Future of Payments by Swift
Future of Payments by Swift
Future of Payments by Swift
Lewis McLellan
Editor, Digital Monetary Institute Lead report sponsor
Taylor Pearce
Julian Jacobs
Simon Brady
Katerina Liu
Research Assistant
Official Monetary and Financial
Nikhil Sanghani
181 Queen Victoria St, London 4 22
Managing Director, Research
EC4V 4EG, United Kingdom
Lead chapter sponsors Foreword Chapter 2
T: +44 (0)20 700 27898 Dynamism in payments Crypto’s crucial
but cross-border appeal for emerging
[email protected] Simon Hadley developments lagging 06 markets
omfif.org Director, Production
Fergus McKeown
5 30
Subeditor Chapter 3
William Coningsby-Brown Promise and peril of
Enabling inclusive
ABOUT OMFIF Production Manager economies through central bank digital
Sarah Moloney the frictionless flow of currencies
With a presence in London,
Subeditor value
Washington and New York, 40
OMFIF is an independent
MARKETING 6 Chapter 4
forum for central banking,
economic policy and public James Fitzgerald CBDC Survey 14 22 Central banks
must take the
investment — a neutral Deputy Head of Events and Marketing Co-sponsors 2022
lead in payments
platform for best practice in Henna Rattu CBDCs sooner rather cybersecurity
worldwide public-private sector Marketing and Events Coordinator than later, say central
exchanges. banks
Maya Turnbull
Events and Marketing Coordinator
14 Chapter 5
Chapter 1 The metaverse: a
DMI TEAM model for digital
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Turning the cross-
Philip Middleton border payments payments?
OMFIF thanks officials from Chairman, DMI roadmap into reality
the co-operating countries Katie-Ann Wilson 30 40
and cities for this publication, Managing Director, DMI
which will be joining us in Folusho Olutosin
launch partnerships around Commercial Director, DMI 48
the world. We are grateful to Sinan Yilmaz
many other associates and Account Manager, DMI
colleagues for their assistance Max Steadman
and guidance. Programmes Manager, DMI
David Coleman
Commercial Assistant, DMI
peers have been encouraged by the progress. Within 6-10 years
The Atlantic Council reported that 105 countries
SAY CENTRAL BANKS reported that they expect to issue a CBDC within 10
years, while none expected to issue one in more than
10 years (Figure 1) Overall, if central banks decide
29 We do not expect to
issue a digital currency
15 30
10 20
5 10
0 0
Other Preserve the Boost financial Improving the Aid cross-border We are not An opportunity to A risk to financial A risk to financial An opportunity to Other
central bank’s role inclusion transmission payments pursuing a CBDC make cross-border stability because of stability because of make domestic
in money provision mechanism of payments more poor quality standards dollarisation payments more
monetary policy efficient efficient
Interlinking CBDCs Interlinking real-time Global stablecoins Harmonising formats Other 0
gross settlement like ISO 20022 Cybersecurity Low adoption Bank Need for new Decline of cash Other
systems disintermediation infrastructure usage
NOT A MAIN FACTOR PAYMENTS there must be a comprehensive view and harmonised THAT
In this year’s survey, there is a wide spread of central Although no central bank said it was their main approach. These include aspects such as technical, Central banks are particularly concerned about
banks’ objectives for pursuing a CBDC, though motivation for pursuing a CBDC, many said that operational, legal and possibly political.’ Simply the risk of building a CBDC that ends up not being
there is no strong trends towards any one objective interlinking CBDC systems was the most promising launching a CBDC is unlikely to solve many of the used. This is of particular concern for those central
(Figure 3). option for improving cross-border payments. challenges that cross-border payments face. banks that see boosting financial inclusion as a key
Surprisingly, no central bank listed improving Improving cross-border payments is a major Stablecoins may be another solution for cross- reason for launching CBDC. One survey participant
cross-border payments as their main objective for priority for the Bank for International Settlements border payments. Yet, only 13% of respondents stated that ‘low adoption would lead to significant
pursuing a CBDC. Instead, preserving the central and the G20, underpinning the committee on indicated that stablecoins would be the best avenue reputational damage, but there are adequate tools to
bank’s role in money provision was the second most payments and market infrastructures’ programme on to improve cross-border payments (Figure 4). ensure its usage.’
reported main objective. enhancing cross-border payments. Despite that, 88% of survey respondents viewed Many survey respondents stated that their
‘Other’ encompassed a range of alternative A survey respondent commented that CBDCs stablecoins as a possible opportunity for cross- respective institutions had not yet made any official
objectives: digitalisation, improving the resiliency and may ‘provide a building block for better cross-border border payments, but 75% also believed they decisions to drive adoption but are developing
efficiency of payments systems and interoperability. payments in the future,’ while another stated that the pose a risk to financial stability because of poor strategies. Several participants suggested that offline
Some 75% of participants that responded with ‘other’ ‘possible issuance of a foreign CBDC that could be standards (Figure 5). Stablecoins may become functionality is crucial, ensuring that CBDC can
said they had multiple objectives, adding that they available on a cross-border basis’ would encourage a viable option for cross-border payments if the operate in areas without widespread internet access.
believe these flow into each other, with one survey their central bank to pursue a CBDC. regulatory environment is conducive, as explained Other suggested measures include mandatory
participant explaining that they ‘do not necessarily The debate around CBDCs and cross-border by a participant who stated that global stablecoins distribution, interoperability, user-friendly wallets and
see one compelling motivation, rather a number of payments is still unsettled. A survey respondent will dramatically improve cross-border payments direct incentives such as discounts for consumers.
them’. pointed out that ‘there are a lot of factors involved in ‘assuming no adverse regulatory environment’. Some of these measures have been
10 DMI Future of Payments 2022 omfif.org/dmi 11
7: There is almost an even 70 digital currencies, marketing, promotion of digital banks and 71% intending to work with them in the
spread showing central currencies, and KYC capacity (Figure 7). future.
banks’ need for third- 60 Central banks are clearly not working alone (Figure Looking to future involvement, 88% and 71%
party services 8). Central banks, including 33% of the share of those of respondents intend to work with technology
What services do you need 50 who do not expect to issue a digital currency, are providers and commercial banks respectively
private sector third-parties working with a range of third-party services. Central (Figure 8), reinforcing commercial banks’ beliefs that
for? Share of respondents, % 40 banks’ research and exploratory phases account for bank disintermediation will not be an issue. While
Source: OMFIF Future of Payments
most of the involvement of these services. few central banks are working with marketing and
survey 2022
30 Survey respondents are working with technology promotion providers right now (6%), many intend
providers (71%), academics (47%) and strategy to work with them in the future (47%), indicating
20 advisory services (47%) in this phase. The low concern that respondents are taking steps to pre-empt low
with bank disintermediation is highlighted here too, adoption as they move on to the pilot and launch
10 with 47% of respondents working with commercial phases of their CBDCs. •
Source: xxxx
New technology brings with it new challenges, such as integrating legacy systems
with novel ones. Swift is making this possible though, writes Saskia Devolder,
strategic programme director, cross-border payments, Swift
IN TODAY’S digital economy, transactions must be Transparency: By embedding a unique tracking Choice: Swift has not only focused on bringing
instant and frictionless — whenever and wherever code in every transaction, Swift has enabled these benefits to high value wholesale payments,
they need to go. banks to have complete visibility on the status it’s also improved the experience for small THE IMPORTANCE OF
That’s no small feat when money starts moving and costs of transactions with real-time tracking businesses and consumers who send low-value STANDARDISATION, TOO, HAS
across borders, especially when considering the all along the process – just like tracking a parcel payments around the world. Through Swift Go, RECENTLY BEEN RECOGNISED BY
myriad factors that must be taken into account, delivery. This has provided unprecedented insight we have established a new standard for payments THE G20 IN ITS REPRIORITISED
from navigating different time zones, processing into the frictions that slow down payments. We under $10,000, bringing new levels of speed, PROGRAMME FOR CROSS-BORDER
approaches and domestic payments systems, know from this data, for instance, that the biggest transparency and certainty for account to account PAYMENTS ENHANCEMENTS,
to understanding compliance requirements in impact on speed comes from capital controls and transfers. In 2022, signups for the service tripled PARTICULARLY THE IMPORTANCE OF
numerous jurisdictions. Increasingly, there’s a need domestic regulatory requirements. For banks in to more than 500 banks across more than 120 ISO 20022
to consider possible new forms of value too – from countries with capital controls, the time taken by countries.
central bank digital currencies to tokenised assets. the beneficiary side is nearly three times that for
Swift sits at the heart of the cross-border banks in countries without them. This issue has The pandemic kick-started digitalisation. And
payments ecosystem, ensuring payments been recognised by the Committee on Payments with new technology and shifts in the geopolitical between ISO 20022 messaging and legacy
reach their destinations quickly, securely and and Market Infrastructures as part of its focus landscape emerging, market players continue to messaging, thanks to an integral in-flow translation
compliantly. Through our network of more than on an efficient legal, regulatory and supervisory rush to develop new solutions to enhance cross- service. The platform provides new orchestration
11,500 institutions in over 200 countries and environment for cross-border payments. border payments, with a focus on front-end capabilities, providing banks with richer, better
territories, money can be sent anywhere in the solutions. Central banks, too, are exploring digital structured data to make use of new API-based
world – even to the most remote locations. And Costs: One of the other frictions is incorrect currencies to pursue the G20’s goals – but are technology for an enhanced payment execution
our commitment to responsible innovation means beneficiary information - such as typos and largely focusing on domestic use. Taken together, experience. Every bank in the chain will have
every day the experience gets faster and better transposed account numbers - that breaks these factors are increasing fragmentation. access to all required data for compliance
while maintaining the highest levels of security, automated processing and requires manual Without a focus on back-office evolution, we risk requirements. Other API-based tools, such as
resiliency and reliability. intervention to resolve. Swift has introduced the emergence of digital islands: solutions that pre-validation, help remove friction while gpi
We’ve made strong progress over the past two an application programming interface-based operate in silos and which are not compliant or instant allows an anchor bank to provide access
years with a strategic focus on enabling instant pre-validation service, which allows sending interoperable with each other. to the domestic instant payments system in
and frictionless processing between 4bn accounts banks to verify beneficiary data upfront, before With digital currencies, stablecoins and other the destination market – giving fast settlement
worldwide, aligned with the G20’s objectives of executing the transaction. For banks not ready digital assets set to enter the market at scale, we and the immediate posting of the funds to the
improving speed, cost, transparency, choice and for pre-validation, Swift provides a pre-check of need to guarantee interoperability with existing beneficiary account.
