Owners Manual BMWi 4 Gran Coupe
Owners Manual BMWi 4 Gran Coupe
Owners Manual BMWi 4 Gran Coupe
The Ultimate
Driving Machine
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Notes .................................................................................................................................... 6
Safety of the high-voltage system ............................................................................ 21
Owner's Handbook media ........................................................................................... 23
Getting in .......................................................................................................................... 26
Adjustment and operation ........................................................................................... 30
On the move ................................................................................................................... 35
Vehicle cockpit ............................................................................................................... 42
Sensors in the vehicle .................................................................................................. 47
Vehicle operating condition ........................................................................................ 51
iDrive .................................................................................................................................. 54
BMW Remote Software Upgrade ............................................................................. 66
Personal settings ........................................................................................................... 70
Connections .................................................................................................................... 75
Opening and closing ..................................................................................................... 84
Seats, mirrors and steering wheel .......................................................................... 110
Carrying children safely ............................................................................................. 124
Driving ............................................................................................................................. 135
Displays .......................................................................................................................... 153
Lights .............................................................................................................................. 177
Safety .............................................................................................................................. 186
Driving stability control systems .............................................................................. 220
Driver assistance systems ........................................................................................ 224
Parking ............................................................................................................................ 251
Driving comfort ............................................................................................................. 271
Air conditioning ............................................................................................................ 273
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Interior equipment ....................................................................................................... 282
Storage compartments .............................................................................................. 288
Luggage compartment .............................................................................................. 292
Driving precautions ..................................................................................................... 298
Trailer operation ........................................................................................................... 303
Increasing range .......................................................................................................... 309
Charging vehicle .......................................................................................................... 316
Wheels and tyres ......................................................................................................... 327
Under the bonnet ........................................................................................................ 352
Operating fluids ............................................................................................................ 354
Maintenance ................................................................................................................. 357
Replacing parts ............................................................................................................ 360
Help in case of a breakdown .................................................................................... 364
Care ................................................................................................................................. 373
Technical data .............................................................................................................. 378
Seats for child restraint systems ............................................................................. 381
Appendix ........................................................................................................................ 383
Everything from A to Z ............................................................................................... 384
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
About this Owner's Handbook Additional sources of
The quickest way to find information on a partic‐ Service Partner
ular topic or feature is to consult the alphabetical
A Service Partner of the manufacturer will be
happy to answer any further questions.
We recommend that you read through the first
chapter to obtain an initial overview of the vehi‐ Internet
Vehicle information and general information on
BMW – on technology, for example – are avail‐
Validity of Owner's Handbook able on the Internet: www.bmw.com.
Vehicle production
Integrated Owner's Handbook in the
At the time of production in the factory, the prin‐
ted Owner's Handbook provides up-to-date in‐
formation. Updates following the copy deadline The Integrated Owner's Handbook shows all
can result in differences between the printed standard equipment, national-market equipment
Owner's Handbook and the integrated Owner's and optional equipment which is offered or will
Handbook in the vehicle. be offered on a model-specific basis. The
integrated Owner's Handbook can be shown on
Notes on updates can be found in the appendix
the control display.
of the printed Owner's Handbook for the vehicle.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Symbol Meaning
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
If a piece of equipment, system or function is de‐ vehicle's equipment may vary from that descri‐
scribed in the Owner's Handbook, this does not bed in this handbook. For the same reason, it is
mean that it will be available in the vehicle. also impossible to guarantee that all descriptions
Please comply with the relevant laws and regula‐ will be completely accurate in all respects.
tions when using the corresponding functions We must therefore request your understanding
and systems. of the fact that the manufacturer of your vehicle
If certain equipment and models are not descri‐ is unable to recognise legal claims based on dis‐
bed in this Owner's Handbook, refer to the Sup‐ crepancies between the data, illustrations and
plementary Owner's Handbooks provided. descriptions in this Owner's Handbook and your
own vehicle's equipment. Please note, too, that
In right-hand drive vehicles, some operating ele‐
some of the optional equipment described in this
ments are arranged differently from those shown
manual is not available on Australian models due
in this Owner's Handbook.
to restrictions imposed by Australian Design
Rules and other requirements.
Production date Should you require any further information,
please contact your Service centre, who will be
The production date of your vehicle can be pleased to advise you.
found at the bottom of the door pillar on the driv‐
er's door. Validity of Owner's Handbook
The production date is defined as the calendar
month and the calendar year in which the vehicle Vehicle production
body and the powertrain assemblies are joined At the time of production in the factory, the prin‐
and the vehicle is driven or moved from the pro‐ ted Owner's Handbook provides up-to-date in‐
duction line. formation. Updates following the copy deadline
can result in differences between the printed
Owner's Handbook and the integrated Owner's
Status of the Owner's Handbook in the vehicle.
Handbook Notes on updates can be found in the appendix
of the printed Owner's Handbook for the vehicle.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Vehicle data and data The right of access also extends to information
about data that has been transferred to other
protection companies or bodies.
Please refer to the vehicle manufacturer's web
Responsibility and rights page for the applicable data protection policy.
This data protection policy contains information
Responsibility for data about the right to have data deleted or corrected.
The vehicle manufacturer's website also pro‐
Within the scope of data protection directives
vides its contact details and those of its data pro‐
and legislation, the manufacturer of the vehicle is
tection officer.
responsible for the processing of personal data
which is collected when the vehicle is used or The registered keeper can have the data stored
from web pages, customer support, online serv‐ in the vehicle read out by a Service Partner of the
ices and marketing campaigns. manufacturer or another qualified Service Partner
or a specialist workshop, on payment of a fee
Personal identification where applicable.
Every vehicle has a unique vehicle identification The legally required OBD diagnostic socket in
number. Depending on the country, and with the the vehicle is used to read out the vehicle data.
assistance of the relevant authorities, the regis‐
tered keeper can be identified from the vehicle Data processing
identification number and the number plate. The collection of personal data may be neces‐
There are also other ways of tracing data collec‐ sary to enable the manufacturer of the vehicle to
ted in the vehicle back to the driver or registered fulfil obligations to the customer or legislator or
keeper, for example via the ConnectedDrive ac‐ to offer high-quality products and services.
count used.
These include, for example:
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
▷ To fulfill legal obligations, for example infor‐ Transaction and interaction data
mation regarding Technical Campaigns. Information on the purchasing of products and
▷ To process warranty claims. services, interactions with customer support and
participation in market research studies.
Data collection
Use of apps and services of the vehicle
Type of data collected manufacturer
Depending on the situation, the following per‐ Information on the use of apps on mobile devi‐
sonal data may be collected. ces and online services.
Name, address, phone number, email address. Information on functions and settings in the vehi‐
cle, for example when using online services.
Personal data
Vehicle-related sensor data and usage data
▷ Personal information provided by customers,
for example date of birth, education, house‐ Data which is generated and/or processed in the
hold size or occupation. vehicle.
▷ Data to determine identity, for example driv‐ ▷ Driver assistance systems: processing of
er's licence. sensor data which is used to evaluate the ve‐
hicle's surroundings or the driver's behaviour.
Contract data ▷ Personal settings: settings saved in the vehi‐
▷ Customer number, contract number, booked cle profile, for example seat setting.
online services. ▷ Multimedia, navigation, for example destina‐
▷ Stored payment information, for example tions.
credit card number.
Time of data collection
Credit rating Personal data may be collected at the following
▷ Information about transactions. times:
▷ Information about fraud or criminal offences. ▷ When the customer makes direct contact
with the manufacturer of the vehicle, for ex‐
Interests ample via the web page.
Information provided by the customer regarding ▷ When requesting information on products
areas of interest, for example product preferen‐ and services or direct purchases, for example
ces, hobbies and other personal preferences. on web pages or in apps.
▷ When making direct purchases, for example
Use of web pages and communication on the web page.
▷ Information on how web pages are used and ▷ When purchasing services directly, for exam‐
whether messages are opened or forwarded. ple online services.
▷ Account information regarding online serv‐ ▷ When the customer responds to direct mar‐
ices, customer portals and prospective cus‐ keting activities, for example when personal
tomer portals. data is provided.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
▷ When using vehicles, products, services and eration, lateral acceleration, fastened seat
digital offers, for example web pages, apps. belts.
▷ When communicating personal data through ▷ Ambient conditions, for example temperature,
qualified partners of the vehicle manufacturer rain sensor signals.
or through third-party providers, provided that The data is processed within the vehicle and is
data protection requirements are met. usually transient. It is only saved for longer than
▷ When providing personal data through certi‐ the operating period if it is required in order to
fied address providers, provided that data provide services agreed with the customer.
protection requirements are met.
▷ When vehicle data, including the vehicle iden‐ Electronic components
tification number, is read out during service, Electronic components, for example control devi‐
maintenance and repair activities. ces and vehicle keys, contain components for
storing technical information. Information about
Data in the vehicle the vehicle condition, component use and wear,
maintenance requirements, events or faults can
General be stored temporarily or permanently.
A number of electronic control devices are instal‐ This information generally documents the condi‐
led in your vehicle. Electronic control units proc‐ tion of a component, a module, a system or the
ess data that they receive from vehicle sensors, vehicle's surroundings, including:
generate themselves or exchange with one an‐ ▷ Operating states of system components, for
other, for example. Many of the control units are example fill levels, tyre inflation pressure, bat‐
necessary for safe operation of the vehicle, or tery status.
provide assistance during a journey, for example ▷ Malfunctions and faults of important system
driver assistance systems. There are also control components, for example lights and brakes.
devices which manage comfort or infotainment
functions. ▷ Responses of the vehicle to particular driving
situations, for example triggering of an airbag,
Data saved in the vehicle can be deleted at any activation of the driving stability control sys‐
time. This data is only transmitted to third parties tems.
if expressly requested in the course of using on‐
line services. The transfer depends on the set‐ ▷ Information on vehicle-damaging events.
tings selected for using the services. The data is required so that the control units can
perform their functions. It is also used for detect‐
Sensor data ing and rectifying malfunctions, as well as to opti‐
mise vehicle functions.
Driver assistance systems, for example Active
Cruise Control, Collision Warning or Attentive‐ Most of this data is transient and is only pro‐
ness Assistant, process sensor data which is cessed within the vehicle itself. Only a small pro‐
used to evaluate the vehicle's surroundings or portion of the data is stored in event or fault
the driver's behaviour. memories in response to specific circumstances.
These include, for example:
Personal settings
▷ Status messages relating to the vehicle and
its individual components, for example wheel Convenience functions, such as seat, climate or
speed, wheel circumferential velocity, decel‐ light settings, enhance the driving experience.
The personal settings for these functions can be
saved in a BMW ID or in a profile within the vehi‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
hicle manufacturer requires technical data from vehicle and used to control vehicle functions, for
the vehicle. example BMW Connected, Apple CarPlay.
Sound and images from the mobile device may
Goodwill and warranty claims be played back or displayed through the multi‐
Data from the vehicle can also be used to check media system in the vehicle, for example.
customer warranty claims. If goodwill or warranty Selected information is transferred to the mobile
claims are asserted, the data is read out and device at the same time. Depending on the type
transferred to the vehicle manufacturer to re‐ of integration, this includes position data and
solve the claims promptly. other general vehicle information, for example.
Fault and event memories in the vehicle can be This enables optimum use of selected apps, for
reset when a Service Partner of the manufacturer example navigation and music playback. How the
or another qualified Service Partner or a special‐ data is processed further is determined by the
ist workshop performs repair or servicing work. provider of the particular app being used.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
locating the vehicle. Usage is based on a con‐ Transparency concerning vehicle data
tractual agreement with the user. BMW CarData provides transparency in handling
In individual cases, the transfer of data is trig‐ vehicle data with the use of BMW Connected‐
gered as a result of predefined events, such as Drive. BMW CarData enables users to control
an intelligent emergency call. The wireless net‐ whether vehicle data being processed in the
work connection is established via an in-vehicle context of BMW ConnectedDrive is transferred
transmitter and receiver unit or via personal mo‐ to third parties. Users can decide for each indi‐
bile devices brought into the vehicle, for example vidual service offering whether data access is to
smartphones. Data transfer can be deactivated be granted or refused to third parties, for exam‐
on request. ple to insurance companies.
The wireless network connection enables online An archive can also be requested from BMW
functions to be used. These include online serv‐ CarData at any time. The archive provides infor‐
ices and apps supplied by the vehicle manufac‐ mation on the data that has been transmitted
turer or by other providers. and saved in the context of BMW Connected‐
Drive. BMW CarData can only be accessed by
Services from other providers third-party providers via the vehicle manufactur‐
When using online services from other providers, er's servers. Direct access to the vehicle and its
these services are the responsibility of the rele‐ data is not permitted.
vant provider and subject to their data protection More information on BMW CarData is available
conditions and terms of use. The vehicle manu‐ on the BMW ConnectedDrive customer portal.
facturer has no influence over the data that is ex‐
changed. Statutory emergency call system
Information as to how personal data is collected
and used in relation to services from third parties, Principle
the scope of such data and its purpose, can be The eCall emergency call system required by law
obtained from the relevant provider. enables manual or automatic emergency calls to
be made, for example in the event of an accident.
Personal decision The emergency calls are answered by the public
Every user decides for themselves whether they rescue coordination centre.
wish to enter into a contract for a service such as
BMW ConnectedDrive. Information on the extent General
of data processing and the content involved is
For information on the eCall statutory on-board
provided in writing before the service is acquired
emergency call system based on the 112 emer‐
and forms part of the vehicle handover.
gency call, as well as its operation and its func‐
The user has the option to deactivate the serv‐ tions, see the chapter on emergency calls.
ices at any time and consequently to stop the
The eCall service based on the 112 emergency
data processing required for the services. It is
call is a public service of general interest and is
also possible to have the entire data connection
provided free of charge.
activated or deactivated. Excluded from this are
functions and services which are required by law, If a serious accident occurs, the eCall statutory
for example emergency call systems. emergency call system is activated automatically
by on-board sensors as standard practice. It is
also triggered automatically if the vehicle is
equipped with an intelligent emergency call sys‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
tem that fails to work in the event of a serious ac‐ rescue, for example the risk of fire caused by
cident. fuel.
The eCall statutory emergency call system can ▷ The vehicle's position at the time of the acci‐
also be triggered manually if required. dent, its last three locations and the direction
If a critical system failure occurs that would put of travel in order to locate the vehicle more
the eCall statutory emergency call system out of quickly on very complex route sections, for
operation, the vehicle occupants receive a warn‐ example.
ing. ▷ A log of the automatic system activation,
For further information: along with the time stamp.
▷ Emergency call, see page 366. ▷ Control information, which tells rescue serv‐
ices whether the emergency call was trig‐
▷ Malfunction, see page 367.
gered automatically or manually, for example.
Information on data processing ▷ A time stamp for determining the time of the
accident in order to optimise the deployment
The eCall statutory emergency call system pro‐ plans of the rescue services.
cesses personal data in accordance with the
following regulations: ▷ The direction of travel for establishing which
side of the carriageway is affected, for exam‐
▷ Protection of personal data: Regulation (EU) ple.
2016/679 of the European Parliament and of
the Council. The authorities of the state in whose territory the
eCall system emergency call is made determine
▷ Protection of personal data: Directive which emergency call centres receive and proc‐
2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and ess the statutory emergency call.
of the Council.
Personal data is only processed for the purpose Data processing configuration
of transmitting eCall emergency calls to the sin‐
The eCall statutory emergency call system en‐
gle European emergency call number 112.
sures that the data contained in the system
memory cannot be accessed outside the system
SIM card before an emergency call is triggered.
The eCall statutory emergency call system oper‐ The data collected for the eCall statutory emer‐
ates via mobile radio through the SIM card instal‐ gency call system is only saved in the vehicle
led in the vehicle. The SIM card is not perma‐ and sent to the rescue coordination centre when
nently connected to the mobile phone network; an emergency call is triggered.
rather, it remains connected only as long as the
emergency call is active. The eCall statutory emergency call system en‐
sures that it cannot be traced and there is no
permanent tracking during normal operation.
Data types and their recipients
The eCall statutory emergency call system en‐
The eCall statutory emergency call system may
sures that the data in the internal system mem‐
only collect and process the following data:
ory is deleted automatically and continuously.
▷ The vehicle identification number for rapidly
The vehicle's location data is continuously over‐
identifying the vehicle, for example the model.
written in the system's internal memory so that
▷ Vehicle type, for example passenger car. only the vehicle's last three locations - which the
▷ Type of vehicle drive, for example petrol or system needs for normal operation - are ever
diesel, for assessing the risks involved in a stored.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
The activity data log of the eCall statutory emer‐ The registered keeper has the right to use either
gency call system is retained only for as long as the intelligent emergency call system or the eCall
is necessary to handle the eCall emergency call statutory emergency call system.
and under no circumstances for any longer than For further information:
13 hours after the eCall emergency call was trig‐
Emergency call, see page 366.
Legal basis
Rights of individuals affected by data
processing The intelligent emergency call system processes
personal data in accordance with the following
The individual affected by data processing, for
example the registered keeper, has the right to
access the data and can request that data con‐ ▷ Protection of personal data: Regulation (EU)
cerning him or her that is not processed in ac‐ 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of
cordance with the statutory regulations be cor‐ the Council.
rected, deleted or blocked as applicable. Each ▷ Protection of personal data: Directive
time that data is corrected, deleted or blocked in 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and
line with these regulations, the third parties to of the Council.
whom the data was transmitted must be notified, The ConnectedDrive contract concluded for this
insofar as this is reasonably practical. function, as well as the relevant laws, ordinances
The individual affected by data processing has and directives of the European Parliament and
the right to complain to the relevant data protec‐ the European Council provide the legal basis for
tion body if he or she believes that his or her the activation and function of the intelligent
rights have been violated as a result of having emergency call system.
their personal data processed. The relevant ordinances and directives govern
For matters relating to access rights, please con‐ the protection of individuals in terms of process‐
tact a Service Partner of the manufacturer or an‐ ing personal data.
other qualified Service Partner or a specialist The intelligent emergency call system processes
workshop. personal data in accordance with European di‐
rectives on the protection of personal data.
Intelligent emergency call system The intelligent emergency call system processes
personal data only with the registered keeper's
Principle consent.
The intelligent emergency call system enables The intelligent emergency call system and other
manual or automatic emergency calls to be added-value services may only process personal
placed, for example in the event of an accident. data with the express consent of the individual
The emergency calls are answered by an emer‐ affected by data processing, for example the reg‐
gency call centre appointed by the vehicle manu‐ istered keeper.
In addition to the intelligent emergency call sys‐ SIM card
tem, the eCall statutory emergency call system is The intelligent emergency call system operates
present in the vehicle and is active depending on via mobile radio through the SIM card installed in
the situation. the vehicle. The SIM card is permanently logged
into the mobile phone network so a connection
setup can be established quickly. The data is
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
sent to the vehicle manufacturer in the event of Furthermore, the intelligent emergency call sys‐
an emergency. tem also conveys the following additional infor‐
mation to an emergency call centre appointed by
Improving quality the vehicle manufacturer and, where applicable,
The vehicle manufacturer also uses the data sent to the public rescue coordination centre:
as part of an emergency call to improve product ▷ Accident data, for example the direction of
and service quality. the collision as detected by the vehicle sen‐
sors in order to assist the rescue services in
Position determination their deployment plans.
Only the provider of the mobile phone network is ▷ Contact data, for example the phone number
able to determine the position of the vehicle of the installed SIM card and the driver's
based on mobile phone mast locations. The net‐ phone number, if available, so that those in‐
work operator is not able to link the vehicle iden‐ volved in the accident can be contacted
tification number to the phone number of the in‐ quickly if necessary.
stalled SIM card. Only the vehicle manufacturer
is able to link the vehicle identification number to Data storage
the phone number of the installed SIM card. The data relating to a placed emergency call is
saved in the vehicle. The data contains informa‐
Log data for emergency calls tion about the emergency call, for example the
The log data for emergency calls is saved in a place and time it was made.
vehicle memory. The oldest log data is regularly The emergency call centre saves audio record‐
deleted. The log data includes information on ings of the emergency call.
when and where an emergency call was placed, Audio recordings of the customer are saved for
for example in the event of an accident. 24 hours, in case details of the emergency call
In exceptional cases, the log data can be read out need to be analysed. After that, the audio record‐
from the vehicle memory. The log data is usually ings are deleted. Audio recordings of the emer‐
read out only if a court order has been issued gency call centre employee are saved for
and is only possible when the relevant devices 24 hours for quality assurance purposes.
are connected directly to the vehicle.
Disclosure of personal data
Automatic emergency call The data obtained in the context of an intelligent
The system has been designed so that an emer‐ emergency call is only used to process the
gency call is triggered automatically when an ac‐ emergency call. If legally obliged to do so, the ve‐
cident of a certain severity occurs and is detec‐ hicle manufacturer will disclose the data it has
ted by the sensors in the vehicle. processed and, where applicable, still has saved.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
It is also possible to display the vehicle identifica‐
tion number via iDrive.
1. "MENU"
2. "All apps"
3. "Device manager"
4. "Settings"
5. "Vehicle ID (VIN):"
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Safety of the high-voltage system NOTES
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NOTES Safety of the high-voltage system
Automatic deactivation
In the event of an accident the high-voltage sys‐
tem is shut down automatically so as not to en‐
danger vehicle occupants and other road users.
For further information:
Conduct after an accident, see page 369.
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Owner's Handbook media NOTES
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
NOTES Owner's Handbook media
Context-sensitive help
The integrated Owner's Handbook can be called
up from any menu. Depending on the selected
function, the associated description or main
menu of the integrated Owner's Handbook is
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Owner's Handbook media NOTES
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Getting in
Opening and closing Locking with the vehicle key
1. Close the driver's door.
Vehicle key
2. Press the button on the vehicle key.
All vehicle access points are locked.
Icon Meaning
If you are carrying the vehicle key on your per‐
son, reach into the handle recess.
Locking on the outside door handle
Open/close the luggage compartment.
Function adjustable:
Home lights.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
1 Selector lever
2 Controller
1 Light switch element 3 Parking brake, Automatic Hold
2 Turn indicator, high-beam headlight 4 Driving Experience Control
3 Instrument cluster 5 Start/Stop button
4 Windscreen wipers 6 Park assistance systems
Button Function
1 Electric windows
2 Seats, comfort functions To go to the navigation map.
3 Central locking system
4 Exterior mirrors
To go to the destination entry menu of
5 Opening/closing the luggage compartment the navigation system.
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Button Function
Voice input
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QUICK REFERENCE Adjustment and operation
1 Backrest width
2 Height/longitudinal direction/seat angle
3 Head restraint/backrest angle
4 Lumbar support
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Adjustment and operation QUICK REFERENCE
▷ Back: press the button and push back the 1. Fold the lever down fully.
head restraint. 2. Grip the steering wheel with both hands and
▷ Forward: pull the head restraint forwards. adjust it in the longitudinal direction and
After adjusting the distance, make sure that the height of the seat position.
head restraint engages correctly. 3. Fold the lever back up.
The memory function enables the following set‐
tings to be stored and retrieved when required:
▷ Seat position.
▷ Exterior mirror position.
▷ Steering wheel position.
▷ Depending on the equipment: height of the
Head-up display.
Icon Meaning
Folding in and out.
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QUICK REFERENCE Adjustment and operation
Once the mobile phone has been connected in
Buttons and functions the vehicle, it can be operated using iDrive and
the buttons on the steering wheel.
Depending on the country and equipment speci‐
fication, the following buttons are installed in the Activate Bluetooth® on the mobile phone.
centre console or instrument panel.
Connecting via Bluetooth®
Button Function
1. "MENU"
Turn the knob to set the vol‐ 2. "All apps"
3. "Device manager"
Press the knob to switch off the
4. "Connect new device"
sound output. Pressing again
restores the previous volume. Mobile phones in range are displayed on the
control display.
Changing the entertainment
5. Select the required mobile phone
6. Compare the control number displayed on
Press once: to change the sta‐ the control display with the control number in
tion/music track. the display of the mobile phone and confirm
that they match.
Press and hold: to fast forward/
rewind the music track. 7. If necessary, select the connection mode:
"Use Bluetooth"
The device is connected and displayed in the
Navigation destination entry device list.
1. "NAV"
Accepting a call
2. "Destination input"
Depending on the equipment, incoming calls can
be accepted in different ways.
▷ Via iDrive:
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Adjustment and operation QUICK REFERENCE
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
QUICK REFERENCE Adjustment and operation
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On the move
Driving Drive-ready state in detail
Operating requirements
Drive-ready state
Driving is possible if the following conditions are
▷ The high-voltage battery is sufficiently
An active drive-ready state is the same as the
engine running in conventional vehicles.
▷ The driver's door is closed.
Switching on drive-ready state ▷ Charging cable is disconnected.
1. Switch on drive-ready state.
2. Press the brake and engage selector lever
position D, B or R.
1. Close the driver's door.
3. Release the parking brake.
2. Press the brake.
4. Drive away by applying the accelerator pedal.
3. Press the Start/Stop button.
An acoustic signal sounds. Drive-ready state is Engaging selector lever position D, N, R
switched on.
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Parking brake
Make sure the parking brake is engaged.
Press button P.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Lights off.
Daytime driving lights.
Side lights.
Wiper system
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▷ Rest position of the wipers: position 0. Setting the sensitivity of the rain sensor
▷ Rain sensor: position 1.
▷ Normal wiper speed: position 2.
▷ Fast wiper speed: position 3.
Icon Function
AUTO programme.
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Fresh air.
Buttons, automatic rear air-conditioning
Amount of air.
Air distribution.
SYNC programme.
Seat heating.
Icon Function
The functions can also be operated via voice, for
example, Temperature.
Air distribution.
Buttons, integrated automatic heating/air
conditioning system
Seat heating, see
page 122.
To switch off.
Pit stop
Charging vehicle
To charge the vehicle, use a mode 2 charging
cable, a mode 3 charging cable or a fixed cable of
a charging station depending on the national-
market version.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
The charging cable may be located in the lug‐ Checking the tyre inflation pressure
gage compartment, for example under the lug‐ Check regularly and adjust as necessary:
gage compartment floor or in a bag.
▷ At least twice a month.
Before disconnecting and connecting a charging
cable, clean the area between the charging ▷ Before a long journey.
socket flap and charging socket outlet and the
charging cable plug if necessary, for example re‐
move any snow.
How to get assistance
Unlock the charging cable before disconnecting
it, if necessary. Hazard warning lights
The charging status is indicated on the indicator
light on the charging socket. Button in the vehicle
Keep the charging socket flap and, if applicable,
the charging socket cover, closed when the
charging socket is not in use.
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1. "MENU"
2. "All apps"
3. "Assistance"
4. Select the entry for the Concierge Service if
A voice contact to the Concierge Service is es‐
Teleservices are services that help to keep the
vehicle mobile.
Teleservices may include the following services:
▷ BMW Roadside Assistance.
▷ BMW Accident Assistance.
▷ Teleservice Call.
▷ Your Service Partner.
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CONTROLS Vehicle cockpit
Vehicle cockpit
Vehicle equipment a model-specific basis, even if they are not inclu‐
ded in the vehicle in question.
This chapter describes equipment, systems and For further information:
functions which are offered or will be offered on Vehicle equipment, see page 7.
Memory function 121
6 Lights
3 Electric windows, individual 103 Rear fog light 183
Light switch 177
4 Exterior mirror operation 119
5 Central locking system 99
Lights off
Daytime driving lights 180
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Vehicle cockpit CONTROLS
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CONTROLS Vehicle cockpit
17 Glove compartment 288
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Vehicle cockpit CONTROLS
Station/track forward
Station/track back
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CONTROLS Vehicle cockpit
Panorama View 257
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Sensors in the vehicle CONTROLS
Front camera
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CONTROLS Sensors in the vehicle
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Sensors in the vehicle CONTROLS
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CONTROLS Sensors in the vehicle
The areas of the ultrasonic sensors are clean and ▷ Objects with porous surfaces.
clear. ▷ Small and low objects such as boxes.
For further information: ▷ Low objects already displayed, for example,
▷ Washing the vehicle, see page 373. kerbs, can be outside of the detection ranges
of the sensors.
▷ Vehicle care, see page 374.
▷ Soft obstacles or obstacles covered in foam.
System limits of the ultrasonic ▷ Plants or shrubs.
sensors ▷ In washing bays and car washes.
The physical limits of ultrasound measurement ▷ On uneven surfaces, for example speed
may be reached when detecting objects in situa‐ bumps.
tions involving the following, for example: ▷ In the presence of dense exhaust fumes.
▷ If the sensors are contaminated. ▷ The ultrasonic sensors do not take into ac‐
▷ If the sensors are obscured, for example by count loads projecting beyond the outline of
stickers. the vehicle.
▷ If the sensors are misaligned, for example due ▷ If the cover of the trailer tow hitch is incor‐
to parking damage. rectly seated.
▷ After work performed incorrectly on the vehi‐ A Check Control message may be displayed if
cle paintwork near to the sensors. the system limits are reached.
▷ Small children and animals.
▷ Persons wearing certain types of clothing, for
example a coat.
▷ Obstacles and people at the edge of the driv‐
ing lane.
▷ If there is external interference with the ultra‐
sonic sound, for example by passing vehicles,
loud machines or other ultrasonic sources.
▷ Certain weather conditions; for example, high
humidity, wet conditions, snowfall, cold, ex‐
treme heat or strong wind.
▷ Trailer drawbars and tow hitches of other ve‐
▷ Thin or wedge-shaped objects.
▷ Moving objects.
▷ Higher protruding objects, for example pro‐
jecting walls.
▷ Objects with corners, edges and smooth sur‐
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Vehicle operating condition CONTROLS
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CONTROLS Vehicle operating condition
1. "MENU"
2. "Vehicle apps" With the Start/Stop button
3. "Doors and windows" Press the Start/Stop button. The
4. "Lock/unlock" control display and instrument
5. "Standby mode when doors opened" cluster illuminate.
An active drive-ready state is the same as the
The vehicle switches to standby state after the
engine running in conventional vehicles.
front doors are opened from the outside.
Deactivating drive-ready state is the same as
To preserve vehicle battery, use the standby
switching off the engine.
state and activated power consumers only as
long as absolutely necessary. If the drive-ready state is turned
on, the vehicle ready to drive and
Manual standby state READY is displayed in the instru‐
ment cluster.
All systems are operational.
The standby state can be switched on again af‐
ter the rest state has been automatically estab‐
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Vehicle operating condition CONTROLS
To save vehicle battery power, switch off drive- There is a risk of accident or injury. Do not
ready state and any unnecessary power con‐ leave children or pets unsupervised in the vehi‐
sumers when parking the vehicle. cle. When leaving the vehicle, take the vehicle
key with you and lock the vehicle.
Safety notes
Selector lever position P is automatically en‐
When driving using electric power, pedestrians
gaged when standby state is switched off.
and other road-users might not become aware
There is a risk of material damage. Do not
of the vehicle as they normally would due to the
switch off standby state in car washes.
lack of engine noise. There is a risk of accident.
Adapt your driving style to the traffic conditions.
Observe the traffic situation and intervene ac‐
tively if the situation warrants it.
Switching on drive-ready state
1. Close the driver's door.
2. Press the brake.
WARNING 3. Press the Start/Stop button.
An unsecured vehicle can start moving and roll‐ Most of the indicator and warning lights in the
ing away. There is a risk of accident. Before instrument cluster illuminate for varying
leaving the vehicle, secure it to prevent it from lengths of time.
rolling away. READY is displayed in the instrument cluster
Observe the following to ensure that the vehi‐ and an acoustic signal sounds.
cle is secured against rolling away: Drive-ready state is switched on.
▷ Apply the parking brake.
▷ Turn the front wheels towards the kerb on Switching off drive-ready state
upward or downward gradients. After stopping:
▷ Additionally secure the vehicle on upward
1. Press the brake and engage selector lever
or downward gradients, for example with a
position P.
2. Apply the parking brake.
3. Press the Start/Stop button.
WARNING The READY display is no longer illuminated
Unsupervised children or pets in the vehicle and an acoustic signal is heard.
can set the vehicle in motion and endanger Drive-ready state is automatically switched off if
themselves or other road users, for example by the driver's door is opened while driver's seat
the following actions: belt is unfastened.
