Social Maneb Past Papers
Social Maneb Past Papers
Social Maneb Past Papers
A. 1 and 2
12.Which of the following can cause the B. 1 and 4
damage? C. 2 and 3
A. Floods D. 3 and 4
B. Heavy rainfall 18.Which of the following people were
C. Cyclones looking for grazing land and water for
D. Landslides their livestock?
13.How can the damage be prevented? A. The Ngoni
A. Constructing a fence around the B. The Chewa
house C. The Tonga
B. Planting trees around the house D. The Yao
C. Avoiding settling on steep slopes 19.Which of the following systems of
D. Building the house with bricks and government controls al the wealth of
cement the state?
14.Which of the following is a title for a A. Democracy
Ngoni leader? B. Monarch
A. Kyungu C. Socialist
B. Emwene D. Autocracy
C. Themba 20.Which of the following methods of
D. Inkosi catching fish uses motor boat?
15.Kalikokha is a shoe-repairer. To which A. Gill net
type of work does the work done by B. Trawl net
kalikokha belong? C. Fish trap
D. Line and hook
2 compiled by :M. Bambi-0995 910 418
21.Which of the following should be A. Promotes interpersonal skills
considered when budgeting? B. Gives room for other people’s
A. Time and income views to be heard
B. Place and population C. Poor planning due to disagreements
C. Rice and quantity of the item D. Promotes sense of self of
D. Quality of the item and income dependence
22.Why did the American newspaper send 28.Which of the following commodities
Henry Molton stanly to Africa? was carried from America to Europe
A. To find out if river Niger is during slave trade?
navigable A. Cloth
B. To promote discovery of the B. Gun
interior of Africa C. Sugar
C. To prove that Lake Victoria was the D. Slaves
source of Nile river 29.Which of the following is the
D. To introduce trade disadvantage of hire purchase to the
23.The prime Meridian is also known as seller?
the A. Fails to get a full amount of money
A. Longtudes immediately.
B. Greenwich B. Cannot be rightful owner of the
C. Latitudes item after a long time
D. Equator C. Gets things at a higher price
24.What name is given to the path through D. Continues to pay for the item even
which the earth goes round the sun? when it is lost
A. Axis 30.Which of the following is a soil
B. Revolution conservation method?
C. Rotation A. Cultivating along the river banks
D. Orbit B. Making ridges along the slope
25.Which of the following is an ancient C. Practicing controlled grazing
irrigating equipment? D. Setting bush fires
A. Shaduf
B. Aquaeduct
C. Treadle pump 2017
D. Horse pipe 1. Which of the following climates
26.Which of the following factors led to does Malawi experience?
the decline of the Mwenemutapa A. Equatorial
kingdom? B. Mediterranean
A. The death of a strong leader C. Tropical-savanna
B. Lack of standing army D. Tropical-desert
C. The mission intervention 2. What is the duty of the executive
D. The invasion from its enemies arm of government in Malawi?
27.Which of the following is an impact of
intolerance on national development?
3 compiled by :M. Bambi-0995 910 418
A. Planning for development B. Provide funds
projects C. Refund funds
B. Changing laws of the country D. Do not provide funds
C. Interpreting laws 9. Which of the following factors
D. Participating in national budget influence the sparse population
3. The imaginary line that divides the distribution in Rumphi?
earth into two equal halves is A. Education facilities
called|? B. Manufacturing industries
A. Tropical of cancer C. Mountainous areas
B. Latitude D. Fertile soils
C. Tropical of Capricorn 10.How were the slaves obtained in
D. Equator East and Central Africa?
4. Which of the is cause drug and A. By building schools for them
substance abuse among youth? B. By capturing them at night
A. Mental confusion C. By agreeing with family
B. Hatred by the community members
C. Dropping out of school D. By persuading the sultan
D. Peer pressure
The figure below is a map of Malawi
5. Which of the following factors
showing the location of the universities
would lead to road accidents?
Mission to central Africa stations. Use
A. Using a licenced driver
it to answer questions 11 and 12.
B. Overtaking at a flat area
C. Driving vehicles which are road
D. Neglecting road signs and traffic
6. One factor that led to the decline of
the Egyptian civilization was?