access in the cross-border payments experience. the account details against pseudonymised and systems that consumers and businesses rely on Swift continues to closely monitor new
Swift’s achievements include: aggregated data from more than 4bn accounts and that have proven their value to the economic payments methods, settlement mechanisms
to catch errors before a payment is sent. Its system. and currency types, including CBDCs. Our
Speed: Most payments over Swift today use gpi deployment, which could save the industry millions Swift has always focused on interoperability. It collaborative experiments early this year
and nearly half reach their end beneficiaries within each year, currently covers 70% of beneficiary is central to instant and frictionless payments. The successfully demonstrated interoperability
five minutes and two-thirds arrive within one accounts in major markets. importance of standardisation, too, has recently between CBDCs built on different distributed
hour, well on the way to achieving the G20 goal been recognised by the G20 in its reprioritised ledger technologies, and between these and
of having 75% of international payments settling programme for cross-border payments fiat currency. This solution is now being tested
within 60 minutes by 2027. Correspondent banking enhancements, particularly the importance of ISO further with 18 central and commercial banks. This
has been delivering secure, compliant cross- 20022. This new international standard can carry experiment forms part of our robust innovation
border payments and banks uses intermediaries much more information than older solutions, but agenda in support of our strategic goals.
to access the required currency within a specific
FOR BANKS IN COUNTRIES WITH CAPITAL that data is also more structured, ensuring the It is through experiments such as these that
jurisdiction. There has been a steady decline in
CONTROLS, THE TIME TAKEN BY THE efficient execution of compliance requirements we will achieve interoperability in cross-border
the number of correspondent banks involved
BENEFICIARY SIDE IS NEARLY THREE TIMES for cross-border payments. payments and enable customers of all types to
in a payment – today, 73.9% of all cross-border
THAT FOR BANKS IN COUNTRIES WITHOUT Swift’s new transaction management platform, make instant and frictionless transactions at any
transactions involve just one or no intermediary.
THEM set to roll-out in 2023, enables interoperability time, anywhere and for any purpose. •
14 DMI Future of Payments 2022 omfif.org/dmi 15
jurisdictions to move money across borders and and the challenges facing legacy systems are
make payments on their clients’ behalf. This is not always able to be solved by technological
not only slow, but expensive — fees compound innovation: ‘Different countries have developed
Remittance inflows are critical—and they have been resilient in MTOs and corridors declined to 3.9% from 4.2% in
challenging times, by Chad Harper, senior fellow, Visa Economic 2022, a drop of 10%.
• The average of the lowest costs declined to 2.1% MIGRANT WORKERS MUST BE ABLE TO COMPARE
Empowerment Institute
in 2022 from 3%, a decline of almost 30% — this OPTIONS AND SEND REMITTANCES DIGITALLY.
measure is roughly analogous to the World Bank’s THEIR FAMILIES MUST BE ABLE TO THEN SPEND
REMITTANCES proved surprisingly resilient during As of the second quarter of 2022, World Bank SmaRT index. THE FUNDS DIGITALLY AT BUSINESSES IN THEIR
the pandemic and inflows for 2021 were very strong, remittance price data show that: • By contrast, the average of the highest costs went COMMUNITIES
reaching $773bn globally and $605bn for low- and • The average $200 remittance costs 6% — this is the up to 7.1% from 6.2%, driven largely by two corridors,
middle-income countries. In addition to being a headline number policy-makers most often mention. where MTOs were offered dramatically different
critical lifeline for families, remittances play an • The digital remittances index (for remittances pricing. Migrant workers without the ability to check Second, focus on digital enablement broadly,
important role in the economies of many countries. digitally initiated in an online or self-assisted way) is multiple options could have paid exceptionally keeping both consumers and businesses in mind.
In 2021, 30 countries received over 10% of their gross 4.8%. high prices (and some undoubtedly did) during this While the digital receipt of remittances is critical
domestic product from remittances. • The Smart Remitter Target (SmaRT) index (a period. for further progress on efficiency, the larger goal
Border closures and business lockdowns in the measure of what a savvy consumer with access to Overall, while the average price of a remittance in is to digitally enable everyone, everywhere to fully
early days of the Covid-19 helped digital money sufficiently complete information could pay) is 3.4% the research was 3.9%, VEEI was able to find costs participate in this new world. Individuals need to
movement options flourish. These offer a variety — almost at the 3% UN sustainable development below 3% in 20 of the 25 corridors in 2022. be able to receive remittance funds and use them
of advantages for senders and receivers, including goal target. Clearly, the ability to send remittances digitally digitally, with ubiquity. This requires digitally enabling
cost, security and speed. However, only a third of These observations are confirmed by Visa and to easily compare transfer options make a big businesses, especially small businesses, helping
remittances are initiated digitally and only one-third Economic Empowerment Institute modeling of card- difference to senders and their families. So, what them to accept digital payments and to connect
of those are picked up digitally. Focus needs to be initiated digital remittances over the last two years. needs to happen? them to digital marketplaces. Therefore, consumers
on how to enable more of these digital transfers (see In the modeling, VEEI determined costs across Traditional remittances must become digital. and businesses must both be part of the equation in
Figure 1). several money transfer operators for 25 key global Cash-initiated remittances are the most expensive achieving digital ubiquity. Countries that have driven
Costs are still high for the average remittance, corridors and compiled three measures: the average way to send a remittance and it is perhaps worse on digital ubiquity most successfully over the last
but are much lower for digital remittances and in cost, lowest cost and highest cost. the receiving end — many MTOs maintain vast cash decade have worked to drive adoption on both sides.
cases where people can compare multiple options. • The average costs for a $200 remittance across all out networks in receiving countries and this adds Third, aim for an open, interoperable digital
appreciable costs to remittances today. ecosystem built on a foundation of resilience and
Migrant workers must be able to compare security. Interoperability should be favored over
Figure 1: There has been a shift to digital remittances, but most are still traditional options and send remittances digitally. Their families uniformity — more paths are better than one. A
Digital remittance trends over 24 quarters, 2016-2022 must be able to then spend the funds digitally at truly interoperable service should be able to reach
100 businesses in their communities. None of this can as many endpoints as possible: traditional bank
3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 6 6 6
4 4 5 5 5 5 11 10 happen without basic digital infrastructure. accounts, prepaid accounts and digital wallets.
6 7 7 8 9 12 13 13
90 9 9 10 10 11 Innovation must be facilitated by more Fourth, streamline the compliance environment
12 12 12 13
consistently applied compliance rules and consumer to reduce cross-border frictions. While the private
23 24 20 21 21 choice needs to be promoted by making it easier sector is innovating, competing and improving speed
70 for remittance providers to bring new innovations to and efficiency, policy-makers have a key role to play.
market. Remittances go through a number of regulatory
60 regimes that currently add frictions. But these can
UNLOCKING THE BENEFITS OF DIGITAL be reduced by streamlining and aligning compliance
93 93 93 92 92 92 91 90 90 REMITTANCES rules as much as possible.
88 88 87 87 86 86 85
40 83 82 82 81 Five steps will help unlock the benefits of innovation Finally, simplify the licensing process to allow
66 66 68 66 66 and digitalisation for more people while also uplifting remittance innovation and competition to thrive.
businesses and communities. Policy-makers can also help the private sector
20 First, begin with digital enabling infrastructure introduce innovations more quickly and with less
if it does not already exist. The digital receipt and burden. Consistent licensing requirements would
10 use of remittances will be a non-starter without help remittance service providers enter and operate
basic enabling infrastructure. For millions of people, across multiple geographies with less friction.
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 basic infrastructure like electricity will be a barrier Streamlining licensing requirements and processes
2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 2020 2020 2021 2021 2021 2021 2022 2022
to the digitalisation of remittances, payments and will help new market entrants bring the benefits of
Traditionally initiated Digitally initiated Digital end-to-end commerce. Beyond electricity, internet connectivity digital remittances to more corridors, and therefore
Source: VEEI/Devtech Systems analysis of WBG Remittance Prices Worldwide Quarterly data — and broadband connectivity — will be crucial. to more people. •
22 DMI Future of Payments 2022 omfif.org/dmi
omfif.org 23
but this is a far less troublesome risk than exposure domestic product. Money transmitters often charge said that they used or owned cryptocurrency.
to bitcoin’s performance. substantial fees for remittance corridors. The Peer-to-peer networks like bitcoin might cut out
However, stablecoins bring their own risks, United Nations aims to bring the average cost of a the middleman, but cryptocurrency transactions
discussed below. remittance down from 6.4% to 3%, with no corridors are not free. At present, bitcoin transaction fees are
charging more than 5%. This would result in savings less than a dollar and are likely to provide savings
Capital controls of more than $18bn — a substantial contribution to compared with traditional remittance channels.
Domestic inflation creates an incentive for citizens the GDP of remittance recipient countries. However, these fees can fluctuate widely based on
to buy foreign currency, particularly dollars. The Making remittances more efficient and reducing demand, peaking at over $60 in April of 2021.
frequent selling of domestic currency for foreign the share of value captured by money transmitters Nevertheless, despite the variability, these
exerts a downward pressure on the value of the access banking services, a frequent limiting factor is is a key policy aim for the Bank for International networks can, in theory, provide a valuable channel,
domestic currency, exacerbating inflation. To stem that they are unable to produce the documentation Settlements’ committee on payments market particularly with the addition of other layers like the
this, many governments choose to impose capital necessary to verify their identity to the satisfaction infrastructures. Lightning network (a layer 2 addition to the bitcoin
controls. of the banks. Though there are a variety of possible schemes blockchain that eases the load of transactions via
This can make purchasing goods and services One of the consequences of reliance on cash for the improvement of remittances, some are netting).
abroad — holidays, foreign tuition or international is that it is difficult or impossible to build up an already turning to cryptocurrency. The peer-to-peer However, not everyone is keen to adopt bitcoin
e-commerce for example — challenging and economic history that might be used by lenders to nature means there are fewer intermediaries and the for remittances. In September 2021, El Salvador’s
expensive. There is therefore a demand for a assess their creditworthiness. Without access to process can be completed more efficiently. president, Nayib Bukele, spearheaded a drive to
means of moving money across borders outside of capital, their economic opportunities are limited. Vietnamese remittances, around $18bn in 2021 make bitcoin legal tender in the country. One of
government scrutiny. Access to the internet and, in particular, mobile (just under 5% of GDP), cost an average of 7% in Bukele’s stated aims was to make it easier for citizens
Some governments in this situation attempt to phones has given many in emerging markets the 2020, according to statistics from the World Bank. to receive remittances from abroad.
control the value of their currency with a peg: an opportunity to use banking services in ways they Much of the population, particularly in rural areas, The move was, however, widely protested by
official exchange rate. As of November 2022, the would not previously have been able to. may struggle to access the services of conventional citizens and, according to a survey conducted by
Central Bank of Argentina will purchase dollars for But these still mostly require some identity fiat money transmitters. the Salvadoran chamber of commerce, only 14% of
157 pesos and sell them for 165. On the unofficial verification. Cryptocurrency offers many an It is perhaps unsurprising therefore that merchants in El Salvador had processed a bitcoin
market, buying a dollar costs 285 pesos and they sell opportunity to engage in investment, borrowing and cryptocurrency use in Vietnam is among the highest transaction as of March 2022.
for 289. international commerce with lower barriers to entry. in the world, much of which is driven by remittance Around 24% of El Salvador’s GDP came in the
Those holding dollars will therefore benefit hugely With internet access outpacing banking access, traffic. Second only to Nigeria, some 21% of form of remittances in 2020. World Bank data
from using illegal exchange rate providers, rather many turn to cryptocurrencies and stablecoins as Vietnamese respondents to a 2020 Statista survey suggest El Salvador already operates a fairly cheap
than the official sector. These conditions are far more a means of accessing digital payment systems and
fertile ground for the adoption of cryptocurrencies value storage, as well as credit via decentralised
than the conditions in much of the global north. finance.
