ECC Carbon Footprint Proposal
ECC Carbon Footprint Proposal
ECC Carbon Footprint Proposal
The Egyptian Carbon Center (ECC) was founded to address greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Egypt and to help Egyptian
organizations reduce their carbon footprints by implementing proper frameworks to measure and manage GHG emissions from
their operations, value chains and mitigation actions.
ECC works to deliver information, insights, analysis, and strategy consulting services to clients whose future is increasingly
impacted by Climate Change and Environmental and Sustainability policies.
The current transition to a low carbon economy demands companies to adapt to new trends. ECC assists companies in
transforming their core business, differentiating their offerings, identifying risks, and creating new models.
Work Schedule
ECC methodologies and framework are based on the GHG protocol that supplies the world’s most
widely used greenhouse gas accounting standards.
The Paris Agreement, adopted within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCC) in December 2015, commits participating all countries to limit global temperature rise,
adapt to changes already occurring, and regularly increase efforts over time. GHG Protocol is
developing standards and tools that helps countries and cities track progress towards their climate
ECC looks forward to help Egypt go greener by offering fully utilized solutions to analyze, measure,
reduce and offset GHG. ECC services are tailor made and adapts to each organization size and
Technical assistance services to implement policies and Executing capacity building programs in the field of GHG emissions,
actions contained in the Nationally Determined Contributions carbon footprint calculations and sustainable strategies.
(NDCs) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Supporting new partnerships between private stakeholders and
Technical support for the formulation and preparation of public institutions on carbon foot print studies and GHG value chain
Climate Strategy and relevant policies. identification.
Conducting carbon footprint, GHG calculations with different Promotion of the expansion carbon bankable investments with
scopes. national and international donors.
The Egyptian Carbon Center (ECC) can help you navigate your way by supporting the development of your market participation
strategy and providing credible and trusted access to carbon credit markets as part of your larger carbon management strategy.
Our trading team transacts across voluntary and compliance carbon markets globally. We have all types of local and global
credits, spanning multiple project types and jurisdictions, such as nature-based solutions, renewable energy, energy efficiency,
and industrial processes.
Our proposal understands and fully supports the development of calculations and guidance that follow the internationally
recognized carbon footprint standards, in order to enable option travel to promote their low carbon credentials and giving the
customers the confidence that an internationally approved process has been followed and verified.
Fulfilment of the company’s expectations and objectives shall draw on our team’s extensive experiences collected through
undertaking comparable Energy strategies, Energy efficiency action plans, besides environment and climate protection
projects, within the region and internationally, including e.g., technical, environmental, and social assessments, tender and
contract support, member states consultancy firm, institutional enhancements and capacity building trainings.
Our overall approach builds on the requirements set out in this proposal and is intended to exhibit compatibility with the
highest professional standards and international best practices considering international commitments, while at the same
time, assuring cost-effectiveness and prudence with resources. Moreover, we recognize that the proposed deliverables and
technical support must be adjusted or modified especially based on the evolving findings during data collection and
verification stage, and thus requires a high degree of flexibility from our side. We would like to make clear that this flexibility is
an integral part of our approach, where we remain ready and willing to support option travel in whichever arising
To maximize the benefits for successful and accurate GHG emission calculation, we plan to analyze, confirm and fine-tune
key objectives such that the final recommended overall approach:
Critically reviews and fully accounts for findings of relevant baseline data;
Responds to economic, environmental needs and constraints (Technical – Financial) as expressed by the client.
Submission of “draft” versions of deliverables to ensure prompt and mutual understanding of issues and evolving
findings/outcomes prior to finalization.
Addresses key priorities, to be consistent with the overall framework of international accredited standards, and the overall
sustainability policies of the company;
Identifies major challenges that may be experienced, and opportunities available, the causal interrelationships of cross
cutting factors;
If requested in further stages, addressing actions that may be required by the client to overcome any barriers or defects
due to the existing situation of assessed fleet.
The project timeline is carefully depicted in the Work Schedule, with services envisioned to be completed earliest in 12 weeks, in total
period of 4 months for developing scope 1 and 2 GHG calculations.