A. The attacks by Greeks
B. The invasion of Europeans
C. The prosperous trade in gold
D. The internal conflict
7. What do you call the term of having
same status, rights and
A. Gender equality 11.Identify the mission the site marked
B. Gender equity T.
C. Gender inequality A. Likoma
D. Gender stereotype B. Likwenu
8. Social-economic institutions are C. Malindi
organizations that D. Nkhotakota
A. Benefit on funds
4 compiled by :M. Bambi-0995 910 418
12.Why was the mission station C. Good settlement
established at S? It had D. Generating electricity
A. A lot of slave trading activities 19.In which of the following districts
B. Good settlement area does limestone mining take place in
C. High population Malawi?
D. Good roads A. Karonga and Rumphi
13.Which of the following is the B. Kasungu and Karonga
contribution of Nkhamanga C. Balaka and Rumphi
kingdom to the present Malawi? D. Kasungu and Balaka
A. Medicine 20.Lake chirwa is salty because it
B. Knowledge of God A. Is shallow
C. Hunting B. Has many inlets
D. Taming animals C. Is small in size
14.In which season do trees lose their D. Has no outlet
leaves in Malawi? 21.Which of the following is the head
A. Cool and wet of Judiciary?
B. Hot and dry A. State president
C. Cool and dry B. Speaker of parliament
D. Hot and wet C. Chief justice
15.What type of soils is used for D. Director of public prosecutions
moulding pot? 22.Which of the following were tombs
A. Clay soil of the Egyptian kings?
B. Loam soil A. Pyramids
C. Sand soil B. Temples
D. Clay-loam soil C. Catacombs
16.Which of the following instruments D. Ziggurats
is used for measuring temperature? 23.Which of the following is the result
A. Windsock of revolution of the earth?
B. Anemometer A. High temperatures
C. Rain gauge B. Rains
D. Thermometer C. Day and night
17.Which of the following is head of a D. Seasons
constituency? 24.Where did the Montfort Fathers
A. Councillor establish their mission station in
B. Mayor Malawi?
C. President A. Mponda in Mangochi
D. Member of parliament B. Nguludi in Chiradzulu
18.Which of the following is an C. Likuni in Lilongwe
economic use of shire river? D. Mua in Dedza
A. Source of transportation 25.Which of the following is an
B. Source of water for example of drainage?
transportation A. Rift valley
5 compiled by :M. Bambi-0995 910 418
B. Rivers C. Vegetation has waxy leaves and
C. Plains horns
D. Plateaus D. Grass is tall and covers many areas
26.Which of the following would be 2. Which of the following physical
the best way of preventing the features is a highland with a flat top?
spread of HIV and AIDS? A. Plateaux
A. Using condoms B. Rift valleys
B. Practising abstinence C. Mountains
C. Avoiding risk behaviour D. Plains
D. Avoiding sharing razor blades 3. Which of the following is the type of
27.Where is the headquarters of Unites world climate that has no summers?
Nations Organization? A. Equatorial climate
A. New York B. Tropical monsoon climate
B. Addis Ababa C. Tundra climate
C. Brussels D. Tropical desert climate
D. Paris 4. Which of the following organizations
28.Which of the following is an deals with HIV and AIDS?
example of sex roles? A. United Nations High Commission
A. Men handle family business for Refugees (UNHCR)
B. Women cook food B. Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB)
C. Women breastfeed babies C. National Road Safety Council of
D. Men build houses Malawi (NRSCM)
29.Which of the following is the D. Adventist Development Relief
advantage of using a fax machine? Agency (ADRA)
A. It is cheap 5. Which of the following was the reason
B. It is fast for the decline of the Ngoni kingdom?
C. It reaches as far as a remote area A. Chewa and Yao invasion
D. It does not need skilled people B. Lack of respect for the king
30.Which of the following types of C. Missionary intervention
families? D. Lack of strong leadership
A. Nuclear family 6. Which of the following people
B. Extended family founded Mwenemutapa kingdom?
C. Single parent family A. Mambo
D. Collective family B. Mwari
C. Nyatsimba
2015 D. Karanga
1. Which of the following describes the 7. Which of the following is a single
desert vegetation? parent family?
A. Vegetation is always green A. A man and a woman
B. Grass germinates when the rains B. A husband and a wife
come C. A boy and a girl
D. A mother and a daughter
6 compiled by :M. Bambi-0995 910 418
8. Why was the Suez Canal constructed
between the Mediterranean Sea and
Red Sea?
A. To shorten the distance between
Europe and Asia
B. To enable small ships, pass through
C. To ease trading between Africans
and Europeans
D. To promote ship building in Africa
9. Which of the following is good
practice for a pedestrian when walking
along the road?
A. Watch out for the children who just
run into the road
B. Ensuring that children walk behind 11.Which of the following types of
the person climate is found in the area marked
C. Walk next to the edge of the road M?
facing oncoming cars A. Cool-wet
D. Putting flat shoes B. Warm-wet
10.Which of the following minerals is C. Hot-wet
used in photographic materials? D. Hot-dry
A. Aluminium 12.Identify the National Park marked N.
B. Gold A. Kasungu
C. Oil B. Lengwe
D. Diamond C. Nyika
D. Liwonde
Figure 1 is a map Malawi. Use it to 13.What is the name of the forest reserve
answer questions 11 and 13 marked Q?
A. Dedza
B. Mchinji
C. Chongoni
D. Dzalanyama
14.Which of the following is a
characteristic of planets?
A. They produce light of their own
B. They are at the centre of the solar
C. They obtain their heat energy from
the sun
D. They are arranged in a straight line
1. Define the term ‘physical features’
2. Why are mountains important? Give any two points
3. Explain any one movement of the earth
4. Mention any two modern ways of communication
5. State any two reasons for the decline of the Greek civilization
6. Give the two main causes of the East and Central African slave trade
7. What name was given to the preserved dead bodies in Egypt civilization?
8. Mention any two contributions of the early missionaries to Malawi?
9. State any two profs that the earth is spherical
10.Give any two ways in which forests can be conserved
11.What were the achievements of the commonwealth? Give any two points
12.Mention any two points on the importance of soil?
13.Explain any two effects of high population density
14.Mention any one service provided by the following institutions to the community:
a. Police service
b. Economic institution
c. Education institution
15.Explain any two types of farming in Malawi
16.How can drug and substance abuse be prevented. Give any two points
17.Mention any two factors that can hinder the development of tourism in Malawi?
18.How can transport network influence external trade? Give one point
19.State two types of trade
1. Give any three social services that are provided in Malawi
2. Mention any one way in which Malawi can benefit from each of the following social
a. Bank:
b. DFID:
3. State any two contributions of the Roman civilization to the modern world
4. Name any one factor that led Nyasaland to become a British Protectorate
5. Mention any two factors that influence farming
6. Define the term: ‘Hire purchase’
7. Mention two effects of gender stereotype on development
23 compiled by :M. Bambi-0995 910 418
8. Mention any one effect of population decrease in an area
9. Define the term ‘protectorate’
10.Give two contributions of Mwenemutapa kingdom
11.Why did Dr. . David Livingstone come to Nyasaland. Give any two reasons
12.Why was the slave trade in west Africa also known as the Triangle Trade?