Traditionally, unofficial exchange rate providers However, the lower standards of investor
rely on smuggling physical cash over borders but protections and the volatility that periodically grips
these methods are always vulnerable to loss through the cryptocurrency market can result in severe Argentina’s
accident, robbery or seizure by law enforcement. financial losses in economically fragile communities. average annual
With peer-to-peer digital transactions enabled by inflation over
cryptocurrency, these risks can be mitigated. Lack of trust in institutions the last 100
While such techniques for circumventing capital A factor that often accompanies high inflation and
controls are illegal and the resultant capital flight an unstable currency is low trust in financial or public
can prove damaging to vulnerable emerging market sector institutions. Argentina provides a valuable
economies, it is undeniable that using cryptocurrency case study. During the 2001 recession, many citizens
and stablecoin for this is part of the appeal they hold and companies were exchanging pesos for dollars
in these economies. and withdrawing them from banks, typically with the
intention of transferring them to offshore accounts.
Access To halt the flow of money out of the country, the
Many emerging markets have large rural populations government froze all bank accounts in early 2002,
with limited access to banking services. For those in allowing only small weekly withdrawals from peso-
remote, rural areas, they may simply have to travel denominated accounts. Eventually, dollar holdings
a long way to reach physical banking infrastructure, were redenominated into pesos at a rate well below
but even for those with access to remote banking the market rate of the time, with many people losing
services or local infrastructure, banking services can 65% of the value of their dollar holdings.
still be difficult to access. With risks of events like this, it is no wonder that
Some accounts cost money to open or maintain, citizens of countries with unstable economies have
which many in emerging economies can ill afford. concerns about leaving their assets in the control of
Even the cheapest accounts typically have overdraft financial institutions and the reach of governments
fees. Simply avoiding banking services eliminates the that most in more stable economies do not share.
risk of being hit with these fines. Particularly for those
who have never used the banking system, these risks Cheapening remittances
can seem uncertain and difficult to manage. For many economies in emerging markets,
Even for those who might be willing and able to remittances form a substantial part of their gross
26 DMI Future of Payments 2022 omfif.org/dmi 27
remittance corridor, losing only 2.9% on average per market countries to get access to digital dollars, Some stablecoins have large, highly liquid, frequently
transaction — below the UN’s target of 3%. Despite which might otherwise prove challenging because audited reserves capable of meeting redemptions.
this, some corridors are markedly more expensive they cannot access traditional banking services. Others have less high-quality collateralisation and
and many require senders and recipients to present This can offer them a means of engaging in lower standards of transparency. Either through
and collect cash in person. Some 16% of remittance international e-commerce, buying and selling goods limited choice or limited information, emerging
corridors take more than two days. And 24% make and services internationally. Freelancers around the market users may not always be able to rely on the
funds available the following day. world can compete for jobs in a global marketplace. provision of high quality stablecoins.
According to El Salvador’s central bank, a mere The low transaction fees for on-chain transactions The risks grow as the size of the stablecoin grows
1.7% of the remittances sent from the US to El typically represent a saving versus most digital since even highly liquid assets take time to sell in
Salvador in the first half of 2022 were denominated payments providers and, combined with relatively large volumes and can cause market movements.
in cryptocurrency (almost all of it in bitcoin). quick settlement times (usually minutes rather Holdings large enough to collateralise a widely-used,
While it is possible that, over time, acceptance than hours or days) and smart contract automated globally-available stablecoin will have a wider effect
of bitcoin for remittances will grow in El Salvador, payment-versus-payment foreign exchange on the economy. A rapid sale of large amounts of
download figures for the state sponsored Chivo conversions. assets — short-dated government securities for
Wallet application have been low since the initial This also makes it a potentially valuable channel example — might drive down the price and force
surge. Many users downloaded the app and used for the distribution of aid payments. For those margin calls or otherwise disrupt funding operations.
the $30 worth of bitcoin they were given free by the without access to traditional banking services, but As well as issues around collateralisation, there
government but have made little further use of it. with internet access and smartphones, it offers a are potential operational risks. Stablecoins operate
There is another issue with using cryptocurrency means of making aid payments in a more secure, on blockchains. While the core of blockchain
for remittances. Since few people are paid in bitcoin traceable and useful manner than physical cash, cryptography is typically robust, there are several
or, even in El Salvador, can use it for many of their which can be lost, damaged or stolen more easily different layers of services — such as custodians/
day-to-day purchases, senders will have to buy it in than digital equivalents. wallets, interoperability bridges, on/off-ramps and
their local currency, send it to the recipient, who will The US government has made use of stablecoins smart-contract payments —which bring their own
have to sell it for their local currency or, more likely, to send foreign aid to Venezuela. Since they are vulnerabilities and have been exploited by hackers.
sell it for dollars and then buy their local currency peer-to-peer, they offer a means of circumventing
with dollars. transaction systems and banks that might be under DOLLARISATION
This adds foreign exchange risk to the transaction the control of a hostile or dangerous government. The very ease of access and use that stablecoins
that, particularly with bitcoin, can seriously impact Since stablecoins exist on blockchains, which can provide creates further risks for emerging market
the amount sent and received. process transactions 24 hours a day, stablecoins countries. While the risk of citizens moving their
This risk might be mitigated in cases where the can also facilitate foreign exchange transactions by savings into dollars has been present for far longer
domestic currency is suffering from high inflation or enabling payment-versus-payment transactions. than stablecoins have been around, the availability
an otherwise unstable value. This eliminates settlement risk by ensuring that one of physical cash, risk of storage and accessibility of
Using stablecoins might mitigate this risk,
although there may be liquidity issues in exchanging
the stablecoin for local fiat currency.
1.4bn currency is transferred only if the recipient currency
is also sent. This reduction of risk means less capital
is required and brings down the cost of currency
merchants prepared to accept dollars have all proven
checks on the viability of stockpiling the currency.
However, with the advent of a digital, globally
Number of people who are unbanked,
according to the World Bank exchange. accessible dollar-like cash instrument, many of these
STABLECOINS difficulties disappear.
Many of the risks and frictions relating to the use RISKS The International Monetary Fund warned in June
of cryptocurrencies for payments in emerging The risk profile for stablecoins is different to that this year that stablecoins could displace national
markets stem from the fact that for most day-to-day of cash or bank accounts. Indeed, it is difficult to currencies, particularly currencies seen as less
users, spending them creates foreign exchange risk damage. Interest offers some compensation to generalise since the risk profile will be different for convenient to use or volatile in value.
because, even where cryptocurrencies are accepted inflationary value erosion. Bank deposits, however, each protocol. The publication suggests that even volatile
for payments, prices are almost always denominated represent a claim on the bank’s credit and create Much of the risk stems from the assets that cryptocurrencies like bitcoin might ‘in addition to
in fiat currency. risk. To some degree, this can be mitigated with collateralise stablecoins. In early 2022, the world was enabling capital flight, be preferred to the local
Stablecoins obviate that risk since they are state deposit protection schemes, but particularly in treated to an example of the damage a collapsing currency during economic turmoil’. However, it adds
typically pegged to the dollar or another major fiat emerging markets, these are not infallible. stablecoin can do. Terra was an algorithmic that the dollar is likely to be the preferred choice,
currency. While bank accounts facilitate digital transactions, stablecoin that attempted to maintain parity with particularly if an easily available digital version exists.
Stablecoins, though designed to have a fixed many citizens of emerging markets are unbanked and the dollar through a peg to Luna, a cryptocurrency This substitution effect might exacerbate
value relative to a given fiat currency or commodity, find it difficult to obtain traditional banking services, promising yield based on staking (a form of high- fragilities in emerging market banking systems as
are nevertheless not risk free. limiting their value. yield lending operation in the cryptocurrency world). they lose deposits to stablecoins, particularly if these
It is important for stablecoin users to understand Many countries in emerging markets have, to When trust in Luna’s yield failed, a run on Terra are remunerated.
that the risks they face when holding stablecoins are a greater or lesser extent, adopted the dollar as began and the inability to meet investors’ demands
not equivalent to the risks posed by holding dollars, the currency for everyday use. Smaller currencies to cash out shook confidence in the cryptocurrency
either in cash or in a bank account. with thin foreign exchange liquidity struggle with ecosystem, triggering a broad devaluation, resulting
The risks of cash are simple and well-known. acceptability offshore. This means there is a need in several high profile margin calls and insolvencies.
