209-214 Dr. VEENA JOSEPH

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Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)

A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal Vol.10.Issue 1. 2022

Impact Factor 6.8992 (ICI) http://www.rjelal.com; (Jan-Mar)
Email:[email protected]; ISSN:2395-2636 (P); 2321-3108(O)





Associate Professor, Head of the Department of English, Hislop College, Nagpur

In the English language learning–teaching process, social media platforms have
many advantages in enhancing student’s English proficiency in their own learning
and teaching practices.
Technology changes the environment of learning as it provides choices of flexible
features. For instance, the internet supplies students, educators, and administrators
Article Received: 06/02/2022 with many opportunities to do their duties and work when they need at any time
Article Accepted: 11/03/2022 and place. The social media platforms have become common tools that can be used
Published online:13/03/2022
DOI: 10.33329/rjelal.10.1.209
by academic institutions and everyone to share academic work, research findings,
book reviews, and communicate with their peers and teachers.
Social media should also be adopted by universities because the concept of learning
itself is undergoing dramatic changes due to the unprecedented development in
communication technology. Learning is no longer individually accumulated by
attending teacher-centered lectures and tutorials; it is now based on “principles of
collective exploration, play and innovation” Today, learning is seen as the learners’
aptitude to access databases and information hubs anytime anywhere they need to.
Students nowadays live in a more dynamic, information-dependent and connected
world. They have grown into information-hungry group-dependent individuals on
the go, whose thirst for knowledge can only be quenched by offering them the
possibility to be socially and scientifically connected to other communities of
learners around the globe, with whom they can instantly exchange information to
evolve into more knowledgeable individuals.
Keywords: Social media, Net-generation, Communication-skills

INTRODUCTION to acquire knowledge and to learn new processes.

We, as teachers have understand the change in the
The teaching techniques that have worked
teaching-learning paradigm shift and adapt
for decades do not work anymore because new
ourselves accordingly.
students learn differently too. Students today are
“Tech-savvy” and have a different style of learning This study aims to examine the use of social
from the Internet. Today the students use the Web media in English language learning by the students


Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)
A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal Vol.10.Issue 1. 2022
Impact Factor 6.8992 (ICI) http://www.rjelal.com; (Jan-Mar)
Email:[email protected]; ISSN:2395-2636 (P); 2321-3108(O)
of English Literature and Language at University Really, social media is an urgent need for providing
Level. This study is an exploratory study to teachers with the latest methods in teaching English.
investigate the use of social media for English
Also English as a foreign language
language learning. A range of social media especially
educational settings, information and
Instagram and Facebook are used by students for
communication technologies (ICT) have initiated
Learning Process. Generally, students spend more
new educational practices that can be justifiable
time in using social media for general purposes than
methods of language learning and teaching. This is
English learning purposes. However, Students have
because it is important to deduce whether or not
begun to show positive attitudes towards the use of
such technologies have been viewed as an active
social media in English language and Literature
force by teachers and students. The present study
learning. Students perceive that social media plays
explored the role of social media (SM) platforms on
an important role in improving their English
students’ English language proficiency, whereby
Communication Skills, Learning Literature and
interactions on SM may affect learners in terms of
forming positive or negative views on EFL (English as
English as a foreign language educational a foreign language) learning.
settings, information and communication
In terms of concrete measure concerning
technologies (ICT) have initiated new educational
those students, the evaluation of their assignments
practices that can be justifiable methods of language
and co -authored works should be reconsidered in
learning and teaching. This is because it is important
the light of their use of social media. Ways to
to deduce whether or not such technologies have
support and supervise students using social media
been viewed as an active force by teachers and
should be reconsidered and traditional institutional
students. The present study explored the role of
courses should be repackaged via motivating
social media (SM) platforms on students’ English
discussion groups. While certain researchers and
language proficiency, whereby interactions on SM
educators lament the scarcity of empirical research
may affect learners in terms of forming positive or
which addresses the question of social media as
negative views on EFL (English Students learn From ,
facilitators of language learning.
traditions, and types of poetry. For each poem we
read, we examine its literary, cultural, and historical Tapscott and Williams (2007:52)[8] states
contexts. Frequent audio and video recordings that “the new generation of learners are not content
highlight the relationships between poetry in print to be passive consumers and increasing their desire
and in performance. Requirements for this for choice, convenience, customization, and control
discussion-based course include class participation, by designing, producing, and distributing products
a poetry recitation, and short essays. Social media themselves”. Ulbrich (2011, p. 1) [9].
offers varied platforms such as blogs and wikis for NET GENERATION: Members of the Net Generation
teachers to use in teaching English. For Poetry use the Web differently, they network differently,
lovers, Poetry Curious and Students who love English and they learn differently. When they start at
language platform provides many benefits in university, traditional values on how to develop
language educational process. When English knowledge collide with their values. Many of the
teachers decide to use social media in class, they teaching techniques that have worked for decades
need to know which social media platforms can do not work anymore because new students learn
support and improve their students' outcomes and differently too. The Net Generation is used to
which tool they can use with students to have them network; its members work collaboratively, they
experience English language. The main social media execute several tasks simultaneously, and they use
applications that review’s new ways of teaching and the Web to acquire knowledge.
learning English Language. English language as a
foreign language which certainly assess improving The external web applications such as blog and wiki
students' language skills, through social media. generate for student’s communicative environment


Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)
A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal Vol.10.Issue 1. 2022
Impact Factor 6.8992 (ICI) http://www.rjelal.com; (Jan-Mar)
Email:[email protected]; ISSN:2395-2636 (P); 2321-3108(O)
that engage them in conversation and motivate resources that involve students with various types of
them to design their own work, experiences and multimedia. It can also help teachers to engage
share. students in classroom activities (Smith, 2006)[7] that
can be designed in the form of small groups to allow
BLOG: A blog (a truncation of "weblog") is a
students to interact and Share information with the
discussion or informational website published on
help of videos ,brain storm, discuss ,chat and have
the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often
diverse activities.
informal diary-style text entries (posts). Posts are
typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so BENEFITS OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR ENGLISH
that the most recent post appears first, at the top of TEACHERS: As Social media applications have grown
the web page. fast all over the world and then he or she ask other’s
the possible methods to transmit education and
Teachers can create an account on any
planning teaching materials have increased. Social
blogging service and publish class blog.
media platforms provide teachers and students with
All students are considered as “Authors” on different advantages such as improved instructional
the class blog. materials and endless resources that involve
Teachers can ask students to write posts students with various types of multimedia. It can
related to class topics that show their understanding also help teachers to engage students in classroom
of class content. activities (Smith, 2006)[7] that can be designed in
the form of small groups to allow students more
Teacher can post questions and ask student’s healthy academic interaction, like poetry Recitation,
to write their answers. Storytelling, Narration, Discussion, Power point
The teacher can ask each student to write presentation, Videos, Talks and so on.
about any specific topic and ask students to Social media basically means any human
comment on their classmates posts. communication or sharing information on internet
The teacher can use blog as management tool that occurs through the medium of computer, tablet
to post class announcements, homework details and or mobile. There are numerous websites and apps
feedback on students’ works. that make it possible. Social media is now becoming
one of the largest means of communication and is
gaining popularity rapidly. Social media enables you
 Critique and reflection to share ideas, content, information and news etc. at
a much faster speed. In last few years social media
 Individual Control and ownership
has grown tremendously at an unexpected fast rate
 Easy sharing of opinion and discoveries and has captured millions of users around the world.
We live in a time and age where information is just a
 Allow for creativity and flow
button press away. We are swayed by information
 Collaboration, negotiation, teamwork all around us.
 Track developments in knowledge Social media can help students to nourish
their knowledge with a lot of teaching aids available
 Construction and comprehension
online. Students can watch videos, see images,
 Easy sharing information and data check out reviews and instantly clear their doubts
Writing skills, integration of diverse perspectives, while watching the live processes happening. Not
communication, the possible methods to transmit only students, even teachers can make their lectures
education and planning teaching materials have more interesting. Students can enhance their
increased. Social media platforms provide teachers knowledge by reading blogs, articles and write ups
and students with different advantages such as by renowned teachers, professors and thinkers. This
improved instructional materials and endless way good content can reach wide audience. It


Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)
A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal Vol.10.Issue 1. 2022
Impact Factor 6.8992 (ICI) http://www.rjelal.com; (Jan-Mar)
Email:[email protected]; ISSN:2395-2636 (P); 2321-3108(O)
cannot be denied that if used wisely social media can Kentucky Journal of Higher Education Policy
make education much better and create smart and Practice, Vol. 1, Iss. 2 [2012], Art. 7
students, by using these tools. Are becoming a viable https://uknowledge.uky.edu/kjhepp/vol1/iss2/7
supplement to the traditional learning environment Turkle, 2004). Lederer (2012) outlines several
(Ebner, Lienhardt, Rohs, & Meyer, 2010). Also, benefits to using social media in education. First, she
educators are examining the combination of argues that social media is an effective way to
distance education delivery with instructional social increase student engagement and build
media, thus, providing new approaches to teaching communication skills by allowing students to feel
and learning that blend pedagogy and technology more comfortable expressing themselves in a less
(Brady, Holcomb, & Smith, 2010; Lee & McLoughlin, intimidating environment. Secondly, Lederer
2010; Veletsianos & Navarrete, 2012). The purpose believes that social media can improve
of this literature review is to examine the use of communication between students and instructors,
social media in higher education. Specifically, this while the latter can answer students’ questions, The
article reports on: (a) the use of social media by Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE, 2010)
students and faculty; the use of social media for surveyed 4,600 faculty members from 50 U.S.
academic purpose. As educators look for ways to colleges and universities and discovered that over
engage and motivate students, social media 80% of the faculty had never used social media
technologies, traditional and distance learning technologies such as blogs, wikis, Google docs, video
formats; and (c) the pros and cons of using social conferencing, video games, or virtual
media for learning English Language and Literature teaching/learning pedagogy.
Proficiently, for academic purpose. Previous reviews
The activities in using social media in learning
of the literature have suggested that access to
English, with discussion and communication. The
technology is inequitable (Jackson, Ervin, Gardner, &
use of Social media can improve students’
Schmitt, 2001; Morgan & VanLegen, 2005).
motivation, with sub themes self-directed learning
The growing interest in social dimensions of and the Use of Social Media for English Language
learning has led educators and instructional Learning and Literature.
designers to examine the integration of social media
Another benefit of using social media in the
in both traditional and distance learning
teaching and learning of English Language and
environments. The following sections examine the
Literature, is to improve self-learning skills. These
current research literature in the use of social media
interactive applications provide language learners
by faculty, and the use of social media for academic
with vast resources of authentic materials that
practice in a variety of ways that include sharing of
encourages independent learning (Blaschke, 2014).
resources, collaborative learning, inquiry-based
Almost all the social media applications can be used
learning and reflective learning.
by students to practice different language skills such
Despite the worldwide growth of social as reading, writing, and listening. As a way of
media for personal use, educators have been slow to illustration, Chartrand (2012) indicated that
utilize social media technologies for academic students can use YouTube to learn from ESL-related
purpose. Through telephone interviews, Chen and videos posted by their teachers or any ESL/EFL
Bryer (2012) documented the perceptions and educators. Chartrand (2012) stated further that a
Proponents argue that contemporary college wide variety of topics can be covered and learnt
students have become habituated to a world where depending on the needs of the learner.
social media is the norm; thereby, as an educational
Furthermore, Kabilan et al. (2010) reported
tool, social media enriches the learning experience
that Facebook is one of the most beneficial
by allowing students and instructors to exchange
applications that can be used by ELLs to improve
ideas, foster collaboration and discussion, and
their language skills. This website has hundreds of
engage and interact using such emerging social
English teaching pages which provide students with
platforms (Lederer, 2012;


Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)
A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal Vol.10.Issue 1. 2022
Impact Factor 6.8992 (ICI) http://www.rjelal.com; (Jan-Mar)
Email:[email protected]; ISSN:2395-2636 (P); 2321-3108(O)
various lessons including grammar, vocabulary, participants indicated that social media increase
reading, and writing lessons (Kabilan et al., 2010). student motivation and engagement, enhance
Blaschke studied a group of students who used teaching practices, and help to build a learning
social media as a way to increase their English community among students. The study also
proficiency (2014). identified some challenges associated with social
media integration, such as a lack of support and
The researcher found that the use of social
training, low self-efficacy among teachers, and
media empowered students’ freedom in choosing
misgivings about the use of social media in the
and exploring topics and activities that could
enhance their language skills. This self- learning
Seaman and Tinti-Kane (2013) indicated that social In terms of benefits, the participants
media applications and websites such as Facebook, indicated that social media increases students
Twitter, Wiki, YouTube, and blogs have great motivation and engagement, enhance teaching
benefits for expanding education environments. practices, and help to build a learning community
Seaman and Tinti-Kane maintained that these among students.
materials also help in enhancing not only English
Multiple teachers believe that social media
skills but also other fundamental skills including the
has been part of student’s lives, so encouraging
ability to search, evaluate, and interact meaningfully
them to learn through these interactive tools would
with learning tools. In other words, social media
increase their motivation and engagement in the
helps English Language and Literature Learning by
learning process. Therefore, teachers mentioned
expanding the educational environment beyond
that these platforms can be used as a motivational
classroom settings. Moreover, Tiryakioglu and
tool for English learning. For instance, one of the
Erzurum (2011) noted that education activities
participants referred to social media as
usually take place in the classroom where teachers
“motivational tools” that improve language teaching
and students are interacting face to face. But with
and learning. The teacher explained: Social media
social media expanding, ELLs can learn and enhance
consumes most of students’ time. They use these
other out-of-class skills including discussion,
applications more than we think. When we
presenting their thoughts, and commenting on one
encourage them to learn through what they like,
another’s work. Kabilan et al. (2010) stated that
they will be engaged enthusiastically in the teaching
Facebook gives teachers the opportunity to connect
,learning process.
with their students outside of the classroom and
discuss the assignments, classroom events, and In addition, the participants commented that
other information related to the lessons. using social media as a teaching tool improves
students’ engagement, and that has a positive
The attention on using social media for
impact on their language learning performance. In
learning English language and literature in
other words, social media is an engaging teaching
educational purposes is increasing. Research shows
and learning tool. That is why students usually
that social media platforms are effective teaching
increase their efforts to participate, and that
and learning tools. The purpose of this study was to
positively affects their learning and achievement.
examine foreign language teachers’ experiences in
using social media in the teaching and learning of When Teachers design classroom activities
English. using social media, their goal is to make students
engage in learning English language and literature.
The participants used social media to support
This engagement, in my opinion, improves students’
their classroom instruction and to teach English
performance and overall achievement. I will give you
culture. They also perceived social media platforms
an example: students usually perform better on the
as tools that can be used to assess student’s learning
lesson and tasks in which social media is used. Do
and language development and differentiate
you know why?
classroom instruction. In terms of benefits, the


Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)
A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal Vol.10.Issue 1. 2022
Impact Factor 6.8992 (ICI) http://www.rjelal.com; (Jan-Mar)
Email:[email protected]; ISSN:2395-2636 (P); 2321-3108(O)
It is because social media increases their Chartrand, Robert. (2012). Social networking for
desire to learn the idea of authentic learning was language learners: Creating meaningful
echoed by other teachers, who described social output with Web 2.0 tools. Knowledge
media as “a gold mine” and “treasures,” indicating Management & E-Learning: An International
that these platforms allow for more authentic Journal. 4. 97-101.
teaching experiences. These materials also
"Greenhow, Rose O'Neal (c. 1817–1864) ." Women
represent the language used in real life beyond the
in World History: A Biographical
classroom, and that benefits both language learners
Encyclopedia. . Encyclopedia.com. 28 Feb.
and teachers.
2022 <https://www.encyclopedia.com>.
Selwyn Lloyd. Oxford Reference. Retrieved 13
As English teacher’s we have to find the January. 2021, from
best teaching method to motivate students to learn https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.
the language... I believe social media helps us do 1093/oi/authority.20110803100110555.
that. It really improves our teaching. These social
Christian Fuchs (2008), Don Tapscott and Anthony D.
sites are full of real and daily live materials that can
Williams, Wikinomics: How Mass
be used to develop students’ reading, writing, and
Collaboration Changes Everything, New York:
even their speaking or listening.
Penguin, 2007, 320 pp., $25.95 (hardcover).
Teachers have to modify their classrooms International Journal of Communication 2
practices to match the need of each individual in (2008), Book Review 1-11 1932-
their classes. Differentiation is an important aspect 8036/2008BKR0001
of language teaching and learning. It allows teachers
to provide classroom content that matches the
students’ language abilities, learning styles, and

The above study is important because it

highlights the current use of social media for
educational purposes. It bridges the gap in the
literature surrounding the use of technology and
social media in the teaching and learning of English
as a foreign language. For decades, English has been
taught using traditional and less-effective teaching
approaches. This decreases students’ motivation to
learn English as a foreign language. Also the Ministry
of Education has invested money, time, and effort to
develop the educational system in India.



LITERATURE," Kentucky Journal of Higher
Education Policy and Practice: Vol. 1 : Issue.
2, Article 7.

Turkle, S. (2004). Preference for Online Social

Interaction. Chronicle of Higher Education,
50(21), B26.


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