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Wig ee ‘i (ogee what tte body Be Ome ke. Neva) Reba a aowo RY ONL cc en ir bs as ae iad Nl SA sia a aii, Ba Waal eV nen Ce UN lo. Foran | Stems Pe SS Coen a (o % CON Md oA ada wal ee + Whutereus yo JM? = (M Oa ven Say - rau TY ON, 0 an smear t Yo RAM ITY, NOME STUN mari on los sad tS LAMY SO MT ext Aaa OEE tO) 2 Sar SY Ds se a AU Te [ees Sa aap parer har olerthed in Gmail wmiteehing thant er Seman fee OM) CO oo Me oe RN, COMO TALC) — Olena weds AC (ae exerted in Auaic vnar glasta bit + Pyerd ing rail $) atverphon Clg NY he Pee MRC I coun al (WL megs eer Sa esis tee ay Ee MELT Co cig Pi Beda CY ae , ba lel a wen) 0 (- 2m, a shor PSTN (Sd) a monte (vs Om rf) apt 6 GU Ron x] PN Tua cane SE Te A SS ha aL oa eane ie GR OF ation (a Se CL CP up Kuen a aa Ke a a toe aa Cad To) Cat Col Tee es al aad Se | Cn ra OM atl ony 2h us fe bd MI Be Caan Lay A ol col] Bint rn SO SS ak) LY cea Ca OC LD si Su Oa Ate a a a Clay & a Po aisle bees] mee Oe a id Cr dD GRE e eee eae ahd = Ce | a rae es bat ee Pre Urry an Cre Carat rca ev FSiib) ML hue penmbibtes oe eS Me ae) STI aa i) a a Ola BT Saad Te ay oS Cor | L Gbrwlatin OF 7a D- antagonier aM Loa oe eet) eS aah Caan |e Ae ee) (owners tar) four oe ee Pe me aN VA osteo Pa a @ PY eee) Px ag DR eC Ld peta 4 I) cs MR a a Bera 2 (62) Up Alrondontiy Coe a Lh Aare Pee ML Pca soba S Uy Prarecin Covinigress ) # Aa onorst oa dad DO ae esis) Vi oF. CotagressC clonidine) Pan ee i hated CO a SR ae ld a tS i el CO el aon | us Oe en ee an Santa) (ae) Peter ape ca) er ig Pony et eu) clit | Cpreranst) I ta ad ch hin a ear - PDES innit ia aia pia tes (mate huoye) PAT Fae aS veal he bh) ree tas t re Bae Yad ad ee Cre MC nada Doi sti te HepaRe rst feos Salt ts) i be hae Po om =e a Pen 1d eke aie) c+. art CF Bei eae ad Ca a Oe ne aa aay a. ral. ic i — Wdngs = 1 “% ro Wai Ue CT '[2) Os aed ne eae at Le a ares Ol Re Cia el oe al Lat taal (oe ees Sta) ee | CU REE 1.7) Cd | lems = @2-Sng Sam Cr SACS eC Wo CRU A ed Ca oe, aig lau Pass ated ro Wai Ue CT '[2) Os aed ne eae at Le a ares Ol Re Cia el oe al Lat taal (oe ees Sta) ee | CU REE 1.7) Cd | lems = @2-Sng Sam Cr SACS eC Wo CRU A ed Ca oe, aig lau Pass ated ele aS VAL s. se) T= contnos GdmiwsYotion OF weds until cy ley tre HHP Pit ea ae UT) 3- cammsiraton bled and cine! Wood pndvett Types of WwW puids? DLT ay wormal oomolaviy® 24D —suD m To Ste a re a eT Se as ae a OC sc a ex. PSSS 10 -T Sart Lae | dea iacad Dew © sma quo i, a 5% Wt PS it will exer, Posmote presne p>) esate Faas 2 ayp mOamn| ko) am Cz oy, Pry ered ae MOS ee OL Mo a a Ww inh tne al Sl | SO Yee Cea] Cees S aus (ae Ie etre a — por pts © cdl dehydrahsry a oA A) S| ye Le | 0-39 No et iy eas BO ail I eld