The purchasing power may fall thanks to inflation for dollars to pay for imported goods and the To be sufficiently reliable for widespread use for THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND WARNED
or moves in foreign exchange rates, and theft or dollar therefore underpins substantial amounts of the purposes described above, stablecoins must be IN JUNE THIS YEAR THAT STABLECOINS COULD
damage are always risks. It is obviously limited in economic activity in many emerging markets. backed by cash and cash-like assets. There must be DISPLACE NATIONAL CURRENCIES, PARTICULARLY
applicability since it can only be used in person. Dollar-denominated stablecoins offer a a sizable proportion held in cash such that they are CURRENCIES SEEN AS LESS CONVENIENT TO USE
Bank accounts prevent loss from theft and potentially valuable means for citizens of emerging able to meet large-scale redemptions immediately. OR VOLATILE IN VALUE
28 DMI Future of Payments 2022 omfif.org/dmi 29
value determined by those assets. Libra, a project seek refuge in freely available digital alternatives
of Meta, sought to establish a global stablecoin like bitcoin. Strict capital controls encourage citizens
backed by a basket of currencies. to seek out less easily policed alternatives. Large
Such a project would have had an enormous
impact on cross-border payments. There would
unbanked populations, particularly those with cultural
mistrust of financial or government institutions, are IMPROVE SPEED, COST AND
have been a clear benefit for using it, since a inclined to seek out alternative methods of payments
sender could buy this basket-backed coin with outside of the traditional sector.
their local currency and send it to a recipient in There are certainly benefits. Competition in
another country who could redeem it in their own the remittances space can only encourage better
currency. outcomes in terms of speed and cost for users and
However, the structure underpinning a basket- merchants. Reducing dependency on cash and Proper regulatory guardrails are needed for people to enjoy the benefits of a
backed currency is complex. Either the value will promoting access to global markets can promote payments revolution, writes Rana Kortam, director, global public policy at Binance.
fluctuate based on the changing value of the economic development.
components, or the components must be adjusted Insofar as cryptocurrencies and stablecoins can
dynamically. provide cheap and efficient payments systems, as ALTHOUGH CRYPTOCURRENCY is still in nascent stages, underprivileged segments, with fees for cross-border retail
If redemptions are unbalanced — if a great many well as opportunities to shield assets from inflation, 91% of crypto holders believe it’ll become as common as card payments reaching 10%.
of the stablecoin are redeemed in euros, but not they offer more value for emerging markets than payments. Despite making major strides, existing electronic The Financial Stability Board wants to get remittance fees
in dollars — then there will have to be purchases of they do for developed markets. payment systems suffer in regards to cost, efficiency and to the UN sustainable development goal of 3% and 1% for
euro assets to keep the composition stable. This However, many emerging markets users are access. retail fees by 2027. International stablecoin transactions cost
kind of system can have destabilising effects on in economically fragile situations and are not Legacy systems still fall short of providing access to less than 0.1%. Sending crypto to another user on the Binance
the broader economy, particularly for smaller and equipped to deal with the losses that the volatility financial services to 1.7bn adults or efficient cross-border Smart Chain costs between $0.01-$0.10.
less liquid markets. of cryptocurrencies make likely. It is important for retail payments. Blockchain technology brings the benefits Cross-border retail payments can take days to clear due
The risk of currency substitution is clear. Libra’s central banks, commercial banks and payments of faster settlement, access to new customers and lower to the number of intermediaries. Crypto transactions clear
main proposal for the avoidance of substitution services providers to work together to ensure they barriers to entry. within seconds; a great way to meet the FSB’s target of
was to assist in the development of local currency can establish alternative systems that can offer the Blockchain networks handle international transactions clearing 75% of transactions within one hour.
stablecoins for concerned central banks. same benefits with fewer risks. • in minutes as opposed to the traditional days or hours. All financial institutions must have a cross-border
They can settle transactions for under $0.01, considerably payments option, for retail, wholesale and remittances.
cheaper than traditional payment card networks. The rise Cryptocurrencies can address access challenges such
of stablecoins has highlighted shortcomings in traditional as multilateral settlement eligibility and the lack of
cross-border payments. Studies show that distributed correspondent bank relationships.
ledger technology improves the efficiency of cross-border Users must be provided with information about how much
payments and blockchain technology could help banks save a transaction will cost, how long it will take, its status as well
BITCOIN IS, FOR MANY, EVEN $27bn by 2030 on international transactions. as terms of service - all automatically visible in a blockchain’s
MORE EASILY ACCESSIBLE Cross-border payments matter. They account for 15%-20% public ledger.
THAN THE DOLLAR SINCE IT of ecommerce value. Small- and medium-sized enterprises, These improvements are consistent with the G20
DOES NOT REQUIRE EITHER A making up 90% of businesses and 50% of jobs globally, Roadmap for enhancing cross-border payments and its four
BANK ACCOUNT OR ACCESS need easier access to international payments. Remittances challenges and targets, covering cost, speed, access and
TO PHYSICAL CASH are a $589bn market and a major source of capital for transparency, to be met by 2027.
developing countries. They are also a lifeline for 281m CBDCs offer ‘the unique advantages of central bank
migrants. Cryptocurrency is making a dent in this market, money: settlement finality, liquidity and integrity,’ with
dominated by international operators, with Africa seeing emerging markets leading on adoption. Interoperable CBDCs
$562m worth of cryptocurrency inflows. Although various are key for cross-border payments. Interlinking CBDC
forms of cryptocurrencies are used for payments, stablecoins systems through a hub and spoke or single system might
and central bank digital currencies have won favour for their bring more improvement to the market than compatibility
stability. Stablecoins are primarily used for trading, lending or single access points. International co-operation in early
or borrowing digital assets, but could become used widely stages is necessary to address underserved cross-border
as a means of payment if well designed, interoperable and corridors. Crypto for payments regulation should follow a
buttressed by regulatory guardrails. risk-based approach specific to the tool’s structural features,
Payments giants are taking notice: Visa’s network allows usage and risks.
people to settle transactions in USD Coin, a dollar stablecoin, With risk management and regulatory guardrails,
and Moneygram partnered with Stellar to offer stablecoin stablecoins and CBDCs could become the go-to payments
for fiat remittances in India. International remittances cost an solution for cutting edge technology, such as in the
average of 6.4% for $200. A transaction could involve up to metaverse. Stablecoins have been critical to decentralised
four intermediaries. Fluctuating exchange rates exacerbate finance’s. The future of payments, backed by new digital
inefficiencies. And the burden is disproportionately borne by currencies, is looking bright. •
30 DMI Future of Payments 2022 omfif.org/dmi 31
PROMISE AND PERIL OF of its relative risks and rewards. A promising sign for CBDCs is that digital
technology and mobile phone use is outpacing
to limit financial resources for already harassed a bank account. This is part of a broader effort to
demographics and undesirable socio-political expand China’s efforts for improving cross-border
entities. For societies which value economic
freedom and less oversight, CBDCs might be
politically toxic.
$14bn transactions through its multiple central bank digital
currency (m-CBDC) bridge.
As of June 2022, there were 261m
CBDC proponents might argue, however, that individual digital renminbi wallets, EMERGING MARKETS CONTINUE TO
these issues of oversight would not necessarily be which have spent almost $14bn PILOT AND IMPLEMENT THEIR OWN
exclusive to a digital currency. Indeed, governments across 360m transactions. DIGITAL CURRENCIES
are already capable of exerting substantial control Despite growing interest in CBDCs among
over traditional finance. They can still instruct banks developed countries, the presence of
and money service providers to restrict payments more advanced digital currency projects is
to accounts. Canada exercised this power when overwhelmingly concentrated in emerging markets.
it used emergency government powers to freeze Indeed, all 11 CBDC projects that have been officially
the accounts of truckers during the protests of launched are in developing countries. This includes
early 2022 in Ottawa. The greater capacity for Jamaica, Nigeria, the Bahamas and several eastern
government to intrude on people’s finances might Caribbean islands. The Bahamas’ sand dollar —
be a feature of an increasingly digital financial launched in October 2020 — was the first, with
system, rather than a quality unique to CBDCs. the digital currency available now for all Bahamas
And yet there is little question that CBDCs offer citizens. Nigeria, meanwhile, launched the eNaira
governments a greater ability to track the flow of in 2021 as part of its phased integration into the
money. They represent an increase of the overwatch economy. At the start of 2022, over 600,000 eNaira
capacity. wallets had been created and 90% of transactions
Perhaps the greatest challenge CBDCs pose were between individuals and businesses. Finally,
is far more systemic and innate to the nature of Jamaica’s work with the Ireland-based eCurrency
a fully digital currency. In a best-case scenario, Mint organisation supported the country’s efforts
where CBDCs do proliferate and offer improved to launch the Jamaican digital exchange (JAM-
efficiencies and speed in transferring currencies, DEX) in February 2022.
these improvements could also expose economies Each of these CBDC projects was created at
to greater systematic financial risk brought on by least partly to support countries’ efforts to improve
volatility and sudden foreign exchange fluctuations, security and inclusion. The Bahamas’ swiftness
particularly if the CBDC is available for offshore in releasing the sand dollar came from an explicit
use. Just as the ease of investing in financial entities goal of promoting financial inclusion while warding
kindled the potential for violent and rapid crowd- against enduring issues of illicit economic activity.
driven instabilities — for instance, Game Stop equity in early 2022 declared there would be little benefit countries, their swift but cautious development The eNaira, meanwhile, is expected to help Nigeria
price volatility — CBDCs risk causing extremely from a CBDC for Britain. Despite this, the Bank of indicates that some form of CBDC will emerge more reach its target of increasing financial inclusion
disruptive currency fluctuations, particularly for England is continuing to explore the topic through widely in the coming years. by extending access to banking from 64% of the
emerging markets where thinner liquidity makes a collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of A major exception to the slow moving population to 95%. It is projected that a well-
prices more vulnerable to movements. Such swings Technology’s Digital Currency Initiative. approaches of developed countries is Sweden, managed eNaira could add $29bn to the country’s
could result in rapid fluctuations in debt burdens, The Bank of Canada, meanwhile, is also which has already started its CBDC pilot. In 2017, GDP over the next 10 years. JAM-DEX is projected
net exports and GDP growth. partnering with MIT’s Digital Currency Initiative to the Riksbank began studying the utility of a CBDC. to save Jamaica $7m a year due to the waste and
Central banks must manage these trade-offs help it assess the merits of testing and launching a And in 2020, it began work to build a Swedish storage costs of relying on cash.
