Chapter-2 (: Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna With Different Feeding Techniques at X-Band Frequency)
Chapter-2 (: Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna With Different Feeding Techniques at X-Band Frequency)
Chapter-2 (: Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna With Different Feeding Techniques at X-Band Frequency)
Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna with
Different Feeding Techniques at X-Band Frequency
2.1 Introduction
Popular Micro strip patch antenna suffers severe conduction and surface wave losses
at microwave and higher frequency bands while volumetric nature of Dielectric Resonator
Antenna provides wider bandwidth and good efficiency at these frequencies. One more
degree of freedom of cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna (CDRA) in contrast to
hemispherical DRA provides the flexibility to obtain the desired resonating frequency with
the several combination of material permittivity and dimension (A/H ratio). Performance and
characteristics of CDRA depends on modes excited inside the DRA through the suitable
feeding structure as discussed in chapter-1. Every mode has its own radiation characteristics
and it can be excited by placing the antenna at the suitable location relative to the particular
feeding network. It is important to select the suitable feeding technique for the antenna to
obtain the optimized performance from it. In this chapter, first CDRA for X- band frequency
range is designed and later it is investigated with coaxial probe, micro strip feed and slot
coupled feeding techniques .A comparisons have been done with the results of these feeding
techniques for CDRA and it is attempted to find the reasons for showing the different
characteristics. Parametric analysis has been done to tune the CDRA to work on desired
frequency band with acceptable performance.
The Dielectric material have the nature of lossy resonator in which fields are loosely
bound with material and air, unlike the patch antenna in which fields are confined within the
patch. This nature of dielectric material makes it a good radiator along with resonator.
Several modes corresponding to different radiation nature are possible to propagate within the
DRA structure and as a result different radiation characteristics can be generated in DRA
structure by exciting different modes [2-7]. Field intensities of the desired mode in DRA can
be established by means of proper coupling devices. Many coupling methods such as
Aperture slot coupled [8-11], Probe feed [12-13], modified micro strip feed [13-17],
Conformal Strip feed [18], Direct Image line [19] etc have been studied previously by
researches for the different shapes for different applications. Resonant frequency of lower
order TE01δ,TM01δ and HE11δ (TE110) modes can be computed by equations as discussed in
chapter-1. In mode TEnpm or TMnpm the subscripts n, p and m represent field variation in
azimuthal, radial and axial direction respectively.
𝑓𝑇𝑀𝑛𝑝𝑚 = 2𝐴
√{𝑋 ′ 2𝑛𝑝 } + [ 𝐴 (2𝑚 + 1)] (2.1)
√µ𝜀 2𝐻
𝐵𝑊 = 𝑄√𝑆 . 100% ( 2.2)
Where S is the desired VSWR at input port and Q is quality factor which is directly related
with dielectric constant of DRA and (H/A) ratio of DRA geometry.
Amount of coupling K, between the source and the fields within the DRA can be
approximated for an electric source J1 as [3]
𝐾 ∝ ∫(𝐸2 . 𝐽1 ) 𝑑𝑉 (2.3)
To achieve strong coupling using an electric current source (like a probe), the source should
be located in an area of strong electric fields within the DRA. On the other hand, to achieve
strong coupling using a magnetic current source (like a loop) the source should be located in
an area of strong magnetic fields. By knowing the field distribution of particular mode,
source can be placed at appropriate position for strong coupling between the excitation source
and the CDRA.