▷ Pressing the Start/Stop button.
▷ Releasing the parking brake.
▷ Opening and closing doors or windows.
▷ Engaging selector lever position N.
▷ Operating vehicle equipment.
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Vehicle equipment Main menu
Operating concept
Principle Menu
iDrive is the operating concept of the infotain‐
Access to apps and vehicle functions. A filter
ment system and includes a large number of
for "All apps" and "Vehicle apps" can be selec‐
ted. In the area "All apps", all apps and functions
are displayed. In the area "Vehicle apps", only
General functions for vehicle settings are filtered. The last
These functions can be operated as follows: selected filter is stored. If necessary, change to
▷ Via the Controller. the area "All apps" to display all apps and func‐
▷ Via the touchscreen.
▷ Via the BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant. Media
▷ Via buttons on the steering wheel Access to functions of the entertainment sys‐
Instrument cluster, see page 153. tem, for example radio stations or connection
with external devices.
Safety note
WARNING Access to the telephone and message func‐
tion as well as the connection and management
Operating integrated information systems and of mobile devices, for example smartphones.
communication devices during a journey may
distract you from the road. You could lose con‐
trol of the vehicle. There is a risk of accident.
Only operate the systems or devices if the traf‐ Access to navigation system, destination en‐
fic conditions allow you to do so. Stop if neces‐ try and traffic information. Configurable map
sary and operate the systems or devices with views as well as other functions, for example
the vehicle at a standstill. points of interest.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Control display The buttons can be used to call up menus di‐
rectly. The Controller can be used to select
Switching on/off automatically menu items and perform settings.
The control display is switched on automatically Some of the functions of the iDrive can be oper‐
when the vehicle is unlocked or as soon as the ated with the touchpad of the Controller.
control display is required for operation.
In certain situations, the control display is Overview
switched off automatically, for example if no op‐
eration is performed on the vehicle for several
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Button Function
Selecting widgets
▷ Press to select a menu item, for example. 1. In the main menu, tilt the Controller to the
2. Turn the Controller until the desired widget is
3. Press the Controller.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Voice input can be activated in various ways:
The BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant is a per‐
sonal assistant that enables natural voice control
of various vehicle functions. The Personal Assis‐ ▷ Press the button on the steering
tant simplifies the operation of the vehicle with wheel briefly.
the automation of processes and routines.
The microphone on the driver's side is active.
▷ Say the activation word.
The microphones on the driver's or front pas‐
▷ BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant is avail‐
senger's side are active with the following
able depending on the national-market ver‐
voice control, depending on where the activa‐
tion word was spoken.
▷ The system includes special microphones on
Then say the command. The activation word and
the driver's side and the passenger's side.
the command can be spoken without pause in
▷ Say commands at a normal volume. Speaking one sentence.
directly into the microphone does not im‐
prove the speech recognition.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
It is possible to ask simple questions about the 5. Select the desired setting.
vehicle functions and about operating the vehi‐
cle. Setting the response length
The voice control system and the feedback it You can set the Personal Assistant to use the
provides are not a substitute for the printed or standard dialogue or a short version. In case of
integrated Owner's Handbook. The speech rec‐ the short version, the announcements by the
ognition function and the quality of the feedback Personal Assistant are played back in an abbrevi‐
may vary. ated version.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS BMW Remote Software Upgrade
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BMW Remote Software Upgrade CONTROLS
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CONTROLS BMW Remote Software Upgrade
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BMW Remote Software Upgrade CONTROLS
In the event of a malfunction, follow the instruc‐
tions on the control display or in the BMW app.
If the malfunction cannot be rectified, contact a
Service Partner of the manufacturer or another
qualified Service Partner or a specialist work‐
Vehicle production
When the vehicle leaves the factory, the con‐
tents of the printed Owner's Handbook are up to
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Personal settings
Personal settings
Vehicle equipment Deleting personal data in the vehicle
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Personal settings CONTROLS
Resetting vehicle data The vehicle can store three BMW IDs or three
driver profiles.
All individual settings can be reset to the factory If a login using the BMW ID does not occur and
settings when drive-ready state is switched off. no driver profile is activated, the vehicle is in the
The vehicle key must be in the vehicle. guest profile.
The login with the BMW ID or the activation of
1. "MENU"
the driver profile can already occur during un‐
2. "Vehicle apps" locking. For this purpose, the driver recognition
3. "System settings" via a vehicle key or a digital key must be as‐
4. "Reset vehicle data" signed to the BMW ID or the driver profile.
In non-ConnectedDrive countries, the personal ▷ The vehicle does not have a stored BMW ID
vehicle settings can be stored in driver profiles. or driver profile:
When a person logs in with their BMW ID or the The welcome is neutral. An option to add a
driver profile in the vehicle, the stored settings BMW ID or create a driver profile is offered.
are activated. ▷ The vehicle key or the digital key has not
been assigned to a BMW ID or a driver pro‐
General file:
The BMW ID can be created in the vehicle, via The welcome is neutral. The stored BMW IDs
the BMW app, in the ConnectedDrive portal and or the stored driver profiles are offered for se‐
at the Service Partner. A driver profile is created lection. Additionally, it is possible to add a
in the vehicle. new BMW ID or create a new driver profile.
If a vehicle is used by multiple persons, each per‐ ▷ The vehicle key or the digital key could be as‐
son can activate their own personal settings via signed to a BMW ID or a driver profile:
the BMW ID or via the driver profile. The welcome is personalised, the stored set‐
Many of the settings that are stored for a BMW tings are activated. The BMW ID or the driver
ID in the vehicle can be synchronised with the profile can be changed.
BMW Cloud. This makes these settings available As soon as the drive-ready state is turned on or
in any vehicle where the same BMW ID is used the control display is tapped outside of the wel‐
to log in. come window, the welcome will be hidden.
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CONTROLS Personal settings
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Personal settings CONTROLS
▷ By unlocking the vehicle using the assigned 3. Select the BMW ID or driver profile.
vehicle key button. 4. If necessary, enter the PIN.
▷ By unlocking the vehicle using an outside The BMW ID or the driver profile are activated,
door handle. The assigned vehicle key or the the stored settings are loaded.
assigned digital key must be carried.
▷ By automatic unlocking when approaching Guest profile
the vehicle. The assigned vehicle key or the
The guest profile can be activated and changed
assigned digital key must be carried. De‐
by anyone.
pending on the national-market version, it
may not be possible to recognise the digital The guest profile is automatically active in the
key. following cases:
If there are several vehicle keys or digital keys in ▷ A BMW ID has not yet been added or a driver
the vicinity of the vehicle, the activation of the profile has not yet been created.
BMW ID or the driver profile takes place accord‐ ▷ No BMW ID or driver profile has been as‐
ing to the following priority: signed to the vehicle key or the digital key
▷ The key that unlocks the vehicle triggers the that was used to unlock the vehicle.
activation of the assigned BMW ID or the as‐ The following limitations apply to the guest pro‐
signed driver profile. file:
If the vehicle is unlocked using an unassigned ▷ Functions that process personal data are not
key, the guest profile is activated. available to protect sensitive, personal data
▷ If a vehicle key and a digital key are detected from unauthorised access. This includes se‐
at the same time, the digital key triggers the lect functions of the navigation and the saving
activation of the assigned BMW ID or the as‐ of favourites. More information on data pro‐
signed driver profile. cessing is available in the ConnectedDrive
data protection notes / service descriptions.
▷ If another key is detected on the driver's door
after activating the BMW ID or the driver pro‐ ▷ The guest profile cannot be renamed.
file, the BMW ID or the driver profile of the ▷ It is not possible to assign a PIN to the guest
last key detected is activated. profile.
If no BMW ID and no driver profile are as‐ ▷ It is not possible to assign a driver detection
signed to this key, the guest profile is activa‐ to the guest profile.
ted. ▷ In ConnectedDrive countries, the synchroni‐
sation with the BMW Cloud is not possible.
Selecting the BMW ID/driver profile The guest profile is selected in the welcome win‐
If detection was not possible while unlocking the dow or via iDrive:
vehicle, the BMW ID or driver profile is selected
on the welcome window. 1. Tap the icon or personal picture in the
status bar.
The BMW ID or driver profile can be changed at
2. ▷ "Change BMW ID"
any time via iDrive:
▷ Switch the driver profile.
1. Tap the icon or personal picture in the
status bar. 3. "Continue as guest"
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Personal settings
Deleting the BMW ID/driver profile ▷ The synchronisation with the BMW Cloud.
1. Tap the icon or personal picture in the ▷ The personal salutation.
status bar. The following settings are available for the driver
2. ▷ "Change BMW ID" profile:
▷ Switch the driver profile. ▷ The type of driver detection.
3. Tap the icon of the desired BMW ID or the ▷ The profile picture.
desired driver profile. ▷ The profile name.
If the BMW ID was synchronised with the BMW
Cloud, the stored data in the BMW Cloud will be Selecting a profile picture
retained. The profile picture can be selected from the pre‐
After the deletion, the guest profile will be activa‐ defined profile pictures.
ted. The personal profile picture from the BMW
Cloud can be applied to a BMW ID. This requires
Transfer of the vehicle key that the synchronisation with the BMW Cloud is
A vehicle key that is assigned to a BMW ID or a activated in the settings. After the profile picture
driver profile can be used to view or change the from the BMW Cloud has been applied, a selec‐
stored personal settings. tion from the predefined pictures is only possible
if the profile picture in the BMW Cloud is deleted.
Before a vehicle key is transferred to other per‐
sons, any assigned driver detection should be
cancelled. Changes to the driver detection can System limits
be made in the settings of the BMW ID or the A clear driver detection via the vehicle key or the
driver profile. digital key may not always be possible, for exam‐
The BMW Digital Key provides the option to ple in the following cases:
transfer a digital key to permit other persons the ▷ The driver unlocks the vehicle at the outside
use of your own vehicle. door handle.
For further information: ▷ If there is a change of driver without the vehi‐
BMW Digital Key, see page 96. cle being locked and unlocked.
▷ When multiple vehicle keys or multiple digital
Settings keys with an assigned BMW ID or driver pro‐
file are located in the outer area on the driv‐
General er's side of the vehicle.
Settings added when adding a BMW ID or creat‐ ▷ When the vehicle was unlocked from the
ing a driver profile can be changed. BMW app.
The use of personal settings that are stored for a
1. Tap the icon or personal picture in the BMW ID in other vehicles is subject to technical
status bar. limitations. For example, there may be stored
2. "Settings" settings for a system that is not available in other
The following settings are available for the BMW vehicles, or only in an incompatible version.
▷ The type of driver detection.
▷ The profile picture.
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Connections CONTROLS
Vehicle equipment a model-specific basis, even if they are not inclu‐
ded in the vehicle in question.
This chapter describes equipment, systems and For further information:
functions which are offered or will be offered on Vehicle equipment, see page 7.
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CONTROLS Connections
Paired devices are then automatically recognised Displaying the device list
and connected to the vehicle.
All devices paired or connected to the vehicle are
displayed in the device list.
Safety note
A maximum of four devices can be connected to
the vehicle via Bluetooth and ten devices via
WARNING WLAN. A maximum of 20 devices can be detec‐
Operating integrated information systems and ted.
communication devices during a journey may 1. "MENU"
distract you from the road. You could lose con‐
2. "All apps"
trol of the vehicle. There is a risk of accident.
Only operate the systems or devices if the traf‐ 3. "Device manager"
fic conditions allow you to do so. Stop if neces‐ Icons to the right of the device name indicate for
sary and operate the systems or devices with which function the device can be used.
the vehicle at a standstill. Tap the desired icon to activate a function.
Icon Meaning
Compatible devices
1. "MENU"
2. "All apps"
▷ Following one-off pairing, the devices are au‐
tomatically detected and connected again 3. "Device manager"
when standby state is switched on. 4. Select the required device.
▷ The data saved on the SIM card or in the mo‐ 5. Select the desired setting.
bile phone – for example, contacts – is trans‐
ferred to the vehicle following detection and Telephone priority
can be used via iDrive.
If several mobile phones are connected to the
▷ For some mobile devices, certain settings are vehicle, it is possible to define priorities for them.
necessary directly on the device, for example, The mobile phone with the highest priority is
authorisation, see the operating instructions
of the device.
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Connections CONTROLS
preferably used, for example for outgoing calls the display of the mobile phone and confirm
and messages. that they match.
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CONTROLS Connections
Why is it not possible to operate the telephone If all the points on the list have been reviewed
functions via iDrive? and the desired function cannot be performed,
▷ No telephone functions are configured for the contact the Hotline, a Service Partner of the
mobile phone. manufacturer or another qualified Service Partner
or a specialist workshop.
Connect the mobile phone with the tele‐
phone function.
Why are no phone book entries, not all entries or Vehicle WiFi
incomplete entries being displayed?
▷ The transfer of the phone book entries is not General
yet completed.
The vehicle WiFi can be used for data exchange
▷ It's possible that only the phone book entries between mobile devices and the vehicle.
from the mobile phone or the SIM card have
been transferred.
Operating requirements
▷ It may not be possible to display phone book
▷ Standby state is switched on.
entries containing special characters.
▷ Compatible device with activated WLAN in‐
▷ It may not be possible to transfer contacts
from social networks.
▷ The BMW app is installed on the mobile de‐
▷ The number of phone book entries to be
transferred is too high.
▷ The volume of data for a particular contact is
Activating vehicle WiFi
too large, for example due to saved informa‐
tion such as memos. 1. "MENU"
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Connections CONTROLS
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CONTROLS Connections
5. To activate the eSIM telephone function: ▷ Scan the QR code shown in the display.
"Telephone functions via eSIM" ▷ Enter the displayed login data on the mo‐
bile end device.
6. "Link telephone"
All devices connected via the hotspot use the
7. link the desired phone. data volume of the Personal eSIM.
For further information, see the integrated Own‐
er's Handbook or the Owner's Handbook for Activating/deactivating Internet usage
Navigation, Entertainment, Communication.
Internet usage may be deactivated if the data
volume is used up, for example.
Personal hotspot 1. "MENU"
2. "All apps"
Principle 3. "Personal Hotspot"
Compatible devices with WLAN interface can 4. "Settings"
use the Internet connection with the data volume
5. "Internet access for mobile devices"
of the Personal eSIM via the personal hotspot.
6. Select the desired setting.
Up to ten devices can be connected to the per‐ Apple CarPlay© preparation
sonal hotspot simultaneously.
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Connections CONTROLS
Pairing the iPhone with CarPlay ▷ Change the connection type of the already
connected device, for example using as tele‐
1. "MENU"
2. "All apps"
▷ Delete the iPhone concerned from the device
3. "Device manager" list.
4. "Connect new device" ▷ On the iPhone, delete the vehicle concerned
Mobile phones in range are displayed on the from the list of saved connections under
control display. Bluetooth and under WLAN.
5. Select the desired mobile phone on the con‐ ▷ Pair the iPhone as a new device.
trol display or the Bluetooth® name of the If the steps listed have been carried out and the
vehicle on the display of the mobile phone. desired function still cannot be performed: con‐
6. Compare the control number displayed on tact the hotline, a Service Partner of the manu‐
the control display with the control number in facturer, another qualified Service Partner or a
the display of the mobile phone and confirm specialist workshop.
that they match.
7. Select CarPlay as the connection mode:
"Use Apple CarPlay"
Android Auto© preparation
8. Confirm the connection mode on the display
of the smartphone.
The iPhone is connected to the vehicle and dis‐ Android Auto enables selected functions of a
played in the device list. compatible smartphone to be operated by Goo‐
gle Assistant voice control and iDrive.
Operating requirements
For further information, see the integrated Own‐
er's Handbook or the Owner's Handbook for ▷ Compatible Android smartphone: Samsung
Navigation, Entertainment, Communication. or Google smartphone with Android 10 or an
Android smartphone with Android 11, regard‐
less of the manufacturer.
Frequently Asked Questions
▷ Compatible devices, see page 76.
For the mobile device to work correctly, all condi‐
tions need to be met and all the necessary steps ▷ Appropriate mobile radio contract.
need to be carried out in the correct order. Even ▷ Bluetooth and WLAN are activated on the
when this is done, however, there may still be in‐ smartphone.
stances where the mobile device does not func‐ ▷ The smartphone must support a 5 Ghz WiFi
tion as expected. connection.
In such cases, the following explanations may ▷ The setting for mobile data may need to be
provide assistance: activated on the smartphone.
The iPhone has already been paired with Apple ▷ WLAN and Bluetooth are activated in the ve‐
CarPlay. When a new connection setup is estab‐ hicle.
lished, CarPlay can no longer be selected.
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CONTROLS Connections
Pairing the smartphone with Android ▷ Delete the smartphone concerned from the
Auto device list.
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Connections CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Opening and closing
Vehicle key
The delivery specification includes two vehicle Buttons on the vehicle key.
keys, each containing an integrated key.
Each vehicle key contains a replaceable battery. Icon Meaning
Various settings are possible for the button func‐ Unlock.
tions, depending on the equipment and the na‐
tional-market version.
A BMW ID or a driver profile with personal set‐ Lock.
tings can be assigned to a vehicle key.
To provide information on maintenance require‐
Open/close the luggage compartment.
ment, the service data is saved in the vehicle key.
To prevent the vehicle key from being locked in,
take it with you whenever you leave the vehicle. Function adjustable:
Home lights, see page 179.
Safety note
Pre-conditioning, see page 280.
Additional vehicle keys
The vehicle key has a button cell battery. Bat‐
Additional vehicle keys are available from a Serv‐
teries or button cells can be swallowed and
ice Partner of the manufacturer or another quali‐
lead to serious or fatal injuries within two hours,
fied Service Partner or a specialist workshop.
for example due to internal burns or chemical
burns. There is a danger of injury or danger to
life. Keep the vehicle key and batteries out of Loss of vehicle keys
reach of children. Immediately seek medical A lost vehicle key can be disabled and replaced
help if there is any suspicion that a battery or by a Service Partner of the manufacturer or an‐
other qualified Service Partner or a specialist
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Opening and closing CONTROLS
If a BMW ID or driver profile has been assigned 5. Press the cover back into position and close
to the lost vehicle key, the connection to this ve‐ it.
hicle key must be deleted. A new vehicle key can 6. Insert the integrated key into the vehicle key
then be assigned to the BMW ID or driver profile. until the integrated key engages.
Dispose of old batteries at a Service
Replacing the battery
Partner of the manufacturer or another
qualified Service Partner or a specialist
NOTE workshop or hand them in to an authorised col‐
Improper batteries in the vehicle key can dam‐ lecting point.
age the vehicle key. There is a risk of material
damage. Always replace the discharged battery Integrated key
with a battery with the same voltage, the same
size and the same specification.
1. Remove the integrated key from the vehicle With the integrated key, the driver's door can be
key. unlocked without the vehicle key.
2. Position the integrated key under the battery Depending on the national-market version, the
compartment lid, arrow 1, and pry off the lid integrated key fits the glove compartment.
with a lever movement of the integrated key, Depending on the model and equipment, the key
arrow 2. switch for the front passenger airbag can be op‐
erated with the integrated key.
Safety note
On some national-market versions, unlocking
from the inside is only possible with special
There is a risk of injury or danger to life if per‐
3. Use a pointed object to press the battery in sons remain in the vehicle for extended periods
the direction of the arrow and lift it out. and are exposed to extreme temperatures as a
result. Do not lock the vehicle from the outside
when there is someone inside it.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Opening and closing
2. Pull off frame from integrated key. 2. Unlock the door lock by turning it anti-clock‐
wise using the integrated key.
The vehicle can be locked manually from the in‐
To avoid locking the vehicle key in the vehicle,
do not place the vehicle key into the vehicle.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Opening and closing CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Opening and closing
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Opening and closing CONTROLS
switched on, the exterior mirrors are not fol‐ Locking the vehicle
ded in. 1. Close the driver's door.
▷ Home lights can be activated during locking.
The following functions are carried out:
2. Press the button on the vehicle key.
▷ All the doors, the tailgate and the charging
socket flap are locked.
On the outside door handle
▷ The anti-theft security system is switched on.
This prevents the doors from being unlocked Principle
using the locking buttons or the door han‐
This feature allows you to access the vehicle
without having to use the vehicle key.
▷ The alarm system is switched on.
The vehicle key is automatically detected near
If drive-ready state is still switched on when lock‐ the vehicle.
ing, the vehicle horn sounds twice. If this hap‐
pens, switch off drive-ready state using Start/ General
Stop button.
The function is available with Comfort Access.
For further information:
For settings, see page 100. Operating requirements
▷ Carry the vehicle key with you, for example, in
With the vehicle key your pants pocket.
▷ To lock the vehicle, the vehicle key must be
Unlocking the vehicle located outside the vehicle in the vicinity of
Press the button on the vehicle key. the doors.
▷ After locking, approx. 2 seconds must elapse
before unlocking is possible.
If only the driver's door and the charging socket
flap have been unlocked in accordance with the
Unlocking the vehicle
settings, press the button on the vehicle key
again to unlock the other vehicle access points.
The vehicle is operational after one of the front
doors is opened.
The lighting functions may depend on the ambi‐
ent brightness.
Comfort entry
Press the button on the vehicle key twice
in immediate succession to activate Reach into the handle recess of a vehicle door.
comfort entry.
Depending on the settings, the window is low‐
Locking the vehicle
ered further when a door is opened.
1. Close the driver's door.
2. Touch the grooved surface on the outside
door handle of a closed front door with your
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Opening and closing
finger for approx. 1 second without reaching If the vehicle key remains within the unlocking
into the handle recess. zone without moving for a prolonged period of
time, the vehicle is locked automatically.
If a person is detected on the front passenger
seat during locking and if the front passenger's
seat belt is in the seat belt buckle during locking:
▷ The vehicle is locked, but not protected
against theft.
▷ The charging socket flap remains unlocked.
Operating requirements
Principle ▷ Carry the vehicle key with you, for example, in
your pants pocket.
The vehicle is unlocked when the driver ap‐
proaches the locked vehicle with the vehicle key. ▷ Automatic unlocking and locking must be ac‐
tivated in the settings.
If the driver moves away from the unlocked vehi‐
cle with the vehicle key, the vehicle is locked. ▷ Drive-ready state must be switched off.
▷ To lock the vehicle contactlessly, there must
General not be a second vehicle key within a radius of
The function is available with Comfort Access. six metres of the vehicle.
The vehicle is unlocked when an authorised ve‐ ▷ If the vehicle has been in rest state for several
hicle key is detected in the unlocking zone. days, contactless unlocking/locking is not
possible until the vehicle has been driven.
The unlocking zone is located within a radius of
approx. 1 m, 3 ft around the side and rear of the For further information:
vehicle. For settings, see page 100.
The vehicle is locked when the vehicle key
leaves the locking zone. With the Key Card
The locking zone is located within a radius of ap‐
prox. 2 m, 6 ft around the side and rear of the ve‐ Principle
hicle. The Key Card is a chip card on which a digital
key is installed. It can be used to unlock and lock
the vehicle.
For further information:
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Opening and closing CONTROLS
The Key Card is available with Comfort Access.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Opening and closing
NOTE With Comfort Access, the luggage compartment
Pointed or angular objects can strike the win‐ can be accessed without activating the vehicle
dows and the heating conductors during the key.
journey. There is a risk of material damage. Simply having the vehicle key with you, for exam‐
Cover edges and make sure that pointed ob‐ ple in your trouser pocket, is sufficient.
jects cannot strike the windows.
The key is automatically detected near the vehi‐
With the vehicle key
Opening the luggage compartment
To prevent the vehicle key from being locked in,
do not place it in the luggage compartment.
Depending on the equipment and national-mar‐
ket versions, it is possible to select whether the
doors are also unlocked when unlocking with the
vehicle key.
Functional prerequisites
▷ Unlock the vehicle and then press the button
To open the luggage compartment with the ve‐
on the luggage compartment.
hicle key, the trailer socket must not be occu‐
pied. ▷ With Comfort Access: carry the vehicle key
with you and press the button on the luggage
Selector lever position P must be engaged to
open the luggage compartment with the vehicle
key. Locked doors are not unlocked.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Opening and closing CONTROLS
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CONTROLS Opening and closing
The tailgate swings outwards when opened.
There is a risk of injury or material damage.
When opening and closing, make sure that the
area of movement of the tailgate is kept clear. Before the luggage compartment opens, the
hazard warning lights will flash.
Moving the foot again will stop the opening pro‐
NOTE cedure. The subsequent foot movement will
Pointed or angular objects can strike the win‐ close the luggage compartment again.
dows and the heating conductors during the
journey. There is a risk of material damage. Closing the luggage compartment
Cover edges and make sure that pointed ob‐ Perform the foot movement for opening the lug‐
jects cannot strike the windows. gage compartment.
The hazard warning lights flash and an acoustic
signal sounds.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Opening and closing CONTROLS
Moving the foot again will stop the closing opera‐ General
tion. The subsequent foot movement will open
The Key Card is available with Comfort Access.
the luggage compartment again.
Depending on the national-market version, the
Key Card may not be available.
System limits
A digital key that has already been paired with
Detection of foot movement may be restricted the vehicle is installed on the Key Card. The digi‐
by the following external circumstances: tal key must be activated via iDrive.
▷ Ice, snow or slush on the rear of the vehicle. When you exit the vehicle, deactivate the Key
▷ Dirt or road salt on the rear of the vehicle. Card or take the Key Card with you, as it can be
Movement in the vicinity of the sensors may used to start the vehicle when activated. Always
cause the luggage compartment to open unin‐ take the vehicle key with you to a service ap‐
tentionally, for example if water flows underneath pointment.
the vehicle during cleaning or in heavy rain. To
prevent the luggage compartment from opening Safety note
unintentionally, make sure that the vehicle key is
far enough away from the rear of the vehicle.
To activate the Key Card, it must be in the
smartphone tray and there must be a vehicle key
in the vehicle.
To deactivate the Key Card, there must be a ve‐
hicle key in the vehicle.
Pull the handle in the luggage compartment. If BMW Digital Key is activated for the vehicle, a
The luggage compartment is unlocked. digital key can be used instead of the vehicle
A deactivated Key Card will remain in the list of
Key Card registered digital keys.
The Key Card can be used to lock, unlock and
start the vehicle.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Opening and closing
Activating the Key Card 1. Open the cover of the smartphone tray.
2. Place the activated Key Card in the middle of
the smartphone tray.
3. Press the Start/Stop button.
After turning on the drive-ready state, the Key
Card can be taken out of the storage tray.
Objects between the sensors and the Key Card,
1. Open the cover of the smartphone tray. for example a purse or wallet, may prevent the
vehicle from detecting the Key Card.
2. Place the Key Card in the middle of the
smartphone tray.
3. Follow instructions on the control display. BMW Digital Key
Deactivating the Key Card Principle
1. "MENU"
BMW Digital Key allows you to use a compatible
2. "Vehicle apps" smartphone to lock, unlock and start the vehicle.
3. "Doors and windows"
4. "Key Card" General
5. "Deactivate Key Card" Availability and range of functions of the BMW
Digital Key depend on the equipment and na‐
A deactivated Key Card will remain in the list of
tional-market version.
registered digital keys.
BMW Digital Key can be used with a compatible
smartphone or other compatible end devices.
Unlocking and locking the vehicle
To unlock and start a vehicle with a compatible
The vehicle can be unlocked and locked with the
smartphone, this function must be offered by the
activated Key Card.
smartphone manufacturer. The BMW app pro‐
For further information: vides a check to determine if the smartphone
Access to the vehicle interior, see page 88. and the vehicle are compatible and which func‐
tions are supported.
Switching on drive-ready state A BMW ID or a driver profile with individual set‐
tings can be assigned to a digital key.
When using a smartphone as a digital key, al‐
ways carry a vehicle key or the activated Key
Card with you too. This will mean that you can
still access the vehicle even if the smartphone is
not working. It is also useful to have the vehicle
key or Key Card about your person if the vehicle
has to be handed over to another person. The
vehicle key or Key Card can then be handed
over, instead of the smartphone. Always take the
vehicle key with you to a service appointment.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Opening and closing CONTROLS
To share the digital key, select the correspond‐ A shared key will only be deleted via the smart‐
ing function on the smartphone, for example in phone associated with the main digital key if the
the Wallet app. vehicle is being used with a key other than the
one that is to be deleted.
As soon as a digital key is shared with a person,
this person receives an invitation. If the invitation If the smartphone associated with a shared key
is accepted, the digital key is activated on the re‐ or iDrive is used to delete a shared key, it will be
cipient's smartphone. deleted immediately.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Opening and closing
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Opening and closing CONTROLS
Overview General
Depending on the national-market version, the
parking service mode may not be available.
In parking service mode, the vehicle settings
cannot be changed via iDrive. Settings stored in
a BMW ID or a guest profile cannot be changed.
Personal data cannot be displayed.
In addition, the following actions are performed:
▷ The volume of the audio system is limited.
Central locking buttons. ▷ The integrated universal remote control is de‐
▷ The Dynamic Stability Control cannot be
Locking the vehicle
turned off.
Press the button with the front doors ▷ The availability of certain settings of the drive
closed. modes is restricted.
Locking does not activate the vehicle's anti-theft For further information:
protection system. BMW ID/driver profiles, see page 71.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Opening and closing
Automatic unlocking
Settings 1. "MENU"
2. "Vehicle apps"
General 3. "Doors and windows"
Various settings are possible for opening and 4. "Lock/unlock"
closing, depending on the equipment and the 5. Select the desired setting:
national-market version.
▷ "Unlock doors at end of journey"
Unlocking and locking ▷ "Unlock doors when in Park"
After drive-ready state has been switched off
Doors by pressing the Start/Stop button or by en‐
1. "MENU" gaging the selector lever position P, the
locked vehicle is automatically unlocked.
2. "Vehicle apps"
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Opening and closing CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Opening and closing
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Opening and closing CONTROLS
Once the remaining open access points have Switching off the tilt alarm sensor and
been closed, the interior movement detector interior movement detector
and tilt alarm sensor are switched on.
Within 10 seconds of locking the vehicle,
▷ The indicator light extinguishes after the vehi‐ press the button on the vehicle key.
cle has been unlocked:
The indicator light illuminates for approxi‐
This means that the vehicle is not being tam‐ mately 2 seconds and then flashes again.
pered with.
▷ The indicator light flashes after unlocking un‐ The tilt alarm sensor and the interior movement
til drive-ready state is switched on, but for no detector are switched off until the next time the
longer than approximately 5 minutes: vehicle is locked.
The alarm has been triggered.
Ending the alarm
Unlock the vehicle.
Tilt alarm sensor
If the vehicle is unlocked with the integrated key,
The vehicle's angle of inclination is monitored. the drive-ready state must subsequently be
The alarm system responds, for example when turned on via the emergency detection of the ve‐
there is an attempt to steal a wheel or tow the hicle key.
vehicle away.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Opening and closing
Opening windows
Keep the button on the vehicle key
pressed after unlocking.
Close windows
Keep the button on the vehicle key Touch the grooved surface on the outside door
pressed after locking. handle of a closed vehicle door with your finger
and hold it there without grasping the handle re‐
The windows close for as long as the button on cess.
the vehicle key remains pressed.
In addition to locking, the windows and the glass
Depending on the equipment, the exterior mir‐
sunroof with sun protection are closed.
rors are folded in provided that they were not fol‐
ded in when the vehicle was locked. If the hazard Depending on the equipment, the exterior mir‐
warning lights are switched on, the exterior mir‐ rors are folded in provided that they were not fol‐
rors are not folded in. ded in when the vehicle was locked. If the hazard
warning lights are switched on, the exterior mir‐
rors are not folded in.
On the outside door handle
The function is available with Comfort Access.
Functional prerequisite
Carry the vehicle key with you, for example, in
your trouser pocket.
Electric windows
Operating requirements
The windows can be operated under the
following conditions.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Opening and closing CONTROLS
Anti-trap mechanism
Safety switch
The anti-trap mechanism prevents objects or Principle
parts of the body from becoming trapped be‐ The safety switch can be used to prevent chil‐
tween the door frame and window while a win‐ dren from opening and closing the rear windows
dow is being closed. with the switches in the rear, for example.
If an accident of appropriate severity occurs, the
General safety function is automatically switched off.
