Anthropology, Sociology, & Political Science

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This module tackles the starting point of understanding for the understanding of culture, society, and
politics. The following includes social and cultural background, socio-cultural and political behavior
and phenomena, socio-cultural and political change, and definition of the three Social Sciences
disciplines namely, anthropology, sociology, and political science.

• Define anthropology, sociology, and political science
• Explain socio-cultural and political phenomena, behavior, and changes
• Trace the goal of anthropology, sociology, and political science


Culture, society, and politics are concepts. They exist in the realm of ideas and thoughts. As
such, they cannot be seen or touched and yet they influence the way we see and experience our
individual and collective lives as social beings.
The way we live our lives-or should we say, the way we are being steered to live our lives-
presupposes omnipotent forces shaping the very fabric of our existence. The categories that we possess
as individuals-labels that are ascribed or given to us individually and collectively-are a testament to
the operation of these forces which leave us unsuspecting of their intrusive and punitive implications
in our lives. Our categories as male/female, rich/ poor, or tall/short, and even the problematic effect of
the color of our skin are evidence of the operation of these social forces.
In other words, our sociality is defined by the very categories that we possess, the categories
assigned to us by society at large. These 'labels", so to speak, function as tags with which our society
read our worth and value. Surprisingly, these categories that we possess are not natural; rather, they
are socially constructed. Our genders, for example mirror the way our culture 'reads' us as member of
society. Of all the social labels attached to members of society, gender appears to be the most
fundamental, intrusive, and limiting. The personal traits and social positions that members of a society
attach to being male or female reflect this insight. Even before we see the first light of day, our world
is already being organized by society: as boys or girls, we have been assigned appropriate colors, toys,
clothes, mannerisms, etiquette, careers to pursue, and choice of mate. In short, the totality of our
sociality has already been constructed for us.

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1. Cultural Variation - refers to the differences in social behaviors that cultures exhibit around the
world. In the Philippines differences in social behaviors are influence with cultures in a specific places
and tribes. So, with the different people in different countries, they have also different norms and
values that exist within their groups.

Cultural Variation in Dress Styles

2. Social Differences – refers to the situation where people are discriminated based on economic
status, social characteristics, and qualities. These may include race, ethnicity, gender, and professions.
3. Political Identities - refers to political position based on the interests and perspective of social
groups with which people identify. For instance, Filipinos are known for being a democratic country
and exercise suffrage to choose their leaders.
There are times that we find ourselves in a situation unlike other situations. We personally
encounter different ways of doing things, behaving, and making sense of events. Observing them, we
cannot help but ask: Why do people do such a thing? What makes it normal and acceptable to some
people in some places and unacceptable to others in other places?
These questions are triggered by our habit of looking at other people's worlds as we look at our
own. In order to explore the issue further, consider the following situations in the table below.
Situation Behavior and Description
1. Gary graduated a year ago. Despite being istambay a behavioral feature of most
blessed with several job offers; he chose to young people who feel that the
remain jobless and hang around with his company of other young
barkada. Together they love to istambay in people is more meaningful and
the town plaza especially at night. exciting than staying at home
or reading books.
2. As a businessman, Mang Leo is used to lagay a set of practices - bribing
giving "padulas (or lagay) to his main
suppliers in order to expedite his business
transactions with them.

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3. Members of the Seventh-Day Adventist food taboos a group-based practice made
Church are strongly prohibited from eating possible and stronger by a set
pork and food with blood, as well as from of beliefs revolving around the
smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. nexus of health and religion
4. Darius is openly gay. He lives with his same-sex a form of lifestyle associated
partner Garner. He and Garner are both partnership with a specific sexual
college professors in the local city college. preference and romantic
5. If grades were to be the basis of Rusty's Use of a go- a set of practices – influential
standing in his economics class, he would between/ padrino mediator
Surely fail the course. However, he was
given a passing grade by his economics
teacher, who happened to be a childhood
friend of his mother.


Scenario Phenomenon Description
1. Taking "selfies" is Alyssa's selfieing behavioral pattern due to the
preoccupation It became a habit infiltration of technology
when her parents gave her a
phone on her birthday.
2. Kapitan Tim is the political dynasty durability of certain cultural
incumbent mayor of the City of and political practices
Amin Amin. His son, Timmy
Jr. is currently running for the
congressional seat of the
district, a position occupied by
his mother Cong. Valencia for
about three consecutive terms.
3. Amina, a college student, is transnational families emerging pattern of family
living alone in Manila. Both of relations
her parents are OFWS working
in the Middle East. She visits
them every summer break.
4. As a youth volunteer, Verna youth volunteerism personal expression of a
finds the rainy season a busy political principle by an
season due to the frequency of increasing number of people.
typhoon-related disasters
Sometimes she even spends her
own money to buy relief goods
for typhoon victims.
5. Michael almost missed the video gaming fast becoming a normal
chance to finish high school behavioral pattern among the
because he had been absent

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most of the time playing Clash younger members of the
of Clans (COC). Filipino society