Resonant frequency and Quality factor of CDRA are the function of DRA material’s
permittivity and dimensions. Based on this, the resonant frequency of CDRA can be
predicted using equation 2.1 for various modes. Field distribution for TM01δ and HE11δ mode
can be calculated using dielectric waveguide model [3, 7] which shows that electric field and
magnetic field is maximum at the CDRA centre for TM01δ and HE11δ modes respectively. In
order to excite TM01δ mode inside the CDRA electric current source like probe should be
located at the centre. Similarly to excite HE11δ mode in CDRA, magnetic source like loop or
slot should be placed at the centre. TM01δ mode have the radiation characteristic like electric
monopole having the end fire radiation pattern while HE11δ mode acts as a short horizontal
magnetic dipole having the broadside radiation pattern. Therefore, Selection of coupling
technique plays an important role for determining the antenna behaviour. In this chapter, the
behaviour of feeding techniques for the designed CDRA have been observed and parameters
are optimized to get better results. In simulation, different resonant frequencies have occurred
for different feeding techniques which show the effect of feeding techniques on performance
of CDRA. Schematic diagram of CDRA is shown in fig. 2.1 in which low permittivity
material (𝜀𝑟 = 6.15) Rogers 3006 with Aspect ratio of 2.60 (R= 10mm radius and H= 3.84
mm height) is placed on grounded substrate of dimension 64*64 mm. With these parameters,
the resonant frequency for HE11δ mode is found to be 8.62GHz whereas for TM01δ mode, the
computed resonant frequency is 9.14GHz as per equation - 2.1. Operating frequency is tuned
to X-band frequency range by optimizing the parameters and excitation techniques. Extensive
simulation and trade off in parameter values has been done for the better and acceptable
performance in terms of bandwidth and far field radiation pattern. Designed CDRA is
simulated in CST Microwave studio numerical software based on finite integration technique.
Grounded Substrate
The probe can be considered as a vertical electric current that is positioned to achieve
strong coupling to the DRA. The level of coupling can be optimized by adjusting the height
and diameter of the probe. Depending upon the shape of DRA and probe location, different
modes can be excited. In this section, role of coaxial probe at the centre and at the boundary
have been investigated for CDRA, designed to operate at X-band frequency range.
Fig. 2.2 Cylindrical DR antenna with Probe at the centre
0 75
(a) (b)
B (S1,1/abs,dB)
-20 0
-30 Z11_Real
-50 Z11_Imaginary
-40 -75
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
A (Frequency / GHz) A (Frequency / GHz)
Fig. 2.3 (a) Return loss curve and (b) Impedance curve for CDRA with Probe at the
at 9GHz along with the CDRA’s mode at 10.5GHz. Probe insertion inside the DRA shifts the
resonant frequency in upward direction and bandwidth is also enhanced. Similarly probe
location relative to centre of CDRA affects the electric field of excited mode. Good
impedance matching shows the acceptable performance of the design (fig. 2.3 (a & b)).
Electric field lines are shown in fig. 2.4 (a & b) in XZ and XY plane respectively. Field lines
in XZ and XY plane shows that the electric field lines are converging at the centre due to
probe itself at 10.5GHz. From the observation of field lines at 10.5GHz in both planes it can
be concluded that TM01δ is excited inside the CDRA for this arrangement as expected.
Fig. 2.4 Field distribution for Probe at the centre at 10.5 GHz in (a) XZ (b) XY plane
0.8 Total
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Fig. 2.5 Efficiency curve for Cylindrical DR antenna with Probe at the centre
More than 85% radiation and total efficiencies has been obtained by the design in desired
band (fig. 2.5). Same level of end fire radiation pattern has been obtained in both E (ф=0o)
and H (ф=90o) plane by feeding the CDRA at the centre as shown in fig. 2.6(a & b)
respectively with peak gain of 3.69dB and side lobe level of 10.4dB down. Very less cross
polarization level has produced in both ф=0o and ф=90o plane seen in fig. 2.7 (a & b)
respectively. Reason behind the same radiation pattern and same polarization level in both the
planes and high ratio of co-polarization and cross-polarization level could be the symmetric
body of revolution shape of probe (feed) and CDRA (radiator).
Fig. 2.6 Gain pattern for Probe at the centre at 10.5 GHz in (a) ф=0o & (b) ф=90o plane
Fig. 2.7 Copol and cross pol for probe at centre of DRA in (a) ф=0o & (b) ф=90o plane
2.3.2 Probe at boundary of CDRA
In the next step, feed probe is shifted close to the peripheral boundary to yield
broadside radiation patterns by exciting the HE11δ mode of CDRA. Fig. 2.8(a) shows the
probe position located outside the CDRA to avoid the drilling in CDRA during fabrication.
