en Mangrove Conservation in East Java The e
en Mangrove Conservation in East Java The e
en Mangrove Conservation in East Java The e
VOL. 7, NO. 3, pp. 277 – 285, September 2017 Submitted June 2017; Revised July 2017; Accepted September 2017
1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
2 Tourism Research Center, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
3 Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan
An analysis of the role of mangrove ecosystems in tourism was undertaken in order to build a strategy for mangrove
conservation and conceptualize sustainable mangrove-based tourism development in East Java, Indonesia. The re-
sults of the present study suggest that mangroves could be used as nature-based tourism destinations. While tourism
in mangrove areas in East Java clearly contributes to mangrove conservation, it still lacks a mangrove tour program,
in which it is important to deliver the objectives of ecotourism. For the sustainable use of mangrove biodiversity as
a tourist attraction, it is essential to know the basic characteristics of mangroves and establish mangrove tourism
programs which are able to support a conservation program. It is also crucial to involve and strengthen the partici-
pation of local communities surrounding mangrove areas. The involvement of local wisdom could increase the
sustainability of mangrove ecosystems.
Keywords: Ecosystem services, coastal conservation, community-based tourism
tion and many mangrove populations are located in un- not suitable for tourism activities to enjoy nature. In ad-
protected areas. Therefore, exploration of sustainable dition to that, the dense vegetation and root structure of
mangrove ecosystems is needed. mangroves become a barrier for visitors to explore man-
It is quite difficult to define the appropriate time for groves. Compared to the white sandy beaches and reef
mangrove disturbance. However, the inception of the ecosystems, mangroves are considered less attractive
New Order Regime in 1976 contributed significantly to destinations. However, mangroves still have numerous
the recent environmental degradation and social prob- biodiversity resources which potentially could be devel-
lems [7, 12]. In coastal areas, scholars notes that the first oped as natural attractions.
incidence of mangrove disturbance was initiated by ille- From the literature study, it is clear that national
gal conversion of mangrove ecosystems under govern- parks are the pioneer for mangrove-based recreation. In
ment control into culture ponds in the 1970s [10]. The East Java, efforts to involve mangrove ecosystems in
rapid development of urban areas and industrial sites in tourism packages were promoted in Alas Purwo Na-
the 1980s led to the transformation of many mangroves, tional Park, Meru Betiri National Park, and Baluran Na-
but social problems remained unsolved. The unsustain- tional Park. This seems to be related to national park
able development created environmental pollution, nat- innovation to increase the economic value of national
ural disasters, and social conflicts. Since the mid-1990s, park resources through ecotourism programs. The man-
the issues of natural resources conservation dramatically grove-based forests in PERHUTANI (National Forest
increased. However, a contradictive situation appeared Company under the Ministry of State Owned Enter-
after the New Order fall in 1997 which was followed by prises) were less promoted and developed. In the na-
the Indonesia economic crisis. Vast tropical forests and tional parks, a comprehensive planning process was un-
natural resources were disturbed, including mangrove dertaken by the Ministry of Forestry Assistance, involv-
[13]. ing both mangrove conservation and local community
There is a commitment to mangrove conservation, economic development. In Alas Purwo National Park,
as represented by the rehabilitation of degraded man- for example, mangrove conservation activities involve
grove ecosystems in East Java. The area of mangrove for- developing many local activities which are able to in-
est rehabilitation in East Java was about 461 ha in 2003 crease local community prosperity. Tourism is one of
and increased to 2,150 ha in 2006. In 2007, 2,865 ha of the possible activities to be promoted in mangrove areas
degraded mangrove areas were rehabilitated. Recent of national parks.