If resistance or an obstruction is detected while a
window is being closed, the closing operation is
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Opening and closing
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Opening and closing CONTROLS
Depending on the equipment, the exterior mir‐ Raising/closing the glass sunroof
rors are folded in provided that they were not fol‐
Press the switch briefly up.
ded in when the vehicle was locked. If the hazard
warning lights are switched on, the exterior mir‐ ▷ The closed glass sunroof is
rors are not folded in. raised and the sun protection
opens slightly.
In the interior ▷ The opened glass sunroof
closes to the raised position.
General The sun protection does not
The glass sunroof and the sun protection are op‐
erated using the same switch. ▷ The raised glass sunroof is closed.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Opening and closing
Pressing the switch again stops the move‐ field may be obscured by a car port or bridge,
ment. for example.
▷ Vehicle must be in rest state.
Opening/closing the glass sunroof and ▷ The function must be activated in the set‐
sun protection together tings.
▷ Slide the switch back beyond For settings, see page 100.
the resistance point twice in
quick succession. Malfunctions
The glass sunroof and the sun The open glass sunroof is not moved to the
protection open together. raised position under the following circumstan‐
Pressing the switch again
stops the movement. ▷ The glass sunroof is blocked.
▷ Slide the switch forwards beyond the resist‐ ▷ The anti-trap mechanism cannot be guaran‐
ance point twice in quick succession. teed.
The glass sunroof and the sun protection ▷ There is a system error, for example due to a
close together. temporary open circuit. In this case, initialising
the glass sunroof can help.
Pressing the switch again stops the move‐
ment. An error message is shown on the control dis‐
play. No further closure is attempted.
If rain detection is not possible due to the sys‐
Comfort position tem, the open glass sunroof is immediately
In some models, wind noise levels inside the ve‐ moved to the raised position. An error message
hicle are lowest when the glass sunroof is not is shown on the control display.
fully open. On these models, the automatic func‐
tion initially only opens the glass sunroof as far as Anti-trap mechanism
this comfort position.
Pressing the switch again in the interior opens Principle
the electric glass sunroof fully.
The anti-trap mechanism prevents objects or
parts of the body from becoming trapped be‐
Closing the glass sunroof tween the roof frame and glass sunroof while the
automatically glass sunroof is being closed.
Principle General
An open electric glass sunroof is automatically If resistance or an obstruction is detected while
moved to the raised position when it starts to rain the glass sunroof is being closed, the closing op‐
or six hours after the vehicle was locked. eration is interrupted once the roof reaches the
half-open position or when closing from the
Operating requirements raised position.
▷ Rain must be able to reach the sensor field in
the area of the interior mirror. The sensor
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Opening and closing CONTROLS
Closing with no anti-trap mechanism The system can be initialised if the following
from an open position conditions are met:
If an external hazard or ice prevents you from ▷ The vehicle is parked on level ground.
closing the windows normally, proceed as fol‐ ▷ The vehicle does not move until initialisation
lows: is complete.
▷ Drive-ready state is activated.
▷ The outside temperature is above 5 ℃/41 ℉.
During initialisation, the glass sunroof closes with
no anti-trap mechanism.
If a open circuit occurs while the glass sunroof is
opening or closing, it may only have restricted
functionality afterwards. In this case, initialising
the system can help.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Seats, mirrors and steering wheel
Safety notes
Adjusting the seat during a journey could cause The levers for the seat settings are located at the
the seat to move unexpectedly. You could lose front seats.
control of the vehicle. There is a risk of acci‐
dent. Only adjust the seat on the driver's side
when at a standstill.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Seats, mirrors and steering wheel CONTROLS
If the seat is not locked, it could move unex‐
pectedly during a journey. You could lose con‐
trol of the vehicle. There is a risk of accident.
After making an adjustment, move the seat for‐
wards and backwards slightly to ensure that it is
properly engaged.
Pull the lever and slide the seat in the desired di‐
The seat setting for the driver's seat is stored in
the active BMW ID or in the active driver profile. If
the BMW ID or the driver profile is reactivated at
Pull the lever up or press the lever down repeat‐
a later time, the stored position is called up auto‐
edly until the seat reaches the desired angle.
The current seat position can be saved using the
memory function.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Seats, mirrors and steering wheel
The switches for the seat settings are located at Tilt the switch up or down.
the front seats.
Thigh support
Adjusting the height
Sport seat
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Seats, mirrors and steering wheel CONTROLS
Lumbar support Before each journey, always make sure that all
occupants have fastened their seat belts. The
Principle airbags supplement the seat belts as an addi‐
tional safety device. The airbags are not a substi‐
The curvature of the backrest can be changed to
tute for the seat belts.
provide support for the lumbar region, or lordo‐
sis. The upper edge of the pelvis and the spinal All belt fastening points are designed to achieve
column are supported to encourage an upright the best possible protective effect of the seat
sitting posture. belts with proper use of the seat belts and cor‐
rect seat setting.
Adjusting the lumbar support The two outer seat belt buckles on the rear seats
are intended for those sitting on the left and
▷ Press the button at the front/rear:
The curvature is increased/
The inner seat belt buckle on the rear seats is in‐
tended for the person sitting in the middle.
▷ Press the button at the top/bottom:
For further information:
The curvature is shifted upwards/downwards.
Notes on sitting safely, see page 110.
Principle WARNING
The backrest width can be adjusted to improve
If a seat belt is used by more than one person
lateral support when cornering.
at the same time, the protective function of the
seat belt is no longer guaranteed. There is a
General risk of injury or even death. Only one person
The backrest width is changed by adjusting the should use each seat belt at any one time. Do
side sections of the backrest. not allow infants and children to travel on the
lap of another occupant. Instead, secure the in‐
Adjusting the backrest width fant or child in a child restraint system intended
for this purpose.
▷ Press the button at the front:
Backrest width is reduced.
▷ Press the button at the rear: WARNING
Backrest width is increased. The protective function of the seat belts may
be limited or may even fail completely if the
seat belts are worn incorrectly. If a seat belt is
Seat belts not worn correctly, additional injuries can be
caused, for example in the event of an accident,
braking or evasive action. There is a risk of in‐
General jury or even death. Make sure that all vehicle
For the safety of the vehicle occupants, the vehi‐ occupants have fastened their seat belts cor‐
cle is equipped with five seat belts. However, rectly.
they can only provide protective effect when
worn correctly.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Seats, mirrors and steering wheel
Seat belts are designed to bear upon the bony The protective effect of the seat belts may be
structure of the body and should be worn low restricted or may even fail completely in the
across the front of the pelvis, or the pelvis, following situations:
chest and shoulders, as applicable. Wearing the ▷ If the seat belts or seat belt buckles are
lap section of the belt across the abdominal damaged, dirty or have been modified in
area must be avoided. another way.
Seat belts should be adjusted as firmly as pos‐ ▷ The seat belt tensioners or belt retractors
sible, consistent with comfort, to provide the have been modified.
protection for which they have been designed.
Seat belts can be damaged in an accident with‐
A slack seat belt will greatly reduce the protec‐
out the damage necessarily being apparent.
tion afforded to the wearer.
There is a danger of injury or danger to life. Do
Care should be taken to avoid contamination of not modify seat belts, seat belt buckles, seat
the webbing by polishes, oils and chemicals belt tensioners, belt retractors and belt anchor
and particularly battery acid. Cleaning may points and ensure that they are kept clean. Af‐
safely be carried out using a mild soap and wa‐ ter an accident, have the seat belts inspected
ter solution. The seat belt should be replaced if at a Service Partner of the manufacturer or an‐
the seat belt strap becomes frayed, contamina‐ other qualified Service Partner or a specialist
ted or damaged. Seat belts should not be worn workshop.
with straps twisted. Each seat belt assembly
must only be used by one occupant; it is forbid‐
den to put a belt around a child being carried Correct seat belt use
on the occupant's lap.
▷ Place the seat belt tightly over the pelvis and
It is essential to replace the entire assembly af‐ shoulder, close to the body and without twist‐
ter it has been worn in a severe impact even if ing.
damage to the assembly is not obvious.
▷ Make sure that the seat belt is positioned low
at the hips in the area of the pelvis. The seat
belt must not press on the abdomen.
▷ The seat belt must not be allowed to rub
No modifications or additions should be made against sharp edges, be routed over solid or
by the user that will either prevent the seat belt breakable objects or be trapped.
adjusting devices from operating to remove
▷ Avoid wearing bulky clothing.
slack, or prevent the seat belt assembly from
being adjusted to remove slack. ▷ Keep the seat belt taut by occasionally pulling
upwards on the upper body area.
▷ Centre seat belt in the rear: after buckling the
WARNING seat belt, pull the seat belt buckle to the re‐
sistance out of the mount.
If the rear seat backrest is not locked, the pro‐
tective effect of the middle seat belt is not en‐
sured. There is a risk of injury or even death.
Lock the wider rear seat backrest when using
the middle seat belt.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Seats, mirrors and steering wheel CONTROLS
If fastened, the driver's and front passenger's Seat belt on the corresponding
seat belt strap is automatically tensioned once seat is not buckled.
when driving off.
This seat is not affected by the
seat belt reminder.
Unfastening the seat belt
1. Hold the seat belt firmly.
2. Press the red button on the seat belt buckle. Safety function
3. Guide the seat belt back up to the automatic In critical driving situations, for example full brak‐
reel. ing, the front seat belts are tensioned automati‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Seats, mirrors and steering wheel
If the driving situation passes without an acci‐ ▷ Do not fit any covers on the seats or head
dent, the belt tension is slackened again. restraints.
If the belt tension does not loosen automatically, ▷ Do not hang objects such as coat hangers
stop the vehicle and unfasten the seat belt by directly on the head restraint.
pressing the red button in the seat belt buckle. ▷ Only use accessories that have been clas‐
Fasten the seat belt again before continuing driv‐ sified as safe for attaching to the head re‐
ing. straint.
▷ Do not use any accessories, for example
Front head restraints cushions, during the journey.
If the head restraints are removed or incorrectly
adjusted, they cannot provide protection as in‐
tended and head and neck injuries may result.
There is a danger of injury.
▷ Before a journey, re-install any removed
head restraints on all occupied seats.
▷ Adjust the head restraint so that its centre ▷ Down: press the button, arrow 1, and slide
supports the back of the head at eye level the head restraint downwards.
where possible.
▷ Up: push the head restraint upwards.
▷ Adjust the distance so that the head re‐
After adjusting the height, make sure that the
straint is as close as possible to the back
head restraint engages correctly.
of the head. If necessary, adjust the dis‐
tance by adjusting the backrest angle.
Adjusting the height: M sports seat
Parts of the body can become trapped when
the head restraints are moved. There is a dan‐
ger of injury. When moving the head restraint,
make sure that the area of movement is kept
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Seats, mirrors and steering wheel CONTROLS
If the head restraints are removed or incorrectly
adjusted, they cannot provide protection as in‐
tended and head and neck injuries may result.
There is a danger of injury.
▷ Back: press the button and push back the ▷ Before a journey, re-install any removed
head restraint. head restraints on all occupied seats.
▷ Forward: pull the head restraint forwards. ▷ Adjust the head restraint so that its centre
After adjusting the distance, make sure that the supports the back of the head at eye level
head restraint engages correctly. where possible.
▷ Adjust the distance so that the head re‐
straint is as close as possible to the back
Adjusting the distance: M sports seat of the head. If necessary, adjust the dis‐
The distance from the back of the head is adjus‐ tance by adjusting the backrest angle.
ted by the seat backrest angle.
Adjust the distance so that the head restraint is
as close as possible to the back of the head. WARNING
Parts of the body can become trapped when
Removing the head restraints the head restraints are moved. There is a dan‐
Only remove the head restraint if no-one is in‐ ger of injury. When moving the head restraint,
tending to sit in the seat in question. make sure that the area of movement is kept
Objects on the head restraint impair the protec‐
tive function of the head restraint in the head
and neck area. There is a danger of injury.
▷ Do not fit any covers on the seats or head
1. Push the head restraint up until resistance is ▷ Do not hang objects such as coat hangers
felt. directly on the head restraint.
2. Press the button, arrow 1, and pull the head ▷ Only use accessories that have been clas‐
restraint fully out. sified as safe for attaching to the head re‐
Installing head restraints ▷ Do not use any accessories, for example
Proceed in the reverse order to install the head cushions, during the journey.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Seats, mirrors and steering wheel
Folding down the head restraints Integrated key, see page 84.
Head restraints can be folded back to improve
rear visibility. Only fold back the head restraint if
no one is sitting on the seat in question.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Seats, mirrors and steering wheel CONTROLS
After installation, make sure that the head re‐ Icon Meaning
straint engages correctly.
Fold the exterior mirror in and out.
Exterior mirrors
Adjust the exterior mirrors.
The exterior mirror adjustment is stored in the Select mirror, automatic parking func‐
active BMW ID or in the active driver profile. If the tion.
BMW ID or the driver profile is reactivated at a
later time, the stored position is called up auto‐
matically. Adjusting the exterior mirrors
The current exterior mirror adjustment can be Press the button.
stored using the memory function.
The selected exterior mirror moves along
with the button movement.
Safety note
Selecting the exterior mirror
To switch to the other mirror:
Objects reflected in the mirror are closer than
they appear. The distance from road users be‐ Push the switch.
hind the vehicle could be incorrectly estimated,
for example when changing lane. There is a risk
of accident. Look over your shoulder to esti‐
mate the distance from following traffic. In case of an electrical failure, adjust the exterior
mirror by pressing on the edges of the mirror
Folding in/folding out the exterior
Because of its width, the vehicle could sustain
damage in car washes. There is a risk of mate‐
rial damage. Before washing, fold the mirrors in
manually or with the button.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Seats, mirrors and steering wheel
▷ In car washes.
Interior mirror, manual dim
▷ In narrow streets.
Mirrors which are folded in automatically fold out
when the vehicle reaches a speed of approxi‐
mately 40 km/h/25 mph.
Automatic heating
When required, both exterior mirrors are auto‐
matically heated when drive-ready state is
switched on.
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Seats, mirrors and steering wheel CONTROLS
Manual steering wheel adjustment The memory function enables the following set‐
tings to be stored and retrieved when required:
▷ Seat position.
▷ Exterior mirror adjustment.
▷ Depending on the equipment: height of the
Head-up display.
For each driver profile, two memory slots can be
assigned with different settings.
1. Fold the lever down fully.
The following settings are not saved:
2. Grip the steering wheel with both hands and
adjust it in the longitudinal direction and ▷ Backrest width.
height of the seat position. ▷ Lumbar support.
3. Fold the lever back up.
Safety notes
Steering wheel heating
Overview Using the memory function while driving may
cause the seat or steering wheel to move unex‐
pectedly. You could lose control of the vehicle.
There is a risk of accident. Only call up the
memory function when the vehicle is at stand‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Seats, mirrors and steering wheel
Seat heating
There is a risk of entrapment when the seats
are moved. There is a risk of injury or material
damage. Before making any adjustment, make If a journey is resumed within about 15 minutes
sure that the area of movement of the seat is after a temporary stop, the functions are auto‐
clear. matically switched on at the last temperature
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Seats, mirrors and steering wheel CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Carrying children safely
Accident research has shown that the safest
Unsupervised children or pets in the vehicle
place for children is on the rear seat.
can set the vehicle in motion and endanger
themselves or other road users, for example by Wherever possible, children younger than
the following actions: 12 years old or shorter than 150 cm, 5 ft should
be transported only on the rear seats in child re‐
▷ Pressing the Start/Stop button.
straint systems appropriate for their age, weight
▷ Releasing the parking brake. and stature. Children aged 12 years and older
▷ Opening and closing doors or windows. must be secured with a seat belt once a suitable
child restraint system is no longer an option due
▷ Engaging selector lever position N.
to their age, weight or stature.
▷ Operating vehicle equipment.
There is a risk of accident or injury. Do not Safety note
leave children or pets unsupervised in the vehi‐
cle. When leaving the vehicle, take the vehicle
key with you and lock the vehicle. WARNING
Children shorter than 150 cm, 5 ft cannot wear
the seat belt correctly without using additional
WARNING child restraint systems. The protective effect of
the seat belts may be restricted or may even
Hot vehicles can have fatal consequences, in fail completely if the seat belts are worn incor‐
particular for children or pets. There is a risk of rectly. If a seat belt is not worn correctly, addi‐
injury or even death. Do not leave anyone unsu‐ tional injuries can be caused, for example in the
pervised in the vehicle, especially children or event of an accident, braking or avoidance ma‐
pets. noeuvre. There is a danger of injury or danger
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Carrying children safely CONTROLS
Not for Australia: Children on the front If child restraint systems and their attachment
passenger seat systems have been damaged or subjected to
stresses in an accident, their protective func‐
General tion may be limited or may fail completely. A
child might not be adequately restrained, for ex‐
When using a child restraint system on the front
ample in the event of an accident, braking or
passenger seat, make sure that the front and
evasive action. There is a risk of injury or even
side airbags on the front passenger's side are
deactivated. Airbags on the front passenger side
can only be deactivated with the key switch for Do not continue to use child restraints which
front passenger airbags. are damaged or have been subjected to
stresses in an accident.
If the front passenger airbags cannot be deacti‐
vated, do not carry children on the front passen‐ If attachment systems have been damaged or
ger seat, even in suitable child restraint systems. subjected to stresses in an accident, have them
checked and replaced by a Service Partner of
For further information:
the manufacturer, another qualified Service
Key switch for front passenger airbags, see Partner or a specialist workshop.
page 188.
For Australia: installation of child
Please comply with the operating and safety in‐
structions provided by the child restraint system
restraint systems
manufacturer when selecting, attaching and us‐ Please note the following warning because your
ing child restraint systems. vehicle has been equipped with a front airbag for
the front passenger seat that cannot be deacti‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Carrying children safely
Extreme hazard
Do not use a rearward-facing child restraint on
a seat protected by an airbag in front of it.
ISOFIX or i-Size child safety
If triggered, active front passenger airbags can
fatally injure a child in a child restraint system
seat fasteners
which is mounted facing backwards. There is a
danger of injury or danger to life. Make sure General
that the front passenger airbags are deactiva‐ Please comply with the operating and safety in‐
ted and the PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF indica‐ structions provided by the, child restraint system
tor light is illuminated. manufacturer when selecting, attaching and us‐
ing ISOFIX or i-Size child restraint systems.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Carrying children safely CONTROLS
i-Size child restraint systems The total weight of the child and child restraint
system must not exceed 33 kg, 73 lbs.
i-Size is a legal regulation for child restraint sys‐
Safety notes
tems which is used for the approval of child re‐
straint systems. WARNING
The system represents a further development of If the child restraint system lower anchors are
the ISOFIX child safety seat fasteners. not engaged correctly, the protective effect of
ISOFIX child restraint systems can also be at‐ the child restraint system will be restricted.
tached to anchors with i-Size markings. There is a danger of injury or danger to life.
Make sure the lower anchor points have en‐
Icon Meaning gaged correctly and the child restraint system
If this icon is seen in the vehicle, rests firmly against the backrest.
the vehicle has also been ap‐
proved in accordance with i-
Size. The icon shows the WARNING
mounts for the system's lower The mounts for the lower anchors and the at‐
anchors. The lower anchors tachment points for child restraint systems are
meet the European i-Size re‐ intended for attaching child restraint systems
quirements. only. The mounts or attachment points can be
The corresponding icon shows damaged if other objects are attached. There is
the top tether eyelet. a danger of injury or material damage. Only at‐
tach child restraint systems to the correspond‐
ing mounts for the lower anchors or the attach‐
ment points.
Observe the following when attaching child re‐
straint systems with an integrated strap to the at‐
tachments for the lower anchors:
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Carrying children safely
If the rear seat backrest is not locked, the pro‐
tective effect of the child restraint system will
be limited or lost. The rear seat backrest can
fold forward in certain situations, for example
when braking or in the event of an accident.
There is a risk of injury or even death. Make
sure that the rear seat backrests are locked.
The fixtures for the lower ISOFIX anchors are lo‐
cated behind the marked covers.
Before fitting child restraint systems The mounts for the lower anchors and the at‐
Pull the seat belt away from the area of the child tachment points for child restraint systems are
seat mountings. intended for attaching child restraint systems
only. The mounts or attachment points can be
damaged if other objects are attached. There is
Fitting child restraint systems
a danger of injury or material damage. Only at‐
1. Install child restraint system, see the manu‐ tach child restraint systems to the correspond‐
facturer's instructions. ing mounts for the lower anchors or the attach‐
2. Make sure that the child restraint system at‐ ment points.
tachment correctly engages in the lower an‐
chor on both sides.
Attachment points for upper retaining
Child restraint systems with
upper restraint strap Icon Meaning
If the upper retaining strap is used incorrectly
on the child restraint system, the protective ef‐
fect will be reduced. There is a danger of injury.
Make sure that the upper retaining strap is not
twisted and is not routed to the upper mount‐
ing point over sharp edges.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Carrying children safely CONTROLS
1 Direction of travel
2 Head restraint
3 Hook of the upper retaining strap
4 Attachment point
5 Seat backrest
6 Upper retaining strap
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Carrying children safely
3 a) ON
4, 6 - b)
5 - c, d)
a) Adapt the forward/back position of the front passenger seat and, if necessary, move it to the high‐
est position to achieve the best possible belt routing.
b) When using child seats on the rear seats, if necessary adjust the forward/back position of the front
seat and, if necessary, adjust or remove the head restraint of the rear seat.
c) Only use the outer seats if the seat belt buckles are easily accessible.
d) The seat is not suitable for child seats with a support stand.
e) Depending on the equipment or national-market version.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Carrying children safely CONTROLS
1 a) ON
4, 6 - b)
5 - c, d)
a) Adapt the forward/back position of the front passenger seat and, if necessary, move it to the high‐
est position to achieve the best possible belt routing.
b) When using child seats on the rear seats, if necessary adjust the forward/back position of the front
seat and, if necessary, adjust or remove the head restraint of the rear seat.
c) Only use the outer seats if the seat belt buckles are easily accessible.
d) The seat is not suitable for child seats with a support stand.
e) Depending on the equipment or national-market version.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Carrying children safely
Not suitable for child restraint systems. Suitable for ISOFIX child re‐
straint systems.
Suitable for Universal-category child restraint sys‐ Suitable for ISOFIX and i-
tems approved for use in this weight group. Size child restraint systems.
Suitable for child restraint systems in the Semi-Uni‐ Suitable for child restraint
versal category if the vehicle and the seat location are systems with an upper re‐
listed in the list of vehicle types from the manufac‐ taining strap.
turer of the child restraint system.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Carrying children safely CONTROLS
1 Direction of travel
2 Head restraint
3 Hook of the upper retaining strap
4 Attachment point
5 Seat backrest
6 Upper retaining strap
Unlock or lock the safety switches on the rear
doors with the integrated key.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Carrying children safely
Icon Function
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Vehicle equipment netic energy released into electric energy.
The electrical energy partially recharges the
high-voltage battery to increase the range.
This chapter describes equipment, systems and
functions which are offered or will be offered on ▷ The rear electric motor powers the rear
a model-specific basis, even if they are not inclu‐ wheels.
ded in the vehicle in question. With xDrive, the vehicle has an electrical all-
For further information: wheel drive. The front wheels are powered by
the second electric motor.
Vehicle equipment, see page 7.
BMW eDRIVE refers to the electric drive technol‐
ogy. The vehicle is equipped with a high-voltage
system consisting of an electric motor on the
rear axle and a high-voltage battery. With xDrive,
a second electric motor is located on the front
1 High-voltage cables, orange
General 2 High-voltage charging socket
The eDRIVE system has the following special 3 Drive unit, rear
features: 4 High-voltage battery
▷ The vehicle is driven emission-free using its 5 With xDrive: drive unit, front
electric drivetrain.
▷ The special high-voltage battery supplies the
electric motors as well as the comfort func‐
tions with power.
Electric driving: eDRIVE
▷ The high-voltage battery is charged when
parked using a charging cable, for example, or The vehicle is driven by electric power.
when driving by energy recuperation. The accelerator pedal can be used not only for
▷ Charging can be carried out particularly accelerating but also for decelerating.
quickly at special charging stations. Charging During deceleration, the electric motors act as al‐
at domestic electric sockets is also possible. ternators and charge the high-voltage battery.
▷ While driving, energy recuperation ensures When an anticipatory driving style is adopted,
that as little energy as possible is lost from this function offers very efficient energy recuper‐
braking. ation and the comfort and convenience of driving
using only the accelerator.
▷ When the vehicle decelerates, the electric
motors act as alternators and convert the ki‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Acoustic pedestrian protection ing driving style. The eDRIVE functions assist in
Depending on the national-market version, the controlling the range and increase it, if neces‐
acoustic protection for pedestrians generates a sary. The following descriptions provide an over‐
continuous driving noise. view of the functions available and the individual
measures that can be taken:
▷ With a stationary vehicle and turned on drive-
ready state as soon as the selector lever po‐
Before a journey
sition P is exited.
eDRIVE allows pre-conditioning of the vehicle
▷ When driving up to 30 km/h/20 mph.
before start of a journey. The pre-conditioning
A loudspeaker system plays the noise outside provides greater range than with complete air
the vehicle. conditioning while the vehicle is in motion.
As a result, other road users, for example pedes‐ Depending on the equipment: pre-temperature
trians or cyclists, can detect the vehicle better. setting while charging ensures that the maximum
range is available at the start of the journey.
Energy recuperation: CHARGE For further information:
When driving, the high-voltage battery is charged Pre-conditioning, see page 280.
by energy recuperation.
The electric motors act as alternators and con‐ Journey planning and special functions of
vert the kinetic energy of the vehicle into electri‐ the navigation system
cal energy.
The navigation system offers special functions
The high-voltage battery can be charged while which take the electric range into account when
driving in different situations: planning a trip:
▷ The accelerator pedal is only slightly de‐ ▷ Range map: displays the operating radius in
pressed. the navigation map, see integrated Owner's
▷ The accelerator pedal not depressed. Handbook.
▷ The pressure on the accelerator pedal is re‐ ▷ Charging station assistant under the Points of
duced. Interest in the navigation system helps in
finding and, if necessary, scheduling a stop at
Display a public charging station along the desired
route, see integrated Owner's Handbook.
The displays provide information about the drive
system's current status and illustrate how it is
being used. When driving
For further information: ▷ "ECO PRO": activate drive mode to increase
the range.
Displays, see page 153.
ECO PRO, see page 145.
Energy-saving driving and maximising ▷ Information on the current driving condition.
range Displays in the Live Vehicle menu, driving
condition, see page 173.
General ▷ Follow notes to increase the range.
Energy-saving driving is the basic prerequisite for Increasing the range, see page 309.
as large a range as possible. eDRIVE provides ▷ Follow the notes for optimising driving style.
various functions that assist with an energy-sav‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
To use the eDRIVE system efficiently, see Service life of the high-voltage battery, long sta‐
page 311. tionary periods, see page 325.
▷ For efficient driving style, activate adaptive re‐
For adaptive recuperation, recuperation, see
Start/Stop button
page 313.
After driving Drive-ready state is switched on and off by
▷ Charge the vehicle and plan the next trip. pressing the Start/Stop button.
Charging the vehicle, see page 316. Drive-ready state is switched on by pressing the
Start/Stop button with the brake applied.
▷ Follow preparations for long stationary peri‐
ods. Pressing the Start/Stop button again switches
drive-ready state off again and standby state is
Service life of the high-voltage battery, long
switched on.
stationary periods and putting the vehicle out
of use, see page 325. Drive-ready state cannot be switched on when
the charging cable is connected.
BMW app For further information:
The BMW app provides mobility-based services ▷ Drive-ready state, see page 52.
and applications. ▷ Standby state, see page 52.
▷ Charging cable, see page 318.
Safety of the high-voltage system
Follow the information on the safety of the high-
voltage system. Drive-ready state in detail
For further information:
Safety of the high-voltage system, see page 21. Safety note
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
B drive position with highest energy ▷ Inadvertent shifting to selector lever posi‐
recovery tion R.
▷ Inadvertent change from selector lever posi‐
Principle tion P to another selector lever position.
Selector lever position B is the drive position with 1. Fasten the driver's seat belt.
the highest energy recovery. 2. Press and hold the button to cancel the se‐
lector lever lock.
Selector lever position B offers the following
▷ High level of energy recuperation when the
accelerator pedal is released.
▷ Major deceleration when releasing the accel‐
erator pedal, if necessary to a standstill of the
▷ The vehicle does not drive off when the brake
pedal is released. 3. Briefly tap the selector lever in the desired di‐
rection, beyond a resistance point if required.
Engaging selector lever positions The selector lever returns to the centre posi‐
tion when released.
Keep the brake applied until you are ready to
drive off, otherwise the vehicle will move when a
drive position is selected.
Operating requirements
▷ The selector lever will only move from posi‐
tion P to another selector lever position if
drive-ready state is switched on and the
brake is pressed.
▷ It may not be possible to move out of selector
Engaging selector lever position P
lever position P until all technical conditions
are met.
▷ Before shifting out of selector lever position
P, remove the charging cable from the vehi‐
cle; otherwise, the gearshift request will not
be executed.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
In some situations, the vehicle may need to roll a
short distance without drivetrain, for example in a
car wash, or when being pushed.
Press the selector lever out of selector lever po‐
Selector lever position P is automatically en‐
sition D to the left.
gaged when standby state is switched off.
There is a risk of material damage. Do not
When stopping the vehicle switch off standby state in car washes.
Unlock the parking lock electronically to ma‐
noeuvre the vehicle out of danger.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Before unlocking the parking lock, secure the ve‐ Service life of the high-voltage battery, long sta‐
hicle to prevent it from rolling away, for example tionary periods and putting the vehicle out of
with a chock. use, see page 325.
When driving using electric power, pedestrians
and other road-users might not become aware
4. Manoeuvre the vehicle out of danger and
of the vehicle as they normally would due to the
then secure it against rolling away.
lack of engine noise. There is a risk of accident.
Adapt your driving style to the traffic conditions.
Switching off drive-ready state Observe the traffic situation and intervene ac‐
When shutting down the vehicle, electrical sys‐ tively if the situation warrants it.
tem operating noises may be heard, for example
if the high-voltage battery is being cooled.
After stopping: WARNING
1. Press the brake and engage selector lever Without energy recuperation, the braking effect
position P. of the electric drivetrain is not available. The ve‐
2. Apply the parking brake. hicle may roll further than usual. There is a risk
of accident. Adapt your driving style to the traf‐
3. Press the Start/Stop button. fic conditions. Observe the traffic situation and
The READY display is no longer illuminated intervene actively if the situation warrants it.
and an acoustic signal is heard.
For longer stationary periods, follow the notes in
the mobility chapter.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Level of energy recuperation side temperatures and direct sunlight. If the high-
High energy recuperation and powerful decelera‐ voltage battery overheats, drive-ready state can‐
tion are achieved in selector lever position B. not be switched on.
For driving in selector lever position D, the A Check Control message is shown.
strength of energy recovery can be adjusted via A message is also shown when drive-ready state
iDrive. is available again.
▷ Depending on the equipment, adaptive en‐
ergy recovery: energy recovery and decelera‐ While the vehicle is moving
tion are automatically adapted to the respec‐ If the high-voltage battery overheats during the
tive driving situation. journey, the drive power is reduced in steps to
Adaptive recuperation, recuperation, see cool down the high-voltage battery. The ePO‐
page 313. WER power display in the instrument cluster
drops. If the temperature continues to rise, stop
▷ High energy recuperation: the vehicle decel‐
the vehicle until the high-voltage battery has
erates powerfully, more energy is fed back
cooled down. If the power display falls to 0, drive-
into the high-voltage battery.
ready state is switched off and the vehicle comes
▷ Medium energy recuperation. to a standstill.
▷ Low energy recuperation: the vehicle decel‐
erates less powerfully, less energy is fed back
into the high-voltage battery. i4 M50: Launch Control
Setting the strength of energy recovery Principle
1. "MENU" When the ambient conditions are dry, Launch
2. "Vehicle apps" Control permits optimised acceleration on a road
3. "Driving settings" surface that offers plenty of grip.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
4. Depress the accelerator pedal all the way Displays in the instrument cluster
down and hold it.
