COM505 Critical Review 2 Agenda Setting
COM505 Critical Review 2 Agenda Setting
COM505 Critical Review 2 Agenda Setting
Agenda Setting Theory
This week’s theory exploration takes us through the passage of looking into the agenda
setting theory. The term "capacity (of the news media to affect the significance put on the themes
of the public agenda)" is used to describe the process of "setting the agenda." (Oliver, 2020,
p.184) The process by which the media strives to exert influence over viewers and build a
hierarchy of news precedence is analyzed under the heading of "setting the agenda." Nations that
are seen to be gifted with a greater amount of political authority receive greater publicity in the
media. The biases held by the media towards topics such as politics, the economy, and culture
are what drive the agenda that is set by the media. A rapid speed of growth and extension of
components of communication research. In order to achieve its intended purpose, the process of
agenda setting must follow a certain sequence of steps. In a research on the presidential election
of 1968 referred to as "the Chapel Hill study," Dr. Max McCombs and Dr. Donald Shaw
formally created what is now known as the agenda-setting hypothesis. McCombs and Shaw
revealed a high association between the thoughts of one hundred inhabitants of Chapel Hill
regarding what was the most important election topic and what was reported to be the most
important subject by the local news media. (Lamb, 2012) McCombs and Shaw determined the
degree to which the public is swayed by the media by comparing the importance of subjects
discussed in the news to the impressions held by the general population. The idea also proposes
that the media has a significant impact on its audience by instilling in them what they ought to
think about rather than what they really think about. To put it another way, the audience will
view an issue as more important if it is reported several times and in prominent places in the
news. (Oliver, 2020) There is a correlation between what members of the media choose to
highlight and their perspectives on topics such as politics, the economy, and culture, according to
Agenda Setting Theory
a number of studies. Other opponents of the news media in the United States argue that
journalism has morphed into a type of entertainment, in addition to the prejudice that exists in
the media. Instead of supplying the public with the facts that they require, journalists make it
their mission to satisfy the public's thirst for frightening and dramatic headlines. Countries that
have a greater tendency to have more political authority have a greater possibility of receiving
media attention. Some of the most important reasons that might explain coverage inequality
include monetary resources, technological advances, international commerce, and the amount of
The Agenda Function Setting Theory video explained the concepts rooted within the
agenda setting theory and argued the explanation that the media can’t tell you what to watch and
discuss. However, which media can’t tell you what to think, but more importantly what to think
about. It focused its attention to the presidential elections and the focus of communicating the
issue and how can you manipulate the views, titles, font sizes, and ultimately trigger the
stimulating talks supporting the concepts of media messages. More importantly, we focus on the
aspects of how the agenda setting theory addresses the ability to create topics as major or minor
in discussion forums. Another great concept brought forth in this video, was the definition of
reality versus perceived reality and the ability for the media to effectively control dictate and
create adversity to particular topics. All the while maintaining this stance of distance and
separation from the information presented, which is defined as the framing theory. The media
bias perspective is dissected by Alisa Miller's Ted Talk, which also provides regional and
geographical examples of media framing and agenda shaping ideas. Miller's convincing evidence
demonstrates how skewed the media's portrayal of global events has made us, allowing her to
relate to and build trust with her listeners. She also shows that, despite having less education
Agenda Setting Theory
overall, people today are 50% more engaged in international news than our ancestors. Miller
(2008) Video interview with Jaron Lanier is excellent because it shows how digital tracking and
manipulation and monitoring in this video and in his book, "Ten Reasons to Delete your Social
Media Account Now." The power of the mass media to influence our behavior and direct our
attention to specific, premium content is predicated on the digital information collection and
content production that is the hallmark of the media industry of the future.
The theoretical approach displays the conceptualized notion that the media has a
strangle hold on the variance and tolerability of our news media. Based upon ownership
hierarchy and political biasness built into the corporate structure. The media outlets with deepest
pockets can control the visualization of media imagery and information. By portraying aspects of
particular details that contribute to personal factors, limiting informational flows, and devising
campaign and strategic deployment of advertisements and propaganda, the media is complete
control of our news watching. Therefore, as communication specialists it is our duty and
obligation to maintain an open eye and ear and develop truthful methodologies of
communication. Holding firm in our values in the face of adversity, we must profoundly go
froward and present and represent all views, whether political, religious, or cultural, we are
Lamb, B. (2012, September 6). The agenda setting function theory | media in minutes - YouTube.
Retrieved September 12, 2022, from
Lanier, J. (2018, June 15). Jaron Lanier interview on how Social Media Ruins Your Life -
YouTube. Retrieved September 12, 2022, from
Miller, A. (2008). How the news distorts our worldview. Alisa Miller: How the news distorts our
worldview | TED Talk. Retrieved September 11, 2022, from
Oliver, M. B., Raney, A. A., & Bryant, J. (2020). Media effects: Advances in theory and
research. Routledge.