data on mangrove rehabilitation are not available but is Among mangrove ecosystems in national parks,
seems that government and local community efforts to rapid mangrove-based tourism activity was found in
restore mangrove ecosystems has grown significantly. It Alas Purwo, especially in the Bedul area. The develop-
is especially important, as mangroves in some areas are ment of tourism-based mangroves is especially initiated
still threatened as indicated by continuous disturbance by the local community in Sumbersari Village. About 4
of such ecosystems, especially remote areas where gov- ha of mangrove area were used as tourism activity in a
ernment and community control is limited. total of 30 ha of the Bedul area. The initiation of tourism
occurred in 2007 and a local organization to manage
Recent locations of mangrove-based tourism destina- mangrove-based tourism in Bedul was established.
tions There are no definite numbers for tourism because of a
Tourism in coastal environments has grown signif- lack of visitor resorts, but it is estimated that tourist ar-
icantly and many types of ecosystems now under assess- rivals were significant. Since it opened as a new tourism
ment for tourism development. In East Java, coastal ar- destination, the number of visitors increased and
eas provide abundant resources for recreational activi- reached their highest number in 2010, in which about
ties, ranging from coral reefs, white sandy beaches, 67,976 visitors arrived. In 2011, however, the number of
coastal forests and mangrove forests. Coral reefs and visitors reduced to 46,225 and in 2015, visitors num-
white sandy coastal beaches were intensively used in bered 23,688 [14, 15]. The mangrove ecosystem with its
many kinds of tourist activities, ranging from sport to huge biodiversity in Meru Betiri National Park has so
sunbathing. There is, however, little attention paid to far rarely been considered as the main tourism attraction
using mangroves as recreation sites. Some of the inform- by domestic tourists. About 8 ha of the mangrove eco-
ants in this study note that this is because the mangrove system in the Bandealit coastal area (located in the east-
environment is close to a muddy environment which is ern part of the park) was less exploited by visitors. Simi-
lar to the situation at Meru Betiri, the mangrove ecosys- The local government of Surabaya and the local com-
tem in Baluran National Park was rarely involved in the munity in Wonorejo contributes significantly to the ini-
tourism program. Visitor interest in the mangroves is tiation of mangrove tourism. A number of voluntary or-
low. In both national parks, the level of collaboration ganizations have been actively involved in mangrove re-
among the local communities and national parks was habilitation programs in Wonorejo.
relatively low. According to national park staff, one of These local communities have a great commitment
the problems faced by the national park in their efforts to the conservation of mangrove forests. From the per-
to involve communities in mangrove conservation and spective of community-based tourism, collaboration
tourism development is the relatively poor human re- with local people surrounding mangrove ecosystems has
sources and capacity. provided continuous support for mangrove conserva-
In East Java, recent tourism in mangrove areas can tion. According to informants, many local organizations
be found in Pancer, Cengkrong in Trenggalek Regency, have introduced and promoted ecotourism as a form of
Wonorejo and Gunung Anyar in Surabaya, BeeJay Ba- creative economic activity that is complementary to the
kau Resort in Probolinggo Regency, Ujung Pangkah in mangrove conservation program. The creation of vari-
Gresik Regency, Bangkalan in Madura Island, Clungup- ous new jobs in tourism sectors has been a major focus
Sendang Biru in Malang Regency, Bedul and Pang-pang in community-based tourism in mangrove areas. In-
gulf in Banyuwangi. Mangrove-based tourism is at the formants argue that the existence of recreation sites in
initial development stage in BeeJay Bakau Resort, Ujung mangrove areas seems to be able to contribute to the
Pangkah, and Bangkalan. There are still improvements preservation of mangrove stands, and therefore implies
in tourism infrastructure and facilities. Mangrove-based that recreation will become a strategy for conservation.
tourism began in the early 2000s, driven by the eco- Perhaps the biggest issue is managing the relationship
nomic importance of tourism and the growing aware- between the community and the forest authority (i.e. na-
ness of mangrove conservation. Mangrove-based tour- tional parks, PERHUTANI and local government).
ism in Pancer, Wonorejo, Clungup, and Bedul was rap- Managing mangroves for tourism is a complex activity.