Provide a questionnaire to be
The timeline is considered ambitious, but feasible and thus still affords the reporting period of 4 months’ period for contingency to
filled before the site visit
overcome any unforeseen delays. ECC team foreseen that the time
plan is very critical, and calculations development requires ambitious
but at the same time realistic planning schedule to avoid activities crashing or delay, our key aspects for timeline are notably:
Data collection
and analysis. x x x x
Processing of
data &
developing draft
x x x x x x x x x
Reporting for
x x x x
Presentation of
the final
outcomes of the
x x
Review of
Questionnaire existing
Energy Data
To achieve reliable results and allow for
of the study:
Deliverables Presentation
Especially at commencement, key data shall be collected The baseline assessment is performed with an analysis of
in the form of questionnaires that are tailored to specific existing data afforded from dedicated company
requirements. The information gathered provides an representatives, and other relevant documents. The team
initial contextual background picture and any particular of experts are completely opened to review and analyze
areas of concern. Questionnaires will already be prepared any other relevant documents that could be shared by the
during kick off meeting management unit or participating representatives.
A series of interviews can be undertaken with key staff Using the international certified models for GHG
and managers, serving to clarify any open issues and calculations as IPCC will provide accurate and accepted
supporting a deeper understanding of purpose for results from different perspectives especially from
development the foot print. Furthermore, these interviews International Donors, yet for developing scope 2
are understood as an open dialogue where we expect an corporate-level GHG emissions inventory, team of
intimate exchange of opinion on all relevant issues. consultants will require to follow more sophisticated
guidance and tools developed by WRI and GHG protocol.
Deliverables Presentation
The team of consultants are committed to provide the Our findings will be presented both in the official
client 3 main deliverables over the contractual period: deliverables as well as by providing presentation in a
1. Inception report: that includes the methodology to be forum for clarification and to reflect upon any main
followed, methods for data collection (questionnaires, conclusions, where their correctness and appropriateness
data surveying templates, etc..), preliminary findings, could be developed in second level of assessment
defining scope 1 and 2 requirements, workplan, expected
2. Draft report: will include main findings and analysis
outcomes, that mainly will identify Emission rate
approach; Identify GHG emissions sources, calculate
emissions, Location-based emission factors, setting
reduction Targets and tracking emissions over time, how
can companies go further, i.e. setting GHG reduction
3. Final report: after taking into consideration the
comments and review of the client, final report will be
submitted to option travel and the report outcomes will
be presented.
We consider the rapid start-up of the assignment is a crucial matter which will be initiated immediately after
notification of award. The Team leader will mobilize the experts. The Team leader will further establish the lines of
communication with the company.
In order to proceed without unnecessary delays, we envision option travel management to compile, to the greatest
extent possible, all relevant and readily available documentation during mobilization to be transferred to the team
leader prior to the Kick-off Meeting.
Kick-off Meeting
We anticipate the Kick-off Meeting to take place immediately on the official project commencement date. A
brief agenda and presentation shall be prepared and sent on short notice to management considering the
Introduction of the overall assignment objectives;
Presentation of an up-to-date work schedule and expert inputs for immediate comment;
Decisions on deadlines for mutual exchange of any additional data and documentation;
Coordination of regular and intermittent meetings;
Establishment of overall communication procedures and their frequency including nomination of
competent liaison counterparts;
Confirmation of approval processes for deliverables;
Harmonization of overall definitions, classifications and nomenclature;
WORK Verification &
Calculation of GHG
emission, Carbon
Data Information
Reporting and
Mitigation Actions
Alignment of
assessment with
international standards
The overall task of data collection is crucial in order to The Team of experts are required to collect necessary data
build upon all. Following the Kick-off Meeting, further data and relevant information for scenarios development, but
collection will be performed, applying as necessary our identification of the requirements for which the carbon
team’s in-house checklists and questionnaires which have foot print will be developed is necessary, in order to
served us on past similar assignments. minimize the efforts and maximize the benefits of the
reporting system.
Data will also be collected through semi-structured
interviews; we will contact or arrange initial meetings with Accordingly, the data gathering stage is a corner stone for
the relevant team member. Collected documentation and adequate outcomes, in this regard, the representative
data shall be diligently cross-checked by our individual have to share data transparently, and to compromise
subject-matter experts (as supporting back stoppers for maximum cooperation, the data required will mainly
quality assurance) in terms of methodological soundness, focus on:
completeness of analysis, accuracy of assumptions and All emissions from fuel and transport that are required
any changes or updates since their release. to be calculated (the use of fuels (in liters), distances
traveled (in km), materials used (in kg) etc.)
