04 - Culminating Performance Task - General Chemistry 1

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Subject: General Chemistry 1

Subject Description: Composition, structure, and properties of matter; quantitative principles, kinetics, and energetics of
transformations of matter; and fundamental concepts of organic compounds.
Grade Level: 11 ( for STEM)
Semester | Academic Year: First | 2022-2023
Culminating Performance The students will prepare a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and create a pre-recorded video
Standard: demonstration on any home-based experiment related to the topics discussed.
Transfer Goal: The learners will demonstrate an understanding of any of the concepts in matter, stoichiometry, gases,
chemical bonding, and organic compounds.
Performance Task Scenario: The learners will design using a multi-media, a demonstration of any of the topics discussed in the subject
and prepare a MSDS.

Goals: The learner will create a pre-recorded video about the topic chosen. The goal is to make a demonstration video about the topic
chosen and explain the concept behind the experiment.
Role: You will be a laboratory specialist and a scientist who is tasked to outline an experiment and perform it.
Audience: You will present this to your classmates and science teachers who will serve as the panelist.
Situation: Given that you are always at your home, you know the products that you will use are limited only. As a student, you have to
be resourceful with the materials that you will use for the experiment, to do this you need to accomplish the experiment draft
for safer experimentation.
Performance: Video Demonstration
You will have to prepare the following:
1. Choose any of the following topics for the experiment - matter, stoichiometry, gases, chemical bonding, and organic
2. Prepare the materials available at home.
3. Prepare a draft of the experiment and have it approved by the teacher.

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4. Take a video of the demonstration of the experiment.
5. Submit the video to the gdrive provided by the teacher.
6. Video will be presented to the teacher and to your classmates if there is available time.
I. Title of the Experiment
II. Objectives
III. Materials
IV. Outlined Procedure
V. Science Concept
VI. Reference
Standards: Describe clearly the criteria by which the product/presentation will be judged; should include the rubric.


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