., mobile phones, books, written
material or any other electronic gadget will be confiscated and if required will be produced
as evidence the time of enquiry.
E1.1 ANO Air Navigation Order
E1.2 ATO Approved Training Organization
E1.3 ATPL Airline Transport Pilot Licence
E1.4 CPL Commercial Pilot licence
E1.5 DOC Document
E1.6 ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
E1.7 MPL Multi-crew Pilot Licence
E1.8 PPL Private Pilot Licence
E1.1 Nil
E3.1 CAA Technical Exams (Personnel Licences, Ratings & Certificates) (ANO-002-LCXX-3.0)
E3.2 Civil Aviation Rules (CARs-1994)
E3.3 Personnel Licensing (ICAO Annex-1)
E3.4 CAA Personnel Licensing Fee Schedule (ANO-021-LCXX)
This Air Navigation Order shall be implemented with effect from 01 March, 2022.
Director General,
Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority
Dated: ________March, 2022
b) use and practical application of take-off, landing and other performance data;
c) pre-flight and en-route flight planning appropriate to commercial operations under VFR;
preparation and filing of air traffic services flight plans; appropriate air traffic services
procedures; altimeter setting procedures;
d) in the case of helicopters, effects of external loading on handling;
2.8 Operational procedures
4.5 Radiotelephony
Communication procedures and phraseology; action to be taken in case of communication
4.6 Aircraft general knowledge for aeroplanes and helicopters
a) general characteristics and limitations of electrical, hydraulic, pressurization and other
aircraft systems; flight control systems, including autopilot and stability augmentation;
b) principles of operation, handling procedures and operating limitations of aircraft engines;
effects of atmospheric conditions on engine performance; relevant operational information
from the flight manual or other appropriate document;
c) operating procedures and limitations of the relevant category of aircraft; effects of
atmospheric conditions on aircraft performance in accordance with the relevant operational
information from the flight manual;
d) use and serviceability checks of equipment and systems of appropriate aircraft;
e) flight instruments; compasses, turning and acceleration errors; gyroscopic instruments,
operational limits and precession effects; practices and procedures in the event of
malfunctions of various flight instruments and electronic display units;
f) maintenance procedures for airframes, systems and engines of appropriate aircraft;
g) for helicopters, transmission (power trains) where applicable;
4.7 Flight performance, planning and loading
a) effects of loading and mass distribution on aircraft handling, flight characteristics and
performance; mass and balance calculations;
b) use and practical application of take-off, landing and other performance data, including
procedures for cruise control;
c) pre-flight and en-route operational flight planning; preparation and filing of air traffic
services flight plans; appropriate air traffic services procedures; altimeter setting
d) in the case of helicopters, effects of external loading on handling;
4.8 Operational procedures
a) application of TEM to operational performance;
b) interpretation and use of aeronautical documentation such as AIP, NOTAM, aeronautical
codes and abbreviations;
c) precautionary and emergency procedures; safety practices;
d) operational procedures for carriage of freight and dangerous goods;
e) requirements and practices for safety briefing to passengers, including precautions to be
observed when embarking and disembarking from aircraft; operational procedures for
carriage of freight; potential hazards associated with dangerous goods;
a) requirements and practices for safety briefing to passengers, including precautions to be
observed when embarking and disembarking from aircraft;
b) in the case of helicopters, settling with power; ground resonance; retreating blade stall;
dynamic rollover and other operating hazards; safety procedures, associated with flight in
4.9 Principles of flight
Principles of flight.
The candidate is required to pass the following papers for theoretical knowledge examinations for the
issuance of PPL (A or H).
The tables below provide a high-level syllabus overview for each licence category, including exam
duration, and total number of questions.
To view the detailed Syllabus and Learning Objectives for each subject, please refer to the PCAA
The candidate is required to pass following papers for theoretical knowledge examination for issuance
of CPL / MPL / ATPL.
010 Air Law
021 Aircraft General Knowledge –
Airframes /Systems / Power
022 Aircraft General Knowledge –
031 Flight Performance & Planning -
Mass & Balance
032 Flight Performance & Planning –
- -
Performance (A)
033 Flight Performance & Planning –
Flight Planning & Monitoring
034 Flight Performance & Planning –
- -
Performance (H)
040 Human performance
050 Meteorology
061 General Navigation
062 Radio Navigation
071 Operational Procedures
081 Principles of Flight (A) - -
082 Principles of Flight (H) - -
091 VFR Communications
092 IFR Communication - -
The tables below provide a high-level syllabus overview for each licence category, including exam
duration, distribution of questions and total number of questions.
Multi Pilot Licence (MPL)
In accordance with ICAO Annex 1 and PCAA requirements, the applicant for an MPL shall at least have
met the theoretical knowledge requirements specified in the airline transport pilot licence appropriate to
the aeroplane category in an approved training course as well as the additional requirements
underpinning the approved adapted competency model. Training in the underpinning knowledge
requirements shall be fully integrated with the training of the underpinning skill requirements.
To view the detailed Syllabus and Learning Objectives for each subject PLEASE REFER TO THE
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Theoretical knowledge examination
Exam duration, total number of questions and distribution of questions
ATPL(A) CPL(A) ATPL(H)/IR CPL(H) Syllabus area
Time (hr) 2:00 1:30 2:00 1:30
Distribution of questions with regard to the topics of the syllabus
033 01 05 10 09 12 VFR Navigation plan
033 02 11 11 IFR Navigation plan
033 03 13 12 09 09 Fuel planning
033 04 04 01 04 01 Pre flight preparation
033 05 05 05 05 06 ICAO flight plan
033 06 05 05 05 05 Flight monitoring and in -flight replanning
Total 43 33 43 33