idly developed and attracted tourists to visit mangrove The complexity is influenced by the desire to conserve
ecosystems (Figure 1 and Table 1). These forest areas are mangroves and generate income or other economic ben-
relatively less disturbed, with many restoration pro- efits from mangroves. Informants point out that the de-
grams implemented, and the forests have a variety of velopment of tourism in mangrove areas clearly offers
flora and fauna. These sites are also easily accessible and local residents income generation and provides jobs, but
supported by the transportation system. Other man- it is also important to note that both tourists and local
grove areas are located in remote areas where there is residents through recreational activities if not well man-
little support for the transportation system. aged and controlled, contribute to mangrove degrada-
The contribution of the community nearby the tion.
mangrove forest in the initial development of mangrove-
based tourism destinations was identified as crucial. In Ecotourism programs in mangrove areas
Cengkrong, the local community group called Kejung In Indonesia, the use of mangroves as recreation
Samudera has contributed significantly in tourism initi- sites has been reported by numerous authors [16, 17, 18,
ation. The organization of Kejung Samudera views tour- 19]. There are numerous potential attractive and educa-
ism in mangrove ecosystems as an integral part of man- tional ecotourism programs in mangrove-based tourism
grove conservation in Cengkrong. In Clungup the activ- destinations, but so far, few programs have been imple-
ity of the conservation group movement built the mented. This includes mangrove sightseeing, visiting aq-
Clungup Mangrove Center (CMC) as a community in- uaculture, fishing, canoeing, bird watching and volun-
strument in the conservation program. The CMC also teering in mangrove conservation programs. There are
works to provide information and promotion of conser- also mangrove trails and mangrove river tour programs.
vation of the mangrove ecosystem through tourism. The Other popular activities associated with recreation in
staff of the CMC argues that mangrove-based tourism mangrove forests include photography. There is, how-
has opportunities to provide funding for mangrove con- ever, little research on mangrove-based tourism destina-
servation. In Wonorejo, Surabaya, the contribution of tions examining the popularity and preferences of tour-
the local tourism community (locally called Kelompok ists in mangrove-based tourism programs.
Sadar Wisata or POKDARWIS) has been important. Based on the interviews, recent mangrove recreation
Figure 1. Mangrove-based tourism destinations in East Java. (1) Wonorejo, Surabaya, (2) Cengkrong, Trenggalek, (3) Clungup,
Malang, and (4) Bedul, Banyuwangi
activity in East Java has been integrated into some for- ment attention and support.
mal activities. These include: Rehabilitation actions As the area of a mangrove ecosystem gradually be-
which involve programs by companies through CSR comes famous as a new nature-based tourism destina-
schemes; Official meetings with numerous government tion, education and nature interpretation become im-
offices; Training programs conducted for high school portant. Scholars point out that education and interpre-
and university students; Community gatherings. tation are the instruments for increasing enjoyable and
Mangrove ecosystems are used for public recreation, meaningful recreation experiences. These are also the
but education aspects in tourism programs lack imple- tools to assist and control tourist behavior in mangrove
mentation. The lack of education programs was ob- environments. The goals of education and interpretation
served to be related to the capacity of the tourist guide. are increasing tourist knowledge, awareness, and sup-
This is especially crucial in relation to issues in ecotour- port of mangrove conservation. These aspects seem ab-
ism programs in mangrove ecosystems. Ecotourism is sent in East Java mangrove tourism destinations, includ-
"responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the ing mangrove-based tourism destinations in the national
environment, sustains the well-being of the local people parks.
and involves interpretation and education" [20] and in Mangroves, bioecologically, have unique features
such a tourism form, education is an important aspect. which differ from other tropical ecosystems. Visitors of-
In the development of educational programs for tourists, ten want to find out about a particular area with special
destination managers face scientific constraints. Accord- features and wish to gain new experiences. So far, there
ing to informants, it is not easy to determine mangrove are no guided tours and visitors freely explore all acces-
potentiality and determine the tourism package in man- sible areas in the mangrove ecosystem. Since the control
grove ecosystems. The significance of biological, ecosys- is poor, it is possible for visitors to conduct vandalism
tem service and aesthetic appeal of mangrove ecosystems activity. There is evidence of mangrove disturbance
in the context of tourism is still not fully appreciated and caused by tourist activity. Solid waste in mangrove envi-
understood. According to informants, there are a num- ronments indicates a low tourist appreciation of man-
ber of reasons for this: Absence of visitor centers or if grove conservation. Visitors can also leave mangrove ar-
available the condition was poor; Lack of a biodiversity eas without learning anything about mangrove ecosys-
database, which is basic resource for tourism program tems. Tourism destination managers have also observed
development; Inadequate skill to interpret mangrove re- difficulties controlling tourist numbers and behavior.