Probe height of 3mm as in the case of probe at centre has shown 26% impedance bandwidth
of 3GHz covering some portion at 8.5GHz and maximum part at 10.7GHz side of X-band
(fig. 2.8(b)). Impedance of probe has been taken as 50 Ω and it is matching with impedance
of CDRA nearly at 10.7 GHz as shown in fig. 2.9(a). Feed is in contact with both DRA
material and open atmosphere having different permittivity resulting in excitation of HEM11δ
mode of CDRA at 10.7GHz and mode due to probe at 8.5GHz as well as one higher mode
near 12.5 GHz. Since it is beyond the desired X- band frequency range, its nature has not
been investigated further. More than 80% radiation and total efficiency have been observed in
acceptable impedance bandwidth curve as shown in fig. 2.9(b). Electric field lines are shown
in fig. 2.10(a & b) in XZ and XY plane respectively. Field lines in XZ and XY plane shows
the two electric field variation in radial and azimuthal direction. From the observation of field
lines at 10.5GHz in both planes, it can be concluded that HEM22δ is excited inside the CDRA
for this arrangement though HEM11δ mode is supposed to be excited [3].
(a) -5
B (S1,1/abs,dB)
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
A (Frequency / GHz)
Fig. 2.8 (a) CDRA with Probe at the boundary & (b) Corresponding Return loss curve
(a) 1.0
B (Impedance)
0 0.5
Z11_Imaginary 0.3
-50 0.2
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
A (Frequency / GHz) Frequency/GHz
Fig. 2.9 (a) Impedance curve and (b) Efficiency curve of CDRA with Probe at the
CDRA with probe at boundary has shown mixed pattern in ф=0o and ф=90o plane at 10.5GHz
as shown in fig. 2.11 ( a & b). In ф=0o plane, pattern is broadside, steered at nearly θ=60o
with gain of 7.8dB while in ф=90o plane peak of 1dB with side lobe level down to 2.7dB is
observed at θ=0o. In ф=0o plane, co-polarization level is 50dB higher than cross-polarization
level in nearly all direction hence larger gain of 7.8dB with side lobe level down to 6.3dB has
been observed (fig. 2.12(a)). Reason behind this mixed pattern and low gain in ф=90o plane
is large cross-polarization level for nearly all values of θ except at 0o where co-polarization
level is more than 30dB relative to cross-polarization level as seen in fig. 2.12(b) at 10.5GHz.
Fig. 2.10 Field distribution for Probe at the boundary at 10.5 GHz in (a) XZ (b) XY
Fig. 2.11 Gain pattern for Probe at boundary at 10.5 GHz in (a) ф=0o & (b) ф=90o plane
Fig. 2.12 Copol and cross pol for probe at boundary in (a) ф=0o & (b) ф=90o plane
Further CDRA is excited by the micro-strip feed etched on grounded substrate of FR-
4 having dielectric constant of 4.3 (fig. 2.13(a)). Width of the feed has been taken as 2.92mm
corresponding to standard 50Ω to be compatible with measuring instruments. In general
micro-strip feed is easy to fabricate and popular also with high 𝜀𝑟 material but have the
drawback of poor coupling with low 𝜀𝑟 (in present work DRA has 𝜀𝑟 = 6.15 ). Simulation
result shown in fig. 2.13-2.26 also indicates this behaviour of feed with DRA as expected.
Broadside HEM11δ mode is likely to couple at 11.6GHz far away from calculated frequency
of 8.62GHz as per equation 2.1. Parametric analysis of length and width of feed has been
done for impedance matching to CDRA. Resonant frequency has shifted towards higher side
at 11.6GHz with 13% impedance bandwidth of 1.45GHz.
B (S1,1/abs,dB)
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
A (Frequency / GHz)
Fig. 2.13 (a) CDRA with micro-strip feed (Top-view) & (b) Corresponding Return loss
-50 Z11_Real
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
A (Frequency / GHz)
Electric field lines are shown in fig. 2.15 (a & b) in XZ and XY plane respectively.
Field lines in XZ plane shows the one electric field variation in radial direction while XY
plane shows the excitation of CDRA at the Centre like omni directional. From the
observation of field lines at 11.6GHz in both planes, it can be concluded that HEM11δ mode is
excited inside the CDRA for this arrangement. Radiation and total efficiency of the design is
less than 50% which is expected for microstrip feeding at microwave and higher frequencies
(here 11.6GHz) shown in fig. 2.16, due to severe conduction and surface wave losses in
micro strip line at these higher frequencies.
