Tourism Management Srs

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Prepared By


anant RAI (A15)

akash tiwari (A16)

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Project Scope
1.3 Glossary
1.4 References

2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Functions
2.2 User Classes and Characteristics
2.3 Operating Environment
2.4 Design and Implementation Constraints
2.5 User Documentation

3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces
3.2 Hardware Interfaces
3.3 Software Interfaces
4. Functional Requirements
4.1 Customer Module
4.2 Administration Module

5. Non functional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements
5.2 Security Requirements
5.3 Software Quality Attributes
1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to present a detailed description of the Tourism management
System. It will explain the purpose and features of the system, the interfaces of the system, what the
system will do, the constraints under which it must operate and how the system will react to external
stimuli. This document is intended for both the stakeholders and the developers of the system.

1.2 Project Scope

The Tourism Management System project is an implementation of a managing Tourism website
which helps the customers to search the availabilityof various tourist places and prices of various
hotel rooms in particular places, along with the different packages available with the reservations.
This project also covers various features like online registration of the users, modifying the details
of the website by the management staff or administrator of the website, by adding, deleting or
modifying the customer details or packages information. In general, this website would be designed
to perform like any other Tourist management website available online .

1.3. Glossary

Term Definition
Active Article The document that is tracked by the system; it is a narrative
that is planned to be posted to the public website.
Author Person submitting an article to be reviewed. In case of
multiple authors, this term refers to the principal author,
with whom all communication is made.
Database Collection of all the information monitored by this system.
Editor Person who receives articles, sends articles for review, and
makes final judgments for publications.
Field A cell within a form.
Historical Society The existing membership database (also HS database).
Member A member of the Historical Society listed in the HS
Reader Anyone visiting the site to read articles.
Review A written recommendation about the appropriateness of an
article for publication; may include suggestions for

Reviewer A person that examines an article and has the ability to

recommend approval of the article for publication or to
request that changes be made in the article.
Software Requirements A document that completely describes all of the functions of
Specification a proposed system and the constraints under which it must
operate. For example, this document.
Stakeholder Any person with an interest in the project who is not a
User Reviewer or Author.

1.3 References

IEEE Std 830-1998 IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements
2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Functions

Thus this system like a self-containing shell, that covers all the major aspects in the
computerization of tourist agency. Some tasks are described in detail :

Sight Seeing Tours :

Tourist can enjoy, sightseeing tours to any of the place, listed in Agencies
Data File. Before that Customer has to make the booking by registering his/her name in Data-File and
informing date of journey and No. of operations.
Hotels :
Agency also makes the reservation for the Hotels registered with agency.

Billing :
Once the Customer makes the booking or reservation, Bill will be generated for
him/her, and money has to be paid on the spot itself.
Report Generation :
Details about the locations, hotels in that location and final report on the journey fare.

2.2 User Classes and Characteristics

Customer :
The one who uses the system. For which the system is created.
The one who manages the system, providelocation
details to the customers


manager :

Manager Administrator :

The one who operates the system , modifies ,add or delete the customer records in databases.


2.3 Operating Environment


Administrator Online tourist


Manager Manager



Operating System: Win 7,XP, 2000, 98, Vista

Software req. : JRE 1.6 or higher, Windows media player
Recommended Conf.: 256mb RAM or higher, 10mb Disk space Screen
Resolution: 1024x768
2.5 Design and Implementation

• Requires 256 MB on-board memory.

• Based completely on Windows functionality platform.
 The software should be portable and must be inaccessible to unauthorized user..

2.6 User Documentation

Installation Guide, User Manual and Help File are provided separately with the
product.Context sensitive help is integrated implicitly with the product.
3.External Interface Requirements

3.1 UserInterfaces
3.2 Hardware Interfaces
Hardware specification

Processor : Pentium IV
Speed : 2.0 GHZ above
Hard Disk : 40 GB
RAM : 512 MB
CD Drive : 48x
Input devices : Keyboard and mouse
Monitor : Compatible monitor with 600 x 800 resolutions
Internet : 100kbps above
Printer : Any printer compatible for Windows

3.3 Software Interfaces

Software specification

Operating System : Windows XP or Higher versions

Front End : ASP.NET
Back End : SQL
4.Functional Requirements

Customer Module:
There are two types of users. Visitors to the site and Tourists. The user module has the following
sub divisions.

1. Search :

All visitors to the system can search for tourist centers in Kerala, as per specific location, district,
category and season. They can get information about different recreational facilities available at each
Tourist centers and information about facility providers, quality and cost.

2. Registration :

The tourist who wishes to avail of the facilities provided by DTPC has to register with the system
giving all the details. He / she have to provide a user id and password. The registration process, user
login process, security checking regard to these is taken care of in this module.

3. Online Booking :
In this module tourists can book online the following facilities: Home stay, travel agents,
Health care centers (Indian System) and hotels / restaurants, one month in advance.
They can also make on line payment of bills for booking. They can also cancel the booking and get
the payment back after deduction booking charges.

4. Feed back :
Options to give feedback by the users are coming under this sub module.
Administrator Module:
This module has the following sub modules.

1. Information Module

In this module there provides data about different Tourist centers photos, clippings, audio and
video gallery. Addition, deletion and modification of data is taken care of in this module. New centers
with all information are added in the system.

2. Client Module

Recreational facilities and service providers at tourist centers are considered as clients of the
system. They have to register first before doing operations. Therefore in this module online
registration of clients, cancellation of a client permit, client login, and security checking are taken care

3. Reports & Mail

Generation of different reports, sending mails to clients and tourists, providing reports and
data are considered here.

4. Advertisements

The clients can advertise here .The functionality is developed and executed in this module
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

The Tourism management System application should be able to respond to the queries submitted by
the customer without much delay. When a user searches for a tour location, the application should
not take much time to return the results, similarly for the motel and package information.
Considering that the application is of moderate size, it should be able to display 10 results at a time
on each page, when the customer looks up for any particular data. Since the Online tourism websites
have much traffic, the user should also be able to logon to the system using high speed internet.
Most of the requests sent to the application should be answered in less than 5 seconds.

5.2 Security Requirements

It must be ensured that access will be provided to the authorized persons through user ID and
Network security will be provided by the use of firewalls.
Checks can be performed at regular internals to ensure data integrity

5.3 Software Quality Attributes

For all services that rely on TMS for access control, lack of availability of the supported
services. The product should not crash under any circumstance such as user entering invalid values,
user trying to find unusual data etc. It should show appropriate message for every user generated
Ideally, the user should not be aware that authentication is taking place beyond the
requirement to enter a password.
The system should be capable of supporting large number of client and servers.This
suggests modular, distributed architecture
Our product will be portable to carry and will run in any machine provided it runs a
Windows Operating System.

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