eeu) Se Te oli oe thal Pa ke a (Sead rns ye’ PL Tid ipigry Rs a Oe Davee ean Ts) Sai ee ad es Os NM UTA ees ee Tn ad ee Lg 2. Colloik BT LO too a ele aa ot Win atl cle eae Ce Perna) Ct roe = albumin derton Puy nT eal Flushing of Intermitiens W dedus eo nos S- salime Fh CWS) Fee OU mye Ra MLS Pee ume ae 3) CW COTS Aloe era) Oe uM Sy Ronagonent CM oa Baa TTT) cinpiltration OF witare wv fedicatt meds eee ee eu al a cL} Srv Ot Jal [OR dasa te abies © aspirate for revidvol dugs © odminister antidote ea Lo hee Pe il lbae © femore tre ne © Od comprese Co i a iad Total forenteral mivition - cten) OT ed aa A ee a ae PN a dr Me Ma tf cin) eas" qucote | mimo ands, pally auos , Pd lah bo aia een a tebe) aM Bae MI pete Carr Fut ae PN en MeN a ee ce a) Pe Lietd 1 TPA solution ond Mong shold mm crajed eray 2Yhe a. Deming dange - H-Tehs CE mea ee Cd etal AN ODT a ad ee eats = Wen ch prevent 7 cr) 7 do yalcalva wnaneurc/ Ore eee) SE eee Re Be a a en Ma Sg am ae eed Ld a aa taal) AA Bs ioe) Perioperahe Nursing en acy awe] DR etd deinen - OR table a etait 1 in de ond ) eda Aa ad Le OL] re e ci a] OA dad Ly snodd be ome AsAP Cas reafaning caves era c Ce ee eC eh Lg SO LO od Pe os Id A abate Uy rtpow oF Re hornet Pn a raseit) CR a] 2. Risk uf CCA = poleng pradure Ba oo PL Ue ard PAYA PLS a Lyd Pam Ars SA easy Pa a ae CU a 8 n Arar aa BE ae il iy I Mi i LU Ce Tes! See ier a La eae ie emake PM cid CN ed rod WA Cra a aaa DZ5) re-op Mi re COLL (oie (Cea be vated Pas) ea ud Se ad pd - ovome Pe es a Be ttl eke Be ihe a Tc) (2) eral BA Pee hal Wpesbee Ory TL Cae ad Cl tad) (at bade Ce a (OL nih iiienaes | a) Ln) ne) eee ST La 7 Passe, ad Be ag Be ee Be Reed tO aahnche alte I aia PA ahd 7 ee Te] loss oP conscfousness eg Shs sae PA ad Cad v. Spmal anestnesia + anfrertnecal ( subaracmno’o) a tat) PA LL a arn Ro a - 4 pepopol SI kell De Lead Pag - Indwohen ty bss OF consctousnesy Peta nt i a dace 3. Surgical crage col Mo he OO A aed OO ae LS Fe col alee Msg | Ants ging ©) fost-operntie fering Coe. (er ekieaibd 1 G79 bs © hemorrhage /oleeaing Aad Pe ee er) Infras ( dre % deprssion oF Pay | POs Mee Be Rate Boke Sacre Ne a) SE ie Ld id [aad pyre aed en ht J ater eeplenes (4) Y anit) te wore ond pee! ary OA dle a od Up ole mens GFR UL normal OA tote Bad CMe cr fae et Pas) ey Uy = Gpred cord OT lead Fk Py be aay — 3| por oF spinal ewes 3. ANS C Avhnamic Ns) STM Re aed ail oY) LEE abd bac Be Brain — 2 hem spheres Sl 7 Good in quanashes (Satniohd) Pa el] aad . By) a Chigher BLL) 1 OR Mane) So acai) Di a aE ices Bd ta Od strobes ‘J CC ey tA) me Tay ale bs al eas D 7moter speum anor cd So at ahd Ct a ahd Ww inabity ty spank oy commenicaic a) Serer { Sere Ue aCe) - a ahi De RG arcane eRe Md a Md a - Papoapiey Vo aber