sources; Absence of tourism programs which are de- This is the challenge for destination managers and
signed to increase visitor knowledge about mangroves; local communities who organize tourism in mangrove
Less local community involvement; Lack of local govern- areas to develop guided walks along designated routes
in mangrove areas with interpretation activities. A com- to optimize mangrove resources sustainably is im-
prehensive survey of visitor interest and motivation to portant. Informants point out that the problems for local
visit mangroves seems to be an important aspect in communities are that they are poorly skilled or knowl-
building the tourist programs. edgeable regarding tourism product development.
While tourism in mangrove areas has shown signif- Training for local people is necessary in this case since
icant growth, it has not yet been fully supported by local many of the tourism products are confined with stand-
government. It is also not an entirely clear statement ard quality and should meet visitor satisfaction.
that the local and regional tourism development in- Regarding environmental perspectives, planning
cludes mangroves as a potential attraction to be devel- and implementation of tourism in mangrove areas
oped. Lack of basic data seems to be a barrier among should also mitigate and minimize numerous risk fac-
local government to develop attractions, facilities, and tors for both physical and biological origins [25]. Design
infrastructure for mangrove sustainably. for nature-based tourism destinations, including man-
grove areas, should meet several criteria. Following
Toward sustainable ecotourism in mangrove environ- scholars’ recommendations, landscape modification
ments should be minimized, providing a chance for the local
The use of mangrove ecosystems in a sustainable identity to survive. Biophysically, the proper design for
manner should be considered comprehensively as eco- mangrove tourism areas should have the ability to ac-
nomic, environmental and social aspects [21, 22]. There commodate environment, support sustainability of bio-
are numerous studies regarding economic valuation of diversity, and perform local character [26].
mangrove ecosystems in East Java, but few of them are One of the fundamental characteristics of ecotour-
used in the political dimension in mangrove manage- ism in mangrove-based areas is the development of man-
ment. Without this evaluation, only recognized com- grove interpretation. Informants in this study note that
mercial goods will be exploited and environmental ser- interpretation development is rarely the local managers
vices of mangrove ecosystems ignored. Tourism in man- and tourist guide’s priority due to a lack of human re-
grove areas is mostly based on environmental services sources in mangrove biodiversity recognition. Observa-
value [1, 23, 24] and therefore creativity and innovation tion indicates that most of the tourism activity in mang-
Contribution in
Mangrove Sustainability uses
Community based tourism
Figure 2. Conceptual framework for local community-based mangrove tourism, with local wisdom as a fundamental aspect of
mangrove-based destination sustainability and competitiveness
grove areas lacks interpretation. Skepticism about man- mangrove conservation. The success of mangrove tour-
grove interpretation among guides was also found. To ism in the studied area could be due to a combination
ensure that the objectives of ecotourism are addressed, of factors, including mangrove site accessibility, local
the tourism program activity usually includes mangrove community involvement, the quality of mangrove eco-
interpretation on the tour program [27, 28]. Informants systems, and availability of mangrove tourism programs.
point out that human resources skill improvement in
mangrove-based tourism is a fundamental aspect in ACKNOWLEDGMENT
mangrove planning and development as a tourism des- Authors would like to thank Brawijaya University
tination. The ability of destination managers and guides for facilitating this study.
to understanding biodiversity and the ecosystem of man-
groves, therefore, becomes crucial. This requires the REFERENCES
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