The selected drive mode is
A destination flag is shown in the instrument shown in the instrument cluster.
5. Release the brake within 3 seconds of the
destination flag illuminating.
The vehicle accelerates.
Launch Control remains active as long as the Drive modes
destination flag is displayed and the accelera‐
tor pedal remains depressed. Button Drive mode
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
2. "Vehicle apps" Unsupervised children or pets in the vehicle
3. "Driving settings" can set the vehicle in motion and endanger
4. "Drivetrain and chassis" themselves or other road users, for example by
the following actions:
▷ Pressing the Start/Stop button.
6. Select the desired setting.
▷ Releasing the parking brake.
To reset ECO PRO INDIVIDUAL to the default
setting: ▷ Opening and closing doors or windows.
"Reset to ECO PRO STANDARD" ▷ Engaging selector lever position N.
▷ Operating vehicle equipment.
Activating the drive mode configuration There is a risk of accident or injury. Do not
Press the button of the desired drive mode sev‐ leave children or pets unsupervised in the vehi‐
eral times. cle. When leaving the vehicle, take the vehicle
key with you and lock the vehicle.
Parking brake
The parking brake is used to prevent the vehicle
from rolling when it is parked.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Parking brake
2. Press the switch with the brake ap‐
plied or the selector lever in position P.
The LED and indicator light are extinguished.
Applying the parking brake The parking brake is released.
Apply the parking brake when the vehicle is sta‐ 2. Pull the switch with the brake applied
tionary. or the selector lever in position P and then
press it.
The procedure can take a few seconds. Any
sounds that occur are normal.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Driving off
To drive off, press the accelerator pedal.
The brake is released automatically and the park‐
ing brake indicator light is extinguished.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
wipers continue operating at the previous set‐ Activating the rain sensor
Rain sensor
The rain sensor automatically controls the wiper
operation depending on the rain intensity.
The sensor is mounted on the windscreen, di‐ Turn the knurled wheel to set the sensitivity of
rectly in front of the interior mirror. the rain sensor.
Upwards: high sensitivity of the rain sensor.
Safety note
Downwards: low sensitivity of the rain sensor.
In car washes, the wipers may inadvertently
start moving if the rain sensor is activated.
There is a risk of material damage. Deactivate
the rain sensor in car washes.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
If the washer fluid reservoir is empty, the
washer pump cannot operate as intended. If the wipers are frozen to the windscreen,
There is a risk of material damage. Do not use switching them on may cause the wiper blades
the washer system with the washer fluid reser‐ to tear off and the wiper motor to overheat.
voir empty. There is a risk of material damage. Defrost the
windscreen before switching on the wipers.
The wipers can be folded out from the wind‐
screen in the fold-out position. This is necessary
for example when replacing the wiper blades or
to keep them away from the windscreen when
there is frost.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Vehicle equipment 5 Power display 163
6 Range 165
This chapter describes equipment, systems and 7 Selector lever position 137
functions which are offered or will be offered on
Outside temperature 165
a model-specific basis, even if they are not inclu‐
ded in the vehicle in question. 8 Central display area, configurable 153
For further information: Navigation display
Vehicle equipment, see page 7. Charge display 155
Digital speed
Trip odometer, see Trip data 171
Instrument cluster
9 Drive mode 144
10 Speed Limit Assist 237
Speed Limit Info 167
The instrument cluster is a variable display. The
displays and the layout adjust to the respective 11 Time 165
drive mode. 12 Charging status display of the high-voltage
battery 163
The displays in the instrument cluster can some‐ Operating elements on the steering
times differ from the illustrations in the Owner's
Operating Function
Overview element
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
The displays in the instrument cluster can some‐
times differ from the illustrations in the Owner's
An example with active driver assistance: the in‐ For further information:
dicator and warning lights for the distance con‐ Charging the vehicle, see page 316.
trol and the Lane Change Assistant indicate a
lane change to the next lane. At the same time,
the lane change to the next lane is shown with
animation in the Assisted View.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
4. "Content"
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
The indicator light illuminates continuously: there Indicator light illuminates: risk of collision
is a malfunction. Have the vehicle checked im‐ with a vehicle with unidentifiable direc‐
mediately by a Service Partner of the manufac‐ tion of travel or advance warning of vehi‐
turer or another qualified Service Partner or a cles crossing your own direction of travel.
specialist workshop. The driver must intervene personally, for exam‐
For further information: ple by braking.
Airbags, see page 186. Indicator light flashes and an acoustic signal
sounds: acute warning of vehicles crossing your
own direction of travel.
Parking brake
Brake and take avoidance manoeuvre if neces‐
The parking brake is engaged. sary.
For further information:
For further information:
Parking brake, see page 145.
Crossroads Warning with city braking function,
see page 197.
Brake system
Fault in the brake system, braking power Pedestrian Warning with city braking
assistance may be faulty. Continue driv‐ function
ing at moderate speed. Avoid abrupt Indicator light is illuminated and an
braking, take longer stopping distance into ac‐ acoustic signal sounds: imminent colli‐
count. sion with a detected pedestrian or a cy‐
Have the vehicle checked immediately by a Serv‐ clist.
ice Partner of the manufacturer or another quali‐ Take action yourself immediately by braking or
fied Service Partner or a specialist workshop. swerving.
For further information:
Collision Warning with braking function Pedestrian Warning with city braking function,
Indicator light illuminates: advance warn‐ see page 196.
ing. Brake and increase the distance.
Indicator light flashes and an acoustic Cruise Control with distance control
signal sounds: acute warning. Brake and take
avoidance manoeuvre if necessary. Indicator light flashes and an acoustic
signal sounds: brake and take avoidance
For further information: manoeuvre, if necessary.
Collision Warning with braking function, see For further information:
page 195.
Active Cruise Control with distance control, see
page 229.
Crossroads Warning with city braking
Steering and Lane Control Assistant
Risk of collision with crossing vehicle
Indicator light flashes and an acoustic
from right.
signal sounds: the system is switching
Risk of collision with crossing vehicle
from left. For further information:
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Steering and Lane Control Assistant, see Indicator light is illuminated: Dynamic Stability
page 241. Control malfunction or initialising. No driving sta‐
Avoid sudden braking. Bear in mind that ▷ Dynamic Traction Control, see page 222.
stopping distances will be longer.
System failure. Ease of steering is re‐ Flat tyre monitor (RPA)
stricted during emergency braking.
Flat tyre monitor (RPA) reports a tyre
Have the vehicle checked immediately by a Serv‐ pressure loss in a tyre.
ice Partner of the manufacturer or another quali‐
Reduce your speed and carefully stop
fied Service Partner or a specialist workshop.
the vehicle. Avoid heavy braking and sudden
steering manoeuvres.
Front-collision warning For further information:
Depending on the national-market ver‐ Flat tyre monitor (RPA), see page 345.
sion: the system is restricted or failed.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
matically reactivated upon leaving the field of Lane Change Warning, see page 202.
▷ For tyres with special approval: the Tyre Rear fog light
Pressure Monitor was unable to complete the Rear fog light is switched on.
reset. Reset the system again.
For further information:
▷ A wheel without wheel electronics is moun‐
Rear fog light, see page 183.
ted: if necessary have it checked by a Service
Partner of the manufacturer or another quali‐
fied Service Partner or a specialist workshop. Acoustic pedestrian protection
▷ Malfunction: have the system checked by a Acoustic protection for pedestrians has
Service Partner of the manufacturer or an‐ failed. Increased caution when manoeu‐
other qualified Service Partner or a specialist vring.
In case of repeated malfunctions, have the sys‐
For further information: tem checked by a manufacturer Service Partner
Tyre Pressure Monitor, see page 338. or another qualified Service Partner or specialist
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Cruise Control
Lane Departure Warning
The system is active.
Depending on the national-market ver‐
sion: indicator light illuminates: a lane For further information:
boundary has been detected on at least Cruise Control, see page 226.
one side of vehicle and warnings can be issued.
Indicator light flashes: the vehicle is going to Cruise Control with distance control
drive across the lane boundary.
Indicator light illuminates: system has de‐
For further information: tected a vehicle ahead. The vehicle icon
Lane Departure Warning, see page 199. goes out if no vehicle in front is detected.
Indicator light flashes: vehicle in front has driven
Lane Change Warning off.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
▷ High-beam headlight, see page 149. Active Cruise Control with distance control, see
page 229.
▷ High-beam Assistant, see page 182.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Assisted Driving Plus, see page 244. ▷ Heavily discharged high-voltage battery.
▷ Extreme outside temperatures.
▷ Prolonged or high-power driving, for example,
Charging status display with a sporty driving style or uphill driving.
▷ Depending on the equipment and national-
market version: drive power limitation is de‐
Safety note
fined with the BMW Digital Key.
The grey ePOWER area is automatically adjus‐
Even when the display shows that the high- Icons in the power display indicate if the drive
voltage battery is discharged, the high-voltage power has been reduced.
system will still be carrying high-voltage. There
is a risk of injury or fire. Do not touch or modify Example Description
live parts, for example orange high-voltage ca‐ icon
bles, even if the batteries are empty.
Reduced drive power due to
cold drivetrain.
Power display
The power display indicates the currently drawn
drive power as a percentage of the overall power.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Display Meaning
In COMFORT and ECO PRO drive modes:
White More power is available but has
Pointer in the area of arrow 1: display of the en‐ not yet been accessed.
ergy recuperation achieved when rolling to a stop
or or when decelerating. Blue More power is being accessed.
Pointer in the area of arrow 2: power as a per‐ When accessed, the Boost dis‐
centage. play empties accordingly.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
The function shows the current service require‐
The range is continuously dis‐ ments and related maintenance jobs.
played in the instrument cluster.
The distance or time remaining until the next
service is displayed briefly in the instrument clus‐
ter after drive-ready state is switched on.
Range with active route guidance
The current service requirements can be read
The icon is displayed next to the range when
out from the vehicle key by a service advisor.
a route guidance was started in the navigation
system. Information from the navigation system
is taken into account for the calculation of the Display
current range.
Detailed information on service
Heavily discharged high-voltage requirements
battery More detailed information on the maintenance
work required can be displayed on the control
High-voltage battery is heavily display.
discharged. The drive power is re‐
duced. Heating and air condition‐ 1. "MENU"
ing functions are disabled. 2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Live Vehicle"
In this state, an exact calculation of the range is
4. "Content"
no longer possible. A low range may be available
depending on the environmental conditions. 5. "Vehicle status"
Re-activating the drive-ready state can help to 6. "Service requirements"
increase the range slightly, for example to move Maintenance routines and any statutory in‐
the vehicle from a danger area. spections required are displayed.
7. Select an entry to display more detailed infor‐
Charge state with widely fluctuating mation.
If there are significant temperature fluctuations
and the charge level of the high-voltage battery
is low, it might no longer be possible to start the
vehicle for the next trip. Recharge the vehicle in
good time if the charge state is low.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Icons Displays
1. "MENU"
Icon Description
2. "Vehicle apps"
No service is currently needed. 3. "Live Vehicle"
4. "Content"
Maintenance or a statutory in‐ 5. "Vehicle status"
spection is due soon. 6. "Service requirements"
Essential maintenance routines and any stat‐
Service interval has been excee‐ utory inspections required are displayed.
7. "Service history"
8. Select an entry to display more detailed infor‐
Entering deadlines mation.
Dates for mandatory vehicle inspections can be
entered. Icons
Ensure that the date and time are set correctly in
Icon Description
the vehicle.
Maintenance has been carried
1. "MENU"
out on time.
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Live Vehicle" Maintenance has been carried
4. "Content" out later than scheduled.
5. "Vehicle status"
Maintenance has not been car‐
6. "Service requirements" ried out.
7. "Vehicle inspection"
8. "Date:"
9. Select the desired setting. Speed Limit Display with no-
overtaking indicator
Service history
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Depending on the national-market version, road overtaking restriction but which are not sign‐
signs with supplementary signs, for example, for posted to this effect.
wet road conditions, are considered and com‐ Overtaking restrictions for trailer operation are
pared with the vehicle's onboard data, for exam‐ not shown.
ple, the windscreen wiper signal. The road sign
Depending on the equipment, an additional icon
and associated supplementary signs are then
with distance information may also be displayed
displayed in the instrument cluster and the
to indicate the end of the no-overtaking indicator.
Head-up display, if applicable, or ignored, de‐
pending on the situation. Some supplementary
signs are taken into account in the speed limit Safety note
evaluation, but are not displayed in the instru‐
ment cluster. WARNING
If a navigation system is installed, the system The system does not relieve you of your per‐
takes the information saved in the navigation sonal responsibility to assess the visibility con‐
system into account where applicable and also ditions and traffic situation correctly. There is a
displays the speed limits for sections of road with risk of accident. Adapt your driving style to the
no road signs. traffic conditions. Observe the traffic situation
Speed limits for trailer operation are displayed and intervene actively if the situation warrants it.
when the trailer socket is occupied or when the
trailer operation has been activated via iDrive.
For further information: Sensors
Trailer operation, see page 303. The system is controlled by the camera behind
the windscreen.
No-overtaking indicator
Displaying Speed Limit Info
Overtaking restriction signs and end of restriction
signs which have been detected by the camera The Speed Limit Info can be shown or hidden via
are indicated by corresponding icons in the in‐ iDrive in the instrument cluster. Depending on
strument cluster and, if applicable, the Head-up the national-market version, Speed Limit Info is
display. continuously displayed in the instrument cluster.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Supplementary signs 1. "MENU"
2. "Vehicle apps"
Icon Description
3. "Driving settings"
Speed limit with time limit. 4. "Driver assistance"
Speed limit only applies in wet 5. "Driving"
conditions. 6. "Speed Assistant"
Speed limit only applies in 7. Select the desired setting:
snowy conditions. ▷ "Warning when speeding": activate or de‐
activate the flashing of the Speed Limit
Info display in the instrument cluster and,
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
System limits of the sensors If applicable, the relevant menu is opened on the
control display.
For further information:
▷ Camera, see page 47. Displaying and using the list
The selection lists can be displayed and oper‐
Functional limitations
ated using the operating elements on the steer‐
Functionality may be restricted or incorrect infor‐ ing wheel.
mation may be displayed in some situations such
as: Operating Function
▷ Road signs are fully or partially concealed by
objects, stickers or paint. To display the entertainment list:
▷ Road signs do not correspond to the stand‐ turn the knurled wheel.
ard. To select up or down in the list:
▷ In areas not covered by the navigation sys‐ turn the knurled wheel.
tem. Confirm selection: press knurled
▷ In the case of navigation data that is invalid, wheel.
outdated or not available.
To change the entertainment
▷ If there are navigation discrepancies, for ex‐ source: press the corresponding
ample due to changes in road layout. arrow key.
▷ If the vehicle is too close to the vehicle ahead.
Display last calls list: press the
▷ When overtaking buses or trucks with road button.
sign stickers.
▷ If there are electronic road signs.
▷ If road signs are detected that apply to a par‐
allel road.
▷ If the road signs or road layouts are specific
to one country.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Static content
The following content can be displayed continu‐
ously on the control display regardless of the
driving situation and set drive mode
An example:
▷ Vehicle status.
To change the track or entertainment source af‐
ter calling up the entertainment list, use the ar‐ ▷ Trip data.
row keys on the steering wheel. Press the
knurled wheel to confirm the selection. Configuring the display
Turn the knurled wheel up or down to select the 1. "MENU"
desired entry in the list. Press the knurled wheel 2. "Vehicle apps"
to confirm the selection.
3. "Live Vehicle"
Depending on the equipment, the list in the in‐
4. "Content"
strument cluster may differ from the illustration.
5. Select the desired setting.
▷ "Adaptive content": different contents are
Live Vehicle displayed in varying order.
▷ "Journey data": trip data is permanently
▷ "Vehicle status": vehicle status is perma‐
In the Live Vehicle menu, appropriate information
nently displayed.
is shown on the control display depending on the
driving situation and drive mode set.
Trip data
The centre of the display is the virtual picture of
your own vehicle, which shows the current state
of the vehicle, for example, an open door. Fault Values for the trip, for example, the average con‐
statuses are not taken into account. sumption or trip distance, are displayed.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
The values can be displayed and reset depend‐ ▷ Distance covered depending on the config‐
ing on different intervals. ured interval, arrow 3.
▷ Total kilometres, arrow 4.
Display on the control display
3. "Live Vehicle"
4. "Content"
5. "Journey data"
1. "MENU"
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "System settings"
4. "Time period for journey data"
▷ Current consumption, arrow 1. 5. "Values"
▷ Average consumption, arrow 2. 6. Select the desired setting:
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
▷ "Since Individual ( )": the values since the The following conditions are displayed:
last manual reset are displayed. The val‐ ▷ Driving.
ues can be reset at any time. ▷ Efficient rolling.
▷ Battery is charging.
Resetting average values manually
▷ Adaptive recuperation is active.
The following interval can be reset manually at
For further information:
any time: "Since Individual ( )".
Adaptive recuperation, see page 313.
Use the key on the left steering column lever:
1. "MENU"
2. "Vehicle apps"
An example:
3. "System settings"
The adaptive recuperation is active, arrow 1.
4. "Time period for journey data"
The high-voltage battery is charged when the
5. "Reset Individual" vehicle is decelerating, arrow 2.
The average values and counters are reset.
Once the average values and counters have
been reset, the following interval is automatically
activated: "Since Individual ( )".
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Icon Description
The sport displays primarily assist a sporty driv‐ "Flat Tyre Monitor": status of the
ing style. flat tyre monitor RPA, see
page 345.
Operating requirements "Tyre Pressure Monitor": status
▷ Drive mode SPORT must be selected. of the Tyre Pressure Monitor,
see page 338.
▷ The following settings must be selected for
Live Vehicle: "Adaptive content" "Check Control": to display
saved Check Control messages,
Display see page 156.
The sport displays are displayed in the Live Vehi‐ "Service requirements": to dis‐
cle menu on the control display. play service requirements, see
The following information is displayed: page 166.
▷ Torque.
▷ Power.
Head-up display
▷ Electric motor rotational speed.
▷ Electric motor temperature.
The driver is able to read and understand this in‐
Vehicle status formation without having to divert attention from
the road.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Overview Overview
The following information is displayed in the
Head-up display:
▷ Speed.
▷ Navigation instructions.
▷ Check Control messages.
▷ Lists and messages.
▷ Driver assistance systems.
Some of this information is only shown briefly
The protective glass of the head-up display is lo‐ when needed.
cated between the steering wheel and the wind‐
screen. Visibility of the display
The visibility of the information shown on the
Configuring a view Head-up display can be affected by the
Regardless of the display in the instrument clus‐
ter, different views can be set up for the Head-up ▷ Seat position.
display, for instance a reduced view. ▷ Objects on the protective glass of the head-
up display.
▷ Dust or dirt on the protective glass of the
1. Press the button on the steering head-up display.
▷ Dirt on the inside or outside of the wind‐
A menu bar is displayed in the instrument screen.
▷ Sunglasses with certain polarisation filters.
2. "HEAD-UP"
▷ Wet roads.
If applicable, select the menu via the arrow
▷ Adverse lighting conditions.
If the image is distorted, have the default settings
3. Select the required setting via the knurled
checked by a Service Partner of the manufac‐
turer or another qualified Service Partner or a
specialist workshop.
Turning the Head-up display on/off
Individual settings can be entered for the Head-
1. "MENU"
up display, for example for the height, brightness
2. "Vehicle apps" or illustration. In addition, individual displays in
3. "Displays" the Head-up display can be set up separately, for
4. "Head-up display" instance information on driver assistance.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
4. "Head-up display"
5. Select the desired setting.
Special windscreen
The windscreen is an integral part of the system.
The shape of the windscreen enables a sharp
image to be projected.
A foil in the windscreen prevents the projection
of double images.
Therefore if the special windscreen needs to be
replaced, it is strongly recommended that this be
carried out by a Service Partner of the manufac‐
turer or another qualified Service Partner or a
specialist workshop.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Vehicle equipment Icon Function
Instrument lighting.
This chapter describes equipment, systems and
functions which are offered or will be offered on
a model-specific basis, even if they are not inclu‐ Parking light, right.
ded in the vehicle in question.
For further information:
Vehicle equipment, see page 7. Parking light, left.
Home lights.
Lights off.
Daytime driving lights.
The headlights may also come on when the sun
Side lights. is low against a blue sky.
If the low-beam headlights are switched on man‐
ually, the automatic driving lights control is deac‐
Automatic driving lights control. tivated.
Adaptive lighting functions.
Low-beam headlight.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Activating the automatic driving lights Do not leave the side lights on for extended peri‐
control ods of time, as this could drain the vehicle bat‐
tery and it may no longer be possible to switch
Press the button on the light switch ele‐ on drive-ready state.
Switching off the side lights
The LED in the button illuminates.
The side lights can be switched off as follows:
The indicator light in the instrument clus‐
ter is illuminated when the low-beam
headlight is switched on. ▷ Press the button on the light switch
▷ Switch on drive-ready state.
System limits
After switching on drive-ready state, the auto‐
The automatic driving lights control is no substi‐
matic driving lights control is activated.
tute for using your own judgement to assess the
light conditions.
Low-beam headlight
The sensors are unable to recognise fog or hazy
weather, for example. In such situations, switch
on the lights manually.
Switching on the low-beam headlight
Press the button on the light switch ele‐
Side lights, low-beam
The low-beam headlight illuminates if drive-
headlights and parking lights ready state is switched on.
The indicator light in the instrument clus‐
General ter is illuminated.
If the driver's door is opened when drive-ready
state is switched off, the exterior lights are To switch on the low-beam headlight as soon as
switched off automatically after a given time. the standby state is switched on, press the but‐
ton again.
Side lights
Switching off the low-beam headlight
General Depending on the national-market version, the
The side lights can only be switched on in the low-beam headlight may be switched off in the
low speed range. low speed range:
Switching on the side lights ▷ Press the button on the light switch
Press the button on the light switch ele‐ element.
Parking light
The indicator light in the instrument clus‐ When parking the vehicle, it is possible to switch
ter is illuminated. on a parking light on one side.
The vehicle is illuminated all round.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
The exterior lights are turned on automatically for
a limited period of time when approaching or un‐
locking the vehicle.
Depending on the equipment, the exterior lights
of the vehicle can be individually adjusted. The light source is located in the position indica‐
Activating/deactivating welcome light Keep the light source clean and unobstructed.
1. "MENU"
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Exterior lighting" Home lights
4. If necessary, "Additional settings"
5. Depending on the equipment, select the de‐ Principle
sired setting: The exterior lights can be switched on for a cer‐
▷ "Welcome and goodbye" tain period of time to illuminate the surroundings
after exiting the vehicle.
When unlocking the vehicle, individual
lighting functions are turned on.
Switching on the home lights
▷ After switching off drive-ready state, press
the turn indicator lever forwards briefly.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Hairpin lights
The cornering light is also switched on before Roundabout light
entering hairpin bends.
Shortly before driving onto a roundabout, the
cornering light is activated on both sides. The
Variable light distribution edge of the road is illuminated more effectively.
Shortly before leaving a roundabout, the corner‐
ing light is switched off again on both sides.
The variable light distribution enables better illu‐
mination of the road. Adaptive headlight range
The light distribution is adjusted automatically Adaptive headlight range control compensates
depending on speed and navigation data, if nec‐ for acceleration and braking manoeuvres and ve‐
essary. hicle load conditions to prevent oncoming vehi‐
cles from being dazzled.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
High-beam Assistant detects other road users in
good time and activates or deactivates the high
beam according to traffic situation.
High beam assistant ensures that the high-beam
headlights are switched on when the traffic situa‐
Press the button on the turn indicator lever.
tion allows. The system does not switch on the
high-beam headlights at low speeds. The indicator light in the instrument clus‐
The system responds to the lights from oncom‐ ter is illuminated when the low-beam
ing traffic and traffic driving ahead of you, and to headlight is switched on.
ambient lighting, for example in built-up areas.
The system will switch automatically between
The high-beam headlights can be switched on
low-beam headlight and high-beam headlight.
and off manually at any time.
If Selective Beam is installed, the high-beam The blue indicator light in the instrument
headlights are not switched off for oncoming ve‐ cluster illuminates if the high-beam
hicles or vehicles driving ahead of you. Instead, headlight is switched on by the system.
the system masks only those areas of the beam
If a journey is interrupted with High-beam Assis‐
which would otherwise dazzle oncoming traffic or
tant activated: when the journey is resumed,
traffic driving ahead. In this case, the blue indica‐
High-beam Assistant remains activated.
tor lamp continues to illuminate.
The High-beam Assistant is deactivated by
Depending on the equipment: if the headlights
switching the high beams on and off manually.
have been converted, High-beam Assistant may
only function to a limited extent. To reactivate High-beam Assistant, press the
button on the turn indicator lever.
For further information:
Left-hand/right-hand traffic, see page 184. Deactivating High-beam Assistant
Operating requirements
▷ Automatic driving lights control is activated.
▷ Low-beam headlight is switched on.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
The interior lights in the rear can be switched on Adjusting the brightness
and off independently. The button is located on
1. "MENU"
the headliner in the rear.
2. "Vehicle apps"
Turning reading lights on/off 3. "Interior lighting"
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Vehicle equipment a model-specific basis, even if they are not inclu‐
ded in the vehicle in question.
This chapter describes equipment, systems and For further information:
functions which are offered or will be offered on Vehicle equipment, see page 7.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Information for optimum airbag protective specifically suited for seats with integrated
effect airbag versions.
▷ Do not hang items of clothing, for example
coats or jackets, over the backrests.
▷ Do not modify individual components of the
If the seat position is incorrect or the deploy‐
system or its wiring. This also applies to the
ment area of the airbag is restricted, the airbag
covers of the steering wheel, the dashboard
system cannot provide the intended level of
and seats.
protection or may cause additional injuries
when it deploys. There is a risk of injury or even ▷ Do not dismantle the airbag system.
death. Observe the following to achieve opti‐ Even if all this information is observed, injuries re‐
mum protective function. sulting from contact with the airbag cannot be
entirely ruled out in every situation.
▷ Keep a distance from the airbags. The noise caused by the deployment of an air‐
▷ Always grip the steering wheel at the steering bag may lead to temporary hearing loss in vehi‐
wheel rim. Place your hands in the 3 o'clock cle occupants sensitive to noise.
and 9 o'clock positions to minimise the risk of
injury to hands or arms when the airbag de‐ Operational readiness of the airbag
▷ Adjust the seat and steering wheel so the
driver can reach over the steering wheel diag‐ Safety notes
onally. Select the settings so that, when
reaching over, the shoulders stay in contact
with the backrest and the upper body stays WARNING
as far away from the steering wheel as possi‐ Individual components of the airbag system
ble. may be hot after airbag deployment. There is a
▷ Make sure that the front passenger is sitting danger of injury. Do not touch individual com‐
correctly, i.e. with their feet and legs in the ponents.
footwell, not resting on the dashboard.
▷ Make sure that vehicle occupants keep their
head away from the side airbag. WARNING
▷ Do not place any other persons, pets or ob‐ Work carried out incorrectly can cause the air‐
jects between the airbags and occupants. bag system to fail, malfunction or deploy acci‐
dentally. If there is a malfunction, the airbag
▷ Keep the dashboard and windscreen area on
system might not deploy as intended in an ac‐
the passenger's side clear, for example do
cident, even if the impact is of the appropriate
not attach adhesive foil or covers and do not
severity. There is a risk of injury or even death.
fit brackets for navigation device or mobile
Have the airbag system tested, repaired or re‐
phone, for example.
moved and disposed of by a Service Partner of
▷ Do not glue the airbag covers and do not the manufacturer or another qualified Service
cover or modify them in any way. Partner or a specialist workshop.
▷ Do not use the front airbag cover on the pas‐
senger's side as a tray.
▷ Do not attach slip covers, seat cushions or
other objects to the front seats that are not
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Display in the instrument cluster If the message is still displayed, repeat the cali‐
When drive-ready state is switched on,
the warning light in the instrument clus‐ If the message still does not go out after repea‐
ter illuminates briefly to indicate that the ted calibration, have the system checked as soon
entire airbag system and the seat belt tensioners as possible.
are operational.
There is a risk of entrapment when the seats
are moved. There is a risk of injury or material
damage. Before making any adjustment, make
sure that the area of movement of the seat is
The key switch for front passenger airbags is lo‐
A corresponding message is displayed on the cated on the outside of the dashboard.
control display.
1. Press switch and move seat forwards until it
2. Press switch forwards again. Seat moves a bit
further forwards.
3. Readjust the desired seat position.
The calibration is concluded when the message
on the control display disappears.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Deactivating the front passenger the stop position has been reached, remove
airbags the key.
3. Make sure that the key switch is in the end
position so that the airbags are activated.
The front passenger airbags are reactivated and
can deploy correctly when required to do so.
When triggered, the pedestrian protection sys‐
1. Insert the key and press inwards where nec‐ tem creates deformation space underneath the
essary. front flap in readiness for the subsequent head
impact. Sensors underneath the bumper are
2. With the key pressed inwards, turn the switch used for detection.
to the ON position as far as it will go. Once
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Safety notes
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
The system does not relieve you of your per‐ 2. "Vehicle apps"
sonal responsibility to assess the visibility con‐ 3. "Driving settings"
ditions and traffic situation correctly. There is a 4. "Driver assistance"
risk of accident. Adapt your driving style to the
5. "Safety and warnings"
traffic conditions. Observe the traffic situation
and intervene actively if the situation warrants it. 6. "Reset to recommended settings"
System limits
Safety note
Displays and warnings do not relieve you of
your personal responsibility. System limitations
can mean that warnings or system responses WARNING
are not issued or are issued too late, incorrectly The system may not respond at all, or may re‐
or without justification. There is a risk of acci‐ spond too late, incorrectly or without justifica‐
dent. Adapt your driving style to the traffic con‐ tion due to system limitations. There is a risk of
ditions. Observe the traffic situation and inter‐ accident or material damage. Observe the in‐
vene actively if the situation warrants it. formation on the system limits and intervene
actively if necessary.
Detection capability
The detection capability of the system is limited.
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Only objects within the detection range of the in‐ As soon as the speed drops below these values
stalled sensors and that are detected by the sys‐ again, the system will respond again according to
tem are taken into account. its settings.
Depending on the equipment, the area is moni‐
tored by cameras or radar sensors. Safety notes
For this reason, the system may fail to respond
or only respond after a delay. WARNING
The system does not relieve you of your per‐
System limits of the sensors sonal responsibility to assess the visibility con‐
For further information: ditions and traffic situation correctly. There is a
Sensors in the vehicle, see page 47. risk of accident. Adapt your driving style to the
traffic conditions. Observe the traffic situation
and intervene actively if the situation warrants it.
Front-collision warning
Principle WARNING
The front-collision warning can help prevent ac‐ Displays and warnings do not relieve you of
cidents. If an accident cannot be avoided, the your personal responsibility. System limitations
system may help reduce the severity of the acci‐ can mean that warnings or system responses
dent. are not issued or are issued too late, incorrectly
or without justification. There is a risk of acci‐
The system can issue a warning of a possible
dent. Adapt your driving style to the traffic con‐
risk of collision and may activate the brakes inde‐
ditions. Observe the traffic situation and inter‐
vene actively if the situation warrants it.
Depending on the equipment version, the front- WARNING
collision warning includes the following functions:
Due to system limits, individual functions can
▷ Collision Warning with braking function, see malfunction during tow-starting/tow-away when
page 195. the front-collision warning is activated. There is
▷ Pedestrian Warning with city braking function, a risk of accident. Turn the front-collision warn‐
see page 196. ing off prior to tow-starting/towing.
▷ Crossroads Warning with city braking func‐
tion, see page 197.
▷ Evasion Assistant, see page 198.
Depending on the equipment, the system is con‐
trolled by the following sensors:
Speed range
▷ Camera behind the windscreen.
The system issues a warning of a possible risk of
collision at speeds above approx. 5 km/h/3 mph. ▷ Front radar sensor.
The system is temporarily disabled at speeds ▷ Side radar sensors, front.
over approx. 250 km/h, 155 mph.
Some functions are deactivated earlier.