ity 40 Lisl banfieaa) Tn) et a ated] 9 Temporal = audit receptire (omy wo Ly Wernicke's specen cantor” CR ete Ba tad ot ln be incintity ta enaerstand | Ce i Pe SE aA att Me at Pe aa Se a A a ry )) eT] Pe i Ar alah dd BA Le Hen ics dd Pd cd t. Basal gorge Sha aL A al a on Mel cata D- Dienuphalon CR eed - relays inpe He? brawn CxoY smell UA hacleaeed hal kd Ba Mi Gud — enter op padings 4 emotions € uminc System SA els) es a) Poa) 7 wemal - enditey Pree bh SE ol di rri Mkt ited Se a oe CC On Ca ak rio Sel a Salhi coed Saleh Cet LE (Oy rr es i testi Oa Oa) By pewrotenenibor (OF a Steel C30 palatal @ fab. in crane! nares ® input, De = artormorune Rs CM Lace PR ce ee oe} CO We > Linear” 2 Fragmented —- spiiatered reto pieces Tt coda heidlinialien) re ee Le Selinneall dihbintnhahenl pret pir ne en ce aa) eta a Is Rhabaldl a Mele Pe Mila t 1 Coe Pe Tad) See CG lal = bleed callectwn Comatier res!) ou Pe sad Ril SI poeta nk Ig meee Pa te ay Ca ‘oluad at! ea A a AT ee ed PST il aaieniattiel ee a ee MT it ee ve) UC BU ce Mane”) OR ee 1m te meninges) onery 5 damages! , while rye) Dr ar Le PS aval $|se op Tel: © # 1cP ere ee ac er el elas. DD 2D bron contre: (normal) Bean Tse - 90°/. Sh (i) 2AMICP 16 LE OF Compression of win) Cents OF tne brain id ea De hn eden d Ce Ca ee a Cate! once Ge vari) Poe) Yo ee as Bn Ss I dT haath eal esdiedl Dd |) extenaen patmav Se lh abakeay BT lh it sel FeO A oe J ete eats es le v[s mdened pus pessure -@ the heat eonireut perapuly = bsqe/|reted Ca re Pee nd BS Se a TL les aM badd Life aaa ’ peer Oe a Re ariel eae on Shel aes beers cos yes by Hypophysectmy - tor transpheneicla! Se ad F)) CTLs Tad 7Decacten -© can cuss bleed lorain leam'er Pa Pe CL ey at Re ee) Per TC eae Re TOMA Me Cate] re C4-CD - Prrente. 4 Iypefeentiiabon | Hyperonyqenaiion ae CT pellatecd OM ae CO a Ma ts Ld o_needs ® ¥ Loa (cerbral vaso dlater) ed aa ed 2. Spinal Cord tefuny CSCI) ee orate At ae aD De aC) Se hes ales ed OTT pl et ere S|se Fr O- CT Rs da) be al ares eC ry Sad an aM sear Mh ohana} at ae en Pe Pee ed r+) Sal costal ben al ba Aa PO tte Td an TO cs) 4 Un be received Ee CN) Rea Cn ee Ca Se aR | ths eda) WA mS aL a) OPE oem ted po Do t Tame prdeuy oF te Paha el Mo MR Manele ier Rata st EO Oe Pa ae Cd 5. CML Po Umpicatens = Stunt sedeck maT dyseE EAA So tek da cee eed Lae ROO at] Boas Ps eae Miered & Gebel perpuim Lowaenect nm) Pe er, an a) CT ve hernias [eve Vac rere) 2. Embolkc COA Ya a 3. Yemeernagk. chete Ca. aeoLy aD eS ) Cauusaren) Or dn a EL Berean al 1 Malt, allan Sonal 4 Dey PS od sa hdaiedd Sa aC) () SIT oe Wee teehee oa) Gres) TN AT hid a alice I oats Aelia SI ee Bienen iy) » ehcietin ates ein wie W leo of bale of te VF PR Pe her ne Mead Ug i. Manag, & OP PA A ad oe