between security and access. A CBDC that does CBDC. Canada’s Project Jasper is a CBDC initiative CBDC with Accenture, culminating in the Riksbank’s Over the coming years, new pilots in Thailand,
not provide sufficient security would risk imploding that includes testing cross-border payments development of the e-krona, which is currently Malaysia, Ghana, Singapore and Kazakhstan may
a country’s economic and monetary system. A with the UK and Singapore. The European Union being tested for both large commercial and small result in the official launch of new CBDCs. Yet it
CBDC that offers no benefits to how easily money is is also developing a digital euro with the support retail payments. The country’s ministry of finance is is too early to say how successful current CBDC
transferred, however, would be an expensive project of individual euro area countries. In May 2022, planning to use the results of this project to assess projects have been. This is partly because they
with limited benefits. Christine Lagarde, president of the European whether the e-krona should be launched, with a are still incredibly young, but it is also in large part
Central Bank, gave her support to the digital euro goal of moving away from the inefficiencies of cash because they are subject to gradual roll outs. What
DEVELOPING COUNTRIES ARE and the EU announced partnerships with Amazon, and towards a more optimised system of digital is clear, however, is the confidence some central
RESEARCHING AND DEVELOPING the European Payment Initiative, Nexi, Caixabank transactions. In Eastern Europe, a similar pilot has banks have in the notion that they might be able to
DIGITAL CURRENCIES and Worldline to support its development. At the emerged in Lithuania, through its development of use a CBDC to move forward the size, sophistication
Most CBDC pilots are taking place in emerging individual country level, France has been conducting LBCOIN. and inclusion of their financial systems.
markets. By contrast, advanced economies are successful tests of CBDCs, while Germany’s China became the first major economy to pilot
developing and, in some cases, still researching Bundesbank tested the blockchain-enabled use a CBDC when it launched the digital renminbi in 28 COUNTRIES ARE WORKING TOGETHER
their own CBDC models. The US, for instance, of distributed ledgers for digital securities in 2021, cities across 10 regions. As of June 2022, there were TO CREATE MORE ROBUST CROSS-
issued executive orders looking into the topic and which could limit the need for CBDCs. In Spain, 261m individual wallets, which have spent almost BORDER CBDC NETWORKS
in September 2022 released seven reports that Iberpay in 2021 conducted experiments with 16 $14bn across 360m transactions. This included A key promise of CBDCs involves making cross-
examined key issues around security, environmental Spanish banks to test the possible functions of a the People's Bank of China’s pilot during the 2022 border payments easier, encouraging greater global
damage, illicit activity and risks associated with digital euro. All this implies that, while CBDCs are Winter Olympics in Beijing, during which 2m yuan financial market cohesion and efficiency while
CBDCs. Meanwhile, in the UK, the House of Lords generally not being deployed in pilots by developed was used daily, without foreigners having to create simultaneously supporting the ease of migrant
36 DMI Future of Payments 2022 omfif.org/dmi 37
How much a
CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CURRENCIES are one of the cross-border payments and transfers. Remittances represent
innovative ways central banks are diversifying. A key one of the most compelling use cases for digital currencies.
consideration for decision-makers is how such digital By eliminating intermediaries, the eNaira could be a reliable
currencies could improve the efficiency of commerce and low-cost payments solution for consumers and businesses. remittances. Current cross-border payments in Dunbar and in Project Aber, PvP foreign exchange
cross-border payments. CBDCs have launched already in 11 The Bank for International Settlements outlined in a 2021 many corridors are very sluggish. While domestic settlements that reduce complexities and barriers
countries, while 15 more are testing and 26 are developing report the benefits of CBDCs in reducing costs and increasing payments offer an opportunity to transfer money to foreign money transfers. Cross-border CBDCs
one. Nigeria is a leader here, with its already launched eNaira the speed of remittances. It stated that CBDCs could reduce directly between banks on a single platform, could therefore be an important piece of the future
already impacting local and cross-border payments. transaction times from 3-5 business days to seconds. It also there is no such platform for settling international financial ecosystem that might make remittances
During the 2022 eNaira Hackathon, Central Bank of Nigeria reported a PricewaterhouseCoopers estimate showing a transactions. A multi-currency CBDC platform cheaper and more accessible. They would create
Governor Godwin Emeiele pointed to the encouraging growth possible 50% reduction in the cost of cross-border payments. would enable more effective settlement without the greater international financial cohesion and
in eNaira adoption. Emefiele said, ‘Since the launch of this Flutterwave has recently announced the integration of need for intermediaries. connection, which could bolster the free flow of
great initiative, the eNaira has reached 840,000 downloads, eNaira on Flutterwave for Business. Merchants and consumers This is where multi-CBDC initiatives come in. capital and value, spurring economic growth and
with about 270,000 active wallets comprising over 252,000 can now transact using the safe and convenient eNaira on all Consider, for instance, Project Dunbar, which is a dynamism.
consumer wallets and 17,000 merchant wallets. In addition, Flutterwave channels. project led by the BIS Innovation Hub and includes It is important to get a cross-border CBDC
the volume and value of transactions on the platform have One year on from its launch, the eNiara continues to grow. the Reserve Bank of Australia, the Central Bank of right, however. With greater ease of currency
been remarkable, reaching above 200,000 and ₦4bn[$9m], But there’s still a long way to go, especially in local and cross- Malaysia, the Monetary Authority of Singapore and exchange and foreign movement of capital,
respectively.’ border payments. the South African Reserve Bank. So far, the project there is the prospect for significant exchange
At the first anniversary of the eNaira’s launch, Bitt, CBN’s Out of the 19 recommendations made in the 2021 BIS has a developed platform that might support rate volatility and herd-driven capital flight.
technology partner, talked about introducing unstructured report, there are five that stand out as the most important. international settlements for digital currencies Regulations are necessary to ensure stability in
supplementary service data, or quick codes, as a way to Institutions and firms must first develop a common cross- issued by different central banks and offers global exchange rates and capital movement. In
further develop the digital currency. This represents a massive border payments vision and targets and then implement suggestions on how to expand such a model to G20 the absence of such restrictions, a cross-border
opportunity to bridge the gap in national and sub-national international guidance and principles. The community must countries more broadly. Meanwhile, Project Jura — a CBDC might serve to promote widespread
financial inclusion levels. also align regulatory, supervisory and oversight frameworks, collaboration between the French and Swiss central currency substitution, exacerbating the reliance
By implementing quick codes, the eNaira could improve as well as factoring in an international dimension into CBDC banks — is experimenting with the more specific on desirable ‘dominant’ global currencies to the
access to finance for individuals and businesses through designs. Finally, it must pursue the interlinking of payments case of direct transfers of euros and francs, using detriment of others. A consequent lack of confident
digital channels, lower the cost of transactions and increase systems. a single distributed ledger to use payment-versus- in a particular currency’s value could then erode
the flow of credit to consumers and businesses. If the frameworks and building blocks are available, payment and delivery-versus-payment mechanisms countries’ monetary and economic systems while
Financial inclusion is key for Nigeria’s economic Africans will adopt CBDCs, just as they did smartphones. The to settle trades. Finally, there is LionRock: another simultaneously spurring global instability.
development strategy. Despite the obvious successes, continued adoption of the eNaira would provide more data multi-CBDC platform, which includes participation Such disruption in the global financial and
women, youth, small- and medium-sized enterprises, and for the design of better macroeconomic policies that will from the BIS Innovation Hub, Hong Kong Monetary currency exchange system is not inevitable, however.
people living in rural areas are still disproportionately excluded positively affect consumers and business owners. Authority, Bank of Thailand, People’s Bank of China Initiatives like Project Dunbar, Project Jura and
from the financial system. The introduction of USSD shows and the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates. LionRock represent major steps to better grasp the
that there is a roadmap towards deepening access for the The project began in the aftermath of Thailand’s promises and risks of cross border CBDCs. With the
unbanked. Project Inthanon in 2018, during which the country right regulatory framework and exchange movement
Payments networks must be able to integrate the eNaira began testing a wholesale domestic CBDC. control, countries may be able to strike at an often-
to fully onboard these new entrants into the national financial BY IMPLEMENTING QUICK CODES, THE Free flowing cross-border CBDC systems elusive balance: between the need for greater
system. Then they can take part fully in ecommerce and other ENAIRA COULD IMPROVE ACCESS TO would help reduce the fragmentation of the efficiency, ease of use and the free flow of capital on
value-adding financial services without having a bank account. FINANCE FOR INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESSES global financial system. It would enable more the one hand and the need for security and limits on
Beyond financial inclusion, the eNaira is also useful in THROUGH DIGITAL CHANNELS. efficient integration through, in the case of Project violent, frenzied swings in value on the other. •
38 DMI Future of Payments 2022 omfif.org/dmi 39
Figure 1: Central banks have been testing several transaction networks for use in a future CBDC rollout.
Ethereum Hyperledger Fabric Corda Quorum
Reserve Bank of Australia European Central Bank Bank of Canada Monetary Authority of Singapore
Bank of Canada Bank of Japan Monetary Authority of Singapore South Africa Reserve Bank
Hong Kong Monetary Authority Monetary Authority of Singapore Bank of Thailand Bank of Canada
National Bank of Ukraine Federal Reserve Bank of Boston South Africa Reserve Bank Bank of Thailand
Bank of England Peoples Bank of China Peoples Bank of China
Future of central bank digital currencies will involve multiple ‘layer 1’ transaction Bank of Canada Central Bank of the United Arab
Central Bank of the United Arab
networks, writes Simon Chantry, Chief information officer at Bitt. Unknown Swiss National Bank Reserve Bank of Australia
CENTRAL BANKS MUST TAKE Saudi Central Bank announced a new open banking
framework along with ‘tracking the development
more technically skilled may also turn to cybercrime
as a lucrative source of income.
they themselves are secure. Not only should they be its networks. During the attack, on a central bank officers to discuss both tactical and strategic cyber
setting the best possible examples of best practice office on the island of Sumatra, the perpetrators resilience topics, were surveyed.
for those they supervise, but they also need the allegedly stole ‘non-critical’ employee data and It revealed that emerging market central banks
highest standards of security to protect critical deployed ransomware payloads on several devices are ahead of their peers in the advanced economies.
financial infrastructure. on the network. The attack was said to be the work Asked if ‘the relevant supervisory authority in your
This is not a given. In February 2022 security firm of the Conti ransomware group, hackers ultimately jurisdiction provides a risk management framework
Kaspersky found evidence that hackers had stolen tied to Russian actors. to financial firms on cyber security?’, more than
data that allowed them to gain access to the entire 80% of emerging market respondents replied in
infrastructure of an unnamed central bank, including DEVELOP EFFECTIVE, SPECIFIC the affirmative, compared to just over 60% from
the systems for international money transfers. They REGULATION AND SUPERVISION advanced economies. The report also stated that services,’ with the bank now specifically mandating
were offering this data to others on the dark web, Beyond their own security, central banks, as ‘while supervisory authorities in most emerging ‘a migration from SMS one time passwords to more
which is how Kaspersky found it. They contacted supervisors and overseers of banking and payments markets provide a framework for the collection secure forms of authentication for online activities
Interpol and in a joint investigation all vulnerabilities systems, are responsible for ensuring that of information on cyberattacks on financial or transactions relating to account opening, fund
in the corporate networks of the bank were closed appropriate regulations on operational and cyber institutions, less than half of those in advanced transfers and payments.’
