Determination of Complex Permeability of Silicon Steel For Use in High - Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers
Determination of Complex Permeability of Silicon Steel For Use in High - Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers
Determination of Complex Permeability of Silicon Steel For Use in High - Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers
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4 authors, including:
Stanislaw M. Gubanski
Chalmers University of Technology
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Information about frequency dependence of complex permeability of silicon steel is a vital input parameter in calculations of trans-
former winding inductance used for modeling high-frequency behavior (100 Hz–1 MHz). We present two ways of determining small
signal complex permeability spectra in frequency domain and compare and discuss the results. The first method is based on an optimiza-
tion procedure, in which inductance of a winding is measured and calculated by analytical formulas and finite-element modeling. The
second method makes use of a single sheet tester. We show that the magnitude of effective permeability of the silicon steel laminations
remains significant up to about 100 kHz. We also report on the effect of magnetic viscosity on complex permeability.
Index Terms—Complex permeability, magnetic viscosity, power transformers, silicon steel, single sheet tester.
I. INTRODUCTION shown that the influence of the core remains significant even
at frequencies above 100 kHz [4]. The purpose of the work
Thus, effective relative complex permeability in -direction of III. ESTIMATION OF SMALL SIGNAL LOCAL
a single lamination can be expressed as PERMEABILITY
For calculating the effective permeabilities of both the bulk of
(4) the core [see (4)] and the mitered joint regions of a transformer
core [4], the local permeability and conductivity of sil-
icon steel are mandatory input parameters. These data are often
Similarly, the effective relative complex permeability in -di- unavailable, unless the manufacturers provide the information.
rection can be derived as It is practically not possible to remove a lamination sample
from a stacked core of a transformer for performing measure-
(5) ments of . Instead, one can estimate the small signal local
permeability indirectly by using an optimization algorithm, in
Here, in calculating , should be used instead of . If we which inductance of a winding at a low frequency ( 500 Hz)
assume the following typical parameter values for 3% silicon is numerically calculated and compared with a measured
steel: S/m, , , the value. The reason for using this lower frequency inductance
resulting effective permeabilities as a functions of frequency are is to avoid the effect of winding capacitance, which together
shown in Fig. 2. with the core inductance produces the first resonance of the
measured impedance [7]. A flow diagram of the developed
B. Reluctance of a Fragment of Steel Lamination optimization algorithm is illustrated in Fig. 3. First, it makes
Reluctance is a measure of the opposition to the magnetic use of realistically assumed initial values of the required pa-
flux driven by a magnetomotive force and it is analogous to the rameters for calculating the winding inductance (calculation of
concept of resistance in an electric circuit. Reluctance is depen- permeability of the bulk lamination and the joints that is then
dent on geometrical parameters as well as on permeability of the used in a 3-D model of the transformer core to calculate the
B. Interpretation of Measurements
The equivalent magnetic circuit of the experimental setup Fig. 6. Measured relative complex permeability of lamination sample 30H102
in the rolling direction and transverse direction.
(Fig. 4) is depicted in Fig. 5. Two coils connected in series pro-
duce the same amount of flux. In Fig. 5, is the reluctance
of the ferrite yoke, represents the reluctance of the gap be-
tween the yokes and the lamination strip, which appears due to • Impedance measurement without lamination strip and two
the insulation layer on the lamination strip. stands for the coils connected in series with opposite directions com-
leakage reluctance accounting for leakage flux outside lamina- pared with previous measurement force the flux into the
tion strip and is the reluctance of the tested area of the lami- ferrite yokes. Hence, the permeance of yokes can be
nation strip. Flux density in the yokes during the measurements calculated from , H.
was kept very small so that remained constant. The other • Permeance of small insulation gap is approximately
two reluctance values ( and ) were also not dependent on calculated using geometrical parameters H.
the flux density [5]. When , , , and are known, one can calculate the
Equivalent permeance of the whole magnetic circuit (Fig. 5) complex reluctance of the lamination sample . Then, the rel-
can be simplified by placing before and expressed as ative complex permeability can be calculated by means of (7).
Here, the length of the magnetic path in the test sample is
(8) defined as the inner distance between the yoke faces as shown
in Fig. 4 as recommended in [12]. One should notice here that
thus, the reluctance of the lamination sample becomes the dc and ac resistances of the wire are also included in all the
impedance measurements. These are calculated analytically and
(9) deducted from the measured impedance (10).
Relative complex permeabilities of lamination strips taken
Knowing the permeance of a magnetic circuit, number of turns out from T1 and of two other silicon steel samples (30H102 and
of the coil and neglecting the copper wire resistance, the 30R122) were determined by means of the aforementioned pro-
inductance of the measuring coil can be expressed as [16]. cedure. Figs. 6–8 illustrate the obtained results. Two samples of
Hence, the impedance of the two series-connected coils is given 30H102 and 30R122 steel exhibit different local permeability
by values in the rolling direction; 504 for 30H102 and 472
for 30R122. Consequently, the loss peak appears at lower fre-
(10) quency for 30H102 (5.46 kHz) compared to 30R122 (6.9 kHz)
(the higher the local permeability the lower the frequency of the
Therefore, corresponding permeance values can be determined loss peak). The complex permeability in the transverse direc-
by the following measurements. tion showed anisotropy factor , which could be
• Impedance measurement with the lamination strip explained by crystallographic anisotropy of silicon steel [17],
provides the equivalent impedance of the test [18]. The lamination sample taken out from T1, which is a very
setup. Then, it is possible to calculate from old transformer, exhibited lower local permeability (438) com-
, which is frequency dependent. pared to new samples.
• Impedance measurement without lamination strip provides It can clearly be noticed from Figs. 6–8 that at 10 kHz, above
the leakage impedance of the test setup, as the equal which the influence of the magnetic core is often neglected in
and oppositely directed magnetic flux in the yokes cancel modeling transformers for FRA purposes, the permeability falls
each other and only the leakage flux remains. Thus, can down to 45% of its low-frequency value. Therefore, the neg-
be calculated from , H. ligence of the core influence above 10 kHz is not justified at
Fig. 7. Measured relative complex permeability of lamination sample 30R122 Fig. 9. Change in real part of the complex permeability with time after sudden
in the rolling direction and transverse direction. removal of dc magnetization from a steel sample of T1.
measured real part also becomes lower compared with the ana-
lytical prediction at higher frequencies. This could result from
the fact that the analytical expression used is derived by consid-
ering only the classical eddy-current approach.
Fig. 10. Change in imaginary part of the complex permeability with time after Fig. 12. Change in imaginary part of the complex permeability at 800 Hz with
sudden removal of dc magnetization from a steel sample of T1. time after sudden removal of dc magnetization. Solid lines represent fitted log-
arithmic approximation.
This work was supported by SIDA-SAREC of Sweden and
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Apr. 1997. is Chair of the IEEE-DEIS Nominations Committee. He is also convener of the
CIGRE Task Force D1.01.14 “Dielectric Response Methods for Diagnostics of
Power Transformers.”