I a ED et cei LM mt Lad Pd iad A al Pt aD ell PI ie a Ia hae soa - Pe eG Et heated Ci Pe Bn a ssa) : Sr en Mr et em dey) set ian ae RL rn CT] IR ae ) ee Bee | oe lee Rtas CD: ewe | af ed ee ee ey oe) ES ele od LY ee et ee BD ERR Sa a oa ae) may) Ses Coheed US el lo CN 7 Siramat (Imedepa 4 carbidepa) Darr ye oie PeriPhealy acting CePA Bl aX taay hated CT aa] Phd Pie oi! A aaskalli ll sateiell eell tak on Raiotony ~ cfous paticis Casal gangid) -4% Functiond anpacty POT ian eed OR Cl ee aed Ca kal Dido oy cat Cd Bd hued So oll * u wi rey anae CCM. TRS: Mn ae Ee bil Pa pa habe coh ind Dee re LE ee Me el a Cs) Ce ec aS A | ed ton) ag Imenmoge pressones s fi PRO S Sotg Ped 2. Myastiann Smite - pt smites cloudy 3. Dysphaciq OUR eal! S- WSpuq nT 1. Dedy weatoass rere Ce lia Kamer enced DO ae) (Tension) ANAM Hef 3S mins enty oY mot a cng oF cholee Tenvilon test? ip aieta Team ,inen musce weakness reales 0 Le AR Ca LIL) DO cht semen) 4 sjexten © Vie mids 2-3 ming bee meal NE ater Pe Ml] Ce ald ee Pe a ee a ee ena (a Rite ieee ee Sele A Be Noe nd Ts lie et ET ee Ld be TE Lada atl [ivinwwe | OU edhahd Le Wy 9 Myeha -2 Slowing op umpuies, impute conmasten) BI eR dali ead Se MNS Na Mad ee 9 Spinal Cord 9 Weddey pripten 7 gash Cr ed CO ai shat el Coaten)) Pe a Based) Ss mutoe elacent pw spashaly © Wioresal (avtepen) OO a) POM oad frre jy 4 Charcot: Tod Scanning epetey Coy tylabics) Intentional ‘Trea! Nuystrgmus De LY POU ao Dd aod Ba or RO cM - pemele memny pier Syre Re a cla) Des ld Raid 7 Co deel ea Se ad PMs a NC lial tala Pe Se) ~ ey et I a ela i Pe a aD) A -eeau tf inp 4 ee Mm-(rqe) mwicte beodinn ty AOE OE 2) ate Re ae ey ae Pe Rt tM cael oy Oh i le ed a mutcle washing 3. Dysphagia Lats a eps cd Le kad a I rd PPIs etd Bahan) 9 re a Spinal ond en Cee Ce eh eee aa I alan bad PR a adie pple al a Cewa nn) oy rere Bah conta wld = umlateral padal paralysis Te ai seal = Pwoteg oF scuirer SP ea or ys) PT Mh tala aera Disorders ] To Han) io herenong Sa td del Sell Rid side-onet an Dhaaiinadl Od wall PeIL Ld Ed) SI MU Oe ee ne Pe all a Sek wee eee ey) PW ree Batts] Pee MC Ma] Pee ele aOR ed ea oc a) a mew 140 s wegn pr Oe ee Cd Deamacle | miepin PR Md ated rer Patel Py Pe as) Pe RM et) 3 hyperasmolaniy Relat ee Mo oo) a At a ete ry We cL) eT i) OO CU Mn tere MT tie tad RO ae Oc oe ela Coe PR ks Ora Pie ea) ae Ca Tye 2 eC) PP hand Dy OL Mca) i) Cr aes il ac ete Peed Eat ale tl Ft Lac eee Cx yer) Ce Dacre Ades Wika ll aT ee e ee Mead a Lek eae Rashtl eee A ad peer bie Narre ie Maat Pee tad ry 4 peers (¢) ete mr ore aa S63 Umvrie, gud © Deryoram ELLIS (ie ate ee MR he A i te”) ) aa) Pa ae Lr eka Pl 9 1 Wongeia - Requas FC TD) OR A Cail CM Me A aE CA lias) PO aoe» Mee lias) 307, Pek, fe) sound