and any opportunities for additional attacks were risk are in place. In developed markets, for example, economies do. Similarly, while supervised firms are This detailed guidance from a central bank is rare
blocked. the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve have mandated to report losses related to cyberattacks and to be welcomed. As Yunus pointed out, ‘these
Stephen Kavanagh, executive director of Interpol published detailed operational guidelines and cyber to the central bank in almost all emerging markets, controls may also inevitably lead to some friction
Police Services, said: ‘Over the past few years, we’ve resilience expectations which are likely to develop only two-thirds of advanced economy respondents or inconvenience in the online banking experience
seen many ransomware attacks carried out by these into more prescriptive regulations on technology report that such disclosure is required.’ As yet, no of customers… while these measures entail some
“hybrid” teams. Previously, however, their targets and security over time. Emerging market central jurisdiction requires firms to disclose such losses inconvenience, they are important to protect the
were mainly commercial companies. We are happy banks must follow suit, in conjunction with other publicly. interests of customers.’
that together, with our partner Kaspersky, we were bodies responsible for the supervision and Of direct relevance to payments innovation, The governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria,
able to prevent an attack that could have affected oversight of payments systems. respondents reported that they see fintechs to be Godwin Emefiele, has also issued a risk-based
the region’s economy. It is only through effective Emerging market central banks certainly more at risk from a cyberattack than big techs, even cybersecurity framework and guidelines for the
co-operation on the international level and striving understand the issues. In a September 2022 Bank though most respondents agree that a successful financial sector which include specific minimum
to be ahead of the curve that we will be able to for International Settlements working paper, ‘Cyber attack on a big tech would lead to materially higher requirements. In addition, there are a series of
effectively protect the global community.’ risk in central banking’, members of the Global costs than an attack on a fintech. fintech-based policies and guidelines which
This is not an isolated example. In January 2022, Cyber Resilience Group, a group set up in 2020 as ‘Relative to a financial institution, three-quarters cover regulatory sandboxes, open banking and
Bank Indonesia confirmed a ransomware attack hit a forum for central bank chief information security of respondents from advanced economies and two- cybersecurity, among others. Revised versions of
thirds of emerging market economy respondents these guidelines must be adhered to by early 2023.
think that fintechs are more at risk of becoming the ‘The extent of technology risks and the level
target of a successful cyberattack. When it comes of sophistication of cyber-attacks are rapidly
to aggregate losses in terms of gross domestic expanding. This development has demanded that
product, however, these patterns are strikingly financial institutions, including other financial
different. Among emerging economy and advanced intermediaries, strengthen their cyber resilience
economy respondents, the majority thinks that a and take proactive steps to secure their critical
successful attack on a fintech will lead to a similar or information assets to ensure their safety and
lower loss in terms of GDP than a successful attack soundness,’ Emefiele added in a recent speech.
on a traditional financial institution. Among big In Brazil at the end of 2021, new rules came
techs, however, only one-quarter of AE respondents into effect that subject cloud service providers
and no respondent from an EME assess the cost to greater scrutiny by the country's central bank
to be lower than that of an attack on a traditional but stop short of banning bank data from being
financial institution.’ sent abroad. The regulation was the first issued by
This points to other ways in which central banks Brazil's National Monetary Council (CMN) to deal
can contribute to payments system integrity. with cybersecurity issues and is the first that forces
They can establish sandboxes or other types of organisations of any kind in Brazil to appoint data
similar arrangements in which fintech firms and protection officers.
firms involved in cybersecurity can collaborate on The CMN not only forces financial institutions to
projects and build in cybersecurity from the outset. be fully compliant with its cybersecurity policies,
Second, they can regulate and incentivise the but also gives the central bank unfettered access
fintech industry to further improve its cybersecurity to data hosted by third parties anywhere, at any
capabilities. time. It also allows the central bank to block deals
Some central banks are doing a better job of this with third-party data handlers located abroad and
than others. For example, in late September 2022, urges financial institutions to only send information
in a speech on financial crime, Nor Shamsiah Mohd to countries that have information-sharing
Yunus, governor of Bank Negara Malaysia, focused agreements with Brazil.
predominantly on the cyber threat to banking However, there is still too little explicit
and payment systems, saying that ‘BNM requires cybersecurity regulation and oversight from central
banks in Malaysia to adopt high standards of banks and governments given the scale of the
security, especially for internet and mobile banking threat. And there is too little oversight of non-bank
44 DMI Future of Payments 2022 omfif.org/dmi 45
payments providers. develop efficient and credible judicial and law challenge. The African Union – as part of its agenda
As the threats to financial systems grow, it may enforcement systems around cybersecurity. 2063 for transforming Africa – has identified
also be necessary for regulators to go further than THESE ISSUES ARE NOT CONFINED TO Currently, that legislative framework and the cybersecurity as a key priority to ensure that
broad guidelines and to develop more detailed and ONE COUNTRY OR REGION, BUT THE resourcing of law enforcement are insufficient. emerging technologies benefit African people and
prescriptive rules around specific technologies CHARACTERISTICS OF EMERGING MARKETS Cybercrime pays well because many countries do companies. The initiative is guided by the African
and operational details such as testing. Given the FAVOUR CYBERCRIMINALS AND THE POTENTIAL not have adequate security and privacy laws in Union Convention on Cyber Security and Personal
importance of threat-led penetration testing in FOR MATERIAL DAMAGE IS GREATER place. Data Protection (known as the Malabo Convention),
assessing cybersecurity, it may be that central For example, Interpol’s latest Africa cyberthreat which was drafted in 2011 but only adopted in
banks and related regulators should set up testing assessment report stated that ‘This [digital June 2014. Its purpose is to establish ‘a credible
frameworks for entities they regard as systemically financial] transformation highlights the urgent framework for cybersecurity in Africa through
important. Few do. secretariat in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The meeting need to ensure cybersecurity parameters and organisation of electronic transactions, protection
focused on co-operation between the GCC states standards meet the demands and future needs of of personal data, promotion of cybersecurity,
STRENGTHEN THE SUPPLY CHAIN in the field of cybersecurity, including developing this community… However, the absence of these e-governance and combating cybercrime.’
A significant challenge for both regulators and the frameworks, policies and joint procedures to standards is pervasive in Africa. 90% of African However, by May 2022, the convention had only
regulated in the financial sector is the reliance of address cyber threats, and the exchange of businesses are operating without the necessary been ratified by 13 out of 55 AU member states. By
participants on each other and on critical third- knowledge, expertise, studies and experiences cybersecurity protocols in place. Without these the same month, only eight African countries had
party service providers, such as cloud service related to cybersecurity. It has the aim of creating protocols, threat actors are able to exploit in place national cybersecurity strategies and only
operators, security vendors and hardware providers. a safe cyberspace to protect the GCC states from increasing vulnerabilities as they continue to invent a handful of countries had laws in place to protect
Hackers often attack via these third parties because threats. Additionally, the first Gulf cybersecurity new cyberattack vectors.’ consumers and businesses. The International
they are weaker links in the security chain. exercise was launched during the meeting. The report quoted Tarek Sharif, executive Telecommunication Union’s global cybersecurity
As the World Bank recommended, ‘Financial In January 2022, the Association of Southeast director of the African Union Mechanism for Police index 2021 showed that of 54 African countries
authorities and central banks [should] conduct Asian Nations digital ministers' meeting announced Cooperation: ‘On this young continent, every assessed, only 29 had introduced cybersecurity
sector mapping to establish a clearer understanding the launch of the Asean cybersecurity co-operation economic challenge generates an innovative legislation.
of which third-party service providers are of strategy 2021-25. A key objective of this is to solution that may sometimes, unfortunately, be at Africa is not an exception. India is not party to any
systemic importance to their financial sector and strengthen the collective efforts of member states, the limit of what the law allows. For example, the low convention on the protection of personal data which
ensure that the relevant providers also comply with a view to securing the region's cyberspace and rate of banking facilities for African populations has is equivalent to the EU’s General Data Protection
with the applicable cyber regulations, operational to promoting the digital economy. And there are led to the creation of new financial services such as Regulation and it has not yet enacted specific
guidelines and cyber resilience expectations.’ longer-standing initiatives from the African Union mobile banking, but also to the resurgence of new legislation on data protection. Countries such as
Here there are templates available in developing and Organization of American States. forms of scam linked to these new technologies.’ Vietnam and Indonesia have no consolidated data
markets, notably the European Union’s digital In July 2022, Bank Indonesia and the Governments have responded slowly to the protection law, just scattered legislation covering
operational resilience act. The significance of DORA Reserve Bank of India signed a memorandum of
is two-fold. First, it does not cover only financial understanding for closer co-operation in areas
institutions and service providers, it also covers including fintech.
critical information and communications technology Signed on the sidelines of a G20 meeting in
third party providers, including cloud service Bali, the central banks of two of the four biggest
providers. It imposes significant penalties on ICT countries in the world by population have pledged
service providers for non-compliance. For example, to work more closely together in payments systems BEYOND THEIR OWN SECURITY,
a daily penalty payment of 1% of the average daily and digital financial innovation, including in the CENTRAL BANKS, AS SUPERVISORS
worldwide turnover of the ICT service provider areas of cyber- and financial crime. AND OVERSEERS OF BANKING AND
in the preceding business year can be levied until The MoU is the latest to be signed by BI with PAYMENTS SYSTEMS, ARE RESPONSIBLE
compliance is achieved. other central banks – it signed a similar arrangement FOR ENSURING THAT APPROPRIATE
Second, it recognises the limitations of with the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates REGULATIONS ON OPERATIONAL AND
uncoordinated national initiatives in combatting in November 2021 and with the Bank of Korea in CYBER RISK ARE IN PLACE
a cross-border, global threat. Reliance upon February 2022.
country-by-country regulation results in overlaps, More initiatives like this are needed. Central
inconsistencies, duplicated requirements, as well banks and financial authorities should reach out to
as high administrative and compliance costs. In their peers in their region to coordinate follow-up
Europe, this can be addressed by the EU. Emerging actions regarding recommendations and to co-
markets must leverage existing regional forums to operate in joint initiatives where appropriate. As the
promulgate consistent regional regulation to avoid European Commission and the European Central
beggar-thy-neighbour approaches and to present Bank do at the level of the EU, the institutions
a united front against borderless cybercrime. Again, of African co-operation and/or economic and
there is clearly a role for central banks to play. monetary integration initiatives could play a
facilitating role in this.