Fig. 2.15 Field distribution for microstrip feed at 11.5 GHz in (a) XZ (b) XY plane
0.5 Total
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Fig. 2.16: Efficiency curve for cylindrical DRA with micro-strip feed
Fig. 2.17: Gain pattern for micro-strip feed at 11.5 GHz in ф=0o & ф=90o plane
Fig. 2.18 Copol & Crosspol for microstrip feed in (a) ф=0o, (b) ф=90o plane at 11.5 GHz
Peak gain of around 5.8dB is observed in both ф=0o & ф=90o planes with 3dB beam-
width of nearly 45o shown in fig. 2.17(a & b). Undesirable back radiation has been observed
in Ф=90o plane fig. 2.17(b) while in Ф=0o plane antenna is showing omni directional
broadside radiation pattern shown in fig. 2.17 (a). Co-polarization level is of much larger
value relative to cross polarization level in Ф=0o plane could be the reason of nearly Omni
directional pattern as shown in fig. 2.18 (a) while in Ф=90o plane cross-polarization level
have significant value relative to co polarization in the specific range of θ, yielding the
directive broadside pattern in θ=0o direction with beam-width of 43o (fig. 2.18(b)).
This technique has the advantage of having the feed network located below the
ground plane to avoid unwanted radiations from the micro strip that causes distortion and
degrade the pattern shape. In addition, the slot feed provides more degree of freedom in
design relative to other feed network [16]. For HEM11δ or TM110 mode, slot at the DRA
centre behaves, like magnetic current flowing parallel to its length and as a result excites the
magnetic fields in the DRA body causing broadside radiation pattern in the far field [4]. In
some cases slot resonance may be desirable to increase the bandwidth by merging the slot
resonance with CDRA resonance but in the present work slot resonance is avoided by
keeping the slot dimension small. Coupling of energy depends on the shape of slot and
position of CDRA with respect to slot. The micro strip stub is used to cancel out the reactive
component of the slot, thus allowing an impedance match to the DRA. Slot etched on ground
plane behaves like a capacitor in which two side of the slot are separated by an air. Larger
length of slot shifts the resonant frequency towards downside. Optimized value of slot length
of 12*1 mm is etched on ground plane giving impedance bandwidth of about 31% at 9GHz
centre frequency close to predicted frequency of 8.62GHz as per eqn. 2.1. The 2.4mm wide
feed line, of impedance of 50 Ω is used below the RO-5870 substrate of height of 0.785mm
to indirectly couple the energy to CDRA (fig. 2.19(a)).
Slot Stub -5
t X
B (S1,1/abs,dB)
Microstrip Y
Feed CDRA -20
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Grounded Substrate A (Frequency / GHz)
Fig. 2.19 (a) CDRA with aperture slot feed & (b) Return loss curve for cylindrical DR
antenna with aperture slot feed
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
A (Frequency / GHz)
Fig. 2.20 Impedance curve for cylindrical DR antenna with aperture slot feed
Wide impedance bandwidth (-10dB) of 2.73GHz has been obtained with excitation of
fundamental HEM11δ mode at 9GHz frequency (fig. 2.19 (b)). Slot dimension is kept small to
avoid excitation of slot mode by taking length less than λg/2. Impedance curve confirm the
favourable conditions for radiation throughout the bandwidth (fig. 2.20). Field distribution of
CDRA shown in fig. 2.21 (a) indicates the one field variation in XZ plane while XY plane
shows excitation of whole CDRA and one field variation in azimuthally in fig. 2.21 (b).
Field lines in both the planes show the proper excitation of HEM11δ mode inside the CDRA.
Both radiation and total efficiencies are nearly 95% which shows the potential of dielectric
resonator antenna at higher frequencies compared to patch antenna (fig. 2.22). Slot feed have
Fig.2.21 Field distribution for aperture slot feed at 9 GHz in (a) XZ (b) XY plane
0.5 Total
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Fig. 2.22 Efficiency curve for CDRA with aperture slot feed
(a) (b)
Fig. 2.23 Gain pattern for aperture slot feed at 9 GHz in ф=0o & ф=90o plane
Fig. 2.24 Copol and cross pol for aperture slot feed in ф=0o & ф=90o plane at 9GHz
better radiation pattern in both ф=0o & ф=90o plane shown in fig. 2.23 (a & b). In ф=0o plane
directive pattern with beam-width of 53o and peak of 3.5dB with side lobe level of 9.5dB has
been generated in the direction of θ=0o (fig. 2.23(a)). Symmetric broadside pattern with peak
of 6.2dB and side lobe level of 14dB down has been shown in ф=90o plane (fig. 2.23(b)).
