Bca 04

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Computer Based Accounting and Financial Management

Unit 1 : Fundamentals of Accounting
Meaning of Accounting, its scope; Objects and limitations; Meaning and
application of double entry system , Books of Accounts , Ledgers - Debtors
ledger, Creditors ledgers and General ledger; Cash Book and Bank Reconciliation
Unit 2 : Financial Statements
Meaning and Components of Financial statements, Preparation of Financial
Statements, Trading Account, Profit and loss Account, Meaning and Purpose of
Balance Sheet, Steps for preparation of Balance Sheet, Marshalling of Balance
Sheet, Format of Balance Sheet
Unit 3 : Accounting Ratio and Cash Flow Statement
Ratio Analysis, Objectives of Ratio Analysis, Classification of Accounting Ratios,
Advantages of Ratio Analysis, Analysis of Financial Statement through Ratios,
Cash Flow Statement, Meaning of Cash Flow Statement, Importance of Cash
Flow Statement, Cash Flow Statement as per as 3, Illustration Preparation of
Cash Flow Statement
Unit 4 : Cost Concepts and Cost Sheet
Meaning of Cost, Classification of Cost, Various Cost Concepts, Cost Centre,
Types of Cost Centres, Cost Unit, Elements of Costs, Cost Sheet
Unit 5 : Budgetary Control and Marginal Costing
Meaning of Budget, Purpose of Budget, Budgetary Control: Meaning and
Essentials, Merits OF budgetary Control system, Steps in preparation of
budgets, Classification of budgets, Standard cost and standard costing, Variance
analysis, Marginal cost and marginal costing, Advantages of marginal costing,
Managerial Application of marginal costing, Break Even Analysis
Unit 6 : Capital and Working Capital
Meaning of capital, cost of capital, shares, debentures, capitalisation and capital
structure; Meaning of working capital, its components and estimation.

Suggested Readings:

1. Financial Accounting, Ashis Bhattacharya, prentice-Hall India Publication.

2. Financial Accounting, S.N. Maheshwari, Vikas Publication House Pvt. Ltd., New
3. Theory and Practice of Accountancy By B. B. Dam, R. A. Maheswari, R. Barman
and B Kalita

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