What is common among the scenarios is that they may all be considered as manifestations of
cultural and political changes, New technological platforms facilitating communication, self-
expression, and interactions represent the cultural change, while possession and expressions of power
represent the political change.
The study of society can be accomplished in three different ways: (1) by mapping the social
forces impinging on social actors as their lives intersect in society: (2) by rehearsing the structures and
components of cultural practices and traditions; and (3) by exposing the asymmetrical power
distributions among members of social communities and organizations. These attempts -different and
unique in their basic assumptions about what makes society possible and the network of relationships
that define and constitute it-are made due to a common concern: to understand the dynamics of social
interactions in society.
These attempts are formally referred to, notably in the academe, as "disciplines" because of
their specific perspective or focus. If the perspective highlights the external influences that facilitate
or constrain human actions the discipline is called "sociology." If the perspective underlines the role
of cultural structures in organizing human interactions, the discipline is referred to as "anthropology."
And if the perspective zeroes in on power relations and how these produce layered modalities of
opportunities among social actors then the discipline is called "political science."
Notice however that at the onset, these disciplines may be seen as mutually exclusive ways of
looking at society. But in reality, they are complementary perspectives as they provide different ways
of making sense of social dynamics. Below and on the next pages, we tackle each of these social
Sociology focuses on the ubiquity (or the "everywhere-ness") a social force in unlikely forms:
sex, gender, religion, class, race, ethnicity sexual orientation, and the like. Social forces represent a
constellation of unseen yet powerful forces influencing the behavior of individuals and institutions. In
this sense, social forces can be interpreted as any human created way of doing things that influence,
pressure, or force people to behave, interact with others, and think in certain ways.
Some of the goals of sociology are (1) understand us better, (2) build a better understanding of
mankind, (3) help with decision-making, and (4) provide insights into what is going on in a situation.
The American Anthropological Association describes anthropology as a science seeking to "uncover
principles of behavior that apply to all human communities."To an anthropologist, diversity itself-seen
in body shapes and sizes, customs, clothing, speech, religion, and worldview provides a frame of
reference for understanding any single aspect of life in any given community. Instead of looking for a

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"universal culture" cultural artifacts that appear the same or similar everywhere they are found
anthropologists are looking for "culture universal," patterns of similarity within an array of differences.
This approach is faithful to the principle of "equal but different" enshrined in the motto of the
discipline. As a social science, anthropology focuses on human diversity around the world.
Anthropologists look at cross-cultural differences in social institutions, cultural beliefs, and
communication styles. They often seek to promote understanding between groups by "translating each
culture to the other, for instance by spelling out common, taken-for-granted assumptions.
Some of the goals of anthropology are (1) describe and analyze the biological evolution of
mankind, (2) describe and assess the cultural development of our species, (3) describe, explain, and
analyze the present-day human cultural similarities and differences, and (4) describe and explain
human biological and diversity today.
Political science is the systematic study of government and politics It makes generalizations
and analyses about political systems and political behavior and uses these results to predict future
behavior (as in elections and similar processes where predicting behaviors are Important), Political
science includes the study of political philosophy, ethics, international relations, foreign policy, public
administration, and the dynamic relations between different parts of governments. As such, it deals
extensively with the theory and practice of politics which is commonly thought of as the determining
factor in the distribution of power and resources, Political scientists "see themselves engaged in
revealing the relationships underlying political events and conditions, and from these revelations they
attempt to construct general principles about the way the world of politics works
In its most generic sense, political science asses the asymmetrical power relations of members
of society but problematizes the unjust and unfair effects of such relation is manifested in matters
related to governance Power relations are forms of interaction mediated by the use and deployment of
authority and political influence. They have different layers ranging from the personal to the
group/organizational to the institutional and governmental Political science is fascinated by the variety
of their manifestations license its goal is to document these manifestations and map the constellations
of power relations within the different layers Their political analysis is sharpened by the diverse issues
and concerns debated within and across the layers.
Some of the goals of political science are (1) be immersed in current affairs, (2) build an
understanding on the local, national, and international politics, (3) learn how political activities are
organized in and out of our country, and (4) provide substantially critical and scientific contribution to
government and society.

Escareal-Go, C. & Go, J. (2017 September 1). Cultural trends changing how Filipinos behave. [Article]
Philippine Daily Inquirer.

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Balena, E. D., Lucero, D. M., & Peralta, A. M. (2016). Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
for SHS. Educational Resources Corporation, Cubao, Quezon City
Contreras, A. P., Dela Cruz, A. R. D., Erasga, D. S., Fadrigon, C. C. (2018). Understanding Culture,
Society, and Politics. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. Quezon City, Philippines
Lanuza, G. M. & Raymundo, S. S. (2017). Understanding Culture, Society and Politics for Senior
High School. Rex Bookstore. Quezon City, Philippines
Mariano, G. M. M. (n.d.). Understanding Culture, Society and Politics – Handbook. Retrieved from
Understanding Culture, Society, & Politics (Week 1) of EAC – UCSP Module.

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