Reason behind the gain pattern shown in ф=0o & ф=90o plane can be explained by co
polarization and cross polarization plot in both plane. Fig. 2.24 shows large cross polarization
level at ф=0o plane in back direction while larger value of co polarization level in the
direction of θ=0o. In ф=90o plane co polarization level is more than 40dB in almost all
direction hence producing very wide broadside pattern with 3dB beam-width of 132.6o.
B (S1,1/abs,dB)
Fig. 2.25 Comparison of return loss curve for different feeding techniques
frequency range but it could not be possible due to large cross-polarization level in = 90ο
plane while in = 0ο plane it is showing mixed pattern having steered peak with gain of
7.8dB. Nearly same co-polarization and cross polarization pattern have observed for probe at
centre feed in both the plane due to the axial symmetry of CDRA and probe itself. Probe at
centre could be used to obtain the end-fire radiation pattern but it needs drilling in substrate
as well as in the antenna makes the fabrication complicated.
For the micro-strip feeding, observed results are Not according to expectation due to
poor coupling for the lower dielectric constant DRA material (in this case ε r is 6.15) and
micro-strip feed. Micro-strip line suffers from increased conductor and surface wave losses at
high frequencies resulted in degradation of gain and efficiency shown in fig. 2.26. From gain
pattern of feeding technique shown in fig. 2.27(a &b) it can be observed that slot feed has
more symmetric and stable broadside pattern in impedance bandwidth range which is due to
the separation of more than 50 dB between co polarization and cross polarization level in
both planes as discussed earlier in section 2.5. Slot feed is located below the substrate which
protects CDRA from the backward radiation of feed line so that the CDRA radiation pattern
is very less affected from radiation of feed, resulting in better performance in terms of gain.
B (Effic. [1]/abs,linear)
slot feed
0.7 probe at boundary
probe at centre
microstrip feed
8 9 10 11 12
A (Frequency/GHz)
Fig. 2.26: Comparison of radiation efficiency curve for different feeding techniques
slot feed provides bandwidth of 2.73GHz. A narrow slot aperture placed at the centre of
CDRA couples only a fundamental mode of CDRA that provides axial symmetry radiation
patterns with good impedance bandwidth as shown in fig. 2.25. Performance of slot feed can
be said better as centre frequency of 9GHz for slot feeding is closer to calculated frequency
of HEM11δ mode while for probe feed at centre have resonant frequency at 10.5GHz.
Efficiency curve as shown in fig. 2.26 for feeding network shows more than 95% radiation
(a) (b)
Fig. 2.27 Gain pattern at (a) ф=0o plane & (b) ф=90o plane for different feed network
and total efficiency to slot feed while Probe at centre or at boundary both have nearly same
85% efficiency in the desired band. Probe at boundary and micro-strip feed are not providing
impedance match at desired frequency range. At higher frequencies DRA have tendency to
confine the signal rather radiation due to smaller wavelength as compared to antenna structure
resulting in degradation of efficiency in all the three feeding techniques. Micro-strip feed has
shown poor efficiency among all techniques due to severe conduction and surface losses at X-
band frequency range. Gain for all three techniques can be increased by using the larger size
of ground plane at the cost of larger physical space requirement. On the basis of above
observation it can be concluded that impedance bandwidth can be enhanced by making the
resonances of the dielectric cylinder and of feed structure itself close to each other. Probe and
slot can be a radiator also causing wide bandwidth due to the combination of feed network’s
resonance and CDRA’s resonance.
2.7 Conclusion
Wideband CDRA has been designed for X-band frequencies applications. Role of
feeding techniques on the performance of CDRA is investigated by exciting the CDRA by
coaxial probe, Micro strip and Aperture coupled techniques for optimum performance.
Aperture coupled technique has shown better performance in terms of wide impedance
bandwidth and symmetric far field pattern for X-band. Simulated center frequency of 9GHz
closely matches with theoretically calculated resonant frequency of 8.62GHz. Overall, this
chapter concludes that slot coupled feed is better feeding technique for designed CDRA as
compared to other techniques and it can be used as a feed while exploring the other
possibilities in designed cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna.
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