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Turning the front-collision warning result, there may also be an increased number of
on/off premature or unjustified warnings and respon‐
Turning on the system automatically The system checks for visual impairments. De‐
pending on equipment, the Driver Attention
Depending on the national-market version, the
Camera in the instrument cluster monitors the
system is automatically active after every driving
driver's gaze behaviour. Visibility conditions and
field of vision also affect the timing of the warn‐
Turning the system on manually
The system is activated when the warning time Display in the instrument cluster
is set.
Depending on the equipment, the following
For further information: icons are displayed in the instrument cluster and
Setting the warning time, see page 193. Head-up display:
Icon Meaning
Turning the system off manually
Depending on the national-market version, the Depending on the national-market ver‐
adjustment can only be made at a vehicle stand‐ sion:
still or in the very low speed range. System is restricted or has failed.
1. "MENU" Depending on the national-market ver‐
2. "Vehicle apps" sion:
3. "Driving settings" System is deactivated.
4. "Driver assistance" Risk of collision, for example, with a pe‐
5. "Safety and warnings" destrian.
6. "Front collision warning"
Risk of collision, for example, with a ve‐
7. "Off" hicle driving in front.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Principle Warning function
The warning prompts the driver to intervene per‐
The Collision Warning with braking function
warns of a possible risk of collision and may
brake independently. For further information:
If an accident cannot be avoided, the system Front-collision warning, see page 192.
helps to reduce the collision speed.
System limits
Follow the limits of the system in the chapter
“Front-collision warning”.
Detection range
The following situations may not be detected, or
only detected with a delay, for instance:
▷ Slow-moving vehicle when approaching it at
high speed.
Sensors record the traffic situation. ▷ Vehicles suddenly cutting in or decelerating
The system issues a warning of a possible risk of
collision with vehicles at speeds above approx. ▷ Vehicles with an unusual rear appearance.
5 km/h/3 mph. The timing of these warnings may ▷ Two-wheeled vehicles ahead.
vary depending on the current driving situation.
When deliberately moving closer to a vehicle, the Upper speed limit
Collision Warning and brake intervention are acti‐ The system is temporarily disabled at speeds
vated later to avoid unwarranted system respon‐ over approx. 250 km/h, 155 mph. Once the
ses. speed drops back below this threshold, the sys‐
tem becomes responsive again according to its
Safety notes settings.
Follow the Safety Information in Chapter “Front-
collision warning”.
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General risk of collision.
In the urban speed range, the Pedestrian Warn‐
ing with city braking function warns of a possible
risk of collision with pedestrians and bicycle rid‐
ers, and may brake independently. Warning function
If an accident cannot be avoided, the system The warning prompts the driver to intervene per‐
helps to reduce the collision speed. sonally.
For further information:
General Front-collision warning, see page 192.
System limits
Follow the limits of the system in the chapter
“Front-collision warning”.
Detection range
Sensors record the traffic situation.
Safety notes
Follow the Safety Information in Chapter “Front- The detection range in front of the vehicle con‐
collision warning”. sists of two parts:
▷ Central zone, arrow 1, directly in front of the
Display in the instrument cluster vehicle.
A warning symbol is displayed when a collision ▷ Extended zone, arrows 2, to the right and left
with a detected pedestrian is imminent. of the central area.
There is a risk of collision if persons are in the
central zone. A warning is only given of persons
in the extended zone if they are moving towards
the central zone.
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▷ Pedestrians with insufficient height. The timing of these warnings may vary depend‐
ing on the current driving situation.
Upper speed limit
Depending on the equipment, the system reacts
Safety notes
to pedestrians when your own speed is up to Follow the Safety Information in Chapter “Front-
80 km/h, approx. 50 mph. collision warning”.
Icon Meaning
Risk of collision with crossing vehicle
In the urban speed range, the Crossroads Warn‐ from right.
ing with city braking function can warn of possi‐
ble risk of collision with crossing traffic at road Risk of collision with crossing vehicle
junctions and crossroads, and may brake inde‐ from left.
If an accident cannot be avoided, the system General risk of collision.
helps to reduce the collision speed.
Warning function
The warning prompts the driver to intervene per‐
For further information:
Front-collision warning, see page 192.
System limits
Sensors record the traffic situation. Follow the limits of the system in the chapter
Vehicles that cross the vehicle's direction of “Front-collision warning”.
travel can be detected by the system as soon as
these vehicles enter the detection range of the Detection range
system. For example the following might not be detected:
A warning is given at road junctions and cross‐ ▷ Crossing vehicles concealed by buildings, for
roads if there is a risk of collision with crossing example.
traffic. ▷ Vehicles with an unusual side appearance.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Operating requirements
The lane marking must be detected by the cam‐
era in order for the Lane Departure Warning to
be active.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Warning function ing signal sounds from the third steering inter‐
vention onwards.
When leaving the driving lane A Check Control message is also displayed.
If the vehicle leaves the driving lane and a lane The warning signal and Check Control message
marking is detected, the steering wheel vibrates advise to pay closer attention to the lane.
depending on the steering wheel vibration set‐
ting. In trailer operation
In addition, the icon starts to flash. If the trailer socket is occupied or the trailer
mode is activated, for example during operation
with trailer, no steering intervention takes place.
If the turn indicator is switched on in the corre‐
sponding direction before changing lanes, no Cancellation of the warning
warning is issued.
For example, the warning or an active steering in‐
tervention is cancelled in the following situations:
Steering intervention
▷ Automatically after a few seconds.
Depending on the national-market version: if a
lane boundary is crossed in the speed range up ▷ On returning to the correct lane.
to 210 km/h/130 mph, the system may respond ▷ If the vehicle is accelerating rapidly or braking
with an active steering intervention in addition to heavily.
the steering wheel vibration. The system thereby ▷ If the hazard warning lights are switched on.
helps to keep the vehicle in driving lane. Steering
▷ On indicating.
intervention can be felt at the steering wheel, and
can be overridden manually at any time. ▷ The Dynamic Stability Control is controlling
the vehicle or it is deactivated.
For example, steering intervention is suppressed
in the following situations: ▷ Directly after a steering intervention by the
vehicle systems.
▷ If the vehicle is accelerating rapidly or braking
heavily. ▷ With manual steering intervention.
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ings, for example, in areas where there are The minimum speed is country-specific and dis‐
roadworks. played in the Lane Change Warning menu.
▷ With lane boundaries that are covered in The system indicates when vehicles are in the
snow, ice, dirt or water. blind spot, arrow 1, or are approaching from the
▷ On sharp bends or narrow roads. rear in an adjacent lane, arrow 2.
▷ With lane boundaries that are not white. The light in the exterior mirror illuminates at a
dimmed level.
▷ With lane boundaries that are covered by ob‐
jects. In the above situations, the system issues a
▷ If the vehicle is too close to the vehicle ahead. warning before a lane change with the turn indi‐
▷ Up to 10 seconds after switching on drive- cator activated.
ready state using the Start/Stop button. The light in the exterior mirror flashes and the
▷ The Dynamic Stability Control is deactivated. steering wheel vibrates.
Principle Sensors
Lane Change Warning detects vehicles in the The system is controlled via the radar sensors at
blind spot, or if vehicles are approaching from the side in the rear.
behind in the adjacent lane.
The light in the exterior mirror warns in different Turning the Lane Change Warning
increments. on/off
1. "MENU"
General 2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Driving settings"
4. "Driver assistance"
5. "Safety and warnings"
6. "Lane change warning"
7. Select the desired setting.
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Advance warning
The dimmed light in the exterior mirror indicates
when vehicles are in the blind spot or are ap‐
proaching from the rear.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Follow the limits of the system in the chapter A Check Control message may be displayed if
“Collision warning systems”. functionality is restricted. Depending on the na‐
tional-market version, a yellow icon is also illumi‐
Upper speed limit nated.
The system is temporarily disabled at speeds The system is inactive when the trailer socket is
over approx. 250 km/h, 155 mph. occupied or when the trailer operation is activa‐
ted, for example, when operating with a trailer or
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Follow the limits of the system in the chapter
“Collision warning systems”.
Functional limitations
The system may have restricted functionality in
situations such as the following: Radar sensors monitor the area behind the vehi‐
▷ The speed of the approaching vehicle is cle.
much faster than your own speed. If a vehicle is approaching from behind at a rele‐
▷ On sharp bends or narrow roads. vant speed, the system can respond as follows:
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
The road priority situation must be unambigu‐ The timing of the warnings may vary depending
ously directed by road signs or light signal sys‐ on the current driving situation and the set warn‐
tems. ing time.
Warning function
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Display in the Head-up display ▷ In the case of navigation data that is invalid,
Depending on the equipment, the warning is dis‐ outdated or not available.
played in the Head-up display at the same time ▷ The system may not be available or may only
as in the instrument cluster. be available to a limited extent is some coun‐
System limits
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If Collision Warning is temporarily turned off, the ▷ In the case of navigation data that is invalid,
Wrong-way Warning is also turned off. outdated or not available.
▷ It may not be possible to use the system in all
Warning function countries.
A warning is displayed and an acoustic
signal sounds, for example when the ve‐
hicle is travelling in the wrong direction
Emergency Stop Assistant
on a motorway, roundabout or one-way street.
Warnings are displayed in the instrument cluster Principle
and, depending on the equipment, in the Head- If the driver is no longer capable of driving, the
up display. Emergency Stop Assistant helps to bring the ve‐
hicle safely to a standstill.
System limits
General The emergency stop function is not triggered
automatically. The emergency stop function can
Follow the limits of the system in the chapter
only be triggered manually by the vehicle occu‐
“Collision warning systems”.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Warning function
The control display shows the corresponding im‐
age, an acoustic signal sounds, if necessary, and
the light in the exterior mirror flashes.
Acoustic warning
In addition to the visual warning, an acoustic sig‐
nal sounds if your own vehicle moves into the re‐
The light in the exterior mirror flashes if other ve‐
spective direction.
hicles are detected by the rear sensors when the
vehicle is reversing. Depending on the national-market version, the
acoustic signal will already sound when the drive
position is engaged.
Display in the Park Distance Control view
System limits
Functional limitations
The function can be restricted, for example, in
In the Park Distance Control view, the relevant the following situations:
boundary area flashes red if the sensors detect ▷ On sharp bends.
vehicles. ▷ Crossing objects are moving at a very slow or
a very fast speed.
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Data protection
The reliability of the recording and the use of
video recordings depend on the legal regulations
in the country where the system is to be used.
The user is responsible for the use of the system
▷ Normal braking: brake lights illuminate. and for complying with the provisions that apply
in each case.
▷ Heavy braking: brake lights flash.
Before using for the first time, the vehicle manu‐
Shortly before the vehicle comes to a standstill, facture recommends checking that there are no
the hazard warning lights are activated. legal or official restrictions on using the system in
To switch off the hazard warning lights: the state or country in question. Additionally, the
▷ Accelerate. legality of using the system should be checked
at regular intervals, especially if the vehicle fre‐
▷ Press the hazard warning lights button.
quently crosses borders.
Other drivers of the vehicle must be informed of
the system. Information about the system must
BMW Drive Recorder also be provided if the vehicle is passed on to
anyone else.
The BMW Drive Recorder saves short video re‐ Operating requirements
cordings of the vehicle surroundings in order to ▷ BMW Drive Recorder is activated.
document the traffic situation, for example. ▷ Privacy Policy has been accepted.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
1. "MENU"
Activating/deactivating the BMW
2. "All apps"
Drive Recorder
3. "Drive Recorder"
The BMW Drive Recorder must be activated be‐
fore using the recording function for the first 4. "Recording"
time. 5. "Start recording"
Various settings can be made.
Press and hold the button.
Recording type
1. "MENU"
2. "All apps"
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Active Protection
If fastened, the driver's and front passenger's
seat belt strap is automatically tensioned once
Principle when driving off.
In critical situations, Active Protection prepares In critical accident situations, the following indi‐
the passengers and the vehicle for a potential vidual functions become active as required:
imminent accident.
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▷ Automatic pre-tensioning of the front seat To do so, brake quickly and firmly. For a brief pe‐
belts. riod, the braking pressure will be higher than that
▷ Automatic closing of the windows, leaving achieved with the automatic braking function.
just a small gap. Automatic braking is interrupted.
▷ With comfort seat in the front: automatic po‐ Cancel automatic braking:
sitioning of the backrest of the front passen‐ ▷ By depressing the brake pedal.
ger seat. ▷ By depressing the accelerator pedal.
▷ With comfort seats in the rear: automatic po‐
sitioning of the rear seat backrests.
If the critical driving situation passes without an
Attentiveness Assistant
accident occurring, the tension in the front seat
belts is slackened again. If the belt tension does Principle
not slacken automatically, stop the vehicle and The Attentiveness Assistant can detect decreas‐
unfasten the seat belt by pressing the red button ing attentiveness or the onset of fatigue in the
on the seat belt buckle. Fasten the seat belt driver on long monotonous journeys, for example
again before continuing driving. All other systems on motorways. The system recommends taking
can be restored to the desired setting. a break.
Principle WARNING
In certain accident situations, PostCrash can au‐ The system does not relieve you of your per‐
tomatically bring the vehicle to a standstill with‐ sonal responsibility to assess your physical
out an intervention from the driver. condition correctly. Increasing inattention or fa‐
tigue might not be detected, or may not be de‐
tected in good time. There is a risk of accident.
General Make sure that the driver is rested and alert.
PostCrash can reduce the risk of a further colli‐ Adapt your driving style to the traffic conditions.
sion and its consequences.
At a standstill Function
Once the vehicle has come to a halt, the brake is The system is switched on every time drive-
released automatically. ready state is switched on.
Once the journey has started, the system adapts
Harder vehicle deceleration to the driver so that any decrease in attention or
In certain situations, it may be necessary to bring fatigue can be detected.
the vehicle to a standstill more quickly than is This process considers the following criteria:
possible with automatic braking.
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▷ Personal driving style, for example steering. ▷ If the time is set incorrectly.
▷ Driving conditions, for example time of day, ▷ When the speed is predominantly below ap‐
duration of journey. prox. 70 km/h, 43 mph.
▷ Depending on the equipment: attentiveness ▷ If a sporty driving style is adopted, for exam‐
of the driver through the Driver Attention ple sharp acceleration or fast cornering.
Camera. ▷ In active driving situations, for example fre‐
The system is active from approx. 70 km/h, quent lane changes.
43 mph and can also display a recommendation ▷ In poor road condition.
to take a break.
▷ In strong crosswinds.
System limits
The system may have restricted functionality, or
give no warning at all, in situations such as the
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
System limits
The Driver Attention Camera may have restricted
functionality in situations such as the following:
▷ If the Driver Attention Camera is covered by
the steering wheel.
▷ If the driver is wearing sunglasses with high
protection against infrared light.
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CONTROLS Driving stability control systems
The system detects the following unstable driv‐
The Anti-lock Braking System ABS prevents the
ing conditions, for example:
wheels from locking when the brakes are ap‐
plied. ▷ Loss of traction at the rear which can lead to
Steering control is retained even during full brak‐
ing, which enhances active road safety. ▷ Loss of grip at the front wheels which can
lead to understeering.
ABS is operational each time the drive-ready
state is switched on.
Safety notes
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Driving stability control systems CONTROLS
roof load only with activated Dynamic Stability Activating the system
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Driving stability control systems
4. Press the button to close the selec‐
Activating Dynamic Traction Control provides
maximum traction. Driving stability is restricted
when accelerating and cornering.
Deactivating the system
Activating Dynamic Traction Control briefly may
be useful in the following situations:
▷ When driving in slush or on uncleared, snow- 1. Press the button to open the selec‐
covered roads. tion.
Automatic programme change
In certain situations, Dynamic Stability Control is
activated automatically:
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Driving stability control systems CONTROLS
▷ Active Cruise Control with distance control is spective of the current speed, the variable sport
activated. steering reacts to the angle of the steering wheel
▷ In case of a brake intervention by the front- with varying steering ratios.
collision warning.
▷ In the event of a flat tyre.
xDrive is the all-wheel drive system of the vehi‐
cle. Concerted action by the xDrive and and
other suspension control systems, for example,
Dynamic Stability Control, further optimises trac‐
tion and driving dynamics.
xDrive distributes the driving power variably to
the front and rear axles according to the driving
situation and road condition.
Efficient4x4 reduces consumption by deploying
all-wheel drive as required.
Servotronic is a speed-dependent steering assis‐
The system provides more steering force assis‐
tance at lower speeds than at higher speeds.
This makes it easier to park, for example, and
provides a firmer steering feel when driving at
higher speeds.
In addition, the steering force is adapted accord‐
ing to the drive mode, so that a firm, sporty feel
or a comfortable steering response is conveyed.
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CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
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Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
Rocker switch:
To change the speed limit.
Press the rocker switch repeatedly up or down
Operation until the desired speed limit is set.
▷ Each time the rocker switch is tapped to the
Turning on the speed limiter resistance point, the speed limit is increased
or decreased by 1 km/h, 1 mph.
Press the button on the steering wheel.
▷ Each time the rocker switch is pressed be‐
yond the resistance point, the speed limit
The current speed is adopted as the speed limit. changes to the next multiple of 10 km/h on
the km/h display or the next multiple of 5 mph
When switching on at a standstill or driving at low
on the mph display in the speedometer.
speed, 30 km/h/20 mph is set as the speed limit.
If the set speed limit is reached or unintentionally
The speedometer marker is set to the appropri‐
exceeded, for example when driving downhill,
ate speed.
there is no active brake intervention.
When the speed limit is activated, Dynamic Sta‐
If you set a speed during the journey which is be‐
bility Control may be switched on and the drive
low the current speed, the vehicle decelerates to
mode may be changed.
the set speed limit.
Turning off the speed limiter The current speed can also be stored by press‐
ing the button:
Press the button on the steering wheel.
Press the button on the steering wheel.
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CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
There is a risk of accident or material damage. Depending on the equipment, press the
Only use the system if it is possible to drive at a corresponding button on the steering
constant speed. wheel.
Button Function
Cruise Control on/off. The displays turn off. The stored set speed is
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Setting the speed ▷ Each time the rocker switch is tapped to the
resistance point, the set speed is increased
Maintaining and saving the speed or decreased by 1 km/h, 1 mph.
▷ Each time the rocker switch is pressed be‐
yond the resistance point, the set speed
changes to the next multiple of 10 km/h on
the km/h display or the next multiple of 5 mph
on the mph display in the speedometer.
The maximum speed which can be set de‐
pends on the vehicle.
▷ When the rocker switch is pressed to the re‐
sistance point and then held there: the vehi‐
While the system is interrupted, press the rocker cle accelerates or decelerates without the
switch up or down once. need to press the accelerator pedal.
When the system is switched on, the current When the rocker switch is released, the vehi‐
speed is maintained and stored as the set speed. cle maintains the final speed. Pressing be‐
yond the resistance point accelerates the ve‐
The stored speed is displayed on the speedom‐
hicle more rapidly.
If necessary, the Dynamic Stability Control will be Resuming Cruise Control
turned on.
If Cruise Control is interrupted, it can be resumed
The speed can also be stored by pressing the by calling up the stored speed.
Before calling up the stored speed, make sure
Press the button. that the difference between the current speed
and the stored speed is not too great. Otherwise,
there may be unintentional deceleration or accel‐
Changing the speed
With the system interrupted, press the
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Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Rocker switch:
To set the speed.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
Turning the Cruise Control on/off or The indicator lights are illuminated in the instru‐
interrupting it ment cluster and the marker in the speedometer
is positioned at the current speed.
Steering and Lane Control Assistant:
Cruise Control is active. The driven speed is
Assisted Driving Mode maintained and stored as the set speed.
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CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Interrupting the system automatically While the system is interrupted, press the rocker
The system is interrupted automatically in the switch up or down once. The system is activa‐
following situations: ted.
▷ The driver brakes.
The current speed is maintained and stored as
▷ Selector lever position D is disengaged. the set speed.
▷ Dynamic Traction Control is activated or Dy‐ The stored speed is displayed on the speedom‐
namic Stability Control is deactivated. eter.
▷ The Dynamic Stability Control adjusts. If necessary, the Dynamic Stability Control will be
▷ When the vehicle is stationary, the seat belt is turned on.
unfastened and the driver's door is opened. The speed can also be stored by pressing the
▷ The system has not detected any objects for button.
an extended period, for example, on a road
Press the button.
with very little traffic without curb or shoulder
▷ The detection range of the radar is impaired,
for example, by contamination or heavy pre‐ Changing the speed
▷ After an extended stationary period, if the ve‐
hicle was decelerated to a standstill by the
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
▷ Each time the rocker switch is tapped to the tomatically within the set distance according to
resistance point, the set speed is increased the traffic situation or environmental factors, for
or decreased by 1 km/h, 1 mph. example, poor visibility.
▷ Each time the rocker switch is pressed be‐ 1. "MENU"
yond the resistance point, the set speed
2. "Vehicle apps"
changes to the next multiple of 10 km/h on
the km/h display or the next multiple of 5 mph 3. "Driving settings"
on the mph display in the speedometer. 4. "Driver assistance"
To repeat an action, hold the rocker switch in the 5. "Driving"
relevant position. 6. "Speed Assistant"
7. "Adjust distance based on conditions"
Adjusting the distance
Safety note
Resuming Cruise Control
If Cruise Control is interrupted, it can be resumed
by calling up the stored speed.
Before calling up the stored speed, make sure
The system does not relieve you of your per‐ that the difference between the current speed
sonal responsibility. System limitations may and the stored speed is not too great. Otherwise,
mean that braking is performed too late. There there may be unintentional deceleration or accel‐
is a risk of accident or material damage. Pay eration.
close attention to the traffic conditions at all
With the system interrupted, press the button on
times. Adapt the distance to suit traffic and
the steering wheel:
weather conditions and comply with the pre‐
scribed safe distance by braking if necessary. With Steering and Lane Control Assis‐
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CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Depending on the equipment, the displays in the
instrument cluster may vary.
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Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
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CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Vehicles cutting in
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Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
▷ On steep upward gradients. The speed value is proposed as a new set speed
▷ Before bumps or rises in the road. for adopting. The relevant system must be acti‐
vated for the speed value to be adopted.
▷ When towing a heavy trailer.
Depending on the equipment, destination sys‐
In such cases, press the accelerator pedal.
tem and national-market version, the value may
be applied automatically.
With traffic light detection: Speed Limit Assist
In adverse weather and lighting conditions, sys‐ controls the speed when the vehicle approaches
tem functionality may be limited as follows: red traffic lights.
▷ Impaired detection of vehicles.
▷ Brief interruptions when vehicles have already Safety notes
been detected.
Pay attention when driving and respond to the WARNING
prevailing traffic situation. If necessary, intervene
The system does not relieve you of your per‐
actively, for example by braking, steering or tak‐
sonal responsibility to assess the traffic situa‐
ing avoidance manoeuvre.
tion correctly. Due to system limitations, it can‐
not respond independently and appropriately in
Drive power all traffic conditions. There is a risk of accident.
The set speed is also maintained when driving Adapt your driving style to the traffic conditions.
downhill. The vehicle may not achieve the set Observe the traffic situation and intervene ac‐
speed on uphill gradients if there is not enough tively if the situation warrants it.
drive power.
In ECO PRO drive mode, it is possible that the
vehicle will drive faster or slower than the set WARNING
speed setting in some situations, for example on
The desired speed may be set incorrectly by
downhill or uphill gradients.
mistake or called up accidentally. There is a risk
of accident. Adjust the desired speed to the
Speed Limit Assist traffic conditions. Observe the traffic situation
and intervene actively if the situation warrants it.
Speed Limit Assist helps the driver to observe Overview
speed limits. A suggested speed can be adop‐
ted. Buttons on the steering wheel
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CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
When the SET icon is illuminated, press For example, the speed is reduced in the
the button. following situations if necessary:
▷ Before turning off.
Speed adjustment ▷ Before a roundabout.
▷ Before a bend.
It is possible to set whether the speed limit will Adjusting
be accepted exactly, or with a tolerance. 1. "MENU"
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Driving settings"
A speed adaptation for all speed limits and an
4. "Driver assistance"
additional speed adaptation for speed limits up to
60 km/h/40 mph can be set up. 5. "Driving"
The additional speed adjustment for speeds up 6. "Speed Assistant"
to 60 km/h/40 mph can be activated or deactiva‐ 7. "Adjust to route" or "Automatically adjust
ted. speed to route"
Depending on the equipment, the system can be
set so that the vehicle adapts the speed auto‐
matically to the route.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
▷ The function must be available in the country If the grey traffic light is dis‐
in which the vehicle is being driven. played with a red cross, it
cannot be offered for ac‐
Activating/deactivating ceptance.
1. "MENU"
2. "Vehicle apps"
System limits
Speed Limit Assist is based on the Speed Limit
3. "Driving settings"
Info system.
4. "Driver assistance"
Take into account the Speed Limit Info system
5. "Driving" limits.
6. "Speed Assistant" Depending on the national-market version, up‐
7. "Consider traffic lights" coming speed limits may not be available for ap‐
plication or they may only be available to a cer‐
Drive off reminder tain extent, for instance speed information from
1. "MENU" the navigation system.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
▷ Pedestrian warning active. System is on standby and does not make any
▷ Side collision warning active. steering wheel movement.
When the system is active, press the The system does not perfom any supporting
button repeatedly until the desired func‐ steering wheel movements.
tion is selected in the toolbar. The Assis‐
ted Driving Mode toolbar is shown at the bottom Automatically interrupting Steering
of the instrument cluster. and Lane Control Assistant
The system interrupts the supporting steering
Icon Function movements automatically, for example in the
Cruise Control with distance control. following situations:
▷ At a speed above 210 km/h/130 mph.
▷ When the steering wheel is released.
Cruise Control with distance control
▷ The driver brakes.
and Steering and Lane Control Assis‐
tant. ▷ When the steering wheel is turned sharply.
▷ When the vehicle leaves its own driving lane.
The selected function is shown in green. ▷ When the turn indicator is activated.
▷ When the driving lane is too narrow.
Turning on the system
▷ If a lane boundary is not detected for a certain
period of time and no vehicle is driving in
1. Press the button on the steering front.
wheel. ▷ Active Cruise Control with distance control is
2. Adjust the Steering and Lane Control ▷ The seat belt on the driver's side is unfas‐
Assistant if necessary. tened.
Steering wheel icon illuminates grey. Steering wheel icon illuminates grey.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
1. "MENU"
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Driving settings"
4. "Driver assistance"
5. "Feedback via steering wheel"
6. "Lighting elements"
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Assisted Driving Plus
The system may not respond at all, or may re‐
spond too late, incorrectly or without justifica‐
tion due to system limitations. There is a risk of Principle
accident or material damage. Observe the in‐ Assisted Driving Plus helps the driver to control
formation on the system limits and intervene the vehicle in traffic queues.
actively if necessary. The supporting steering wheel movements take
place without the driver actively steering.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
Steering and Lane Control Assistant, see Displays in the instrument cluster
page 241.
Icon Description
Operating requirements
Green indicator light: the system
▷ Operating requirements of the Steering and is active.
Lane Control Assistant are met.
Operating requirements, see page 241. White indicator light: the system
▷ The Steering and Lane Control Assistant is is ready.
Grey indicator light: the system
▷ The function is only available on certain types
is interrupted.
of road, for example motorways.
▷ Driving on a road without pedestrians or cy‐
clists. Alternative displays
▷ The lane width is sufficiently wide. Depending on the equipment, the displays in the
▷ Lane markings and a vehicle ahead are de‐ instrument cluster may vary and are shown as
tected. follows:
▷ Speed under approximately 60 km/h/ Indicator Description
40 mph. light
▷ The Driver Attention Camera in the instru‐
Green indicator light: the system
ment cluster detects that the driver is looking
is active.
at the traffic situation.
▷ The function must be available in the country
in which the vehicle is being driven. Displays on the steering wheel
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
General 5. "Driving"
The system does not relieve you of your per‐ 2. Press the turn indicator lever in the desired
sonal responsibility to assess the traffic situa‐ direction as far as the resistance point for in‐
tion correctly. Due to system limitations, it can‐ dicating briefly.
not respond independently and appropriately in
all traffic conditions. There is a risk of accident.
Adapt your driving style to the traffic conditions.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
Icon Description
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
6. "Speed Assistant"
7. "Adjust to route" or "Automatically adjust
speed to route"
System limits
The system limits for the Active Cruise Control
and the Steering and Lane Control Assistant ap‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Vehicle equipment Overview
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
The system does not relieve you of your per‐ Depending on the view, the vehicle surroundings
sonal responsibility to assess the traffic situa‐ or a partial area are displayed.
tion correctly. Due to system limits, it cannot Depending on the national-market version, the
respond independently and appropriately in all automatic camera perspective or the Reversing
traffic situations. There is a risk of accident. Assist Camera is displayed.
Adapt your driving style to the traffic conditions.
In addition, look directly to check the traffic sit‐ Turning the display on/off
uation and the vehicle surroundings and inter‐
vene actively where appropriate. General
When driving forwards, the parking assistance
systems display turns off automatically when a
Go to Park menu certain distance or speed is exceeded.
Some parking assistance systems can be adjus‐
ted in the Park menu. With the reverse gear
The display is automatically turned on if selector
Via Parking Assistant button lever position R is engaged while drive-ready
state is turned on.
1. Press the button.
Via Parking Assistant button
2. "Settings"
Press the button.
3. Select the desired settings.
Via iDrive
1. "MENU" Display on the control display
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Driving settings"
The display on the control display will vary de‐
4. "Driver assistance" pending on the equipment and the activated
5. "Parking and manoeuvring" parking assistance system.
6. Select the desired settings.
The parking assistance systems display assists
with parking and manoeuvring by displaying the
Park Distance Control and a variety of camera
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Without Parking Assistant Plus The Park Distance Control view is displayed.
▷ "Parking"
Depending on the equipment, camera im‐
ages or the view of the Park Distance Control
are displayed.
▷ "3D view"
A three-dimensional representation is dis‐
▷ "Tow hitch"
1 Toolbar, left The zoom for the trailer tow hitch can be
turned on.
2 Camera image
▷ "Car wash"
3 Selection window
The display of your own lane can be turned
4 Toolbar, right
on for easier driving into the car wash.
Toolbar, left
Depending on the equipment, different views
can be selected via the left toolbar.
▷ "Rear view camera"
The camera image from the Reversing Assist
Camera is shown.
▷ "Parking sensors only"
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Detection of objects
The system cannot detect very low obstacles
Automatic camera perspective
and higher, protruding objects such as ledges.
The objects shown in the control display may be Principle
closer than they appear. Do not estimate the dis‐ The automatic camera perspective displays a
tance to the objects on the control display. steering angle-dependent view looking towards
Projecting loads, carrier systems or trailers can the vehicle's direction of travel.
restrict the detection range of the camera. This perspective adapts to the current driving sit‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
3D view
When the 3D view is selected, a circle is dis‐
played on the control display.
Specified perspectives can be selected on the
Obstacle markings are displayed at the sides of
the vehicle to protect the vehicle's flanks.
▷ No markings: no obstacles have been detec‐
ted. The current perspective is identified by a camera
▷ Coloured markings: warning that obstacles
have been detected. Select another camera function to exit the func‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Panorama View
Two static circle segments show the distance The panoramic view gives you an earlier view of
between the trailer and the trailer tow hitch. crossing traffic at blind driveway exits and road
A docking line dependent on the steering wheel junctions.
angle assists you in lining up the trailer tow hitch
with the trailer. General
Road users hidden by obstacles at the side may
not be seen from the driver's seat until very late.
The front camera and the Reversing Assist Cam‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
era capture the area around the side of the vehi‐ Activation points
cle to improve the view.
The camera image is subject to varying levels of Principle
distortion in some areas and is thus not suitable Positions at which the panoramic view should
for estimating distances. switch on automatically can be saved as activa‐
Depending on the equipment, the function can tion points.
be used when driving forwards or reversing.
Follow the information in the Chapter “Parking General
assistance systems”. Up to ten activation points can be saved.
Activation points can be used for the front cam‐
Sensors era when driving forwards.
The system is controlled by the following cam‐
eras: Operating requirements
▷ Reversing Assist Camera. To use the function, a GPS signal must be re‐
▷ Front camera. ceived.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
For reasons related to data protection, the func‐
tion can only be run three times in two hours.