ciple naps - ump UD -t pew mn glo = Few a Ld Pen AA at bore) — § Aaterien) fere/ PT Tai ae MY) 0 - ond (me vequrel pw it + nevic ons Ce ee a) Fw Tape 2 Dm = Cal bypoqamic Ager ConA) + Selponylvrcas - Pancnea y qupiride Comet! pimoide ( poras 7 Pere ra ee Fe Dat De eI ele ae yh oe 4. Riga qhanddag whiviNY - gman iniestias Te het en ey ee AOL ih) CC tu ie ad eee eee Ce tee Dat eed tale Rk Cicest a Lane Caer Rano nao nnd Ne iene lee Ny LCS Se ule i Oe aed ee Pied ey Te a ; ST Lt - aa ag cor) Bee repacamand bie ie} al boa pay PaO ey Sn oe od BO onl eared Be A Ba LT esledioneg P Uta Se eda Amn | Cay) Be a aula ee a a call PU iA AN - der = foprviong = PME (nme Wi) Ua A dl \ ACTH -@ galanin prectvetion —> ey ee ye Pea] teat) Pe Le Be Say CO ii seadiendn Libahl ne el al el wore Neen eee ct Se ol Sfuu: es ed rd oat Ad aD) aun Te lea OE Br Ni laud ss se et enlace aes Pe a eT Pan dan tn A) ida LS Ls ” cf NC eas ad Oa Or LS raed eye ee ny ed Pt ee Pac) CTL] aE Bret) Crd Oe aM eated Cen dahil cad ed cen MI aS I re Ie B54) ree Bie ee EI er RA ee a Man oe STS eae CR oe ra FI te rec ae al A thy Hecho | aningoast Spc water) end Recred Bo ea) Mot hibit 4a MP atte porate! Of ~ Partopranele (Purhnc) - eyonepmnle (re) = dmapansle (Ipec) FA oe el) Cental 2 PR ead Ca one BI oe Re a OL) (COT od oe Ca a a ead Rel til neleiit 2. Leaman mn ushers & SID taders ee ee Pea) Aad ee ry ey Chg CNC a a Eades 4. Pin qoed saneg poten PORE ON dee SY ne oe) Ce ae ee a ee Brain injuy- Cushing's Viev + ae 1. Dlaeding [amerrhay. = micmgasulay *C+) oct Weed Oe od) el Anes Co teeta babel Lead Drs LOS] & fowaien Boy Lee eet ation mest rl) Dee Bek co eal tad Cd Sed Cr) oO Si alate ali! ee Cds ol inna CGD ) Pe aaa a». AEF CNS -pepein Ce a DOW oN I a 1 CS EL Fa Or Malate Pf PT a era] rear CO ee ey Ce Mathcad Rie aie pee cata Sok | aro a rae kastetald Me on re C s+ Cgovettes rebar Vase pnsinchirt bel) ld aa De ai heel oe Pe ea pc coraia gin manenehuar a ty ~ wag Pitan — vomiting Oral ha Oe on Li i een Pd = don'h qe % olnae Mey , Ih bepwe of aptey Pee Mead 3. Pl aad Pe ee ry a ME cM oad CO au) Cdl as CT) tind Cig) Oe ee Mela Ce ie die ahd LE er ee er bc a td aa] \ sal Oe Dh a a Se em met ee a ee) Sa tah ha ak hee lila al Cea) 4 a salads aa Pang palin tale) Sad » Arid simple CHD —0 empties rapidly Meda CO an IE oa eteniiicd Ce ey DO Cala a) De Med PCr) awam Ul Pe Oot Nona i Oa) beat) eta) SAT AT oi Md Wd CO og Be I I A _colteid_osonone ra) 5 ta Tag (} Deamnct on of Bd = & CON) CL aad G TN LR TAL | beep? t Aseleneacd er) Se aad chepake enupra pai! Lauey. a) © conjure CT lal Se la) DM ded CL Seal an ae Pe ed , Hab A saeaeil . a imi am cy CT lt) 4 Bo ea) Conduect loa) Lesa led wpe ait rae Greed SPE nc Me ata OU Od eel eee CS cat