Here there are encouraging signs. For example, Ultimately, central banks can only do so much to
in October 2022, the Gulf Cooperation Council’s improve the cybersecurity of payments systems
ministerial committee for cybersecurity held its by themselves. However, they can call upon
first meeting at the headquarters of the general governments to bring forward legislation and to
46 DMI Future of Payments 2022 omfif.org/dmi 47
specific sectors. That is just data privacy, not creates privacy issues (and could be used to
cybersecurity. Many other emerging markets are monitor citizens’ payment activity, movements and
in the same position. Across all these markets, other sensitive personal information), it also creates
need additional policies and legislation to fight in Nigeria in October 2021, that use blockchain
cybercriminals. And they need to put in place technology require the involvement of third parties
technologies on a national and international scale to as validators of transactions. This introduces a
reinforce cyber defence. new role for third parties in central bank money
Stakeholders need secure, resilient and scalable infrastructure to deploy CBDC and operations. Critically, the security guarantees
digital asset ecosystems, writes Xiaochen Zhang, global head, innovation and GTM, MORE RISKS COMING of the ledger would depend on the integrity and
As payments innovation accelerates, the availability of third-party validators, over which the
Amazon Web Services, and Hugo Dante, Market Insights & GTM Analyst AWS
cybersecurity risks inherent in the payments system central bank may not have direct control.
will increase. Populations will become ever more The BIS also found that central bank CISOs
IN A RAPIDLY CHANGING digital landscape, public finance around the world, which comprise of physically separated reliant on a complex ecosystem of private sector believe that the introduction of CBDCs will require
institutions worldwide face an array of opportunities and risks. datacenters. It has data and network redundancy to ensure platforms whose security posture will be hard to an increase in cybersecurity budgets.
They must explore ways to update their national monetary high availability, quick recovery and operational continuity with control. And central banks have one final role to play
systems and asset management approaches to meet the minimal intervention in case of disruption. Automated scaling in that risk landscape. CENTRAL BANKS AT THE FOREFRONT
needs and demands of a new digital economy. As a result, of cloud resources, automated data backup and failover, and The Atlantic Council’s central bank digital Emerging markets are likely to leapfrog many years
according to Atlantic Council, at least 105 central banks, databases delivered on the AWS Cloud provide multi-region currency tracker now shows that 105 countries of payments systems evolution, moving directly
representing over 95% of global gross domestic product, are design disaster recovery and high availability benefits. and currency unions are currently exploring the to a world in which consumers and businesses
exploring central bank digital currencies. In addition, central possibility of launching a CBDC, either retail — transact via dozens of different mobile and web-
banks and other public finance institutions are investigating Data collection and analysis: As central banks explore issued to the general public — or wholesale, used based applications, some of which will bypass the
new ways to create and manage digital assets to meet their and launch CBDCs, they must develop frameworks for primarily for interbank transactions. That’s up from traditional banking system entirely. This ecosystem
policy objectives. supervision, data collection and risk mitigation. AWS offers an estimated 35 as recently as 2020. But to what is ripe for exploitation by cybercriminals and without
To build and deploy CBDC and digital asset systems, a broad set of tools for public sector customers to automate extent do CBDCs embed cybersecurity and privacy a much quicker response from governments and
stakeholders require secure, resilient and scalable secure data collection and analysis, monitor illicit activities risks and what do central banks have to do to design regulators, there will be systemic repercussions.
infrastructure. Amazon Web Services provides cloud services and identify risks. AWS Artificial intelligence and machine safe CBDCs? Central banks must be at the forefront of efforts to
and tools that can be used to experiment, develop and launch learning services support anti-money laundering compliance, CBDCs generally involve the centralised secure both traditional banks and newer entrants
secure, scalable, interoperable and resilient fit-for-purpose large scale data analysis and fraud detection. Additional collection of transaction data. This data not only into the payments space. •
CBDCs and digital assets. Performance requirements for advanced analytics products can be deployed to incorporate
CBDCs and other types of digital assets are similar. Some of CBDC transaction data as an additional source for research-
the benefits of CBDC development and deployment on AWS focused use cases.
Prototyping and design: Keeping up with rapid
Security: Security is the priority at AWS and is a critical design technological innovation requires infrastructure that is flexible
consideration for CBDC solutions. AWS offers a set of cloud and open to experimentation. AWS offers opportunities for
security tools that can support central banks in safeguarding customers to engage in low cost experimentation to support
CBDC systems. These tools support user authentication, the rapid and secure deployment of new CBDC features.
security from threats and error, incident response, Central bank customers can leverage AWS services such as
cryptographic tools to secure messages and compliance. Amazon Managed Blockchain and specialised AWS partners
AWS’s core infrastructure is built to satisfy the security to develop sandboxes, as well as to prototype and deploy
requirements for the military, global banks and other high- CBDC solutions.
sensitivity organisations. Security services like AWS Shield
and AWS WAF protect against distributed denial of service Sustainability: Sustainability is a hallmark of AWS. By
attacks and structured query language injection attacks. AWS building CBDCs on the cloud, central banks can make sure
supports 90 security standards and compliance certifications, that the innovation of tomorrow does not come at the
and all 117 AWS services that store customer data offer the expense of the planet today. Amazon is on a path to power its
ability to encrypt that data. operations with 100% renewable energy by 2025 — five years
ahead of its original target of 2030. AWS provides customers
Resiliency and scalability: CBDC infrastructure requires
high resiliency, with global connectivity and internet of
with tools to help them meet their sustainability goals. The
AWS customer carbon footprint tool calculates the carbon 105 5.9bn
things integration being critical considerations for CBDC emissions generated from using AWS, enabling customers to Many countries around the Transactions
development. AWS global infrastructure is designed for incorporate this into their own sustainability reporting. AWS globe are investigating processed by India’s
the scalability and resiliency required to support our global data exchange offers a wide variety of environmental, social launching a central bank Unified Payments
customers including CBDC systems. The AWS Cloud spans and governance, and sustainability datasets that central bank digital currency Interface in June 2022
multiple availability zones within 30 geographic regions officials can use as they design their CBDC. •
48 DMI Future of Payments 2022 omfif.org/dmi 49
Exchanging assets between blockchains requires This is a radical vision for what payments in the
interoperability bridges. metaverse may eventually look like at some distant
The metaverse will not consist of a single time, but it is worth considering that our conception IN THE FUTURE, IF THE METAVERSE BECOMES
blockchain. Rather, it will consist of multiple, of money is not necessarily fixed permanently and UBIQUITOUS AND HIGHLY LIQUID, SOME
interconnected networks of blockchains. may evolve over time. ENVISAGE A FULLY INVESTED WORLD WHERE THE
Developing this infrastructure is a significant DISTINCTION BETWEEN A MEANS OF PAYMENT
challenge. Many efforts to create interoperability STABLECOINS AND AN INVESTABLE ASSET COLLAPSES
bridges between blockchains have been the subject Stablecoins might offer a more promising means
of cyber-attacks and hacks, causing major losses. of providing an in-metaverse on-chain payments
The challenges such systems will face are solution, particularly in the short term. Stablecoins
similar to those faced when providing cross- are crypto-tokens pegged to the value of fiat
border payments networks in fiat currency. While currencies. They maintain this peg typically by
domestic payments may operate efficiently,
sending payments between domestic networks $1tn holding reserves of the fiat currency, which users
can withdraw at will, redeeming their stablecoins.
Banks hold a privileged position in finance because
can be challenging because they are differently Market touted by In essence, this replaces the counterparty of the regulation they are required to comply with.
configured. They might have different numbers and JP Morgan as it or credit risk that depositors take on when they These risk management principles should make
types of participants, different formats for data, opened a lounge deposit fiat currency in a bank and replaces it deposits relatively safe and, in the event of the
and different levels of security and protection. in Decentraland with counterparty risk on the stablecoin issuer. bank failing to meet its obligations, there is state-
Harmonising all of these disparate standards is While banks are typically stable and insured provided insurance that can reimburse depositors.
an immense challenge in the fiat cross-border institutions, it is possible for a stablecoin with These protections are unique to banks. As
payments world and is likely to remain a challenge robust, transparently audited reserves to command discussed above, well-designed stablecoins can
in the metaverse. If there is sufficient, consistent demand for a a similar degree of confidence. offer extremely high levels of security. However,
While such a metaverse system may well be service paid for in a cryptocurrency, this can give Not all stablecoins have this high quality of some individuals may prefer to operate only within
developed, it will need to meet extremely high it a stable value across the metaverse and make it reserves to draw upon and some have failed the sort of regulated banking framework with which
standards of resilience and security in order for it to more suitable for use in payments. If the connective catastrophically, resulting in huge losses for they are familiar, and some businesses may operate
underpin the payments network. architecture provides a sufficiently seamless and investors. The collapse of the algorithmic under mandates that prevent them from taking on
risk-free experience, then the value of MANA and stablecoin Terra and its associated cryptocurrency unfamiliar risks.
CRYPTOCURRENCIES its ilk should not fall even when it is being traded in Luna triggered a substantial fall in the value of the Accordingly, as the metaverse grows in scale and
For many, payments in the metaverse means a different environment from the one where it can cryptocurrency market. reach, there will be a demand for traditional bank-
payments using cryptocurrency. In some sense, this be redeemed. However, a secure and well-collateralised operated transaction services within it. Creating
makes sense. Cryptocurrencies were the first use One potential issue with this is that it can lead to stablecoin would give people a means of tokens tradeable within the blockchain that
case of blockchains and, given blockchain is likely a large range of cryptocurrencies that metaverse transacting on-chain and in-metaverse. represent deposits will be the first stage.
to form a major part of the infrastructure for the users might wish to pay with. This is a particularly attractive option because it Although these are conceptually similar to
metaverse, it is no surprise that they are an early This can lead to a great deal of difficulty for should be invisible to the user. Individuals should be stablecoins, in that they are crypto-tokens
contender to become a payments solution. merchants, who might struggle to manage the able to transact freely and instantly in stablecoins designed to maintain the value of a fiat currency,
The infant stages of the metaverse have, complexity of such a range of cryptocurrencies, in the metaverse without considering that the they are different in that the security of
in many cases, been constructed by and for where fungibility and interoperability are not money is any different from the digital commercial stablecoins rests entirely on the quality of their
cryptocurrency users. Decentraland, for example, necessarily simple. bank money they use to buy groceries with outside collateralisation, while tokenising bank deposits
is on the Ethereum blockchain. Users buy plots of If they have to pay suppliers with a particular of the metaverse. allows users to trade in digital money that has the
virtual land (where ownership is represented by currency but are typically paid in a range of others, same risk profile they are used to.
non-fungible tokens), using a Decentraland native they will have a complex liquidity management BANK SERVICES IN THE METAVERSE
cryptocurrency called MANA, which is typically operation to conduct. As the metaverse becomes more mainstream, LENDING
purchased with ether, Ethereum’s cryptocurrency. It may be possible for service providers to existing players in financial services are already As these services develop, it will become possible
However, cryptocurrencies have, overall, failed remove this complexity, managing an automated seeking ways to offer their services to a new hub of for in-metaverse assets to be used to collateralise
to take off as a mainstream means of payment. exchange system that allows users to pay in the economic activity. loans in traditional fiat currency, and vice versa.