Follow the information in the Chapter “Parking
assistance systems”.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
5. Select the desired setting. Follow the information in the Chapter “Parking
assistance systems”.
After the activation, Remote 3D View can be
accessed in the BMW app.
Safety notes
Functional limitations
The system may have restricted functionality or WARNING
may not be available at all in situations such as The system does not relieve you of your per‐
the following: sonal responsibility to assess the traffic situa‐
▷ With a door or the luggage compartment tion correctly. Due to system limits, it cannot
open. Areas that the system is not able to re‐ respond independently and appropriately in all
cord are shown dark on the display. traffic situations. There is a risk of accident.
Adapt your driving style to the traffic conditions.
▷ If the exterior mirrors have been folded in
In addition, look directly to check the traffic sit‐
uation and the vehicle surroundings and inter‐
vene actively where appropriate.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Visual warning
When you are approaching an object, its proxim‐ Depending on the equipment:
ity is displayed on the control display as soon as
▷ Grey markings, hatched surface: no obstacles
the system is activated.
have been detected.
Objects that are farther away are already dis‐
▷ No markings, black surface: the area adjacent
played before a signal sounds.
to the vehicle has not yet been detected.
The detection range of the sensors is shown in
green, yellow and red if obstacles are detected
within the range. System limits
Depending on the view, driving lane lines, turning
circle lines and obstacle markings are shown for General
a better estimation of the space required. The function to protect the vehicle sides only
If equipped with the Crossing-traffic Warning: shows stationary obstacles that were previously
depending on the equipment, the display also detected by the sensors when driving past.
warns of vehicles approaching from the sides at The system does not detect whether an obstacle
the front and rear. subsequently moves. With the vehicle at a stand‐
Obstacle markings are displayed at the sides of still, the side markings will be hidden after a cer‐
the vehicle to protect the vehicle's flanks. tain period of time. The area on the side of the
vehicle must be newly captured.
Display: object behind the vehicle Also observe the limits of the system in the
chapter “Parking assistance systems”.
Trailer operation
The rear functions of Park Distance Control are
turned off if a trailer is connected, when the
trailer socket is occupied or when trailer opera‐
tion is activated.
Obstacles next to the vehicle are not displayed.
An icon is displayed on the control dis‐
Depending on the equipment, the detec‐
tion range of the sensors is shown dark on the
control display.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
The system will be turned on again automatically the possibility of subsequent enabling and soft‐
for the next drive. ware updates. This also applies to the individual
functions of the system.
Settings For further information:
It is possible to set which areas of the vehicle are Vehicle equipment, see page 7.
protected by the system.
1. "MENU" General
2. "Vehicle apps" Follow the information in the Chapter “Parking
assistance systems”.
3. "Driving settings"
4. "Driver assistance" Parking methods
5. "Parking and manoeuvring" The system supports the following functions:
6. "Active PDC emergency braking"
7. Select the desired setting.
As soon as the system detects an obsta‐
cle, an icon is displayed with a corre‐
sponding message.
Park Assist
Reverse parking transverse to the road, bay park‐
Principle ing.
Park Assist supports driving into parallel and bay
parking spaces and helps driving out of parallel
parking spaces.
Vehicle equipment
This system may not be available in the vehicle in
question, for example due to the selected op‐
tional equipment, the national-market version or
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Safety notes
The system does not relieve you of your per‐
sonal responsibility to assess the traffic situa‐
tion correctly. Due to system limits, it cannot
respond independently and appropriately in all
traffic situations. There is a risk of accident.
Leaving parallel parking spaces. Adapt your driving style to the traffic conditions.
In addition, look directly to check the traffic sit‐
uation and the vehicle surroundings and inter‐
Operation vene actively where appropriate.
The operating principle and operation of the sys‐
tem is divided into the following steps:
▷ Parking space search. WARNING
▷ Turn on. When the trailer tow hitch is in use, the assis‐
▷ Parking. tance system cannot react correctly if its sen‐
sors are obstructed. There is a risk of accident
▷ Leaving parking space.
or material damage. Do not use the assistance
Parking space search is always active when the system in trailer operation or when using the
vehicle is moving forward slow and straight. trailer tow hitch, for example with a bicycle car‐
Ultrasonic sensors measure parking spaces on rier.
both sides of the vehicle.
When the system is active, the status of the sys‐
tem and necessary instructions are displayed. NOTE
The system can steer the vehicle over or onto
Parking manoeuvre kerbs. There is a risk of material damage. Ob‐
The system calculates the best possible option serve the traffic situation and intervene actively
for driving in or driving out of parking spaces with if the situation warrants it.
parking lines and takes control of the following
functions during the parking manoeuvre:
▷ Steering.
The Parking Manoeuvre Assistant is controlled
▷ Accelerating and braking.
by the following sensors:
▷ Changing gear.
▷ Ultrasonic sensors in the front/rear bumpers.
The parking manoeuvre is automatic.
▷ Side ultrasonic sensors.
When leaving parallel parking spaces, the vehicle
manoeuvres automatically until the vehicle rea‐
ches a position in which the driver can drive out
of the parking space without further steering
wheel movements.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
The depth of bay parking spaces must be es‐ 5. "Parking and manoeuvring"
timated by the driver. Due to technical limits, 6. "Sound when available"
the system is only able to gauge the depth of
bay parking spaces approximately. Acoustic signal of the Park Distance
Parking manoeuvre
Depending on the national-market version, an in‐
▷ Doors and luggage compartment are closed. termittent tone of the Park Distance Control PDC
▷ Driver's seat belt is fastened. will sound during an automatic parking manoeu‐
Leaving parking space A continuous tone will sound when the distance
▷ The vehicle was parked using the Parking to a detected object is less than approx. 20 cm,
Manoeuvre Assistant and an object is detec‐ 8 in.
ted in the surrounding area of the vehicle.
▷ The vehicle was parked manually in reverse
and objects in the immediate vicinity of the
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
other qualified Service Partner or a specialist uation and the vehicle surroundings and inter‐
workshop. vene actively where appropriate.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Driving comfort CONTROLS
Driving comfort
Vehicle equipment Extended stationary periods
The vehicle may lower itself during extended sta‐
This chapter describes equipment, systems and tionary periods. This is not a malfunction.
functions which are offered or will be offered on If drive-ready state is switched on with the doors
a model-specific basis, even if they are not inclu‐ closed, the vehicle is automatically raised to the
ded in the vehicle in question. normal level.
For further information:
Vehicle equipment, see page 7.
Adaptive M suspension
Suspension components Principle
The adaptive M suspension is an intelligent, con‐
The suspension components have been opti‐ trollable sport suspension.
mised for the vehicle and its area of use, thus en‐
suring the best possible driving experience. The suspension reduces body movements with
a sporty driving style or on an uneven road.
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CONTROLS Driving comfort
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Air conditioning CONTROLS
Air conditioning
Vehicle equipment Icon Function
SYNC programme.
This chapter describes equipment, systems and
functions which are offered or will be offered on
a model-specific basis, even if they are not inclu‐ Seat heating, see
ded in the vehicle in question. page 122.
For further information:
Vehicle equipment, see page 7. Active seat ventilation,
see page 123.
Air conditioning control The functions can also be operated via voice, for
example, Temperature.
Buttons, integrated automatic heating/air
Functions in the air conditioning menu conditioning system
Icon Function
AUTO programme.
Maximum cooling.
Icon Function
Air recirculation function. Defrost function.
Fresh air.
Amount of air.
Air distribution.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Air conditioning
Icon Function
AUTO programme.
Air conditioning menu
Temperature. In the Climate control menu, air conditioning
functions can be set individually.
Depending on the equipment, the following air
Air distribution.
conditioning functions can be accessed via the
Climate control menu, for example:
Seat heating, see ▷ AUTO programme.
page 122. ▷ Amount of air.
▷ Air distribution.
To switch off.
▷ Seat heating.
▷ Active seat ventilation.
1. "MENU"
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Climate control"
1 Toolbar
2 Air conditioning functions, driver's side
3 Air conditioning functions
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Air conditioning CONTROLS
Turning the air conditioning Turning off the system with the button
system on/off Press the button.
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CONTROLS Air conditioning
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Air conditioning CONTROLS
The function is available at an outside tempera‐ The current operating mode is displayed in the
ture above approximately 0 ℃/32 ℉ and when toolbar.
driving readiness or standby state is switched on. Depending on the equipment, the air recircula‐
tion function will turn off automatically after some
Turning maximum cooling on/off time depending on the environmental factors to
prevent condensation.
2. "MAX A/C"
3. Select the desired setting. Amount of air
The air flows from the air vents for the upper
body area. Open the vents. General
The blower-generated air flow can be adjusted
individually as needed.
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CONTROLS Air conditioning
Press the button repeatedly. Select the The air distribution is directed toward the wind‐
desired setting. screen and the front side windows.
The selected air distribution setting is If there is condensation, turn on the AUTO pro‐
shown on the climate display. gramme to utilise the advantages of the conden‐
sation sensor. Ensure that air can flow towards
the windscreen.
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Air conditioning CONTROLS
With the rear window heating, ice and condensa‐
tion are quickly removed from the rear window.
Operating requirements
The drive-ready or standby state is turned on.
Turning the rear window heating ▷ Lever for changing the air flow direction, ar‐
on/off rows 1.
Press the button. ▷ Knurled wheel for the variable adjustment of
the air flow on the vents, arrows 2.
The LED is illuminated when the rear
window heating is switched on.
Ventilation in rear passenger
The rear window heating switches off automati‐
cally after a while. compartment
If pre-conditioning is turned on, the rear window
heating is activated as needed.
The ventilation system provides individual ranges
of adjustment for direct or indirect ventilation to
▷ Lever for changing the air flow direction, ar‐
optimise the movement of air inside the vehicle.
rows 1.
Air quality
The air quality in the interior is improved by the
following components:
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
CONTROLS Air conditioning
▷ Emissions-tested interior. The air automatically flows out of the air vents to
▷ Interior filter. the windscreen, side windows, upper body area
and the footwell.
▷ Climate control system for regulating temper‐
ature, amount of air and air recirculation func‐ The system shuts down automatically after ap‐
tion. proximately 30 minutes or by activating the drive-
ready state.
▷ Pre-conditioning.
Using the pre-conditioning while the vehicle is
▷ Automatic air recirculation control.
being charged will reduce the air conditioning ca‐
pacity during the journey. This helps to optimise
Interior filter the range.
The interior filter cleans the incoming outside air To ensure the vehicle can achieve a minimum
or the circulated inside air in air recirculation range, the pre-conditioning may be switched off
mode. automatically, for example after switching on sev‐
Depending on the equipment: eral times or due to the high-voltage battery be‐
▷ Dust and pollen are filtered out from the in‐ ing insufficiently charged. After turning off due to
flowing outside air. an insufficient state of charge, charge the high-
voltage battery. The pre-conditioning is then
▷ Nano-particle emissions are reduced.
available again.
▷ Gaseous pollutants are filtered.
▷ Microbial particles and allergens are filtered. Operating requirements
▷ The vehicle is in rest state or standby state.
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Air conditioning CONTROLS
Press the button on the vehicle key. Activating the departure time
To turn on the pre-conditioning prior to a depar‐
ture time, the respective departure time must be
Activate the pre-conditioning function for the
activated beforehand.
button of the vehicle key:
1. "MENU"
2. "Settings"
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Pre-conditioning"
3. "Doors and windows"
4. "Pre-conditioning for departure time"
4. "Vehicle key"
5. Select the desired setting.
Air conditioning for departure time Icon Description
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CONTROLS Interior equipment
Interior equipment
Vehicle equipment Ashtray
This chapter describes equipment, systems and
Front centre console
functions which are offered or will be offered on
a model-specific basis, even if they are not inclu‐
ded in the vehicle in question.
1. Press the cover.
For further information:
Vehicle equipment, see page 7.
Sun visor
Glare protection
Fold the sun visor downwards or upwards.
Protection from glare at the side 2. The ashtray is located in one of the cup hold‐
ers. Fold up the ashtray cover.
Folding the sun visor out
1. Fold down the sun visor.
2. Unhook the sun visor from its holder and
pivot it sideways to the side window.
Vanity mirror
A vanity mirror is located behind a cover in the Emptying
sun visor.
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Interior equipment CONTROLS
Cigarette lighter
Safety notes
Contact with the hot heating element or the hot
socket of the lighter can cause burns. Flamma‐
ble materials can catch fire if the lighter is drop‐
The cigarette lighter is located between the cup
ped or is held against objects. There is a risk of
fire and danger of injury. There is a risk of ma‐
terial damage. Hold lighter by its handle. Ensure
that children do not use the lighter. Operation
Press in the cigarette lighter.
The cigarette lighter can be re‐
moved when it pops back out.
If metallic objects fall into the socket, they can
cause a short circuit. There is a risk of material
damage. After using the socket, re-fit the
lighter or socket cover.
Front centre console Principle
The socket can be used for electronic devices
when the standby or drive-ready state is
switched on.
The total load of all sockets must not exceed
140 watts at 12 V.
Do not damage the socket by using unsuitable
Press the cover. connectors.
Safety notes
Devices and cables, for example portable navi‐
gation devices, that are located in the deploy‐
ment range of the airbags may impede airbag
deployment or be thrown around the vehicle in‐
terior when the airbag is deployed. There is a
danger of injury. Make sure that devices and
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CONTROLS Interior equipment
cables are not in the deployment range of the Inside the luggage compartment
Battery chargers that charge the vehicle battery
via sockets or cigarette lighters in the vehicle
may overload or damage the 12 V electrical
system. There is a risk of material damage. In
the case of a discharged vehicle battery, con‐
tact a manufacturer Service Partner or other
Depending on the equipment, there is a socket
qualified Service Partner or specialist work‐
in the luggage compartment on the right-hand
side. Open the cover.
USB port
If metallic objects fall into the socket, they can
cause a short circuit. There is a risk of material
damage. After using the socket, re-fit the General
lighter or socket cover. Please comply with the notes on connecting mo‐
bile devices to the USB port in the chapter on
USB connections.
Front centre console For further information:
1. Press the cover. For information on USB connections, see Own‐
er’s Handbook for Navigation, Entertainment,
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Interior equipment CONTROLS
Objects in the storage compartment, for exam‐
ple large USB connectors, can block or damage
the cover on opening and closing. There is a
risk of material damage. When opening and There are two USB ports in the rear centre con‐
closing, make sure that the area of movement sole.
of the cover is kept clear.
▷ USB port type C.
▷ For charging mobile devices.
▷ Charge current: maximum 3 A per port.
When inserting the device to be charged, make
sure that there are no objects between the de‐
vice to be charged and the wireless charging
The charging process is indicated by the
charging indicator on the control display.
There is a USB port in the centre console.
Properties: Safety notes
▷ USB port type A.
▷ For charging mobile devices and transferring WARNING
When charging a Qi-compatible device in the
▷ Charge current: maximum 1.5 A. wireless charging dock, any metal objects loca‐
ted between the device and the dock can be‐
come very hot. If storage media or electronic
cards, for example smart cards, cards with
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CONTROLS Interior equipment
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Interior equipment CONTROLS
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CONTROLS Storage compartments
Storage compartments
Vehicle equipment of an accident or when braking or taking eva‐
sive action. There is a danger of injury. Immedi‐
ately close the glove compartment after using
This chapter describes equipment, systems and
functions which are offered or will be offered on
a model-specific basis, even if they are not inclu‐
ded in the vehicle in question.
Opening the glove compartment
For further information:
Vehicle equipment, see page 7.
Safety notes
Devices connected by a cable to the vehicle,
for example mobile phones, or loose objects Pull the handle.
may be thrown around the interior during the
journey, for example in the event of an accident The lighting in the glove compartment comes
or when braking or taking avoidance manoeu‐ on.
vre. There is a danger of injury. Ensure that de‐
vices connected by cable to the vehicle or Closing the fold-down compartment
loose objects are secured in the interior.
Shut the lid.
The glove compartment protrudes into the in‐
Glove compartment terior when it is open. Objects in the glove
compartment may be thrown around the inte‐
Safety note rior during the journey, for example in the event
of an accident or when braking or taking eva‐
sive action. There is a danger of injury. Immedi‐
ately close the glove compartment after using
The glove compartment protrudes into the in‐ it.
terior when it is open. Objects in the glove
compartment may be thrown around the inte‐
rior during the journey, for example in the event
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Storage compartments CONTROLS
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CONTROLS Storage compartments
Unsuitable containers placed in the cup holders Unsuitable containers placed in the cup holders
may damage the cup holders or be flung into may damage the cup holders or be flung into
the interior, for example in the event of an acci‐ the interior, for example in the event of an acci‐
dent or when braking or taking evasive action. dent or when braking or taking evasive action.
Spilt liquids can distract the driver from the Spilt liquids can distract the driver from the
road and lead to an accident. Hot beverages road and lead to an accident. Hot beverages
may damage the cup holders or cause scalding. may damage the cup holders or cause scalding.
There is a risk of injury or material damage. Do There is a risk of injury or material damage. Do
not force objects into the cup holder. Use light‐ not force objects into the cup holder. Use light‐
weight, sealable and shatterproof containers. weight, sealable and shatterproof containers.
Do not transport hot drinks. Do not transport hot drinks.
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Storage compartments CONTROLS
Coat hooks
The coat hooks are located on the grab handles
in the rear.
Safety notes
Items of clothing on the coat hooks can impair
visibility when driving. There is a risk of acci‐
dent. Hang items of clothing from the coat
hooks in such a way that they do not obstruct
visibility when driving.
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CONTROLS Luggage compartment
Luggage compartment
Vehicle equipment
This chapter describes equipment, systems and Devices connected by a cable to the vehicle,
functions which are offered or will be offered on for example mobile phones, or loose objects
a model-specific basis, even if they are not inclu‐ may be thrown around the interior during the
ded in the vehicle in question. journey, for example in the event of an accident
or when braking or taking avoidance manoeu‐
For further information:
vre. There is a danger of injury. Ensure that de‐
Vehicle equipment, see page 7. vices connected by cable to the vehicle or
loose objects are secured in the interior.
Safety notes
Incorrectly stowed objects may slip or be
thrown into the interior, for example in the
WARNING event of an accident or when braking or taking
A high gross vehicle weight can make the tyres evasive action. Vehicle occupants could be
overheat, causing internal damage and a sud‐ struck and injured. There is a danger of injury.
den loss of tyre inflation pressure. Handling Stow and secure objects and the load correctly.
characteristics may be adversely affected, for
example reduced directional stability, longer
stopping distance and altered steering charac‐ NOTE
teristics. There is a risk of accident. Please Liquids in the luggage compartment may cause
comply with the permitted load index of the damage. There is a risk of material damage.
tyre, and do not exceed the permitted gross ve‐ Ensure that no liquids leak out into the luggage
hicle weight. compartment.
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Luggage compartment CONTROLS
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CONTROLS Luggage compartment
The rear seat backrests can be folded down from Vehicle parts can be damaged when folding
the luggage compartment. The middle section down the rear seat backrest. There is a risk of
can be folded down separately from the rear. material damage. When folding down, make
sure that the area of movement of the rear seat
backrest including head restraint is kept clear.
Safety notes
Risk of entrapment when folding down the rear
seat backrest. There is a risk of injury or mate‐
rial damage. Before folding down, make sure
that the area of movement of the rear seat
backrest and the head restraint is kept clear.
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Luggage compartment CONTROLS
Folding back the rear seat backrest If the luggage compartment cover is not inser‐
ted correctly, it may be thrown around the inte‐
Fold back the rear seat backrest into the seat po‐
rior during the journey, for example in the event
sition and lock in place. Ensure that the seat belt
of an accident or when braking or taking eva‐
is not trapped. The red mark behind the recess
sive action. There is a risk of injury and material
disappears completely.
damage. Make sure that the luggage compart‐
ment cover is engaged securely in the brack‐
Folding down the middle section ets.
1. Fold down the middle head restraint.
2. Pull the lever and fold the middle part for‐
wards. Removing the luggage compartment
The cover can be removed for stowing bulky
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CONTROLS Luggage compartment
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Luggage compartment CONTROLS
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DRIVING HINTS Driving precautions
Driving precautions
Vehicle equipment Brake system
Brake discs and pads only achieve their full ef‐
This chapter describes equipment, systems and fectiveness after approximately 500 km,
functions which are offered or will be offered on 300 miles. Drive moderately during this running-
a model-specific basis, even if they are not inclu‐ in period.
ded in the vehicle in question.
For further information: After fitting new parts
Vehicle equipment, see page 7. Please comply with the running-in procedures
again if the components previously referred to
are renewed.
Running in
General driving notes
Moving parts need to adjust to each other.
Closing the tailgate
The following notes will help to maximise the ve‐
hicle's lifetime and efficiency.
Safety note
Do not use Launch Control when running in.
Safety note
When open, the tailgate protrudes above the
vehicle and in the event of an accident, or when
WARNING braking or taking avoidance manoeuvre, can
New parts and components can cause safety endanger vehicle occupants and other road
and driver assistance systems to respond with users or damage the vehicle. There is a danger
a delay. There is a risk of accident. After new of injury or material damage. Do not drive with
parts have been installed or if the vehicle is the tailgate open.
new, drive moderately and take action promptly
if necessary. Please comply with running-in
procedures for the corresponding parts and Driving with the tailgate open
components. If there is no alternative but to drive with the flap
▷ Close all the windows and the glass sunroof.
▷ Adjust the blower output to a high setting.
Drive moderately for the first 500 km, approx.
300 miles and avoid full load. ▷ Maintain a moderate speed.
Due to the manufacturing process, new tyres do
not achieve their full road grip immediately.
Drive moderately for the first 300 km, 200 miles.
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Driving precautions DRIVING HINTS
Safe braking
There is a possibility of reciprocal interference
between the vehicle electronics and mobile
radio devices. Radiation is generated when mo‐
bile radio devices are transmitting. There is a The vehicle is equipped with an Anti-lock Brak‐
risk of injury or material damage. If possible, ing System ABS as standard.
only use mobile radio devices, for example mo‐ Perform full braking in situations that require it.
bile telephones, inside the vehicle if they are The vehicle remains steerable. Steer as
connected directly to an external aerial in order smoothly as possible to avoid any obstacles.
to eliminate reciprocal interference and to divert
A pulsing of the brake pedal and hydraulic regu‐
the radiation away from the vehicle's interior.
lating sounds indicate that the Anti-lock Braking
System ABS is functioning.
Aquaplaning In certain braking situations, the perforated brake
discs can cause functional noise. However, the
On wet or slushy roads, a water wedge can form
functional noises have no effect on the efficiency
between the tyres and the road.
and operational safety of the brake.
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DRIVING HINTS Driving precautions
Roof rack
Roof racks are available as optional accessories.
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Driving precautions DRIVING HINTS
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DRIVING HINTS Driving precautions
Before a journey
Before the start of a journey, check that the rear
lights on the rear luggage rack are working.
The maximum output of the rear luggage rack
rear lights must not exceed the values for trailer
rear lights.
To prevent functional limitations and malfunc‐
tions affecting driver assistance systems, activate
trailer operation.
For further information:
▷ Power consumption, see page 304.
▷ Activating trailer operation, see page 306.
Driving on a racetrack
The vehicle is not designed for use in M Sport
competitions or similar. There is a risk of acci‐
dent. Do not use the vehicle in M Sport com‐
petitions or similar.
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Trailer operation DRIVING HINTS
Trailer operation
Vehicle equipment plied towball mount assembly is not approved.
Use only the genuine BMW towball mount as‐
This chapter describes equipment, systems and
functions which are offered or will be offered on BMW Group Australia does not recommend or
a model-specific basis, even if they are not inclu‐ support the installation and use of a Weight Dis‐
ded in the vehicle in question. tribution Hitch or Load Levelling Device on any
BMW Group vehicle. The use of such devices
For further information:
may affect the vehicle's warranty status.
Vehicle equipment, see page 7.
We recommend you consult your Authorised
BMW Dealer for any further advice or clarifica‐
General tion.
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DRIVING HINTS Trailer operation
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Trailer operation DRIVING HINTS
Keep to an appropriate speed when towing a Before the downhill gradient, shift down manually
trailer. If the trailer starts to snake, brake imme‐ to the next-lowest gear and drive downhill slowly.
diately and make the necessary steering cor‐ Change gear using shift paddles or selector lever
rections as carefully as possible. position D/L, depending on the equipment.
Upward gradients The system can also become active in extreme
driving situations when the trailer socket is occu‐
General pied without a trailer attached, for example when
In the interest of safety and to avoid holding up using a bicycle carrier with lighting.
other traffic flow, do not attempt to climb upward
gradients steeper than 12 % in trailer operation. Operating requirements
If higher trailer loads have been retrospectively The system is operational from a speed of ap‐
approved, the limit is 8 %. proximately 65 km/h, 40 mph in trailer operation
and with the trailer socket occupied.
Driving off on upward gradients
The parking brake is automatically released System limits
when the accelerator pedal is operated. The system is unable to intervene or intervenes
To prevent the vehicle from rolling back when too late, in the following situations for example:
driving off, use the parking brake. ▷ If a trailer folds instantly, for example on slip‐
pery or loose road surfaces.
▷ If a trailer with a high centre of gravity tips
1. Shortly before driving off, pull and re‐ over before snaking movement is detected.
lease the switch.
▷ If Dynamic Stability Control is deactivated or
The parking brake is engaged. has failed.
2. To drive off, press the accelerator pedal with ▷ If the power consumption of a trailer is too
sufficient force. low to be detected by the system, for exam‐
ple due to LED rear lights.
Downhill gradient
On downward gradients, a car/trailer combination
tends to start snaking movement earlier.
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DRIVING HINTS Trailer operation
Not for Australia: Trailer tow The button for swivelling the ball head in and out
is in the luggage compartment.
hitch with electrically adjustable
ball head
Operating requirements
▷ Vehicle is standing on level ground.
▷ The tailgate is open.
The adjustable ball head is located on the under‐
side of the vehicle. ▷ The trailer socket is not occupied.
▷ Trailer operation is not activated.
Safety notes ▷ The vehicle battery is sufficiently charged.
The LED in the button illuminates green if the
WARNING system is operational.
If the ball linkage is not locked, unstable driving
conditions or accidents can result. There is a Swivelling out the ball head
risk of accident or material damage. Before a 1. Open the luggage compartment.
journey with a trailer or load carrier, check that 2. Step out of the swing range of the ball head
the ball linkage is correctly locked. behind the vehicle.
If the ball linkage is not properly locked, the
LED in the button illuminates red.
3. Press the button in the luggage com‐
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Trailer operation DRIVING HINTS
The ball head swivels out. The LED flashes If necessary, repeat the swivel movement with
green. the button pressed and drive-ready state
4. Wait until the ball head has reached the end switched on.
position. The LED in the button illuminates green when
The LED in the button illuminates green when the ball head has reached an end position.
the ball head has reached an end position. If the swivel movement is repeatedly interrupted,
contact a Service Partner of the manufacturer or
Swivelling the ball head back in another qualified Service Partner or a specialist
1. Disconnect the trailer or load carrier.
2. Remove any fittings for the track-stabilising
Trailer socket
3. Remove the power supply connector for the
trailer and any adapter from the socket.
The swivel movement is interrupted, might be
reversed or is not performed if electrical current
limits are exceeded, for example at very low tem‐
peratures, or if mechanical resistance is encoun‐
tered. LED illuminates red.
Repeating the swivel movement with the There is an eye on the trailer tow hitch for fasten‐
drive-ready state switched on ing the trailer securing cable.
1. Switch on drive-ready state.
For increased safety when towing a trailer, attach
the trailer securing cable to the eye.
2. Press the button in the luggage com‐ Check that the securing cable can move freely
partment and hold it until the ball head has and is not dragging on the ground.
moved completely in or out.
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DRIVING HINTS Trailer operation
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Increasing range DRIVING HINTS
Increasing range
Vehicle equipment Tyres
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DRIVING HINTS Increasing range
Have maintenance work carried out
For optimum economy and service life, have the
vehicle serviced regularly. BMW recommends
having maintenance work carried out by a BMW Selecting the drive mode
Service Partner.
Press the button. ECO PRO is displayed
Please also comply with the BMW Maintenance in the instrument cluster.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Increasing range DRIVING HINTS
ECO PRO view When driving efficiently, the power display is col‐
The power output of the exterior mirror heating oured blue.
and the rear window heating is reduced. The display will change to grey if the driving style
Depending on the equipment, the dynamic ECO is inefficient.
lighting function is activated additionally.
For efficient driving style, activate adaptive recu‐
Resetting settings
For further information:
Driving in detail: eDRIVE, see page 141.
1. Press the button.
2. "Settings" Display inefficient driving style
3. "Reset to ECO PRO STANDARD" When driving above the efficient range,
an arrow will be displayed.
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DRIVING HINTS Increasing range
Predictive driving style ▷ With temporary and variable speed limits, for
example, at road works.
Principle ▷ In the case of navigation data that is invalid,
The display informs the driver about decelera‐ outdated or not available.
tions ahead, for example, speed limit reductions ▷ If there are country-dependent restrictions on
or roundabouts, even when they are not yet visi‐ map-based route sections.
ble. The situation-specific information and dis‐
tance to the route section ahead is shown above
the current speed limit in the instrument cluster. Driving style analysis
If there is a note, the speed can be reduced in
way that saves energy using the corresponding
accelerator pedal position for rolling.
The function helps develop a particularly efficient
driving style and to save energy.
Display in the instrument cluster
It does this by analysing your driving style. The
evaluation is performed in various categories and
is shown on the control display.
Using this display, the individual driving style can
be adjusted to save energy.
Adapting the driving style can increase the range
of the vehicle.
A note regarding a section of the route ahead is The current trip is analysed.
given as a recommendation to allow the vehicle
to roll. Operating requirements
An icon, for example a turn, indicates the detec‐ The function is available in ECO PRO drive
ted section of the route: mode.
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Increasing range DRIVING HINTS
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DRIVING HINTS Increasing range
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Increasing range DRIVING HINTS
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Charging vehicle
Charging vehicle
Vehicle equipment Before the first charging process, have the
following components of your own charging
point checked by a qualified electrician at the
This chapter describes equipment, systems and
charging location:
functions which are offered or will be offered on
a model-specific basis, even if they are not inclu‐ ▷ Charging cable.
ded in the vehicle in question. ▷ Charging station.
For further information: ▷ Domestic socket outlet and connected cir‐
Vehicle equipment, see page 7. cuits.
Damaged or worn charging points, for example
The vehicle can be recharged with various worn contacts, can heat up. There is a risk of
charging cables at charging stations, domestic fire. Only use a charging point that is in perfect
socket outlets or industrial socket outlets. condition.
The charging process is controlled and moni‐
tored fully automatically. The charge current in‐
tensity can be set using iDrive. WARNING
Touching live components can result in an
electric shock. High voltage is present at the
Safety notes charging socket. There is a risk of injury or even
death. Have work on the charging socket, for
example cleaning, performed by a Service Part‐
WARNING ner of the manufacturer or another qualified
Incorrect handling of electric current can cause Service Partner or a specialist workshop.
an electric shock due to high voltages or pow‐
erful current. There is a risk of fire or death. Fol‐
low the general safety regulations when work‐ NOTE
ing with electric current.
The connected charging cable and charging
cable connections on the vehicle may be dam‐
aged due to mechanical load. There is a risk of
WARNING material damage. Do not apply mechanical
A defective and wrongly configured charging loads to the charging cable and the charging
point at the charging location may damage to cable connections. Route the charging cable to
the vehicle and overload the power system at the vehicle freely and avoid pulling or bending.
the charging location. There is a risk of fire and
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Charging vehicle MOBILITY
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MOBILITY Charging vehicle
Charging cable ID
Incompatible charging cables or unsuitable
The charging cable and high-voltage charging
charging stations can heat up and cause dam‐
socket feature an ID. The ID indicates whether
age to the vehicle. There is a risk of fire. For
the charging cable and high-voltage charging
charging, use charging cables or charging sta‐
socket are compatible.
tions that have been classified as suitable for
When the identification on the charging cable the corresponding type of vehicle.
matches with one of the identifications on the
Information on suitable charging cables can be
charging socket, a charging process is possible.
asked for at the Service Partner of the manu‐
Incorrect use of the charging cable can prevent
the charging process and lead to damage, for
example a cable fire. There is a risk of fire. Only
use the charging cable for charging the vehicle
and do not extend it with a cable or adapter.