Paine aimee = presware in te Prin! vein “-9 portal hpa a ie ee oe WAC vil coup. ama eT se eS eo ee ae men mY Ny or - PLS De ead Pad Cutty Ce UC Ml Tay Oy - Cnoleslel geme UF thet is Heer chamage , “mere wt be ed ee ce sai Je Pee ee Wa Rate BN OB eo mo) Fat 5 CO OM Aa La Cell ba ale = Sloe * t+ Rua pain Pe a, ata Cr Cl lead PO hae) ee ed) OT a eee SY] | Leta Bie ad JS \aparosapie Coy Coon Ta ILC | . un aL) - B-coli 7 Mt commm Orv! pleva OF Cal a OO OO aoe Ts eT + % Types of UT Cede a] Dagsntis — Wf oF yinay baddey A a al re ay hed Ca (als Pe Tet) aie aka = plank pain Fh h thal i Rag Pn yrinayy analgevic Sede Wm La) OT A lO ere ial Ll FL i ieee lie eet” A el aM A sa) PA dd) Geb ie ngs = L aunmortin ve woe aeesian OY meat A my POM ad OL tai odd Cec ad St td SI ad tk enh) ee Cd ~ Upeplosdn -winmy cyst a Looe a deal Ca 7 N'S- water intake f Se Aad oa IME ek oe 7 hadipy BI ROY Cory orange pice ssl oat) Pl! pasar) ed 2 MUR Glmaomernais CheD) eS eee) y rian Tr) Ab com, 4 ew Se Rcd Ce Mn’ y Le naale! (oem) a ry Com cy) f pormeability 7 ROC G)ining lean) Gag Lee ale yD) Pe Lata alt Td Pre at) Pe a) eo LD ee ats Ded alan Se STR a Mane Bar od Se ae Teen OS Cs el haha PR Ai Rs ed a. Welgh pahert 3, Treat upper Se eke ME eral Ua) Come tneens) © pemaitlin 4 Diet Theampy: ¢ neriend o the kidneys Bnd 9. Pemgn_Hhsinie ttypertphy CPt) SR ey sas GA eM lad sn aati el a CL Lots Cea 1. Ruention of wine -DUn Pa Ld Ts Leal Pas nad 5. og udnay Fw 4 prea 1 dlanetey LT Pa Od Re a. Surgery * a TURP - Tran wetnens Ruscchin OF tee Postale oe od SR ee) Ug imigate viadder tr prustnt birral clots Bal Se To ind 7 amber Se le ie a) 7 clay 7) me of 68! Pa toe De AT pS al eal STC VA ee DO Lisa Se wysha stm C famno cue) Pr ed Peery ee ba] tg Prsphai Sine rOyalak sine We tafe, fea , Coty §—-Prequate o/+/c Og OC a ed Dee 2. wraey 5 ded Ot a and Bead eee d bh chamic Muna Pateg CcRr/ cx) Se ater haa SL hae Mie aids Be eat bike a tad + Redarol renal cepare, ~ DY - SDK Us teak dt PMS ML Ct) tL 2d 3. Renal Faitue - 5-207 4 €SRD - 25% lea eM ce ad ear Zr peat ae eed Ge einen ico EY ot] Lad f Dl drenale ian eee at) a ed Cee el =D) eo) Sd aller re) OO Rc ea baad St) ot A alaatatian Bae oat Shey be 4 Cxcetey op Hyolegen © Metabolic = fa Biewb CC ag Se hi) Pe a a les nar bined Lied) Be etched Ls Anata trempy CE pogen, Pots) DA aa BT uray DR eC ee Ends leaden oe) teal eg Pa) Pet Ad BD ala aes Uh a dey Be ard boat ee en ay Hemediialysis Complication : @. Dsequiliodum Syndene ae Fs ae Monk Bae Cand eC ee fe Bum_tjoy Ce CM io) Ce Cory - &) pan, besten ee DO a ed — poy oni CO ee Pe ao roy Smges of 91 oe ee to) Sey Lr cae Dehy drake [Bern shock nae ai pasion OL ceekaaiah Se ad aad Mata neal a ee Si YY i Ms sae ih meeaia Mate Dal