Any discrepancies and/or gaps that we discover, and have Define which greenhouse gases have to be included.
a significant bearing on proper execute the stated tasks, As a minimum, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrous Oxide,
will be communicated promptly and clearly to option Methane.
travel management.
Till the development of this proposal, it was not clear the actual needs for performing such assessment, accordingly, the first
stage in developing this assessment, will include a questionnaire to identify which standards have to be followed to meet the
requirements of the client, many standards are available and may be followed, and each of which have its own requirements
and level of details and transparency for example but not limited to:
In reference to the received information, Team of consultants will be able to develop the assessment
according to:
Since the carbon foot printing standard is a global service that can be applied to organizations, products, services and
events, it is highly recommended during Semi-structured interviews, to identify the actual requirements to performing
such task, in addition, the development of such assessment have to follow the Carbon foot printing standards and the
World research institution guidelines, taking into account that the team of experts will consider that the year 2022 is the
base year for calculations, in order to have tracked archiving in case the client may require to develop scope 3 corporate-
level GHG emissions inventory. Meanwhile, the outcomes should show minimally the following:
The methodology followed/used for the assessment.
The definition of the Scope and Boundaries of the assessment.
The standard required for verification.
The amount of emissions offset.
The results of the assessment.
Setting reduction targets and methods to track emissions
Commonly, the development of carbon footprint and identifying the GHG emission, are accompanied by mitigation actions,
for example:
Reducing Absolute Emissions (i.e., the total carbon footprint).
Reducing Emissions by per unit of turnover (e.g., reductions of x tones of CO2 e on a per Million USD turnover basis). Note
reductions against turnover should also be corrected for inflation.
Reducing Emissions by per unit of production (e.g., reductions of x tones of CO2e on a per widget basis).
We have considered an expedited (draft) submission time of 8 weeks after contract commencement assuming any agreed
documentation and data to be forwarded from the Project Manager (e.g., at the Kick-off Meeting) has been done so in due
time. A comments and approval period of 1 week has been considered into our Work Schedule.
The team of consultants will develop report that reflects are the performed activities, the report will include:
GHG emissions validation and verification may be requested by an organization for several reasons such as to contribute to
their annual report, to communicate to their customers and shareholders, to meet regulatory reporting requirements, or
publicly disclose their emission reduction goals.
In many cases those disclosure is required to be assured by an independent third party such as ECC to ensure their current
GHG emissions inventory aligns with inventory and reporting standards, frameworks, and requirements. The verification is
conducted based on ISO 14064-3, the option of corporate carbon footprint (CCF) verification is open to companies in all
sectors and organizations such as municipalities, public authorities, or associations. It is aimed at anyone who wants to
contribute to climate protection, increase confidence in communicating their CO 2 footprint, and improve their external
image by focusing on sustainability and climate management. Finally, verification considers at an early stage any expected
future legal and customer-specific requirements.
System Evaluation
Learning about your business, organization, needs, and expectations is the first step. You will be given a price for the pre-
assessment once the verification's objectives, including the relevant standards and specifications, are established.
The precise nature of the assignment, the scope of application, the objectives, and other criteria, for instance, are clarified during
the pre-assessment. The ECC team will plan the computation and verification based on the results. This data is included in a
thorough quote created specifically for your business's requirements. All pertinent services and pertinent audit and verification
standards have been determined and approved.
Because of the prior planning, the hired verification team examines the relevant statement while applying the relevant standards
and specifications. Evidence is gathered, evaluated, and studied, along with visiting locations, reconstructing calculations, and
analysis of estimates.
The verification may be supplemented with a review of the documents in advance. You are given the verification result, together
with all findings, during the last meeting. Action plans are decided upon as needed. Following verification, team's independent
certification board assesses the outcomes. You will be given a declaration of verification for your company if all conditions are
satisfied. Re-evaluation is carried out in order to verify another report or statement, for instance for a later time frame. Each
verification has no expiration date because it is valid for the specific GHG statement of your company.
Activity W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8
D System Evaluation
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Thank You!