AC charging via a Mode 2 charging cable or
Mode 3 charging cable or DC charging via a DC
charging cable.
Damaged charging cables can heat up or cause
an electric shock. There is a risk of fire or injury.
Charging cable Only use undamaged charging cables.
To charge the vehicle, use a mode 2 charging WARNING
cable, a mode 3 charging cable or a fixed cable of An incorrectly connected charging cable can
a charging station. lead to damage, for example cable fire. There is
Depending on the national-market version, differ‐ a risk of injury or material damage. Ensure that
ent charging cables are required and are inclu‐ the charging cable plug has been fully inserted
ded in the vehicle delivery specification. into the socket.
It may be possible to perform settings on the
charging cable. Do not change the default set‐
ting on the charging cable. AC charging cable
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Charging vehicle MOBILITY
When using the mode 2 charging cable, the effi‐ The rapid charging cable is also referred to as a
ciency values may differ from those of the en‐ mode 4 charging cable.
ergy label.
The mode 2 charging cable is also referred to as Storage
a standard charging cable. On delivery, the charging cable is stowed in the
luggage compartment, for example under the
Flexible Fast Charger luggage compartment floor or in a bag.
The Flexible Fast Charger is a special mode 2 Put the charging cable back in the same place
charging cable. after use.
The interchangeable power plugs of the Flexible If the charging cable is stowed in a bag, secure
Fast Charger allow flexible charging at domestic the bag to an unused lashing eye in the luggage
or industrial socket outlets with protective con‐ compartment.
ductors. If necessary, store the charging cable with at‐
tached plug cover to avoid moisture in the charg‐
Mode 3 charging cable ing cable plug.
The mode 3 charging cable enables fast charg‐
ing at sockets of designated AC charging sta‐ Connecting a charging cable
tions through a special connector. Alternating
current is used to charge at designated AC General
charging stations. The charging process can be
Before connecting, clean the area between the
completed faster than with domestic socket out‐
charging socket flap and charging socket outlet
and the charging cable plug if necessary, for ex‐
A charge current level of up to a maximum of ample remove any snow.
16 A is possible.
The charging cable may be permanently installed Charging socket flap
at the charging station.
The mode 3 charging cable is also referred to as
an AC quick charging cable.
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MOBILITY Charging vehicle
The charging socket flap opens. Before removing, clean the area between the
charging socket flap and the charging socket
outlet, for example to remove snow.
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Charging vehicle MOBILITY
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MOBILITY Charging vehicle
mode 3 charging cable to the connection If the vehicle is locked, the indicator light is extin‐
point on the AC charging station. guished after a while.
5. Open the charging socket flap. The blue indicator light flashes continuously
6. Connect the charging cable to the vehicle. while the vehicle is unlocked. The other indicator
lights are extinguished after a while.
Connecting a charging cable, see page 319.
Press the button on the vehicle key to check
7. Lock the vehicle if necessary.
the charge state. The charge state is shown on
The charging cable is locked automatically once the indicator light. The vehicle may be locked.
the charging cable connector has been inserted
Additional messages about the charging status
into the high-voltage charging socket.
can be displayed in the instrument cluster or via
the BMW app on a mobile device.
Charging status display
Setting the charging mode
Indicator light on the high-voltage
1. "MENU"
charging socket
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Charging"
4. "Charging mode"
5. Select the desired settings:
▷ "Charge immediately": charging process
starts as soon as the charging cable is
▷ "Charging in time slot": if a departure time
is set, a time window with a cheaper elec‐
The charging status is indicated on the indicator tricity tariff can be set for charging.
light on the charging socket.
Charging in the time window
Charging status
Light Meaning During the charging process, a time window with
White Charging cable can be connec‐ a favourable electricity tariff can be set for charg‐
ted. ing.
The vehicle can also start the charging process
Yellow Charging cable is locked.
before the selected time window begins or end it
Flashing yel‐ Charging process is being pre‐ after the selected time window finishes. The
low pared. starting point of the charging process is adjusted
so the vehicle can be charged as much as possi‐
Blue Charging process paused. ble and, if applicable, be air conditioned right up
Flashing blue Charging process is active. to the departure time.
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Charging vehicle MOBILITY
Setting the time window for cost- the noise emissions may result in longer charg‐
effective charging ing times.
1. "MENU" 1. "MENU"
2. "Vehicle apps" 2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Charging" 3. "Charging"
4. "Charging mode" 4. "Fan loudness"
5. "Charging in time slot" 5. Select the desired setting.
6. Select the desired setting.
Stopping charging process
Target charge When the vehicle is charged using a
Mode 2 charging cable or a Mode 3 charging ca‐
Principle ble, the charging process will be interrupted
A percentage target value can be set when when the vehicle is unlocked. The charging proc‐
charging the high-voltage battery. ess will then be continued automatically after a
short period of time or when the vehicle is
If a lower target value is set, the charging time
can be shortened.
The charging process can be terminated at any
General time by removing the charging cable, and re‐
sumed at a later point by connecting the charg‐
Charging with a set charging target is recom‐ ing cable. For example to allow other consumers
mended in particular when charging the vehicle to use the power supply in the meantime, or to
at a DC charging station. avoid having several high power consumers con‐
To make optimum use of the function, a target nected at the same time.
value of 80 % is recommended. For further information:
Target values below 20 % cannot be set. Removing, see page 320.
5. Select the desired setting. When the vehicle is charged at a public charging
station, the charging process may not continue
automatically after an interruption.
Permissible DC charging volume
If the vehicle is charged at a DC charging station, Ending charging process
the noise emissions that occur during charging
process can be restricted in order to comply with 1. Disconnect the charging cable from the vehi‐
local noise regulations, for example. Restricting cle.
Removing, see page 320.
2. Stow the charging cable if necessary.
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MOBILITY Charging vehicle
Display Meaning
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Charging vehicle MOBILITY
If settings for the air conditioning have been ▷ Activate pre-conditioning immediately.
made, the vehicle is pre-conditioned for the set The range will be reduced if pre-conditioning
departure time. is activated without a charging cable connec‐
The following settings for departure time are ted.
possible: ▷ Planned climate control at the set departure
▷ Air conditioning for departure time. time.
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MOBILITY Charging vehicle
To optimize the life of the high-voltage battery,
observe the following:
▷ Avoid direct sunlight at high outside tempera‐
▷ Park the vehicle in a protected area at low
outside temperatures, for example in a ga‐
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Wheels and tyres MOBILITY
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Wheels and tyres
accordance with the tyre manufacturer's speci‐ ▷ If the vehicle has been driven a distance of no
fications from your tyre dealer. more than 2 km, 1.25 miles.
▷ If the vehicle has not moved again for at least
2 hours after a journey.
On the control display
If equipped with an emergency tyre: check the
The current tyre inflation pressures and the
tyre inflation pressure of the emergency wheel in
specified tyre inflation pressures for the mounted
the luggage compartment regularly and correct if
tyres can be displayed on the control display.
To ensure that they are displayed correctly, the
tyre sizes must be stored in the system and must Checking using the tyre inflation pressure
have been set for the fitted tyres. information on the control display
The current tyre inflation pressure value is shown 1. "MENU"
on each tyre.
2. "Vehicle apps"
The specified tyre inflation pressure value is lo‐
3. "Live Vehicle"
cated towards the bottom of the control display.
4. "Content"
Checking the tyre inflation pressure 5. "Vehicle status"
6. "Tyre Pressure Monitor"
Tyres heat up while driving. The tyre inflation After adjusting the tyre inflation pressure
pressure increases with the temperature of the For the flat tyre monitor RPA:
Reinitialise the flat tyre monitor RPA.
Tyres have a natural, uniform tyre pressure loss.
For the Tyre Pressure Monitor:
Inflating devices can display a pressure that may
The corrected tyre inflation pressures are applied
be up to 0.1 bar too low.
automatically. Make sure that the tyre settings
are correct.
Checking using tyre inflation pressure
For tyres that are not listed in the tyre inflation
information on the body pillar
pressure information on the control display, reset
1. Determine the specified tyre inflation pres‐ the Tyre Pressure Monitor.
sures for the tyres installed on the vehicle.
2. Check the tyre inflation pressure in all four Speed code letter
tyres, using a pressure gauge, for example.
3. Correct the tyre inflation pressure if the cur‐ Designation Maximum speed
rent tyre inflation pressure deviates from the
Q up to 160 km/h, 100 mph
specified tyre inflation pressure.
4. Check whether all valve caps are screwed R up to 170 km/h, 106 mph
onto the tyre valves.
S up to 180 km/h, 112 mph
The tyre inflation pressure information on the
tyre pressure label on the body pillar only relates T up to 190 km/h, 118 mph
to cold tyres or tyres at the same temperature as H up to 210 km/h, 131 mph
the ambient temperature.
F up to 240 km/h, 150 mph
Only check the tyre inflation pressures when the
tyres are cold, i.e.:
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Wheels and tyres MOBILITY
The tyre tread depth should not be less than ▷ Road damage.
4 mm, 0.16 in, otherwise its suitability for winter ▷ Insufficient tyre inflation pressure.
use is restricted. ▷ Overloading the vehicle.
▷ Incorrect tyre storage.
Minimum tread depth
Safety notes
If the tyres are damaged, the tyre inflation pres‐
sure may be reduced, which in turn could
cause you to lose control of the vehicle. There
is a risk of accident. If you suspect tyre damage
while you are driving, immediately reduce
speed and bring the vehicle to a stop. Have the
Wear indicators are distributed around the cir‐
wheels and tyres checked. To do so, carefully
cumference of the tyre. These wear indicators
drive to a Service Partner of the manufacturer
have the legally prescribed minimum height of
or another qualified Service Partner or a spe‐
1.6 mm, 0.06 in.
cialist workshop. If necessary, have the vehicle
The positions of the wear indicators are identi‐ towed or transported there. Do not repair dam‐
fied on the tyre sidewall by TWI, Tread Wear In‐ aged tyres. Have them replaced.
Tyres can become damaged by driving over
obstacles, for example kerbs or damaged road
surfaces, at high speed. Larger wheels have a
smaller tyre cross-section. The smaller the tyre
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Wheels and tyres
cross-section, the higher the risk of tyre dam‐ workshop about the approved wheels and tyres
age. There is a risk of accident and material for the vehicle and the special equipment.
damage. If possible, drive around obstacles or
drive over them slowly and carefully. Safety notes
Tyre age Wheels and tyres that are not suitable for the
vehicle can damage parts of the vehicle. For ex‐
Recommendation ample they could come into contact with the
bodywork on account of their dimensional tol‐
Irrespective of the tyre tread depth, change tyres
erances, despite having the same nominal size.
after 6 years at the latest.
There is a risk of accident. The manufacturer of
the vehicle recommends using wheels and
Date of manufacture tyres that have been rated as suitable for the
The date of manufacture of the tyre is indicated vehicle concerned.
on the tyre sidewall.
Designation Date of manufacture
DOT … 3821 38th week of 2021
Mounted steel wheels can lead to technical
problems, for example wheel bolts may work
loose and brake discs may be damaged. There
Replacement of wheels and is a risk of accident. Do not install steel wheels.
Fitting and balancing
Incorrect wheel and tyre combinations will im‐
Have the wheel fitted and balanced by a Service
pair the vehicle's driving characteristics and a
Partner of the manufacturer or another qualified
variety of system functions, for example the
Service Partner or a specialist workshop.
Anti-lock Braking System ABS or Dynamic Sta‐
bility Control. There is a risk of accident. To
Permissible wheels and tyres maintain good vehicle handling, always fit tyres
of the same make and tread pattern to all
General wheels. The manufacturer of the vehicle rec‐
The following are recommended and approved ommends using wheels and tyres that have
by the manufacturer of the vehicle for the ap‐ been rated as suitable for the vehicle type con‐
proved wheels and tyres per vehicle type and cerned. After a tyre has been damaged, refit
special equipment: the same wheel/tyre combination as the origi‐
▷ Wheel and tyre combinations. nal.
▷ Rim designs.
▷ Tyre sizes.
▷ Tyre makes.
You can ask a manufacturer Service Partner or
another qualified Service Partner or specialist
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Wheels and tyres MOBILITY
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Wheels and tyres
Run-flat tyres
In the event of a complete tyre pressure loss,
run-flat tyres enable you to continue driving, with
certain restrictions.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Wheels and tyres MOBILITY
Identification General
▷ To allow the driver to continue driving, tyre
sealant is pumped into the tyres which seals
the damage from the inside when it hardens.
▷ Please observe the notes on using the tyre
repair kit which are on the compressor and
the tyre sealant bottle.
▷ The use of the tyre repair set can be ineffec‐
tive in the event of tyre damage from a size of
approx. 4 mm, approx. 0.16 in.
The tyres are identified by Runflat System Com‐ ▷ Contact a Service Partner of the manufac‐
ponent RSC on the tyre sidewall. turer or another qualified Service Partner or a
specialist workshop if you are unable to put
the tyre back in operation.
Remedying flat tyre ▷ Foreign bodies that have penetrated the tyre
should remain inside the tyre. Only remove
Safety measures foreign objects if they are visibly protruding
from the tyre.
▷ Park the vehicle on a firm surface and as far
away from moving traffic as possible. ▷ Remove the speed limit sticker from the tyre
sealant bottle and attach to the steering
▷ Switch on the hazard warning lights. wheel.
▷ Apply the parking brake to prevent the vehi‐ ▷ Using tyre sealant can damage the wheel
cle rolling away. electronics. In this case, have the electronics
▷ Engage the steering wheel lock with the replaced at the next opportunity.
wheels in the straight-ahead position. ▷ The compressor can be used to check the
▷ Have all vehicle occupants get out of the ve‐ tyre inflation pressure.
hicle and guide them out of the danger area,
for example behind the crash barrier. Overview
▷ Where required, set up the warning triangle
an appropriate distance away. Storage
Storage for the tyre repair set is provided in the
storage under the luggage compartment floor.
Tyre repair kit
With the tyre repair kit, minor tyre damage can
be quickly sealed to allow the driver to continue
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Wheels and tyres
Tyre sealant bottle ▷ Engage the steering wheel lock with the
wheels in the straight-ahead position.
▷ Have all vehicle occupants get out of the ve‐
hicle and guide them out of the danger area,
for example behind the crash barrier.
▷ Where required, set up the warning triangle
an appropriate distance away.
1. Shake the tyre sealant bottle.
Safety measures
▷ Park the vehicle on a firm surface and as far
away from moving traffic as possible.
▷ Switch on the hazard warning lights.
▷ Apply the parking brake to prevent the vehi‐
cle rolling away.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Wheels and tyres MOBILITY
3. Push the tyre sealant bottle into the holder on 5. With the compressor switched off, insert the
the compressor housing, until it audibly en‐ plug into the socket inside the vehicle interior.
1. Switch off compressor.
2. Read off the tyre inflation pressure as shown
on the tyre pressure indicator.
To be able to continue the journey, a tyre infla‐
tion pressure of at least 2 bar must be reached.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Wheels and tyres
Removing and storing the tyre sealant If the tyre inflation pressure of at least 2 bar is
bottle not reached, contact a Service Partner of the
manufacturer or a qualified Service Partner or
1. Unscrew the filler hose of the tyre sealant
a specialist workshop.
bottle from the tyre valve.
If the tyre inflation pressure of at least 2 bar is
2. Press the red unlocking device.
reached, see Minimum tyre inflation pressure
3. Remove the tyre sealant bottle from the com‐ is reached.
6. Unscrew the connecting hose of the com‐
4. Pack and store the tyre sealant bottle to avoid pressor from the tyre valve.
soiling the luggage compartment.
7. Remove the plug from the socket inside the
vehicle interior.
Minimum tyre inflation pressure is not
reached 8. Stow the tyre repair kit in the vehicle.
4. Insert the plug into the socket inside the vehi‐ 1. Stop in a suitable area.
cle interior.
2. Screw the connecting hose of the compres‐
sor directly onto the tyre valve.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Wheels and tyres MOBILITY
If snow chains are fitted to unsuitable tyres, the
snow chains can come into contact with parts
of the vehicle. There is a risk of accident or ma‐
terial damage. Only fit snow chains on tyres
which have been approved by the manufacturer
4. Correct the tyre inflation pressure to at least as being suitable for snow chains.
2.0 bar:
▷ Increase tyre pressure: with standby or
drive-ready state turned on, turn on the WARNING
compressor and let it run for a maximum Insufficiently tensioned snow chains can dam‐
of 10 minutes. age tyres and vehicle components. There is a
▷ To reduce tyre inflation pressure: press risk of accident or material damage. Ensure that
the button on the compressor. snow chains are always adequately tensioned.
5. Unscrew the connecting hose of the com‐ Re-tension them if necessary in accordance
pressor from the tyre valve. with the snow chain manufacturer's instruc‐
6. Remove the plug from the socket inside the
vehicle interior.
7. Stow the tyre repair kit in the vehicle. Fine-link snow chains
The vehicle manufacturer recommends using
Resuming a journey fine-link snow chains. Certain fine-link snow
Do not exceed the permitted maximum speed of chains have been tested, found safe for use in
80 km/h, 50 mph. traffic and rated as suitable by the manufacturer
Reinitialise the flat tyre monitor RPA. of the vehicle.
Reset the Tyre Pressure Monitor. Information regarding suitable snow chains is
available from a Service Partner of the manufac‐
Have the punctured tyre and the tyre sealant turer or another qualified Service Partner or a
bottle of the tyre repair kit replaced as soon as specialist workshop.
For further information: Use
▷ Flat tyre monitor RPA, see page 345. Use only in pairs on the rear wheels, equipped
▷ Tyre Pressure Monitor, see page 338. with the tyres of the following wheel/tyre sizes:
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Wheels and tyres
The information on the wheel size and rim offset rent tyre inflation pressures are then accepted as
is located on the inside of the wheel. the nominal pressures.
The list can also include wheel/tyre sizes that are When operating the system, please also comply
only suitable for certain models. with the information and notes in the chapter on
Information about approved wheels and tyres for tyre inflation pressure.
the vehicle can be requested from one of the For further information:
manufacturer's Service Partners or another quali‐ Tyre inflation pressure, see page 327.
fied Service Partner or specialist workshop.
Observe the snow chain manufacturer's instruc‐ Safety note
Do not initialise the flat tyre monitor (RPA) with
snow chains fitted, as it may give incorrect read‐
ings. The display showing the specified tyre inflation
pressures does not replace the tyre inflation
Do not reset the Tyre Pressure Monitor with
pressure information on the vehicle. If incorrect
snow chains fitted, as it may give incorrect read‐
data has been entered into the tyre settings,
the specified tyre inflation pressures will also be
When driving with snow chains fitted, activate incorrect. As a result, reliable signalling of a loss
Dynamic Traction Control DTC briefly as re‐ of tyre inflation pressure can no longer be guar‐
quired in order to optimise drive. anteed. There is a risk of injury and material
damage. Make sure that the tyre sizes of the
Maximum speed with snow chains fitted tyres are displayed correctly and that they
When snow chains are fitted, do not exceed match the specifications on the tyres and in the
50 km/h, 30 mph. tyre inflation pressure information.
If the vehicle is fitted with tyres which are not lis‐ ▷ After a reset, For tyres with special appro‐
ted in the tyre inflation pressure information on val.
the vehicle, for example tyres with special appro‐ ▷ After changing the tyre setting.
val, the system must be actively reset. The cur‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Wheels and tyres MOBILITY
▷ For tyres with special approval: See the Performing a reset section for how to
▷ After every tyre or wheel change, the sys‐ proceed.
tem must be reset once the tyre inflation 12. Select the load status of the vehicle once tyre
pressure is correct. size has been selected.
▷ A reset must be carried out after the tyre 13. "Save tyre settings"
inflation pressure has been adjusted to a The measurement of the current tyre inflation
new value. pressure is started. The progress of the meas‐
▷ Wheels with wheel electronics. urement is shown.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Wheels and tyres
When a low tyre pressure is indicated, the Dy‐
namic Stability Control may be turned on.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Wheels and tyres MOBILITY
A damaged standard tyre with too little or no 2. At the next opportunity, for example at a filling
tyre inflation pressure impairs driving character‐ station, check the tyre inflation pressure in all
istics, for example steering and braking. Tyres four tyres and correct if necessary.
with run-flat properties allow a limited level of
stability to be maintained. There is a risk of ac‐ If there is a significant tyre pressure loss
cident. Do not continue driving if the vehicle is
fitted with standard tyres. Comply with the Message
notes on run-flat tyres and continuing a journey A yellow warning light is illuminated in
with these tyres. the instrument cluster.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Wheels and tyres
A damaged standard tyre with too little or no A yellow warning light is illuminated in
tyre inflation pressure impairs driving character‐ the instrument cluster.
istics, for example steering and braking. Tyres
In addition, an icon with a Check Control mes‐
with run-flat properties allow a limited level of
sage is shown on the control display.
stability to be maintained. There is a risk of ac‐
cident. Do not continue driving if the vehicle is Icon Possible cause
fitted with standard tyres. Comply with the
There has been a tyre pressure loss.
notes on run-flat tyres and continuing a journey
with these tyres. No reset has been performed on the
system. System warning is based on
the tyre inflation pressures saved dur‐
If a tyre inflation pressure check is ing the last reset.
1. Reduce speed. Do not exceed a speed of
An icon with a Check Control message is shown 130 km/h, 80 mph.
on the control display.
2. At the next opportunity, for example at a filling
Icon Possible cause station, check the tyre inflation pressure in all
four tyres and correct if necessary.
The tyre was not inflated properly, for
3. Perform a system reset.
example insufficient air was added.
The system has detected a wheel
If there is a significant tyre pressure loss
change, but no reset has been per‐
The tyre inflation pressure has drop‐
A yellow warning light is illuminated in
ped compared to the last reset.
the instrument cluster.
No reset has been performed on the
system. System warning is based on In addition, an icon indicating which tyre is affec‐
the tyre inflation pressures saved ted is shown in a Check Control message on the
during the last reset. control display.
Icon Possible cause
1. Check the tyre inflation pressure and adjust There is a flat tyre or substantial tyre
as necessary. pressure loss.
2. Perform a system reset. No reset has been performed on the
system. System warning is based on
the tyre inflation pressures saved dur‐
ing the last reset.
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Wheels and tyres MOBILITY
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Wheels and tyres
to, for example speed, the nature of the road sur‐ After a temperature-related warning, the nominal
face, outside temperature. The driving distance pressures are displayed again on the control dis‐
may be shorter but can be increased if a careful play after driving a short distance.
driving style is adopted.
With moderate loads and low stress, it is possible Sudden tyre pressure loss
to travel up to 80 km, 50 miles. No warning can be given in the event of extreme,
sudden tyre damages caused by external factors.
Driving properties with damaged tyres
Driving with damaged tyres changes the vehi‐ Reset not carried out
cle's handling characteristics and may lead to sit‐ Tyres with special approval: the system will not
uations such as the following: function correctly if a reset has not been carried
▷ The vehicle losing traction more quickly. out, for example, a flat tyre may be reported even
▷ Longer stopping distances. though the tyre pressure is correct.
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Wheels and tyres MOBILITY
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Wheels and tyres
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Wheels and tyres MOBILITY
Continuing driving with a flat tyre qualified Service Partner or a specialist work‐
Observe the following if you continue driving with shop.
a flat tyre:
System limits
1. Avoid heavy braking and sudden steering
manoeuvres. In the following situations, the system could be
slow to respond or could work incorrectly:
2. Do not exceed a speed of 80 km/h, 50 mph.
▷ A natural, even tyre pressure loss in all four
3. At the next opportunity, check the tyre infla‐ tyres that occurs over time will not be detec‐
tion pressure in all four tyres. ted. Therefore check the tyre inflation pres‐
If all four tyres are inflated to the correct tyre sure at regular intervals.
inflation pressures, the flat tyre monitor might ▷ No warning can be given in the event of sud‐
not have been initialised. In this case initialise den tyre damages caused by external factors.
the system.
▷ The system has not been initialised.
Possible driving distance with a deflated tyre ▷ When driving on snow-covered or slippery
The possible driving distance varies depending roads.
on the load and stresses the vehicle is subjected ▷ Dynamic driving style: drive wheels slipping,
to, for example speed, the nature of the road sur‐ high lateral acceleration.
face, outside temperature. The driving distance ▷ When driving with snow chains.
may be shorter but can be increased if a careful
driving style is adopted.
With moderate loads and low stress, it is possible Wheel change
to travel up to 80 km, 50 miles.
Driving properties with damaged tyres
For run-flat tyres or when using a tyre repair kit, it
Driving with damaged tyres changes the vehi‐ is not always necessary to change a wheel im‐
cle's handling characteristics and may lead to sit‐ mediately if tyre inflation pressure is lost due to a
uations such as the following: flat tyre.
▷ The vehicle losing traction more quickly. If required, the tools for wheel change are avail‐
▷ Longer stopping distances. able as optional accessories from a Service Part‐
▷ Different self-steering properties. ner of the manufacturer, another qualified Serv‐
ice Partner or a specialist workshop.
Adapt your driving style. Avoid abrupt steering or
driving over obstacles, for example kerbs or pot‐
holes. Safety notes
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MOBILITY Wheels and tyres
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Wheels and tyres MOBILITY
On a level surface
Screwing on
1. Place the adapter on the locking wheel bolt. If
necessary, turn the adapter until it fits on the
locking wheel bolt.
2. Screw on the locking wheel bolt. The tighten‐
ing torque is 140 Nm, 101 lb ft.
If it is necessary to change a wheel on a slight
3. After screwing on the wheel bolt, remove the
downhill gradient, place chocks and other suita‐
adapter again and stow it.
ble objects, for example stones, under the
wheels of the front and rear axles against the di‐
rection of roll. Preparing the vehicle
▷ Park the vehicle on firm and non-slip ground
at a safe distance from traffic.
Locking wheel bolts
▷ Switch on the hazard warning lights.
Principle ▷ Apply the parking brake.
The locking wheel bolts have a special coding. ▷ Engage a gear or select selector lever posi‐
The bolts can only be released with the adapter tion P.
that matches the coding. ▷ As soon as the traffic flow permits, have all
vehicle occupants get out of the vehicle and
Overview guide them out of the danger area, for exam‐
The adapter of the locking wheel bolts can be ple behind the crash barrier.
found in the on-board tool kit or in an oddments ▷ Depending on the equipment, take the tools
tray in the on-board tool kit. for changing wheels and, if necessary, the
emergency spare wheel out of the vehicle.
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MOBILITY Wheels and tyres
▷ If applicable, set up warning triangle or flash‐ 1. Hold the jack with one hand, arrow 1, and
ing light at the correct distance. grasp the jack crank or lever with your other
▷ Additionally protect the vehicle against rolling hand, arrow 2.
▷ Undo the wheel bolts by half a turn.
Jacking points
Raising vehicle
Your hands or fingers could get trapped when
using the jack. There is a danger of injury. Keep 3. Turn the jack crank or lever clockwise to ex‐
your hands in the described position when us‐ tend the jack.
ing the jack, and do not change this position.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Wheels and tyres MOBILITY
5. Make sure that the base of the vehicle jack is 4. Tighten the remaining wheel bolts until fin‐
extended vertically and at right angles under‐ ger-tight and then tighten all the wheel bolts
neath the jacking point. crosswise.
5. Turn the jack crank handle anticlockwise to
retract the jack and lower the vehicle.
6. Remove the jack and stow it securely.
Fitting a wheel
No more than one emergency spare wheel may
be fitted.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Under the bonnet
Parts of the body can become trapped when
Safety notes opening and closing the bonnet. There is a
danger of injury. When opening and closing,
WARNING make sure that the area of movement of the
If the bonnet is not correctly locked, it can bonnet is kept clear.
come open during the journey and impair visi‐
bility. There is a risk of accident. Stop immedi‐
ately and close the bonnet correctly. WARNING
Work performed incorrectly under the bonnet
can damage components and lead to a safety
risk. There is a risk of accident or material dam‐
age. Have work under the bonnet carried out by
a Service Partner of the manufacturer or an‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Under the bonnet MOBILITY
The front flap has protruding parts on the in‐
side, for example locking hooks. There is a dan‐
ger of injury. When the front flap is open, watch
out for protruding parts and keep these areas
Wipers which are folded away from the wind‐
screen can become trapped if the front flap is
opened. There is a risk of material damage. Be‐
fore opening the bonnet, make sure that the
wipers are fitted with wiper blades and are in
contact with the windscreen.
Allow the bonnet to drop from a height of ap‐
proximately 50 cm, approx. 20 in.
NOTE The bonnet must engage on both sides.
When closing, the front flap must lock into
place on both sides. Applying additional pres‐
sure can damage the front flap. There is a risk
of material damage. Open the front flap again
and close it firmly. Avoid applying additional
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Operating fluids
Operating fluids
Vehicle equipment
This chapter describes equipment, systems and Additives are harmful to health and using the
functions which are offered or will be offered on wrong additives can damage the drivetrain.
a model-specific basis, even if they are not inclu‐ There is a danger of injury and material dam‐
ded in the vehicle in question. age. Do not allow additives to come into con‐
tact with clothing, skin or eyes, and do not
For further information:
swallow them. Only use suitable additives.
Vehicle equipment, see page 7.
Coolant level
General The coolant tank is located on the right side un‐
Coolant is a mixture of water and coolant addi‐ der the bonnet.
tive. On factory delivery, the coolant may be overfilled
Not all commercially available additives are suita‐ in the coolant tank. The normal level of the cool‐
ble for the vehicle. The vehicle manufacturer rec‐ ant level is achieved by prolonging the operating
ommends using coolant with the BMW LC-18 time.
specification. Do not mix additives of different The target coolant level is indicated by means of
colours. Comply with the 50:50 mixing ratio of the max. mark in the coolant filler neck of the
water to additive. Information regarding suitable coolant tank.
additives is available from a Service Partner of
Have coolant topped up by a Service Partner of
the manufacturer or another qualified Service
the manufacturer or another qualified Service
Partner or a specialist workshop.
Partner or specialist workshop.
For further information:
Safety notes
Overview, see page 352.
Checking the coolant level
If the cooling system is opened when the drive‐
1. Allow the drivetrain to cool down.
train is hot, coolant can escape and cause
scalding. There is a danger of injury. Only open 2. Open the bonnet.
the cooling system when the drivetrain has Opening, see page 353.
cooled down.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Operating fluids MOBILITY
Some antifreezes can contain toxic substances,
and are flammable. There is a risk of fire and in‐
jury. Please comply with the instructions on the
containers. Keep antifreezes away from sour‐
ces of combustion. Do not pour operating fluids
into other bottles. Keep operating fluids out of
the reach of children.
4. Turn cap on coolant expansion tank slightly
anticlockwise to allow the excess pressure to
5. Open cap on coolant expansion tank.
Silicone additives mixed with the washer fluid
6. The coolant level is correct if it is just below for their water beading effect on the windows
the max. mark in the filler neck. may damage the washer system. There is a risk
of material damage. Do not add silicone addi‐
tives to the washer fluid.
Mixing different screenwash concentrates or
antifreezes may damage the washer system.
There is a risk of material damage. Do not mix
different screenwash concentrates or antifree‐
7. Tighten cap. zes. Please comply with the instructions and
mixing ratios stated on the containers.
When disposing of coolant and coolant Overview
additives, comply with the relevant envi‐
ronmental protection regulations.
Washer fluid
All spray nozzles are supplied from one tank.
Use a mixture of tap water and screenwash con‐
centrate for the window washer system, if neces‐ The reservoir for the washer fluid is located un‐
sary with the antifreeze additive. der the bonnet.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Operating fluids
Using undiluted screenwash concentrate or anti‐
freeze based on alcohol may result in false read‐
ings at low temperatures below -15 ℃/+5 ℉.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Maintenance MOBILITY
Vehicle equipment Condition Based Service CBS
This chapter describes equipment, systems and
functions which are offered or will be offered on
a model-specific basis, even if they are not inclu‐ Condition Based Service (CBS) determines the
ded in the vehicle in question. maintenance requirement using sensors and
special algorithms which monitor the conditions
For further information:
in which the vehicle is used.