Most people are reluctant to transact in units method of their choosing and merchants to receive Some have already planted a flag in the Tokens that can be redeemed in the metaverse
other than those in which their salary and taxes are the cryptocurrency or other payment method of metaverse to ensure they are not left behind. JP for goods and services, or assets that have
denominated. The exchange risk this entails puts their choice. Morgan opened a lounge in Decentraland, touting demonstrated a consistent value in a digital
off most except those who wish to speculate. In the future, if the metaverse becomes a market opportunity of $1tn. HSBC and Standard marketplace — perhaps in-game cosmetics or non-
At present, the lack of stability in the value ubiquitous and highly liquid, some envisage a fully Chartered also purchased land in the metaverse, fungible token equivalents of designer products
of bitcoin and the rest of the cryptocurrency invested world where the distinction between choosing the Sandbox for their first digital space, — might form the security for loans made in fiat
ecosystem renders it too volatile for use as a major a means of payment and an investable asset as has Thailand’s Siam Commercial Bank. currency.
channel for payments since costs and revenues collapses. Digital tokens representing entitlement Banks are anticipating a world of digital However, most lenders will likely demand
would be too unpredictable. to future earnings or discounts on goods and economic activity in which they can offer their extremely steep overcollateralisation at present
Many metaverse infrastructure providers will services can all theoretically be used as a means traditional services in new ways, providing credit since the performance of digital assets in 2022 has
launch their own cryptocurrencies, which are of payment in a world where such assets are and transaction services to individuals and been so poor.
typically redeemable for services they provide. sufficiently liquid and can be efficiently and businesses in the metaverse. Liquidating digital asset-based collateral can
While they may only be redeemable for services impartially valued and traded. Matthew Harris, a There are also digital first challenger banks like be a difficult process since, in many markets, the
in a specific environment, ideally they should be partner at Bain Capital Ventures, believes this is Zelf and Sokin, which tailor their offerings to the liquidity is so thin that the value can crash rapidly if
tradeable across the metaverse. where the metaverse will take us. needs of metaverse users, particularly in gaming. forced sellers begin offloading large volumes.
52 DMI Future of Payments 2022 omfif.org/dmi 53
This has been demonstrated in the Accordingly, services must exist to allow them For this reason, the necessity to verify identity
cryptocurrency market, where the collapse of to on-board value from fiat to the metaverse at the level of the service provider is key to the
the Terra/Luna ecosystem and the subsequent
reduction in the value of bitcoin resulted in
$13tn environment and the reverse.
Many cryptocurrency exchanges already offer
development of a safe and secure metaverse
payments environment.
widespread margin calls and the bankruptcy of Total addressable this service, allowing users to buy stablecoins and
several firms. market in the cryptocurrencies for fiat. Perhaps because of the RENT-SEEKING IN THE METAVERSE
Having a large, liquid market for these assets metaverse newness of the industry, many exchanges offer Virtual payments can, in theory, be substantially
will be pivotal to the sustainability of their value. estimated by Citi wallets as part of their service, but there is no cheaper and more efficient (particularly for
Ensuring that such a market exists requires that reason why this would necessarily be the case for low-value payments) than traditional digital fiat
these assets be valuable to the broadest possible payments in the metaverse. payments. However, platform providers may
network, which requires interoperability between Making this process both secure (adhering to constrain growth by levying transaction fees. These
networks. local standards of KYC and other regulation) and would be justified as a means of paying for the
efficient will be important to the success of the development and maintenance of the platform,
INTEROPERABILITY AND DIGITAL metaverse. rather than processing the payment securely, but
IDENTITY One way to achieve this is through integration would have a similar effect.
Ensuring that assets and the means of payment are with existing services. Banks, and other financial While payments providers in the real world
not bound to a single chain or institutional network institutions and payment providers, are the most typically charge a fee of up to a couple of
but can be traded freely between users in different obvious choice. If they begin providing digital percentage points of the transaction, major
environments will be important to ensuring a stable, wallet architecture, one could seamlessly move technology providers routinely charge much higher
liquid marketplace. Simply purchasing a cryptocurrency, sending it to a money between a fiat and a digital account without fees for transactions on their platforms. Apple’s
Technically, this is complicated. Ensuring contact (who may be in another country) who then additional layers of identity verification. approach to monetising its app store is the clearest
environments are compatible means solving some sells it for their local currency is a quick and simple Other service providers are likely to attempt to example. Transactions in the app store or on
sophisticated engineering challenges. means of sending value across borders. Right now, compete with banks for this market. Since wallet services distributed by it are subject to a 30% fee.
One of the key components of the metaverse is this kind of system is likely to have wider foreign provision does not need a full banking license, there Meta wishes to adopt a similar model, levying a
likely to be a form of verifiable digital identity that is exchange spreads and therefore higher costs, will be opportunities for providers to generate 30% store fee, and variable platform fees on top,
valid across multiple environments. Users must be which might offset the transaction fee savings, value by integrating payments with their own suggesting that creators will receive around half
able to verify that their counterparty is appropriate but if sufficiently large liquidity providers join the services. Social media and messaging services of the revenue from sales in Meta’s version of the
for the type of transaction they are undertaking. space, then this gap could be minimised. could add a digital payments function to their metaverse.
Age and location verification will be important, as However, a system like this is partly cheaper service and offer convenient payments within an Whether these fees are justified by the work
will a successful know-your-customer check. and quicker because it does not adhere to the environment that people are already comfortable the providers do to construct and maintain the
The ideal solution here is that digital identity can same standards of KYC, anti-money laundering, with. platforms on which creators rely is a complicated
be verified to a counterparty’s satisfaction without countering terrorist financing and other regulations Integrating purchase methods within apps, and difficult question, but whatever the answer, this
exposing personal data. that prevent financial crime. Without monitoring rather than having to set up verification through level of fee will restrict the type of development
For it to be valuable in the metaverse, this systems in place, cross-border stablecoin a separate provider as is typically the case, might that is economically viable in the metaverse.
verification must be able to operate across a broad transmission could become a channel for criminal improve conversion in online sales, lowering the
range of environments. payments. barrier for purchases. A CATALYST FOR DEVELOPMENT
This kind of verification will be key for payments The metaverse, particularly with a robust system Another method which already exists is Momentum around the development of the digital
in the metaverse, ensuring that people can safely for digital identity verification, might provide an the crypto-debit card. Services allow you to asset ecosystem has understandably stalled
and securely exchange value. opportunity for this type of cross-border payments pay in fiat currencies, directly realised from because of the destruction of so much value in
Ideally, this identity should form the core of a solution to function more effectively, giving the your cryptocurrency holdings. This allows the NFT and cryptocurrency marketplace over the
wallet, which can be used to hold various digital benefits of simple peer-to-peer transfer in an cryptocurrency holders to pay from their holdings past year. But the demand for digital assets to exist
assets and methods of payment, whether these are environment where identity is verified, so KYC and to merchants that do not accept cryptocurrency beyond the issuing institution will grow and the need
cryptocurrencies, stablecoins or something else. AML standards can be enforced. without having to maintain a fiat balance. The for a payments industry designed to service those
This wallet should be able to ‘travel’ to different money they need is converted automatically from needs will expand too.
environments in the metaverse, enabling a variety ON-RAMPS AND OFF-RAMPS their cryptocurrency account on demand. The trajectory is not yet certain — and
of different interactions without losing the core A key component to all of this is the design One can easily imagine this relationship working interoperability remains a substantial technical
identity. of the on- and off- ramps that allow users to in both directions, where a debit card or other hurdle. For the moment, cryptocurrencies dominate
transfer value between the metaverse and their payment platform might automatically convert fiat the metaverse and discussions around it, but
CROSS-BORDER PAYMENTS conventional fiat accounts. holdings into a cryptocurrency or stablecoin at the they are unlikely to ever to achieve dominance
Although interoperability between different In the future, it is possible that the payments point of sale to meet the method required by the as a means of payment. Stablecoins offer a more
metaverse environments will be a challenge, one systems used in the metaverse will become so merchant. promising path and there will likely be growing
of the opportunities that the development of the commonplace that this on-ramp/off-ramp process Convenient payments services are, of course, involvement by the state and existing financial
metaverse presents is a means of simplifying the will be theoretical only and that we will use the same desirable, but it will be even more important players in their provision.
process of sending money across borders. tools to pay in real life as we use to pay for digital that authorities are able to oversee and police Stablecoins offer a means of quickly sending
At present, the challenge of connecting the goods and services in the metaverse. payments. money across borders. But doing so in the absence
widely varying types of domestic payments For the moment, however, users are With cryptocurrency’s pseudonymous nature, of a rigorous monitoring infrastructure opens too
networks is proving immensely difficult to address. likely to maintain a balance in stablecoins or the primary means of combatting criminals who many opportunities for crime. The development of
Stablecoins and cryptocurrencies present one cryptocurrencies for use in the metaverse, distinct make use of it for payments is to police off-ramps, the metaverse, and the digital identity infrastructure
possible means of circumventing some of the from their main stores of value with which they pay where criminals sell their cryptocurrency for fiat required to serve it, might carry the institutional
problems (although they bring their own issues). for rent, taxes and groceries. currency. heft to offer a solution to this problem. •
54 DMI Future of Payments 2022 omfif.org/dmi 55
INNOVATION FOR BOTH THE Will the need for on and off-ramps for the
metaverse drive new innovations in payments?