Ae ke RC a eh eC ea) are PR il! CM ae a hee Prt hee Oe a ht Rese ietaiaaa D Pe aon) Qt GFA = yome Ee ee v4 ce et ah Pia ada aks (ed wis, eisai s a ae CR Bd OO Lead) Wo ppl ead SM 1 CO we) Fe OL as an a) a Ce DO Mis eee a od a Pe Rots 2 Grin: ligament Pe ed Tees: CO En ak Sk ol PO all a selliated 4. Oolque - aagonol tall a iia Mla | wy L omotlca ee aha ea ora Bad Mei sie Mia Sets - ore af bere @eFoces Bd 3 H Geoooz ay I = * med ON Aa diets b_Fiberqlass Se Bo ll al See er Ld ON Mee cacd On Waa) - may ak a rs a) ryt Sala) 4 Opey opphccatim BIOMOL Saat UT > Ora fv ampotnent sepa, esd Wat VM AR er) Pa Yad - MPlammoion of tnt synod! mumbvae, A a Coo yl) Pes ce atcha eee ys ee ee eed Cm ed % pL a Be ed - O rs PUNT ad — Orca Op Helene ty SIS Mad Ts Pos Rd al ala Bon eat hid C Deleted Sd Se ee Liar - Mp Pe tad) a iad 0 Tt A ieeeeiee ane ara} - Meek a0 De Md ee ad ee Cav Wome © Tela". ae Gory SI aon ans adel Bal Pda eh ee L achatean el BA sod Ns ; wee GA RC Tero’ Pe By ot) td Pee iad Cae DA et Ten SE a talias AWN lo ek ae ay io) Cee TN DM ih) EP eee ON) S RIEU ouromag) erat Cy Ca Men oe lh rad andree) ride tas fe mejwo ents) Cn kay ee ee) oa Sr ad - aera OO add Liat n rn es ou. en Cr ee eer ce rrp eee) erdn movin — gimlele 9 Sr: abaphy Eley Coreqen Meplaumunt “Perapy Dt Dan) eel A Cre et Ba I el a ha taal Dor Oita ed TR aN i oe ee ee me ot me lel ee le = ’ ig ¥ Saha deaLaladl rugpcardiue — (enteautton of tht hued} wR eT Pre Me Ld rf cal Pee a La Ce a nv VAY Pe od Ome Cd O Miorentiuley yale - 4 LL Cs rm Tnospd valee ica ay Peed Bh 1 de hens hell santas Mead) PCs Ld Cae ON Cee a ee un gas ex orange (tv died) ' Pa aed Cae homete 2 Ud Lee Riemer a Ly be Se mel aaa Ca es Me a tad aS? CORE nae eT Lanta’ pwned ci tae lms Petal Oe aed eed Onpes Pam ris atl ier een EE rE a te YA) Rae ae ry OMCs) Pena ee Vonwnie conractn- ORS Ue Porhanye PROS 172 Vt) De aL es fee Ceca et Sed Reet PM mo! (402) ~” rreren ea _s Coe te (4 v ie Prac) NM chs CON I el mpparal Koma (b00) Ba nd ea et OT za Le niet at, oe ihe BL od Cae DD, ied N[eataranc!Z Cee = Rebtees Wy vest nd lo Te I ill Faute* 4 Fs - yoemetive © de bs a WOR EPR OF Jon (aren arlooy ra + Corn yaredilatm Witenes 9 ale - SL (whey de Ra dead Ca el oe i da Ore ae aed Ca Tg] Ce Uo ea Ce a Be ee OM ca ad ve dou: may OF wy) CMR 9 VE tah lger tran fr mia aftey NTO at PO ae) iI EO ad ee Loti) OT MM a ee - UB amet Varrdalatin Wl # Or a ua Peau Lae 2. Wiygpcadsa) \wearctton (a) PR ln a ceieel eantal (Ton ol (deh AT thd ¥ nawye ond umiting Rr rid Ar ee Se Lg Bl Be I Ms teed cre a = we oF iscamia er ws OA Bld oe aan Pa aad Lee Re cee) 0) el rh Se a ald PL cho Ua che Soa) Le Z 1 Maqhint ho] Oe aie Rel Me ead a. 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