Vehicle equipment, see page 7.
The system therefore allows the scope of the
maintenance work to be adapted to the individual
usage profile.
BMW Maintenance System
The maintenance system indicates what mainte‐
nance measures are required and thereby assists Information on service requirements can be
in maintaining the road safety and operational shown on the control display.
safety of the vehicle. For further information:
The exact work required and the maintenance in‐ Service requirements, see page 166.
tervals may vary depending on the national-mar‐
ket version. Labour, spare parts, operating mate‐ Service data in the vehicle key
rials and wear materials are charged separately.
Information on maintenance requirement is con‐
Additional information is available from a Service
tinuously stored in the vehicle key. The Service
Partner of the manufacturer or another qualified
Partner can read out this data and suggest a pro‐
Service Partner or a specialist workshop.
gramme of maintenance for your vehicle.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Maintenance
Service work which has been logged can be dis‐
played on the control display.
For further information:
Service requirements, see page 166. On the driver's side there in a OBD socket for
reading vehicle data.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Maintenance MOBILITY
Vehicle recycling
The manufacturer of the vehicle recommends
returning the vehicle to a collection point nomi‐
nated by the manufacturer at the end of its life
cycle. The regulations concerning the returning
of end-of-life vehicles may vary from country to
country. Additional information is available from a
Service Partner of the manufacturer or another
qualified Service Partner or a specialist work‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Replacing parts
Replacing parts
Vehicle equipment Replacing the wiper blades
1. To replace the wiper blades, move the wipers
This chapter describes equipment, systems and to the fold-out position.
functions which are offered or will be offered on For fold-out position of the windscreen wip‐
a model-specific basis, even if they are not inclu‐ ers, see page 151.
ded in the vehicle in question.
2. Fold out the wiper arm and hold firm.
For further information:
3. Press together securing spring, arrow 1, and
Vehicle equipment, see page 7. fold out the wiper blade, arrow 2.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Replacing parts MOBILITY
turer or another qualified Service Partner or a More information regarding the battery can be
specialist workshop. obtained from a Service Partner of the manufac‐
turer or another qualified Service Partner or a
Safety notes specialist workshop.
Safety notes
Concentrated laser light can cause irritation or
lasting damage to the retina of the eye. There DANGER
is a danger of injury. The manufacturer of the Touching live components can result in an
vehicle recommends having work on the light‐ electric shock. There is a risk of injury or even
ing system, including bulb replacement, per‐ death. Do not touch any components that
formed by a Service Partner of the manufac‐ could be live.
turer or another qualified Service Partner or a
specialist workshop.
Vehicle batteries that are classified as unsuita‐
WARNING ble may damage systems or result in functions
Intense brightness can irritate or harm the ret‐ no longer being carried out. There is a risk of
ina of the eye. There is a danger of injury. Do injury or material damage. Only use vehicle bat‐
not look directly into the headlights or other teries that have been classified as suitable by
light sources. Do not remove covers from the vehicle manufacturer.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Replacing parts
Rinse any splashes of acid with ▷ Keep the battery and vehicle connection con‐
water immediately. If acid comes tacts clean.
into contact with eyes or is swal‐ ▷ First connect the power at the positive termi‐
lowed, seek medical attention nal. Then connect the power at the negative
immediately. terminal.
▷ Use the connections, connectors and covers
No direct sunlight, no frost.
▷ Connect a hose to the gas outlet opening if
Follow the operating instruc‐ necessary.
Initial operation
Explosive gas mixture. Do not The battery is operational. No special precau‐
seal any openings on the bat‐ tions are required for start-up.
Charging the battery
Replacing the battery A battery charger installed in the vehicle supplies
the vehicle battery with current. The battery
General charger draws the energy required from the
The manufacturer of the vehicle recommends high-voltage battery.
only having the vehicle battery replaced by a For further information:
Service Partner of the manufacturer or another
Charge vehicle, see page 316.
qualified Service Partner or a specialist work‐
shop. If the battery is not replaced correctly, the
vehicle may not recognise it properly and perfect Open circuit
functioning cannot be guaranteed. Following an open circuit, some equipment will
have to be reinitialised or individual settings will
Notes on removal need to be updated, for example:
Observe the following notes on removing the ve‐ ▷ Parking brake, see page 146.
hicle battery: ▷ With memory function: save positions again.
▷ Time: update.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Replacing parts MOBILITY
▷ Protect the battery from direct sunlight and Incorrect or repaired fuses can overload electri‐
frost. cal cables and components. There is a risk of
fire. Do not repair blown fuses or replace them
▷ Only clean the battery with a damp, anti-static
with fuses with a different colour or amp rating.
▷ Store the battery upright and secure it
against falling over. Replacing fuses
▷ Install the oldest batteries first. The vehicle manufacturer recommends having
▷ Do not remove the protective cap from the fuses changed by a Service Partner of the manu‐
contacts. facturer or another qualified Service Partner or a
specialist workshop.
▷ Charge or install the battery by the date on
the battery label at the latest. Once fully
charged, the battery will work for another
10 months.
See the vehicle purchase contract for informa‐
tion on the battery warranty.
The fuses are located at different positions in the
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Help in case of a breakdown
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Help in case of a breakdown MOBILITY
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Help in case of a breakdown
General 3. "Assistance"
If the vehicle sensors detect a minor to moder‐ 4. If necessary, select the entry for BMW Acci‐
ately severe accident that did not trigger any air‐ dent Assistance.
bags, a Check Control message is displayed in Follow the displays on the control display. A
the instrument cluster. A corresponding text voice contact is established.
message also appears on the control display.
When BMW Accident Assistance is activated,
data on the vehicle's condition is transferred to Emergency call
Depending on the national-market version and Statutory emergency call
vehicle type, a different accident assistance pro‐
vider can be assigned via the ConnectedDrive Principle
customer portal if necessary. The system can be used to trigger an emer‐
gency call automatically or manually in emer‐
Operating requirements gency situations.
▷ Active ConnectedDrive contract, equipment
with intelligent emergency call or BMW Con‐ General
nectedDrive services. Depending on the equipment and the national-
▷ Mobile reception. market version, the vehicle may have an emer‐
▷ Standby state is switched on. gency call system.
Press the SOS button in an emergency only.
Starting BMW Accident Assistance The emergency call establishes a connection to
a public emergency call number.
If an accident is detected automatically This depends on factors such as the specific
A BMW Accident Assistance text message is mobile phone network and national regulations.
shown on the control display. The emergency call is placed using the
The connection can be established directly: integrated SIM card in the vehicle and cannot be
"Contact accident assistance" switched off.
For a short time, the Check Control message for For technical reasons, it might not be possible to
BMW Accident Assistance can also be retrieved make an emergency call in highly adverse condi‐
from the saved Check Control messages. tions.
1. "MENU"
2. "All apps"
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Help in case of a breakdown MOBILITY
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Help in case of a breakdown
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Help in case of a breakdown MOBILITY
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Help in case of a breakdown
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Help in case of a breakdown MOBILITY
Towing other vehicles ▷ Use nylon ropes or straps that will allow the
vehicle to be towed smoothly.
General ▷ Fasten the towing rope so it is not twisted.
Switch on the hazard warning lights in line with ▷ Check the towing eye and towing rope fas‐
local regulations. tening regularly.
If the electrical system of the vehicle being ▷ Do not exceed a towing speed of 50 km/h,
towed has failed, the vehicle must be made iden‐ 30 mph.
tifiable to other road users, for instance by plac‐ ▷ Do not exceed a towing distance of 5 km,
ing a sign or the warning triangle in the rear win‐ 3 miles.
▷ Ensure that the towing rope is taut when the
towing vehicle drives off.
Safety notes
Towing eye
If the gross vehicle weight of the towing vehicle General
is less than that of the vehicle being towed, the
towing eye may be torn off or it may not be
possible to control the vehicle. There is a risk of
accident. Make sure that the gross vehicle
weight of the towing vehicle is greater than the
weight of the vehicle being towed.
If the tow bar or the towing rope is not attached Always keep the screw-on towing eye in the ve‐
correctly, other vehicle parts can be damaged. hicle.
There is a risk of material damage. Attach the
The towing eye can be screwed in at the front or
tow bar or towing rope to the towing eye cor‐
rear of the vehicle.
The towing eye is located in the toolkit.
Observe the following notes when using the tow‐
Towbar ing eye:
The towing eyes of both vehicles should be on ▷ Only use the towing eye supplied with the ve‐
the same side. hicle.
If it is impossible to avoid attaching the towbar at ▷ Turn the towing eye at least 5 turns clock‐
an angle, note the following: wise and screw it in tight and as far as it will
▷ Clearance may be restricted when cornering. go. If necessary, tighten with a suitable ob‐
▷ Lateral force will be generated if the towbar is
installed at an angle. ▷ After use, unscrew the towing eye in an anti-
clockwise direction.
Towing rope ▷ Only use the towing eye for towing on paved
Note the following if using a towing rope: roads.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
MOBILITY Help in case of a breakdown
Safety note
If the towing eye is not used as intended, the
vehicle or towing eye may be damaged. There
is a risk of material damage. Observe the notes
on using the towing eye.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Vehicle equipment
This chapter describes equipment, systems and The charging socket outlet may be damaged
functions which are offered or will be offered on when the charging socket flap is open while
a model-specific basis, even if they are not inclu‐ washing. There is a risk of material damage.
ded in the vehicle in question. Close the charging socket flap before washing.
Remove any dirt behind the charging socket
For further information:
flap with a cloth.
Vehicle equipment, see page 7.
High-pressure cleaners
Vehicle wash
Safety note
Regularly remove foreign objects, for example, NOTE
leaves or snow, in the area below the wind‐
When cleaning with high-pressure cleaners, ex‐
cessive pressure or excessive temperatures
Wash the vehicle frequently, especially in winter. can damage various components. There is a
Heavy soiling and road salt can cause damage to risk of material damage. Maintain a sufficient
the vehicle. distance and do not spray for an extended pe‐
For further information: riod of time. Comply with the instructions for
For fold-out position of the windscreen wipers, the high-pressure cleaner.
see page 151.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
BMW recommends using care and cleaning
products from BMW. Suitable care products are
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
available from a Service Partner of the manufac‐ Clean light-coloured leather more frequently as it
turer or another qualified Service Partner or a has the tendency to soil faster.
specialist workshop. Use leather cleaner, otherwise dirt and grease
will attack the protective coating of the leather.
Safety note Remove aggressive substances, such
sunscreen, immediately to prevent the leather
WARNING from being altered or discoloured.
Cleaning agents can contain hazardous sub‐
stances or constitute a health risk. There is a Synthetic leather care
danger of injury. When cleaning the interior, Clean the synthetic leather regularly with a damp
open the doors or windows. Use only products microfibre cloth or vacuum cleaner.
that are intended for cleaning the vehicle's inte‐ Dust and road dirt will otherwise become worked
rior. Observe the notes on the packaging. into pores and folds, resulting in considerable
abrasion and causing the surface to become pre‐
maturely brittle.
Vehicle paintwork
In case of major contaminations, use a moist soft
sponge or microfibre cloth with a suitable interior
Regular care promotes driving safety and pre‐
Remove aggressive substances, for example
serves your vehicle's value. Environmental ef‐
sunscreen, immediately to prevent the synthetic
fects in areas with high air pollution or natural
leather from being altered or discoloured.
contaminants, for example tree resin or pollen,
may affect the vehicle paintwork. Take such fac‐
tors into consideration when deciding on the fre‐ Fabric care
quency and scope of vehicle care measures.
Immediately remove aggressive substances, for
example oil, grease or bird droppings to prevent In case of major contaminations, such as bever‐
paintwork damage and discolouration. age stains, use a moist soft sponge or microfibre
cloth with a suitable interior cleaners.
Matt paintwork Remove aggressive substances, for example
Only use cleaning and care products that are sunscreen, immediately to prevent the fabric
suitable for vehicles with matt paintwork. from being altered or discoloured.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Do not allow seat belts to retract until they are Use a dry, clean antistatic microfibre cloth.
dry. Depending on the equipment: clean the protec‐
tive glass of the head-up display using a microfi‐
Carpets and floor mats bre cloth and commercially available dish-wash‐
ing soap.
Objects in the driver's footwell can restrict the
Sensors and camera lenses
pedal travel or block a pedal that has been Clean sensors or camera lenses using a cloth
pressed. There is a risk of accident. Ensure that moistened with a small amount of glass cleaner.
items in the vehicle are stowed securely and
cannot get into the driver's footwell. Only use
floor mats that are suitable for the vehicle and
can be securely fastened to the floor. Do not
use loose floor mats, and do not place several
floor mats on top of one another. Make sure
that there is sufficient space for the pedals. En‐
sure that floor mats are securely reattached af‐
ter removal, for example for cleaning.
Chemical cleaners, moisture or fluids of all
kinds can damage the surface of displays and
screens. There is a risk of material damage.
Clean with a clean, anti-static microfibre cloth.
Incorrect cleaning can damage the surfaces of
displays. There is a risk of material damage.
Avoid applying excessive pressure and do not
use abrasive materials.
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REFERENCE Technical data
Technical data
Vehicle equipment a model-specific basis, even if they are not inclu‐
ded in the vehicle in question.
This chapter describes equipment, systems and For further information:
functions which are offered or will be offered on Vehicle equipment, see page 7.
The technical data and specifications in the on the vehicle or can be requested from a Serv‐
Owner's Handbook are reference figures. Data ice Partner of the manufacturer or another quali‐
relating to a specific vehicle can deviate from fied Service Partner or a specialist workshop.
this, for example, due to selected optional equip‐ The information in the vehicle documents always
ment, national-market versions or country-spe‐ takes precedence over the information in the
cific measurement procedures. Detailed values Owner's Handbook.
can be found in the permit documents, on signs
Dimensions can vary depending on the model In addition, the height of the vehicle may vary, for
version, equipment or country-specific measure‐ example, due to tyres and load.
ment method.
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Technical data REFERENCE
i4 eDrive40
Vehicle kerb weight ready for use, with 75 kg load, no op‐ kg (lb) 2125 (4685)
tional equipment
i4 M50
Vehicle kerb weight ready for use, with 75 kg load, no op‐ kg (lb) 2290 (5049)
tional equipment
Trailer operation
i4 eDrive40
Trailer loads according to EU operating permit. Consult manufacturer’s Service Partner or another
qualified Service Partner or a specialist workshop about options for increasing the loads.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
REFERENCE Technical data
i4 eDrive40
i4 M50
Trailer loads according to EU operating permit. Consult manufacturer’s Service Partner or another
qualified Service Partner or a specialist workshop about options for increasing the loads.
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Seats for child restraint systems REFERENCE
Left-hand drive vehicles: Suitability of child restraint systems for each vehicle
Largest rear-facing No No No R3 No R3
mounting: R1/R2X/R2/R
Largest front-facing No No No F3 No F3
mounting: F2X/F2/F3.
A seat position without i-Size approval is not compatible with an i-Size support stand.
A seat position with lower ISOFIX anchors, but with no top tether, is not available.
There are no seat belt buckles for adults between the two bottom ISOFIX anchors.
Seat number Position in the vehicle Seat number Position in the vehicle
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
REFERENCE Seats for child restraint systems
Seat number Position in the vehicle Seat number Position in the vehicle
Right-hand drive vehicles: suitability of child restraint systems for each vehicle
Largest rear-facing No No No R3 No R3
mounting: R1/R2X/R2/R
Largest front-facing No No No F3 No F3
mounting: F2X/F2/F3.
A seat position without i-Size approval is not compatible with an i-Size support stand.
A seat position with lower ISOFIX anchors, but with no top tether, is not available.
There are no seat belt buckles for adults between the two bottom ISOFIX anchors.
Seat number Position in the vehicle Seat number Position in the vehicle
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Here is where any updates to the Owner's
Handbook for the vehicle are listed.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
REFERENCE Everything from A to Z
Everything from A to Z
0-9 Air distribution, manual 278
Air pressure, tyres 327
3D view 256 Air quality 279
Alarm signal, high-voltage battery 21
A Alarm system 102
All-season tyres, see Winter tyres 331
ABS Anti-lock Brake System 220 Ambient lighting 185
ACC, Cruise Control with distance control 229 Amount of air, automatic air conditioning 277
Acceleration assistant, see Launch Control 143 Android Auto, connection to vehicle 81
Accelerator pedal settings 141 Android Auto preparation, connection to vehi‐
Accessories and parts 9 cle 81
AC charging station, see Vehicle charging 316 Android Auto preparation, smartphone integra‐
Accident, conduct 369 tion 81
Accident prevention, see Active Protection 216 Angle, backrest 112
Acoustic protection for pedestrians 136 Antifreeze protection, see Washer fluid 355
AC quick charge cable, see Mode 3 charging ca‐ Antifreeze, see Washer fluid 355
ble 318 Anti-lock Brake System ABS 220
Activation, airbags 188 Anti-slip control, see Dynamic Stability Con‐
Activation, towing a trailer 306 trol 220
Active Cruise Control 229 Anti-theft alarm system, see Alarm system 102
Active front flap, see Active pedestrian protec‐ Anti-theft security system, locking wheel
tion 189 bolts 349
Active Park Distance Control 263 Anti-trap mechanism, glass sunroof 108
Active pedestrian protection 189 Anti-trap mechanism, windows 105
Active Protection 216 Apple CarPlay preparation, connection to vehi‐
Active seat ventilation 123 cle 80
Active shock absorber adjustment, see Adaptive Apple CarPlay preparation, smartphone integra‐
M suspension 271 tion 80
Adaptive brake assist 220 Apps, see Owner's Handbook for Navigation, En‐
Adaptive brake light, see Dynamic brake tertainment, Communication 6
lights 214 Aquaplaning 299
Adaptive Headlights 181 Artificial engine noise, see Acoustic protection
Adaptive lighting functions 180 for pedestrians 136
Adaptive M suspension 271 Ashtray 282
Age of tyres 330 Assisted Driving Mode, see Steering and lane
Airbags 186 control assistant 241
Airbags, indicator/warning lamp 187 Assisted Driving Plus 244
Airbag switch, see Key switch for front passen‐ Assisted View 154
ger airbags 188 Attentiveness Assistant 217
Air conditioning 273
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Everything from A to Z REFERENCE
Audio, see Owner's Handbook for Navigation, Blower, see Amount of air 277
Entertainment, Communication 6 Bluetooth connection 77
AUTO H button, see Automatic Hold 147 Blu-ray, see Owner's Handbook for Navigation,
Automatic air conditioning 273 Entertainment, Communication 6
Automatic air recirculation control 277 BMW Accident Assistance 365
Automatic camera perspective 255 BMW Digital Key 96
Automatic car wash 373 BMW Drive Recorder 214
Automatic deactivation of the high-voltage sys‐ BMW eDrive 135
tem 22 BMW ID 71
Automatic dimming, see High beam assis‐ BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant 61
tant 182 BMW Maintenance System 357
Automatic driving lights 177 BMW Roadside Assistance 365
Automatic driving lights control 177 BMW Services, see Owner's Handbook for Navi‐
Automatic formation of emergency lane 248 gation, Entertainment, Communication 6
Automatic Hold 147 Bonnet 352
Automatic locking 101 Bottle holder, front, see Cup holder, front 290
Automatic parking function, exterior mirror 120 Bottle holder, rear, see Cup holder, rear 290
Automatic rear air-conditioning system, disabling Bottleneck support, see Steering and lane con‐
operating elements 274 trol assistant 241
Automatic time setting 165 Brake assist 220
Automatic unlocking 100 Brake assist, adaptive 220
Automating habits, BMW Intelligent Personal As‐ Brake discs, see Brake system 298
sistant 64 Brake lights, adaptive, see Dynamic brake
AUTO program, automatic air conditioning 275 lights 214
Average consumption, see Journey data 171 Brake lights, dynamic 214
Avoiding false warnings 103 Brake pads, see Brake system 298
Axle loads, permitted 379 Brake, see Drive position B 139
Brake system 298
B Braking, notes 299
Braking safely 299
Backrest angle 112 Breakdown, help 364
Backrest contour, see Lumbar support 113 Break recommendations, see Attentiveness As‐
Backrest, seats 110 sistant 217
Backrest width 113 Brightness, control display 57
Bad weather light 183 Bulbs and lights 360
Ball linkage electrically swivellable 306 Button, AUTO H, see Automatic Hold 147
Bar for tow-starting/towing 371 Button, central locking system 99
Battery changing, vehicle key 85 Buttons on the steering wheel 42
Battery charging, see Charging the vehicle 316 Button SOS, see Intelligent emergency call 367
Battery, charging status display 163 Button SOS, see Statutory emergency call 366
Battery, disposing of 363 Button, start/stop 137
Battery for high-voltage system, long stationary
periods 325 C
Battery, vehicle 361
B, drive position 139 Calendar day, see Date 165
Belts, see Seat belts 113
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REFERENCE Everything from A to Z
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Everything from A to Z REFERENCE
Condensation when vehicle is parked 300 Data storage medium, see Vehicle data and data
Condensation, windscreen 278 protection 10
Condition Based Service CBS 357 Data, technical 378
ConnectedDrive, see Owner's Handbook for Date 165
Navigation, Entertainment, Communication 6 Daytime running lights 180
Connecting a device 75 DCC, Cruise Control without distance con‐
Connecting electrical devices, see Sockets 283 trol 226
Connecting, mobile devices 75 DC charging cable 318
Consumption, see Journey data 171 Deactivation, airbags 188
Contacts, see Owner's Handbook for Navigation, Deceleration and energy recuperation 141
Entertainment, Communication 6 Defrosting, see Defrosting the windscreen 278
Contact with water, high-voltage system 21 Defrosting, windscreen 278
Continuing a journey with a flat tyre 343, 347 Deleting personal data 70
Control display 57 Departure schedule, see Stationary air condition‐
Control display, brightness 57 ing 280
Control display, pop-ups 56 Departure times, stationary air conditioning 281
Control systems, driving stability 220 Destination entry, see Owner's Handbook for
Converting the headlights, see Right-hand/left- Navigation, Entertainment, Communication 6
hand traffic 184 Detecting traffic lights 239
Coolant 354 Device list 76
Coolant level 354 Diagnosis connection 358
Cooling, maximum 277 Digital Key, see BMW Digital Key 96
Cooling system 354 Dimensions 378
Cornering light 181 Dimming exterior mirror 120
Corrosion of brake discs 300 Dimming interior mirror 120
Crossing traffic warning 212 Dipping headlights, see High beam assis‐
Crossroads Warning, see Front-collision warn‐ tant 182
ing 192 Direct dial buttons, see Shortcuts 56
Cruise Control, see Cruise Control 226 Direction indicators, see Turn indicators 148
Cruise Control, see Cruise Control with distance Disabling operating elements, automatic rear air-
control 229 conditioning system 274
Cruise Control with distance control 229 Display charge state, high-voltage battery 163
Cruise Control without distance control 226 Display charging process, see Charging
Cup holder, front 290 screen 155
Cup holder, rear 290 Display, current driving condition 173
Current driving condition 173 Display, iDrive 55
Customer support, see Owner's Handbook for Display information on Driver Assistance, see As‐
Navigation, Entertainment, Communication 6 sisted View 154
Display information on Parking Manoeuvre Assis‐
D tant, see Assisted View 154
Display in the windscreen, see Head-Up Dis‐
Damage, tyres 329 play 174
Dashboard, see Instrument cluster 153 Display lighting, see Instrument lighting 184
Dash cam, see BMW Drive Recorder 214 Display panel, see Instrument cluster 153
Data protection, settings 70 Displays 153
Data, see Deleting personal data 70 Displays and symbols 7
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REFERENCE Everything from A to Z
Displays for the vehicle, see Live Vehicle 171 Driving, see Drive-ready state in detail 137
Display speed limit, see Speed Limit Info 167 Driving Stability Control Systems 220
Disposal, coolant 355 Driving, Start/Stop button 137
Disposal, vehicle battery 363 Driving style analysis, ECO PRO 312
Disposing of the old battery 363 Driving style, eDRIVE drive system 311
Distance control, see Cruise Control 229 Driving through water 299
Distance warning, see Park Distance Con‐ DSC, see Dynamic Stability Control 220
trol 260 DTC, Dynamic Traction Control 222
Door handle lighting, see Welcome light 179 Dynamic brake lights 214
Door opening angle 259 Dynamic damping, see Adaptive M suspen‐
Downhill gradients 300 sion 271
Drinks holder, front, see Cup holder, front 290 Dynamic ECO lighting function 180
Drinks holder, rear, see Cup holder, rear 290 Dynamic Stability Control 220
Drive mode, see Driving Experience Control 144 Dynamic Traction Control DTC 222
Drive-off assistant, see Dynamic Stability Con‐
trol 220 E
Drive position B, Brake 139
Drive power reduced, see Heavily discharged ECO lighting function, dynamic 180
high-voltage battery 166 ECO PRO, driving style analysis 312
Driver activity, see Driver Attention Camera 218 ECO PRO INDIVIDUAL, see Driving Experience
Driver assistance, parking, see Parking assis‐ Control 144
tance systems 251 ECO PRO, see Driving Experience Control 144
Driver assistance systems 224 eDRIVE drive system, driving style 311
Driver Attention Camera 218 eDRIVE, electric driving, see BMW eDRIVE 135
Driver Attentiveness Camera, see Driver Atten‐ Efficient4x4, see xDrive 223
tion Camera 218 Electrical power window switches 103
Drive-ready state in detail 137 Electric driving 141
Drive-ready state, see Operating condition of the electric driving, see BMW eDRIVE 135
vehicle 51 Electric range 165
Drive-ready state, switching off 137 E-mail, see Owner's Handbook for Navigation,
Drive-ready state, switching on 137 Entertainment, Communication 6
Driver profiles 71 Emergency assistance, see BMW Accident As‐
Driver profiles, welcome screen 71 sistance 365
Drive sound 272 Emergency assistance, see BMW Roadside As‐
Driving 135 sistance 365
Driving Assistant, see Collision warning sys‐ Emergency brake, see Emergency stop assis‐
tems 191 tant 210
Driving comfort 271 Emergency braking, see PostCrash – iBrake 217
Driving condition, display 173 Emergency call 366
Driving Experience Control 144 Emergency luggage compartment release 95
Driving hints 298 Emergency release, tailgate 95
Driving in detail 141 Emergency release, transmission lockout 140
Driving information, running in 298 Emergency running properties, tyres 332
Driving lights control, automatic 177 Emergency service, see BMW Accident Assis‐
Driving notes, general 298 tance 365
Driving path lines, Reversing Assist camera 254 Emergency stop assistant 210
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A48801 - X/21
Everything from A to Z REFERENCE
Energy recuperation and deceleration 141 Finding charging stations, see Owner's
Energy recuperation, CHARGE 136 Handbook for Navigation, Entertainment, Com‐
Engine compartment, see Under the front munication 6
flap 352 Fine wood parts, care 376
Engine coolant 354 Fire extinguisher 368
Engine idling when driving, see Coasting 313 First-aid kit 364
Engine noise, artificial, see Acoustic protection Flank view 256
for pedestrians 136 Flat tyre, continuing a journey 343, 347
Engine start, see Starting aid 370 Flat tyre, flat tyre monitor RPA 345
Entering an address, Navigation, see Owner's Flat tyre message, RPA 345
Handbook for Navigation, Entertainment, Com‐ Flat tyre message, Tyre Pressure Monitor 341
munication 6 Flat tyre monitor RPA 345
Entering letters and numbers 55 Flat tyre, remedying 333
Entertainment, see Owner's Handbook for Navi‐ Flat tyre, see Tyre Pressure Monitor 338
gation, Entertainment, Communication 6 Flat tyre warning lamp, RPA 345
Entertainment, selection list in the instrument Flat tyre warning light, Tyre Pressure Moni‐
cluster 170 tor 341
Equipment, interior 282 Flat tyre, wheel change 347
ESP Electronic Stability Programme, see Dy‐ Flexible Fast Charger 319
namic Stability Control 220 Flood, driving through 299
Evasion Assistant, see Front-collision warn‐ Floor carpet, care 377
ing 192 Fold-out position, windscreen wiper 151
Exchange, wheels and tyres 330 Foot brake 299
Exterior lights with the vehicle locked 179 Foot mats, care 377
Exterior mirror 119 Fording depth, water 299
Exterior mirror, automatically dimming 120 Four-wheel drive, see xDrive 223
Exterior mirror, automatic parking function 120 Front airbags 186
Exterior mirror internal 120 Front-collision warning 192
Exterior mirrors, malfunction 119 Front head rests 116
External start, see Starting aid 370 Front neck supports, see Front head rests 116
Eye for securing cable, towing a trailer 307 Front passenger's side exterior mirror, tilting
Eye for towing 371 down, see Automatic parking function 120
Eyes, see Lashing eye in the luggage compart‐ Front passenger airbags, deactivating/activat‐
ment 293 ing 188
Front passenger airbags, indicator lamp 189
F Front seats 110
Fuses 363
Factory settings, see Resetting vehicle data 71
Failure message, see Check Control 156 G
False warnings, see Avoiding false warnings 103
Fastening seat belts, see Seat belts 113 General driving notes 298
Fatigue warning function 217 Give way warning 207
Fault displays, see Check Control 156 Glare protection, see Sun visor 282
Filter, see Interior filter 280 Glass sunroof 106
Glass sunroof, initialising system 109
Glove compartment 288
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GPS, navigation, see Owner's Handbook for Hour, see Time 165
Navigation, Entertainment, Communication 6
Guest profile, see BMW ID 71 I
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Towing rope 371 Tyre sealant, see Tyre repair kit 333
Towing, see Towing away 370 Tyre settings 339
Traction control 222 Tyres with emergency running properties 332
TRACTION, driving dynamics 222 Tyre tread 329
Traffic information, see Owner's Handbook for
Navigation, Entertainment, Communication 6 U
Traffic jam assistant, see Assisted Driving
Plus 244 UCC, see Traffic light detection 239
Traffic light detection 239 Ultrasonic sensors, see Sensors of the vehi‐
Traffic-queue assistant, see Assisted Driving cle 47
Plus 244 Units, see Set units of measurement 165
Trailer loads 379 Unloaded weight 379
Trailer nose weight, technical data 379 Unlocking, automatic 100
Trailer Stability Control 305 Unlocking, see Opening and closing 84
Trailer tow hitch, ball linkage electrically swivella‐ Unlocking, settings 100
ble 306 Updates after going to press 8
Trailer tow hitch, zoom 257 Upgrade, see Remote Software Upgrade 66
Transmission lockout, unlocking electroni‐ Upper retaining strap, top tether 128
cally 140 Urban Cruise Control, see Traffic light detec‐
Transported loads, stowing and securing 292 tion 239
Tread, tyres 329 USB connection 82
Trip distance recorder, see Journey data 171 USB port, position in the vehicle 284
Triple turn signal 148 Use, intended 8
Turn indicator, indicator lamp 160
Turn indicators, high-beam headlights, headlight V
flasher 148
Turn indicators, replacing bulbs, see Bulbs and Valet parking mode, see Parking service
lights 360 mode 99
Turning circle lines, Reversing Assist cam‐ Vanity mirror 282
era 254 Variable sport steering 223
Turning radius, vehicle 378 Vehicle acknowledgement signals 101
TV, see Owner's Handbook for Navigation, En‐ Vehicle battery 361
tertainment, Communication 6 Vehicle breakdown, see Help in case of a break‐
Tyre change 330 down 364
Tyre damage 329 Vehicle care 374
Tyre inflation pressure 327 Vehicle cockpit 42
Tyre makes, recommendation 331 Vehicle data and data protection 10
Tyre pressure 327 Vehicle data, resetting 71
Tyre Pressure Monitor 338 Vehicle equipment 7
Tyre pressure monitoring, see RPA 345 Vehicle identification number 19
Tyre Pressure Monitor, reset 340 Vehicle key 84
Tyre Pressure Monitor, resetting 340 Vehicle key, additional 84
Tyre pressure test, see Tyre Pressure Moni‐ Vehicle key, changing batteries 85
tor 338 Vehicle key, integrated key 85
Tyre repair kit 333 Vehicle key, loss 84
Tyres and wheels 327 Vehicle key, malfunction 87
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